HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-07-08, Page 710 Livestock For Sale 2 YOUNG Holstein cows due July 15, Phone 229-6600. 8c 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1956 INTERNATIONAL 3/4 - ton truck. Michael Denomrne, Dashwood. Phone 67. 24tfnc 1960 DODGE 4-door, V8 auto- matic, new tires, many ex- tras, 40,400 actual miles; 1955 Cadillac, all power equipment, good body but needs some re- pair. Phone 228-6913, Saturdays only, and ask for Richard:~-' 1:8* 1964 DODGE Polara, power steering, power brakes, radio, white wails, executive driven, immaculate throughout. Con- tact Kongskilde, Thames Rd., phone 235-0840. 1:8c 51 DODGE half-ton truck, A-1 motor and box, two 760 new snow tires. Price $250.00 cash. Larry Rumple, 250 Marlbor- ough St., phone 235-2773 after 6 p.m. 8c DELUXE Desoto sedan, new body, Phone 262-2249 Hensall. 8:15c 13 For Sale SET OF 700;15 six-ply truck tires and rims. Apply Scott's White Rose, Exeter. 235-2040. 24tfnc PUPS-Dachshunds, Toy Man- chester Terriers, Fox Terriers, good quality pets. A. Macin- tosh, Clandeboye, 227-9598 or 227-4514. Closed Sundays. 7:1-8 :26*tfne CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS- For approved septic tanks, dry wells, leitching •pit blocks telephone collect Goderich 524- 8960. Emcrete Cement Prod- ucts, 55 South Street, Gode- rich, Dealers inquiries invited. 1:8:15:22:29c UNWANTED HAIR vanished away with Saca-Pelo, Saca- Pelo is different. It does not dissolve or remove hair from the surface, but penetrates and retards growth of unwant- ed hair. Lor-Beer Lab. Ltd., Ste. 5, 679 Granville St., Van- couver 2, B.C. 1:8* WHITE threshing machine, No. 6, 24 inch cylinder, in good condition. Arthur Ford 235-2254 Exeter. 8:15* MODERN automatic heavy duty 24" electric range; mod- ern 10 cu, ft. sealed unit West- inghouse refrigerator. Phone 238-2227. 8c MOORE BUSINESS FORMS We are agents for these well- known business forms, form machines and earbons. STOCK FORMS, CARBONS AND MACHINES AVAILABLE THE TIMES. ADVOCATE 17 CRIB, stroller, 2 table lamps. Phone 228-6750. 8* INTERNATIONAL c o m b i n e, pull type. S. Deelstra, RR 1 Centralia. 8:15:22c 3 SEAL POINT Siamese kit- tens, 2 female, 1 male, $25.00 each. Phone 229.6275. 8c MOVING - MUST SELL General Electric appliances in excellent condition. Washer & dryer only six months old. Save $100 at $350. Large stove, 30", with infinite heat switch- es, $170. Extra large refrig- erator with spacious freezer, automatic defrost. Save money at $225. This stove end refrig- erator used only 1/ years. Also selling a chrome kitchen set with 7 upholstered chairs. Has two extra leaves to seat up to 8 people. Almost new, $80. Apply 64 Sanders St., Exe- ter or phone 235-0123. 8x JOHN DEERE 8 ft, power, binder. Stan Hicks, phone 228- 6312. 8c MAN'S bicycle, 28"; boy's bicycle, 24", Lorne Marshall, Kirkton. Phone 229-6246. 8c MILK COOLER, De Laval 12- can drop-in type, sealed unit, good condition, James Bycraft, RR 2 Ilderton, phone 666-0325, 8c BROWN freize sofa bed, very good condition, used 8 months; also 2 life preservers, 4 to 6 years and 8 to 10 years. Dial 235-0477 mornings. 8nc ALLIS "C" tractor, complete with 2 - row power lift bean scuffler. Phone 25R1. Dash, wood. 8* WALTZ through washday with a Maytag washer and dryer; 20' General freezer $199; Sim- plicity wringer $129; Tappan ranges, Kelvinator refrigera- tors; also clearance on coffee tables, etc. Special 7 - piece chrome set with buffet, only $89. You get top quality and service when you shop at Sandy Elliot's. 8c 16 Properly For Sale LUCAN - 6-room house, oil furnace, barn 50' x 20', well landscaped, 1 block from busi- ness section; 5evorn cottage, central, oil heating, washer and dryer, close in. Contact Harry Hardy, Lucan 227-4841, 227-4535, representing Harry Waghorn, Realtor, St, Marys. 