HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-05-27, Page 2SHIRTS + BELTS + SHORTS + JACKETS
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EXETER 235-0991
pi t rilatiiiitittiirliirtg IRV
436 Main South
The spiral shape of the "Wind-Tunnel" has no
corners to catch grass. It discharges clippings
swiftly, smoothly. That's why a Toro rotary bags
better than any mower you've ever seen. In addi-
tion, Toro's unique "S-Blade" shears the grass . . .
doesn't whip it off as straight blades do. The ex-
haust's under the housing, deflecting that irritating
noise into the grass. The "Anti-Scalp Dish" elim-
inates scalping and unsightly bald spots. Choose
from 6 great models.
Why let yourself get into
such a bind? Credit unions
were formed for people just
like you. The loans come
easily because credit
unions are made up of
friends and neighbors. No
cold institutional stares.
No double checking to dis-
tant head offices. Credit
unions were formed to put
people back into money
matters. Your neighbors in
Exeter formed the credit
union. If you can trust your
neighbors, you can trust Us.
So, stop biting your nails,
and come see us.
I on Savings 7
. 5 1 2% /
Times Established 1873 Advocate Established 1881 Amalgamated 1924
Member: C.W.N.A.., O.W.N.A., C.C.N.R. and ABC
PUBLISHERS: J. M. Southcott, R. M. Southcott
EDITOR: William Batten
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Doi, Ottawa, and for Payment of Postage in Cash
W Jahn C. Boyn•
Hope spirit is contagious HOTSON PROPANE According
Judging from reports in other weekly
newspapers, or perhaps we should say the
lack of reports, it is evident that Exeter's
centennial committee is one of the most ac-
tive in Ontario and are well along in their
plans for the beautification of 'Riverview
With nothing visually concrete to
show for their efforts to date, some may
think commendation is premature, but this
committee has already spent countless hours
in planning the projects to be sponsored by
the community and. our three active service
clubs, the Lions, Legion and Kinsmen.
The very fact that so much time has
been spent in planning indicates beyond any
doubt that the volunteers on the committee
are taking their work very seriously and
there is no evidence of any haphazard effort
that a project of this nature could bring if
those responsible were so inclined.
In the near future many other people
in the community are going to be asked to
furnish volunteer labor for the park project
itself and also to actively participate in the
program being considered to mark Canada's
100th birthday in 1967.
An outline for the program in that
year has not been finalized as yet by the
committee, but consideration is being given
to asking various service groups and organiza-
tions to take a month each and arrange for
special programs in connection with the cen-
Given ample time to plan such pro-
grams, it could well be that Exeter could be
among the leaders in giving special tribute
to this nation's past and providing a good
foundation for the future as well.
The centennial committee has already
proven it can give the type of leadership re-
quired. But it will take many more willing
hands to make their efforts truly successful.
If you don't happen to be one of those
who has caught the spirit needed to make a
local centennial celebration successful, we
quote a few paragraphs printed in the Clin-
ton News-Record chastising an un-named
council for thinking that a brief fireworks
display will suffice for their part in the birth-
day party.
The editorial says: "Before we decide
to spend two hours and $100 on a fireworks
display that will dissolve into the sky in a
burst of pretty but useless sparkle, let's
"Was a century of sweat, tears and
toil worth no more? Has a cloud of pink
made us proud of our heritage or taught us
even a fragment of understanding? Will our
hearts know the joy of effort well spent?
Have the children learned why it is important
that they continue to build this land and
fight for its preservation?
National pride is in as sorry state if we
think a fireworks fantasy is an adequate
homage to pay to our ancestors and sufficient
inspiration for our people."
238-2005 Grand Bend
Serving all South Huron
Costly, but valuable lessons
I proved to you that psychiatry
is an exact science." Charlie
Brown shouts in disbelief: "An
exact science"! She replied,
",Yes, you owe me exactly
Peanuts also reflects what
Kierkegaard called "sickness
unto death" which is indefinable
and irrational fear, anxiety and
dread. Charlie Brown can say
that he is "sick and tired of
everything".. Linus asks him,
"In what area do you feel out
of place?" He replies, "earth".
