HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-07-08, Page 11Gets licence Michael Merdy,son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murdy, Lucan, has been successful in passing his exams for his embalmers' li- cence. Michael is with the Geo- rge E. Logan & Son Ltd funeral home, London. Local nine in top form By Steve Davis Hi baseball fans! Baseball is back! Lucan Juveniles started off in fine fashion. The squad tied their first game in Exeter 5-5 and then Thursday trium- phed over the same team 7-4 here. Their second straight win came up in Mitchell Tuesday night when they downed the Mit- chell hustlers 5-1. Ken Ready pitched fine ball for the locals with a four hitter. He also started the 5 run fifth inning with a single. After a sluggish first four inning s Lucan picked up 5 runs with a walk and 4 base hits in the top of the fifth. Promotion results for St. Patrick's School are as follows; TO GRADE 2 Brenda Anglin„ James Benn, Joseph Cahill, Mary Co-Dyre, Diane Crunican, Linda Cruni- can, Vickie DeBlock, Harriet DeKort, Helen Duynisveld, An- ita Gysbers, Frances GysberS, Mark Harrigan, Lilly Jongen- eelen, Marita Kloseck, Leo Milne, Denise O'Brien, Kim O'Dwyer, Matt O'Neill, William Sentjens, Helen Timmermans, Joan Toonders, Margaret Toon- ders, Wilburt Vader, John Van- deursen, Frankie Vander Heu- vel, Gary Vander Heuvel, Tom- my VanEijk, Helen VanGelder- en,Johnny VanLeishout, Jayme Lah VanPraet, Elizabeth Ver- eyken, Michael Walters. TO GRADE 3 Maggie, Biemans, Jeffery Debrouwer, Peter Duenk, Leon- ard Duynisveld, Robert Grim- minch, Mary Gysbers, Randy Harrigan, Anne Heenan, Jerry Jongeneelen, Mary Jane Mar- tens, Joseph Mitchell, Patricia Morkin, Nancy Murphy, Michael Nagle, Shelley O'Dwyer, Kevin O'Shea, Nancy Ryan, Mark Sei- fried, Helen Sentjens, John Steeghs, Nellie Tern merman, Joan Toonders, Jackie Vader, Martin Vanderloo, Mary Van Gelderen, Jo-Anne Van Lei- shout, Jo-Anne Vereyken. TO GRADE 4 Bill Biemans, Helen Bie- mans, Bernard Boland, Susan CO-Dyre, Thomas Co-DYre) Shirley Crunican, Wilma De- KOrt, Joseph Dewan, Fred Egan, Olga Grimminck, Joseph Gys- bers, David Harrigan, Diana Martens, Peter Milne, Moyra Ann Morkin, Kevin Munn, Ste- phen O'Brien, Michael O'Dwy- er, Arthur O'Neill, Amy Ro- bertson, Gerald Spruyt, David Toonders, Joseph Vader, Ber- tha VandeBorne, Helen Vander- boog, John VanEyk, Peter Vera eyken, William Vereyken, Done aid Walters, Ricky Wood. TO GRADE 5 Debbie Anglin, Mary lIenn, Marlene Boland, Angeline De ,- Bretiwer, Mary Dietrich, John Gysbers, Bernard Harrigan, Daniel Harrigan, Lucy Hillman, Gary Maslen, Beth Mitchell) Dennis Munn, Patricia Nagle, Gregory Robertson, Colleen Ryan, John Sentjens, Mitt Steeghs, William Tim 'termer-is) Peter ValideE4Ortie, Ann Van Eyk, Weida Van Geel, TO GRADE 6 Jolui 131aannuis, Kathleen 00e. Dyre, Margaret CrUnicen, Mary Members of Lucan grade eight class These are the students in the grade eight class at Lucan Public School. Back row, left to right; Dennis Burt, Bill Callcott, Margaret Holland, Michael Lippert, Rudy Engel, Alan Dickson, Heather Fronts, Brian Currie, Trevor Evans. Front row: Marie Cochrane, Daisy Cobleigh, Leslie Carling, Bonnie Bobor, Jane Corbett and Joyce Butler. Missing from the photo is Andy Hardy. —Photo by Engel PLANNING TO BUY, TO BUILD OR TO RENOVATE? FIRST —call British Mortgage c Trust A mortgage from British Mortgage & Trust can help finance building and renovation, buy a home or consolidate existing mortgages. We lend on all types of buildings: homes, stores, shopping centres, factories. . The service is fast, the rates arc reasonable. For details — telephone, Write or visit our office. &net 1Y77 BRITISH MORTGAGE El TRUST C.V. BARRETT, MANAGER xeter 25-0536 MALCOLM, The Exeter Dairyman HERE' THE GOODIES IN MILK 's\ WILL PUT SPARKLE IN YOUR EYE•••wILL GIVE YOU NEW ENER6Y.