HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-02-12, Page 411111 • ME w: the oodtaary eine of - w 1W owl teeth tNo ttally Dg b. �, •ball P .g thea 41f hie dist tea mem �s1 daMd tMv o Otos.' the h.4.. So ealMei ROAM ports try whew Whe.M the Shorthorn net b.es oaldvat d. A circumstance, seedy trivial, ooatribeted is a mai 1 dsgrae to We molt. A Ise animal. tea used die Durban Ox, the east of Favour's* by • a.lnmea cow, was sold for public exhibiuoc, Mad serried is • cava.•a to all parts of the cuM.y. He was •:Whited in this amuse fee Dealy w: years. Mad sealed mach inter ere among the .u..try motor. H. arrived M Brest weight, bet was chiefly remarkable foe the leases of many of his points. N hes killed, alter two mouth's illness, daring which he had kat considerably o ilea, be weighed 163 atoms 12 Ib., besides tallow and offal. Collisg, from oo.tiuclly brooding from his owe nock, seems to lave pushed refinement in breedteg to its limits j and probeb:y beau 6. eQriMoe that isprrmeat in cooeututtos is bit :somas white sever fails to accompan • emstise.d and forted intermixture of blood, in • limited masher of idividuals. Whether from this ee.e. r from a mare desire to try .xp.rim.•tu, itis understood that he sonnet - ed various cream with the cows of otiet Mesas, and elderly, it is said, with the Scotch Highland and the Galloway The experi- m.ut with the former did not succeed, but that with the latter led to a remarkable re- sult. Collies procured • fine Galloway cow, of a ed color, and this cow wee covered by ohs of his beet bath; a grandson of Bolin - broke. The produce was a ball calf, which is dae use was coujoieed with a fine Short. bora oow, Jobaem:t. The produce of this anion was IIIc...e a boll calf, which, in the fitting tim.r'w.s pot to another fiue Short - horned oow, Indy, from whom has descended • family termed, in reproach,the Alloy. The family of the Alloy, however. his proved not inferior to those of what are termed pore blood. At the sale of Mr. Colling's stock. which took place in 1810, ibis co., " Lady," with her d.caodatsta,sold at enormous prima. showing that, in the estimation of the pub- lie, ub1ie, the Galloway cross had no impaired the excelless of the pore stook. Thus it ap- pears, dim by • eing!e eras with another roes, and them by breeding back again to the superior one, oo injury wee sustained ; nay a fresh lofu.ioo of vigor was'probabl made into the parent stock. Similar common in the breeding of horses, d and other ami -'.t. The proceeding, i. Whet case of CuUsg, w nothing more than • rash baton - moot, the favorable result of which Aillieuld bot diminish the caution of breeders, is pre- .rving the pvrity of a familyof animals been characters have bb estaished. The whole of the unrivalled stock of Col- lide was sold in 1810, and fetched very high proem Tb. adjoining analysis will be read with interest at the present day. Seventeen coined diNerent axes rewind the tem of 2669 gaisea.. Eleven ball., from 1 year Meal bt►waeds brought 1249 guide•• ; the eels- " Comet," age 6 years we among the ba.br end sold for 1000 guieeas 1 Seven hall oiler 663 guineas ; seven heifers, 898 gaibsas; five heifer calves under one year chi, 8(14guises, ; thus making • grand total of 11777 g The other brother, RobertCoiling,as datieguiished s • breeder, der, although hstock s a whole dad sot altogether reach the high spntatio. of Cheeks Colling'.. It was sold io 181 and reached the following prices;-- Tbirt ,Ions fetched 4141 guineas ; se teen L. 1287 guises' ; six • : M. 1 gams ; foto bat, . 