HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-05-06, Page 9SOME OF THE 250 CGIT AND LEADERS WHO ATTENDED SATURDAY RALLY IN EXETER PLANTS For Sale Evergreens All variety of shade trees, red and green barberry, come and see them. Cash & Carry REDER'S FLORIST Please use our William St. en- trance. Lots of free parking in tha yard. 235.2603 CULTIVATE YOUR MONEY CROP Jfifill lllll IIIIIIIIIIII 111111 III III IIIIIn111111n II I, II1III1I1111II111111111111111111I1111111111I III1111111111 hill 1111 11111 ttert 11/ 11 1111 lllll Ififififififififififififi llllllllllllllll fi 11111111111111 Canvas Shoes Boys' ANKLES 1.59 1.90 2.50 llll llllllll IIIIIIIII111lIn Hnllllll lllll Girls' OX FORDS Plaids 890 Red & Blue 1.15 Red, Blue, White 1.98 Roller Skates Men's and Ladies' with plastic or wood wheels SKATES CLEAN ED & REPAIRED New Parts Work Boots 6" with Cork, Leather or Cord Soles 6.50 7.65 8.95 9.95 and up Boys' & Men's Low White OXFORDS 2.15 2.35 3.50 460 Main South Exeter 235.0611 fillfififififillfifififififififififififillfill lllllllllll fififififi lllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllll lllllllllllll fils +-yr If you'd like to make your money grow, the best way is to plant it at the Credit Union often, I 4 Every 2 Qt's purchased, a free balloon will be given Now Available from your EXETER DAIRY MILKMAN OR PHONE 235-2144 EXETER BE SURE YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGE ISN'T FULL OF HOLES, TOO! Inadequate insurance is like a torn umbrella . . it's useless in a storm! Accidents do hap- pen. Protect your family and home from the financial repercussions of au- to collisions! What are your house and belongings worth to you?. Be sure your insurance covers their loss in case of fire. Partial insurance is about as foolish as none at all! Make sure you're completely coy- ered. Let us go over your insurance program with you now! If illness should strike, would your paycheck cover costly medical bills? Be sure , . insure] M. J. Geiser W, H. Hodgson J. A. Kneale INSURANCE REAL ESTATE EXETER Times-Advocate, May 6, 1965 Page 9 day at Chesley. The Dashwood Youth attending were Robert Hoffman, Eric Wolfe, Larry Wein, Garry Eagleson, Diane Weber, Norma Weigand and Eleanor Wolfe. Mrs. Ross Guenther was one of the drivers, vice of the EUB Church at Kitchener. Mrs. M. J, James was the Youth delegate. A num- ber of ladies also attended, The youth Fellowship of the EUB Church in Ontario held a C amp Retreat Saturday and Sun- Sunday visitors with Mr. 4 Mrs, Henry Becker were Mrs. Wilmer Pfaff and family, Mr, & Mrs, Lorne Becker and family, Mrs. Don Glanville and family of Crediton, Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Brandt of Kitchener, and Mrs. Elfreida Yausie, Carmen, and friend of London. Mrs. Carl Oestreicher and Mrs. J. M. Tieman were the WSWS delegates that attended the annual convention of the Women's Society of World Ser- filfilfifififilfilfifilifilfilfilfifififillfifififillfifififilfifififilUfifilfifilfififififififilfilfilfilfifiljfifififilfi llllllll They all say "Ws delicious!" Try some today The worst egg stain on silver- ware may be removed by taking a pinch of salt between the thumb and finger and rubbing it on the stain with the end of the finger. At the meeting of the RCAF Protestant Chapel Guild Tues- day, April 27, ideas for bazaars were demonstrated by Mrs. A. W. Matthews, Mrs. C. A. Man- sell, Mrs. G. W. Hynes, Mrs. Do S. Wright, Mrs. F. H. Ayton, Mrs. R. E. Greenfield, Mrs. W, H. Farrell, Mrs. E. H. Knoblauch, Mrs. A. F. Meurling and Mrs. W. a Johnston. The organ was played by Mrs. W. J. Bracken whose group was in charge. Those taking part in the devotional were Mrs. F. H. Ayton, Mrs. D. F. Wright and Mrs. R. S. Thorne. President Mrs. Johnston con- ducted the business when it was noted that 22 new families had been visited since December 1 by Mrs. H. D. Haynes and Mrs. J. Co Patterson. Mrs. A. F. Meurling volunteered to take over the duties of the chapel from Mrs. J. S. Bonham who is leaving in June. The collection of old nylons will be packed for shipment to the needy in Korea in June. Exeter Community Credit Union . Devon Bldg, Jolly Jills elect slate Coven women host visitors Guests at the meeting of the Gordon Evening Auxiliary of Caven Presbyterian Church Monday evening were Mrs. Earl Paddington, Stratford, Presby- terial literature