HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-07-01, Page 4Hensall pair mark birthdays Miss Annie Consitt, seated right, marked her 95th birthday Tuesday and the lady beside her, Mrs. Cornelius Cook, was 88 on Thursday. The pair were honored at a birthday celebration by friends and neighbors. Miss Consitt is a former school teacher, having taught 15 years in Hensall and a similar number at SS 7 Stanley. She drove a car until she was 85. Those who gathered to celebrate with the pair are, from the left: Mrs. S. W. Rae, Stratford; Mrs. Robert Patterson, Mrs. Earl Sproat, Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie, Mrs. George Thompson and Mrs. Lorne Luker, all of Hensall. --T-A photo Gilbert picnic held at Sarnia 7,4 744444 Due to recent changes to the egg grading busi- ness I find it impossible to carry on the busi- ness of Henderson Produce, Hens all. I wish to Inform all customers that the business will be closed effective Saturday July 3rd 1965. My grateful thanks and appreciation to everyone for their splendid patronage and support through the years. John E. Henderson HENSALL eeManegenieneereeM 20 oz. tins 5(4 BUY ONE GET ONE FREE 40019..0!111991111.1,101.909.1.0,11,01.40,114.,,1..1 11111111111111111/111111111111111111111111111111111111191.1911111111111 Hensall personals 99191191111ll11l11119II11I11111111IIIIIIIIII1111111191III1.1111l111111111111111111111111111111111UIl1111111111111111111111111n111,11 ing for the summer months at their cottage near Turnbull's Grove, Miss Pauline Bell will spend the month of July in St. Thomas attending the Figure Sketing School. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie of Toronto spent a few days last week visiting relatives in and around Hensall. The annual picnic of Hensall Legion and Ladies Atutiliary Will be held Sunday, July 4 at Riverview Park, Exeter, 2:30 pm. and Mrs. John Alennder, atten- ded the Alexander-Levis wed- ding Saturday June 26, in On- tario St. United Church, Clin- ton. Mrs. Perce Phillips, Toron- to, is a guest with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bon- thron and family are vacation- Page 4 July 1, 1965 Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 262.2002 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 elsmeue .-nā€¢ Church ladies told of life in Trinidad Miss Ann Mickle attended the United Nations Seminar last week at the University of West- ern Ontario. She was chosen as one of the two delegates repre- senting South Huron. District High School. Miss Debbie Gooding of Park- hill, grartdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Munn, successfully passed her Grade Two Theory with Honors in London. Robert Mickle has passed his second year in Honors Phy- sics with first class honors receiving an "A" average and was on the Dean's Honor Roll. Mrs. Pearl Lee, who has been a patient in South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter, returned home this week. Mr. Tom Fisher of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Raney Laporte. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sturgis, London, formerly of Exeter, visited last Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. LairdMickle and family. Miss Marcia Little has ac- cepted a position as Nurses Aid Trainee in the hospital for Re- tarded children at Blenheim, and commenced her duties Mon- day, June 28. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blackwell, Lansing, Mich. visited over the weekend with the former's bro- thers Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Blackwell, and Mr. and Mrs. David Blackwell, and attended the Parr Line School reunion, where Mr. Blackwell attended public school. Michael Charrette, five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Charrette, returned home fol- lowing surgery at South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Passmore and son of London visited re- cently with the former's mother Mrs. Pearl Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McClin- chey quietly celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Tues- day, June 29. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander, Mr. The Gilbert reunion was held Sunday, June 27 at Canatara Park, Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr of Hensall were in charge of the sports. Winners were: Children's balloon race for all children; girls race, Sheryl Gil- bert, Dianne England, Chris- tine Fuller; boys race, Darrel Fuller, Mark McEachen, Mike McEachen; clothes pin relay; Joyce Bisson's team; golf ball relay, Irene McEachen's team; Couple with the largest fam- ily in attendance, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McEachen; lady with the most pennies in her purse, Mrs. El Dove; man with the thinnest legs, El Dove, Larry Gilbert; youngest child present, Wendy Sue Dove, 10 months. HENSALL MOTORS L.T. Hwy 4 South 262-2604 METEOR, COMET, MERCURY CARS 1965 METEOR MONTCALM 2 door hard- top, V8, automatic 1965 METEOR MONTCALM 4 door se- dan, just beautiful 1964 FORD Tudor, 6 cyl., standard 1964 FORD 4 door Custom, 6 cyl., stand- ard 1964 MERCURY MONTCLAIR, one owner, loaded. 1963 MERCURY 2-door 1963 PONTIAC 4 door Parisienne, power steering, power brakes, sharp. 1962 CHRYSLER 2-door hardtop, V8, au- tomatic, power steering, power brakes. 1962 STUDEBAKER 4 door, 6 cyl., auto- matic, white walls, wheel discs, radio. 1961 MONARCH 4 door sedan, all power equipped. 1960 PONTIAC Convertible, 2-door, 6 cyl., automatic, radio. 1959 RENAULT 4 door sedan, just what mother needs. 1959 PONTIAC TRUCKS 1957 FORD 1 Ton with racks. 1949 INTERNATIONAL 1 Ton BODYMAN'S SPECIAL 1960 METEOR 4-door wagon 1959 PLYMOUTH 1958 PONTIAC 1957 DODGE (2) 1958 TRIUMPH HERALD sedan. 1957 PLYMOUTH (2) 1957 METEOR ' Drop in this weekend Over 200 at last fete Peotdoodes Miss Florence Clark, mis- sionary on furlough from Trini- dad where she teaches home economics was the guest spea- ker at the general meeting of Hensel' UCW Monday evening. Miss Clark is formerly of Cen- tralia where her father, Rev Claxk, was stationed. Miss Clark described Trini- dad as a country smaller than Prince Edward Island with 43% of its people under 15 years of age ā€” a country where people never really hurry and a country very much in the limelight in UCW studies this year. With Miss Clark was a char- ming young lady, a native of Trinidad who is spending three weeks at a camp at Gravenhurst. She will be an ordained worker when she goes back home. Slides were shown of the beautiful and wonderful coun- try, its industrie s, homes, crowded schools, means &tra- vel and beautifle. scenery. The speaker was introduced by a former classmate Mrs. Ian Mc- Allister. Mrs. James McAllister, lea- der of unit 4, presided for the program. Mrs. Fred Beer as- sisted her with the devotional. Mrs. E. Rowe gave a short talk on personal witnessing for Jesus Christ. Pupils of Miss Greta Lammie presented musical numbers in- cluding a piano trio by Gail, guessing the macaroni in the jar, Mr. Hendrick. Races and sports were conducted by Mrs. Robert Westlake for the child- ren. Supper was served en the lawn and a social hour much enjoyed. Sherry and Tommy Travers and a duet by Sherry and Tommy Travers; piano solo by Joan Goddard, violin solo by Jane Waters, piano solos by Jim Traquair and Ann Mickle and a song by Carmen Currie, Ka- thie Cook and Kay Davis. Mrs. W.B. Cross gave courtesy re- marks. Mrs. H. F. Currie took charge of the business and the sum of $500 was donated to the Build- ing Fund to be used at its dis- cretion. Delegates to the Leaders Training School at Alma Col- lege in August will be Mrs. Robert Reaburn, and Mrs. James Taylor. Mrs. E. Davis has offered to be leader for Explorers and will attend a Leaders School at