HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-04-22, Page 4s Po na lg ID • 8. ele'oel uet re c con- lss ave n g lion was passed to take the Miss Greta Laramie, Mrs. V. local leader training school M. Pyette, Mrs. Laird Mickle, course for Huron County 1965- Mrs. Carl Payne. Mrs. Cross 66. Ten dollars was donated acted as MC. Mrs. Laird Mickle to the Legion Ladies Auxiliary. played a medley of Mrs. Carl Payne reported on tions and Miss Laramie the Board of Directors meet- ducted an action ing held in Hensall. Standing Rabbit". Mrs. Cro g reports were presented. tesy remarks. Presentations of The program was presided gifts were made to Mrs. Wilbert over by Mrs. W. B. Cross Dulling, retiri secretary- and included the presentation Seed and Fertilizer Supplied AN EXCELLENT CROP FOR EARLY CASH BEAN SEED Your choice of Seaway and Sanilac Limited amounts of Saginaw and Michel ite '62 HIGH GERMINATION ON ALL SEED BEAN CONTRACTS Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Excellent Bean Demand Creates Good Prices DROP IN NOW For Your Spring Seeding and Fertilizer Needs WE AIM TO BE OF SERVICE TO YOU E.L.MICKLE & Son New head for Guide's group Owing to extra work in con- nection with the Guide Move- ment in Huron, Mrs. Thomas Lavender of Hensall, District Commissioner and Camp Ad- viser, has delegated the duties of chairman of the Local As- sociation to Mrs. Earle Rowe of Hensall. The role of the Local As- sociation is an important one. Guiding is for girls, but the success of the program depends on the adults who give their time and energy to support Guiding in the Community. Members of the local Associa- tion are parents of Brownies and Guides or any person in sympathy with the movement. It is the duty of the Local Association to raise the neces- sary finances to provide the Brownies and Guides with good leadership, a regular meeting place, equipment, transporta- tion when necessary, and to encourage camping. Coming September it is the hope of the executive that every Mother of a Guide or Brownie will avail herself of the op- portunity to become a Local Association member, and share in the work. Tells ladies of church renewal The Easter meeting of the Presbyterian Arnold Circle was held Monday in the church base- ment with the Senior WMS as guests. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm opened the meeting with an Easter message and Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. Al Hoggarth and Mrs. Al Scholl, in charge of the worship, told the Easter story. Guest speaker Rev. John C. Boyne spoke of the renewal of the church with an open dis- cussion following. Mrs. Homer Campbell thanked Rev. Boyne and Mrs. B. Hess pianist for the evening. The choir for Mother's Day to be the mothers of the church is planned by Mrs. Hess. An invitation to Luther an Church, Zurich, May 18 was accepted and May 17 meeting of the Arnold Circle is to be cancelled. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm was the happy winner of Kellogg's five dollar-a-week for a year prize and Mrs. Schwalm pre- sented the Arnold Circle with her first five dollars. Lunch was served by Mrs. Bob Taylor and Mrs. Ed Fink. Products Of Genet..) Moto, F Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware DIAL 262-2015 HENSALL GRANULATED PUT 1 0 lbs. Sugar 89° Kr • tit • • • • • • • • * • • • ))) •""A BE- -off -s-- =me •2= . CONTRACTS Malting Barley SEED AND FERTILIZER SUPPLIED White Beans Seed and Fertilizer Supplied We have all popular varieties Sanalac, Seaway, Michelite, Saginaw Seed Oats & Barley Contracts OATS - Russell, Garry, Rodney BARLEY - Herta, Brant, York, Keystone W. G. Thompson & Sonssud Hensall 262.2527 VANITY-SINKS AT BIG SAVINGS Choose from a range of sizes to suit your needs. Fully guaranteed! Ft°ft' $24 frame" FINK 1=31 HENSALL 262.2114 Pedestal flowers at the United Church Sunday morning were placed by courtesy of Holland- Jones wedding; Easter lilies, courtesy of Fee Estate in mem- ory of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fee; altar flowers, courtesy of Bell family in memory of Gerald Bell and flower on pulpit in memory of Wm. Henry by wife and family. General UCW meeting will be held Monday, April 26, 8:30 