HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-07-08, Page 3SOUTH E ND
578 Main South Exeter 235-2322
'65 AUSTIN 1100 Sedan,
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'59 CHEVROLET two -door, new
paint, radio.
'58 PONTIAC S e d a n, automatic,
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'59 CASE 300, 3-point hitch, live PTO. $1,400
1 52 JOHN DEERE "A", gladden someone's heart for 750
'51 COCKSHUTT "30", live PTO, new tires on back.
Ideal for those combining jobs . • '750
7-foot Allis Chalmers rear mower 125
Henderson loader and Charlene pump for Allis
Chalmers tractor
Scott viner beet harvester 800
Larry Snider Motors Ltd.
Ford, Fatrione, Falcon and Pord Trucks
"586 Main South, Exeter
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Five good reasons why so many trust the name Dobbs.
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12 Months or
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Used Car
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235.1486 Nights Exeter
Times-Advocate, July A, 1904 Page
Students at .Baseline
treat mothers to trip lioalfn Around
--Continued from page
phases of the tobacco indus-
try go for their livelihood?
The fact remains that the
best solution to the entire
problem is to find a "safe"
smoke, and it is to this end
that our government should be
The Base Line school chil-
dren had a very enjoyable bus
trip to Toronto Tuesday spon-
sored by the children who had
earned $168. during the year
which enabled them to take their
mothers with them.
Sources from which the mon-
ey was earned was selling cards
and Christmas cards, school
fair prizes, concerts, films,
editing and selling their school
paper. The children also sent
$20 to "Bunny Bundle". They
also had a draw on a doll.
The bus left the school at
7 am Tuesday, their first stop
being Fort York, then the Mar-
ine Museum and after lunch,
the Maple Leaf Gardens. They
all enjoyed a ride on the sub-
way. They toured the Parlia-
ment Buildings, Casa Loma and
Mallon air port.
After a big dinner they left
for home. It was a fine exper-
teaching methods, tea cher
have had demands placed on
them from many levels to take
courses to keep abreast of mode
ern times. However, most of the
teachers taking CPUrEMIS are
tioing so at a considerable cost
to themselves.
One area teacher, who Plan!
two university courses this
summer, told us the other day
it would cost him in the neigh-
bourhood of $600, counting tui-
tion, books, transportation and
other general expenses.
When you stop to consider
that this teacher could possibly
get a summer job and make at
least $400 or $500 it shows he
is actually going to "lose" about
It naturally isn't all loss, as
he will gain some personal sat-
isfaction out of keeping abreast
of new trends and will advance
to a higher income bracket
after five courses, but it does
indicate that from a monetary
standpoint some of these tea-
chers won't do muchbetter than
break even over the long haul
and so they should be com-
mended for their decisions to
increase their knowledge in the
interests of area education.
ience for the children. Their
teacher, Mrs. Morrison, is to
be congratulated for planning
this wonderful day for them.
Mrs. Morrison, teacher of
the Base Line school, is leaving
to teach at Oxbow School at
Ilderton. Before leaving, the
children presented her with a
lovely three tier cake or cookie
plate. Miss Marlene Baker is
their teacher for the next term.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Parkinson
and family and her mother Mrs.
Cacciotte visited with Mr. &
Mrs. Ken Hill at Ipperwash
Mrs. Harris Hutson and
Susan, Miss Anna Beer of Mun-
ro spent Thursday with their
sister, Mrs. Oliver Baker and
Mrs. Verna Johns and Miss
Irene Preece of St. Thomas
were Sunday guests of Mr. &
Although school has conclu-
ded for all area students, many
teachers in the district will
have to wait for at least another
five weeks before they can take
a well deserved rest, as they
started taking various depart-
ment of education and universi-
ty courses Monday.
This year probably sees more
teachers than ever at special
summer courses, due in part
to the new salary schedule for
public school teachers. To ad-
vance into a higher salary rat-
ing the teachers must get credit
for five special courses.
Due to the changes and ad-
vancements in education and
go up in Exeter
while Rev. S. E. Lewis, who dedicated the standard, prayed
that it would help to unite the people of the nation. Pictured
above are some of the town officials and spectators watching
the flag being hoisted. —T-A photo
Watch new flag
Canada's 98th birthday was marked in Exeter with the raising
of the new flag. About 50 people were on hand at the brief
ceremony sponsored by council. Mayor Jack Deibridge said he
hoped the flag would fly over Exeter for many peaceful years,
Saintsbury people
entertain at events
Cromarty and district women
hear from Indian missionary
During the weekend Mr. &
Mrs. Fred Dobbs Jr. enter-
tained at a barbecue and bridge
party in honor of the former's
birthday. Guests attending were
Dr. & Mrs. G. E. Lindsay,
Dee and Krista of Simcoe, Mr.
