HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-03-05, Page 2frnpt1t1• do O. gnMeday Ilei tae Male 1•%u•• Yr. Sews+ Usben es, w•em +beg dile! • pMskb.k floe ems le the es de Ii dam •nileeteIy Melnik Oiled es the heel, ring a iMemly ><IMTO�t,1T )<UYIIfQ. P a !i.•,rio:tt.;. • BLitt*: etIlat a mad 1!!m ..,r. WM embus �L et Mia Mord Hi m aisJ iMeek The gel the Prim' t�= beseedis4eoeW*, r Mea lis dam of Der Melt. Mee Royal $'tgher a the W1ltbpmpes pymdentsOatodee A His Royal iff nand ibirmosso to gob ea Of ,roar, ttreedemaim a. w aim •o desirable as ad to .test apo _o.04., and d webs du 4' .f este s Medea Bottaide 1lepmy w the see part out Ili. *Oily the Mg .f Newt oe the other. hung tats.ed se their pl.sipoteederies, that is to u1S ) Magog the *Ms 4; s Ueised Einer - 'gal . egestdus .. pp,ps/i.r+'-pN Bim Maj:- .1j the 1Grts df ' • Aad bis Orr- lbs d D'nmmk' h bis y iPd'y oey .Co..ell►mr t , Posihret of Amedi nal for Poetise Albin, tOuis.ad Cream et the Order of D•a.sbrog,:de- corated with the Cripas of the Haseebrog, Grad Cross 011ie Boy Swedish Order c! the Stere! If the Royal Norweg- ian Osier Oft.Old of the Noy! phi" Order of Comet•ari.•, of the Royal. SpaalM Order of Chane Di., of the Pommes Order of the Son mad L ion,ef the Royal H•eoveria• Gelph'e Order, of the Royal Italia. Order of St. Mauritius mad tit. Lawns, sad of the Tee- Moo u►Moo Ord*: of the Niehma Mildew ; mom 11.01*. a 11.05r. re. 11.45 " • 1.10 '• STR 6.21 " HAptlrU►tHEY6.26 CLINTON 6.48 QODEEICB 1.30 " 2.45 " 5.00" 5.45 4.0 " saran signal. CODERICII, C. W. MARCH 3, 18i• "meet Ips b•tegrit7 ef me, have, bawl d•ir lives is bind pri.eiple 1 No, we that political moidoestry is am is Cwada, sad if large eeepaate.M ',flew themselves to be n.pweibility lies at their do sot Wien is the pnotie at Wast down by pledges, hat we that the Canadian people ga""'U Meta demand of their apo..=ttv'au a ekuwerMar for co.aiMe.el oad elatedness. WSW this object always kept in view the psis, we would les• tithe the res esey of our public men, .ad we should ham more home *blades than we bavajM for some years hack. Mir Tits Braes Vi.di.-, 1, thep ensues of • short bat see iesiYie arttele oil the " Irish Questiw"41 we isay term the subject d the telt di.eessim which has taken plass.-dung1em with the Sigea1 and other papers which moo- Min • journal Mem it is devoted te one Nationality. if the editor of the Vindicator will read our articles on tem subject o•refally, he will find that his views and those expressed in the Sigred are virteally the same. We objected more b the manner in which the Irish Cutwdian endeavored to inculcate its peculiar views than anything she, and this is precisely the objection tame by our Southampton 000tempora4• of the Vindicator is •!'maim. and we must say that we thoroughly convinced time ever thatb. took the right view of the subject seller reading the following' which i• the .en - elusion of his artiole : " That there is distress in Ireland, we fear eanaot be denied, but so there is in Sngl•nd, in Scotland, and in France ; we doubt whether the Iri•h poverty d the least, is proporgou totheuot a Met of the four. Irish landlords aro not s of hard hearted tyrants, terminate the people because the do not w pay auhorbitt rents when they have not got the means. We venture to say that u a body the proprietors of Ireland are kinder and mon indulgent to their tenantry than those either of England or Scotland, and the land is certainly let at a lower figure, .t all eveota than i. England. We do not hear in Ireland of whole districts depopulated to make room for black ooek and deer, as in Soutberniandahire, nor do the papers teem wit mounts of m rrder- om affrays between starving pp.e s and the game-keepare of nobleman, as in Eng- land. If hungry &gitaten, end a trm enable prem, would oily allow them, the Irish people would moon discover that be - manse a man is born the owner of sn e, be is not necessarily a tyrant and Object of agrarian veng•$D0e. i the Oeart he, tea. ►MottStith, isq., es - spot 1 brisk the ob- itl►Ik said was ea - ad etas is?. 0..1. 