HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-01-29, Page 4IIs. mei* marl' .Lan h• with oweri r hard beast Ws weak by.1 Chamberlain•.4a,witil at Windom wadi the vmt/r'A meshes ef extra hands hoes heat eared, .ad Me work both in the stay . parhoesme and oder parts of the Castle is eaaki.g rapid pr•gr - . Th. .tade sportswear betegare badaaarri+ g the with vis t of *8. 1 hangings whish were weed Myer ed the imams d the Entomb i. 1856, W the Z.o.iohli ream is oa ergoia a com- MS cheese. •r wish of tie fun tore, jdlar. aao.W.R*,a.d paces fr.rm.. an being tidily regal, while dee walls are berug hong treed? h.lese ilk, six feet in wishhhear- tie initials 'V. It.,' truth cled with a awl o..arr.t.d by • crown. Is other pate of Me Castle seto of apartments are Min Sued with mach can ..ed taste, es- tires.kick.bs occupied h yI *M Pr111 iuceaa and theby Prtinceeir Ceritia. Deaarark, and otter members of tie sue royal family, who will be present at the celebration of the royal wadding. In St. (i.rf.'s Chapel workmen are eag.ged in MM4ag eine rows of temporar. seats between the pilfer on each side ofthe he.4.., for the accommodation of those fortunate enough w obtain tickets for the church. A large space of gru.nd at the west end of the chapel wilt also be encluaed and fitted op for the accom- modation of the visitors attending the cere- moa{ The Archduke aid Archduchess Matumliao are to be preseut. Prince August- us of Cobourg ..d hu wife aro elm guiug to London to waist at the wedding. that the Prime of A Logo PaATAa,—fie folowing story is told of Bev. Walter Jackson, • Scotch Pres- byterian preacher of Is last generation : The prayers of even godly men .t that time were rimy Swig and heavy, comprehending soi.t- tims agleam of divinity. Jackson was no- tarial it Magtk. H. was attending • fun- eral as Hsllmyre. The company had Resem- bled is re bare to.get some refresbmeut, sad haying partaken, be was asked w return thanks. Ho eommenecd in right good earnest with the fall of and was goingy [ down from one ble doctrine to anotfee, un- til patience b rusted. Sigeiffeant looks mimed eseeeaere; oue by one they started for Newlands churchyard. Wbeo Walter emcee to • close, and opened his eyes, he found himself alone, and on inquiry dis- covered imcovered that the proceaeioa was fully • mile away. ASSAULT BY A SuWlaa.—On the night of Jan. 2.d, • ate named Michael .ludley went inb.tbe mace,' at the London barracks.— While then an artilleryman named John Barna asked :ludley to treat him to a pat of beer, which he did. Bunts then began to speak ill of the company to which be belong- ed, saying, among other thingm, that the sol- diers composing it were a d—d set of frog - eaters. Audrey, though m eivilsa, got angry at this, and taking Herbs by the shoulders, him out of tie canteen. Shortly af- terwards word was breaght to Andley that Dana was lying in wait for him. He tmtae- eGaMly want outside the door, and was met Darer, who stabbed him dangerously in the Bros hag been committed to the 'a Coart to take his trial. awes= is •Q0ii.o.—TM Memry, du, says : —raw difetot avalanches yelitedy esthett(eet last Coves. Dpi.• a set8cient the bill to err e a to.• tin of we ham tr per ive, u t 1 plan' paimarmd. en, wars. of oreatele member hes the Mr- •. , ■al, then/ere, dadvurWbg, the Lander .• nor old friesale re the Lonnie id Huron. who Come to regard the S,gnal .. • house. hotel fornd, se have • awe number of mita, tem us Bru.r, 0w hurdeed awp,ea gong 10 each of owl .p.roird townships .m Brant, Carnal, Colima, as:. 1f, then, vim, have lands to ae*1, bares to let. ger.° to mil cheap, or any publ.c •mmtrnceg,a1 to make Ile Advertise in the Surat. I!! CHANCERY SALE OF LANDS :1 ; i • t'+tt .