& Mrs. Lon Marziale of London,
Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Mogk and
John of Guelph, Mr. & Mrs.
Jerry Moffatt, Heather and Me-
lissa of Kippen, Mr. H. S.
McLean, Teeswater, Mr. &
Mrs. Fred Dobbs Sr., Exeter
and Mr. & Mrs. William Hill,
Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Mogk and
John, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dobbs
Jr. and Freddie spent Sunday
at the summer home of Dr.
& Mrs. George Lindsay in Grand
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll
are as a team working with the
Christian missionaries in
Mrs. Mervin Dow presided
for the meeting and Mrs. J. C.
Boyne conducted the devotional
period. Miss Bonnie Miller gave
a reading. The CGIT group con-
tributed a music al number.
Courtesy remarks were given
by Mrs. R. Laing.
Lunch was served and a social
hour enjoyed.
Ladies from Exeter,Hensall,
Mitchell and S e af orth were
guests at a combined meeting
of the Women's Missionary So-
ciety and the Marian Ritchie
Evening Auxiliary of Cromarty
church when Miss Agnes His-
lop, missionary on f ur lough
from the Bhil Field in India
was guest speaker.
Mrs. T. L. Scott, who was
closely associated with the fam-
ily in the West, introduced the
speaker referring to her as a
former pupil in public school
at Meath Park, Sask. Miss His-
lop, dressed in a blue sari
spoke very earnestly of her
work in India, emphasizing the
fact that "we in our auxiliaries
and Pauline of Listowel, Andrew
and Richard Cleland, Blyth, Mr.
& Mrs. Norman Jefferson, Deb-
ra and Anne of Munro.
Mr. & Mrs. Scheivink and
family of Barrie were Sunday
visitors with Mr. & Mrs. D.
Mosselman and family.
Mr. Stanley Dow is a patient
in Stratford General Hospital
following a heart attack.
Mr. & Mrs. K. McKellar
visited on Sunday with Mr. &
Mrs. Don Castagnasso and fam-
ily of Embro.
Mrs. Nelson Baker.
Ross Scrivens of Rochester
NY is, spending his summer
holidays with his aunt and uncle,
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Baker.
Mr. & Mrs. Vytas Treciokas,
Paul and Ellen and Mary Baker,
Willowdale, spent the weekend
with their grandparents, Mr. at
Mrs. A. Dewar. Mrs. Evelyn
Baker returned to Toronto with
them after spending the week
here with her parents.
Mrs. Nellie Bagshaw and
daughter Irene of Regina are
visiting with the Elston and
Arthur families this week. They
will leave by plane Friday for
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Bridges
of Sarnia, cousins of Miss
Noreen Wallcom and her mother,
Mrs. Grace Walkom of Russel-
dale spent Monday with Noreen
Mrs. Glenn and Mrs. Holloran
of Exeter were Sunday guests
with Fred, Kate and Florence
Mr. & Mrs. Bob McGregor
of Kippen, Mr. & Mrs. Roy
Brock of Hensall, Mr. & Mrs.
Carmen Rinn of St. Marys were
Thursday evening guests of
Howard, Bill Dinn and Noreen
Mrs. Cacciotte of Capreol
is spending several weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. Fred park-
inson, Fred and family.
The Robinson Bros. of Kirk-
ton are making progress in
repairing the George Wilson
home after their unfortunate
fire June 16.
Mr. & Mrs. Cal Lucas of
St. Marys were guests with
Mr. & Mrs. David Holland Sun-
day evening.
Mr. & Mrs. George Wilson
were guests of Mr. & Mrs.
Clarence Switzer Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. David Holland
attended the Sheppard reunion
at Parkhill last week.
Mrs. Jesse Elston and Mary
Lou Brock, London, visited with
Mrs. George Wilson one day
last week.
The 19th annual Riley reunion
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Riley, Cromarty,
with 125 in attendance.
Winners of sports, contests
and games were: Raymond
Riley, Michelle Riley, Ruth liar-
burn. Robert Riley, Marlyne
R ile y, Jo-anne Riley, Wade
Riley, Linda Fair, Jo-ann Sten-
son, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Riley,
Mrs. Frank Riley, Harvey Neil,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farr, Bruce
Brodhagen, Bill Riley Jr., Mar-
lene Fraser, Betty Dietrich,
Donna Brodhagen, Jo-Anne
Stenson's team. Sports were
conducted by Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Brodhagen.
The president, Mr. Roy
Smale was in charge of the
business meeting when officers
for 1966 were elected as fol-
lows: President, Mr. George
Boa; vice president, Mr. Ber-
nard Brodhagen; secretary,
Loretta Riley; treasurer, Mrs.