8IIimple, of ussiderpiie �& wMary's, wif.aisma, oat wass- ail i .f then..- B.wee1 d sae! at - POLII'PICAL COI SIBTENCY. Honesty of'•moose and a eonsistent ad- hseiom to avowed principles are the most desirable qualities which can eater into the mental composition of • public man. Without theta a statesmen may di•play ability, and even talent of a high order, but no amount of intoning ingenuity tea compensate for the deloieney. 1t has al- ways been remarked that oommon-place men can maintain, their political integrity mtieh easier than those of a higher grade, which gives rise to the idea that mediocri- t7 in the representative is the only soave of safety to the constituency, or, taking a more general view of it, to the country at large. Thu is a popular delusion, for tbeae " mad-aU" representatives =sot claim • eooeistent ado esion to principles they never held. They have never thought with sufficient intensity upon any sea'"` to form opinions upon which they either stand or fall ; and worse etitl, th too frequently contrive to give every ion portant question the go-by in such • way dot they can save their consistency by fal- ling beak afterward upas either of its sides. Entirely different u the case of Wbo, after lave! oamm..iested to mei ether foued in gotoi and dm form, re la poem.. gree° .puu sod .occluded the followug articles:- . d. -It is comiad'l and agreet that the sia•iage between His Boyd Higbner Albert Edward, Prices of Writes, Doke of Sexwy, Prim of nese-Cobouri and Gotha, F. , .Wens sae of Her Mammy the Queer of d Qc• inseam of Gnat Britain and 1.e0a��,r •d he of bis Royal Ras the Prince Qg,ort, Primo. Albert •t Sate -Coburg and Gott aa! her Royal Higbree the Primer Atezidm Carol, )4na Charlotte Louisa Jul"t��dj his N.cOk7, ie wl- ttim� port of the Caned tehe�Py�alsit�y p.rsm �� giagdosl,�b(}weleErt�i musts Itef.sd Great B_d�tnrt�sa�to��o�oerd�dgg do diode. Woe of 111 laws of fy' �7mme seethes the maw may ocus that 11111oy1 Albert Edward ring of Rahe, pDjuuke of Limey, Prince of Saw Cobo.rg •cd 0oth•,' e. s .1I eeeure to ler Royal Hiiher ii ¢goner Alessed's He never dodges Camas* York Che1ot. Loggias* Julie, out talented mita. ►Ml t i t itis Key/41111J bend the politic.! fence when an important of any noseee, it Im a before him. He advances .kart meas of boldlygetosso bythe born. boldly and takes the subject He forms his opinions, holds to them, gets "upon bb pegs " and utters them, and then the .sepepaper reporter, that son of " light and (lampbbek) thunder," gives his ex prmmioss rod -hot to the world. Well for kiwi if be is a little eaatiotu-if he has •.rd.fy revised his thoughts and survey- ed hip position ; but ill for him if he is car - tied away by the seductive excitement of tory to say more than be iotesded.- N . , eve intelligent man knows the na- thi. dispel ity in the menta states is men, and, we ask, which of God it the most difficult to keep end untainted ? It will it is the man of mark, who, pleasing consciousness tie watched, and 4imtaae' whilst his , onghi bemire leeigh •o By do not asset tl,4 - his tiaism•t kir the views he 000eilid. stance* underwhi•l, wing adopt views floes they at thdy gave elijmpl agent ata ire •ooPee1 eat a volved,Tit is he aim d ew of trust or raise notbeca . Peblio ens f:cii.a4jt mer by lWurmm.R t £11,MOt w be Si Ulf txhuese, R. bee ribwtp►I risco�ed; mimes ser. -1I 1101o >�y list her be .o.bled te warm boo tls&Memm AlezandraOar olive Mari. Cbaelate Ludes Isla, in ems herH shoed e the Mete* tseat3s►yd6� Me widow of his Royal High- * tis 1 of Wales, the arrad sea or d SWAMP siding maty d firm � mm is Ilse ra of dower) the oud m beim! mmquarterly pay is to bow sent !