1 w hirs a total of MI Osalareah rid on the set a white did it la red illi dee Ctmrts a mus. Roam Muir W.li- lkor tis Cuevas is plei.n laws pentad last semmer for t . Aust ante the President w egad, to nominate misses of the same stripe with those .!ready in office to All existing no cancies. Tt ediew de AtTtnrl Wsot.—Chrrke F. Brown, nth- erwive Artemis Wwd,-' the •bowman, ac- cording to the Le.l,4tun Ob.ervrr, is about to lead to the alter of e of the moat{ beautiful girls in Kentucky. Thr young Indy is very wealthy too, porwemeinL in her own right noiF O D lees Chao one •u,dred n' eottrabeada," 11, to affect patties, are bw. at•ti6 T are required by the Sari id following Rules of the Legislative Cold* '1 stud Legt.tatire Amambly rcpectivel (which an published in full in the C k' Gaxefle.) to Rite TWO MONTHS NUT1CH of the applicatiou in the Canada Grrse it, and also io a newspaper published in the County. or Union of Counties affected, ee. ins col ire of the first sad Mat of such notices t4 the Private Bill Utero of ewe House. J. K. DULCET, A. TODD, CU. y P.newre Bath, Cef. Clk. Privets Bel L. OJre :ed. e, L. /uwmdlp. Quebec, lull. Oct.. 1841. swl VALUE & WEII P AO? LCDUC•Oce,pul.iTaaLa,.—Sir Robert Gra ham, beiagappristd that he had, by mistake, pronounced sentence of mud..onation o0. a criminal who bad been fuuod gu,Ity of a capital offence, d.si.ed the rima to be again placed upon the dock. and h.s et, potting on the black lap, he mid: "Pru. ser at the Aar, / beg your pardon f' mud then p rased do him the awful sentence of death. A BLenD.a, err NOT latae.—A lady told me, tan • French writ•:, dint iu bei will .hr bad ordered her body ti' be opened after he. death, as she was afrai 1 of being buried alive A young curte,of o. thudox views. recently married. having announced to his tries& that the rank of father, was.sked if. it" was lib him t if " it " lad blue eye* or black t in short, whatever eurt of a thing "it" •s7 The reply was, .I do not know." "What, harto't you seen it yet ?" " No ; the doctor told me it was not necessary.' AxOTwta CurrrDiRATt Pal AT Wont I—The British steamer steamer `Solent. from St Thome to Aspittoon, reports that tis Privateer Retribution had burned four or five American vessels tit the neighborhood of that island. The gunboat Couueticut eon voyd the Ocean Queen part of her voyage. THE PRINTING or tastsrsT Nov,' —The Tribune stats that, with one hundred and tweoty6,e presses, tis Treasury Department are now just able to print enough greenbacks in two•tbtrds of• day to pay the expenses of of the Government for one day. HalILToar Dwv.—Tbe Hamilton 'Them says :— '1 We are pleased to learn that, chief. ly through the exertions of our worthy Mayor, a settlement of our difficulties on terms attar factory to the city is mora than probable.— The Hon. J. H. Cameron and Mr. Galt have agreed to represent the case to the English creditors and advise the acceptance of the compromise offered by the Corporation. Mr. McElroy deserves great credit for his unmet ins application, and we trust hal vaiwble ser- vices will be rewarded." EDUCATION Ix Urrea CaraDA.