HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-02-12, Page 21 et bee bent See pocbet the nes from psetsee•sie had been taken - Wag drop epos the door. It was a sleet d' sale]j 1 ilbe neo jsiesd it al ,st glance. It Toth* rer7 ring worn by Ilse ir dividual isitfa*akt,g plaid who bed ridden be- side bee. Re had undoubtedly stolen her porker -book, Lit in dwag so his ling bed bees drawn off and temii..ed in the lady it pocket. Tbe lady, atter asking advice, took the ring to a Chestnut street jeweller, afro gave for it his check for $,OO. The net profit made by the lady on her ride was 6492 45; the precise sum,bsrrin;; five ants, lost by the staid eentlemen in the satin beaver tile. On Mossday the lady, walking pat Ilii jbth and Chestnut streets, mat the indiriduel in plaid. He dashed crit'hsu.r at ber gleuce,reeogniaing her on the instant. She soiled serently, and he disked away. Whether he knew that his ring passed into the possession is more then we know; bat ashuwy women, in a tremen- dous crinoline, suppose,' to be • friend of the man an plaid, was ut the efface of the reilroad enm;way, hsutin;g the lost jeeel.-Phil. North Americas, Jq.. 29. AM- Eccentncitie• of Grant Thorbttrn. ""The funeral of Gran, Thorbunt took place to New York, on Saturday. '1'br incidents of hie demise, winch arm painfully iaterestin„are thus narrated. It was his custom to indulge in the occupa- tion of sawing wood every day,■t his residence in few Haven, by way of exercise. The op eratioa was performed in a shed situated in a yard attached to his dwelling. When the weather was 'mirrored mus for indulging ir. this species of gymnastics, the wood and saw had to be brought iglu the house, and the old man would set to work with great zest at his cut- ting, *carte ing saw duet pleutifully on the carpet. Oar •luesday last be gave the first sigu of appruachine dissolution. Be was iu his shed as usaal,'sa■ing, whoa a weakness twine over hie, and he west off la • fsiutil er fit. The dov.Sr was swmtsoned in all haste, and applied tberecrmaaZ remedies. Tbe pa- tient was e:ajoited to remain quietly in bed, :nems t0 at venerable .ewer, was oat tan, while notice was s rut to his tend around the death bed of relative. To rent do in be impossible with 7 horbere. and up beget to 1V.duesday breakfast, and sur .t off usual, for wood- cutting, in spite et all remonstrances. Thu 'washout ilius o'u :ock. iu the morning. The sett that was see i ofhim he was stretched oo bis face in the w..,d shed, with life entirely extinct. A Practical Joke. As • lay I remember - reading a capital story of • wager laid by • Bow street miner with • country gentlemen,thet the latter could sot proceed from Oxford circus to the Bank, via Holborn, on foot with • guinea without being robbed of it. The water was at once seespeed, and country gentleman ' declared" to emery the guinea iu Fes mouth, as the safest plow. All went well till the countryman wailed Holborn bars, where a crowd was slpjt•tlsd rouud a Jew pedlar boy, whose box baba *pest by some boort The erowd gy,►elpd the lad to pick up his would not be comforl{gl.bec•ees eavia)ga, oonastwg of* antis • pretereatural ry geode- pet in 1.. Ranee,. squint, while ens mI re outh." The was convicted oe use anTuPDf antWet owas r eeeda coat it wagerAres to the Bo obliged, st addition, r. street roamer, ErroaarrosCANADA.--The • from are totheib it attention to Tke „•1 bei temente amid.? kstu,h. ■, set ib le' will follow. ee tr bat t ect th l st M' ra ioa ogryµ'� he proper Lire v e; the ,gnadi all lb b g wawa... veremcnt e• w terrtiestantr, chases so iso MAIM *Wog Densis reit t W hi A die Dokter of lie Henn 31..et "f the alta, -No one soweswat with )em ales VII fen of the ease lel ta.Yssaese es, tiro Ceeety. • lis of Seni tau died* the siseerity of fuer dr deer pemoi tbaas irleurwta. It cease*, wo M.04 a thea • users of tie SW Asad eebtae der hernmeabilla ppiaWrbd by the Comity demand or revolve, et the beide of that dere of attstpm he dllelle it is retitled at IM bends et the of the Cosoey ef Ssww-t a tin 17a. 41 lie • a„ e. :. •a a ends Till out forego tel water bow data:olul it may be asseeat, se will awed (eW hes tried rapiden support la it se bin lbs p^+ sad ! in r ii slsne w air, yeah' nil AMERICAN WAS. 7►•e.ecr p~ btu •• ve 6.w . wFeb. IL sm Tim e whisk says Owe w no messy dues Y i1 \ Mr cad, fees IA IDM sad trample Nmber se slobs Meeplkseeeet et sonless it bee