„$ [hams nc de her amigos. te her R� dmee, eri.1 moo Aar. L -The „sag mar, skAR be moi - dad. rifejsepMomQnss ode United ogdrmas Writers tad Iroise d,and ty his este sirs Meg et D sisook, sod the a soon Y pose -bis.. 1. Mums **Met M 1Up•etim tesdarie ban sl the awe, and ban - id lied tMewss4its ed oftheir arses. Dow at the IStle day o(- Jan - maw he the year df U.r Lord, 1Mbl A. B. Paan., C. C. Rau.. Great pRe hese wen making for the et mrwe aid marl; elf the tower r tthrro.sh.ut poglest The Maybe Als.rd,a is •apeed to arrive be Gta.esend on the TO et( 11.1., .r may 11. sen• from the follow* of6oigl some from gall Grey to the Lord Mayor of Loa - doe :- PM. 7. lase, -Ihave* beset Its blares your k .i0Yp thee M le WNW tied the, Names Alesandm d Denwr1 aWl mere le lag - Lomita tas rot of Meeh Her Ramat High- est* will lead at Or.wend• teles she will Im met by tri. Priam d Wales- Her orikeir meal Prism Pae. of Liteearn° will weanfins Oravaead 17 the edw.y eti Bricklayers' Aiwa swine of the So sibmie waad dome their royal *Mose wit pees Rsilw.y, atom Leedom Writes •ad on0 the city, on Mesterethetr way a* swim of dr Oast %Sway at C.s.htlpmdtmgtou, em tisk vs sOau Wee the hosier te b, my 184 peer �i sp • abedieat awveet, ✓ 0.0.er. To tea vigkbUMW* die lord • N. Ofr 0411. 00411111 (01 hematitrodmord be ho abet thee the Wei • nMvoity • of is PrP. ) .poke i eppo- 1 a mid ked 1e by s Rea - it, Do Coate my favor off political o.d- mey and ear. satprieed taut the Gurernteut had sot mentioned tie leading prioayie of de it policy is their pb:;rom.e. The Hon. Attorrer General Eat, Yr. Si- mms, • lucid aid satisfactory ultimo ad. Mm hod by use Oovenret on the Doubt Y principle. At their pois4 U Hos Yr- Howird, tbe !dais'," d Yiaaw soured the More, mrd toah lir eat .e. g1w.appl•aes. 7h hos pat,,,„ to ban •......d Gast kir merit t torn. , A vote 11:0161 rivIn ••fled fres Yr. Dn. Gome'I mesad *20441444, tbakole Hors vend •. Nay," with te. A E:14 rn Iu j e: the acuoe .1r VOrefnmr.{ eoloeul 9•t7d. and h. m' in coon.ctid,tk tat icin tb.n before rand e.u1d he • more ace° r'ftey � .111,5 cy..atieYb of the afterwbbditi1ef eoofere' penal sial Govern we rte referred tion, ere male relative 0p of •�t tow Paoik, Worth ice. 1a ewer from meat Colut tare of our Isis skirts be fogad ..meeoeer, that heti• p WALme' MAamtAo appointed for of Wake is Pon mem he stated Sinking Feed unties ; end in r. D. A. Me �e of in.t.rest wa 1)"1":11r oa*WHon- Yr. Do varioos q •red. J.8. Me Ind bee. with theI !raid, bet be byotere the bete that ao .ore.. General statim to the1. ,. w Bes..d r stated wile bee• ton wda, alta. I.. vuutd be W. a gyro:: the invest 10 t.kw i 4 u4 pair mid � what that the bad faithful' al Radioed tit was obs z:,tes at the Fund .old the Adding .knee to per mow to the A • formed, and resdoeconneeted ncompler siaatl•t111. whole should wait �sss�.��sms to the assns, at three today, was to. and the •djo.rs.d at a q t Eleven. WAZ. cons ionalwry lemtwM ot mai • liVe- does the !..oder bad osys, ".pier! little " The Irmtator • I..xk Last fill, Bishop le semi • oda t fly into • '.stns jay itis a the mads her t st.0 1f mi.,.e. ..d 1etglt.d u se seek, of .grapy miaaw le writ' it appeals, • solemn cim of only metra the He dresses the ear flakee is the mod mg* w *Se fireweed lar a d.e,.s$ of • greed Qg e (eek tame any tenter *Ds lo �.. .. r en Ms& • key L.wtla 00•011101 CA it te leak he ib sect cad d psi. in Ceasda, "IN !eller 1p 1 aa� ' •srp010. elan 4" deer 4,44e0+e0 I 'TYb, ,Ire didt, tiMir parks ire y 1111 whet Memo •ser. is t n� n4rtipliis • WOO Icer sero oak ma,, 00001104 41011 tea/ MISims/ May l't /alb • Prt tir Wed heave 08/18'• h. •ih�1l• ke oo pted PP... f destroy* the was Inc cod repelled by .as dales across the Ilgpb• they eepiewhig 6fq, sod we thirty hedeiag two of6an. New York, Feb 1i0. Jgwwfd ems parr wove lib in ywt.,Ji Am Ge.. Hamar wea to be relieved fest the semmasi d department d the Soak. Ds 1e'• ora spoken of ie eonactim wile the ..seems... It was ergo rid metaiep•eiem are pabreig cheese adman Gen. YeGlel- ea, with • view to • cert ..roil. The Mould hes the /ello,iad : _ FalmwO. Vs, Feb. 26th. -11 •kirmir took pisee y+ witsy merrier bedw•sa a porting of Isar'. rebid cavalry, sad • det.c►.ent of the lith U. 8. regular m.slry, ss !ed.'s era, a pie Most hos riles Irem thio nllate a.d w the toad a Menne!!'