—The re- port of the Superintendent of Education for Upper Canada of the year 1861 ie now pub- lished. From it we learn that the entire re- ceipts of the department tor Common School purposes, is that year, sero 111,317,299, and the expenditure *1,191,417. — "MOM S D11�RS, CRE T tonscimaka oripsW ... DUCED !Tile LT TM TOWN OF 00 Twa•nDonnie* HE hlwr i. i to the k,lluwing vatwbil y,fiOt A BEAUTIFUUY SITUATED PRO on s.trranau sou. The Howe. ,valet ryes la .048.r, &e. There are four -6P0 lad .ttaehe d, well fmt r,d, s aewnrneot 01 Fruit T • Mike► commencing to war. lac v. -o1 this pro - pert, .. one of the fines. in Ioern.—Wring . •{AciWW vWw of (.ate Ilun.rikald bat MahalMa- umee (ruin the Mandl Nutlet • a aro HOtf Es E ase LOT Ow the North Rile of Enot Sian, A frw doors Went of the Foundry. The limns. e0a.ees ^seen MOnm and a kn..ben : bas a small alalia. In Die ganlrn w ill 4be ii, ,* d • ane•e u eha(ea fruit trees, roles, . 'risme =if edwraleece required for a moderate steed /- EXCELLENT COTPAGE On tke Bisijeld Conveniently situated. 71.e Mabe; pump, Etc., on the premises. The hoose coerces en mous ad l,u-lice.. Tine progeny incl...lrs two lots, well leered, a11stiiag tray Meet to street. r UratII .�Xaod, rwr r.te en. Road. The ho.c cuntaiw ■x rooms, ketch•, &c. The drove property will be add cheap. An - /4 to G. M. TRU'EMAN, A ppraSer. A u. nonrer, 5-e. Oodencb. IM September.1862. 1131 GODERICH LISATHER (MANUFACTORY. Alta Leather & Findings Store .4 i •E. u .r.,_... 1 re Welk- e" trtl�Daseeside h/ _Prawrioney reie the NNON. JOHN FAIRE & AOI T BATTLE I °'t ANp ; • :WIC1QRY! IVIG NCIPL`. • .A! ..>+t i' & N to be tJndereold and general meterrat of /`' ich (.)PS do 9Fi0ES, , SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, they offer at the Very Lowest Prices M: DEPARTMENT CONSISTS OF English Clothe, Blankets, Prints, Dress Goods Cottons, Stripes, Denims, Flannels, Shawls, Mantles, Ribbons, Trimmings, Hosiery, and a FRY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CANADIAN TWEED READY-MADE CLOTHINC, Why the inspection of the pu'tlic; variety of sorts and qualities. A VIET CHOICE LOT OF LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S FURS. 1300'rS ANLL) tSHOrS, ARE NOW OPENING THEiR FAL7 a STOC1s er DRY - OOD$. .`.OMPaiING ALL THL NOYEI.TIESOr THE SEASON. They ass daily expecting a Well assorted ani of superior quality. BHET.F etc HEAVY HARDWARE, omitting of Plated Ware, Cutlery, L cks, Latches, Carpenters' Tools, and .11 other article, f shelf hardware in general demand. Heavy Hardware, consisting of Iron. Nails, Glad, hovels, Spades, Forks, Anvils, Vices, Bellows. Le. Agents for Circular, Mulley aid other Saws, at Maoufactureri Priced'. PAINTS A OILS. Gtr R O O IS R I XI MI Were bought at the late sale in Montreal• at pries which warrant them unsaying they cannot Ar uad.o,otl. Their Teo have been web selected, and havag pun -hued a urge quotably, they will be able to furnish Country Merchants at Montreal �"" Wholesale Prices! .^�'" ""' aMlr G K . t ^ •'q a n. y, ., new A^ Imsl,ertinn aSunc:tea. saeellers and'meut,.