railroad _Is seventy-two g - • bow rersMroa the K er beteg peer beim the deepseptioa item, the insides ache lion, will *alar Mai pad gitL al; ter c atyAaxa. WW1 We can assure our «.ofrere of the Ca - 11.111. N. median that we did not read hie articles 11.051. s. I with a desire to End fault, but merely 411 12.13 • Ll0 .. I order to discover the proclivities of p.ga.r claiming to be of a national charas ter. We could not poesibly feel prejudiced 634 '• 3.941 .. against it until we had so read, and, after ..... Lett 3.45 •' all, we only objected to the introduction of 6 -.WI 0 /';S .a those seeds of political diecord, whiehi -- our opinion if sown broadcast over this land, would have an effect directly the ep• i. r., the well-being of Ir(ahwen is - -- - I, da. Irishmen, Sootehmeo, and ayes English people themselves have severely at the hands of the Bridals Juton c$4191141. poalte of what the (naadtrn have in GODERICII, C. W. FEB. 10, 1863. �e P3seONAL.-Mr. Howland,the Finance Minister, left Toronto for Quebec yreter- day. Several Western members left thin morning. Mail Service on Lakes Huron and Superior. We also learn, by special tekgrapl/,tlaat the Postmaster General intends to ask tenders for weekly mail service on the Up- per Lakes; Goderich, Sarnia and Coiling- wood oiling wood to compete as points of departure. THE NORTH-WEST. We are glad to learn that the Govern - runt has decided to take up the subject of constructing a telegraph line and wail road to the Nor' -Went. The offers of assistance from English capitalists appear to be satire factory thus far. From the announce- ment ruder another head, it also appears that a new fife is to be thrown into the mail arraagementa of the Superior region. A little earnest, vigorous enterprise cm; accomplish wonders, and well will it be fur our country if the present manifestations of growing interest in North-Western ex- tension continue. Beat of Government. A large and influential meeting was held in Toronto o0 Monday evening last, for the purpose of considering the yuestioo of the removal of the Seat of Oovcruwent to that city after the present eexsion of Parliament. The -meeting is said by the daily journals to have been very unani- mous and suoces ful, and as woet people in Upper Canada agree in thinking the al- ernate principle should be adhered to entil he Ottawa buildings are completed, we h imagine that the subject will be strung. set before the Legislature. The only anger, leaving expense out of We question, that the everlasting conflict between e sections will be renewed, as Indeed, ely to be if the CreuMt-Foucicr q is foroed into Psrlititmt. eminent in by-yose days, hoped that in this day et and religious-tolcratioe, isaa there could be Ebb of complaint left to the Irish people. thought, and still think that if they make that progress in moral lye Whew. tial culture which they should the blame can only rest upon 1eir own shoul- ders: We have our own views with re- gard to the causes which stand iu the way of the advance,nent of a portion of the Celtic race,sud limitate not to say that they are to be frond in the people tkesssrlr.a rather than in the British Government. The Can/edioa tacitly admits with its that in this country we dare all the freedom heart could desire ; why, then, if dieren- tent is the stumbling block in the way of advancement at aware. cultivate to sedu- lonely those very ele which that discontent feeds a ? Can such a course teed 10 7�er Irishmen in Canada mora illpre Vine , in any oue sense ? The Celt taa�sneered at on account of his ignoranee in Toronto, but we can assure our contemporary that out West here, if -that class will abstain from the pleas:utt exercise of the shillelah and live respectably they can gain an large a measure of respect as any other portion of the community. Hundreds of them, we are happy to say, are so living, and we have never yet hoard that their children were not able to associate on terms of equality with those of any other nationali- ty. And in the higher walks of life Ire- Iage 11 a 16 mi'es. land is not unworthily represented : Oar The El" IDr] from Blas sr nen tothe �.m Roadu •hes :.. 