. Pim* The rireeO•mm w estwdieg the alai ere sot yes ally er poised, het .wo.gh. k.swn, w este►ibb t10 opinien tk.f it .a the de we, Stew to melte his way to the Oreek, and domey the erpensids briig. ever .hien tapplia .f the awry me O,m.ef.d is mew part. Is Ma le w a** y b11e/, ad W votress as the MK Me toren Irommmmrhetsmdjure bs. • doe k. caw v49re., fere!, B.C., Feb 1:s -M' low mien"( dies dm 1stiset. fen the y� •Irr m onkel two mon e•ly N sew 4. AS R -)tial, ad lfetff sd The Nov Gttilbes Meepme. the 40 ei.t .MMwa 1nf the epted remiss• losee tom sit' ammo sego MegesdrisamMl lisses st be •mmmussy; of the a aewt • marten pe! mese .M'pa, end de MNK db.. weer t#amml Oma, ik the lest oreming. The sidewalk. lb perms telbe mob Me pike Mt .et bees areas est like dimity. Aad Ark w unset mads alis - & mid that Me ica Is 40 std whieltwaas •' i+.�i_:_ leeway the mid of every b 1het frNrktd•f, ' adetww o•r,a.d they bebrkri•g perttooslly, heepedth,os'woggle. Be me see tis m ettim.telas as individual, d y been.e a sad Witteilient of sash otinv; fur 1e w Isenbergseek • eoa.s would read to ietbeteme•eip tios of the slava. Foe this rows t -1f they sow the ooatimet seed they would see spilt -. the mem d chip which existed b.f. braahi g amt of the war. i'en there w the earns est sbomiasN, proclamation of Pres - Met Uses* ie obeli be seid Yon are Debi% year Mhos shall be eesacip rod, and yegates t1M amnia united shell beep year H.101 het if th.7 followed die room of the heti% whisk bad taken pace. they= almost bon that they saw the God of lghtisg for -the South. At all sweets, the �mrage, vigor ad patnstism with which the Mack W fought won esru1ly • etroag peril the unloose of a beti.g oil the pert Otho South that they were lighting is a good Mad tree case. He could wish verymach tit then toss a patriot in the Northern Sentes o America who maid address Preei- dsat limeols, sod pane epos him the lolly of psetevermg to the war which be bad com- mened. Be bed bees reeding. jest previous 11 b .erring to the meeting a speech d Laud Cholas, wbicb be mods is the Hem of Lords. asd whir► suit cow le 1861, he Segall meet aptly Nbaa.d ia the moot' of some IL 11 •naand in 1777i its .f0p.a�ec� t, and m .r 044r.. of senratalatioa was brought •p is the How elands, sed intended to he presented to His Myesty neon the progress of the war, and to stew Now reedy the people of England were torts=4 up 1 and DoDaemo the n Lord •ithosgb and. .oat lows to the Rome Reand said:-'• Let as open our eyes .to dbe tweeter which tbrestees es. That people whom .e Mealy sparred a rebel, is slow our avowed seamy. Ws tale not to wage war against bodies sad against brigsbet eg.i et eadeoated ad amen peuri tri. You mama mak. tem respect you. You call them rebels. What are they rebels for 7 Your -rads your taxa increase, tour mosses' iaish; gold u this moment rat a eiy Aad whey 1 Bees. yo. wW to bb's this war-" They would, by reeog.ition, pet se .ad to mom ass wicked need most abominable tral1e, which, lie believed in. his heart, die eo.seih (41.11 ittaaried for the degradation of • vary large portion of the he... rat. $!whisk Astatle 1 Si a fatal Lady / at Mies - 1 Cornepnnd.e .f the Times wide( from Nie ore the 16th i.st., gives the following meene$t of • fatal •eeids.t by horsing, which happened to • ung Snitch lady aeg yo dent t ere,amd .lisle has throw. • pe•tglosm over both the Fattish mid foreign society .f the tows :- "O. Wednesday • grand ball me gime by ens Enlist Indy t. the King of %rib, and semens the gasses were C•ptaia, Mrs) ••1 Mien Mary Job.et•ta O.rdae, the letter • lovely Kiri .f sieeteea. Captsis Gordo., to - hag i•g a• invalid, l.R early, and ori leaving us epos" its biscan•s but witio.t injury. Mrs. oat Kiss Gordo. leR about half peat tem, sad the sight beteg wet sad cold, Mie Oadoe west se the Ifs which bed been kept rep kr chair anter.. She took of her he•wiew d pat them on the fireplace .h. thee trra.d mead, neo the bottom of bee dress •might gr. -the 01p01. b.iq • hew Fieaeh sew. 8b .11.d so ler mother% reem,whisk wee some &sem.