George Shiels; sports commit-
tee, Mrs. Nellie Riley and Les-
lie and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Harburn; lunch committee, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Riley, Mr. and
Mrs. George Shiels, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernie Harburn and Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Riley. Centralia volunteers
save home from fire Flowers for every
occasion Roses
for July and August
The home of Mr. Wesley
Parks narrowly escaped des-
truction by fire July 1. Mr.
Parks was burning grass in the
yard when the rapidly spreading
flames struck the corner of the
house and started a fire.
Village firemen were called
and with the help of neighbors
the blaze was quickly extin-
Also Closed July
17 to 19 ROELOFS'
Elaine Powe received word
that she obtained first class
honors in grade 5 form at the
Royal Conservatory of Music.
Three of her pupils, Janet mc-
D o we 11, Dianne and Sandra
Shapton passed their grade 4
piano at the Western Conser-
vatory of music.
The end of the year picnic
at SS 5 Hibbert was attended
by some seventy members of
the district. The wind which at
first was thought to be unfor-
tunate caused great hilarity as
paper plates and cups flew
Sports, races and baseball
were enjoyed prior to a short
program in the school presided
over by Ted Kernick.
The pupils had arranged a
display of their year's work,
hobbies etc. This year they
also had an interesting antique
The Grade 8 girls, Dianne
Neevel and Frances Scott were
presented with graduation dip-
lomas. All other pupils passed,
much to the satisfaction of both
parents and teacher.
Shop EXETER Evenings
235-2242 235.2906
Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Currie,
Linda and Joanne, Dorchester,
visited Sunday with her parents,
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker. Linda
remained for some holidays.
Holiday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mrs.
Taylor were Mrs. Don Taylor,
Patti, Steven and Lori Ann,
Mrs. J. Cowie, Toronto, and
Mr. Maurice Chubb of Montreal.
Weekend visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. John Jefferson were Mr.
& Mrs. Bruce Cleland, Bobby
Donald Wey, Huron Park, is
to be congratulated on obtaining
100 in his grade 2 theory and
78 in his grade El piano. Mar-
garet Bosch of Exeter was also
successful in passing her grade
8 piano with a mark of 6'7 at
the Royal Conservatory of Mu-
sic. Mrs. Ruby Birch, Huron
Park, also obtained her grade
8 piano. All are pupils of Mrs.
Kenneth Hodgins, III Health?
and Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Abbott
and Mrs. George Carroll visited
with Miss Sophia Richards, Lis-
towel, Sunday and called at the
funeral home to pay respect to
the late Mrs. Mary Campbell
of Listowel.
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Cunning-
ham and family attended the
Mitchell reunion at Riverside
Park, Exeter, Sunday. Their
son Eddie is home after spend-
ing some time working atHam-
burg, New York.
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Davis call-
ed to see Mr. Charlie Atkin-
son, a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, on Sunday.
Mr. Ed Wark, Strathroy, Miss
Lille Oke and Messrs. Gordon
and Ernest Oke of Exeter Were
guests Thursday evening with
Mr. & Mrs. Hermon Atkinson.
Miss Joan Barker spent Sat-
urday at the home of her cou-
sins, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kelly,
London, and Sunday Mr. & Mrs.
Jim Barker, Joan, Gary and
Jean visited the Kellys at their
cottage, Sauble Beach.
Mrs. Jack Dickins attended
a shower for Miss Avis Hod-
gins, bride-elect, at St. Tho-
mas Church, Gunton, Friday
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Firby,
St. Thomas, were Sunday guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Johnson,
Dennis and Brian and Miss
Lynn Bailey is spending some
holidays with the Johnsons.
Mr. Clayton Kooy and Mrs.
Tom Kooy visited with Mrs.
Warren Clark and Jean, Dunn-
ville, over the weekend.
Mrs. George Carroll and lit-
tle Miss Cheryl Cyr, Detroit,
are visiting relatives in this
Miss Sharon Davis is attend-
ing summer school at West-
minister Secondary School.
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Carroll,
Ian and Cheryl Cyr visited with
Mrs. Eli Carroll, Bothwell, and
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Dolan,
Watford, Sunday and had Cath-
erine, Carol and Wesley Abbott
as guests Monday.
Mrs. Maurice MacDonald,
Lucan, visited with her sister,
Mrs. Harry Noels, Forest, on
Monday and they visited with
their aunt, Miss Alice Maines,
Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis
had as their guests Friday Mrs.
Arthur Keough, Mrs. Graham
Aifreds, Michael, Lori, Lee
and Mark and the Davis' visited
her sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Atkinson at
their summer h o m e, Grand
Bend, over the weekend and
attended the H u n t e r reunion
Sunday at Riverview Park.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Tindall and
girls accompanied Mrs. Ross
McFalls and boys on a drive to
Stratford and vicinity Sunday.
See your doctor first.
