HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-07-01, Page 11o• • for Canada's superhighways DRIVE WITH TRAFFIC FLOW. Avoid excessive speeds, but don't dillydally. Let driving Conditions dictate your speed. KEEP YOUR DISTANCE. Stay at least one car length behind the car ahead for every 10 miles of speed . . . 5 car lengths at 50 MPH, etc. CHECK THE CAR before you go, Make mire the car has had Guardian Maintenance before you set out on long trips. It saves costs and frustration in the long run. SNELL BROS. CHEVROLET • OLDSMOBILE 450 Main S. EXETER 235.0660 TRAVEL TIPS Induction Service for Rev. G. E. Morrow, the new United Church minister, will be held in the United Church Friday evening at 8:30 pm. Mrs. Wm. Fallis of Pilot Mount, Manitoba visited last week with Mr. & Mrs. Law- rence Curts. Mr. Paul Eagleson is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Charles Pinnegar and Mark of Dorchester visited last week with Mr. Pinnegar and Mr. & Mrs. Carman Woodburn. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hodge of Detroit spent the weekend with Mrs. Albert Pollock. Mr. & Mrs. John Lovie of London visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Curts. Mrs. Ed McKim of Ingersoll spent a few days last week with Mrs. Roy Sheppard. '65 Signet Convertible V8 consol, automatic power steering, When new .... $3950 power brakes, radio and much mare, 11,000 miles . . . . $3395 40,000 miles 4 yr. warranty * '64 Dodge 440 Sedan Automatic & radio, like new. $2395 * '63 Galaxie 4 Door Automatic & radio, low mileage $1 89 5 * '61 Windsor 2 Door Hard top, power steering, power brakes, radio true luxury. $1795 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Margaret Evaline Quinton, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Evaline Quinton, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 20th day of May 1965, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exe- ter, Ontario, by the 3rd day of July 1965, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for Administrator with Will Annexed, Exeter, Ontario 17:24:lc NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ellen Albertha Ellerington, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Ellen Al- bertha Ellerington, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 3rd day of January 1965, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 3rd day of July 1965, after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to those claims of which no- tice has been received, Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario 17:24:1c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Jacob William Weber, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Jacob William Weber, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 30th day of April 1965, are required to file par- ticulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of July 1965, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors of the Executrix, Joyce Weber, Exeter, Ontario 24:1:8c 22 Notices VILLAGE OF [AKAN NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land in accordance with the Weed Control Act 1960 Sec- dons 3, 6, 13 and amendments thereto that unless Noxious Weeds growing in their lands Within the Village of Lucan are destroyed by the date July 17, 1965 and throughout the season the municipality may enter upon the said land and have the weeds destroyed charging the cost against the land in taxes set out in the Act The co-operation of all citi- zens is earnestly solicited. M. L. GIBSON (Clerk) Village of Lucan lc NOTICE To comply with the "New Canada Labour Act" The Exeter District Co-operative will be CLOSED SATURDAY AFTERNOONS starting July 3. EXETER DISTRICT CO - OPERATIVE 1:8c 23 Legal Notices Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises DUCHESS AVE., LUCAN The undersigned auctioneer is instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, JULY 14 at 1:00 p.m. Watch for complete list of this sale in next week's issue. HUGH BIRTCH, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable 100-Acre Farm, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 23, CON. 9, HAY TWP. 1/2 mile east of Zurich thence 1 mile north, on , THURSDAY, JULY 15 at 1:00 p.m. A complete list of this im- portant sale in next weeks' issue. ALFRED PFAFF, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer By MRS. W. MOTZ Mr. & Mrs. Eli Sims attended the Browning — Kenney nuptials on Saturday. Mrs. Harry Lewis and Eber spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hamilton and Bradley at Grand Bend. Mrs. Harold Gillies of Lon- don visited Wednesday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mrs. BethHatherley returned home after spending a week here. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Heist and Margaret attended the Geiser reunion which Was held at the summer cottage of Mr. Albert Gaiser at St. Joseph's Sunday. 24 Tenders Wanted TRANSPORTATION Sealed tenders marked "Tender for Transportation" for the transportation of ap- proximately 120 children to the Hay Township School Area school located in liensall for the year 1965-66. Tenders to be received by either of the undersigned by Monday, July 5, 1065 at 6:00 p.m. LOwest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information con- tact ROSS TURNBULL RR 1 Dashwood or IAN McALLISTER RR 1 Zurich 24:1c TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF GENERAL PURPOSE ROOM ADDITION TO ST. BONIFACE SCHOOL ZURICH, ONTARIO Drawings and specifications are available at the Archi- tects' office for construction of general purpose room addition to the St. Boniface School, Zurich, Ontario. The deposit set for the ten- der documents is $25.00 Ten- ders will close on July 16th, 1965 at 4:00 p.m., E.D.S.T. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Blackwell, Hagarty & Buist Architects 310 Princess Avenue London, Ontario lc 25 Auction Sales '65 AUSTIN 1100 Sedan, used, low mileage '61 AUSTIN 850 '60 FORD tudor, 6 cyl., new paint, sharp $795 '59 DODGE Sedan, 6 cyl., automatic, radio . $595 '59 AUSTIN A55, sharp 59 METEOR S e d a h, automatic, radio, new paint, dark blue. '59 CHEVROLET two- door, flew paint, radio. '58 PONTIAC S e d a n, automatic, radio, new paint, motor over- hauled. '64 METEOR S e d a n, power rear window, automatic, ra- dio, tinted shield, washers, electric wipers, white walls, chrome discs $2795 4.0 043.0 • 40'd 4;4 ,6_4$ SEVERAL CHEAPER MODELS ,ietgt4 ....-, lir '58 Ford 2 Door Hard top 352 engine, power steering, power brakes, see this one at only $ 7 9 5 * '60 Chev. 4 Door $1 0 5 0 6 Cylinder, radio, Excellent. '58 Chev 4 Door $235 6 Cylinder, good transportation sisters and families, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Miller and Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Stade. Last Wednesday the boys and girls Fellowship picnic was held at the church due to rain. Sing- songs, films and lunch were enjoyed. Mrs. Hugh Boyle, Mrs. Howard Klumpp and Mrs. Ray Guenther were in charge. Friday evening the WSWS of the Evangelical UB church pre- sented a program at the Ontario Hospital, Goderich. This con- sisted of solos, duets, two mu- sical variety numbers, a sing- song, contests and readings. Five youths join church By MRS. L. PRESZCATOR CREDITON Summer communion service was held in the United Church Sunday, June 27. Five members were accepted by profession of faith. These were Barbara Att- field, Sharon Hodge, Margaret Miller, Jim and Joybe Picker- ing. FAMILY FETED F rid ay evening following choir practice the members of the EUB choir held a social evening at the church. The members of the Schlenker fam- ily who have faithfully helped with the choir work were each given a small token of remem- brance. PERSONALS Miss Ella Morlock spent a few days recently with her brother Dr. Carl Morlock of Rochester. Mr. & Mrs. Don Mahoney of Galt visited on the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Sam King. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Finkbeiner attended the 25th wedding an- niversary of Mr. & Mrs. Lang- ford Ridley of Parkhill Sunday. Mrs. Mary Faist returned home after spending a week with Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Faist and family of Waterloo. The EUB Sunday School held their annual picnic on the church lawn last Wednesday evening, By MRS. G. HOOPER 25TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY Relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson plea- santly surprised them Sunday, June 27 the occasion being their 25th wedding anniversary. They received many lovely gifts after which a buffet lunch was served. PERSONALS Mrs. Ben Thacker, Mr. & Mrs. Horton Thacker and child- ran Of Cot:lotion, Alberta, are spending a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin liartwick and Stephanie spent Sunds.y with Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Trewar. tha of liolrhesVille were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lang- ford. Mr. & Mrs. JetneS Bryan and Robin, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bryan of Prospect Hill, MrS. Lottie Jones of St. Marys, Mr. &Mrs, Ross Jones a London Were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. W146 Jones. Shirley Heywood of Exeter and. Mr. Robert L&Ininiep Mr. & Mrs, John Thompson