•., he► uw Le 's,uuumwy !urrsOUA r� AT LOW PRICES. The osbaoribn Alas fur sale, at tial GODERICH NURSERY, • A LAMM..Aoar1F1� N?or Fruit and Ornamental Trees SHRtJitd, ROSES, ORAPE VINES 1 Strawberries, Asporuywe read ifllrbar0 Raub / 2a, &o. A. pier tea mead btu w be satelarlowy to re. The w.4.,. roomer that has atloa- 11 mruoval ,d1.... tinea OM Nursery, .•.,- bred wish the lox press at w►w:b they are oder ed. Jack W themaely be a.guimat w sadism e poets m Waal N Trow to Purchase Them AT HOME �6seddpatruaaag dndoat and r.kaows estate s . 4(ive bleed Litholoyuee Free um Application. N. T. Custead. 0add•b llste.e►,Omsebse 1601aW awl! tit DR. HULL'S • LIf ' 7XD Aromatic Physic AN 'mportant Family Medicine. FOR the vara o lduca.r of the LIVER. AND STOMACH In.bgrstioa, Bilious affection.., Palpitation of the Heart, Costiveness ..1 the Bowels, Sick - Headache, Nide, Jaundice, and all other cases where w upealog gentle pbyuc u tequird. THIS MEDICINE CONTAINS NO MEROUBY, OR ANY OTHER DELETERIOUS DRUG. BEING VERT PALATABLE. It soli answer low de ...ale ii.al.a or dude's. Il r amply a helpmate w vat., piety sneer/ and ■ healthy a.•t,o n to tis `Stomach, lbs swum se life whew.. the Indy denims tis Mom/. T'hn Modicum bathe very pleasant to the taste. .aa dodo.• vert pop4e, sea► those invalids who hart bona @whetted with aaasau. C•*ox lel, Aloes, RM4rb, alt.•. Wherever u h., Leen introduced a baa met with great os. -new, ad se Lately to weeniest. all ohs. mdicup as a g,.od .d pkavat physe s AGENTS : Psae:a & Cares -Zi F. Jusn.w, aad the train (woeflly. .27 ILLUSTkATED SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN! The lest Mechanical Paper in the World. .tiyAfrearA rear.—hof. 8.—.Vele Series. ANEW mimeA pupa•r Menai omme ted em eke int d Smeary. h b peohmed went, aura and term 00110 we Wien& w angle,. vara .d corvine. r.tr.a.a .idrnrrerie•, al which preared ex newly foe n. colawaa 7. ti• Aden matt Jib elef•errne. No pence regard br•y7 of t4' mrrhau.,,I or menu- raemnnt prier slosh' *hunt d-•kew ow..." 1,. ran'.* o Ilea Veer per week SIISR1FF''B .41.11 07 LA11De, guano cannons of yr chem of TWO Wm. y tfaaa� sad awn, every Tw WNI jar :'Hoes •Iy Cvvs W lee lJ.U0 Cuuatas d end atom and rollshe.kds11N the 4dtsseseems 41 labs DEMO x.04 )00.o k4 a die tees d endive's 11 rases . Jena iLs.sMlm di* r w+w ab6 hem t• IMO i tH .r+esor t� let a t (7alaty of /2 4. ter epie bui,dtd aeras, Mote swam \Meese Lane eal u...ems 1 skid! alb em sea al. Wks . Me ur House m ake Totem of th4.nck, o• T Twelve tkrdb.11u t moo. woo. .t the k,yeOd`�j JOHN MACDONALD. mem!lee P0Le.oe1, &pat,• !. 8 D. t bent'e 04.,, Do,,nib, . tete Dlww MM. wed SHERIFFS SAL• OF LANDS. Vatted Otero•. of D Y vines of tyre Wrt. oe Herm .d Brum, B Yeedeb.l p„o,.,d to w. i Part Facies *awl all et Hee Mammy's County Cs. of the Coed) ea liaises awl to me daayd aemoet the Swab ra, um of Juke Sona .t the amt e Devitt, 1 hem Maid awl take. sea Esa.nalee air the Ws ud latera* of Me ,said Dee p is WL,Rmabrr Fisk t Tao' Cum.. cess d1M:awaMip of Morrie and Coral or H05 r40 �;a'br.teawe...M thatpiltrt ArtieWhish Lei sad Twosome 1 shall odelftto Mr raw owe et t rale et wry aa0k 1i tiw1 IlsMa, .i t Tom of �asia,a I Twrsy-/r. da) D April nod, elle hour of Twelve dile chick,. en a. JOHN MACDONALD, By 9. Pou.aa, De Sherif, H. a Re 34..m, '.0..1.rulkhenr. 