26 .ilea. .Ates is for U elmweeini tee eithicso her iaearn l time ate wit joy such Ausl elf la4o. %purr .0 at the The Free aktre. atom. •sod their Lure (ntes•sed 200 per Ns look at the edit- s/. ds ala both sections, it far in ,help back at the iguor MtMNry. show suroeglariug w e of tbe Southern pro. os paid• reve..ue of two mal - shale tete the uatio.ral treasury, lbe'ab leek two 3, ie11, 40 11 " 1 J I.' anthem of deems, •. pin y. iseparatedbe tole river Ohio, and twhere the 10 „ Isud is tomb tM dollars per acre on the Kea i un 7.ssa itis worth lwautJ dollars per acre Is d 140 :as l'"'°16°41.1 •vol just the same diderenee Your roads in the Coots of Huron, Imir�•redbit sol ebe Nagth of the state where Is i fret soil came,. blether; and informed, coat you fully $3,200 per mile. IFra at he' the miasma this t diffrrcace, it doubt, gr■eel roads cal be constrtrtedaJlnn be told lost sow word, Sloven 1 much cheaper rate than that, probublrisl By uphold' who rilesystem the vied eu- oroot inita.cee about 12,400 doer mile. ('s►'er..wg of the people aredastmyad; the ilrliec lies, aid probate/ iiw •h trti, ne eofpB-.o,, rod 'tion of ks i 1,s ids faculties ane not enitivaled-their only a scarce in the Cu..ey of Bruce. and .aJ royal Wood, which u e writer lhaa durrboast ofdh lu have to be hauled lung disu.uces. ti's heir asy ible t the roads. in timid ; r�scheme ou:il be onurue dl at Isisele! "IYhJT boast of their royal blood, 12 400 per mile. For tie- sake of pew; 5e' 1Vhic6 baa nursed throaeh soutdreb Diose .test construction upon i,e scheme, eer,I ' the flood,'' ss' tsar days of f roe it TM off Kentucky n°d Ohio let us say $2,200 per u..v fur I l0 neer, Yet in the South there are so me men that 8lltewti look with hoirnr upon their pet llutitutlo,s, Amount Iiroproeed to Iso-opeoded I but what can they do, they dere not say it u w inepronng the r aJ, about Zile wrong, it would hate c iet • man his life five denouncealaver7 iia the South for the Iaat five $iena'years prior to the great rebellion. No one Being in excess of the sum estimated-•ka}eould Ise elected to represent the people in scheme, the nits little tete of $140,0% " tlseir state affan uuleaa br owaa a as -tail cumber of vee y proposed Now, it i. orally 4• bad tar lri0r - groes, end the ru soured laws Mat, .uthouch ,000,sWW gwatl.o�. Iorbudd•ogthe emancipation of slaves; and such loose caleulad, s utterly deet the°then were forced to bull *'awes r ai.sm confidence of the .,atepmy. is is uu - their will, because their numbers ever sew na.a, s they were trampled under fuer. But let as see Im' fur the amount r -d I advocate the Cuion cause for they are in the scheme wool go, end what ' trying to beild up •nation on the rock of lib- But would moss ridable be et: eity; cutin theory as it has been b..t in priu- pec with this sum ; .(Ijud re (sons the ; upas.. l;rcedom of q tech, free Iab•, and h' h h Emperor cliv inns of the pmrro immediately c d liberty of the press o their foundation ;and in the cone/elite : the selectee.) my earnest wish u that they mac soccer 1. that aha d sign wi❑ I e ar]up.trd on all the The Burbles lila may los ffirae P inciples have been earned out in the French toiot, and on "ter pee ae damps ...Ti !North fur the est also WOOD 1 WOOD 1 • Printers above all teen cannot work In Wee odd, and we will be tbankfttl if those who intend to pay their a000unts in wood will take advan- tage of the sleighing to bring it in. Coma now, like gaud fellows, and let's etc who will be first. k the President lees de fns Gen. McClellan to Ike ' of the mm7 a;uin. U,peu ib. announceurvuut being sande is a bort Cussed I. was a gnat lorry. - y Closest ones titreatrasd to wigs, edea the rs*s.ol w radical members of Csbb•et. Fort and other reasons die t has determined to make no ehaage pessent. luteol of Oen. Hooker b ebe of the army of the Potomac is mere �t erurtl) It was made again t ibe of the Presidia' and even the Se - «1M His soldierly qualities aro Mt bus aMlity 4t band*, sorb au the n ot imassrtN . y u seriously qu -sooued b friends. Nothing of importance i erected from Vicksburg har at leasCphi data. It will toile tb•* time to eeeplete a canal and to oar fefscs ef►eclusll u bear against the Coa tsaelsmjbold. Sr. harts, Fels. 7. was errestd at the Vetted St..tes oleate' .alive of leaving the gob jaillin He c ab. river imn.4 Wider • tau eum,narily sur. St Q1 eu*t ts. air The Report of Mr. Nairn, and several eome maicatiew we delayed, bat will appear m our nest issue. gir Subscribers to Chamber's Eacyclo. podia will be supplied at 15e the part, by leering their names at the Signal Oso•. hoar The Town Treasurer would beg to acknowledge the receipt 01'87 .00, on be- half of the poor, from Professor Ferguaou, y he being the proceeds of his late charity oon- oertiu the Court house. .o. Francis :Train iantes' hotel by the e, slid gireu the aller- twe in half au hour, or the former and crossed tees'. Ile was advertised W speech ti -night, but was vented by the Provost Marshal. u, Feb. 7.