sioent the weekend with Mr. Mrs, Grant Brown and family in Sarnia. Sunday all attended a picnic at Lakeville, Michigan. Mrs. Murray Abbott return'. ed home last week after spend- in a week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Abbott and family in Nia- gara Falls. Mr. & Mrs. D. Germain, July 1, 1965 Page 11 bGoerOoruggeh sally ed tRi several . chard daofySO:irth; Mr. & MrS. V. Drought. George will remain for the holiday months. Mr. Harry home frWaiatis°SolluthhaIls Huron Hospital. itali M Mrs. Fred Bowden visited over the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Barry Reid and Heather in London. By MRS. FRED BOWDEN YOUNG PEOPLE JOIN '11.1E CHURCH A confirmation class was held and twelve teenagers were ac- Ceptod for church membership at the service Sunday morning. The names are: Danny Shoe- bottom, Bruce Hicks, Bill Hux- table, Bruce Breen, Kevin Lam- port, Linda Gloor, Janet Mc- Dowell, Barbara Lamport, Patsy Smith, Grace Smith, Bon- nie Blair and Dianne Breen. A communion service will be held in the churctiSunday morn- ing July 4. Performs last graduation duties PERSONALS Rev. D. M. Guest was in Ar- lcona Tuesday attending the in- duction service for the Rev. John S. Bonham who has retired from the RCAF and becomes minister of the Arkonapastoral charge. Mr. & Mrs. Chester Winger of Strathroy were visitors with Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson Friday. Mr. & Mrs. Armand Bedour and family of Goderich were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. V. Overholt and family. Mr. & Mrs. Truman Mills and daughter of Kingston called on friends in the village last week. Miss Wilda Pollock of Kit- chener was a weekend guest with her sister, Mrs. Lorne Hicks. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. George Dunn were Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Down, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Dunn, Miss Father J. Kelly, who leaves the area soon to accept a pastorate at Clinton, conducted his final graduation mass for members of the grade 10 class at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Separate School, Thursday. The popular priest is shown here presenting diplomas to the four students, From the left are: Patrick McKeever, Lorraine Hall, Carla Revington and Patrick O'Rourke. The grads and their parents attended a banquet following the service., --T-A photo Crediton promotions announced promoted. The teachers at the school include: Ruby I. Molitor, Mrs. A. Morlock, Marion McLean and Margaret R. Baker. 0111111111111010/1100111/1110011011/0001110111100111011/ Promotion results were an- nounced this week by the various teachers at Crediton Public School, showing the grade into which the students have been Finkbeiner, Terry Gr asdahl, Randle Hicks, Bruce Hodge, Virginia Mitten, Brenda Neil, Teresea Ondrejecka, Perry Preszcator, Paul Shapton, Ron- ald Smith, Garry Wein, Mark Wilds, Johnny Stevenson, Cheryl Riley. To Grade 2 —Frances Blyde, Catherine Bowers, Katherine Cooper, Dale Dinney, Ronald Dykeman, Debra Finkbeiner, Darlene Jesney, David Mitten, Robert Pertschy, Calvin pres- sey, Stephen Preszcator, How- ard Schenk, Katherine Scott, W ay n e Shapton, Christopher Thorne, Judy Vincent, Cheryl Wein, Marilyn Schmidt. ERVIN RADER Your Car May Not Be This Old But It May Be Time To Trade Up To A Newer Model THESE CARS ARE PRICED TO SELL ... RECONDITIONED TO LAST By MRS. — Continued from page 9 ther, John Guenther, Joanne Hayter, John Hayter, Grant Hoperoft, Orville James, Bon- nie Mason, James N ells on, Cathy Schroeder, James Snyd- er, Bill Wein, Nellie Zondag. Grade 6 — Nancy Braid, Ed- die Greb, David Keller, Braden Klumpp, Dianne Miller, Norma Neilson, Darlene Rader, Mar- jory Schenk, Keith Snyder, Douglas Tyler, Doris Webb. Grade 5—Dale Andersen, Donny Andersen, Nancy Baker, Roy Becker, Patricia Bender, Michael Fleet, Ricky Hayter, Jack Keller, Randy Keller, Ja- nice Tiernan, Marlene Tyler, Darlene Webb. Grade 4 —Scott Boyle, Ellen Greb, Susan Grigg, Jane Guen- ther, Janice Hayter, D e bbie Keller, Johnny Mason, Judy Ma- son, Sharon Rader, Esther Snyder, Beverley Stire, Gary Tieman. Grade 3 Ronnie Andersen, Peter Becker, Terry Gibson, Betty Guenther, Robert Guen- ther, Brian Kipfer, Debbie Mc- Donald, Steven Schroeder, Sally Webb, Bradley Willert. . Grade 2 Laurie Becker, Marty Becker, Gordon Braid, Jeff Hayter, Tommy Hayter, Paul James, Lori Keller, Vickie Miller, Mary Ann Desjardine, Billy Mason. To Grade 9 Barbara Att- field, Lee Browning, Shirley Elliott, -Linda Haugh, Darryl Henry, Margaret miller, Rus- sel Pfaff, Donald Schenk, Ted Skinner, Beverly Sims, James Thorne, Greta