Peanuts illustrates the ‘•lost-
ness" the ' alienation" of man
without God. It deals with the
problem of evil—the "downs"
as well as the "ups" of life.
Short says, "The paradoxical
quality of God's love—which
afflicts the comfortable and
comforts the afflicted—often
seems to be illustrated in Pea-
Charles M. Schulz, the artist
behind "Peanuts" is an active
lay preacher in the church of
God, with headquarters in And-
erson, Indiana. He has said of
his work: "All kinds of people
in religious work have written
to thank me for preaching in
my own way through the strip.
That is one of the things that
keeps me going."
Something of his depth can
be caught in this statement:
"I cannot fail to be thrilled
every time I read the things
that Jesus said and I am more
and more convinced of the ne-
cessity of following him. What
Jesus means to me is this: In
Him we are able to see God and
to understand His feelings to-
ward us."
Personally I found this to be
an excitingly different type of
book. I hope you enjoy it as
much as I did.
"The Gospel According to
Peanuts" is a "modern day
handbook of the Christian faith
illustrated with peanuts". It
gives the theological implica-
tions in Charles M. Schulz's
highly popular comic strip.
This little paper back which
retails for $1.65 deals with
"Peanuts strips" as "wonder-
fully imaginative parables of
our time."
This book utilizes "indirect"
communication of the gospel.
It begins where people are. It
suggests that we should be
figuring out new ways of using
art to communicate old truths.
It suggests that art "because
of its subtlety and indirectness
has a way of sneaking around
mental blocks and getting to the
heart of the matter where it is
capable of deeply and literally
moving men and women."
Short says that we should
welcome communicators like
Schulz—"If today's Church
really is the world's largest
non-prophet organization it
should welcome these prophetic
souls in the true spirit of the
New Testament."
This cartoon strip then gets
through to people in a way
"direct" methods do not. As
the author says, "The Christian
faith must learn to speak mean-
ingfully to men where they are:
and when it comes to serious
reading there are probably
many people who never get
beyond the comics section of
the newspaper."
Schulz then, exerts his influ-
ence as a Christian cartoonist.
This will probably offend some
people. As Short puts it, "It
may have struck the reader as
a bit incongruous to couple such
a "serious matter" like the
Christian message with the co-
mic or humorous." But surely
we must use every possible
means of communicating our
There will no doubt be some
who feel that this book cheapens
the Christian faith—to all who
would like to separate faith
from life and the Church from
art this reply of Short speaks:
"It is a faith so little that it
cannot conceive of itself except
as existing in some tiny closed
compartment: a faith that does
not have relevance to all of life
and hence is not faith at all but
only a small hole large enough
at best for the head of a human
ostrich. A faith that can find no
significant meaning in art and
laughter, in the tragic as well
as the hilariously comic is a
faith that will find no joy in life
It is really unfair to this book
to review it without using car-
toons to illustrate what is said.
For example, so difficult a sub-
ject as "sin" is made relevant
with cartoons spread over 25
Cartoons also illustrate our
modern worship of false gods.
They attack the popular thesis
that says if we just worked a
little harder or believed more
in our own abilities we would
be saved.
Peanuts also lampoons the
modern road to salvation via
psychiatric help. Dr. Lucy tells
Charlie Brown: "I helped you a
lot! I pointed out all your faults.
Because Huron County is one of the
leading agriculture producing counties in On-
tario, district farmers have no doubt been
closely watching events of the past few weeks
when enterprises in which they have invest-
ed money have come under government scru-
The enterprises 'are Farmers Allied
Meat Enterprises 'and Ontario Bean Growers'
Ltd., a London-based plant operated by the
Ontario Bean Growers' Marketing Board.
While the FAME hearing has not been
completed as yet, there is little doubt but
what the government investigation will come
up with the conclusion that mis-management
led to FAME's downfall.
Many area farmers have money invest-
ed in this "dream" and at present it appears
that their investment is in jeopardy.
The chartered accounting firm which
was 'asked to investigate the bean plant op-
erated by the Marketing Board has already
reported that the company records were in
a "confused state" and the operations were
being conducted under "poor business prac-
tice" methods.