17th January. 11163. f( 61: SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDo. Dego! Cowie., of DY moue of Two Writs* Flatus tied Brune. B Fen Facia. mead out To Wit: Sof Her Ma ti court of the Uansil Coombe. o4 yHuiea mal Bruce .ed to Ins reacted Maoris the l..ada and eaewws4 oil 8.dolnus R.dg .n Alexander Cassava sad William ilea wwok Job, tAtinie.t end Robert Uunloer, Execs ton of the Iaal will and meanest of Thomas (:amnlnsr, deceased, 1 have .card ad takes iw iia.• t,m .6 the reit, tate bed este,., of the mud Defendant, to east to Lu Number Two, Henget, in the Towuyy, w Moony and Count y of nuns, containing Ten sures,.aur. err �• Wba b Leda mid imee.ents !shalt over for .o1e at my Ogee a the Until Hewes u the Town et lioderrb, on Tuesday the 8.venw•wtk day ut Frtwuary esat, et the boa of Twefve d the clock, , JOHN MACDONALD, 86arir'. tS/nm, Dederick.' �"�i g. k. b lash Nov.. 1111*. i 41 SHERIFF'S BALE OF LANDS. Maned Coons. of MIT virtue' of a Ant . Huron and brute, L) Plan Facl•e mused out To Wit: of Her Milroy% Comity Court ditto Comity 11 M.Mkeex, and to not 4.- reNed seam* the Lade ad leremeam U( Wil- kins e,upios, et the tea of Donald /Maths. 1 Mee rises. ad taken it Exenitwa di the title cod Interest of the rel defendant. a and b Lot Nu. Thirteen a the Thiol ovaaewwa oa< me Tow..bip of McGillivray a the County of Hama. containing Iry adt.ea.aren,ent (tie numbed Aare of Lead, the Mane more se lam Which Laude and 7eoeuents I shall odor for alk at my tidLe i. the Court House, i. Ike Tow. of lirdrneh, on T.mday the Simeat 45 dam d Marra, a the hum of Twelve of the stuck, coon. JOHN MACDONALD, By S. Pot.t.oea, Deputy SheriQ R. t A pa r eheril. Shand'. Utale, Dederick. 1 lath Doe.. feta. ( sea " . SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. w Untied Cnunliee of D Y risme of • War a Court .,1 the County of Grey, and to am - Huron vial Brunt, l7 Fier. F4•.e Ysa ' eel T. W a : 1 of Her Majesty'. CMM,, Aoeesed agga.a.t the Lands and Iroemeau en wh.eb weof Hiram K.Ibuum, deceased, el the time of his death, , the hada ul )ohs Andrew, Robert Cairns h ad Dowel Deb, to he administered et due anti w' Job, l'.,eaor. Jr., 1 hews Settl- ed .. and taken .n Execute* ail the right. (tale ad interest of the mao d deb -talent, a •d b I Lots Numbers 1, t, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 13, 14, 16, 14, 17. 21, 22, 2.1!e, 28, Ry, 30, i1, 81, 34, 37, 41, 43, 46, 414, 47, 49.N. 60, 67, SS, ew, 61, -6. 77, 78, 81, 8!, bd, 63. 8a, 1l, es, 93, E, 98, 99, 100 111, 112, 11 • 1111,'116, 110, 117, 118, 119, 190, 1t1, 1!!, (3d, 135, 146, 148, 147, 110, 152, 164, 166, 166, lel sod 110 all a the Village et leven"ay, in the Uuu*ly of Were, being wbdt vomits of arm luta N.. m and 30. the seminal co neemioa "f the Township of Ain* . the said County of Rrure. Also *hoe 4o Mars., heist ero,A'•d.4.111lene P•1a ofm d fun, 1.ots Nus.».d 30, Mel .dnt.vlded .ntu Yil- I...e lots. Which I ands *n1 tetras• 1 1.11 oder for said at tsy ogre In the Court House to the Tome of OadeAr4., on Tuesday the Seven- teenth day of February next, •t Ihe hour et leek,. of the ..lock, noon, - JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff 'a Gfr •r, G L`hersr, H. h D- .krich, t 1016 Nue,. !Mit L 36 SHERIFF'S SAT.P. OF LANDS. I rnited Count's. of)Y virtue of o Writ of Huron and Brent. B embed ou Fien Facie, ed t To Wit :- So( Her Maj.