HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-02-12, Page 3TALLIS°. The ea.es1, iltheauts Rrwdyst w vow roto N the smolt wow obis.esrieempil essip imp inns •✓.real, sd wets of (.Unum& hoses be •CemdswY W gassers_ Bassi Bias re Sow short, es is the sit. ~sea Our lobsad sbss Simi i a Mkes psed YIB•, sad awe ass�pssN� r ohs mesh aA k r Aber duty. ver ss• ea,dst.bs a daft th a ~4 ensu t " j.IM r" 11 L • verily algae of euesperi . n, bet what Deere ie than is M 1-whe .usld ewer teewesine, but far dm age.+m, the phrase jest hbs." Aad yet nay ...y pease ■ bo heww, better will tory navel, eses.t that this er tat it '• jellsk " Ihr. Se also the "aMeai" or ralte "rim" (for 1• soya 1") tare serer .be a peer adverts ee stewed be- tas. Mates St a0 PIVVSrtitrse It pares late a ehisplsgnr. he say was that s ay be sIM.Nd r k. W Twos .f owns, be all Raring std eieaatiaeisle, bw w r .ay at lent "mi sues saga 4testia to to organs of patch and se tar as alas trod gemmed istmd,d they eltioshl be tad. Tongues ase sot meds seemly to be wet with snide ; they en maitiores need for imparting mteH4 Ode monads Tt4Yllp. kr Yilek Cows. vet 'IMiloSmith, of Nunkamp4on, iu a came maim W the 11u0eaead, wade the follow• i.g outermost :- We tried one of our bee wows is milk recently, tat was fed half basal of twerps a day to lir caw food, by weig►iag leer milk carefully fur Due week. Wi thaeleft or(admix la !.stip., while ber other feed was precisely the same. ea• drup- LIoR us her from Iwo and three gar* per , sod os retteamg the feed often r, she came back withe three days to her full awe .f silk. The direr.ace In the quantity of mak, ne we ern ours, asks. the Ion.ipe .ortb from 10 to In crate per bushel, and I think that they eaa be ramped for Raab km than flat. awtn• Mini- At Raga( Park, Surrey, o0 the 27th u11. Lady Clark, the alerted wife of Sir James Clark, M. D., Bail., Zeicas m otd.ry 10 Rer Majesty, daughter of the lat. John piss 11. D.. Hre'udaa, is to 71st year of her age. Oh Woodsy the 9th inst., Mary, wife of Mbaw. Johnston, (Ioderich township, ter$ $0 Tan. • Walanntrttal OODERICH MARKETS. SIu1AL Orrick, Oodericb, Feb.10, 11463. Sleighing Felty good. rhe Wheat Markel is • huh lower. Large quantities of grain .omiag se, are of it from the county of bran. F.M erase .. ,... 0.83 a 0.85 YprisI der 0.75 a 0.76 (Fat• 0.35. • 0.37 Prom . 0.40 a 0.45 Hake 0.60 0.65 P.W... 0.371 a 0.00 Friar, per hbl 4.00 • 4.50 tea,perlou... • 1 {.OU ■ OQ.O do .. 12.00 a 00.0 !bad, per 11. 0.08 • O.0 Mateo, per lb0.06 • 0.8 Yawl, pet Ib... .... 0.05 a 0.07 barter 1.10 • 0. I24 Ftgg., per dos- 0.10 • 0.00 Oateue■1, per al .... 6.00 • 0.00 Cornmeal, do 4.00 a 0.00 Hay, per toe......... 16.00 • 18.00 Straw, it load, 5 00 a 6.00 Cordwood (dry) ...... 2.00 a 0.00 . do green 1.75 a 1.50 Beef. by quarter. per 100 Ib3.00 ■ 3.50 Pork, 100 Is . •3.00 a 3.50 Sid. (graver) 4.00 Manakins 0.50 llh•e, per too 19; •4.65 a 0.60 TORONTOOMARKETS. SATraDAT, Feb. 7. Pa Whet. 0.94 to 0.98 Spring N best 0 82 0.87 Haley ........ 1.00 lei 1.02 Pas .... ...... 0.52 0.56 Use .... 0.40 0.4.2 B 0.56 0.00 In.h Better 0.18 0.20 Tab better 0 124 0.13 MONTREAL MARKETS. Meer (extra).. . 4.00 5.00. Noma wheat 0.92 (i. 0.94 Fall Way • 1.03 1.07 Baler 0.15 0.16 Hoes 3.00 et 4.00 Ws Sbbertuellttitl. CDLISERS' EACYCLONFDIA SUPPLIED IN PARTS, At Zee C:C21t,f.. Al eke Signal Office. CALL It SEE THEM! AN INVENTION OF RARE MERIT! Lone Wanted and Found at Last ! ACOAL OIL LAMP CHIMNEY, ready cleaned ad which will no break or react boon awhile chimes of temperature. Peres $Oc to 6Ds. necordag to tar. For Sale w 013301\' DRUG STORE, Market 8mo•re. O.derw•b. reit. 10th, 1063. THE ORRATEST VARIETY OF VALENTINES " BLACK WOO_ D"For January. end " LA 11 LISLE "-a New Novel by the Asher of ...Lady Newey. Seam" For Si% at BUTLER'S. BLANK BOOKS BOON-BIZfDING. AYINO nude aerem.g.nsw. with Mr. 0 1-14 TOgORE0011., In b.beier and MwJ■r• ae.