It has also been suggested that Agri-
culture Minister Stewart called for the inde-
pendent investigation to prove to growers
that the company was not only operating il-
legally, but was also costing them unneces-
sary money.
Farmers, similar to most other citi-
zens, can not afford to lose money on such
ventures, because their main livelihood is a
risky enough business. In fact, their money
was invested in such ventures because they
were of the opinion that they would improve
their cash returns, and many of them reili7ed
they had to gamble on that promise.
The hearings into these two ventures
will provide farmers with some of the an-
swers as to where they may have gone wrong,
but unfortunately they may be costly lessons.
One thing they will probably learn is
that hard work and 'a zealous, enthusiastic
approach to any venture does not guarantee
success. Today's complex world—in all fac-
ets—demands expert advice and assistance on
ventures in which we are not experts our-
The downfall of many farmers — and
others of course—can often be traced to fail-
ure of accepting this fact, even in the opera-
tion of their own farms.
Ramblings on a holiday
Summer 1965 had its official open-
ing this weekend, although the calend-
ar doesn't record it until later next
However, the 24th of May holiday
is the beginning of the weekend treks
to the lakeshore and this year's was
certainly no exception, although the
weatherman could have been much
more cordial, as cool lake breezes
made sunbathing almost an impos-
Grand Bend was naturally jumpin'
again, although judging from the ap-
pearances of some characters roam-
ing the streets, the barbers at the
resort could have a slack season.
The English coiffures introduced by
the Beatles and carried on by the
Rolling Stones, Undertakers and those
other shaggy groups, were much in
We could think of many words to
describe them, but they're not fit for
print in a family newspaper. Unfor-
tunately, the few In evidence gave the
resort a rather "hard" look for its
opening, at least for those of us un-
accustomed to the new look of today's
Another fad that is enjoying con-
siderable popularity is the use of the
tiger to advertise everything from
detergents and cars to cereals.
A major oil company has been one
of the latest to join the craze with an
invitation to put a tiger in your gas
tank and has apparently come up with
a novel method of advertising It.
Many cars on the roads this weekend
had a small tiger tail sticking out
near the gas cap to give the impression
that the animal truly was on the Inside
furnishing some extra power.
Its one of the better advertising
stunts we've seen for some time.
In a letter to The T-A this
week, the Hon. W. A. Stewart,
minister of agriculture, ex-
plained that the raising of On-
tario's new flag "impressed me
so much that I was encouraged
to put down on paper a brief
description of this historic
He went on to say that he
thought our readers may be
interested in this event and
printed below is the material
he recorded.
Friday, May 21, 1965, will
go down in the history of our
Province as a day to be recalled
with pride born of the thrill of
the official raising of the Flag
of Ontario.
The Flag of Ontario flies now
in protocol with the Flag of
Canada, on the left side of the
main entrance to the Parliament
Buildings facing south on Uni-
versity Ave nue, Toronto. It
combines the Red Ensign with
the crest of Ontario in the fly.
It is an attractive flag and
showed up in magnificent splen-
dour against a clear blue sky
on a beautiful sunny morning
favoured by a light breeze from
the east.
The Flag Raising Ceremony
— Please turn to page 3
Many cars pass through town during
the summer loaded to the roof with
supplies, and we've often wondered
just how long these people planned
to be away from home.
The answer was revealed this week-
end when we packed up junior and his
"necessities" for a jaunt to afriend's
The trunk was jammed with the
baby buggy, diaper pail and a few toys,
along with our spare tire and all the
other junk that has accumulated
throughout the years.
The high chair, jolly jumper, bath
tub and a "mountain" of clean diapers
occupied the back seat, along with
some grub required for the outing
and our trusty camera.
With junior balanced on one knee
and a potato salad on the other, the
wife managed to find a small corner
on the front seat and we were off.
For how long? You guessed it, a day
and a half!
Makes us wonder if people with
three or four kids require a moving
van for a weekend outing. Or do they
just have to stay home?
* * *
Travelling on the highways these
days is a risky business at the best
of times, but when you add a few con-
struction jobs along the way, you can
come tip with some real nerve-racking
While the construction is obviously
an attempt to make the highways safer,
some construction firms appear to
make no effort in attempting to make
temporary conditions anything less
than hazardous.