Verkerk. To Grade 8 —Ronald Amer- ongen, George Blyde, John Blyde, Byron Clarke, Robert England, Brian Finkbeiner, Murray Glanville, Murray Hodge, Glenn Hodgins, Janet McDowell, Burton Moon, Ro- bert Parsons, Kevin Pfaff, Julie Schenk, Madeleine Stevenson. To Grade '7— Daniel Calcott, Bonnie Clarke, Lanna Clarke, Susan Davey, Elva Finkbeiner, Kathy Gaiser, Donald Jones, Frank Miller, Allan Parsons, Nancy Scott, Dianne Shapton, Randy Smith, Joe Thorne, Sally Verkerk, Joy Whiteford. To Grade 6 Dixie Ameron- gen, Ross Elliott, Brenda Fann- er, Garry Gibson, Elaine Glan- ville, Wendy Grasdahl, Daniel Haugh, Dianne Hodge, Mar y Hodgins, Dwight Noels, Barbara Pfaff, Kathie Schenk, L ar r y Shapton. To Grade 5— Ricky Bowers, Wendy Clarke, Janice Davey, Darrel Finkbeiner, Larry Gib- son, Kathy Glanville, D'Arcy Henry, Billy Hodge, June Hod- gins, Lynda Pressey, Wayne Preszcator, Nathalie Scott, Sandra Shapton, Rance Steven- son, Vicki Thorne, John Ver- kerk. To Grade 4 — Ralph Bender, Ronnie Bowers, Keith Davey, Gary Dinney, David Glanville, Helen Mitten, Anna Marie Pert- schy, Barbara Preszcator, Marilyn Riley, Susan Schenk, Mary Stevenson, Joe Verkerk. To Grade 3 Brenda Beck- er, Larry Clarke, Richard * '61 Vauxhall Sedan (Helen's car) $ 6 9 5 LSMFT 3 '65 Dodges 2 Hardtops and one Sedan, all with terrific 5 yr. 50,000 mile powertrain Warranty. *7-Year or 12,000 Mile Warranty WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR? WE PAY TOP $ $ 125 160 800 PERSONALS Rudolph Miller has returned home from South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. The curators and helpers of South Huron Women's Institutes spent Saturday morning at Law- son Library, UWO, London, do- ing research on their com- munities. Mrs. Syd Baker and Mrs. Ervin Rader of Dashwood WI were two of them. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Faveri and family of Montreal and Mr. & Mrs. Tom Miller and Danny of Dana, Saskatchewan spent a few days with Sam Mill- er and Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Schenk and family. Mr. & Mrs. Miller and Danny leave July 5 for Germany. While here Mrs. FaVeri and Mrs. Miller attend- ed a shower for Miss Maxine Boyd. Pastor Wm. Gatz, Ken Gent- tner, Ken Rader, Jack Schenk and Janet Miller, members of the Walther League of Zion Lu- theran church, attended the League Convention at Huron College UWO London, over the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Wellington Mac- Rae of LiVonia, Mich. visited their cousin, Chester Gaiser, Sunday. He had not seen them for over thirty years. Mr. & Mrs. Merner Either of Northville, Mich., were weekend guests with IVIlas Pearl Kraft prior to visiting their aunt, Miss Margaret Rotthedge, 70 a retired missionary from the Pldlipines at Hyde Park, who is 101 years of age. While in Dashwood Mr. Eilber also visit- ed an hunt, Mrs. George Mern- er. Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Rader and family spent Stinday at London with Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Gamble and family. Herb Bresenthal of WI nd- thorst, Sask., Visited with his CARS '64 FORD Custom 500, V-8, stick, 2-door, radio $2,150 '63 FORD Custom sedan, V-8, stick, radio $1,975 '62 MERCURY 4-door Ranchwagon, loaded, a nice maroon 1,850 '62 FAIRLANE Sedan, 6-cyl. stick,qow mileage 1,300 '61 FORD Galaxie Sedan, V-8, auto, a real black beauty 1,300 '60 FORD Sedan, V-8, auto, you're shooting me down at 900 '60 VAUXHALL Wagon, 4-door, a mere. 500 TRUCKS '63 INTERNATIONAL Scout, low mileage, 4-wheel drive INFANTS BAPTIZED During the worship service at the HUB church Sunday two babies were baptized. Kimber- ley Clarice Kipfer, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. El- gin Kipfer and AllenJohnHend- rick, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hendrick. DOBBS MOTORS,. 235.1640 235.1250 216 Main South, Exeter 235-1486 0411041101/4111604101/0041110041111001114111111111111111041040 - . ' • , . . . $1,500 '59 FORD F-850 tractor, full air, air and vacuum , to ... . . . 1,250 trailer '58 MERCURY M-700 dump, okay . . , . . . 1,150 '60 CHEV pickup, gladder: your heart at 675 '61 AUSTIN Van, every man should have One 385 TRACTORS '59 CASE 300, 3-point hitch, live PTO . 0 $1,400 '52 JOHN DEERE "A", gladden someone's heart for . . 7$0 '51 COCKSHUTT "30", live PTO, new tires on baek. Ideal for those combining jobs . Al 7-,foot Allis ChalinerS rear mower . • • • • A Henderson loader and 'Charlene ptimp for Allis- ChaliterS tractor • SOU viner beat harveSter Larry Snider Motors Ltd. ford, 'Fdiriarie, Falcon and Ford Treeks 586 Main South"' Exeter ' ' 4 Inkiiiimoviriseamolopuriiwiminomieleierel44.,