HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-07-08, Page 4End Operation Mop-and-Pail! Let us a new water heater of time-tested ency. Choose from top names. Call 262-2114 • No Money Down PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. LTD. HENSALL install effici- FINK • ( LOW COST ) ( LICENSED ) 111=3=1:11 let our experts take over the problem! Mr. Bill Shaddick of Honey Harbor spent a few days last week at his home here. Mr. Jack Faber, who has been a patient in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, for the past sev- eral weeks, was able to return to his home Saturday. Mr. Ray McKinnon who has been a patient In Victoria Hos- pital, London, for nine weeks recovering from severe burns to his arms and body came home on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Norminton of Toronto are holidaying with the former's father, Mr. Ed. Norminton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles and family of London visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Len Noakes and family. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick of Bay- field spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Whiteman are holidaying this week with relatives at Oakville and Ot- tawa. Mr. Jerry McClinchey left this week to attend a six weeks course at summer school at Waterloo. Miss Anne Keys was success- ful in passing her grade 4 in Piano with honors with the Wes- tern Ontario Conservatory of music held at Stratford re- cently. Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keys, is a pupil of Mrs. Frank Forrest. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Beer and Mrs. Perce Phillips are vaca- tioning in the Peninsula. Mr. & Mrs. Alex Mousseau and Mrs. Luella. Willert left Monday of this week for a five weeks vacation by motor to the west coast. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Alder- dice of Toronto, Mr. Allan Mac- Arthur, Waterdown, and Miss Carol Cartwright, Hamilton, Mr. & Mrs. Moore and family of Stratford visited with Mr. & Mrs. Vern Alderdice, Garry and Lynn over the weekend. Mrs. Jarvis Horton has re- turned from Montreal where she visited her son Stuart and family and attended her grand- son's wedding June 26. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Moore, Janice and David and Miss Daisy Gibson of Waterloo visited with Mrs. Harry Caldwell and Jack over the weekend. Mrs. Chester Lee, who was a patient in South Huron Hos- pital, has returned to her home In Hensall. Miss Marcia Little of Blen- heim spent the weekend at her home here. Mrs. Manley JD-tics who has been a patient for the past month in Clinton Public Hos- pital has left the hospital and Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Beaton of Hensall celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Sunday, July 4, with a turkey dinner in the Hensall Legion Hall. About sixty relatives and friends attended from Detroit, Courtright, London, Toronto, Mitchell, Exeter, Stratford, Seaforth, Grand Bend, Zurich and Hensall. The tables and hall were beautifully decorated in red, white and silver, the head table centered with a three tiered anniversary cake. Baskets of red roses formed an attractive background. Seated at the head table were Mr. and Mrs. Beaton and son Ronald. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Greene, Rev, and Mrs. John C. Boyne of Exeter, Mrs. Beaton's aunt, Mrs. Sarah Balkwill, Exe- Lodge head named here A meeting was held in the Amber Rebekah Lodge #349 Hensall Wednesday evening when Mrs. Ruby Beaver Dis- trict Deputy President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario of the IOOF district #23 in- stalled Mrs. Edna Caldwell to that office for the coming term. She was assisted by DD Mar- shall Mrs. Lois McFalls of Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter. Mrs. Olga Chipchase was ap- pointed DD secretary succeed- ing Mrs. Mary Fisher, who was DD secretary for Mrs. Beavers. Past District Deputy Presi- dents and Past Noble Grands attended from Goderich Lodge, Huronic