Alma Col- lege in August. Workmen are busy laying a terrazzo Boor in the new Chris- tian Education building. There will be a dedication service September 19 at 3 p.m. The social functions committee will plan and give assistance with this. Mrs. Stanley Mitchell re- ported on the bales being packed and sent to Hezeiton B.C., Sal- vation Army and Toronto for overseas relief. Mr. and Mrs. N. E'. Cook have returned from a visit with their daughter and son-in-la w Dr's Mervyn and Norma Hop- kinson and family, at Lion's Head. WIN SCHOLARSHIPS At a presentation at Hensall Public School Tuesday morning two $25 Scholarships were pre- sented to Linda Keys and Ken- neth Jones, top students with the highest standing in Grade 8 of Hensall Public School. A project of Hensall Kinette Club presentations were made by President Mrs. John Baker and incoming president, Mrs. Wm. Fuss. Over two hundred formerpu- pils, teachers and friends en- joyed the school reunion held at the Parr Line school. Numerous letters of greetings and replies from invitations were read by the teacher Mrs. Robert West- lake. The prize for those attending from the longest distance went to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blackwell, Lansing, Mich. , youngest in attendance, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Blackwell; Mrs. Grace Henderson, Sioux City, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, Goderich; Mrs. Milne Rennie, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. James Bengough, Bill and Joe, all of Hensell were guests with Miss Cassie Dougall and Mr. James Mus- tard Tuesday evening. Paul Bedard, London, is spending this week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. List public school promotions TO GRADE 7 Iris Alexander, All an His- back, Bill Cameron, Garry Clement, Ron Clement, Ken Ferguson, Georgina Garniss, Bill Hastings, Bill Hoy, Anne Keys, Doug Mock, Ricky Par- ker, Joey Reaburn, Minnie Rooseboom, Linda S ang st er , John Taylor, Wendy Webster, Beverly Whiteman. TO GRADE 8 Margie Allan, Susan Elliott, Dorothy Kipfer, Linda Koehler, Sandra Maxwell, Sharon Smale, Peggy Vanstone. Mr. Eric Mansfield, teacher Parker, Debbie Smith, Robert Solder:, Gail Travers. ior, Tom Travers, Murray Wal- ker, Len Smale. TO GRADE 9 Janice Bonthron, Betty Cam- eron, Beth Cook, Carolyn Cook, Bill Cornell, Michael Davis, Muriel Ferguson, Linda Fuss, Michael Hoy, Ken Jones, John Joynt, Sharon Lavery, Linda Keys, Linda Jane Kipfer, Gwen McLean, Cheryl Mousseau, Patricia Parke, Allan Reid, Margaret Rooseboom, Robbie Taylor, Jerry Tudor. Robert G. Reaburn, teacher TO GRADE 4 Ross Alexander, Joan Allan, Kevin Bisback, Kevin Buchanan, Dianne Chuter, Kathy Cook, Bil- ly Consitt, Lorrie Downey, Billy Forrest, Joan Forrest, Garry Gass, Joan Godea ed, Jane Heal, Pat Joynt, Paul Lawrence, Paul Reaburn, Billy Joe Row- cliffe, Danny Smith, Mary Lou Scott, Danny Turvey, Patricia VanWieren, Billy Webster. Mss. Mabel Shirray, teacher TO GRADE 1 Paul Alexander, Bradley Ba- ker, Tammy Baker, Douglas Bell, Kimberly Chuter, Brenda Clement, Barbara Cooper, Dwi- ght Consitt, Gregory Corneil, Terri Dick, Bobby Do u ga.11, Christina Elliott, Paul Gar- niss, Beth Keys, Betty Lynn Koehler, Debbie Kyle, Paul Mc- C linchey, Garry Moir, John Munn, Kathy Neilands, Cathy, Parker, Brenda Pepper, Jan- et Pryde, Deana. Reaburn, Ste- ver. Reid, Breeley Sangster, Kathy Sangster, Kathy Soidan, Stephen Thiel, Cl ronc T oorn- stra, Stephen Venner, Delbert Wonnacott. Mrs. Helen Scene, teacher Hensall firm closes doors Henderson's Produce, which has been in operation in Hens; le for the past twentyseven years, owing to the changes to the egg grading business will :`lose e f f active Saturday Leny The business was first car- ried on by the late neer, -ea Hen- derson, his son, Jenne E. eoinn into the be e.feess with nisfeeher 13 years ago. Oneroeret the