HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-04-22, Page 6LSMFT CARS '64 FORD Custom, 4-door, V-8, auto, lowmileage,locally owned $2,600 '64 FORD Custom 2-door, V-8, s tandard transmis- sion .. 32,250 '64 FALCON Wagon, 4-door, radio, stick shift $2,200 '64 METEOR coach, V-8, auto, radio, black ... $2,400 '63 GALAXIE 500XL Convertible, V-8, automatic, fully equipped $3,100 '63 FORD Galaxie 500, 4-door, hardtop, V-8, power steering $2,300 '63 DODGE coach, V-8, auto, "former holstein" • 31,850 '63 FORD GALAXIE, 4-door, V-8, standard trans., ex- ceptionally clean, new motor $1,975 '82 FORD Country Sedan, V-8, automatic $1,750 '61 OLDS Super 88, 2-door hardtop, fully loaded $1,800 '61 FORD sedan, V-8, stick, radio $1,150 '61 GALAXIE, V-8 sedan, a beautiful black $1,500 '61 DODGE Seneca, 4-door, 6 cyl., auto, black $1,050 '61 FALCON coach, a nice one ... $ 900 '60 FORD coach, V-8, automatic $ 900 '59 METEOR, 2-door, V-8, auto, radio 900 '59 METEOR, 4-door, 6 cyl., standard trans $ 900 TRACTORS ALLIS CHALMERS, ED 40, less than 1,000 hrs. 1,800 '58 MERCURY F-700 dump 1,250 '53 M-H 23 Mustang, 3-point hitch, plow, cultivator, snow blade & chains 600 '50 IHO "H" with super kit, A real dandy! 650 9N FORD and loader 450 10-FOOT drag cultivator . 100 '48 8N FORD LARGE REDUCTIONS on 1964 Super Dextas TRUCKS '59 FORD F-700 Dump., Ready to, roll • 1,975 '59 FORD I-ton stake, dual wheels, rebuilt motor . 1,400 '55 IHC, 184 tractor, full air, 5th wheel, ready to roll 900 tarry Snider Motors Ltd. Pord, Fairfone, Falcon and Ford Trucks 586 Main South Exeter 235x1640 25 Auction Sales 15 Wanted 24 Tenders Wanted 17 Property For Rent Page 6 April 22, 1965 9 Services 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 6 Business Opportunities BUSLNESS FOR SALE-Fran- chise retail, wholesale bread route in the Exeter area, Own- er has been promoted. Phone 18 Dashwood. 22* Classified Rates BUNK BEDS - Phone 235.0477. 22tfnx daybed; cedar chest; Ray- mond 'sewing machine; vari- ous bedsteads; dressers; com- modes; high chair; writing desk; 3 toilet sets; vacuum cleaner; oak rockers; large assortment glassware; antique dishes; coal oil lamps; elec- tric lamps; gas lantern; man- tel clock; mirror; electric ra- dio; chest of drawers; antique furniture; pictures & frames; crocks; sealers; quantity coal and wood, etc., etc. TERMS: Cash. PEARL DUNCAN, Proprietress GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 15:22c 16 Property For Sale FOR SALE by owner-Colo- nial style 3-bedroom house with attached garage, corner William and Thomas, Exeter. Phone 235-1293 after 5 p.m. and weekends. 25tfnc 7 Teachers Wanted WILL ROOM and board two elderly people on ground floor. For further information phone 235-0720, 18tfnc STORE presently occupied by British Mortgage available for rent May 1, Apply Bill's Bar- ber Shop, Phone 235-0915. 4tfnc 2-BEDROOM heated apartment at 53 James St., completely private, close to down town. Call Ralph Sweitzer 235.2800. 19tfnc FOR IMMEDIATE arrange- ments to have your lawn mown this summer call 235- 1775 or 235-2838. 22c NO. 1 STRAWBERRY plants. Kinds: Red Coat, Premier, Sparkle, Dunlop. 10 for 500; 50 for $1,50; 100 for $2.50; 500 for $7.50; 1,000 for $12.00; pre- paid to you. W. Govenlock, Box 201 Forest, Ont. 22* LOADER to fit Allis Chalmers WD or WD 45 tractor, in good condition. Glenn Weido, dial 236-4629 Zurich. 22* SUPREME LATEX paint, spe- cial $3.99 per gal,; in 2-gal. case lots $6.50; a Sherwin-Wil- liams product. Beavers' Hard- ware. Phone 235-1033. 22c VIXLNG cream separator, 900 lb. capacity, used one year, new condition, Phone 482-9983 Clinton. Tony Dejong, RR 3 Seaforth. 