•fit air IN CHANCERY: BETWEEN Bradford G. TiadaleNPlai.t AMD George M. Trueman, Edward DiDr- ley. Wllli:.w Roweilend James Bit - gins (Hy Bill)and IsaacRnttenbury and others made paroles in the Me.- ter's office Defendants. TN PIIkBUANCE of • Decree d the Honor - •1,1s Const, Dated the Twenty -Mb Joy d' Jaw, A. D. 1861,.. an order bearing date the Bath day a November. A. D. IMO, both made in the Maim cause then WVILL BE SOLD • AT PUBLIC AUCTION! BY Mh HENRY AACEY, Auctioneer, At the Coen Howe IN THE TOWN OF OODERICH, With IM approbation of John Cameron, E,qu.re, Masser of Iii. Honorable Court at Branofwd, ON FRIDAY, The Twenty-seventh day rf February, A. D. 1663, at Wee of the otos i in the •Itern000, the allow- ing ratable LANDS & PREMISES! Ia two lots, that is to say, • 1st That Pertain petrel of lean of lad and preur.t. ,itwle In the Tow• of Goderich in the County of Huron, and beings Lot Number 168 on the said Town of Gadrnch ooetaining by d- resser/mea nee quarter of ea acre, more or My epos teasels lot there a e good dwelling td Arf,bat certain parcel a tract of *mW and premien situate m the. Township of Stanley, re the sad County of Huron, and bang • pan of Lot somber Thirty-., in the first concession of the sae Township ofinenley, sod being describ- ed as Lot number Ow m Ihwley Terrace in the mid Township of Stanley, remaining by drbeas- oremeat oee acre and a hall of an acre, more or Seem Ter late ,mmedi.tely adjoining the Yilage of Chem. The above preemies will be snit .sparely and lo ea se skate right a Dower. col sale win be the eluding ma- ul Chancery. may be Lad at the •anal wad Dna., a she Tow, of Mewieert ere' 0d,rieb, ■ et srs et the esteeeed who h1earnd,j ,a the the der the T t of Tow The Nyms"aaha..+ the Whe of tithePlItAIMMLi.en. sgi ,11 w rAk C dIs 8 : T) SALT, SAL 1,000 BBLS Direct from Oswego, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, CHEAL' FOR CASH ONL IZAIONABL■ DIt11' G CJOD13 Lee READY-MADE CLOTHIN IS OtIF.Ar VAKJETT. TEAS, ea**, W a General Ago GRO A A, Cheaper than any Ihlase lad T HEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE, fIN, GREAT VARIETY; PAINTS. 011iti `GLASS, 3t— Atm India Rubeslting. CI11CUI,-\B.¢XZT N eiAws9. Liquors at Wholesale. FRESH GEOIIND • DWARL,' • / •_ • t. JOHN FAIR & ARE NOW'OPETING THEIR ESL's STOCI Of DRY 00001 NOVELTIES OF THE SEAS They are dray expect* a EAY BATTLE sND is SLS 11Y• III PR IP S. 11 AT TH! twig o mi ONE • U nor TLOR & SON ' ° l oto be Undersold ! 1•y. wad general emportialat of $ocrrp & t9 AND HEAYYRDWARE, offer At the Very Lowe st Prices• Der- 41QODS DEPART E H rt CONSISTS OF Eng,. Blankets,, Prints, Dress Goods C9gons, Stripes, Denims, Flannels, Shawls, Mantles, Ribbons, Trimmings, Dosiery, and a 1 E:RY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CANADIAN TWEED .READY-MADE CLOTHINC, Worthy the inspection of the public; variety of sorts and qualities ;.VERY CHOICE LOT OF LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S FtT 8. BOOTS Well assorted and of superior quality. TAIIIT*aur TR., AT LOW PRICES. The sehrri err wan for wale, et the GODERIOK ircritstRY, ., LAMS A OSTMLNTOI Emit and Ornamental Trees Yii$UUY, DUS , GRAPE VI.1'sT31S 1 Strawberries, A'parayr and AWN l t.. ta. Ai N14,4 1641 rsaam NI SO boY pereaseen. The entire morale Oat kr aiYsw dad the *•.oval at nem lam the llemery, eum- Need web 15.1.11 pier at Mush meg we air d..boeM at tkaaadras be aalaien Y Mhos every arae• as wast u( Taves is rarebits* (Tem AT HOME ! Instead of Was rlrgdi.Mnt W eskauws soled Descriptor Aired Catalogues Pros on Appliootion, N. T. Custead. aedeic8 Nursery. October 10, I66P. ow ll a66 SHERIFFS SALE 0.7 LANDS, UMW Counties of Dr venue er W nta u Huron •d Brum, Bru, } FaraVacua - 01111 o Tn Wit: )HerMajwy army Court of the j/arwdCeawise of