• NEW RUSH... BRASH, NEW COURA6F. THERE; I'LL say: SEE THIS FEEL GREAT,NEW BRUSH? MORE YOU CAN OUST A DYNAMIC? TELEVISION etIST:217.; WITHOUT MISSING A Vrgr. ikiA6 eke_ I ier I'M A FLOP OF A y.- DRINK „ SALESMAN! 1 DELIous COULDN'T SELL MU-K, MY A DOLLAR BILL FRIEND) FOR A DIME I Page 11 July 8, 1965 SVGAR AND SPICE Dispensed by Smiley Ghosts aghast Lucan and district news cerrgspendintz Miss Lin,. Abbott Phone 221,4255 From Britain came an un- precedented rumbling in the atmosphere. No, it wasn't thunder. Not real thunder, anyway, though it sounded mighty like it. It was made up of two things; great men turning in their graves; and a vast groan of disgust and despair from sev- eral million ghosts. If you listen carefully, you can even distinguish some of the individual voices in this con- tinuing thunder of protest from the nether world. Surely that rasping growl be- longs to Sir Winston Churchill. Poor old chap. Barely laid to rest when something like this comes along to destroy his hard-earned peace. Doesn't that angry bellow be- long to Sir Francis Drake? Could that bull's roar of rage be anyone but Henry the Eighth? Surely that booming of blank verse is John Milton? And wouldn't that howl of anguish be Rudyard Kipling? Local pair hospitalized snarl of the Doke .of Welling- ton and the outraged holler of one-eyed Horatio Nelson, And there's a trip, It sounds much like the pontifical tones of Archbishops Cramer, Rid- ley anti Latimer, martyrs three, Gruff Gladstone and dapper Disraeli, roaring protest, are in tune as they never were alive. I'd bet money that female squeal, rising above the others, belongs to Good Queen Bess, hurtling down the halls of five centuries, as she rages, "Namesake! Child! Elizabeth! flow could you?" Methinks that magnificent bell-toned baritone with the shudder in it could belong to none other than The Bard, sob- bing in sorrow and frustration, "Is this a Beatle which I see before me?" There. It's out. I knew the suspense was killing you. Yes, the great ones of Britain's glor- ious heritage have good reason for their celestial storm of Indignation. The Beatles were awarded the M.B.E. (Member of the Order of the British Empire). Yes, to this depth of depra- vity have sunk the ancestors of those giants who took on the Spanish Armada, the Pope, the French, the Germans, who clob- bered natives all over the world and established peace and good trading conditions, who defied single-handed the great tyrants Napoleon and Hitler. (Well, al- most single-handed). Don't quail like that, old chap. Don't rip off your Victoria Cross or your D.S.O. and throw it in the garbage. Chin up. Have a stiff drink. You British have always been able to muddle through. You may even muddle through this one. But it will write finis to the once-mighty British Empire. And perhaps it's best this way, after all. The Empire was shrinking like a two-dollar all- wool sweater. If you couldn't end with a bang, be satisfied with a snicker. Biddulph school fetes graduating class Mr. and Mrs. William Berry- hill, 74 and 75 of Market St. Lucan, are now patients in Stratford General Hospital fol- lowing a car accident Saturday on Concession 12 of Downie Township, three miles north of St. Marys. Mr. Berryhill is in satisfactory condition but Mrs. Berryhill received multiple head and neck injuries. Nelson Dow, 48, of RR 1 Staffs was the driver of the other car. He and two passen- gers, Harold Pridham and John Dow, RR 1 Cromarty, were