-A despatch from sarow, Ky., 6th Ilene the Cuutielontes, un- der Ferbuwu and !Jammu!, Inc serum the river, and are main oareline utf citizen •ud committing all sort. of depredations. Pxu.anuwly Feb. S. -'the prize steamer Princess fiord arrived et the navy yard to- day from off Char5otal. Sha. brings • par tial cen6omafion of the attack um tour block •ding fleet et Charleston. The Key Mone bale had 23 killed, and the Mercedi:a 4 killed. Our vessels were all driven off, but none were sunk. NEWS ITEMS. e,} Cardinal Wisemau expresser his syes- pathr with Lancashire, sod amide a postursl to his people fur help. ele The French Government has,it u said, made curtrarys fur the supply of itr &rmice iu Mexico fur two years. . e} A dight shock ofearthgnake ismer] to have been experienced at Kirby Stephen, Westmoreland uu the 6th. ej- The traffic across the river al Montreal ie becoming very brisk, the ice being firm and the road good. e� A correspondent writes to a H•mil paper sugpesung the erection of • montes to the late Sir Allan McNab. �-A portion of tore city buildin,rs at B lo were destmynt by fire on Satunlay ear rig last. Loss 83,000 to $3,000 -insured. rae A young lady while skating fell into the rover at M..htee:d'the mann dar, Dad was gallantly rescued from drowning by a soldier of the Grensdier(ivards. f -The Inerrant! Chronicle says that a boy warned Lyman Schofield, sun of henry !Sob 6r•bi,wua stabbed iu the breest by another bo with whom he had quarrelled, named Chart Eaom. e - The French Mint is paring so new copper mover on w i. the :m ror represent. d surrounded by laurels. Il.. said It, Lawrance Ice -Bridges. During the lath severe heat 'event' ice- bridgee were funned ou the river, but they were all swept away yesterday. REMQVAL.-The Bank of Montreal wan removed today to the uew Building on West -street, next door to Mr. Grace's store. The new offices will be much wore commodious than the old ones, and the in- ternal fittings are both elegant and com- plete. The building itself is a neat two- story brick, with out stone facies., and is a valuable addition to West street. ai*- We omitted to notice the Concert giveu by ,jkIr. Ferguson iu the Cuurt IIo on the 28th ult. The house was not quite so large as at the first perform- ance, but those who attended expressed theuaelves well pleased. Mr. F. handed over for the poor of the town the pr000ede, excepting, of course, the expenses. He is now on a musical tour through the county, and we recommend his concerts to all lovers of good music. MII'.IONAaYMaa Ir No. -The Mission- aryaerviewe in connection with the New Connexion Church of this town, took place last evening. Owing to the sloppy state of cea` I the streets the attendance was not so large as it would otherwise have been. The Buff proceedings were very interesting. Rev. Chas. Fletcher occupied the' chair, and good speeches wete delivered by theRevds. Messrs. lire, Cleaver, McKidd and Cars- well. The latter gentleman, who was very much esteemed during his brit of miois- tratino here, was particularly happy iu his 0- remarks. The excellent choir give eons choice pieces of music on the occasion. We are glad to bear that the colltxtions were as good. n e■ianated Nei "-es &boot twenty yeah, (beb,re the rebellion) and the most sanguine ex; ectaticne eeje The London Times, in an article upo 40 miles. have been realized from the result. Every colliery accidents in Great Britain, says ilia The Seugrett rd span in this Province Il'l's to lave hie own it u terrible to .hirik that u; on an average Owen SJu fro opinion, arid be he .1.,, tniok • jmt Galveston Declared open to Trade. After the bottle of Galveston Gen. Magni. n der lamed the fallowing prdcl -10.1 on, and at sent it out in a vessel wider a ni : sl register to a 'menet port :- •G1LyWTUS, Jan. 4, 11,63.