-ny's Cerny Court 01 the United Connie. of Hewn and Hruee, sod to rte turreted saa.ns the Lands Odd Teem. cat. of Joh* Patens', •1 the sot .0' Thomas M. 1 bompon, I have Maud end token in Execs - lion 1111 this nght, liar ■n,l interest of the said Hi- rendule in Mad to l,ot Number Five a the Pew - mule Cut -..,so,, F:a.ten Division of she 'f owe - ship of Colborne and County ce Huron, contem- n( by dined..einem One hundred Mete., be the mine more or leaf, with the Building. thereon erected. Which Lend. ed te,emants I .hall oder for wk .t ny mace .n the ('oar Howe in the Town of (h,derich, oe Toclday the Twenty- si,tbM der of April text, ai the hour of Twee• of tee Meek, neon. JOHN MACDONALD, S 8. P.I-LnCRL `weal' H. a B. By Shmaf'.O4* .t,deenrh, 4hh Ja,wrT, 1.63, of The subscribers are not desirous of bumbuggiu- , but court inspection, that the " n rA: bosom : beretMforo met forth, may be proved. TaUTa� That they may be enabled to continue selling at reduced The seeming American hi ites/w w`hie to every in. tlemto deal candidly with their contirt, and any tea the, ex prices, they feel it incumbent on vt11ef'rh'at"irn*.sa •travail detonnt.•,4 ad in ell. expect it amounts Its be 1f""y J.r btst i"eer.aes--Yla► auoe wL ha k ped promptly t.•r omen. an 016111 UMW Um e' airs.. of •7 the JJ. Q. D rkae Pelena .reed from lbs VOW MOS. Paten o were due - . d: SON. ter the wen k Kerne; Aelieg r a emery hooray of the ;nig em d inventions h. Ws 04.... N' are n , , ne receiving. eery week, he bed seireWe p5.'.. ,s Grum HnrL, Femn.r.. and Gamey am ."r Ines tie r oann all ..trnwgil(y al anrd.andn.eal Ki. now ant an n *her ad countries, Ws rhea •..iwse to tarter to our ...Annuls opium •arae. Ileal Meas TLE re. hewer a may 4c.. aesrew b .r AT readers. '. AN pamphlet .4 mons -lien i on as M 1, hea... rto form,A. rah.: o LE, i. •t 1'u.c..i .m r.ew n cnntp*Y,' " funnMrd .trMe ;\.,ten. UU n t fin. ha**. n r w Patent ,,l, fur *. (om..e Messrs. seventeen , a.r•, in r..,i.ertr,n win gip*. WHOLESALE T.T2 , RETAIL A Tv bran". .r the .rieinnbe AM., won. mey ?tattle. --adop lenl4.. to whoa. Owe have done twins,. Ito filar, r made f amnions" sketches Moilwhish, wilier puun-ante Oodericb. 6th Sept. .42. CHOICE TAT OF MACES, PARKER & Inter ritMW IONDN AND PARL. Corner p Market Square and Test Street_ Ooderif,3rd Sept., 1862. r:,6 l PaRLiA AitY NoTI0s. PaarrnNG 11 tilliQ J R Asa A�` VR W PRRPwRg, rem d eNM.•D ' . , and 0 Pissed, sows tl. s sri ParpMlti• k tees of •il t Ant itc:g 6. tem f 'Ham relies" P,00l Q bet beg the 8.1"11° he mot. ie ,seri demi Met ~ ^ext .MOM•, be.. Ar' :rod 04 me 0�ederii bower H.er ee le tit04 Labe Hume OeJaen" 7lbfw .. Jaen" , 1o1R VALUABLE; LA For Iowa R.SASONABLE anew rooms • *e.•i a - .w. rte dsrs e. be6,0= F. 18.918*p• . t•eMe. h laseme,1aM, sve Is mid IS, le lel Caan.aa• d I of 01490446. r.e.-.. . lbs lads are *enroll •. 1M and.bisy 111 LA. land coda te CHARULU W1Ntltis,, tado. IUM, s"rtlle t I MI i r 1 dM rte IrrenW.r and for advt..' invents.. so a tear PIeuW seas er w DIIUGGIS C'4w K IrrA.wn xrrny.