treated in St. Marys Memorial Hospital. HARDY PICNIC Each year the Frank Hardy family hold a two meal family picnic at the Ivan Riddell pic- nic grounds near Prospect Hill on the Sunday nearest to Mrs. Hardy's birthday, July 4. So Sunday 56 members met for a wonderful get-to-gether. The weather was perfect for swim- ming, ball game, races, etc. Mrs. Sam Taylor, Mrs. Frank Hardy Jr. and Mrs. Jim Scott were in charge of the sports. MARK ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson of Lucan celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at their cottage at Pike Bay. They were married June 29, 1940 at the bride's home in St. Thomas. They have one daughter, Cheryl. This year we have a good turnout with 14 regular players all of whom are pleased to have Steve Storey again as coach. One last reminder, our ball park is no more than 5 minutes walk from the south of Lucan so try and make our next game July 8, when we will meet Clinton. The game at Clinton Friday night was rained out. List public school promotions Bristow, Jo Grose, Ted Peckham. Second row: Marianne Gebel, Marie Arnold, Lois Hodgins, Ruth Langford, Jane Crozier, Carol Johnson. Front; Sharon Acres, Patsy Smith, Judy Ramsay, Carol Haskett, Peggy Elson, Alice Bryan, Joan Barker, Marie Nation. Absent was Yvonne Howell. —Photo by Engel Scouts win two awards Scoutmaster Earl C ar ling, Assistant Jim McIntosh andMr. Keith Kraal conveyed six mem- bers of the Beaver Patrol (PL Jerry Freeman) and seven members of the Fox Patrol (PL John Blom) to the Bannockburn Huron District Camporee last weekend. Some of the highlight activi- ties were chariot racing, pio- neering, tracking arid log hurl- ing. Lucan won two awards, the Beavers for the best kept camp and the Fox for the best cast made of an animal's foot print. Eight members of a Sea Scout Crew from Owen Sound visited the camp Sunday morning and some 75 parents and friends Sunday afternoon. Friends shower bride with gifts Saturday evening Mrs. Clar- ence Haskett entertained 18 Lions Club wives at a miscel- laneous shower in honor of Miss Lorraine Little of London whose marriage to Lion Elmer Mosurinjohn of Lucan will take place at 3 pm Saturday, July 10 in the Lucan United Church. SILVER WEDDING Miss Arlene Coughlin of De- troit last Tuesday sprang a surprise silver wedding cele- bration on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Coughlin of Detroit when she .entertained 26 of their friends to a dinner in the "Top of the Flame" Restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton of Lucan were among the guests. FIRE Monday morning the Lucan fire engine was called to Lucan Crossing where Mrs. Jim Rid- dell's tractor took fire. Pictured above are members of the Biddulph Central School grade eight class who were feted at a banquet recently. Back row, left to right; Jim Nace, John Blom, Jim Parker and Ken Latta. Third row; Willie Dickey, Arthur Bowerman, Sylvia Mitoraj, Joan Garrett, Bonnie Blair, Gayle Mardlin, Gwen Janice Hayter, Jacqueline Hod- gins, Brian Hodgson, Ivan Hut- ton, Helga Krainz, Earl Lang- ford, Joan Lewis, James Mc- Robert, Ruth Ann McRobert, Carol Middleton, Bruce Nace, Kerry O'Connor, Margaret O'- Neil, Charles Peckham, Morris Peckham, Catherine Powell, Larry Prekup, Valerie Whalen, Gene Wright, Karen Wright. Teacher—Mrs, Morley TO GRADE 8 Gloria Arenthals, Bill Plane, Peter Blom, Herbert Bower- man, Wendy Bowerman, Cathy Crawford, Maryhelen Cunning- ham, Heather Davis, Jim Dick- ey, Rick Ellis, Gord Hardy, Nancy Hardy, Leslie Greenlee, Mary Jorna, Sharon Lambourn, Linda Leek, Clare McRobert, Steven Molnar, Steven Nickles, Karen Nixon, Lloyd