- Whereas, the undersigned has succeeded iu capturing and des rnymg a pert of the enemy's.Seet, and iu - driving the remainder out of the harbor of Galveston and beyoud the neighboring waters, aed the bloclade having been thin edictuaily ruined, he therefore proclaims to all cue• rented. that the harbor of Galveston is open fx.trsdi• to all friendly nations• and their urerchants are invited to resume their usual culnmeacial intercourse with this post. •• Done at .Gahutun, this, the 4th day of January, 1863. "J It. M.kGRCDE!t, Maj. Gen. Com." " We had the stettfectiun," says the /toes 104 Tdrgmph of the 7th inst., of sending n • number of curies of our lust paper contain- 'ing copious accounts of the bait s by the same vessel, addressed b the principal joule ( nab of the. West Indies and Europe. We thee have reason to hope that the true ac- cent of the affair will "be published to the outside world. The proclamation ought to been the effect to invite trade end bring careues of deeded merchandise to our allures. Southam to i1 - excellent aed talented Governor General is decidedly Irish, Thos. D'Arcy McGee is more than a man of talent, he poem -tees genies of no courwen order. No, let Irish- men here forget their fancied grievances, let them vail themaelvex of the bemeficen�/ _ fits r the land and there can be secs We do not heier i tone a single c. Why should the press Save free to make it t leastriagrec tirhioh do, I wou'd not like to ser Lim d. a god as 1 nenrl cd into of the7 7 year. tbt street and hun,j Dike ad dog, witi.uutjuJ e or jury; yet scenes of this kind have been _ rm •'• lady residing at Cheltenham has re enacted uvrr and over again in the South,and it is the basis to day they wish to est:sb:ish their Government upon. The majority of the North says that this equity shall exist no lunger; scenes of the end shall be trier/tied uu more, and if the cries of the North do not clue the efforts of he (luverumeut, I feel sure of their final tri- unph. -cession men may howl in despair -cast dost upon their hearts, but it is of no avail; the proclamation has gone forth -the 50•s of Africa ere free in the district of Co.lumbia, and a few more days they will be free men all over the ('Hired Settee the same LI in this Pruviuce,and all will hail the happy day. y tweet)J Ines are lean in the coal mines kin ever .cel of eve d' 82 miles, At $2,200 I lenses, sas, kc., Pre'imin coon Being braced tion o The sod ed. w lif tin no0 µl amount of 1M ar:.,. tea. tpra ntschenJill rich sad Sae ..lora South of t cher pro. la us is as s the unebaritablene intruducine the object rr eep0nderat in icbi on the very ception. int - Probable forehtomen as Qestablished t Me trate* Agee, 1 (i uekanaiIt r not ire with The amp,- aka my..,,,.ment f will or entreated of this 1 p•irtaet lte-ope b4�mall all compared abolished, their advan- tages been of e•at-4i;iug theta. The Emigration with the cast emigration hatery is likely to detect the Depart - went continent rse:t s ' to set t the ed that the nem Bimini atKirit ty 1p Upper C ,. �fa. sot addi section k delay to the The Govern Me nom ^ J win oda chi. state a morin in ,,,trop to to ad yew /the 24yb twines This count the a.lPaetagw of tar to lees for the hard workingCountry ae Pa; oro Will succeed in their ebrtl•T1y`t"w•strrn jos tired. and if the lain an he men' are recon e%'rts e f I t/ hope Prom wwater welt of�P'uepe iiyo o ituie�es to�hy those �tbir• Maw ergow or vis leo *ewe nit: Resew* tee aiprov. C-aig the IA It duei he im- Y0,1 of a of ten ice hew stands at presate m man- , end its very want Leah in - want ot Meths. Tie ran be 36 , suffering as Obey at Iron: tie - the imposition or air i I n l'- suffer - .114. ia the fare -aid to e Well ar of 1059. as far Oa 0011913 has in store • WIN t in the wwaistirse et ..,,,..r. see es fahowev-whe sub: it oral idlle leading to 41 en eiree au these roods take. Ng eiPie es heavy • load as 1 esse On a gravel raid itb tbe seen en it -far, be an ▪ em, mat is Intelsat sull lenity l ef oar ea: 101.8 fit 11/ mar till worth iew the matter, mid generally Tutertuined. *proved. We are ornifeeely poor mow aeon a eimprelesedril, eitable grit& teed abrupt, eta Bee to the Oben Comity. jet sb ever, what failletes mach dee and felememin ly wealititieeellbee me*, have ,Let es The sookr cote ered ie the worst O&M 311. .ts itegeovement, Po be med. he teleetien eseie woe Eelend no the., 110 Mee* • gratbee $1100 eviiirro;gind oultionneT grid Woe of admirably edam./ tre all for Ile• years so coins. Time s the he roue or hoth, may talked ne wide moo rememable Aope. This ran he *indwell Ad ail lore of 111100,110. I 00. VI* 17 were which elm les sm. by wee and nessirier nn mimed sal& If tractor* Or middlemen