•.a•r. (wee hr lately Mooned sem wish • bees. Nook 01 Binding and NMr , 1 prepared to w44 W.► LsrsfgR tad tarns wmNlbht .d will..m u is��sea� et e pre elapse Wes Tame AB Mak w we ernes wet.' r4fm will Ili reps ed gee de6.ge. ,.44.2) JOHN BUTLER. CHEAP PBINTING ! ! SIGNAL OFFICE. W1I AU AAAI PIEPARED TO RX R. ewe ell numb d pita .rid hairy pelesf.g, w Mama ressenehae tars, earl * WM style, ;thile is s N per see .sae PIINIpbML V ha also me*. gad rale Sal NO kept IN bat eW s Lost= esestiliss w us phew, has hi peps.. AV • DNA heslm10 . RIgrear. rthshut W /�j0 s a WE, TIE IDIDEVICNED, am0.aaTI It/ Worth aid Coarse) Towle*, H.vt•g pa.d►ro Tows eta DR. O. BEADLE, •1 . Catharines Nurseries, CMeru ... AN ameralesed n as t. hs•kby w Pad trio., and advise areas eiarr r plat Isar w peeler ass Our leisebw. letwaeriess..- Ruben Wiben, •s.1. J duns! st. t sal Father, Goma Name. askew Otani, J.J. Wag*, R. W karats, Patrick Healy. J..ha Mc W buoy, Jar Wilkiawa, .1.rke Dueueue, $.44.11r. lwsysrwY, Owes J.rps, Fwd. W. TaylMee, w11. -Some NOTICE. TH1 ANNUAL MEET•I vO of Sh.misldrn onto Homo U.wrkt B.,klleg &ouely will oe ben At the Court House. 1a tbe'Tueu w llyd.nrb, Oa M.lalay the Second day et Barth, um, •1 4 o'clock, P. M. The Books Wr We year will be closed on the Sal meant. SHADE GOODING, (loJ.rieb, 6th February, 11163. dorm ary. w4bW [ADVERTISEMENT.] .eke Editor of fie Herbs Sigaul. Dias Sts -Permit me tri use of a sena 1 space in your paper to make knows the following truth: - 1 owe a great debt of gratitude to Dr. J. Biyheni of Bluerale, for the great good that he ba. been the me.w of efsctu.g in m phy. P al constitution; and a I feel that 1 eon never repay bins, I am de -area W make it public through your columns. Please let to me state, bere, a few of my 'ratan and feelings -1 than much brought iuwn by some form of disease that was prey- ing on me -so much a, that it was daily wasting my vitality; ad life seemed to he ebbing out apace. Su emaciated and weak bad 1 become, that 1 was so feeble that 1 could ouly just totter along. Everything seemed a burden to me. Finally my speech was taken entirely from me -my vocal pow- ers had ceased to work. I looked upon my cane as hopeless-( began to despair of get ting better and 1 Aad reason to come to this conclusion. For 1 had applied t6 no less than four Doctors -some of whom were reckoned very skilful, aid no duul,t are. But they all seer me up W die. Some said our thing about die nuture of the complaint, and some another; but all agreed that 1 could not get better. Hoverer, none of them seemed to full] comprebe::d my complaint. end conse- quently, gate me over to the fell destroyer. Hut as life is dear to every hiving Thing; I was continually on the look out for help. At ength, hearing that a young Doctor bad Id- eated at Illuevale, I win delermitied, as • last resort, to consult bin, before 1 gave op the at frill says of hope. I pteeereed my case to him. Ile very carefdlly examined me, and undenouk my case, giving me medicine and instructions. Very shortly after, 1 began to improve and continued to Jo w until Iles day, and am now ae well as ever. I omit do my bumines and attend to my daily Ialr'n-can walk • good journey; and above all my vo:ee is again rigor- ous re usual, Now, Mr. Editor. all that I ran do to com- pensate this good man, is to publish my won- derful cure -and I hope you will do so. All my neighbours in Morris and mildly can vouch for all I say: I .m resieent in the 3rd concession, lot 8, of the above maned Town. ship, and can be seen at any time to give testimony to all that I hare said. Yours intrude GERHARD HCBBARD. Sorra Township, Nor. 27th. ta42. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. United Couut;es of, virtue of Two Writs Harem .d Bruer,( 1.11 of Fleet Facto. hosted To wit I cel ut Her Majesty'. Court of Chancery at Toronto, and to a divested same the Laub ad !moments of John Scott mid Jame. mat, at the putt M W.:lam Lawlor, I have • wised and taken in Execution all the ngnt, ntk•ad interest of Ile sad Ue:eod,nts, in all. to LW number Forty-one, in the Fou,teento oeceDmion a the Township of HuIkH . the County v1 Homs, *oh the Iu,IJmus thereon erected . Which Lands sod te•ne,ncnt. 1 pest riser for sale ei my Dane in the Court Home .n the Town of (:.deitch. vu T000.osy the Twelfth day el Alloy nest, at the hour of L'weirs ot Ihr clock, nam.. JOHN MACD)NALD, Maar H. & B. B y S Pot Lock, De nay:heri0: Shrnr's OlIkr, C;o demi$, tith February, Ib63. ! w52 SHERIFF'S SALT: OF LANDS. trotted Coulees ofY virtue of • Writ of Huron •d Brmc.})17 Fieri Ferias .s,ed out To w6: W Her Majesty's Cousin Court Mlle County of Halton ami to me directed agonist the Lands and war :eats of Samuel Can e t the soil of William Cor, 1 bare Wlged •nil take. on Execution all the right, ate and interval of the sad Defendant, in •I.d to . portion o4 Loi Number Twenty -.;z, Commotion U, In the Town- ship of Carrick, commencing at. a pont at • dis- tance glen Cimino and Eighty -hour Links from the Northwest merle of and LW Tweety-s;i in Cos. D o4 the Townehtp of C•aenrk. ;e bearing worth 37- 51 W. *1001t the Southern hmnlary of the rod allowance between Twenty-five and Twenty -Ms in said Goecs.smon h. 7 hence S 54' 45 E in a bre parallel to the Elora hold, ■ d.s- tome of Si. Chains • hence S. J7- 52 W. In ■ line parallel tonal }lToad allowance between Lots Number Twenty -fire ltd Twrnlyrix, a durance of Ten claim; Thence N.70. 15 W. a dstare id Sia Chaos and Twenty-three Links, more or tea, w the soothe. boundary of said hoed ab lowence between Log N:.. Twenty -live ord Twenty-six; Thence N. 27. 52 E. oolong the Stutbrrn boundary of said Road alld ranee, a daemon, of Twelve Chains, to the place of begin- ning. rinl•In;ng by admeswrrnent Six Ames, Two /hoods and Sixteen Perches, be the same more .r ie.., with the buildings therm'. erected. Which Lada •d 'Pavement. 1 shall offer for sale at my Office in the Court Howse in the Town of ll dera•h, es Tuesday the Twelfth day W May seat, at the hour of Twelve cella cloak soon.' JOHN MACDONA1.D, Sheriff, Il. & B. By S. Pnt.r.oce, D,O.'y Skene. Sherif'. 1 t66., (Goderwhr February h6, Illi. ( we SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Vaned Corinne. of) DY venue of Two Writ. Han. ad Bnrce,)) li of VendKappa..i Kapo. To WI: end Five Writs Flew Fe- rias waned ova of Her Majesty's ('own of Qsses'• Beach and Co.mtWood .d to me ,kre,ted agents the Londe ed Trimmest. orf Joseph Welker Red William Walker, at the sae of The boa of 1!p. per Cease., Rohm au.eim•s,Cerai.18ra4.s, Ezeetertr Jana M. Fneehen ed Chases Weiler. Executors of the lona will ad testament of the 1•a Alex•nd.r Wood Strachan„ deceased. 1 have wird and taken en Eseormoe ail thertglet, tale ed anomie of the .id Defendants, is and to 5tis h half of lex 1., 14 Cas. 9. D. R., Top a Mat, ceetainisg 16 Ankle; pen re Ise the la C..-...., N. D. K., n.0daIeg fa Lail le to he .worries, N. D. R., c aa1m•g 60 sera;Lee 1hw lis.needs.., S. D II., 0rntstaLim eerie; pea qf L NI,17 end the, 144N. D. ILI I'•I SI M 1st 01 L• ao 3 in .a 0.. rotes 011.af0M E D. R. s•; LM eta .tl+ eatba hetswM� td thin.d Casty .1 s hew Leath .M Taiwan 1 .hall ower 1w sales 61 ear s/he lathe CMw Home is to Yews 1. Mao ape hope a gbh tales l s.a� deal, sees. se , 0i di how of JOHN Mt CDON*LD. Sb•y M. ♦ 1. BY S. Pewee, Depay Merit Sh.iI's Mee nen 1 Ir 544...6.,, Is6L. 6 Al PORTPONIMRNT. T e ensue our s past/weed ata Taman Walla lase =dew. sols s Ant. ��aesm��esah0 dela Woe. aiYtdhs Nib �Js•sorv.lir lis.