prekUP, Roy Pullman, Grace Smith, David Revington, Brenda Wal- lis, Patsy Wallis, Janet West- man, Herman Wilk, Roy Willis. Teacher—Mr. Timbrell TO GRADE 9 Sharon Acres, Marie Arnold, Joan Barker, Bonnie Blair, John Blom, Arthur Bowerman, Gwen Bris to w, Alice Bryan, Jane Crozier, Willie Dickey, Peggy Elson, Joan Garrett, Marianne Gebel, Janyce Grose, Carol Haskett, Lois Hodgins, Yvonne Howell, Carol Johnson, Ruth Langford, Ken Latta, Gayle Mardlin, Sylvia Mitoraj, Jim Nace, Marie Nadon, Ted Peck- ham, Judy Ram s ay, Patsy Smith, Jim Parker. Teachers—Mrs. Garrett —Mr. Berdan There's a duet; the angry Mohr, Donnie Morgan, Jo an Mulholland, June Mulholland, Donald Nace, Kathy O'Connor, carl Peckham, Bill Pennington, Susanne Prekup, Elizabeth Rev- ington, Sharon Ross, Alice Smi- bert, Mark Tomlin, Ruth Wallis, Wilma Weiberg, Kathryn Wor- thington. Teachers—Mr. Loft —Mrs. Allison 1)CH/1:RC/I ATOTM TO GRADE 6 Brian Ankers, Joanne Arnold, Gordon Ball, Gary Barker, Donna plane, Susan Bowerman, Connie Breedveld, Susan Cro- zier, Donald Cunningham, Jan- ice Dickey, Joan Donaldson, Wayne Donaldson, Frances El- son, Joe F r e n c la Cameron Gamble, Peter Gebel, Julie Hardy, Linda Hardy, Janice Hindmarsh, Elizabeth Hitch- cock, Louis Hoff rn an, Brian Hodgins, Mark Holden, Cathy Isaac, Veronica Jorna, Jim Lat- ta, Sandra Leck, Helen Lewis, Dennis Maguire, Ruth Mardlin, Joyce Marshall, Richard Mar- shall, Kevin McComb, Bruce Mills, Jerry Molnar, Mary Anglican At the 11 o'clock service next Sunday, July 11, Sunday School awards will be given out, Saturday, July 10, is the day chosen for the SS picnic to be held at Kirkton Park. Trans- portation will leave the church at 2 pm. TO GRADE 2 Kevin Ball, Lillian Bower- man, Patrick Bristow, Star Brown, Dale Cook, DebraDick- ey, Iris Eglitis, Vicky Hardie, Bob H ar r ett, Jeffrey Hill, Wayne Hindmarsh, Roger Hor- uk, Annie Jorna, Esther Krainz, Donald Latta, Donna Leitch, `Brenda Lewis, Diane Malcolm, Richard Mitoraj, Cecil Nickles, James Peckham, Donny Riddell, Brenda Samplonius, Michael Scott, Billy Westman, Bradley Westman, John Whalen. Teacher—Mrs. Mary Bowman TO GRADE 3 Jane Bowerman, Jim Brint- nell, Brenda Cook, C h ar 1 e s Cunningham, Lucy Cunningham, Wayne Cunningham, June Don- aldson, Henry Drost, Robert Isaac, Diane Knight, Lydia Krainz, Brian McComb, David c F all s, Walter McRobert, Danny Middleton, Alex Molnar, Gerry Morgan, Terry Morgan, Bobby Mulholland, Sherry Rid- dell, Kathy Stilson, Timothy Stutt, Scott Westman, Rene Wright. Teacher—Mrs. Abbott TO GRADE 7 Janice Abbott, James Alce, Norma Arnold, Shirley Arnold, Robin Blair, Earl Slane, Kath- erine Bristow, Catherine Cun- ningham, Gary Donald s on, Varis E glitis, Mark Ellis, Karen Grose, Clifford Hardie, STRAWBERRY & HAM SUPPER The church basement was one of the busiest spots in Lucan last Wednesday as the Ladies Guild catered to another suc- cessful strawberry and ham supper, Lucan Personals MANTAISIMMTiair:ii• . • Mr. Edward Dundas of Lake City, USA spent last weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hamilton. Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll and Mr. & Mrs. George Carroll, Detroit, attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary Campbell, 92, of Listowel, Sunday. Thursday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Don Abbott included Miss Doris Wood and Mrs. Vi Ham- mond of Toronto and Mrs. Ken Wood and family of Florida. Dr. & Mrs. T. A. Watson and Nancy, Bill Haskett of Lucan, Mr. Percy Chillingworth of London and Mr. & Mrs. George Crocker of Bryanston have re- turned home from a week's vacation at Key Harbor. Unfor- tunately fishing was