<An nus/i'ae.nnr. TS!! ,1'<Ir oar Am 1new• n, i1.la : e i moral ?min.!Mtnrm. Angiea..r.re:e. un them,eare d rheinth m. Alli ..dscove ^nn Me interests of die arehdeei and rerpenerr ora elm nvnke.hed: all Idle a Nrr nitn.r and dirnrerle• rae,M,;. 1st KINGSTONtheapw,.nn• telae roiaahed fma. w.i *sera._ c•riW and practical Inlenalr.n pennons sa.he user- BTREET, GODERICH : armth m k end mh,ween e,111r .send es .e Branch Esthetes Kmae obtain ra . h.re hnmire. S nary s a nwga_ hments: Owen Sound &Durham. '�' n•reinter •steel aerr.wr a Subset is .fi Carsten ass interested n dl he (evnd dnraerJ n the __ IForlentilr A4*m. an: nowt or ,.int .wn' lInnoagr,_ cultural implemeub benry,.aurtr.ted it. ifs eolismm. � TtnMat J)RALEMS IN DKr (11EMNC'ALS, PATENT MEDICINES. TKUD11ES, DYb STUFFS, To^aii.^i`r;hr ` Three P'0.r' a .nr..' one 1111 Oil, Peiat., t'sn, .lo ., Tar Puny, Roan, Tutpenb.e, Cod Od; NurslingFI t •mesa fJanuary r f r nwvM. 7 as raw.nn copses edits dr .m,,I •ka Seams, Etc , otc., •e•., mid, Field and (lar- are ,e Ju. save sod Jslr. Nperar.ew avyws r dl tie rel grow la any ran M Ue reentry. HORSE AND CATTLE item* n' and Canadian 0000 ante an sol Sre .omp. MEDICINES I letrn.ipariir.alrrptrew. t ..inn.elrrfierswall {,Iran tri rem.* tarnl.-hvr Tenn estra mi tare aster'. All Orders matr.tec to ova Cue eta t...are, !;y .MIubrrtp.on w nor I•ramltr. promptly vttrneled to a the lowestMarker pude 1',MUATN & CO., t I(i(1:l-a 7t k (•t 1'J-Ih: 0Ws►erw Ti Park Row. N. Y. "f'arsovm.' K.oek," hi mem on St.. (merest.. wily Msreh, 186x. HURON l• • ,0,4,04.1111I I " MCItcik STdNGINE SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. IUnited eCounties untiesf ea rlis rwYedviue M Two Writs s oYedlrnt ,I41 ULTNI)Ry'etfis. TeaWdti akdjFfesyMWCalnerFw • 1 Derck ad (b•anCourt •d to me dreelel agatess the Lead. and renames,. of Joseph Welker end William Walker, at Ike suit of .1 Ice Rank of Up- ppeerrCasette, Hubert Huncimen, Caroline Strachan, Caeca/WI ; Jame• M. Linehan ad Charles Wilder. Enerulo, d the lest will and testament dth.-Ialtr Alexander Weed Strachan, doo,..W. 1 bees wird mai taken in Etecutn..Il th.,.this tate ad inren,nt alba sad Ilokdant., is and to the &,nib half of Lot 7 , !ed Con., 8. er. Township* Street. coauione 25 Acres; part of Lot is i* t 1* Com te.nm, N.U. H., containing 16 arms I Lot !41* the Ir r,n cewun, N. D. R., containing 60 scree + Lal 91, ' Int cuneeenon, 8. U. R. cunlaismg Iso much; part of Lola 1137 and this IM roa.ewon, N. D. K. i Lot ft in is eoaor...ton, N. U. R., cnntainnff 49 menet per of Lot 30 in 1.1 concession, S U. R., containing b Mares ; par of Lots 76 and J7 in Ir ..»cusrm, S. R a., ,staining 91 acres, dl is the township of IIhme sinal County of Unice. Which L.J.a*Ed Te ..*. 1 Jan offer for sale at me Mere in the Cows Hoer* is the Tows a O.deeieh, ..n Tmeeday the Seemed alar of December mut, at tis boor of iwdy. Oahe duck, ■o na. FORkS R. RUNCIMAN & CO., Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills, circular, Mulay and Sash Saw -][ills, • . W1 • EITEAM DIGINS A BOILERS TIIRASIIIINTG}, MACILIPIES, SEPERATORS AND HORSE POWERS, Mowing and Rea�g Machines, Wood Sawa, 417171 11e 7.1LPC)I a, QANC P=.O1?O1 baht (;clings made, ed Blacksmiths' work done in • neat and snlwtastislmanes, •me.moo *forty dsrnpuon made to order. Akin all kinds of onehinsey w� oa short notice. A largo stook at t I i PARLOUR Pips BOX STOVES, �r-�' stat . ips Saeem. As oar pawns, of the above are 141 }Sid, I•• (reale Us i&M hspbetioe of cher abet before parehesisr se see ere e> no oboe* at the r.Maemr•tiva lkdit. Old metal, rasa , oilier for etiomak, or map. rower; Carpet, ate Wide ./ /..1... tel.. 1..