h. les, width oar people e. n 4 for cram Seri e re time -speedy Imo* is IAA this rose to thorned. olio tore way to tars lesfissrnal f free dee door. I/Slain 11141Willapriemineste I 5 whom in se Sirrator, 4th February, 1863. To the Editor of the Huron Signal. writing of Compomitium et my School, awl as ea inducement for them !stated that I would select, from the number predured, one whieh I might consider better than the others, and paper, and as I receive your paper sa Town- ship Clerk I have selected it, if you would be so kind as to give the composition a plus in your columns. I promised to make no corrections for him. C. PROUTY. GOVERNMENT OF TEMPER. awe a a Jittpetition of the mind which, wham properly cultivated, metes eminent person% bet •hien tint properly cultivated is sera the cause of it. posseesor's coming to a fled end. Although it is a disiinsition to whirh every creature ie subject. daily ex- perience teaches us that a " answer son of• weld temper do much harm, if mach a person should unguardedly allow Isis temper t rt the upper hand of him he could more y subdue it than n penion of a rash tem consequenty be would be more likely to -tie eid of reason before acting. I OSA • mikl temper the most evninsehle of all this" bet oe the otber hand a bad temper is a scandal to its r sod to all that join with Isits ;. a temper has been the cause of numerous evils. in youth the temper a 100 much negleeted by parents sato, instead elfttaining the child in the wsy it smotigt very apt, by injudicioes trestinees, viabest they cultivate what An to erndett. The tempers grew ISO doh grnwth, emengib, 'bey herniae • sog days Other is wisest Of ea dee a pest to socirty, and is prehabile ke to me beet redowets 10 gab. • nalicit'esie in pants. PH WRITE, Stephen. pert Royal miser of Jaguar, 244 Napo y_ sot, _god seer Nee The roaleatiht kern owed tberiegt vire blodegling ship la Oseneem lob the Illeitivelmirish lie is Ow =t0 . he dower emir and a bombe the ernelems baltioklfistbefal (di of usegmet sad tbat move aes fest he 10 eety toe Qiieen, for an cid ruan of 107 yews of age, named Williatn Punier, • native of Relnuarley, but no. living in Cheltenham. Crearary to the experience of cossionice in general. the Metropolitan Gold Cenieany at lialinix seems to be On the herb way to riches. The Directors held • meeting I.st week and deciared a dividend of 1 21 per cent fur the half yesr, or ;2.50 per share of $20. tree A man known by the name of Aare Scott was rein over and killed by a train the Grand I; unk between Bath and me, on the 14th ult. Ile was quite tie& al del not hear the noise of the approaching train. Some doubt exists nn to hi* identity, hut a few days before the accident he was seen to write Ibis name as above given. C:Ire A d.sease known as purports hemorr- hage has recently made its appearance at the West. Deeth frequently ensues in two or three days. The pattent breaks out in purple blotches, which gives the mune by which the ilinelLie is known. A number of cases have occurred in Chieago lately, neatly terminating &tally, arid we leant Inane the Cleveleind Leader that several persons in that city have recenty fallen victims to the terrible disease. Little friends, put things right hack in their proper places. Sever leave things all about, you ose any artiele-hoe, shovel, rake, pith - fork, az, hamniaraimeebouts or shoes,books, slates pencils, writing apparatus pins, thim hies, pin-cushions,needles,work-basketeekitch• en furniture, every article ef bowiewitery or husbandry, no matter what it is- the very moment you have den. unite it, return it to its preeer place. Order, oider,perfect order, is the watchward- heaven's fiist How meek previous ease Is saved (*side from rela- tion) by observing order -systematic regular- ity I And little folks should begin early to preserve order in everything -form habits of are formed in childhood, and habits once formed cling for lif Yount friend', begin early to keep things straight in their. proper piece; study neatness order, economy, sobriety-eurything just, honest, lovely, and aimed report. • Coarse Talk Toone wonien of the workine clams are de eidedly less delicate in their speleh and behn. view than yrosag Indies. They will permit from their nude friends comainiess of language mid indelicate freedoirs'that in the other elms would he spurned as insults. can se rol nrilitOn for ibis; I 4, not *On Thy • Torking woman