22* 9-PIECE walnut finish dining room suite. Phone 229.6502. 22c CASH DISCOUNT RATE If paid within 8 days First Insertion 40 PER WORD (Minimum 800 TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 4, 1965 for sup- ply of 100 gallons of 80-ounce Lirnine 2, 4-D Weed Killer or equivalent, in 5 - gallon cans to be delivered to Township Garage at Elimville by May 20, 1965, For further particulars apply to W. J. ROUTLY, Road Superintendent Township of Usborne RR 3 Exeter, Ont. 22:29c 17 Property For Rent ATTRACTIVE heated and fur- nished apartment, hot water supplied, private entrance, suitable for two. Phone 235- 2456 or call at 170 Carling St. 26tfnc OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD TWO • ROW Ferguson 3 - point hitch corn and bean planter. Excellent condition. Apply Cecil Jones, phone Exeter 235- 2910. 22tfnx FRAME COTTAGE on Albert St., Exeter, oil heated, newly decorated, good location. Ap- ply Stewart Blackwell or Dav- id Blackwell. Phone Zurich 2364635 or 236-4820. 15:22* BRICK HOUSE-Large dining room, living room, kitchen, 4-piece bath down, 3 large bed- rooms up. In addition to this there are two self contained apartments attached. After initial purchase, income from apartments will pay all ex- penses. This is situated on extra large, shaded lot, two blocks from post office, on paved street; sewage is con- nected. Contact Bob Luxton, 349 Marlborough St. Phone 235-0776. 22c HOUSE in Woodham on No. 23 Highway; white brick, 4 bedrooms, immediate posses- sion. Mrs. Shier, Granton, phone 3R4. 22c STOREY and a half 2 bed- room wartime house in Exe- ter, full basement with new oil furnace, Phone 235-2642. 22:29:6c Second Insertion 3 1 2 0 PER WORD (Minimum 700 requires qualified teacher for September 1st for GRADE 8 2 - BEDROOM apartment on Main St in Crediton, available immediately, private entrance, all utilities paid by owner. Phone 234-6336 after 5 or Sat- urday. 8tfric 2-BEDROOM apartment, very comfortable, central, avail- able immediately..Phone 235- 0332-445 Main Street. 22:29:6:13* 2-BEDROOM apartment, heat and hot water supplied. No pets. Apply 70 John St. East. 3ltfnc Up to $5.00 for dead or disabled cows and horses. Call MI MURRAY & SON Hickson 462-2614 24-hour service, 7-day week. License Number 368C65 lOtinc 25 Auction Sales Six Insertions 30 PER WORD (Minimum 600) Salary Schedule in effect Category #1 33,100 34,900 Category #2 $3,500 $5,500 Category =3 $3,900 $5,900 Category =4 $4,300 $6,500 Annual increment $200.00 Generous allowance for experience. Sick leave, gratuity and con- tributory group insurance plan in effect. Apply with particulars to W. H. HODGSON, Secretary-Treasurer Exeter, Ontario 22c UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m, 12tfnc Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Feed and Implements Located on #83 Highway, 4 MILES EAST OF EXETER TUESDAY, APRIL 27 at 12:30 p,m, CAI ILE: Holstein cow, fresh; Holstein cow due in May; Holstein cow due time of sale; 2 Holstein cows, far- row; Durham cow, fresh; Dur- ham cow, farrow; 16 Here- ford yearling heifers; 10 Here- ford yearling steers; 3 calves, FEED: 900 bales hay; 200 bales straw; 750 bus. mixed grain; 150 bus. barley. IMPLEMENTS : Minneapolis Moline model "Z" tractor, re- cently overhauled; Case VAC tractor with corn stuffier; 3- furrow IHC plow; 2-furrow IHC plow; IHC 13-disc fertiliz- er drill; Fleury Bissel packer; set of lever harrows; 4-sec- tion iron harrows; stiff tooth cultivator; Oliver tractor ma- nure spreader; 5-ton wagon and rack, new; 22-ft. grain auger; grain grinder with 3 h.p. motor; Letz grinder; hammer mill; 2-wheel trailer; extension ladder; rubber tired wagon; snow fence; quantity of lumber; 1951 International 1-ton truck with racks; Uni- versal milking machine, 2 units; forks; shovels; tools, etc. Some household effects. No reserve - Terms Cash ALVIN PASSMORE, Prop. W. E. NAIRN & SON, Aucts. 