HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-05-13, Page 9this Sunday, Wednesday afternoon and during the evening throughout the week, Times-Advocate, May 10, 1965 Pagf, 9 Hold two in Dashwood Ready Mix CONCRETE Mother, daughter fetes popular Did you ever see anything grow so fast as the rhubarb in the garden the last few days? So we try to use it in all the ways and recipes possible while it is ypung and tasty. Merner; Wheatridge Seals man- ager, Mary Ann Hayter; Chris- tian Growth chairman, Edward Restemayer. Few were close -but no winners "I only needed one number" was the well worn phrase that was heard around the. Legion Hall. Thursday night when, the jackpot did not go in 58 numbers, So bingo fans will have another chance to win "the big one" next Thursday when the jackpot will be $120. Winners last week were Mrs. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. Elgin Rader and Mrs. Glen Rader were joint hostesses at the former's home Saturday evening for a miscellaneous ghower for Miss Bernice Res- tema.yer, bride-elect of June. Bunco was enjoyed with Mrs. Louis Weigand winning high prize and Miss Shirley Ryan, low. Mrs. Elgin Rader read an address and the gifts were pre- sented in decorated baskets. Bernice thanked all and invited them to visit her in her home at Mt. 13rydges. P loot .45 0433 R.sidfnce ;28 - 6961 D. Taylor, Olive Ostland and Jane Russell (split), Pauline BrIntnell, Mrs. Schroeder, Norma Jones, Ann Ayton, Car, rie Norry, and C. McNeil (split), Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake, Cora Wurm, Mrs. Myrtle Hunter, Elsie Jory, Isa Campbell and Lois Prance (split) and Mrs. Harold Penhale. Winner of the door prize was George Tinney and the consola- tion prize 01 $10 was won by Mrs. Norman Homan. C.A. McDOWELL 41. ler and family and attended the baptism of their granddaughter, Heather-Jo Ivey Miller on Mother's Day. Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Gamble and family spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Rader and family. They were all Sun- day guests with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Haugh, Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Miller and family spent the weekend at Kitchener with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Maine and girls. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Miller and Brenda of Zion were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Rader and family. RHUBARB PEEKABOO Here is an easy recipe and it is delicious. 1 lb (4 cups) rhubarb 1 cup sugar 1 tsp grated rind of lemon 1 pkg white cake mix Mix cake as directed on pack- age. Pour batter into greased baking pan 7 1/2 x 12 inches. Top with diced unpeeled rhubarb and grated rind. Sprinkle with sugar over top. Bake at 35() degrees for 40 to 45 minutes. As the Peekaboo bakes, the rhubarb goes to the bottom # forming a sauce and cake rises to the top. Sprinkle top of cake with powdered sugar. Serve warm with cream. grams for the year. Mrs. Eben Weigand has asked that all Can- ada Packers labels be brought to the June meeting. WALTHER LEAGUE At the last meeting of the Walther League of Zion Luth- eran Church new officers were elected as follows: president, • Ken Genttner; vice-president, Jim Hayter; secretary, Janet Miller; treasurer, Margaret a bus trip to Mitchell to tour Stacey's milk plant. It was most interesting to see the milk pro, cessed into butter, powdered milk and butter and other pro- ducts. The ladies had dinner at the Royal Hotel, prior to returning to DaShwood for the business., Plans were made to attend the district annual May 18, Convenors of standing com- mittees gave their planned pro- and salt in double boifer top. Cook, covered about 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Continue as above. We received in the mail this week a complimentary 33/4 oz. can pf salmon from the B.C. Fisheries. Of course a release explains how versatile salmon is as well as nutritious and economical. A few recipes are enclosed. CREAMED SALMON 3 tbl butter 3 tbl flour 1 1/2 cups milk 1/2 tp salt Grated rind of 1 lemon 1 can salmon (7 3/4 oz) 3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped Melt butter, add flour and stir until smooth. Add milk gradu- ally. Cook until thickened, stir- ring constantly. Add salt, sal- mon, lemon rind and eggs. Heat through. Serve on hot buttered toast points. Garnish each serv- ing with a dash of paprika and a sprig of parsley. Clandeboye ladies sell souvenir plates PERSONALS Elmore Delors has returned home from Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Ervin Rader of the Dashwood WI attended the 17th Officers Conference at Guelph University last week. Miss Ruthanne Rader of Lon- don vacationed at her home here last week. Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Miller spent the weekend in Port Dover with Mr. & Mrs. Seigfried mil- By MRS. J. H. PATON CLANDEBOYE The Clandeboye UCW met last week at the home of Mrs. And- rew Thompson with President Mrs. Peter Voison in the chair and 11 members present. The study on Brazil was com- pleted and Mrs. Charles Cough- lin led in the devotional. China souvenir plates were ordered to be sold at the cen- tennial. Clandeboye UCW was hostess to the Presbyterial regional Wednesday May 12 when rep- resentatives were present from Parkhill, Brinsley, Lieur y, Carlisle, Ailsa Craig and Lu- can. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. James Donaldson and Mrs. George Simpson. SALMON CASSEROLE 1 (8 oz) pkg egg noodles 1 ('7 3/4 oz) can salmon 1 (10 oz) can mushroom soup 1 cup milk salt and pepper Cook noodles as directed on package. Drain and flake sal- mon. Add salmon, soup, milk and seasoning to drained nood- les. Place in buttered casserole and dot with butter. Bake in moderately slow oven, 325 de- grees, for 45 minutes. Makes 4 to 6 servings. RHUBARB STRAWBERRY DELIGHT 1 1/2 pounds rhubarb (about 6 cups of 1-inch pieces) 1/2 to 2 /3 cup sugar 1/2 cup water dash salt 1 1/2 cups frozen strawberries thawed Do not peel rhubarb. Cut into 1- or 2-inch pieces. Combine all ingredients in s aucepan; simmer covered, about 10 min- utes until tender. Stir occasion- ally to prevent sticking. Just before removing rhubarb sauce from the heat, add thawed strawberries. Serve warm or chilled. For a thicker sauce omit water and place rhubarb, sugar •'z ylr Sun Tan Lotions PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Bill Downing and daughter Joan entertained Mrs. Almer Hendrie Sunday at the Dufferin House, Centralia, Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Lewis had their family call Sunday: Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Lewis and fam- ily, Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Lewis and family, also Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lewis. Mr. & Mrs. James Donald- son of Clandeboye had their family home on Mother's Day: Mr. & Mrs. Donald Black, Fay and Michael of Lucan, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hancox of London, Bob Donaldson and friend Miss Mary Anne Cornellissen, RR Clandeboye, Miss M arj or le Donaldson and Mr. James Mc- Carthy, Granton, Mr. Donald- son's brother, LeonardDonald- son and their nephew Vic Mc- Laren, Halifax. Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Paton and William Albright, Mr. & Mrs. Clare Paton, Jimmy and Dar- lene spent Mother's day with their daughter Mr. & Mrs. Wil- fred Logan of Thorndale and Myrna. Lloyd Mason of Lucan has opened a garage at Clandeboye. Mr. & Mrs. Morris Simpson spent the weekend with their daughter and family, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Banks and Cindy at Sar- nia. Mother's day supper was en- joyed at the Shillelagh, Lucan, by Mr. & Mrs. Ken Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Carter, Steph- en, Kevin and Joanne, Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Lee, Karen, London, Mr. & Mrs. George Lee, Bren- da, Ailsa Craig. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Millson had their son and family, Ralph of London and Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Millson as guests. these five advantages make electric heating the superior heating system completely clean Flameless electric heating can't create dust, dirt, film or soot. gentle, even heat Room-by-room or zone temperature control. No draughts, no chills, no sudden blasts of hot air. low cost Throughout Ontario users prove that in homes insulated to Hydro standards, electric heating costs no more to operate than other heating systems. extra space Requires no bulky fuel burning equipment. quiet And electric heating is so quiet. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL YOUR QUALIFIED ELECTRIC HEATING CONTRACTOR OR— ask your hydro BAPTISM REUNION Following the sacrament of infant baptism in Clandeboye United Church Sunday morning with Rev. G. W. Sach officiating Mrs. Gerald Lynn entertained at her home with her sister- in-law, Mrs. Ralph Lynn as co-hostess. Highlight of the occasion was a special cake in color scheme of pink and blue with the pink for Catherine Ann and blue for Philip Ralph. Attending were Mr. Lloyd Lynn, RR 1 Clandeboye, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hera and families, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. R. Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chalmers, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. A. Carroll and their families, Mr. W. S. Chalmers, Mrs. A. Carroll Sr. and Mrs. C. Bailey, all of London, Mr. and Mrs. C. David and family, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lan- kin and family, Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. L. Sawyer, Petrolia, Mrs. Emily Tomes, Clandeboye, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tomes, London. By MRS. ERVIN RADER DASIIWOOD With Mother's Day on Sunday, mother and daughter banquets seemed to be most popular in the community. The WSWS of the Evangelical UB Church had one, May '7. Mrs. Ralph Weber's social group served the meal and Mrs. Eben Weigand, convenor of the Christian Social Relations com- mittee, was mistress of cere- monies. Toasts were proposed to the daughters by Mrs. Carl Oestreleher and to the mothers by Helen Rader. The following program was in keeping with the theme of the evening, "Mother": A read- ing by Mrs. Eben Weigand; a recitation by Jane Guenther; a song by Janice Tiernan, Patricia Bender, Nancy Braid and Dar- lene Webb; a trio by Eleanor Wolfe, Diane Weber and Norma Weigand, and a closing prayer by Rev. Merrill James. A half hour of recreation was led by Mrs. Jack Qaiser. Mrs. Hobbs Taylor presided for the business. A special offering will be taken for the Home of Unaffected Children of Lepers in Korea, at the June meeting. It was decided to visit the Ontario Hospital at Gode rich and to present a program to the patients in the near future. The sunshine committee for May is Mrs. Stuart Wolfe and Mrs. George Link. A mother and daughter ban- quet was held in the Lutheran Church, Friday, May '7, with group 3 and Mrs. Lloyd Rader, convenor. The toast to the moth- ers was proposed by Janet Mil- ler and to the daughters by Mrs. Milford Merner. Several prizes were awarded as follows: youngest mother, Mrs. Jim Becker; youngest daughter, Eleanor Salmon; an- niversary nearest date, Mrs. John Rader; lucky plate, mrs. Leonard Schenk. A variety program of songs and readings followed. Bunco was also played with Marjorie Schenk high and Helen Nadiger low. Mrs. Leonard Schenk pre- sided for the business. Reports were heard from all secre- taries. The Aid will cater to a wedding in July. by NOXZEMA COPPER TONE Q.T. CREAM : C Bathing Hats - Sun Hats - 444 VISITS MILK PLANT The May meeting of the Dash- wood WI with the agriculture and Canadian industries group in charge and Mrs. Ervin De- vine convenor, took the form of UNITED CHURCH Sunday May 16 the service at the Clandeboye United Church will commence at 9:45 am for the summer except the Cen- tennial service June 6 at 11 am and 8 pm. Sunday, May 9, the Rev. G. W. Sach minister performed the baptismal rites for Ruth Lynette Hardy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hardy, andCather- ine Ann Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lynn, also Philip Ralph Lynn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lynn. Mr. Sach used the Christian Family Sun- day theme. • 11•••••••••••••••••• • • • • •• • GIMMICKS • But we've found • may •sell some cars . . . • • • • Honest Dealing 41 0 • Fair Prices • • • • Good Services • • 0 have proven the assurance of good friendship • • with repeat business. • • Guaranteed Used Cars • • • • 1964 Dodge 440 6 cyl. automatic, • • radio, one owner car $2495 • • 1963 Dodge 4 door sedan, V8 auto- • matic, radio two tone, one • IIP owner $1995 ilk • 1963 Galaxie 4 door sedan, automatic, radio, like new, one owner $1895 • 1961 Saratoga Chrysler 2 door hardtop, • full power steering and brakes, • radio, a real beaut $1795 • ST. JAMES At St. James Church the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster celebrated Holy Communion. The service had a Mother's Day theme. Dobbs Motors Ltd. • • • • • • • • • 216 Main St., Exeter 235-1250 • • •••••••••••••••••• What's your stand on life insurance paying for a college education? Mrs, Powell I've never connected the two— life insurance and college, I mean. Interviewer Thousands of Canadian parents have provided college educa- tions for their children this way through The Mutual Life. Mrs. Powell Some kind of special insurance policy? I still don't see how... Interviewer A policy purchased when your child is young guarantees that —come what may—the money will be available when it is needed. take a lifetime holiday from dishes M rs. Powell You really should be talking to my husband about this.Where could he find out all about it? Interviewer Have him call The Mutual Life of Canada representative near- est you. Sick and tired of doing dishes? An automatic electric dishwasher will wash, rinse and dry your dishes hygienically clean for pennies a day. Don't be a dishwasher — buy one! The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY CF CANADA 1iliA15 t1 PY1 WAfg tOrA Wolk §rnvLf s ii 0,t) man MVP PETTER ELPCMICALLY Exeter Public Utilities Commission 235 1350 R.E. Paola*, Chairman H.L. Davis, Manager Representative: G. R. GODBOLT, Corner Sanders & Edward Sts., Eateter, Ontario. Ph: 235.2740