pm. Guest speaker will be Mrs. K. B. Clydesdale, St. Marys, im- mediate past president London Conference UCW. Miss Greta Laramie is at- tending a national conference of musicians and piano techni- cians at the CNIB in Toronto, Tuesday to Friday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Bozzato of Maisie, Quebec, are spending Easter week with the latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. T. Kyle and family. Miss Amy Lammie is visiting friends in London this week. Miss Shirley Reid, and Miss Pat Davidson, Scarborough, have left to spend the Easter holidays in Bermuda. Miss Sandra Reid and Miss Brenda Shier of Scarborough are travelling to Cochrane and Timmins for the Easter vaca- tion. Visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Troyer over Easter weekend were Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Morrell, and Julia, Toronto, Mrs. Harold Morrell, Clinton, Miss Sandra Troyer, London. Mr. & Mrs. Drew Fowler and family, London, were Eas- ter guests with Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Davis, Kay and Michael. Mr. Charles Mickle, Hamil- ton, left Thursday evening for New York where he will spend a week, a guest of Mr. Ian Mun- dell, a former resident of Med- way Hall and a graduate of UWO. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Lavender and Peri Michelle, Niagara Falls, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Laven- der, Carol-Anne and Jay of Kitchener, spent the E aster weekend with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lavender. Mr. & Mrs. Don Rigby, Blen- heim, Mrs. Jean Manson, Mr. & Mrs. Hilton Laing and Danny, Exeter; Mr. & Mrs. Stewart McQueen spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Snell. Miss Jane Merritt of St. Tho- mas, is spending the Easter holidays with Miss Mary Payne. Mr. & Mrs. Ross MacMillan, David and Tommy, Kitchener; Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Mickle, Pam- ela, Judith and John, and Mrs. Florence Joynt, spent Easter Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Laird Mickle and Ann. Mr. Herb Redden spent Eas- ter weekend with his sister- in-law, Mrs. Lloyd Hedden and family, and other relatives in St. Catharines. A smorgasbord will be held in St. Paul's Anglican Church Hall this Saturday, April 24, 5 pm to '7 pm. MATERNITY HENSALL STORE HOURS closed all day every Monday, open all day Wednesday; open 'Friday evenings until 9 pm; open Saturday evenings until 10 prn. treasurer, and to Miss Lammie, the institute pianist with the ad- dress by Mrs. Beaton and pre- sentation by Mrs. Bengough and Mrs. Pyette. Prizes for eldest lady went to Mrs. Alice Joynt, birthday in April, Mrs. Edna Corbett; lucky cup, Mrs. Thomas Kyle Sr. Forty attended the meet- ing, and program conveners were Mrs. Cross and Mrs. George Armstrong; hostesses, Mrs. John Skea and Mrs. Stew... art McQueen. Institute chooses new officers Mrs. Beverly Beaton was re- turned as president of Hensall Women's Institute at the annual meeting held in the Legion Hall Wednesday April 14. Other officers include past president, Mrs. Fred Beer; vice Youths conduct early service Hensall-Chiselhurst Young People's held their annual Eas- ter sunrise service Sunday, at am at the Hensall United Church. Eric Ross led the service and Lois Simmons and Dave Brock assisted. Eric Ross sang a solo "The Holy City" and Joyce Flynn also sang a solo. Miss Greta Laramie and Miss Brenda Smillie took part in playing the organ. Breakfast followed the wor- ship service. A total of eighty people were present. The Hensall-Chiselhurst Young People's met together at the United Church at 8 pm. A total of twenty-five were present. The meeting was in charge of Bob Forrest and his group. Eric Ross, Ted Mock, Bob Forrest, and Dave Pyette took part in the devotional. A film called "Rahanni", mean- ing Headless Valley, was shown. It depicted the great struggle to find gold in the Yukon. Bob Forrest, Wayne Payne and Lois Simmons directed three games. Lunch was served. Kinettes pick new officers Mrs. Harold Caldwell was hostess at her home Wednes- day evening April 14 for the Hensall Kinette Club meeting when officers were elected for 1965-66. President is Mrs. Wm. Fuss; past