years they have given selentie se:et:lee to their runny customers. John has accepted a pcsitier. with the United Dairy .and Pee:- try Co-operative of seatorth TO GRADE 5 Karen Broderick, Sherry Chuter, Kay Davis, Jill Drys- dele, Ricky Elliott, Shelley Kip- fer, Douglas Kyle, Keith Koeh- ler, Brenda Lavender, Terry Mattson, Pam Mickle, Jeff Rea- burn, Martha Rooseboom, John Rowcliffe, Bonnie Sangster, Scott Smith, Christine Van- stone, Melanie Veal, Ron Wil- son. M-M-M WHAT A PICNIC! TO GRADE 8 Debbie Anderson, Bev Clark, Larry Consitt, Donna Forrest, Nancy Forrest, Linda Hay, Mary Mock, Linda Reid, Albert Rooseboom, Keith Roszel, Pamela S angster, Marjorie Schwalm, Jane Smith, Pam Tay- TC GRADE 2 Nernea,-, en.-an, Bradley Bu- cneeee, Jamie Caldwell, Greg C ampbell, V le* ie Clarke 3obby Clement, Wendy Dixon, Doeg- las Downey, ceglas Eckel, Stephen Keigh t, Kathy Kyle,. Perry Mattson, Christine Mc- Gregor, Tlearny Moor, Shirley Rooseboom, Joanne Rewclifie, Dougie Smith, Beth Teervey, Su- san Vanstoae, Robert Van Wier- en, Kevin Wareing, LaDorma 1,Vonnacott. ii_iulkeeyn 11 oz.Get One FREE 69 TV DINNERS Swanson's Frozen Buy 3 at Regular Price EAC H Friends shower bride with gifts Mrs. Lorne Chapman was hostess at her home Tuesday evening when neighbors of Miss Karen Tinney, bride-elect of July, gathered to honor her and present a miscellaneous shower of gifts. The home was decorated for the occasion and the guest of honor was seated in a suitably decorated chair. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Jack Cor- bett in the decor. Contests and games were di- rected by Mrs. Ken Pollock and Mrs. Ed Corbett. The ad- dress was read by Mrs. Pol- lock. Lunch was served. No. 1 Imported TO GRADE 6 Pauline Allan, Shelley Bon- thron, Catherine Christie, Bev Cornell, Carmen Currie, Cathy Fuss, Keith H arbur n, Julie Heal, David Jackson, Tim Mock, Donald Noakes, John Noakes, Albert Pepper, Mike Sangster, Sheila Sangster, Dorothy Skea, Peggy Stretton. Mrs. Mary Haugh, teacher WATERMELONS Products Of General Motors Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware DIAL 262.2015 HENSALL Sweet Pic led Pure COTTAGE ROLLS ..554 PORK SAUSAGE 2..89y TO GRADE 3 Linda Beer, Michael Craven, Anne Knight, Tony Kyle, Judith Mickle, Cindy Robinson, Debbie Robinson, Patti Roweliffe, Nan- cy Stretton, Michael Veal. Mrs. Beryl Elgie, teacher Size EACH 59C Large TO GRADE 6 Ann Bell, Wilma Dalrymple, Davey Kipfer, June Maxwell, Bob Maxwell, Patsy Parker, Jackie Simmons, Shirley Smale, Elsie Toornstra, Nancy Traqu- air, Sherry Travers, Joe Van- stone. Schneider's Assorted HAMBURG 2..79c COLD CUTS ,1k;I: 2/45C =PRIME RIB ROASTS L B. 5 9 ''4/tsgnamIterm TO GRADE 3 Joan Alexander, Billy Clem- ent, Garry Garniss, Brenda Gass, Karen Kyle, Bradley Lav- ender, Robbie Noakes, Cindy Lee Brand Crushed or Tid-Bit Clark's Beans with Pork 'LT 6/$1 Pineapple tt\ 50-Tablet Size ZBT Instantine 2/$1.29 Baby Powder MOTHER PARKER'S IN S TANT COFFEE Gold Sea 2 lbs. $1,49 CHOCOLATE Stokely TWINK INSTANT ee 5 aro., ller,sorlf KERNEL CORN 14 oz. tins 6/ sl PEAS 15 oz. tins 6/S1 HENSALL 010 Grade eight class from Hensall Public School Pictured here are the tneMbers of the grade eight class from Hensall Public School, almost all of Whom received graduation certifiditeS this week. Back row, left to right: Robbie Taylor, Mike Hoy, Principal Robert Raeburn and Allan Reid* Middle: Mike Davis, John Joynt, Jerry Tudor, Linda Kipfer, Patricia STORE HOURS ā€” Closed all day every Monday; open all day Wednesday) open Friday evenings un- til 9 p.m.; open Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Parke, Margaret Rooseboom, Sharon Lavery, Linda Ftiss, John Moir, Ken Jones who was top male student, Bill Cornell. Front: Beth Cook, Carolyn Cook, Muriel Ferguson, Gwen McLean, Janice Bonthron, Betty Cameron, Linda Keys top girl student and Cheryl Mousses.% --T-A photo