Lodge, Clinton, Amber Lodge, Hensall, Morning Star Lodge, Brussels, Edelweiss Lodge, Seaforth and Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter. Repre- sentatives extended greetings. Mrs. Beavers gave an out- lined report of her year's ac- tivities. Past DDP Mrs. Elva Osbaldeston extended gree- tings. Arrangements were made for the Past Grands Picnic to be held at the Lions Park, Sea- forth August 4. The Past Grands of Amber Rebekah Lodge sang a number entitled itHow Great Thou Art". Refreshments were served. FLY TO NOVA SCOTIA Mr. and Mrs. George Parker are holidaying this week with the former's brother-in-law an d sister, Constable Douglas Wein, RCMP and Mrs. Wein at Inver- ness, Nova Scotia. They left London via plane Saturday mor- ning and expected to land in Sydney the same day. family at Willowdale. Mr. Lind- say, accountant at the Bank of Montreal in Willowdale, has been transferred to Hamilton to the branch there. TRUCKS 1957 FORD 1 Ton with racks. 1949 INTERNATIONAL 1 Ton BODYMAN'S SPECIAL 1960 METEOR 4-door wagon 1959 PLYMOUTH 1958 TRIUMPH HERALD sedan. 1957 DODGE (2) 1957 PLYMOUTH (2) 1957 METEOR Drop in this weekend LAST CHANCE FREE DRAW 6/2 ft. Patio Umbrella WORTH $31.95 GET YOUR COUPONS IN TO BY SATURDAY 6 P.M. 0 Pa tio UMBRELLA Draw Canadian Tire Corporation Exeter 10 NAME ADDRESS TOWN Id PHONE NOTHING TO BUY Bring shit coupon to the store before 6 PM, Saturday, July 10 itj I W IW IW Si t 746 Seale 2 'ee4 5,000 e Paitta A Spejr DON JONES 444 Main South, Exeter 235-0160 ateteitOffianZaaaa:l.V.77.7=1=721a1; laraa=al===rleaar, Willert of town. Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lindsay, Pamela, Sheila and Kevin of Willowdale were weekend guests with Mrs. John Hender- son and family. Miss Margaret Buchanan was taken to Clinton Hospital Mon- day morning by ambulance with a fractured hip sustained when she suffered a fall in her home. Mr. & Mrs. Clendon Christie, Catharine Anne, and Kay Davis, are spending this week vaca- tioning at Thurston Park, near Lindsay. Page. 4 July ,O, 190 Hensall personals g=7:1;72rralg" m.Y..V.ZONVT.W.M ''''''Popular local pair mark anniversary Hensall • is staying with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. & Mrs. Ross Jinks, London. Miss. Barbara Willert, RR 2 Hensall, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Willert, has accepted a position with the London Life Insurance Co. London, and has commenced her duties. She is a granddaughter of Mrs. Luella and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 262-2002 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 Full line of sports at Legion's picnic ter, Mr. Beaton's aunt Mrs. Kate Douglas of Ottawa, now of Stratford. Mrs. Beatrice Hess of Zurich sang two solos accompanied by Miss Carol Brown of Seaforth. Mrs. Alex McBeath favoured with a reading and community singing was enjoyed by all. Congratulations were received from their son Beverly Jr. who was unable to attend. The happy couple were recipients of many lovely gifts, several of ruby glassware. Rev. Boyne acted as master of ceremonies, proposing a toast to Mr. and Mrs. Beaton and responded to by both. Ron- ald proposed a toast to his parents, Mr. Beaton's aunt Mrs. Douglas and several others spoke a few words wishing them many more years of happiness. Mr. Beaton thanked the eight ladies who helped with the din- ner and Mrs. Beaton presented each one with a gift. Hwy 4 South 262-2604 METEOR, COMET, MERCURY HENSALL MOTORS L.T. Members of the Legion and Ladies Auxiliary and their fam- ilies enjoyed a picnic Sunday afternoon at Riverview Park, Exeter, attended by fifty. A full line of sports under direction of Mrs. Garnet Allan and Mrs. Howard Smale were run off and the winners were: races 5 and under, Judy Camp- bell, Mary Anne Vanstone, Donna Jean Allan; 6 to 8, girls, Susie Vanstone, Joan Al 1 an, Beth Munn; boys, Freddie Campbell, Norman Allan, Ro- bert Vanstone; 9 to 11, girls, Shirley Brintnell, Gloria Ad- kins, Shirley Smale; boys, Joe Vanstone, Randy Campbell, Lloyd Allan; 12 and