president, Mrs. John Bak- er; vice president, Mrs. Jim Hyde; secretary, Mrs. Robert Baker Jr; treasurer, Mrs. Ron Wareing; registrar, Mrs. Har- old Caldwell; bulletin editor, Mrs. Wm. Clement. Plans were made for the an- nual spring rummage sale to be held Saturday May 15 at the Arena. It was announced that 57 plants were given to shut ins on shut in day Sunday April 4. Resolutions to be presented at the District Convention in Buffalo, N.Y. next month were discussed. Next meeting April 27 willbe in Port Dover when Port Dover club is hosting the Zone D inter-club meeting. • of the popular TV show "Take Choice" with members of the panel Mrs. Beer, Mrs. Bengough, Mrs. Wilbert Pill- ing, Mrs. R. D. Elgie with Mrs. Sherritt in charge of the blackboard. Contestants were Easter visitors, personal news Albert Hess JEWELLER Zurich Mr. & Mrs. Sam Rannie spent Easter weekend with their son and daughter-in-1 a w, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rannie, Joanne and David in Toronto. Mr. & Mrs. Allen Busche of London and Mr. Bruce Horton of Stratford visited over the holiday with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. IL B. Horton. Mr. & Mrs. Ross Corbett and family visited recently with Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Morenz, Dash- wood. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beaver and son of Brantford visited over the weekend holiday with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Har- old C. Bell and Mr. & Mrs. Orville Beavers. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Bell and daughter Susan returned to Tor- onto after spending the past week with Mrs. Gerald Bell and family. Confirmation held at UC Confirmation and Communion was observed in Hensall United Church on Thursday evening April 15. The following Young People were confirmed by the minis- ter Rev. Harold F. Currie: Carolyn Marie Cook, Elizabeth Hope Cook, William Ross Cor- nell, Michael Lewis Davis, Muriel Dianne Ferguson, Lynda Kathleen Fuss, John David God- dard; Michael Henry Hoy, Susan Dianne Jinks, John Thom as Joynt, Linda Margaret Keys, Sharon Pearl Lavery, Patricia Leona Lemmon, G wendolyn Marie McLean, Douglas Gordon Munn, Sandra Marie Richard- son and Gwendolyn Sharon Ann Smale. Well known for quality watch, clock and jewelry repairing • diamond resetting • 40 years experience • Trophies for all sports • engraving e violin .bow re-hairing. An excellent stock of Blue Bird Diamond and Wedding Rings. presidents, Mrs. V. M. Pyette, Mrs. James Bengough; secre- tary-treasurer, Mrs. James McAllister; ass't, Mrs. R. D. Elgie; press reporter, Mrs. Walker Carlile; district direct- or, Mrs. Carl Payne; alternate, Mrs. R. A. Orr; card convener, Mrs. W. B. Cross; ass't, Mrs. H. W. Horton; pianist, Miss Greta Lammie; ass't, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt; branch directors, Mrs. Pearl Koehler, Mrs. Ed. Funk and Mrs. Nellie Riley. Standing Committees: Agri- culture & Canadian Industris, Mrs. Wes Richardson, Mrs. Walker Carlile; citizenship & education, Mrs. Jack Corbett, Mrs. Funk; home economics & Health, Mrs. Garfield Brod- erick, Mrs. Clarence Reid; his- torical research, Mrs. Elgie, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt; Tweeds- muir history, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Miss Mattie Ellis, Mrs. N. E. Cook; public relations, Mrs. Annie Reid, Mrs. Maude Hed- den; resolution convener, Mrs. Carl Payne; auditors, Mrs. Inez McE wen, Mrs. H. W. Horton. Mrs. Clarence Reid convener for the nominating committee submitted the list of officers who were installed by Mrs. James Drummond, District WI president for South Huron. For the business presided over by the president a mo- .fsfPfUntitSAM, Page 4 April 22, )965 Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone 262-2002 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262.2025 PIZIMTIMIIMMWSNEECOM:717:12.12MEMICISERr..V.S7 Excellent Quality Ontario and Michigan Seed Beans 11111a11111111:11111111111111' III III MERCURYS COMETS MERC TRUCKS CARS 1964 MERCURY Montcalm, one owner, loaded. 1964 PLYMOUTH FURY 2 door hardtop, 6 cyl., auto- matic, 11,000 miles. 