8c HOUSE - 4 - bedroom ranch style, in Zurich, carport, avail- able now. Phone 235-1957, 8c C. V. PICKARD REALTOR We are offering the following properties for sale, WARTIME HOUSE - 2 bed- rooms. This house has been improved. It has basement and oil burning floor furnace. Reasonable price. Possession at purchaser's convenience. FOUR BEDROOM solid brick home. Large living rooms, modernized kitchen, two-piece bathroom first floor, four- piece second floor, High ceil- ing basement with oil burning furnace, A family home. We will be pleased to quote on your insurance needs. C. V. PICKARD Insurance Real Estate 394 Main St. Phone 235-0310 Mine 2 APARTMENT house, oil heat, garage, fenced yard, town sewer installed. Down- stairs: living room, kitchen, dinette, 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bath. Upstairs: living room, dining a n d kitchen area, 1 bedroom, 3-piece bath, Private entrance; full high basement with laundry tubs. Terms if desired. 170 Carling St. Phone 235-2456. 17tfnc 2-BEDROOM house, living room, kitchen, 3 - piece bath, utility room, located on good corner . lot. Phone 235-0646. COMPLETELY renovated 4- bedroom house in Hensall, on large . lot, close to business section. Edison Forrest 262- 5076 Hensall. 1:8* CALL JB AT 1863 EXETER - New 3 bedroom brick with attached garage & paved driveway, wall-to-wall broadloom -and log burning fireplace. EXETER - 3 bedroom brick home located two blocks from Main St., $6,300.00. EXETER - 4 bedroom 2 sto- rey home newly renovated, $6,500,00. EXETER - 3 bedroom one floor ranch type on Sanders East, $7,900.00. EXETER - 3 bedroom one floor home with full basement $8,500.00. EXETER - New 3 bedroom brick with oil heat & garage. Large recreation and games room in basement. Close to Catholic school and shopping. EXETER - Modern 2 bedroom with carport and attached workshop, $8,500.00. EXETER - 2 bedroom 1 floor home with separate garage, $6,500.00. EXETER - Small 1 bedroom brick close to Main St, $8,000. EXETER - 3-year-old 3 bed- room one floor home in new subdivision, $2,000 down. EXETER - 2 bedroom home with room upstairs for one or two more, $10,500.00. EXETER - 3 bedroom with oil heat, recreation room, ga- rage, $13,000.00. EXETER - New 3-unit apart- ment house, fully rented. An ideal investment property. EXETER - 2 bedroom brick home on Sanders St. E. $9,500. WE CAN ARRANGE AN 80% MORTGAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE PROPERTIES. HENSALL - Small 3 bedroom home with attached garage, $4,000.00. CREDITON 2 bedroom one floor home recently covered with aluminium siding, $5,000. COMMERCIAL property on Exeter Main Street-store and 4 apartments, $4,000.00 down. 2 Building lots in Exeter - $2,500,00 for the pair. 1 Building lot in new subdivi- sion, $850.00. Modern Dairy Farm including cattle and full line of equip- ment. This is a real money maker. HIGHWAY 150 ACRES-Large steel barn and good brick house. JOHN BURKE Limited MORTGAGE LOANS Real Estate Broker General Insurenee Devon Building, 476 Main St. Phone 235-1863 nine Page 7 July 8' 1965 9 Services DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - Call Collect - DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Dead Animal Licence No. 350C-65 12;12tfnc 3 Male Help Wanted ABLE BODIED man to assist on docks 5 nights a week un- loading freight, Apply in per- son to Guenther-Tuckey Trans- ports, 235-2500. 1:8e MAN FOR general garage duties, some experience pre- ferred, steady employment. Apply Scott's. White Rose, Exe- ter. Phone 235-2040, 24tine EXPERIENCED man required for plumbing & 'heating work, Steady year around employ- ment. For further particulars please phone Crediton 234-6381, 1:8c NEED A WATER WELL? Drilled 4" diameter to 10" di- ameter to 1500'; bored 30" di- ameter to 200', A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Cost of drilling with new machine is reasonable. Men are experienced in all phases of setting screens etc. Phone Elmira 669-3761 Day or Night LEARN MEAT CUTTING Be a certified butcher for jobs now. Men needed for day or evening, and h o m e study courses now being formed of- fering practical training in meat cutting, merchandising and self service. For further information write or call Prac- tical Meat Cutting & Retail Training Institute, 1425 Dan- forth Ave,, Toronto. Phone HO 17545, 5:20.7:8* OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL 4 Female Help Wanted AVON COSMETICS needs ma- ture, ambitious, energetic woman with car to represent these top quality products in your community. For infor- mation phone collect evenings Mrs. Millson, London 451-0541. 