over, girls, Margie Allan, Peggy Vanstone; boys, Brian and Jimmy Camp- bell; Wheelbarrow race, boys, Doug Munn and Brian Campbell; Jim Campbell and Joe Vanstone, Lloyd Allan and Robert Van- stone; girls, Margie Allan and Peggy Vanstone, Shirley Brint- nell and Gloria Adkins, Cluassie Vanstone and Joan Allan; shoe scramble, girls, Cathy Munn, Chrissie Vanstone, Gloria Ad- kins; boys, Randy, Jim and Brian Campbell; kick the slip- per, girls, Marie Campbell, Peggy Vanstone; boys, Joe Van- stone, Brian Campbell; ladies kick slipper, Mrs. Jack Brint- nell, Mrs. Wm. Smale; kick slipper, men, Harold Campbell, Jim Smale. Honor teacher, guests at outing The graduation class of grade 8 of Hensall Public School at the conclusion of the term Tuesday afternoon presented their teacher Principal Robert Rea- burn with a gift of luggage, honors going to Kenneth Jones, who read the address. Wednesday afternoon the same class were entertained at the summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron at Turnbull's Grove when a picnic supper was enjoyed and a rec- reation of sports held. U111111111 ''''' 1111 ''''' 111111111111111111M '''''' 111111111 Masons attend Carmel service The members of the Masonic order attended worship service in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Sunday. Rev. John C. Boyne conducted the service and delivered a message en- titled "A Living Temple." The Scripture was read by Mr. Roy Campbell. Mrs. Eldrid Simmons of Ex- eter assisted the choir and accompanied Mrs.Beatrice Hess, who contributed a vocal solo. Mrs. Hess directed the choir in the singing of the anthem. Next Sunday, July 11 at 10 am. Rev. Boyne will be in charge of communion service. Friends shower brides with gifts Mrs. Douglas Marcills was hostess at her home in honor of Miss Karen Tinney, bride- elect of Saturday. The rooms were decorated for the occasion and the guest of honor was invited to a dec- orated chair and presented with a miscellaneous shower of gifts. Mrs. V. M. Pyette and Jane and Mrs Grant MacLean assisted the hostess. FETE BRIDE-ELECT Mrs. Harry Klungel was hos- tess at her home Friday evening for Miss Margaret (Peggy) Al- exander of Hensall, a bride- elect of this month, when the staff of the Queensway Nursing home presented her with a kitchen shower. A social hour was enjoyed and lunch served. Mennonite gals cheer shut-ins Fifteen young girls “The Blake Busy Bees" from the Western Ontario Mennonite Church, Blake, called at the Queensway Nursing Home, Hen- sail, Sunday afternoon to enter- tain the residents of the nursing home with a sacred program of singing and devotions and to present the 18 residents with treats, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Ging- erich were in charge. Members of the group were Mary and Yvonne Gingerich, Marjorie Erb, Mary, Dorothy, Helen and Ruth Anne Steckle, Pauline and Elaine Baechler, Ruth Soper, Cheryl Clausius, Eleanor, Grace and Doris Riley, Mrs. Lewis Gingerich. CARS 1965 METEOR MONTCALM 2 door hard- top, V8, automatic 1965 METEOR MONTCALM 4 door se- dan, just beautiful 1964 FORD Tudor, 6 cyl., standard 1964 FORD 4 door Custom, 6 cyl., stand- ard 1964 MERCURY MONTCLAIR, one owner, loaded. 1963 MERCURY 2-door 1963 PONTIAC 4 door Parisienne, power steering, power brakes, sharp. 1962 CHRYSLER 2-door hardtop, V8, au- tomatic, power steering, power brakes. 1962 STUDEBAKER 4 door, 6 cyl., auto- matic, white walls, wheel discs, radio. 1961 MONARCH 4 door sedan, all power equipped. 1960 PONTIAC Convertible, 2-door, 6 cyl., automatic, radio. 1959 RENAULT 4 door sedan, just what mother needs. 