22c 18 For Rent SIMON BRAND 20 0 EXTRA If not paid in 8 days following publication. AUCTION SALE of Valuable Antiques, House- hold Effects, Farm Ma- chinery and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 17, CON. 8, USBORNE TOWNSHIP The undersigned auctioneer received instruction's to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 23 at 1:00 p,m. FARM MACHINERY & MISC. ITEMS: John Deere tractor disc; 3-drum steel roller; Mc- Deering binder; M,H. mower, 6 ft. cut; McDeering 11-run grain and fertilizer drill; rid- ing plow; hay loader; 4-sec- tion diamond harrows; M.H. horse drawn manure spreader on steel; McDeering side de- livery rake; John Deere culti- vator; dump rake; Woods elec- tric grinder equipped with 3 h.p. electric motor; colony house 10x12; 2-wheel trailer; rubber tire wagon and rack; 32 ft. extension ladder; steel tire wagon and grain box; Maxwell power lawn mower; vice; sledges; team bells; snow fence; walking plow; harrow cart; chains; electric fencer; root pulper; electric motor; bag truck; forks; shov- els and other misc. items. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Dining room table and chairs; kitchen table and chairs; Gil- son medium size refrigerator, recently purchased; 4 - burner electric stove; Maxwell elec- tric washing machine; glass cupboard; sideboard, dry sink; FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc 2-BEDROOM ground floor apartment, heated, north Main St., $50.00 a month. Phone Mrs, Obery 235-0512. Stine VERY CENTRAL steam heat- ed apartments, fully furnished with new furniture and ap- pliances and newly decorated, 345,00 per month and up. Elliot Apts, 442 Main St. 235.0585, nights 235-2912. Stfnc 3•ROOM furnished, heated apartment, private entrance, main floor, centrally located. Apply 349 Marlborough, phone 235-0776. 18tfnc UNFURNISHED, roomy, upper 2-bedroom apartment, heated, entirely private, separate hot water supply, on William St., close to downtown, $50.00. Dial 235-2575. ltfnc SMALL furnished, self - con- tained apartment, heat, hot water supplied, private en- trance, 41 Simcoe St., avail- able April 3. Phone 235-2360. ltfnc 19 For Sale or Rent STEEL farrowing crates-sta- tionary or adjustable. Phone 227-4511. 22c Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of lei inch. KELVINATOR refrigerator, 6.1 cu. ft., in good condition, ideal for cottage or apartment. Dial 235-0296. 22c PLAID all purpose coat, size 16; 2 girl's coats, sizes 6 and 8; 2 girl's coats, size 14, 12 (camel hair); graduation dress (white) size 14, like new. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 22c 8 Situations Wanted Your area dealer for BEATTY BARN EQUIPMENT & PUMPS for all your requirements of: - SANITARY STEEL STALLS AND PENS GUTTER CLEANERS - SILO L'NLOADERS - LIMITED HOG FEEDING & BUNK FEEDLNG EQUIPMENT - WATER SYSTEMS - PUMPS - SOIn'hNERS Contact SIMON BRAND Beatty Sales & Service RR 1 Exeter 234-6473 Crediton We do concrete work and installations. 18tfnc SMALL HOUSE, 1-bedroom, stove and frig supplied. Avail- able now, Phone 235-2425. 3:18-4:22c DE LAVAL cream separator, like new; baled hay & straw. Ross Cottle, 5 miles east of Exeter on 83 and half mile north. 22* STUCCO 1 storey house, cen- tral location, large living and dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bath, ground floor; 2 bed- rooms up; oil furnace, sewer connected, large garage. Ap- ply 257 William Street. 