- ram thea b her et1F is ttwl. P \rURTHa POR'!•ionsn Err. Ta shop sets le hoes p.rpW llis%ohs as Troth this o rare ems. DAYS' HOTEL, OH 2101 OKAY*{. TOAD, 1111.414 Mint siabaselre. a kr *a • prase ►r may area and the ea the 111.1 that 4r hour.s sow dirties . a few a• rtes« io sae Ise tear due N a peeper he all Mill ewer the shame Wawa trpm 610. :.eros./ Wdi.r Wt N le a4 the man W Ilut, isaaar eat stir. - Pees. 6M Alis - slab*, ass t►eeafwe , Te.eweier, WNksnm, Hosea IM 0w A.•vel >adthe &ease•bo.,d caa apse, amen* Worn lied.. �. w. -k Dao. a .y bags of de el$M loos r to nMet *10 ooaRly hoick, psreape, ' • vie •' hawse erre K W. Nacawu, .d 4 Loa'. Naw Mapthe Carty. IP' ba provided l I eum..er ix kr !Lomas &ends. CHARL116 DATE, w411-11• Proprietor. se or Tan Tsi$T/ no Olivia Lli,ILIT s l NONTIILY affa w7r1.AI1Yar lel 06 47OLLE44E, Ce r1119a Ow IASTI ruTloN, located ,w rodeo• We' 1.441(.'., 71.w0, has lira/ s abed 1MIYAN T, Wild I TUN .k 1 WS. ..talbumV. t. New a, Album V. Troy, ChN...t nal DL Late sham Y. 6. s. M W Y...e ani a gall m.trw twill DR. FRED. DELLERBIOGI, THE oitollAL (3IIIMAN PHYSICIAN. OF BUFFALO. 11T HO established the dolt 1111N•abe 1St V 2 midru more Sas M IO y.npe. lir Ikvou'd tww�uda of his time to Cbms1e and g.nerel debility, will 6e a the hulloing pares le tae W a re. NONCE OF FEBRUARY, 1$68:i r•• y WA..casTow-Walnon's Hart... 711 & ilei► N[I:NT/air -Intrer's HAW....... 10► & Mit Faeroes 1111 fes 19th Beim as ........ ...lath Wau,erst-Hlage Heave .......1616 A,NLarstILLa-Anwtruag's Had.. 1711 & SKAIuITM-D"wa.l's Hotel fgtk CLINTUN-Rdlennu 's Hotel 10th Is fur (iooa.Icu-Britiab Bar'h.a/. •. • • nni Drelun. Nos--8Wt4. Hoof ..11416 LUCK now -Mage Hole) MI6 McKIn.T'N Hotel. .. 110t1 & 1711 KM:A . OINK- W.odLerry'. Where be can bet consaald us all forme of JANger.rg Dowsers. C'uuwltataoe ad servers Free. . 1.44 • pat.,, -... LIST OF LETTERS 1?EMAININO in the Ooderirb PostOaee, 11 2wt February, 1603. Agnew Annie Aram Doo..! Aries DauerC Andes. John Andld Waimea . & nae6w (JOnheb H J C O merkalgM Mary Ireton air. Marc Sainte null Whir Pawl 8h.k Sara Belford A Mow Warr liedonl Witl oa IM.w.sg Ws P Church Mr.Adelok Cad Hr dart Clow\ flocks Carey Charlet - Chaplin. Led C...1 James Co. John Caterer J Carr 1.04. Campbell John t a.up ell NnryA Car.. Mn Cahen Manes. A Comes* Wry C..p0ra Nolo Ciarny Joao Drew Geo 11,60* Mark 1:11.01: Arr►Idald 8400 Joh. F.W..tt Ralph 1:Ili,ar Role• Funds$11ah Ars Prr;.ar1 G rears Jars Fluu inc.'. FLwellors Leant Flys t1 dtmm Grown/Oki !urns Gdl. Thome/ Geiser Ttd.ass Goole 11..0,, Halt., loved Herwl. livery Helga H Hanan Henry Hql. 1 H6e•*.. Jaw. Hart loves,, Mono..1L4a or Norm. R 11.11 Win o. Jerry R.ehard Johnston Trains Jolter. W iv Kelly Jason Kew Robert Err r nr tat. Anhilaid Lamm Dooms taint Gs Gerrit I W t-.u.rnul Claw Lm66 ,1 )•r Mathes Elubth hinter James MUM Nr Murry Joist. blamer JAN. M.oany Jobe Mtllial F Ma ..)..' Pts rgr Murp 71..s *UMW, W Nemo N' McI*,.awh Ade/ Mc Gook! Ari, Mealtime. S McIntosh (Taro %4 37, 4 (1wa *lemma Donald M•K.y Mrs Pined .Mcleod Dow JW-Iat,,, .orb. Nekte a .len Mackintosh .,41. 