sheald not be as put* and delimit in speech and rondoet as any lady in the land. It is easy to understand hew indeliesey speech or seeneer by exerrepting the masd.may rte+r the fall froze virtu aunt easy. Bet I would urge open you to eeltimite parity in eon. onernitat Igor merely on women of its 'demi- ses to yams/Ivey bet also os acerreet of its effect oc. ;meg men. Tour infiesse over young mita le not whet it might to be. He Imo le the upper Inaba, begrime, emerge steed vetoers to my es imblioue wird be fore a lady; earl the esommemose is that tb• mot ere seestily nelloi mod perinea la 111449 emwelemise end earmseem Dom is we wow *Is wity merldeg meg 01.11114 am be tbortoglt sernirnitese. sobillinso albs word, it ie wraith ear peahen seeleey that rest worn them embitt mob? of boot sod sees* end do errovery eliete less hem regard se belisp °Owes. Ts Oh sow, *very trorneg ray, sod ernbe is be, • las% eed it your prowtese Se mete ht.: trs'elleee414:71t7e porta. Gad gee* yernoleue, Ohm of se oir sol boo /woo Ms Ow mernerneryeesgeOlsefrmaillobilab The Escape of the Florida.' A Mobile correspondent of the Charleston Mercury gives the following account ot thc delay in sailing of the Confederate States eteamer Monde' from Met port and her final escape. It appears that the aenonneement in the Richmond papers some days ago that she had sailed was premature. At that time no effort had been made to run her out. "Captein Maffei lingered bere so long after his vessel was ready for eta u to call upon himself much criticism and censure, and ap plications from acme quarter went on to the Secretary of tbe Navy requestiner he removal from the irommand of his vessel. The leer. - Vary at once unwed tbe order relieving hies lama coinnsand. President Davis Wu then absent from Richmond. and the Secretary rimed on his own enansel in the matter ,• but happily for Maffit, President Davis arrived at Mobile almost sinieltaaeoesly with the order of the Secretney. The facet of the delay were explained to the Pre -dent, who at once restored Maffat die vessel. 'I sew hint one night when he was bidding adieus to his friends. lie said that the wepther indic .ted a strong "north neater," for which be bad been waiting so long aid Cast he would be off in a few hours. But the iidication was not fulfilled. The weather changed, and he remained uotil lest Thursday, this 11th .11., when he escaped just before dray. ile ettempt. ed it on the eight previous, but the block- aders diseovent i hen and signalized, when he withdrew. Thursday night wee eery dark. There was • strong blow ised • 'Lail stone during several hoar*. He ran out unobserved. Bat shoot four hours after his tempo they either discovered or suspected that he was gone, and the swiftest steamer among them went to sea. apparently in permit. She will herdIr ceteh him. The Florida is • splendid venri, in perfect running and fighsing tries, and ran, probably, whip lel craft that she Owinot out rue," , Poweee Ritttreuera.-C. F. los jeat been serrating before the Allertalte 400graphleal Society his reset Arctic ere patience while in mere! willetertoss of the ezpeditioo. and took tie reneortsoi- mass ecbese he twouit away ebb kirs-a hardy bower, *be ba• here intone owed brae Arm sod does nights motiesdeat e• the lee be, Ole oat bele. Oartsie diem& feed to 1-itor Um Ow ossoweang. Ills bee barna them te de se rer mote. Re beard Kea teeseeee is *tibia party ef' doses =seal brown mere ileisod *them she so • perk Oleo, end amid sot nw elthemi mos Oir MOM end we fir tiny days dewiest MOO Saila amp mosembel w the panes et levee. baMst7.7 volts mem r. A. T. Gab We pm So lirolowill POOL HT INDIPILIDENT. tat disselltma WWI *Ma peamassm ernes inallnknalloa- The esaileartsite of Itartr below heeds 0904 lime tasygmestadhalit inakeelleehedes,'" ,111111111 Ishornere dom.. 'itsu. furor, we're mespeadeas. Lai meliee, within Onerous Ant "Ilan of format sad .terwileg los. nes sone meidotelisfill leo el may ba tesamemem„... abs' 'no., weal isomendus. tresehery PUS Let Native W se mew ghee may soso.4 Isst owl adds@ the Wed THE SYMPATHIZING WOMAN. judo for the probability gibs teeth If we *ere called upon to describe het women. Nobody was troubled within, oaf ady she hadn't suffered. :She kaiser all Sloes ti:::::thbolyib.7....fibouarturut...1,:iusbuili:4:47wandorpliela.yrbisabeartlionate. 