22tfnc EXETER - Nice 2-bedroom 1- floor home, oil furnace, at- tached 1-car garage, nice size lot, terms cash. All replies strictly confidential. Box 0 D Exeter Times-Advocate. 22: 29c Classifications WILL DO baby sitting in my own home, by the day, Apply Box M D The Exeter Times- Advocate. 22* 4-BEDROOM house in Exeter corner William and Nelson Street; also two lots adjoin- ing could be used to build two new houses; available May 1. Phone 235-2417. 22* 9 Services 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11, Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales 22 Notices VACUUM CLEANER sales and service for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich. Dial 262- 5350. 26tfnc ROTARY WELL DRILI ING- W. D. Hopper & Sons. Forty- five years' experience, water guaranteed. Phone 527-1737, 527-0775, 527-0257, 527-0828 Sea- forth, Ont. 11:19-5:13* GUITAR LESSONS-To arrange for a free talent test phone 235-2120 or see Mr. Pulsifer at 92 Main St. South. 15tfnc EXETER NURSING HOME - 24-hour nursing care, moderate rates. Mrs. R. Iles, 30 Sanders St. Phone 235-0810. 17tfnc SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect. 10:4tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed. No mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238-2031 or 238-2166. 8:8tfnc 10 Livestock For Sale 500 BALES of hay. Ross Hodg- ert, RR 1 Woodham. Phone 229-6643. 22c BIG REDUCTION on baby cribs and mattresses, play pens, strollers, high chairs, etc. Some at h elf price. Sandy Elliot. 22c IT IS NOT too early to order your strawberry plants. We have the leading varieties, certified, order now. Plant early for good growth. L. V. Hogarth, phone 235.1414. 22:29c THANKS for the dogs brought in, We are ready for more, L. V. Hogarth, phone 235-1414. 22c FENCE SUPPLIES ATTRACTIVE ranch style, angel stone home, in Exeter, on paved street, Custom built and nearly new, with many extras. Well insulated, attach ed plastered garage, basement, paved drive, completely land- scaped. Hot water heated with oil; also electric heating, House 32x49 ft. Apply 376 Wil- liam St. or telephone 235-0415 Exeter for appointment. 22tfnc 23 legal Notices 2-BEDROOM heated apart- ment, garage, private en- trance, Hensel]. Phone 262-5080. 15:22:29c FIRST Let IER sows due soon. Apply Lennis Gingerich, phone 37R12 Dashwood. 22* 13 WEANER pigs; also Hol- stein milking cows, some fresh and some due to fresh- en. Apply Jake Hovius, RR 2 Hensall. Phone 236-4810. 22c TWO white faced calves. Peter Visscher, Dashwood, 37R11. 22* 5), HURON ST. WEST-1-bedroom apartment on ground floor. Phone 235-0614. 15tfnc UNFURNISHED, two-bedroom heated apartment, in Exeter, living room and kitchen down- stairs, 2 bedrooms, 3-pce. bath and closets upstairs. Available now. Phone 229-6576 Kirkton. 15tfnc 11 Poultry For Sale LUNDY FENCE 8 Line Wire $1.25 per rod Steel posts $1.00 each PEELED POSTS Posts, pile run ANCHORS 8' 7" $1.50 8' 8" $1.75 9' $2.25 POTATOES Potatoes are advancing every day on account of American markets. No. 1 Good Potatoes $3.50 per 75 lb. bag No. 2 Potatoes $2.00 per 75 lb. bag H. C. McDONALD 1 Lost 1 STOREY, 3-bedroom home, William St., Parkhill, 1 block east of Main St., bathroom, oil furnace. For inspection call Wesley Watson 293.3124 or Al- onzo Hodgins, RR 3 Ailsa Craig. latfnc Don't Be as Uncertain as the Weather--Use Want-Ads NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Henry Fahner, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Henry Fahner, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 19th day of November 1964, are re- quired to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 24th day of April 1965, after which date the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to those claims of which notice has been re- ceived. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrices Exeter, Ontario. 8:15:22e PART SPANIEL, answering to the name of "Pixie", lost in Exeter Monday night. Phone Seaforth 527-0914. 22c DE KALB ready-to-lay pullets, Call McKinley Farm & Hatch- ery Ltd., Zurich. Phone Hen- sall 262-2837. 29tfnc 5500 HY-LINE pullets, vacci- nated, de-beaked, 20 weeks old on April 9. Bruce Roy, Londesboro. Phone Blyth 523- 4237. lltfnc REAL ESTATE 2 LARGE bedroom apartment, new bath, living room, kitchen and dining area, frig and stove supplied, utility room. Harold Taylor, Phone 235-0674, 24tfnc DUPLEX - Newly decorated, hot water heated; roomy liv- ing room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, lots of closet and cupboard space, 3 pce. upstairs, 2 pce. downstairs bathroom, garage, rental reasonable, immediate possession. Wm. Oestricher, tel. 234-6455 Crediton, lltfnc MODERN unfurnished apart- ment, 1 bedroom, living room, dining room and kitchen, 4-pc. bath, steam heat, hot water supplied. Apply Art Gaiser, Elmart Apts. Phone 235-1505 days, 235.2754 after 6 p.m. 3 Male Help Wanted C. V. PICKARD EXETER - Modern 3 bedroom home in new subdivision with ample kitchen and dining-room area, partly finished recreation room, Terms. This property can be purchased with half acre of land for V.L.A. financing. DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL YOU EARN more money giv- ing Rawleigh service amongst your friends and relatives. Better than working for a boss. Easy to start. Write Rawleigh, Dept. D-202-818, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Mont- real. GREENWAY GENERAL STORE REALTOR We are offering the following properties for sale. WARTIME HOUSE - 2 bed- rooms. This house has been improved. It has basement and oil burning floor furnace. Reasonable price. Possession at purchaser's convenience. FOUR BEDROOM solid brick home. Large living rooms, modernized kitchen, two-piece bathroom first floor, four- piece second floor, High ceil- ing basement with oil burning furnace. A family home. LOW PRICED three bedroom brick, This home has three- piece bath up and down. Could be used for two apart- ments. In good condition. Par- ticularly nice lot. We will be pleased to quote on your insurance needs. C. V. PICKARD Insurance Real Estate 394 Main St. Phone 235-0310 lltfnc Phone 294-6971 22c FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - Call Collect - DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Phone Clinton HL' 2-7269 Dead Animal Licence No. 350C.65 12:12tfne STEADY employment for in- plant help. Apply in person to Plant Manager Tuckey Bev- erages. 22:29c EXETER - Re-modelled red brick three bedroom home. This house is located 1 block off Main Street in the heart of town, and features a separate dining-room, front hall entrance, finished recreation room, garage. EXETER - Storey and one half, 3 bedroom home with garage. Modern and in excellent condition. $2,000 down with balance at 8 1/2%. EXETER Two bedroom one storey home on an attractive corner lot. This is a comfortable well located home with private drive and heats for only $80 per year. The limited remaining mortgage which can be paid off is at 4% with monthly payments of $31.00 covering principal interest, taxes and fire insurance. It's the Crowd That Makes a Good FARM SALE Advertise Your Sale In TheTimes-Advocate 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1954 CHEV 1 ton truck. Will trade for livestock. Apply to George Deelstra, RR 1 Cen- tralia. 