1lla.d J.4,. McDowell Peter McKrnsw Copt r 14E..ae Y. AW .Mc5.e 11'., M.t(.y 1v. Ple.l.eawan DInrN Sewall Jin Owen 11 Oat Or Rrbwd hes J W L Norma 1.ws Piste l.6. Prirdle Mn M1 lLk TU. a.a. P.alry W Pap,* WdI.N (4 len... Robertson Atm 1hla,w.n Ann Roam.. David Romanian John Ra,alle Isms* *..hems W Rk6dal, \1•m'r Roberta 144 R Sn;van C Smith Haney IturheAnad A.,r Strep Henry arca. Jo.r. Minna I.mph South Mire, tan,. Lobelia 'Stewart Peter Sunni. %Vn, Trainer Ana Thomson hunt Tailor 1.e. 1 'hy k.311 Teen.. Wm torus II VeekWier Sad Vsruletwear,6 (Darnel 1V6ilely Al.Iw Winter Aka ►sirl..n.,. Silent. !hairy W0:r Joh. tWd.. Mr.*. Wil.n home. Wilma J W W.rA1., Mn Wright:fed E 1 Welsh Thom. watts. W. JAMES WATSON, PoOma.trr • - ua; TO ADVERTISERS! Ilrnlxrsi men tk'oagbemt the USW Cee tis of Huron and Brow, •sl allonsiere, w71 do well to ,.wail.ar ase the HURON SIGNAL, art aN ADVERTISING SFDIUH ! 1s unequalled is Iha .eet.o. of 10 Prone r, having a Clrralatioa of Afore than Nimble Iha of any other Memel . the Coes/..,! MILECHANTB and others who dear, to reach the rester' na.6er of peopW.lwei «6044 aW n'M, mop, at any bene. rxaonae caber or Ian 01 Me fold ..Luber.. or 14 plea .1006 pa- per for each week's were..bee we Wove .a ,a .hghlre doub they will be solvated trig regard to what we .tae. Nave Mr. Mcqueen .wed «be find 400 copies .4 the :+,u vs,., (Once. veer. sga.), n has loon steadily in.rrarne in tareirtainot. ad Aar weer berm greater sham r .A• peat man ...n We do not make thee, remarks on •croon* of any felfieg cR e• oar AJ„rtieng Prorates I on the contrary, we fare bed all maty Irmo every quarter a. we could eo.ve.r.tty 1d mom 6r, and We make n ■ pant Ivey.... t0 aho.w as saver lawmen! to remem in the paver M).md the tis... hergalned 644. Several ..darns of..rk *ahem have been turned away derma tri pain sI the, •, we are orlerm.ned, ,n *e,rwd.sre With lite .kv lion of the Pres ne.oci•lio*, sot to •Ito. them .pace •t • cent lea. '►•n the prows oe- mired from local merr6aaa. a o.eeh.tadeng 11., however, dummy the time w.a,n,aed, we ears avenged ten cd.w.r of new dvrnswerat• per week. This fig pore,• a eapen'w etreelatws, s 11 i• well know■ by 511 advrwl.sewn tau • maw that shame* fall mea, srrd r •to. arn.ird, mew be ILe led bananas medium, ward. at .soon.. a •Iw*y-stat hamar the greatest .ember ..f renders. The 0ls4., for ,...nrq 1.. (6e Ise - pea circulation in the Pannus, •d, rberefw., hoe the larges Awe of adartr.g, tee Leer follows nei:, and .0 se. Beale* inn old friend• a Ihr Lamely of Hess, .Ihave comet. melee the lhg.d as a bowie . Tedd (reel. we Inc. • large •ember d asbw•r.- hen in Bruce, ors hrldrat coma. going no each of sect apw0'al town•btp. as Besot, Carrick, eider, bre. Ift then, you rive Isds t0 sell, hoses to leer. grade to sell cheap, ow Say petite a.snere..m to make free Advertise M the SISIAL 11 I APPRENTICE WANTED. TH8 sshanilmr willow an apq.e .tree te the Sbev.a rse lenee•s. The •p W.ss era h.i.h nvomas•sid.o ns s to g,w.d• mond cher Haw. Ice. Apply ...0ed.tdy (.f a 6.., poo - Mid) to A. CARRICK • CO-. Entail P.O.. hale*. ?slavery 4, IK7. eat01$o etAMR INTO TOR 14NCLOSUNE or l� f t6. m beerMa►, lire. No. 1,1(1.1000 COO., ake1ae 15.64 Nevw6e, .06 . CsY .waw. rs 6e.J le gaga.. pawl Pay Magee sed soh bre away. JOHN MTRWWNT. hairy 111*, 11163. NOTICIL CR0/11 tot.the o.L_e el as ..MR/pe�l mlirsheet eke766M•fm,eimr ,lam, • pale gad .., show 7 yeen ell This .wan Y to err,, twins propwry. Par has. • tabe6nt•way. Wu. 01*1 La Is, Cas. It, 1•smory Ulm. 101111 IIILORANG1 0/1110111. lusriaaH him Leap ONO% w OM owns saille m seat mgr, iT W. X. SAYAels, Aa. le, lite. aal"Bs'''b' 8. • ndshe..k00.11 l md eete TICK101671311111. t0 Wedies.a e...1. LANDS FOR S TM.. HE Yj I..+ .m °Awad for vert advaaadvoa• terms: ON E -TENTH 0 Oe ilia 16161191 14911 11 fila If 1111 0, NI •ataa fALA•C• 1. Rime Equi l ...I 'astatine with inset 0 6 per seat. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS: Rooth 7 in lit eon., SO arms; Somali e re 1st our.. 60 acres, Smith 11 iu 2d ton., 100 arras. Anilh 21 in 3d cos., 100 non a, North 20 in 41. con., 100 ear,. No: lb 4 21 in 41 con., 100 .c North 23 in 4h eon., 100 aeras. TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK: Lott 2, 3 end 4 in Lith con., 100 acre. e TOWNSHIP OF GREY: Lot 26 in IM eon. 100 acnes. Lots :14 end 35 in 4 coo., 100 acres each, Lots 31 and 32 in 6 con., 100 acres each, Lot 26 in a cosi.. 99 acre., Lot 32 in 8 ton., 100 acres, Lou 33 and 34 in 10 con., 100 acres (ac TOWNSHIP OF TCRNBEItIIY N. E. t 43 in I con., 50 soros. Apply to Cmf alai WIDD.R, B.)., Goderie or W the owner, .THOMAS GALT, Pro., wad Tomato. i azer 8 L F9` ? ) torr g ) o4 1 lOy Rs Si TABLE TOPS, &C. / we 1DERICH • �`C. W,� 1 .. Ni- „ t. Hi:ADSTorES FROM 95 Oalers6 4th Noreruher, Itlk2. 0 Si II' E. 5C E. as C0 UPWARDS w40 PLUMBING ! 2�ErER C ILLZE3, PLUMBER, Kinston Street, GODERICH Opposite eke Heron Hotel. LEAD PIPES VT in 6.r y a at the roes-ee. of rued o, ho P 10 all parte of Dwelling Hour's, Hotel. son Pu(4. Heading.. Residers owed up with at atly ; . dnced E.FRUIT COM by Special CAPITAL -$1,000, OFFICE:111IILTOW, C. Paee1DRNTt,Its'I-'a,a,, W.1G N Y, Esq., I Sm JOHN FEILfl E, l:ee1 DFRICCIY)ROJ a Tristram /tickle, Et 1., 1(amilton; Hon W. P. Howland, Toronto; E. C. Thomas, Esq., glue Jawes Hamilton. Esq.. M. D.. s; Jahn Young, Esq, llawiltol; rah. Krrra E•linburgh, Scotland ; James Osborne, ., Hamilton ; T. C. Kerr. Erp , Hamilton; ht. Juan, F..q , H.Imilton; Hun. R. Spence, Toronto; F. W. (inter. filmiltoe; Geo. H. Gillespie, E.q., Hamilum; Dr.T.11a. k,St Catbenuer 1). Mellows, H c.. John Ferris, Esq.. IIamdluu ; Ilou. J yard Cameron, 7'uruntu ; 11'. 1'. Mel. :itae, E«)., lfamilton; Jae. Mrintyre, Ear., Liam- iltrm; G. Mel rite Esq., llama tun ; Richard Eaton, Eq., Montreal. MAN AGaa: GENIES'. AukxT: A. 0. 1LAMLAY. I AMOS FAYRAM. eU that he rod ERY security,adranl.Ke and tardily which -'--re.r lien.t.ty rut suxae.a, are ode:. Company The ratio, whhJ. are (un - r internal obtainable In tl.wc,•nll- ",��r Bntarn, ars low., Than those 01 K1 vr�s*mw Rats, copes of late report, and s �'ryJcofveusalwa may Le obtained at the Ilwar( or at any of to Agearis. • • M. R. and Layer Raising, Patna. ts; Turkey and other Figs; /french Prunes, in jar+; Or- ange, Lemon and ('item Peels; S. S..1Iuumd,, Filbert and Bra - /11 Nuts; ckles& Sauces, ALL K1\U8. 'a' OlinV UCH R DUCED:. .cUMP IN11 r , Yo,une • Tw:ulkny, T,.un7 Ida, Cuueous, ' , chintz,' k J..pna. ALL K TOB A i COST 11liGE Ir:\RII. AND CHEAP. QU RS • 'es, Jul • BO Martell -nn 1110111., yinwood a ines, Snnd,•:nar • , No. I Pork "s No. 1 Saerry. wipe$ s Gin. 541d Tum, in wood holt'.,, Old • Rem. I)unlnp s ; b. Murphy's tad other 11 h:skcyn .RI GL HING in G' ERIES KEPT AND FOR '11 emery lowest I6th Doc. 1881. TLIANUFA ING MACH WANZER ia. - 'Lhn• 0. a Lead and Zinc Baths, H1141IV1CRfi, Copper Boilers, Water Tanks, Wash B4%10, 8124 Wast Trays, Water Closets, FORCE & CISTERN PIMPS. T1s an..tron .tI P..ms,a, Brewers sed Railroad Cannata is intrad to the witty or the HYDRAULIC RAM 1!y w►r6 water ran hs .!erased Iron ammeter's oe rr.ek• to Par. Yea., kW 11. waterlog 1 In Hhrwwr*e., we 11.nd.nrvw. The 0.,•$.,pe moping no mond I.',.,r, w • .ar.tdy ammo e4 10..r, by no dare the yes weed - Hy e5A4sa we. �' siren forces: A •pool, V r ,N. 8.q JOHN NeDONA LO. haq. N. Fns,. 1rmar6.., Oid` 6 Nor., 1M1. r w40.1m. A t\ CASHFO AT Tas7 L erich Wool Factory. THE .setbe, te rel he te bee ,wm.Mo ay a. .wed M 6h se the •06 8ranee ad ells mfleg baser, hag visa deet eq•I,.i by hers (fgluesga) spared re hi- Zir op�eretitle '�'�e' 0 itl Sa*Mie t sad Iswtag ire r s, .s sre5., 00 ..ekaeee, be emP the&fees rabase�.MIkab salsa to w k bra.0s.. paw. rYIll O s fres was hdMa1ea•. arsleell... Y "•�allwere ands{ tis sena Sy, . how sew The trier •rthr lain be pet m .m1 at W,M a se eIN beta T NA* LOGAN. s.Iw.t 11a. 0* Ra, Silt 1►0 De heat and .uph : its work, is dates In r.R all wooled d me. f h.T.Is. er 4. 