8c Up to $5.00 for dead or disabled cows and horses. Call JIM MURRAY & SON Hickson 462-2614 24-hour service, 7-day week. License Number 368C65 10tfric S Help Wanted PIANIST for the weekends. Apply in person the Central Hotel, Lucan. Sc CLERK TYPIST - One, re- quired for school office at Cen- tral Huron Secondary School, Clinton, Duties to commence August 2. Three weeks paid summer vacation after 1 year. Revised salary schedule $2,200- $3,000, depending on experi- ence and typing speed. An- nual increment $150.00 Sick leave plan in effect. Excellent working conditions. Applica- tions stating experience and typing speed to be postmarked not later than July 16, 1965 and addressed to Mr. R. Ho- muth, B.A., Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton. 1:8c SIMON BRAND 8 Situations Wanted - Your area dealer for BEATTY BARN EQUIPMENT & PUMPS for all your requirements of: - SANITARY STEEL STALLS AND PENS - GUTTER CLEANERS - SILO UNLOADERS - LIMITED HOG FEEDING & BUNK FEEDING EQUIPMENT - WATER SYSTEMS - PUMPS - SOFTENERS Contact SIMON BRAND Beatty Sales & Service RR 1 Exeter 234-6473 Crediton We do concrete work and installations. lEitinc CLERICAL POSITION wanted by girl emigrating from Eng- land in August, Senior metric. equivalent; knowledge of book- keeping, typing, shorthand, Previous experience in British Government office. Replies to: Miss L. M. Heywood, 138 Rid- dlesdown Road, Purley, Sur- rey, England. 1:8* HIGH SCHOOL student wishes job on as farm (preferably in the Exeter area) for the sum- mer months. Phone 235-1714. Rent Money GRADE XI commercial stu- dent would like position in Exeter office, experienced in typing and shorthand. Phone 235-1254, 8c GIRL 16 wishes work as moth- er's helper for summer months. Phone 229-6660 eve- nings. 8* YOUNG teenage girl would like baby sitting job or light housework. Phone 235-1955. 8* GIRL who has completed Grade XI with three years of typing seeks clerical work. Phone 229-6455. 8c FOR YOUR HOLIDAYS! Renting money is like renting a cottage or a boat - you get to use it when you need it most, You can rent money from Crescent for a week, month, year or longer - any amount up to $3,000. Phone ahead and you can come in and pick up your money. Cus- tomers have rented from Cres- cent in only ten minutes. SOME OF THE WAYS CRESCENT MAKES RENTING MONEY PLEASANT Monthly Amount Term Payments (months) $ 105.75 12 $10.00 395.42 20 24.00 710.65 24 36.00 1,014.07 30 42.00 2,016.00 36 77.00 Larger amounts up to $3,000 (or more) also available. CRESCENT FINANCE Canada's Most Considerate Finance Company P. G. Flannigan, Manager 463 Main St. South Phone 235-0633 8:22c 10 Livestock For Sale 30 BROOD sows, some due soon. Alvin Gingerich, phene 236-4735. 8* SERVICEABLE age Yorkshire boars, $30 government prem- ium. Andre Vangorp, RR 6 Parkhill. Phone 294-6589. 1:8c REGISTERED Hereford bulls, 16 months of age, polled or horned. C 0 m e take your choice, satisfaction guaran- teed, Atwell Lee, Ailsa Craig or 5 miles south of Crediton. HEIFERS, close to coming in; purebred Holstein heifer, due in one week. Apply Paul Van- derspeck, RR 1 Woodham, Phorie 229-6585. Sc REGISTERED Poll Hereford bulls, serviceable age. Harvey Ross, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, 8:15c 9 Services MUSIC LESSONS - P i a n o, grades 1 - 8; Theory, grades 1 and 2, Pupils preparing for Conservatory Examinations are desired, Contact Miss Judith Finkbeiner, Crediton 234-6449. 8c WILL ROOM and board two elderly people on ground floor. For further information phone 235-0720: 18tfne VACUUM CLEANER sales and service for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, Dial 262- 5350. 26tfnc NOTICE TO Aid. FARMERS-- For all your spraying needs call Hubert CoOper & Sons Spraying Service. We spray Atrazine„ Lorox or 2.4D on corn; Eptam on beans; also grain sprayitig, pasture, fence bottoms, etc. Whitewashing & disinfecting jobs also done. Phone 235-2807. 