M.n• and Bruce and to nut directed ,mast the land, and tele -snow of John Peacock nal James Blair, .t the mita d David Moss .rj Edward MosS. John V. Detlor and Jobn H. Moore, I have rimed .ad takes ta Enn•atun sill the nett, tole aa) mama e( its sad defendant le mW to Lot Number Tweety-two m the E,gthCo•,eson of the TawWop of Hus- letl on the County of Ilnr.m, ceolaooag One bd u.rwi acre., more or Jere- Whtels Lads and oeoeu,enta I siall oar for tele et my Din le the Court Homer in the Tow. ol God.riuk, oe Tuesday the Seventh day e( Apnl .eat, at the Mar of Twelve of the clock,mina. JOHN MACDONALD, Sherriff, JJ. y B. By S Pot.t.ucs, Dgwy She'll. Sherd'. (Nie, Garknc8, 4 1616 Dec., 1862. N6 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Visited Courant oj DIY virtue of • Writ of Hume •ted lbws17 Vier§ Pae,,., erred out To Wit : of Her M.jeetr a Coona01*..'. Bench •to me dira,-*.d against t6• Lands sad' tenements of Th.. Lee .ed Bob- er Hail.. •t the ern of Jen*. Daniel Mackay, I have inward and tater on Eaeavaww all the right. 1,11. and ,.brier 0t Ili ••d Dedesd•nts i. •rd to Loi Number 8,., Noirf Hr ogh home i LaSumter Eleven, Wert of Heron Singel, and Part tat Number O.e, . ouch sae of High Surer* .6 u the Town of Sout5.mq oa in the (memy a Bruce. Which Lands ad Tesemrnt. I Mal, tar for sale at my oegar ,n the Court Horse 1* the Town of 411... ch. are Treaty the Twenty - I wrth day ul February neat, mit the boor of Twelve se tie.tete 110012. JOHN MACDONALD,' By S. Naar', D1p.Iy FUME M. tlL :teen. 's 0164, Gud.rr•a, 4 13th Nov, art. ( w 1 smiEI.p etc HEAVY HARD Consisting of Plated lyase, CutlerLatches,WARE, SHERIFF S BALE OF LARD$ hardware in Cutlery, Locks, Carpenter*. Tools. wad all ether em'i'r reed Coentw a) D T yam off WrteiVer of hohelf general demand. Heavy Hardware, consisting of Iron. Nails,Glass,Hur `D Vo Sp.dcs, Fork., Anvil.% Vices Bellows. &c. Averts fur Circular Nullity and otherad Brea<, drtemr Es,s.r wend Sawa, at Manufacturers' Prices. PAINTS A OILS.• To Wit : .rotor Her Mer,ayh, Carty Conn dobe United Coawtre , Ilw.oe and starer CW R o CI 3117 to I. no dn,o..ed .gmsn. the Lear ad tear men leaser at the tits sale in I(onlreal, at prices w _ $ tete of Change Selmer• at the we d Witham eadrsodd Rheawrh, Jwa n,,. err.1 a.►w(Hwehe Their Ter have P arrant them in saying then Cannot ( * .i 1....'”.".."..."'-'", , Ferran. of the test w,ll W ea r bra well tale, -led, • r haying poniard • -. Be gwamy, they r- ,i mint .r 1 horses Gard.n, ryeead, r he al,le to t.ruuh mined tale. ,e Eaastwrn, .11 the right, .lg Country Merchants at Montreal Wholesale Prices! nta1 n. 01 INF SOW Dr4.`rn,, ,s and I. 8.. An In,,ry-tin„ ., yol Io tines• street Ems ad ears Nw Pp tad >A Buren street West, r■ the Vdla of ' The smbsenliers are not desirous of bumbuggin3 rlcl ger rwwd,ae JOYPR1.f3 ALL THE herrofose eel fun6, may be .-d ,Rut court inspection that the "T•l'Tt; • i and (county of Neu:. W bras Lor sad Tear t they may hem) o eae lees)) ed cooewmon dmilling in that theyreduced prices. they feel i+ incumbent on and se MS. 7 Peel ail .mounts W he pd pr.maply •Goderich, w Sept.. an. J. V. DETLOR & SON. mewls * ,hall oiler Mir :We a ay Uidv a Me Conon Hoare ie the Town of (Icdere-5, e• Teem dwy.tke 8emelleeeth day ce Pehreury nest, et the hour of Twelve def the cluck. tow. JOHN MACDONALD, Sasso:, t B.WATER LIME i CHOICE OT OF MAR :Pits'. tae, aa.4ne►,V By 8. Pomace, yStrong. 