+dhoagb. psimleb, Oen:Am% MP. w!i LOOT Os IrOL17, severe( AY 4.„rMMsne ". 74,4 4 atp•d.�p...�Yrrmmoare1s weft y� a tw alalb e1M+ .•MJ ditsal'.‘" MOAIIIIY TO LIMO AT • lbede.ed rue r leh1910(6, !1}ra�latr �a ew_ 6a; -e47710.3.81 dr9041 Ff :ea. lee`�e�1�M: *el Arse. .eh ..i I (tet 61901KNO. /drb6►1111*Mo,110. p• 1441 JOHN E/ CDONA ID. Sy 8. Pintoes, Deputy Sherif. Man( It. a B. Sherif'. Oaloe, (inter j Jd Hovembee, 196149{ - 411 • POSTPONRMIIRZ The Mom sle a pmrpnool Thwry ,1he15b kat. The above sale wharhee opened rad W.6 •wily the IMIt Japery, 1 PURITHiR POSTPONIBimN?. The sewers ads N farther wows/ iii Penal the sate day or P.lrnry, 1 Sbe�ih><II Sale of Lands. 0.bd(eaall.d D 14 IMO 11 . VIM .f Remo sal ems, 1) Imes V..r ., Lead wt To war: of H. 0.j.bS1 Owed Mt U (bamle. aHems awl Spare Clammy Tene- mentsrid M _ Mabe the Lade ad 11s tied chain* MMas , of tY �j mi�t 0 7, NM�M Ike a is _pit da eta. LN 110. dr doe. oil V Lal es 4r mesh ror►, ter en �rv►,aam,..• dmop a• Lately 16.., .elr ___ bier se ham win .farsenm.yt JOea ther ;..k r alga' am, sec +n's *conis" so JOHN MAw.v1R41ks�. i i'esse■, hh.rrf SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. eller! Counties of j'] Y venWmue ofa Woffal,- Harm. and B Brune, 7 dam* Exposes issued To Wit : ) out of Her Map•wy'e Corey Corn oI the Uetred Couptree 01 Hnroa .d lime •nd to me directed ageism the Leeds .d teem owlets of Chevrons $stew, •t the suit of Wildest Rhea swirl, Joon Geed. mend Roble Huchiss"a (i.irdeer, ere era. of the IW will and MOM - mem of 1 banns Gauthier, 41,-n 1, I bare ask ed ed tale, fn Execution, 211 the right. Idle sadint-rest of 'tweed Defend•et, fa eta to Lot No. RI ()teen meal East sod 1.o. N. 97 and 19 Q..* nitre. Weal, .. the Village of Eiscerdise and t dusty of Kraus, Wb$oS Llai and Teas meets 1 .h.6 oiler for Sale at my (l/c. ,s the font Hnusr• to the Town of Gdtee:4 es Tues- day the Soorenteemb day re February next, at the hour of Twelve of the clock, noon. JOHN MACi ONALD, Sa Sy a. Proton, ay Sheri s1% H. i B. Seen Ira vis lith Jusary, HISS, t 61 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. U•.ed Cerise. of • Wi d Hume ad thee, S) B Fore Facies, tamed out T. 18.: 1 of Her MraA ...rrrllf b at= Court t 4110 ld Teae.•.7 e11••4.y•l sit ere Hai, at the era of J•me• A.sal steett.y '1 have rued ad Worn m Ea.ewtm. d u..2161. tLs Rid MN.of Ma m•1 pew/ 5 8 t• •t Nfbteser Nord skis a 11.,, Sandi -ret Needier Elewea, W star a Haran Part t e Name OMs, ens •y,Msf nth dMlbTewed mlpbksulb(b beer.. W his\ Lai ted reiiasyg� br sale a./.. • t 11•••••**Oast lrstill ?ewe atf se Trtmby Ib Twmep: Soar% dm OfT.bwary woe*• a We bmeret revert is the After woe. JOHN MACDONALDt PlwertSl' R. }NALCO*. "!� y o N. it A. 1)bri •s (lkcs,° %, 4 lab Nee.. feel!. led ►rH[ sab,enber r deesrewe elf Mem . firoM last. etil i1mlgela�nrius areas sappy hhraM M- eb of ,'d fri ada ,1766. •. ' ibe Pk*. Wes, SS,•w `M Awe .*ph brie.& M Mt1bs. al 02 pe▪ va•• wN.M• I