5:13-7:29* HAVE YOU a drinking prob- lem? If so write Alcoholics Anonymous, P.O. Box 84, Exe- ter. Meetings Wednesday eve- nings, 6:10.7:15c EXETER NURSING HOME - 24-hour miming care, moderate rates. Mrs. R. Iles, 30 Sanders St. Phone 235-0810. 17tfnc SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED *- Immediate Service, always available, Harold Butler, Lt- can, phone BA 7.4254 or BA 7.4312 collect. 1014tfne SEPTIC TANKS vacuum Cleary ed, No mess, no fuss, speedy service, Phone Grand Bend 238-2031 or 238-2166. 8:8tfnc 11 Poultry For Sale DE KALB ready-to-lay pullets, Call McKinley Farm & Hatch- ery Ltd.,Zurich, Phone Hen- salt 262-337. 29tfnc HONEGGER PULLET SALE- 40,000 Valeta, 9 weeks to ready to lay. Sheldon Wein, RR 3 Woodstock, Phone eel- lect. ltfne 13 for Sale HEAVY DUTY equalizer tor- sion bar axle hitch for trailer. Phone William Triebner 235- 0124 Exeter. 1:8* THE LINCOLN line of welders and welding rods now in stock at your Exeter District Co-op, Stfnc ALUMINUM DOORS, windows, awnings, siding. Porch and step railings. Top quality prod, ucts at reasonable prices. Ex- pert installation. Call us for free estimates. Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St., Exeter, Phone 235-0722 (col- lect), ?tine CHERRIES - Pick your own sweet cherries or get them ready picked, starting July 8. Montmorency and white sweets 10 days later. Save and bring your own containers. Cherries are large, grown under irriga- tion. Rock Glen Fruit Farm, Arkona, Peter Van Bree 828- 3644. 8:15:22c 2 HIGH CHAIRS, crib and mattress, clean; bedroom suite with box spring and mattress. Phone 228-6807. 8c BINDER, 8 ft. McCormick, in good repair. Gerald O'Brien, RR 3 Dashwood. 8:15* RASPBERRIES - Order early. Harry Hern, Kirkton 229-6566. 8c ELECTRIC cream separator, Viking, in very good conch tion. Phone 40R16 Dashwood. 8* SWEET CHERRIES should commence July 8. Nice crop. Pick your own or buy them ready picked. Montmorency sours a week later. Closed Sunday's. Ausable Orchards Ltd., Arkona. Call Lorne Tee- ple 828.3645 or R. N. Thomp- son 828-3526. 8c BINDER - International, 7 ft. cut with good canvas, grease fittings. Laverne Heywood, phone 235-1057. 8e COTTAGE-AIRE high-wall tent 10'x12', sewn -in floor, large awning, new condition. Phone 235-0277. 8* TWO MAJOR tractors, good condition. Ed Johnson, Arkona. Phone 823-3354. 8* MASON & RISCH upright pi- ano in good condition. Phone 482-7544 Clinton, 8:15* CHERRIES - Pick your own cherries at Murray Bros. Or- chard 41 miles south-west of Thedford on Ridge Road. Sweet cherries ready July 7, Montmorency ready July 14. 8:15* BEAN PULLER, 4-row McCor- mick, almost new, B. R. Wiebe, RR 1 Fullerton, 229- 8260. 8:15:22c 3 GRAIN DRYERS-See Cann's Mill ad in this issue. 8c BLACK & WHITE sweet cher- ries. Montmorency's ready July 15. Bring containers and pick your own. Elmer Wells, 3 miles south of Ipperwash. 8:15* DURO shallow well pump and tank, complete, in good con- dition. Reason for selling-re- quire larger unit. Phone 235- 2747. 8c LUCAN 2-bedroom cottage, large lot; also Frigidaire re- frigerator, 4-burner Beach electric s t o v e, chesterfield bed, ether household articles to close the estate of the late Henry Hodgins, Contact MrS. Harry Carroll, executrix, dial 227-4375, Stine I-IENSALL - 7-to o m brick Mine, complete with bath and oil heat, separate garage, For information call 262-2123 Hen- son, 8;150 ADMIRAL APPLIANCES - We carry a full line check our prices. Lay e's Appliances, West McGillivray, 10 miles south-west of Exeter. Sales & Service, phone Ailsa Craig 293-3134. 17tfnc McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed PHONE 228-6214 16 Properly For Sale SMALL HOUSE, 160 William Street North. Phone 235-1139. ltfnc SPLIT LEVEL home, Huron St. W., oil heat, 3 bedrooms, large living room, rec room, bathroom, dining room and kitchen. Phone 235.0594, 3tfnx COMFORTABLE home opposite high school, living room with fireplace, dining room,k2itticrihe- en, 2 bedrooms and sun room. Phone 235-2473. 2 BEDROOM brick house, full basenient, oil heat, one year old. Apply Box 833 Exeter. 