11•+e•Rg «r . .4.6 Pruni. ,Idule, • nil.h MO in tow I' , They 14.11.141. woe In en, as l ARO War tri oma IM slat T W * ay pen 00. the shown" • 16d:rd Adrian. 'Ra.. FL.Teat.. Ila. Mr.sn u,LL -5.11.rw.vu. D,. . n N 4'.A•aa. 1 Da. v1 LEAN. N, 061. n31 rIb FOLLOWING PROrERTIES ANL I'OIt SA-I4i, .,.v Very Reasonable Term3! LOTS Nos. 117, 118. 119, 120, 135 140, in the ruing Village of Itrrer.Iale, .n the County Of Bracer 1h.• 1'llaxr is •Unit.,$ un Ih, wain rod, between Ku. mdse tool M-alaenoo, the Couaty Town tat Bruer, LW Number 411, South side of Mechanic.' mavenue ,n to e fu a Of Kincardine. and LNAa 4748t495051ss i 51, the Village.1 Borer. dale alio 75 .d Y, W.,, o1.4Vieb.Sped . the [own of Kiacarta6,, County te Bruce. Lots N timbers 3, 4, Coe tkeMorth of «Le Dur 1.,,, Market 14 .an.Je do flllaw, of Ki ncanlnte, Cuuuty of Bowe, galairisg nue--qquarter of an acro 11 land each, WA t6,, I•u;WtaO. thereon Al.o Lot. 5, Sand Rim the Uwhmu M gad, 1114} tot 35, on lite :bol ride .4 the Domain Hoed in the 1'uwn.h.p of KmcarJme; community tel acres each. plrtiall • clrarr I. Lads 31 and 42 on Welt ,id, of queen 'fIrret .a the l own o. KnicarJ ue. Fb. Iwrticuleru apply to Ilt.1 LEWIS, u25 Barrister, Godcneh T1E E8 WATER BUSINESS DIRECTORY. IN 01,,•1. tytr 1 0 TAe Twenty -se at Mere arta eloek in , aaisam fee ing re Isle LANDS It FRE ' I In 1 Wu hot., that a to ray, 1e '1 hat .,,*.in Darrel .a Iver( u, land and 1rrwIra .Enure 10 the Town ,f Gkda•rkh in :he t'm,.tivnl Huron, noel Ling Lia Su*her *10 w :ba- sad '1'..w., of 0,.k-rw•h. roua.onng ley ad. tara.urrnwut one quarter of •u mar, Nwrre of lee, move which lot tome is • good dor:lag hover, 2nd And that certain Leel in tract of lad and tremors .anale to the T„w..hq. of 9tautey, in tie end • oent5 of lim a, a0.1 b.v0g • port W Lot ler Thirty -en In 11i• 11n4 ,-..uec-.lou .d the wet Towu.b,p of -!ashy, std hems &verd. rel •s Id her our .n Inmate,. Terrace In the rd I'owneb.p .4 Stanley, .enIau,nlg by aduww,.. ureuwut sew acre ad • hall u1 an avty, urns+ or Irmo. To.. leu 1. oumeiiitely adjoining 16e P.II•g,r of Clinton. The above premises will he sol 1 .rp•r•lely •nil subjrnt to an oo-oIate ncht .e 11 vary he Con (dime W ole will he the samling con - dittoes 01 the Cama 01 Chancery. Further particulars may Ir hot •t the (Mee W Mes.kun `'•nNorman std GrdOn, in the Town of Bran,(onl,atd atlIo'thrice of Mammon Ilavwet and rout., urIhd Tow, ul W.tcrwb, and of ler Auei ..... v. bated that Stzhonth Jay o Jrnaary, A. L. I6h3. (Signet!) JNO. (':111ERON, Maher. V.teNO1IM.\N S GI1I1lIN, \ rudw's Sultrlwn. (*5:41 SHERIFF'S SALE. Uened Count,. .4 lvnue of • Writ of rfuron ud Bruer, ) l� Yrndtioul Esp,.u.. and Wit el: rivet Far,., t»n)11 ottt .d Her M•' ylsty'. Cuurt W Qtaa••s Reach at Toma- to •d to ore directed against doe GooL, and Chat- telsol" 1n Lewis and John Gall, et the .on of The Bank W Upper Catwalk, 1 have seised and taken on Execution dm following property, vox: all and angular the natal, tide• adeno., amp, ty *d .Ion.and of the on .1 Ira Lewis, into or out of the :4urr,, sh.n s and permses mutat.• on West Ste,.•;, en the Town or b.d,•nrh, o,4 Iwo in Clic osculation of ono Fedor \its•b,e rid one Cherie. Aopawall, sodad to alt Ira..., rents aid proWta Mere.!, winch the said Ira Lear. now hath or whish 1 tuyd'a right to se!t undo. mid by virtue rel 11.eafid *redo Which l ,had of. frt. Ii r .isle nt ,or Odic, in ,Ile• Court house in the Town of (i.,krn'I,, on Saturday the Seventh day of February next, at «ha hour of 'twelve of Ile cluck, nova. JOHN MACDONALD, She.O,ll.et 8. By 9 Pou.na, Deputy Sher;6. . henR • Odae lledenct Ofti. Jsamry, 1103. .1 .w42 T AUCTION SALE atA.ms. I .. TH MAJ PAIKRAIRN, (be eral Agra., Aur boner,, Cam. f• 8. 