04 th:sas.dw M.:0....Dval:isba.cb,u)duatzt saltooning ottheiyartmellp: Hastily procuring a large bleinket. Se wisps you" "gasoodked blaa Dobbs, es lila saw his near by. hitusemolf.up in it eadraethiteouwelkumeemLirsseer: are inv'a. Vest's las matter 7" "Oh I • great many things! • rine ;ern foremost, I've got • convenor. 01 the brae." " That's dieadful," sighed Mis. Dobbs, "I came pretty pear dying of it tea years costs next sprine. What else 7' Di opsy, agein groaned Bob. " There I taut sympathise with yoe. I se troubled with it, but linens got over "Neuraligia," continued Bob. " Nobody can iell, Mr. lamer, lidat IlUfFereil front Neurillig.4. 11'11 aa awful mes- " teen, again, meek disavowed ty fammetion uf the bowels." •• If you've got that I pity you," commeset Mrs. Dobbs, " for three years steady I vas afflicted with it, and I dont thisk 1 se fully recovered yet." " Rheumatism," added Bob. s Yes, that's pretty likely to aloag via neuraligia. It did with me." "l'cotbackie," suggested Bob. " There bare been times Mr. Tamer,• said the sympathizing women, " whey Idea I should have gime distracted with tke mode " Them'," mid Bob, who Isavisg tempers/ ily run out of biz mock of medical was, resorted to a scientific wine, • I'm very uch afraid that Fre gut the leillpeams •• 1 should'ot be at all surprised," mid tie ever ready Mrs. Dobbs, " I tied it wars 1 ma Tbough it was with great difficulty he could ktep from toughies. Ltob continued: an'ic•I;Ite" n yoa can sympathize with Ina, Mr. Turner, 1 sprained mine as I wee cumin But that isn't the worst of it." " Whet is it ?" &died Mrs. Debits, with •.1 wouldn't tell any one bet yoa, Kn. Doblis,but the fact bees Bob groaned. " I'm deed, and the doctor agrees eith me, that my lesson is &feel/14; us short l'm Mb took • long tenedgfeel what Mr,. Oahe 'Odd lay tu dint. it is. I frequently have &pelts abodes mad my bend mpself." Bub could stand it en leery; he beret into • roar of leught..r, white Mrs. MASA taking for a precursor of • paroxysm of in sanity. she esa led to take • honied leave. What Farmels_Boys should Lew. According to the anneal Register fer 1863, every ferrner's boy Would kaowsoiseer 1. To dies& himeelf, black hie owa shoes, button, mate a bed, end keep all has clotting in perfect order, and neatly i• 2. To heroes a hone, grease • wawa, awl drive • team. 3. To were, arid wait On table. drew a quarter of mutton 5. To reckon money and keep sermon accurately, •nd accordiag to good bog. keeping rules. 6. To write a m -at, appropriate, briefly a:pinged business letter, In a good beed,sad fuld and superscribe it properly ; sad slier con trace!. 7. To plow, *ow rein and erase seed, 8. To pat up a pecker*, bead a fire, whitewash a wall, mend broken tools, and regulate a clock. I retnember a man in Staffordshire who was drunk every day of his life. Every Ike thing he earned went to the aholionse. Ow evening he staistered home, and found. et a late hour, hie wire sitting alone, and drowsed in tears. Ile wet not • man deficient ia yew nil affection ; be appeared to be smolt sweet with the wretcheduess of the rouser end with some earnestness asked Ism why she we crsitig. " I do not like to toll you, Joss. ' she said, •' but if !must, I mast ; nu chilling* have not tous:hed a morsel this booed day. As foe ree, never nsied me ; I most les.. yea to gems how it has fared wit/ me. Bet am a morsel of food could I brg or bey toe thear children that lie on the bed before yin i sad I am sere, James, it S better far eall w's should die, and in my sad I wish we were ell deed." " Duel r. said James, ' sp a. if a Ash of liehtnieg darted woo ' ; la end. Gies me that Om silk i waited your subsumes- the ewes of a upon me. I am dnewieg seer to lin a gave ,1 wit! astooistosest sod hew. I: Isis tome, mode • meet Memo said ?rem tbot serneres se ths day ebb drab se Itemsnioll Orem bet himself eutineti se tse ern. en saddle and look* breams bernip, bite Meek wpm clad, file wes tummy uses die peer leas sod , IOC teem is their era, lees reld iss thsit2. and WWII the ircernag el the lib ef M. Antler showe reetwaslem sot sheers me the Ow b. 11.441 la Ye head ohm be am beteg MO to emit Aisne ale, sod2 sod eider, aoll ftwomild limens be soil rect imam &el WW1, Ye 1 e woo NW de very veil Newel ses. If roe lhavegeed esorlibirtst4sia bill wog pow sorties, aim ow boobs Ikea Os Itertoldre poet ;IOW Yob ernes Ishavevs ifs meow lois relkio-fliffse Dela 412. Tbe Ilse. adage Onowtes litui Wad la Mem* se a irlepee nine SHOO •