1964 PONTIAC 4 door sedan, V8 automatic 1962 GALAXIE 500 4 door, V8, automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes. 1962 STUDEBAKER 4 door, 6 cyl., automatic, white walls, wheel discs, radio. 1960 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon, 6 cyl. 1959 RENAULT 4 door, just what mother needs. 1957 DODGE 8 cyl., 2 door. 1956 CHEVROLET, make us an offer. TRUCKS 1964 MERCURY 1 Ton, V8, 4-speed trans., long box. 1960 THAMES Van 1957 FORD 1 Ton with racks. 1965 Corsair Trailer 18' long, 71' wide, heavy duty wheels & tires. Completely furnished with bath. HENSALL MOTORS LTD Hwy 4 South Meteor. Mercury, Comet 262.2604 Hensall LTD. Drop in or phone collect 262.2714 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Peebles were recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. David Sangster and Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sangster. Ricky Parker spent the Eas- ter weekend with his grand- parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parker and Patsy. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Mason and daughter Tracey of Pittsburg, Pa. are spending this week with Mrs. Mason's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bell and Mervyn. Easter service was held at the United Church Sunday morn- ing when new members uniting to this congregation was receiv- ed. A special Easter offering was received. Miss Mary Shea of London, formerly on the teaching staff at Zurich, was the winner of the lovely appliqued Dresden Plate quilt in a draw held at the home of Mrs. EdwinRegier, Zurich, Tuesday evening, spon- sored by the CWL Zurich. Mrs. Alberta McBeath is a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth. Miss Norma Passmore of Burlington, spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. Pearl Pass- more. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis, Sarnia, were Easter guests with Mr. & Mrs. Walter Spencer and Greg. Mrs. Leaton Siemon, Chris- tine and Paul, of California, are visiting the former's par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Arc hie Noakes. Miss Dorothy Farquhar, Tor- onto, was an Easter visitor with her mother, Mrs. Emma Farquhar. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Spencer, and Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Hay, re- turned home Wednesday even- ing from a three-weeks vaca- tion spent at Jamaica and Flor- ida. They report the climate ideal. Mr. & Mrs. Archie Mac- Gregor visited on the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Don Mac- Laren at Oakville. Mr. & Mrs. George Parker, Cindy and Randy were week- end visitors with Cpl. Mr. & Mrs. Oran Williams and family at North Bay. Seventeen dollars was col- lected from the customers at the Regal Grill, Hensall, and presented to John Dickens for Bunny Bundle, CFPL London. The presentation was made by Kay and Michael Davis, to Mr. Dickens Monday morning on CFPL radio. Mr. Harold Bonthron is a patient at St. Joseph'sHospital, London. Mrs. Carl Payne has resigned from the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Dr. W. R. Sproat, Janet, Jim, Dru and Beth Anne, Windsor, visited recently with Mrs. M. Sproat. Easter meeting at Chisel hurst The Easter meeting of Chis- elhurst UCW was held Tuesday evening with fifteen members answering the roll call. Mrs. Ross Riley led the wor- ship assisted by Mrs. Clarence Coleman. Mrs. Robt. Kinsman gave a musical number and Mrs. A. Ross read a story called Negro congregation. Mrs. H. F. Currie gave the Easter message. Plans were made for enter- taining the UCW of Hensall, Kippen, and WMS and Arnold Circle of Carmel Church, May 13, with Mrs. G. Beecroft of Belgrave as guest speaker. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Jack Brintnell and Mrs. Ross Riley. FROZEN Rupert Brand Pacific Pink LB. Salmon Chunks 59° Quaker Oatmeal Muffin Mix 2 lb. pkg. 59 Duncan Hines Layer-Type 19 oz. pkgs. Cake Mixes 2 /8 9° Rose Brand Assorted Relishes 12 jars oz. 2/49 No. 1 Ontario 50 lb. Potatoes bag 2.29 L's ROASTSL.39c STEWING BEEF L. 49c ligolognaL,335c MINUTE STEAKSL.79c Sa usage 2,.,.19 Rosedale 48 ox. tins Tomato Juice 3/89° Kent 15 oz. tins Fruit Cocktail 2 /4 9° Stuart House Added Pectin Raspberry Jam 43° J avex 64 oz, Plastic 43°