(, sad l. • mice both mete is 6m... Corbin Osett•a tens mend sad mind is, ��� I. Yrs. JtL.i � i twentyir► ba be men to area desidsted�aIm Rehad per 11ms dards. did trio.. es els. •Aho doss eel appner le haw mesh Awed near ptie etbMr the Seas, Mame! mor the .heel se the euros ywmm, her boy may ' • maims, . w New k . d w grid... .bleb kW.w se may thew AMU. GeMhed Geo., lm • atr Mr. Mimosas esf Ale, ..dhim .ibti erose es Moirmw dogs 1 IllooMitto if a Illothems, Or Of tlie 'et Malehide, allisended ends t time rige aid wow IMO Ode be bud asibemd, Nap ibe He. Thinnest ment Ws the Maims berearteld, sib the the dem abt of Mew ,Vo•••Thaltass, Is /10,1111* 0 the gr the amid meld easy be by dm shigeboier epeolommi-the imam sus (losaa,-A ear basis' par maw bob at riewspemlleispeneYbari sheadlim Vibe mini% mated dam; demo slaps= owe de brew Cemsezien Choir was premed Mimed w proceedings. , d H•rparhey, es m.oant of Operative 41.- 640,110.40.113 tied it would be well, 01 parties who intent b oen- la the several am entre 4• W. Them, E.q., , we Move so doubt, will mosey u ems to Iisgl.sd. Her, Pie. lard, 1043. el Rom ' Asd ofd de seed tOer by the d Yr. GeorgeTTh - tea mm bf oat bandied ad dAy masa M be sppisd is the relief et tie die. mimed opeostivesdOvestI %Ws(i. a) 141`4 treed tied !.speed. This is • se.od sew I seat M Gederash, the int I met to Mr. Ism, the no* of whisk ba W srhewl.dgwl• This sem le hog du Tows ships d Hay, Teekeemitl sad U paean sehnowtedge the receipt 1 ti will he pat ear., Mod F ovoid mored • nett d it to the lime Wpm I Hsieh the pee - primer woad give it ea wasitio.. it might mew others In stir tbeesselne 1e the ld .fmeow, mad it wee satisfy the sehemviker the; it has hem dealt nth 1a good kith. I em, ir, Tear .►'t slew's, WILLIAM WILSON, Se'y and Treee'r Relief fead,Csrvwvnl e, To F. W. Troths, Treas. Relief firnd,Godw sid, Agent Bask Montreal. Colborne Coastal IlLootritt A sleeting of the Meeicipel Coma of Col- bert.* was held at the Tavern of C. Manson Mailloadville, es Samiday the 21st day el February, 1843. Posseat-Thomse Ilemey, Been, Messrs. O. Lesterpon, Wm. Young, Jas. Rhyme mad 'the- Welloe--Cessiallars. It wee moved by Mr. Yore& eseesded Mr. Rhymes, That the Tams due by Robert Pruedfoot, for the prelim par, be extended for payment to the 31st of °moist aext.-- Malloy, that the Towne Treasurer eboeW Moved by Mr. Toentr:Leaki,emideil by Mr. write to the Rork 1). Mc requesting the penesio of his Tams for the present year. Moved lly Mr. Malloy, seeooded by Mr. Rhyme. That the following be grant- ed • Tarns Liesess, pen' each pay Oa sa al of $74 to the Toweship, exeleithe of the Prorincial Limesse, ** before do 1st day of March aut. Cerned. liewais to Joke Fit:walker, John Ross, Jews Syssierion. Anthony Allen, Jaws MeDoweigh, Daniel Miller, Wes. Robertson Moved tty Mr. Rhythm, set:aided by Mr. Tows. That the &Root Petition of Raeford Rapes sod odors be granted. -Carried. Mond by Mr. Minim. seconded by Mr. Ithaterpon That legal advice should be had respecting the payment of the Schools sad %ante Labour from the Nopliesideut feeds of the Township. Carried. The petition L Carey, 'emit -tins as ea- croothmeet of' road. The Reeve is requested to see acid report on W. same. Carried. Mond by Mr. Rhyme, seemed by Mr. Malloy, Mat Mr. P. Roberson stood re - alive 134 for removiag the books of the School denim. Carried. Mond ley Mr. Young, Illicooded by Mr. Rhyme. That AN Prince Morris, who pot in the lowest tender for Collector, not appear. log, aid so other application being wide, that lsobert Prundfoot be Collector, provided he rive Wiriest bood for the same. Carried. The sees gaieties of Council to be WM at JAMES TE WS L BY, Township Clerk. Hallett Coma Freeesdiaga February 17th, 1M3. A epteisl wetter of Cowell was held this day, pimenset UpOlite from the Seem All the membere prescat. The Nooks of bre meeting kering been read, approved of sod deed by the Reeve ourd Cisek. it was Moved toy J. Msegss, senneded by H. Mil, TM Me ma* Bytaws 