8:15:22:29c 1958 CHEV 2 door, V-8, auto- matic and 1961 Dodge slant six automatic, both in top shape, privately owned. Ap- ply Len McKnight, le mile south of Exeter on highway 4. Phone 235-2126. 'Stine 1953 FORD 3-ton stake, new racks, 2-speed axle, in good condition, ideal farm truck. Phone 293.3025. 22c 1958 PLYMOUTH Belvedere hardtop, V-8 motor, automatic, radio, one-owner car. Apply Jack Gaiser, Dashwood. Phone 22c AUXILIARY POLICEMEN SALES & SERVICE - Viking cream separators. Viking milk- ers, pump & 2 units installed for $498.00. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, Phone Clinton 482- 9131. 2:4-4;29* ALUMINUM DOORS, windows, awnings, siding. Porch and step railings. Top quality prod- ucts at reasonable prices, Ex- pert installation, Call us for free estimates. Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St., Exeter, Phone 235-0722 (col- lect). 7tfnc PUPS, good selection-Stand- ard Dachshunds; Smooth and Toy Fox Terriers; Toy Man- chester terriers, $25.00 and up. Macintosh, Clandeboye, 227- 4598, after 1 p.m. Closed Sun- days, 7tfnc ADMIRAL APPLIANCES, new and used, We carry a full line-check our prices. Laye's Appliances, West McGillivray, 10 miles south-west of Exeter. Sales and Service, phone Ailsa Craig 293.3134. 17tfne McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed PHONE 228.6214 FOR TOWN OF EXETER NEED A WATER WELL? Drilled 4" diameter to 10" di- ameter to 1500'; bored 30" di- ameter to 200'. A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Cost of drilling with new machine is reasonable. Men are experienced in all phases of setting screens etc. Phone Elmira 669-3761 Day or Night Apply in person to: CHIEF C. H. MACKENZIE Police Station Phone 235-1235 22c 13 For Sale EXETER-Three bedroom home with four acres of land on highway #83. This house has been completely re-decorated and features modern kitchen, large living-room, family TV room, three piece bath and new oil furnace. Terms available. EXETER -Stately 4 bedroom brick home situated on corner lot at Victoria and Andrew Streets. Three piece bath up and two piece down. Re-modelled kitchen with built-in cupboards plus din- ing room, family room, laundry room, car port, soft water, sewer completely installed. $12,500 with terms. EXETER Albert Street central 3 bedroom brick home. Oil heat, etc. $8,500. EXETER-Anne Street, two bedroom home with new heating system. $5,800 with terms. EXETER - Two storey, three bedroom home on corner lot. This home offers modern kitchen, separate dining and living room, full basement with oil heat and attached garage. TERMS. DASHWOOD - Commercial block on main corner. Thisproperty includes three separate stores plus two apartments. DASHWOOD -- Two storey home one block off highway. Needs repair, make us an offer. GRAND BEND - Two cottages in central location. GRAND BEND -Central, three bedreeni home with living room, kitchen and bath, plus private garage and drive. $8,000 reason- able down payment and owner will carry mortgage at 6%. GRAND BEND - North, 190 feet of lake front property with ex- cellent beach. This is the only large parcel left that we know of in this desirable area. $50 per foot. COMMERCIAL This business offers 25% on your investment, plus a modern home and several acres of land. EXETER -Thames road area, 100 acre farm with buildings and house. Exceptional land with '75 acres fall ploughed. Priced right, terms. BUILDING LOTS - available in half acre lots for V.L.A. 4 Female Help Wanted MAYTAG WASHERS and dry- ers at sale prices now at Sandy Elliot's. Also some good Used washers. 