poor. Mrs. Cecil Neil Saturday at- tended a trousseau tea at Lon- desborough when Mrs. Laura Lyons entertained in honor of her daughter, Marguerite, whose marriage to Mr. Ronnie Neil of London will take place Saturday, July 10. CHURCH SERVICE With the Jr. Choir and League of Loyalty on vacation the Sun- day congregation seemed very small but the sr. choir welcom- ed in three junior members and hope others will join them through July and August. Rec news Mr. Julius Neery, Lucan's only shoe repair man, ha s moved from Main and Water St. to the former strasser Res- taurant, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mac- Donald and grandson Faronsov- ereign, were week-end guests of Mrs. Warren Clarke and Jean of Dunnville and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Person of Niagara Falls. Carol Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis, George St. has successfully passed the London Teachers' College Ex- ams and will be teaching in Wes- ton in September. Another local name, Elaine Armstrong, ap- pears on the list also. Mrs. Burne Smith of Alice St. who underwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital is making satisfactory recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Salisbury and Miss Mandy Learder of Sarnia were last Sunday guests of Mrs. Herman Young. Lucan received a million dol- lar rain Friday night. Mrs. J. W. Jeffery of London was a Sunday guest with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crozier and Mr. and Mrs. David Maynard were Mon- day guests, prior to leaving Tuesday to take a course at the Ontario College of Educa- tion, in Toronto. The Lucan Arena 1 a die s catered for the Collins-Rollings wedding at the Community Centre last Saturday. Mr. Levi Darling stayed With Mr. and Mrs. Morris Darling Of London, while Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armitage and family at- tended the Armitage picnic at SPrlirigs. bank. Mrs. Harold MoFalls of Lu- can and Mrs. Harry Carroll of Saintsbury have retur ne d home after spending a few days with Mr. Harold Brooke, of Toronto. Rev. & Mrs. Harold Dickins of Rochester spent last Monday and Tuesday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Bob Coleman. mrs. Harold Hodgins, who underwent surgery in St. Jo- seph's Hospital Thursday, is making satisfactory recovery. Rev. & Mrs. E. 0, Lancaster of Lucan are happy to announce the birth of their first grand- child Wesley John, son of Mr. & Mrs. John Lancaster of Lon- don, at Victoria Hospital, June 30. BY J. E. BURT TO GRADE 4 Mark Atkinson, Gordon plane, Ronald Blame, Stephen Carter, James Ellis, Fredrick Hardie, Linda Irvine, Frank Jorna, Mary Johnson, David Latta, Diane Leitch, Valerie Leitch, Sharon Mardlin, Fred- ric Middleton, Jeannette Nace, Paul Nixon, Ann Peckham, James Pennington, David Smith, Kevin Wallis, JaniJe Westman, Sherry Young. Teachers—Mrs. K. Gregory —Mrs. McRoberts TO GRADE 5 Violet Acres, Faye Anne Blair, Bill Blom, Joyce Cun- ningham, Michael Davis, David Garrett, Dorothy Garrett, Terry Hindmarsh, Anita Hod- gins, Ronald Hodgins, Margaret Hodgson, Gary Isaac, Barbara Irvine, Helen Jorna, Jean Kirsch, Bill Lambourn, Joanne Latta, Jim MacDonald, Edward Mitoraj, Anne Mohr, Steven Nace, Donald Neil, Nancy Nick- les, Beverley Parker, Janet -Smith, Ruth Westman. Teachers—Mrs. Allisor —Mrs. Gregory —Mrs. McRoberts Catholic At an executive CWL meeting held at the home of the presi- dent, Mrs. Joe Nagle, Monday evening, plans were made for the annual fall bazaar October 15 and for the bake sale to be held in the Lucan IGA store this Friday evening, July 9. United The Couples Club held a pic- nic at Gibbons