0 this Tema* be adopeed by this Coined for the muses' year. Crwried. Moved by .1. imam seemoded hy II. Saell, That James Seed, Cos. 13, Ise lespartor Twelve for the Wasters Divide. Hallett, kw the present year. Carried. Moved by C. Dale, seconded by .1. War. wish, That Joke Petrie be the lupector Taverns fee the Easier' Divides. for the palest yaw. Carried. Mob, That thrie bridges be bedlt 0811 es the Isel sami Aid Cm Cm Lim Let 19. Ward I; eed oss se the etb oad fah Cm. Use, Ward 4. Carried. Mend by J. Move% seseeded ty Wm. Thot the sees i4 Toe booked and tow fivie Odiers be impended is wee mid is owned year, end ihes Wood mowed SIM ibis Tr se sends end bridges for thu els* en the bride, Om. 3 eindlgla: 3; sod Wird 3 stpowd DIM as Mr mode* on bridge, Om Uwe sad II. Lem rased tate el die Ceovid. II, ad the hslassesits ta eat of oho Mowed by IL ASA by I, Ws? Melt, IOW dm Wow mwedesee In leer modem, be loth dm III. at Ireinws, IMO by 0, Deb, emealled Ile LIM, Mit di Osseo. de Mem ef the e2Pmainitill1,111 god *OW se do et lbw hy the Tbet tau Sib mil Oboe fl emanded ar 1. If op wink, Mie Awed de appose of be be dr, year I/ML obi Soma assmolud by • Woo lbseThermilneses MOM* awl Teem II do mime ming li..adL ,iltela`d 1 =IIC. nal•i 11a.1..�lib 4,,rtog► r ..e a a ►g ~ iw 4.1-# lloa .bolt, r..wkw pock. LTPLNLD. ld ..L 11t1/4--Ra.ieg nod is a ssemt nomd wli 1. ppm •s stakes hefts y wel.Mve we • Ptes.h& me who Bei from the sem of Oil Emelt le Yesmen's dies, is this villsg., ssr�lt ms be n that It Edi net beth ea ete is dm s.(ImemMos the easehi.f d we Mit in the poem, M the pang who es sa emotes acme tin die I pr.deauy took •best • spoonful d seal oil is hie weltot ti,tt.d se y spat ..t. Not mddeebe, fmm this his Meant WM t the story orLi.nt.d. A eorrespo.d.•t ske.N be mon care% 1. esetking •seertM.s when the paste of nspertablo parties an .sed. M. do .os imbed w deay thesis death rug hem ..carred is the Frsemb tlwlemsnt W set is a.,kla, a tat noise meld im.gi•e is resd- ithe sersespeedeme. We b.v, sees Fische,, from dist antis - resat who .mord yourprmreeet son apeed..t that they W diet mere Irani of the einem- moot d to, Wit sea welled Tine d•d hent etnd atlten/some dm aures, het mei heard saymeetiom of the eR beteg takes that ia►id.•l. We see broke( nmurd that eo I.0 • man as the eorn•po.deat ellnd.4 to resides is the Preach deulempat sr in this loo dity. The .kale story L • fr,►ris tion. Yauunv. VAJUIA L0101-1. a. 0. 01 dew TAM sociiiiiir has been in enissenes set mite forty imiallete it good suadim. They Me meted • hen Meet ell by he h. in sim aed 1 cm mare you tbst would not diegrace mem el your pablie Whinge in Ceinseke, if Oessd Mega& of them. lam ammo they maim I mer beheld, then wove, I sheen lodge, upwards 0 • dimmed, peeple mem, sad Is the epee air, the bomied with delight aird sdillestioe to nom the 1M. dews. Dwain MoCeppia,Kellyrseel ethics; sad although this we mei • greed sad Me - 410114111 alinr, yet I looked ie Ma foe an no air die old proverb et" yr is 's Waal ot it taus Norm biros& I bwilasee is Nobody's basimm* was vended ia this Mance ; but, if we will person me, I maks it my Menem tins time et gim the resiars W the Simot or oath of them se are thrombi, to the ewe* mid dapesed to heW is the Tesapise's Hall. Varna, ea Wirdsonday evseimy lam. The Rev. Mr. Login boy* been solicited to deliver • Loe- we oe Temoseases, coommed to do so es the shove aimed ood although HMI (which is calculated to y , _seat 330 pantos) was at as early lose itnewelad to meets, aad the speaker of the weeism wrie- r' shortly afterwards, b• the andefeetion of seeing mot oely • vary lame bet • miry OW - lips* aced appreciative sedience warier woody, yet auzioeity, for ha tippearawe At had -pent seven o'clock Mr. James Wea- ken Wing ia the chair, called ewe the Rm. Yr. DUDiClie to open the mooing by prayer, which Mos does, die Bev. Mr. Logi. wee thin called epos to address the mortiog, whoh he did for Nearly se hoer, dating whoa time he weal over • great deal of pouted, proving logically