220 NEW DEEP freeze, 21 cu. ft. $199.00; $10 down delivers. New 30" automatic electric range $175.01; $10 down deliv- ers. Used ice machine. Bruce Refrigeration, Grand Bend. 8:15:22:29c BED, SPRING and mattress, coffee table, set of Wearever aluminum ware, dining room table & chairs, buffet, in good condition. Murray Neil, 249 Marlborough a, Exeter. 15:22c NEED $50? GRAND BEND Lovely 3-bed- room home, 2 bathrooms, L- shaped living and dining room with angel stone planter and fireplace, modern kitchen with sliding glass door, family room, basement, garage, base- board he a t i n g, broadloom throughout, Apply to 0. L, DesJardine, 36 Cedar Street, Guelph, Ont. 15:22c WOMEN LOVE AVON. You will love the pleasant way to fine earnings as an. Avon rep- resentative. Openings in Mc- Gillivray, Hay, Tuckersmith and Stephen.. Write Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury, Lon- don or phone collect evenings 451-0541. 22c HOUSEKEEPER, while mother works, 2 pre-school children, all conveniences. Apply Cart- er's Store, Clandeboye. Phone 227.4217. 220 FOR SALE BY TENDER RENT IT FOR ONLY 23e FOR ONE WEEK Renting is fast becoming the popular way to solve money problems More than half the thousands who come to us each week do so on the rec- ommendation of a friend. That's because of Crescent's prompt, considerate service. Customers have rented money in only ten minutes. Chances are, we won't even ask you why you want to rent money. Phone now, and solve your money problems in minutes. EXAMPLE AMOUNTS Monthly Amount Term Payments (months) $ 105.75 12 610.00 395.42 20 24.00 710.65 24 36.00 1,014,07 30 42.00 2,016.00 36 77.00 Larger amounts tip to $3,000 (or more) also available. LADY for weekly cleaning. Mrs. Erik Gravlev, phone 235- 2432. 22e VALUABLE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY The Zurich Agricultural So- ciety is offering for sale by tender a piece of property about 132 feet deep by 330 feet wide, located immediately east of the Zurich village lim- its on the south side of the road, on Highway 84. Tenders will be accepted both with the present show building on the property and without the building, This is a valuable piece of property either for residential or corn- rriercial Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Sealed tenders to be in the hands of the Undersigned by Wednesday, April 28, 1965. WILLIAM BAECHLER, Secretary-Treastirer, Zurich Agricultural Society, Zurich, Ontario 15:22e 5 Help Wanted CAST IRON enamel lined kitchen sink .24"x16"x5r, in good condition. W. C. Pearce, 86 Ant a, Exeter. 15tfnc 14 Wanted To Buy COPY PAPER COOK MALE OR FEMALE - White - Canary - Green 1,000 Sheet Packages WAITERS AND WAITRESSES 50-100 ACRES of good work- able land in Exeter-Centralia area. Buildings not necessary. Apply Box E C Exeter Times- Advocate. 15:22* ATTENTION FARMERS - Wanted: Scrap iron, steel and metals. We will pay $2.00 N,T, more for scrap delivered to Our yard. With every cash purchase of $10.00 or more you receive a free pair of Work pants. Exeter Salvage Co. 235-0781. 22e THE TLVIESADVOCATE For new Motel Dining Room and Cocktail Lounge Apply at Shillegah Motor Hotel 6 USED PARTS for John Deere A.R.; also 13x26 tires, tubes and rims, 3 years old. Stuart Sweitzer, Shipka. Phone 238- 2765 Grand Bend. 22* CRESCENT FINANCE Canada's Most Considerate Finance Company P. G. Flannigan, Manager 463 Main St. South Phone 235-0033 8:22e HODGSON LIMITED LUCAN Phone 227-4411 22:290 USED litter t arrier pole. Ross Hodgert, RR 1 Woodham. Dial 229-6643. 22c Spring Thne to Plant a 'T•A Want-Ad Gaiser W. H. Hodgson .1. A. Kneel. ADMIRAL 10 en. ft. refrigera- tor; Crossley by Moffat 4- burner electric stove, approx- imately 2 years old, just like new, $100 each. Phone 228-6958, Simplify Shopping and Saving with T-A Want-Ads