3tfnc 16 Property For Sale 11 STOREY, 3-bedroom home, William St., Parkhill, 1 block east of Main St., bathroom, oil furnace. For inspection call Wesley Watson 293-3124 or Al- onzo Hodgins, RR 3 Ailsa Craig. 12tfnc 3 - BEDROOM bungalow with bath, oil furnace and base- ment. First house east on Highway 83. Apply Stanley Sander, phone 235.2877 or Ed. Steckle, RR 2 Zurich. 17tfnc 17 Property for Rent - BEDROOM apartment on Main St in Crediton, available immediately, private entrance, all utilities paid by owner. Phone 234-6336 after 5 or Sat- urday. 8tinc LUCAN - 3 - bedroom house, 3 pce. bath, available July 15; $50.00 a month. Phone 227-4312. 17tfnc APARTMENT in new Taylor Apts, one large bedroom, cer- amic tile bath, kitchen, living room with broadloom, washer and dryer, with or without frig and stove, Available now, Harold Taylor 235-0674. Itine 1 - BEDROOM upstair apart- ment, private entrance, no pets, available July 15. Con- tact Don Geiser, 313 Carling St., phone 235-1543. 17tfnc 3-BEDROOM house, 3 piece bath and oil furnace, 2 miles south, 11 miles west of Exe- ter. Reasonable rent. Phone 234-6238 after 7 p.m. Stfnc FURNISHED apartment, heat and hot water supplied, suit- able for one or two people. Apply 70 John St. East. Stfnc VERY CENTRAL steam heat- ed apartments, fully furnished with new furniture and ap- pliances and newly decorated, $45.00 per month and up. Elliot Apts, 442 Main St. 235.0585, nights 235-2912. 8tfnc 3-BEDROOM house near Exe- ter, in o d e r n conveniences. Phone 35R5 Dashwood. 29tfnc STORE in Hensall. Apply to D. C. Joynt, Hensall. Phone 262-2119 or 262-2409, 29tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartment, heat- ed, $45.00 per month. Phone 234-6394, 1.0tinc 1-BEDROOM lower apartment, unfurnished, Main St. South, near Huron, available early in July. Phone 235-2427. 10*tfnc CONVENIENT and comfort- able one-bedroom apartment, newly d c c o r a to d, close to stores. Apply Whilsmith Sr. Citizens' Apt, or phone 235- 2473. Stfnc 2-BEDROOM apartment, heat and hot water supplied. No pets. Apply 70 John St. East. 3ltfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12tfne 18 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfne 20 Wanted To Rent TWO OR THREE bedroom fur- nished house, apt, or winter- ized cottage in Exeter area or Grand Bend. Required ap- proximately Sept. 1 to Jan. 1. Write: Capt, W. R. Campbell, CASC Fort Frontenac, Kings- ton, Ont. 8:15* 22 Notices NOTICE To comply with the "New Canada Labour Act" The Exeter District Co-operative will be CLOSED SATURDAY AFTERNOONS starting July 3, EXETER DISTRICT CO- OPERATIVE 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Jacob William Weber, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Jacob William Weber, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 30th day Of April 1965, are required to file par- ticulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of July 1965, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which tiotice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors of the Executrix, Joyce Weber, Exeter, Ontario 24;12c AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household. Effects, Antiques and Misc, Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 17 at 1:00 p.m. Complete list in next week's issue. WILLIAM HEY, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer zrzsgoomftwommemutacMta leferaIMMISIMWM62011111113111111 Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. Products Of General Mototc Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware DIAL 262.2015 HENSALL 411 F Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable 100-Acre Farm, Tractor, Implements, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 23, CON, 9, HAY TWP. 1/a mile east of Zurich thence 1 mile north The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, JULY 15 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of 100-acre farm, Lot 23, Con. 9, Hay Twp., on which is situ- ated 2-storey brick dwelling, large barn, drive shed and garage. Land choice clay loam, 75 acres title b I e, remainder mixed