iied philosophically that Wie evanwere injurious aod unfit to wae. The Speaker sa reemeing Isis sem was warmly applauded. The audience was next ewer - tabled by a reeitel rine Marter AIMS Pomo_ aymegi about 15 yews old, sod ',adored ha nehmen, in seek a happy sed ormorical nrit that. he oweterilly bonen dows the home no applause. The Rm. Mr. Dome next saw forward, in his peculiarly %pry mood • be gave se • very iniereeting mom of • megaificee. nod costly Regal sleigtoride, mod ended with • budget of foe, menthes the bow with laughter. Ileeter James /as- sume (also • youth of about le or 16 years) n ext gars • recital in the ammeter of a drunken sot, and acquitting himself very creditably MSS 'family applauded. The Var. ea choir mtertaised the auditors at intervals with vocal masc. Votes of thanks haring hem accorded to the speakers, the Senna Lodge's represen- tative, the Chairmen mid the choir, the ea - dame dispersed with • firmer movictios now than ever before that temperance orgenhia- nom wer• sot • !noshes after all. Groo Mama*. Cowman.' Siscrr.-Tbe Stratford Mame' Tisenday at of lest week ie IfeKillop, named Baker received • shot from • revol- ver which it likely to more MM. The fame of the ease as far m ban lemon an se folteersr-fiome time is fumy, as Mr. Mee - n ig, mseeleent Sebtrimpilla, was driers, es the road, lie was met ly three yam men, n amed Cash* Joke tr Brien sod %MI Gees& There isms mew W04418 titoto las the hid of the whew Cathie and -0' Brom Mt Mira Mr. 's homes mod Varies wes taken by ths seesiebtnlet Cork- in 000ld set be kook although Mr. Lear‘bed a warm tt to arrest him, sad wee looking fiat ad is taltrag IWO Iasi WINIimilut, mud hushes Mediewilled him, be kept him ia kin (Baker's) hem all night, sad roe the follow* day seeded to take bles to &milord. Whim Mipawing Wbaloo's tams ea the n said le wished so ••• mon the esestable snowed him so sour. After • momeass Baker west is, Ina foss4 slat Coolie bed emapod by • backdoor, mid had mods el Having oessued the sera.« or seseber sessedele mewed Pounder, Baker primended le @web ler hies, mil mos deem. mai dist Ordin bed gees to Medellop, mid see la the berm ese Ryas. Toms& irk mei esseber perms ea the reed. Mawr wont epee Combs to snow his, wham dos Ismer bed a revolve. mil ohm Maker is de km/ Daher hit, at the some time keep lag held 0(0466601W lathe Wow secteshis 'Fa slim see he Mali gal asap.' nay lies email me Oseroehmot Mt the primmer. Mer walking the abed* rosy owl mar leo* him so alga Md. al. though disgorging; wommied awl seaboard with tin Iai. bio.14. at** wet brought 10 inotifeed ain tabee ham the Maroc se brewed bellere Ms Neve* es the soave am ism dine of obentiag the emeildres. wiles be wee tomesdird seen it me heed *bodge see widens. shrre were es efsiserme Maw meld reemer. Aestate roma doss le eesh esker% The hal mr Mid. bet tholl ewer es km Mee sz AO de the sirgle debt et Cie:rend lailipil in dab*, bei did so mese Dr. tglaillblewalkoresey•ampsigp sailed i• diBlidelle•bressed dm emery, Isiah pri miry me by lbe seem el wow thelt , bed C.••are •• rt.- Oa Ilisentorbollif tbere toosolloo. owl lb obi to Me sato slim et dederiel. -1114111m•ga emu Too *a Ott so* m' ArawAt ear WWI le .Mal& it tarfr YaAlithet m S IMMO lm a ii_mibplie le m tkfi" W Owe Wrigik i !carr e ldblidlipdaddi She l 1211WW Ir war of Mesh IM• a Nos lid 1* vifl go est like= me may to esti mask • dale d Wive. file £fess a beg ape 11r- 't mal -,.-weed Moses ettiellre e to dey the weer lemma imilb .. mad* . prase.• L tisk. rake et +the,. z A Tease Z til brat bitlee. Meymm•aw. mond enhw04 mei hem Hope Mem. Meet skews et tttalf ie •vwwt, Thoma Ally as at 11111,Rope Sum% ere Pedeaufbe 40* he his sister Yaohei shortly ..mwmra� the informasioe white his pea edit oceornmes the We gleamed ;-Alles file was M Most {weetydtie yaws et �iw6it [ i ember, another koskm.emtd y se ems, wee ad oohed ingedep•Map beam ism Webs 1 tied se • aMela tateef lightheertedness the doomed hooked p•t.