8., Conveyancer. PETER B. B.:OWN, Tillage /,p1., 3ddl- ow.er,deco, &a. HENRY OLIVEK, Plasma, IJrickf•yer, 6g,, JOHN 11eLEAV, GLASGOW Noun - bailer. .1 Famly W 4 the pia me sf Me torr M kW* bav s ear to M 006y re new ia 31 4) v _ . or e Valuable Property IN TUE TOWN OF GODFRICH. Ms s I .apatite' tmdlrrig to tri . ad prolog CAaAom Howse . t . W authorise 1. • s noralbs Alpo r H gam aid kat 1g8e11100I ells 6* oWlaef ore. •.•••• them for w Haan$tm. ,ares In the Y that fh.n.W met ire PUBLIC NOTION - anion* anoOMEN that et is eta a 4bl 4f T. gay derep from the drew gni 6e wash b. NntOS Ofiffe er e1. Ikrrr•,g•s caw 0*en, Sans Sof Bona he lbw lits Maw.s,or.450•• 011661- 111•11141011 add Aga fog - rim .awe 01 Ow eg gs NMIW u e0GND01, w, hemiel..peammet4 ushyd web n IeM.O Mar, Masts' Esta ay :(voider Wedn..dy. Sae oft CO)1 •rd Orval. .I, aka .1 4. SALMI /MIX Set e x1 �TF� is dor rbs' 494114.14* .stile!! 1# R. 111111CIIAN sen, ,1. 16th MIL Law. sot town Andean% a Cosec 14°..m. u (' \11RISTER. D 1! gage, Ra.a ems T. , Ortnew ell. r 4bl01 0640 .:►w heard. ILi, ATTQII• Rtf.o>mwl. ltOLtctTGR'0, CONVRY= &a. Ola..., over the More of B..,0,akrieb, and Quma Street,' "Wench I A. Saaw, Vn, •• none. •UD et.wo6m b Merawa&ot..ra,� .. BkRRh1TRitM. ATroI{NEWA.AT-LAW Notaries Peace &s., Wer $upslGudef • ik 1 • John lltivswn. ATTORNEY -A r -L 1 W. SI,Lflt7'Oft 14.4 Cie:eaay, bee. take, Market S,rarv, Cosier Crd Kievan Surest, (boderich. fbt44fi Loamy 1c ENatternen. BARRISTERJS, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, Nola.es• Oes.epwawre, Ie. Odivar Cry's sower, Wept BHeet. G.alent'b. .tohn Z3. Gordon. A TTORNBY-AT•LAW. SOLICITOR Or. L� Ck■nenrv, Nutarl Pipodo' Conveyancer*Jnr. Jct., Gonlericb, (•es.4a }e W. (1it•s•..-esi he nthat se a West Strut, ter door fear the court -House Smear.. tNTdWam T Iltay.. ArToRNEY-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR TN Cba,werv, Notary P,6lic,C..nveyen'er, Are, O.Iderwb, C. W. -($See, South vale of 71.44 SL: hew d der. from Mr, Dark's Hotel. '.16ate abate (i<ondlmg. A TTORNEY, SOLICITOR. he.. Oo.nr • (2. sten,(. W.-Ovvoca: Peewee Wawa'. Blotoi, Went 'Ht.; eWraa•g neva Door was .1 • Us *joie hens.. D1wawre. Canie.nn k Fres.. BART le I'ha. A'IerO1NEY 0 -AT -LAW, Solicitors in C hawery, Cn*veyam,erl. Etc. M. C. CAMKaoa,WS. F aAaxltiS OO1lwi0h. Co. HawI Walkvrtm, Co. stied, '$'hosts Ni'eetb rimId, CIVIL LNIVI OER3 L. AND PROVINCIAL Land Surveyor. (ljIke ad Kesslaer, Hamilton Street,Goderrch. v46at A. ANT. PROVINCIAL LAND IOUBVEYOIO AND Civil E■giamr.Ctiato•. , July 1,'61. i.oglton sad lIm lnamaa_ CI V It, ENQedfifiRS, fil)VI"(CIAL, Law! Selw' s Eaataa,.u. 01 Hw.a. mor . ♦I in!'1 11VIL 0, Haat lm, BER AND SURVEYOR t and Conveyancer, Kincardine 11*+ Denison nod Aia.donuld. PRoVINCIAI, LAND SURVEYORS,. ad Cud Eng,weee., &e. Survevrng of every description, and Arrhitadural Pleas ezow- • tai Land examined and .alowa:. JOHN DENISON, I W.J. MACDONALD, L'. L.9., Hayfield. P. L. S., Goderk4t.' w�Yk e-eC-eeea N. T. Cnwte,va de Caw., .. g TTURSERYMAN, DEALERS IN 1 1L,, and (lreane.al Thos, Shwa, 4 4,11, 4.m promptly attended to. c^ rrrM'. ,;r,i John Campbell. ,e !1ISNERAL COMJt1Y3t0 AOBNt' '.T camrniesioner o Qsima'. Rema fm taken( ewttee,, d•v.Couve►•neer, &o. OOeiw Beaad' eay,YtlkgeofKinoadies. ).W. 069 • C•. Joon Kamm. C(JM6US9[ONER IN THB COQRT Or, V Qsa..'s aeocb, Clmveyanlris, &e. a Ra$d z Pat. ad T.wn Lena fox - VOL sok, as dame to s. Fees 144"'0. t a0'' -rift . +.. 11 • 4.