Park Sunday. Swimming, ball game, races and refreshments highlighted the happy occasion. St. Patrick's promotions Already 138 have registered for swimming classes - an increase of 18 over last year. Registration for playground activities began Monday morn- ing with an enrolment of 21. The Pee wee ball team met their Waterloo here last Tues- day when Clinton defeated them 18-8. The game here against Hensall Friday night was wash- ed out. The Bantam ball team meet Crediton at Crediton Friday, July 9. The Teen town will hold their next dance at the Community Centre this Thursday evening, July 8. The executive is plan- ning another big night. Damen, Richard DeBlock, Jo- anne DeKort, Gerard Dewan, Francis Dietrich, Sylvester Grimmink, William Gysbers, Irene Kerckhaer t, Anthony Martens, Lawrence Milne, Jean Murphy, Carol O'Dwyer, Cor- nelius Shoenmakers, Paul Self- ried, Arthur Skonieczny, Bar- bara Spruyt, Martin Steeghs, Dorothy Timmermans, Jane Van de Borne, Keith Van Geel, John Van Leishout, Rita Van Leishout, Rita Wood, Sharon Wood. TO GRADE 7 Carol Benn, Alice Biemans, John Dewan, Paula Dietrich, Remie Grimminck, Neil Gys- bers, Benedict Harrigan, Fran- cis Heenan, Bruce Maslen, Paul LAST EXPEDITION The last expedition of the Lucan-Clandeboye Explorers until Fall took the form of a box lunch on the church lawn last Monday. It was decided to wait till Fall to hold the graduation cere- mony for Explorers moving up to CGIT. The story, "My Brother the Toothpick” was told by Mrs. Ross McRoberts. She also told stories of Canadian mission- aries in Brazil and showed pic- tures. The worship service was ta- ken by Julie Henderson and Nan- cy Young. This was followed by a sing-song. JOINT CELEBRATION Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Woods of London held a bar- becue celebration at their home in honor of their parent's 39th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins of Lucan were married July 8, 1926 and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woods on June 30, 1926 so each year a celebration is held half way between the two dates. TO GRADE 9 Mary Egan, Birgitta Grim- minck, Oda Grimminck, Mar- lene Kercichaert, Ronald Mas- len, James Nagle. Leaders Mrs. Murray Hodgins and Louise Cochrane led in game and the former also in a sing-song. An outdoor vesper service was held, led by Louise Cochrane, Wendy Cronkite and Nancy Park. On returning to the Conser- vation Park the group was met by Gary McFalls, who brought them back home in the Mc- Fall's truck. Milne, Patricia O'Dwyer, Ger- aldine O'Shea, Thomas O'Shea, Patrick Ryan, Joan Shoemak- er, Billy Stocks, Rita Swinkels, Kenneth Timmermans, Jack Van Geel, Leo Van Leishout. TO GRADE 8 Emily Co-Dyre, Jean Cruni- can, Harry Damen, Ronald Hill- man, Richard Munn, Sharon Munn, Sandra Murphy, Michael O'Neill, Eugene Seifried, Agnes Steeghs, Stephen Stocks, Peter Timmermans, Mary Van Geel, Paul Wood. HOBO HIKE Last Wednesday was a happy occasion for the members of the Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT and leaders when their last meeting till Fall took the form of a hobo hike. Mrs. Ivan Hearn took the group in the dairy truck to the Ausable Conservation Park, and was the judge on the best hobo costume. The award went to Heather Froats, Mrs. Hearn then went back to Lucan, while the girls began their hike along the river bank to a suitable camping ground where a fire was built and provisions cooked, PAT'S Beauty Shop LUCAN (509 July 19 to July 31 EXETER DAIRY Nothing like milk to put pep in a sales talk, as who should know better than Malcolm who drinks plenty of it, and sells plenty too. 235.2144 lot delivery