secretary, and Mrs. Fred Kipfer, also of Strat- ford and Presbyterial supply secretary. Both ladies gave short talks and Mrs. Paddington had a dis- play of books which the ladies enjoyed. Several of the senior WMS members attended the meeting. Mrs. J. Co Boyne was in charge of the study period <Tut forth your hand." All members took part giving several read- ings followed by discussion and a questionnaire on the topic. Mrs. Bert Wilcox convened the program. Vice-president Mrs. Bill Perry presided and led in the devotional period. Catholic ladies get resolutions President Mrs. Ben Dietrich and 14 members were present for the Precious Blood CWL meeting held in the R C school Monday evening. Mrs. Harold Hinton, past pre- sident, read the resolutions and each was discussed. The annual diocesan convention will be held in Chatham, May 18 and 19, Mrs. T. McCauley, program convener, conducted sever al games of bingo. Hostesses were Mrs. J. Blair and Mrs. Mc- Cauley. The organizational meeting of the Hurondale Jolly Jills No. 2 4-H Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Down last Saturday afternoon. Thirteen members and their mothers were present. Mrs. John Pym outlined the purposes of the project and conducted the business. Offi- cers were elected. President is Marlene Web- ber; vice-president, Margaret Hunkin; secretary, Sharon Passmore and press reporter, Margaret Hyde. Mrs. Down reviewed the re- quirements of members and the importance of the record book. Mrs. Pym gave information on the vegetable garden telling where to plant it and how to plan it. Mrs. Down demonstrated the method of planting seeds in .a flat using marigolds as an ex- le. The next meeting will be held May 11 at the home of Mrs. Pym. .. ''',/„.„.:...,,..\.. .„ • ../.....,,... ti ...i::.•'' ' ttiti .0,44. t4r, „ 1/41 kV& SERVICE 587 Main South Exeter 235-2322 \NO b44, Watch Musical Showcase F4 Sunday 11:00 CH 10 (also CH 13) tO Coming Soon 44 MODEL 1800 AUSTIN - Cover wire hangers with alu- minum foil to stop them rusting and marking drip-dry clothes. 4 Wet money lot alto Wet Bridge group report scores Above average scores at the Exeter Duplicate Bridge Club for the past three weeks were: April 15, North-South players, Mrs. Tom MacMillan and John Cameron; Mrs. Robert Mc- Dowell and Robert Drummond; East-West, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sims, Messrs. Carl Reynolds and Wes Watson; April 22, Mr. and Mrs. James Drummond, Mrs. Andy Bierling and Robert Drummond; April 29, North and South players, Robert Drummond and Mrs. W. G. Huntley; Carl Rey- nolds and John Sichky; East- West, Mr. and Mrs. James Drummond, Mrs. Lillian Tra- quair and Mrs. Andy Bierling; Mrs. Doug Gould and Mrs. Clarence Knight. Games are held each Thurs- day evening at 8 pm in the Auxiliary room at Exeter Le- gion Hall. New members or visitors are welcome. Exeter groups tour synagogue Two senior groups of James Street CGIT with their leaders Mrs. Roy Stover and Mrs. D. A. Ecker visited B'Nai Israel Synagogueetling. in London Monday They were shown through the church and the various symbols were explained to them. Many of their questions were answer- ed. There were 15 girls who attended. Buy apparatus for breathing Mrs. William Schaeffer, Kirkton, was hostess for the meeting of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Tuesday evening and was also installed as presi- dent of the Sorority for 1965- 66. Other officers are: vice-pre- sident, Mrs. Lloyd Smith; cor- responding and recording sec- retary, Mrs. Peter Raymond; treasurer, Miss Jean Taylor; extension officer, Mrs. Bill Es- sery. Mrs. Pete Bileski and Mrs. Richards Arnot presented the program “Nature's Land- scape" by showing pictures of Europe. The group have purchased a tent for Cystic Fibrosis pa- tients at a cost of $250. This is a breathing apparatus for sufferers from the disease. Assisting with lunch were Mrs. Robert Chaffe and Mrs, Robert McDowell. Ideas for bazaars shown at RCAF Mrs. Hynes volunteered to do this. Mrs. C. A. Mansell, Mrs. W. D. Johnston and Mrs. A. W. Matthews were named a nomin- ating committee to bring in a slate of officers for the June meeting. Lunch was served. By MRS. ERVIN RADER DASIIWOOD Sunday afternoon the Blue- water Zone Walter Leagues held their Spring Rally in Zion Lu- theran Church with 80 in atten- dance from Stratford, Mitchell, Seebach