Bring your prescription to
tars of Mr. & Mrs. James
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Lammie
attended the Hunter reunion at
Riverview park Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. G. Whalen and
family of Hamilton were week-
end visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
H. MacNeil and boys.
Janice and Paul Abbott of
Lucan spent the weekend with
their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs.
Murray Abbott. Janice remain-
ed for a week's holidays.
Dr. Byron Campbell, Misses
Dorothy and Jean Campbell of
Toronto and Mrs. Richard Dick-
ins of Exeter were Monday eve-
ning visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Ray Lammie.
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Schroeder
and family of Bracebridge are
visiting with Mr. & Mrs. wm.
Schroeder. Glen is taking a
summer course at University
of Western Ontario.
Mr. & Mrs. S. Henry of Lis-
towel were Sunday visitors with
Mos. Lorne Hicks. Mrs. Andrew
Hicks who spent the weekend
with Mrs. L. Hicks and Mr.
& Mrs. W. Huxtable and Bill
accompanied the Henry's home
to Listowel.
Rev. D. M. Guest was in Lis-
towel Monday attending the fun-
eral of Mrs. Mary Campbell,
mother of Mrs. Jack Fink-
beiner, Whalen.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Greb
visited over the weekend with
Mr. & Mrs. Amos Smith in
Mount Albert.
Rev. Duncan Guest and Rev.
Edgar Roulston, Exeter, were
in charge of the induction ser-
vice for Rev. G. Edwin Morrow
who was called from Ridgetown
to the Grand Bend pastoral
Gary Overholt of Palmerston
spent the weekend at his home. LSMFT
'64 OLDS F85 Sedan, fully loaded . • $2,360
'63 VALIANT V200 4 door, 6 auto, radio,
low mileage 1,660
'62 MERCURY 4-door Wagon, V8, auto, PS&PB .. ▪ 1,860
'60 FALCON coach, an ideal second car 860
'60 ZEPHYR 4-door, real clean . . . 760
'59 FORD hardtop, 6 auto, radio .. 1,060
'59 FORD F85, air & vacuum to trailer $1,250
'58 MERCURY M700 dump. Okay at 1,150
'5'7 MERCURY dump (an 11-county PCV license
can be bought with this one) . . 1,350
63 Mercury School Bus
1963 MERCURY School bus, 30 public or 20 HS capacity
Still under warranty. Priced right.
Annual Summer
This offer good only until Aug. 7,
F. A. May & Son
Margaret Heist, Elaine and
Marie Powe attended a course
at the leadership training Camp
of the Goderich summer school
over the weekend.
Dr. & Mrs. R. K. Lyon and
family of London were visitors
with Mr. & Mrs. Cooper Mc-
Curdy July 1.
Mrs. Lorne Hicks was a Dom-
inion Day visitor with Mrs. Mac
MacDonald at Ailsa Craig.
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Riddell
and family, Burlington, visited
during the past week with Mrs.
Riddell's father, Rev. D. M.
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Powe and
Alan visited with Mr. & Mrs.
Blake Alton and family in Luck-
now Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hodgins
and Maureen of Ottawa arrived
home last week on vacation.
They are holidaying at Grand
Bend and with his parents, Mr.
& Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins.
Mr. Harry MacNeil has re-
turned home following a week's
vacation with his parents, Mr.
& Mrs. S. MacNeil in Nova
Scotia. He made the trip in his
own plane.
Visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Harold Tripp were Mr. Robert
Guernsey of Oshawa and Miss
Patricia Lemouir of Trenton
for the weekend and Sunday
callers were Mr. & Mrs. John
McLachlan of Toronto and Mr.
& Mrs. Harry McLachlan of
Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. V. Overholt and family
were Mr. & Mrs. Reg Aubin
and family, Mrs. Theresa Ma-
loney and Mr. Basil Hornick of
Dr. & Mrs. Imre Toth of
New York were holiday weekend
visitors with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hod-
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Tripp and
family visited with Mr. & Mrs.
W. Thompson at ',teary Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cunnington,
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Vegan and
family were on a motor trip
over the weekend to Bowman-
ville, Oshawa, Fenelon Fails
and points of interest on Lake
Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Gingerich
of Kitchener were weekend visi-
tors with Mr. & Mrs. George
Snell and family. The ladies
are sisters.
Wendy, Johnny and Sandra
Dixon of Hensall spent the week-
end with their grandmother,
Mrs. Fred Harrison.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Schroeder,
Reg and Harry attended the
Anderson family reunion at the
home of Mr. & Mrs. Orville
Schroeder and faMily in Hyde
Park Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Keller of
Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Dave Roger
and family of St. Marys were
Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Essery.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Harrison
and Debbie visited over the
weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Joe
Hodgins and family at Port
Bruce and also attended the
first birthday party for Cathy
and Connie SteWart, twin daugh-
Phone 235-0852