•dd bort/to leak her • sessi••e, whisk in meld Woo cot boor therm with • store Y•see& fkr I, eW .i + ktYia lis MA. , dig toy with Y, • M to' � you." i mat▪ "WA Itoe rig M. arid, the WWW1111 ilk rig, M.omas r melt, died nuM/MMf maker. mein Mr bunghole M. who bad di 211,d the pedal• Sachet is killed r epos shish dm rked •/ Dr. Paterson 211�, Bops Stool. The QR n vid dm mina g•mtbmem. • wore quite mnavaitiag, the p 11".1113, die forum dammed tiodts•si/g the with which life bad ebbed. Ike .11.1 the wound was indicted hj the brother William, who W ..1 174., Qeem'm birth -ego iy. With -imp M llti/ not bei sent Be ow he was she •wee, chit there wathe pieta oasts powderdpowderd • awe . heherose.. pap•r whisk a nmem►.r• b have same! beton mai.! it pre. Theme Aimer wen emelt .tested while metkeg th• tsar, of tin opa,bes been eteied i thePoireseiltes moil • report has bees; esimttyd m dre Fiscal I het, me min infan.mte aide }g j Wady as ea:ideal, W Mamba will net • b• fa any great losgth of kmo-IiMfg 1tihal Daily M01. Tat Liu or Lemma um sot Taxmen% W1b0 lora remedy pveseressel by ow shouting Orissa, hoe drawn freak the esseels of hie lordship's Maisertimates seem gratifying address, as whisk they somas the hope that be will lie ow mere Mk te WA)! A.m., and tbia hit life my be leog which be hes emmenided himedf. 4E4 ere bin so promote de sable • man his rilkip .mm4 apes their esivaiderb dos the dseme•q. posporisi Mein ball titse it is rei/de there will be for it. As to the eseiditise markets for other prodses. hie presses • hope that the *peeing of the them The Meer wee massed Warrea tiliaw. His lo.dibip, we me 114 owing to a secossebo of Mil Masses, lam abated shs net of hie mem Ise do polo year, and paid tor the Minis/ Of emir MIL He oho preesated • large vomit, etliimbess tio the poor et Christmas. Reasmiglikt Piece like this is work of exteasheisella. powder wiagesines at Upper Cootie bed o morrow escape of Meg destroyed is 1My last. A very shaming fire highs ow is ad= from die mores Wild' the gespemier mai shells are it.posit.4. Tao Sum yen lbw observed about semi 0eleck is We mewing, jost before the beer et which the quit Oil Meth. laseediately tbs he* pereeived, the elms was raised, seek= traerdisery exertions ow the yortitttbe beadiest moan* the emarostlibles. 11• • • fire is sepposed to hne 1141011 tuna by eue ' of dm weekmee *cam • pipe le the poen ot* Ms tow, which was afterwards homy op is the room is whisk the br. oficia•upd 1t is Radii to eorgemplese rake whisk the white daily rue frees the veekkainswi el woken. Dtifillf_ the year 184,1 them teem itlyewo fires in Loofa° slew aimed by mooting --me dee ie every week 0* year Th. Leedom Montag Post ant= dist the Ministry of Min fa the commedue of so Vol. -clad Mt. Thiry have aow ready, et is Prises, of 4,004 Mee, the Beedomairenal Defame, of 3,148 WEIN tle Achlides mid I, 11.114111111d, of,sey t,6110 tom, the Miacearo, agoi Northumberland, 'Air ships, platen ef 4,1160 toes, the Lira 5•7• swags, 5 -turreted ship, of 2,629 tom • !- shield ship,ot 1,313 toast tied Eargeorbos% maim twenty-fmr fighting gip the Int elem. The Fronk bus ma (vase, se boa gunboat, ma km britlez MN a *paw' 0 plated patents of sari sies. otoi• mists to not very perfect, • there ts de evidence es to the time whoa elt the= imeades will be alms, bet it ems. w• ao4 be taker at • demdmatege. the Neighborhood et Nowise Rowse% we a Imlay to most her mem beautify her lab • lit% ; NMI es time me • betels id ell very seamiest Crsod Mb her howl to A.. order is seism be idol it am peedpv dbeeedgi4t elm for reedy I am bee 'gams, es she miry Mir 'dm she bedi artalgeb mmeed Woolf to leer midrom gibe drawly misled oi4 I bed am avinelk. at No lite aka, MI 1 splleeim were gabs M am" TM el %sad ems le be mtmen, Chad Mee possdied igkrumeabbs -rims Mow) Stailelfilit um to taro bar Voted p.m amber ef *We ilbseent Nee lin. bled. The sawed doe dm Oda ef Mai Adis woad* is be arise be. elboodem The dad Needs seiesto Alkru• ld) ardinemed dot Mow Voirend by ibilledis. the IMMO if Me Wm SAMS tor do re tfalle Ala di Velma peg et She Iles