HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-05-06, Page 8Mother's Day IT
She'll never take them off!
Hush PupPieS
by 619
Page 8 Times.Advocate, May 6, 190 Appear on TV next week
r1; Hurondale WI pick slate
Twenty-two graduate
in CGIT rally here
FANCIES Mrs. Lee Webber was elected
president of Hurondale WI at
the annual meeting held in Caven
Presbyterian. Church, Exeter,
last Wednesday evening. She
succeeds Mrs. Gerald McFalls
who completes a two-year term.
V i c e-presidents are Mrs.
Mac Hodgert and Mrs. John
Pyna; secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. R. E. Pooley; asst, Mrs.
Harold Patterson; district
director, Mrs. Gerald McFalls;
alternate, Mrs. Harry Dougall;
branch directors, Mrs. Almer
P assm or e, Mrs. John Pym,
Mrs. Garnet Hicks and Mrs.
Lorne Oke; emergency, Mrs.
Carman C a n n, Mrs. Archie
Etherington, Mrs. Ross Oke,
Mrs. Edna Passmore, Mrs.
William Rowcliffe, Mrs. Mac
Hodgert, Mrs. William Ether-
ington and Mrs. Harold Patter-
son; pianist, Mrs. Harry Strang,
"Vocations in the C hur c h".
Presbytery summer camp was
also discussed.
Graduates from E limy il 1 e
CGIT were Janet Skinner, Mar-
ilyn Johns; Belgrave, Lynda
Coulter, Donna Grasby, Marilyn
Taylor, Margaret Nicholson;
Wingham, Laura .W alpe r,
Peggy Rae, Brenda Hall, Mary
Ann Mason, Vana Rosenhagen,
Sally Galbraith, Marilyn Hig-
gins and Mary Rathburn; Con-
stance, Mary Buchanan, Linda
Nott and Mary McIlwain.
Grand Bend, Linda Miller,
Cassie Anne Desjardine, Mary
Lynn Kennedy and Donna Stur-
James Street, Shirley Hern,
Joy Seldon.
Well, hardly ever! Hush Puppies fit so comfortably— and fit so
many occasions, you'll want to wear them all the time! Hush
Puppies are casual shoes, yet so smartly styled women wear
them everywhere! Genuine brushed pigskin teams up with a
smooth crepe sole to make Hush Puppies as flexible as your
feet! So easy to clean, too. Just abrushing's all it takes to clean
Hush Puppies like new! Come in for a fitting. There's a style,
size and colour to suit you!
Husband's handkerchiefs can
have the same smooth finish
of laundry-done ones if you dip
the washed handkerchiefs in a
solution of 2 tablespoons instant
laundry starch to 2 quarts of
The attractive salad mold
pictured here is a combination
of asparagus and eggs sus-
pended in a delicate jelly mix-
ture. The artistic design is
easy to make and will bring
many compliments your way.
Mrs, Andrew Dougall, song
leader, Mrs. Lorne Oke; audi-
tors, Mrs. Robert Jeffery, Mrs.
Warren Brock.
Standing committee conven-
ers: citizenship and education,
Mrs. Harry Dougall; agricul-
ture and Canadian industries,
Mrs. Glen Stewart; home eco-
nomics and health, Mrs. Mervyn
Dunn; historical research and
current events, Mrs. Mac Hod-
gert, Tweedsmuir curator,
Mrs. Arthur Rundle; resolu-
tions, Mrs. Harry Dougall; pub-
lic relations and press, Mrs.
R. J. Keller.
Mrs. Archie Etherington pre-
sented the slate of officers and
Mrs. Alvin Moir installed them.
Annual reports were given.
Mrs. Lee Webber, Mrs. Ger-
ald McFalls, Mrs. H. Dougall,
Mrs. Roylance Westcott, and
Mrs. Hugh Love were named
delegates to the District An-
nual to be held in Zurich May
The branch will appear on
CFPL-TV program "Take Your
Choice" Saturday, May 15, at
7:30 pm, Mrs. AlmerPassmore
and Mrs. Ray Cann were in
charge of transportation. Pen-
nies for friendship were col-
lected. Members were invited
to the Hospital Auxiliary meet-
ing May 11.
The meeting was preceded
by a supper at 6:30 in the
church for which hostesses
were Mrs. Hugh Love, Mrs.
Wilfrid S hapton, Mrs. Glen
Stewart, Mrs. Harold Patter-
son, Mrs. William Rowcliffe,
Mrs. Lorne Passmore and Mrs.
William Sillery.
1 large tin evaporated milk
juice of 1 lemon or 2 tbl lemon
1 scant cup white sugar
Mix crumbs and melted butter
and press mixture into pan
13"x8"x2". Reserve 1 cup for
Dissolve jelly powder in boil-
ing water. Let stand until a thick
syrup, then beat till foamy. Whip
milk stiff; add lemon juice and
sugar. Mix thoroughly and pour
over crumb base putting the
reserved cup of crumbs on top.
Keeps for days in the refrig-
erator. Mrs. Tucker says it is
good with whipped cream on
top. It is better to put it in a
pyrex dish especially if keeping
it for any length of time.