Those TV commercials sponsored
by the Safety Council show a flagman
cautiously directing traffic safely
around detours, but in actual cases
those same flagmen are either non-
Picture to yourself a per-
manent road from Clinton to
London and intensive farming
engaged in all along the way!
What's 30 miles over a good
road to the man with an auto?
Will we ever see it?
Sexsmith has been a busy
section for the farmers and
builders as no less than three
barns are being built. Robert
Tinney is erecting a new barn
while Bert O'Brien and George
Geddes are raising their barns
on foundations.
N. M. Cantin has a big staff
of men at work at St. Joseph
renovating the big building
which he purposes to turn into
a. summer hotel.
Friday afternoon a she e t
shower was held in the Main
Street Methodist Church by sev-
eral ladies of the Patriotic
Society. One hundred and fifty
sheets were presented for use
in the military hospitals.
existent or are so haphazard about
their job that they may as well be
Appropriate signs for warning
people of dangers ahead or directing
them through a mass of heavy equip-
ment are also often absent and fre-
quently lead to frayed nerves that do
little to reduce our heavy accident
toll, whether at the scene of construc-
tion jobs or shortly after passing
through them.
We think it would be a good idea for
the department of highways to require
more stringent controls for the safety
of all concerned, as too often it ap-
pears that contractors skimp on safety
measures and that can le ad to tra-
This area may never gain stature
in comparison to the NiagaraPennin-
sula when it comes to viewing blos-
soms, but a trip around Exeter or any
of the surrounding communities will
richly reward those looking for some
of nature's showings.
The past week was one of the best,
as fruit blossoms and early spring
flowers were still in colorful array,
along with the many flowering shrubs
that adorn the yards of many homes
in the district.
Lilacs are now in full bloom and
a glance out our back door is an
exciting adventure in color and
Mrs. Hubert Jones has one of
the largest lilac trees we've seen
and it is a complete mass of purple
blooms. It's easy to see whiledriving
along Sanders Street.
There are many other colorful
exhibitions at several homes, and
if you haven't enjoyed a walk or
drive along the streets, we can de-
finitely assure you it is well worth
the effort.
District students who will
graduate at the University of
Western Convocation Saturday
include Stuart McBride, Kippen,
Donald S outhcott, Marjory
Klopp and Pauline Haberer, both
of Zurich.
Two gold medallists for high-
est marks in their course are
Peter Fraser, who will receive
a B Sc in mathematics and
physics, and Cameron Henry,
Brucefield, who graduates with
a BA in English and Philosophy.
Miss Myrtle Reeder who re-
cently graduated from Wood-
stock General Hospital School
of Nursing was awarded the Dr.
Colin A. McPherson Award for
proficiency in operating room
Three new bridges in Us-
borne Township are nearly
completed: one near Tom Yel-
low's Farm on Con. 2 and 3;
one at Bill Cann's farm on Con.
7 and the other atGeorge Neil's
fartn, Con. 14 and 16.
Mr. Bruce Medd, who is on
the staff of Napanee High School,
and who has been training with
the Napanee 47th Battery, and is
now Captain has been called to
the colors.
The District Annual of South
Huron WI was held in the Hen-
sall United Church. Mrs. W. E.
Walker of Exeter is District
Several young menfrom Exe-
ter have joined the RCR's in
L ond on. Among them 'were
Chester Cornish, Hilton San-
ders, Jack BrintneLl and Walter
In the final drattof the settle-
ment committee of the London
Conference Rev. Harold Currie,
newly ordained, goes to Bay-
John HickS Of town has won
the Andrew Grant schOlarship
for second year honors in eco-
nomics at Univers ity Of WeS tern
Exeter is to haVe a 'new
Scout House for the use of the
Scouts, Cubs, Rangers, Girl
GuideS and BrOWnies.
The Advisory Board of the
A 'US able River ConserVation
Authority has recommended the
Watershed 'office be liketed in
EXOter. Secretary-fleldmanliat
Hooke will take up residence
in town the middle of June.
Pat Sullivan was the first to
receive The Times-Advocate
Grand championship trophy
When his calf topped 97 others
in the Bengali 'Feeder Calf ClUb
Harold Patterson
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