1959 PONTIAC Be-N-Jay Hairstyling Cutting . Styling Perms . Tinting Lady's mother dies in Toronto Ethel Isobel Horsman, be- loved wife of the late John Percy Horsman, passed away at the Queen Elizabeth Hos- pital, Toronto, Wednesday, June 30. Surviving are two daughters (Helen) Mrs. Howard M. Scane, Hensall; (B e t ty) Mrs. J. S. Clarke, Toronto; two sisters Miss Jean Leith and Mrs. Ivan E. Campbell, Toronto. Funeral services were held at the chapel of Morley S. Bed- ford, Toronto, Friday. Inter- ment in Greenwood cemetery, Ridgetown, Saturday, July 3. Peututata ELECT OFFICERS Officers elected for the in- coming term for Amber Re- bekah Lodge, Hensall, are: Jr. Past Noble Grand, Mrs. J. F. Ingram; Noble Grand, Mrs. George Clifton; Vice Grand, Mrs. Lindsay Eyre; recording secretary, Mrs. Leona Parke; financial secretary, Mrs.Ernie Chipchase; treasurer, Mrs. Ed Corbett. NEW HOURS - Tues. and Sat, 8 am,- 6 p.m, Wed., Thurs., Fri. 8 a.m- 9 p.m. WE FEATURE School Girl Perms Reg. $8.50 for $6.00 Phone 262-2832 Wi lliam Gibson, Jock Caldwell, Operators HENSALL lllllllllll lllll mumminimn llllllll mmnmn Michael Davis is spending this week holidaying at Barrow Bay on the Georgian Bay with his aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fowler and family of Lon- don. Dr. & Mrs. J. C. Goddard, John and Joan are on vacation. Sunday, July 11, at 11 am Chiselhurst UCW will present their annual church service when the guest speaker will be Mrs. Arthur Jackson of Bel- grave. Miss Kathie Henderson is vacationing for two weeks with her sister and brother-in-law, & Mrs. Keith Lindsay and !Weise,: - 1; •••• •••• - Dressing tto ptCS IC srtIoNkea 5000006 1.5. 454 SOLO GS S94 ROVVED POI ROWS SAUSAGS 3 1-5s. inicbX SIS,61C .i.31„::: 434 Vit,WP 74 Zion church picnic attracts big crowd 94 itokswis Lal tl" S" M‘ sot WO 5 w Salad 20 / 494 tAtitik%. 99 4 Mc1-are‘I'S SVI e et :0„: s.., 05:iiic 794 lender Leaf & GS 0 pal( leA ."' S 12 Inc" i0". Ilit4 43‘t ite sb es „, .0._ .. Math By MISS MURIEL HERN ZION The annual Sunday School pic- nic was held in June atSeaforth Lions park with a good crowd in attendance. Winners in sports were: pre- school, Freddie Here; girls and boys, 6 and '7, Nancy and Sandra Bern, Freddie Hern and Murton Brock; girls and boys, 8 and 9, Karen Brock and Nancy Hern, Dalton Jaques and Ivan Hern; girls and boys, 10 and 11, Shir- ley Gaulin and Lynda Horn, Alan Bern; Girls and boys, 12-14, Yvonne Jaques and Sheila Here, Mervyn and Alan Hera; young ladies, Barbara Bern and Shirley Gau- lin; young teen, Vernon Hern and Paul Baker; married Indies, softball throw, Mrs. Norman Brock; married men, minute walk, Ray Jaques and Thomas Here; Kick the slipper, ladies, Mrs. Ray Jaques and Mrs. Harry Bern; men, Paul Baker and Bill Brock; wheelbarrow race, Barbara Hern and Paul Baker, Mervyn and Alan Horn; three legged race, Paul Baker and Vernon Hern and Ray and Mar- ina Jaques; Oldest person, Mrs. Milton Brock, youngest person, Brenda Mille r; lucky plate, Marina Jaques; person with correct items in purse, Muriel Hern; guessing toothpicks, Norm an Jaques and Norman Brock (tie); relays were enjoyed. PERSONALS Donald Hern had his tonsils removed last week. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Horn visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. George Jaques, Tavistock. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Horn and family were guests at the 25th wedding anniversary re- ception of Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Salmon, Dashwood, last Tues- day evening. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Roan and Pam, Wyoming, were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ray Jaques and Steven. Miss Barbara Hern attended counsellors training camp last weekend at Goderich. Mr. & Mrs. John Selves, Exeter, visited Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. Robert Horn and family. 2, oz. al6(ei." Beet lur‘ce.Y, Frol.e" Morton lei SIS ME A1 r G,R A9 fe. Itt)%1 No . ca'rnia VI VI 1° ? a‘ks _ so.% I 0 • G‘t4Glit iirs osi% Pe'13 cit Olt $03-- Quarts S)P‘Nj. 05.1. "ler aye 49 4 32. .• 14ta•ar ells 5 FOR TASTIER MEALS FASTER, EASIER ke Count on your LP-Gas Range fo "best cook" results always. Count on us for Lc- Got service HENSALL Hotson Propane 238.2005 GRAND BEND in P Pri; 'I > . „ ,r. A t A STORE HOURS — Closed ii S4 all day every Monday; open all day Wednesday; open Friday evenings un- til 9 pan4 open Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. " .411.4rmagegs..