bush, majority choice timber. Farm presently all in crop and in high state of cul- tivation, Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 90 days. Sold subject to a rea- sonable reserve bid, TRACTOR & MISC. ITEMS: 1937 English Fordson tractor on steel; M.H. 6 ft. mower; platform scales; 3-horse culti- vator; 5-section diamond har- rows; fanning mill; electric fencer; vice; bag truck; steel posts; quantity snow fence; wheelbarrow; carpenter tools; circular saw; quantity planks; steel wagon; rubber belt; lad- ders; grindstone; Internation- al 21 h.p. gas engine; emery; oil drums; large copper apple butter kettle; large apple peeler; camp stove; antique meat grinder; sap buckets; iron kettles; cow bells; power mower; 2 hand mowers; log- ging chains; forks; shovels, other misc. items. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS : Finlay space heater, recently purchased; Duo Therm space heater; dining room table & chairs; 3 chests of drawers; glass cupboard; 3 dry sinks; 4 large cedar chests; 3 small cedar chests; centre tables; end tables; wicker and oak rockers; antique arm chair; 2 toilet sets; 3 complete bed- room suites; dressers; com- modes; mirrors; pictures and frames; antique small spin- ning wheel in A-1 condition; parlor lamp; coal oil lamps; jardiniere; fernery; kitchen table and chairs; extra large assortment of new and used quilts; comforters, linens and mats; antique dishes; glass- ware; china; dinner sets; sil- verware; kitchen utensils; sealers; crocks; 10-gal. crock; antique churn, etc., etc, This is an extra large sale, Everything in first class con- dition. Plan to attend, No reserve, everything will be sold. TERMS; Cash, ALFRED PFAFF, Prop. Albert Dietrich, Leonard Erb, Clerks ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 8c 24 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF HAY TENDER FOR GAS TRACTOR The Township of Hay is calling for tenders for the supply of a gas tractor With a minimum of 40 h.p., indus- trial front end, with hydraulic control loader with gravel bucket, power steering, fully equipped with lights and start- er, 3-point hitch, 6-ply front tires 750x16, and 6 - ply rear tires 13x26 loaded with cal- cium. Tender specification forms may be obtained from the road superintendent or clerk of the Township of Hay. Tenders to be in the hands of the road superintendent by Wed, July 21, 1965 at 6 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. KARL HABERER, Road Sup't RR 1 Zurich, Ont. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk-Treas, Zurich, Ont. 8:15c 25 Auction Sales NON WIPERS \\\., 25 Auction Sales Rec softball --Continued from page 6 broke a 5-5 tie in the bottom of the seventh inning. The tome was close all the way with neither team able to go ahead by more than two runs as the Lanes' Jack Fuller and Keith Lovell of the Kinsmen hooked up in a pitchers' duel. With the game tied at five- all, the Lanes failed to score in their half of the seventh as Lovell set them down in order but the Kinsmen, on key hits by Bill Rowe and Jim Hewitt, went on to plate the winning marker in the last half of the last frame. Bill Rowe led the Kinsmen attack with a triple and two singles while Hewitt rapped a double and a single for the only other player with two hits. Pete Flannigan, Pete McFalls, Dave Cross and Jim Sandford col- lected singles while winning pitcher Lovell banged out a double for the winners. Red Loader paced the Lanes with two singles while Gord Strang added a double and Bob Russell, Jack Fuller, D av e Wood, Gil Burrows and Gerry Webb picked up singles, In the rout at Crediton, the Airmen scored nine runs in the first four frames and then coa- sted to a 13-2 victory behind Leo Romain's fine pitching. Roly liache, Romaln, and Art Epton with two hits each paced the Airmen hitting onslaught against Gord Slaght who pitched the entire game for Crediton. Following is the standings up to July 5: Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises DUCHESS AV$-, LUCAN Airmen Legion Lanes Crediton W L T P 5 1 2 12 5 1 1 11 4 3 0 8 2 4 1 5 The undersigned auctioneer is instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, JULY 14 at 1;00 p.m. Philco 12 cu. ft, refrigerator, recently purchased; GE 4- burner electric stove; daven- port and chair; studio couch; occasional chair s; chrome rocker; chrome kitchen table, 6 matching chairs; centre and end tables; broadloom rug 9x15; scatter rugs; electric lamps; modern 4-piece bed- room suite; Hollywood bed- room suite; dressers; bed- room lamps; antique parlor lamp; pictures and frames; 8 - day mantel clock; antique kitchen clock; large and small mirrors; fernery; tea wagon; flower plants; novelties; cro- chet doilies; large assortment glassware; dinner sets; cups and saucers; antique dishes; Lamoge chin a; aluminum ware; kitchen utensils; silver- ware; bedding; cushions; sew- ing machine; GE floor polish- er; ironing board; writing desk and chair; couch; Sim- plicity washing machine; rub- ber tire wheelbarrow; lawn chairs; electric table saw; drill press; heavy duty vise; large assortment garden and carpenter tools; step ladders; lantern; Baldwin heavy duty garden tractor, including disc, scuffler, cultivator, cut bar; roller and 2-wheel trailer, in new condition; Falcon power mower; brass chimes; weed sprayer; 51 cords dry slab wood and many other miscel- laneous items. No reserve, everything will be sold. Plan to attend. TERMS: Cash. HUGH BIRTCH, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Old Timers 2 4 0 4 Kinsmen 1 6 0 2 Upcoming games: June 12 - Lanes Vs Legion (E) Airmen Vs old Tim- er (A) June 14 - Kinsmen Vs Legion (E) Old Timers Vs Cre- diton (C) Real Estate 1. EXETER - 3 bedroom home in new subdivision, partly finished recreation room. Can be purchased with half acre of land. 2. EXETER - Red brick three-bedroom home. Located 1 block off Main Street, separate dining-room, front ha/1 entrance, finished recreation room, garage. 3. Large home in good location needs remodeling. Low down payment with balance at 6%. 4. Two storey, three bedroom home on corner lot. Modern kitchen, separate dining room, large living room, full basement with oil heat and attached garage. 5. Three bedroom home on William Street, bath downstairs. 6. EXETER - Stately four bedroom brick home situated on corner lot at Victoria and Andrew Sts. Three piece bath up and two piece down. Re-modelled kitchen with built-in cupboards plus dining room, family room, laundry room, car port, soft water, sewer completely installed. 7. EXETER - Albert Street, central, 3 bedroom brick home. Oil heat. 8. EXETER - Four bedroom brick full basement, stone fireplace, patio off dining room, car port, completely landscaped. 10. EXETER - Two bedroom modern, 7 years old. $8,500. 19. One of Exeter's finest homes, four bedroom, oil heat, located at Sanders-Senior. 20. Three bedroom, two storey brick on Andrew Street, central. 25. HARDWARE business with est. tinsmith trade. 9. EXETER - Commercial block on Main Street, central, terms. 22. EXETER - Commercial property on the corner of Main and Wellington. 17. Options available for summer building with sewers on Pryde Blvd. Churchill Drive, and Kings Court Crescent, Dow Subdivision. 18. Building lot - Andrew Street north, Alexander Street, George Street, Riverside Drive, Victoria Street, Sher- wood Ave., Pryde Blvd., Sanders Street, Marlborough Street. 11. Restaurant-with combined living quarters. Established business with complete set of financial returns open to responsible interested parties. 21. HENSALL - Three bedroom home, oil heat. 24. HENSALL - Commercial, warehouse, Main Street. 13. GRAND BEND - Central, three bedroOm home with living room,kitchen, and bath plus private garage and drive, $6,00 reasonable down payment and owner will carry mortgage at 6%. 14. GRAND BENI) - North, 190 feet of lake front property with excellent beach, in desirable area. 15. GRAND BEND - Lakefront two bedroom cottage on lot for additional building close to Oakwood border. $8,500. 23. LUCAN - Warehouse and apartment storage area 51x38 metal lines fire- proof. 12. LUCAN - Large Commercial block with brick building. Lot size 175x348 feet. M. J. -Maser tile. Ii.14atilgsan J. A. Kneel.