Hill, Moncton, Wart- burg, Tavistock, Exeter and Dashwood. The 1965 executive of the Blue w ate r Zone as elected were: president, Jack Schenk; vice-president, Ken Genttner; secretary-treasurei, Janet Miller; sports chairman, Ro- bert Miller; pastoral advisor, Rev. Wm. Gatz, all of Dash- wood; Janet Strahm, Stratford, was named Christian Growth chairman. The Ladies Aid with group 3 in charge and Mrs. Lloyd Rader convenor, served a pool- ed lunch. LWML MEETING The Lutheran Women's Mis- sionary League of Zion Luth- eran church held their quarterly meeting Wednesday, April 28 with the president, Mrs. Ken Keller, in charge. The topic was a film, "Sube" which was the story of an In- dian girl. Medical supplies were brought for the missionaries. Bandages were rolled and a small collection made to buy aspirins. MRS. MARY WEIGAND Mrs. Mary Weigand, 91, wi- dow of the late George Weigand passed away at Huronvie w, Clinton, Thursday, April 29. She is survived by one daugh- ter, Mrs. Gertrude Hauser of West Lorne; also four grand- children and two great grand- children; a son, Elgin, pre- deceased her. She and her husband farmed on the 14th concession of Hay prior to retiring to Dashwood. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home until Saturday when the service was conducted by Rev. Merrill James with interment in the Evangelical UB church ceme- tery. pall bearers were Sam Mil- ler, Amiel Fischer, Leonard Restemayer, Carl Oestreicher, Clayton Pfile and Ervin Eck- stein. ROBERT KRAFT Robert Melvin Kraft, 19, of London, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kraft, passed away at Victoria Hospital, London, Sun- day, May 2. He was the grand- son of Mrs. Rose Kraft and Lady teachers hear speaker J. R. Causley, secretary of Teachers Superannuation com- mittee, was guest speaker at the meeting of the Exeter unit of the FWTAO following a din- ner at 6:30 at Trivitt Memorial Church Thursday. Bill Courtney of J. A. D. McCurdy school led a singsong. The teachers of Usborne Cen- tral School convened the meet- ing. President Mrs. R. D. Jer- myn was in the chair. The slate of officers for September 1965- 1966 was presented. The next meeting of the Ex- eter unit will be in Caven church Tuesday, June 1, with the Exeter teachers in charge. Lutherans from district attend Dashwood rally Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reste- mayor, all of Dashwood. Interment was in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, London, May 5. PERSONALS Mrs. Ernest Koehler and her grandson, Peter Marlene, spent a few days in London with Mrs. Verna Keyes, Mr. & Mrs. Syd Baker and Otto Restemayer attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. HubertResternayer in the community hall, Platts- ville, Friday evening. Mr. Res- tern ayer remained for the week- end. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Howe and girls of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Rader and family, Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Rader and family were guests Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Miller and Brenda of Zion. V. L. Becker is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. London, CHANEL NO. 5 4.25, 6.00, 6.35 and 9.00 WINDSONG . 2.50 and 3.50 STRADIVARI 2.50 and 3.50 EVENING IN PARIS 1.25, 1.75 and 2.50 YARDLEY SETS . 1.85, 2.50 and 3.00 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS EARN 4°/o INTEREST with chaining privileges. Save at any of our 15 offices. Our long hours make it easy. '64 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, like new, 4 door, hardtop, radio, full power equipped '60 FALCON Pud o r, automatic, new tires and rebuilt engine. '60 FORD Tudor, 6 cyl. '59 DODGE Sedan, automatic, 6 cyl., radio '59 DODGE Sedan, 6 cyl., stick, like new. '58 CHEV Sedan '58 FONTIA,C Sedan radio auto- "the company that .shows 100% interest in yont" Free Corsages with Jenny Lind Candy $1.00 to $4.00 ,Vrwr e 77 BRITISH MORTGAGE &TRUST Headquarters For Hearing Aid Batteries IIF,AD OFFICE: STRATFORD, ONTARIO Branch Manager: C. V. Starrett Branch: 245 Main Street, Exeter Phone 235'b530 Advisory 800rch E.D. Se tt, O.C., P.L. Raymond, Du key ti et*7 .44 it#4411 4111 t1400 . 4 matie. See this car 'this weekend. '58 AUSTIN Sedan '56 MORRIS COUNTRYMAN, DOW ' kte: meter, 4 cyl., dandy transporta.Nt$ Lion. 4,44,:t0 Irifstileittyr WW1 e•W