. . . photo by Rudy Engel
35C Lucan girl marries
"Don't graduate out—gradu-
ate to something else" the 22
girls who were graduating from
CGIT were told at the CGIT
rally in James Street United
Church, Saturday.
Miss Margaret Silver of Rob-
inson Memorial Church, Lon-
don, said that this ceremony
climaxed five or six years of
training in Christian living and
“has taught you to live and work
together" and this is ',only a
stepping stone to new exper-
iences in the church".
Miss Shirley Hern of James
St. CGIT spoke for the grads
and reviewed six years of work,
ing as a group. Mrs. R. S.
Hiltz and Mrs. Boyne led in a
candlelight ceremony in con-
nection with the graduation and
30 girls of Grand Bend CGIT
formed the choir. Rev. S. E.
Lewis spoke briefly and com-
mented that this was an impor-
tant day for the church in re-
ceiving the girls into the ranks
of its leaders.
Mrs. G. W. Sach of Lucan
showed pictures taken while
on the Labrador mission field.
Immediately following lunch
a recording was heard on the
3R*5 (respect, religion and re-
sponsibility) after which dis-
cussion groups were held with
leaders, Rev. and Mrs. J. C.
Boyne, Mrs. M. C. Fletcher,
Mrs. E. Moore, Mrs. Emery
DesJardins, Mrs. Hope Jack-
son, Mrs. G. W. Tiffen, Mrs.
Lyle Little, and Miss Margaret
Mrs. Roy Stover, leader of
James St. CGIT, presided for
the morning session and Joy
Seldon of the host CGIT extend-
ed a welcome. Mrs. Keith Lov-
ell, Hensall, led in the singsongs
and the worship period was
conducted by Caven CGIT.
Mrs. G. W. Tiffen of Wing-
ham, recruiting secretary for
Huron Presbyterial, spoke on
At the Lucan manse at 3 pm
Saturday, May 1, the Rev. G. W.
Sach, officiated at a double-
ring ceremony, uniting in mar-
riage Linda Pearl England and
Ronald William Riley.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas England,
7 Elizabeth St., Lucan, and the
groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Riley of Wood-
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a gown
of white silk organza, over taf-
feta, featuring a scoop neckline,
and lily point sleeves. The skirt,
which fell in a slight train, was
adorned with appliques of lace.
A crown headpiece of pearls
and rhinestones held a should-
er-length veil of silk net. She
carried a cascade of red roses.
As maid of honor, Miss Laura
Newcombe of Thamesford, was
Buy your meat from us
in wholesale quantities
and save. The conve-
nience is made-to-or-
der for busy people be-
cause we do ALL the
work; processing,
wrapping, putting the
meat in your locker
with each p ack age
plainly marked.
1 envelope (1 tbl) gelatin
1/4 cup cold water
1/4 cup sugar
3/4 tp salt
1 1/4 cups boiling water
1/4 cup vinegar
1 pound cooked asparagus
4 hard-cooked eggs
2 tbl chopped green onions
Soak gelatin in cold water
5 minutes. Combine sugar, salt,
boiling water and vinegar. Add
gelatin and stir until dissolved.
Pour a layer of jelly in bottom
of a 4-cup mold. Arrange a
design of asparagus tips and
slices of hard-cooked egg on
the jelly and chill until set.
Chill remaining jelly until
beginning to set. Cut remaining
asparagus in 1/2-inch pieces,
mix coarsely chopped eggs and
onions. Fold mixture into thick-
ened jelly, pour into mold and
chill until firm. Makes 6 ser-
vings. Cathy's
Beauty Lounge
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dressed in nile green silk or-
gan7a, over taffeta. Her gown
featured a back panel falling
from neck to hem-line. She
carried pink carnations.
The bride's sister, six-year
old Barbara England, made a
charming little flower girl in
white silk organza, trimmed
with white satin lace and touches
of nile green velvet. She car-
ried a basket of pink carnations.
John Brock of Crediton was
best man.
After a dinner in the Legion
Hall at 4:30 pm a reception was
held at the bride's home where
the bride's mother received in
a turquoise embroidered linen
gown, with brown accessories
and pink carnation corsage. She
was assisted by the groom's
mother in a powder blue gown,
black accessories and deep pink
carnation corsage.
For a honeymoon trip to Nia-
gara, the bride changed to a
dark brown dress and coat, pink
accessories and pink rose cor-
The 60 guests present were
from London, Medina, Embro,
Stratford, Thamesford, Staffa,
Exeter, Seaforth and Lucan.
Last week we sent out an
SOS call for the recipe for
Sweet Marie cookies. Thanks
very much to Mrs. Leo Witmer
in Woodstock we received the
recipe from her. Here it is:
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup corn syrup
Melt in double boiler and
while still warm add:
2 cups rice krispies
1/2 cup chopped peanuts
1 tbl butter
Mix well and press into a
greased 8x8 inch pan. Ice with
a chocolate butter icing.
Thanks again Mrs. Witmer.
Mrs. J. Tucker, town, gives
us this recipe for lemon bisque.
16 double graham crackers,
1/2 cup melted butter
1 pkg lemon jello
1 1/2 cups boiling water
The Mother's Day
Mother's Day
MAY 9 Make a sparkling jelly mold with jewel-green asparagus tips
and rounds of white and gold hard-cooked eggs.
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