17th Januery, 1663. AI WITI A GLNC*AL MLSCELLANEOUS tar MS.? IRON ASSORTMENT LOND(1 I f&ND PARIS Corner of Surket Squared Wet Street- Goderich, 1arcSept., 186E Iti ALL IISEFITL ARTICLES, HI:AP, FOB ► 't OR PRODUCE! • AT CRABB' , Market Square, Godencb. IStt. 11 C;QDERICH A UFAC R PARKER & : CA 'aMORTGA6rE SALE WHOLESALE & RETAIL oF' m.. T Tiler and billrtoe of • Power of !ale car (II- (;-1 ki iwinrn in w Montw(re, made by Jwrwe. Nelww R tJ I f nl the Towwsk,P Monger, d m the County .r of ■, m Ashland ars to John Bever ren. 7a It Ma M 1 A i-. sen • the Um de of payment ereof, h.gi8. I+era made m tea dee peyme.l Iheruof, east 5. • • sod on p Friday the 30th day of January, a/a attach Establishments:A.D. 1NW a It o',.lo-g nom, at a5C Auction Owen Sound & Durham. Man of Mann. 8,narll 'I botulism, Bragaon Nt1re1, f:rrderrc►. . ----- Tbe North Were (-mum of lot Bomber Pince* The fdbwagr property, via: D4Lb114s IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT Ji MEDICINES, TRUSSES, STUFFS, irn the Thirteenth Cowman (W DI d the tedOfte,PauYw,Yarmulkes, Tar Puny, horn, Turpentine, C,lO,' u+ntag Mind, Field add Gar- den Suer, Sec., 1c., 6;c.KINGSTON STREET, GODERICH ; HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES ! Ad Osiers wurusteo to tar care will L. carefully W prostitute ,needed to at the lowest Market price I'ARJ(IBR Jr CAITLie. Mord, tem Block," rfr(wo. tlt, Udw.tet% sa-T*y OB,TOAGE SALE w' OF LAND. adwad by • rinse ore Power of Sale me- thodla Yoeytage mak by/mope Beer W Tows ofOod6rtca, end Mary Aline Beer W erg. (foe Me psrpo.s of bomng her Dkower ft of the Township of'iderich, be mewls Mw.gwalsuldw ass Made u der thereof theof li raiiy tie *Oto day of January, A.D. 160 tel Is Mao sleek .eon, .1 the Anetion MSR d e. t'fPer", Kingston bMisslel. a •'h—'ew psege.tr, ora: eomp.1N dYe Portion of Lot x.mber Y.` and f i ofmElena Stmt in the Town imelzif,k IS the Ow *IA a/ Johneist that Porno. e toloed the d bitor . boast date the Rita in day of Go A -D. IW. Dioa Cosh. Deed ends, Power of gals se Di D!e. l lgyw the ea. be Seen e ogles .f m.wmrea. CL *RON & ELM110r0O.aD,, (6aarleb.60t► Dee.. 1g tor.s(esii hstAk,. A'WIC IN" '8 Patent Water -Drawer. The most simple and elective Machine ROW in use, fur elevating water FBOE DELLS OF MAT DEPTH shoo its uartrctn it Is Net Llable to get eat et Omer, AND Ming sobetaatially made of t5. Wm we - aerials r• wet calculated to mitt the imam of the pulite in erne*.*. Mom, of its meals ' ^at rt . 't•n /•.v se rp re *snow, wad team thate waera • by h in less tier thin in my Por sa the N emery, won me sly be ren ta opwmion. N. *site N T. OU r IM. flit. • 1'HjL' LEPROPERTIES 4 OR 814ALF. ate **Reasonable Terms! 13 11 iA1 TM11,IT OP , L Qrber, IIIc Aa" 117. 11 lirOTllt'R is waherebyy gime for 1h•+ L o71 Its. Pais( VSorm of way MI the Teshtips of R new* The a end lOsl•sod, in the rM Jad«y.1 Mwrw. ILal ars~o ,tie m I► ><— l bt I Town d Isr.r., t5. bast (milers. of wow mai! , j4.Ino Tow. of Eiermrluw .d Lore!, 11/, le 1Me 5. tat 1s.mher M. how* rd, of rtt..a..iee, Oniasset Rt r.l► CT111(>/pralitam y lase. t s & at him hes% Dolma 4Jf. a t(( • M ,N is Me Virb etaN.s gg {{ b a W m, west wys a/ Tlimris.iam, I Mos mpplleahi(• Y rTwws of RtssmMae, Oeust, of Rhos•. iblisiTe, Creme the ksbh la 11111 de d 1 lura of she M u the iP 1 the w cmelpeee .I se nuts' wd rmaal1 w6► ► _ Mei Gas h, a W l m t5. eogh segeef rho Delhom _ bid po Iso T1..e`. t5. d [r dnrq • o=es esr. taw L st ft 6e1s6eaaa Woe MM mincer ,liter m ea Tee « tl.a.s*... Par Pmelatare apply to X. N.DOUOALia CeregeeiggiteAL CAUTION.n«_ asddt..I to do Y,ase of the left _.„s ..,. sod to IM gin sea beeribet t`- Y pew dose Woo. •_T * Of February Mxt, sae ese,a.s win hs,5.de.:.yes M .for. Rams' day u((_ T. "' NOOEJto1'RR rwe•wo din IRA i.ItW11t, Realm'. OedMdge. PAL IAStilTART k warystioaMm ownship a Anbbdd, Gontsiaiag Tea aware more or lees, w belt and Property a more May sem cnloat in r sd Monger. the Terns Cash : Uaad orev rower oe eats. Mortgage yea be ..m at the oars re the Softy C 'RLWOOD. Oalerieb.10M 5. r1°;w . P TOV ot11 Oa TWO AOOt)UP .Mlle. "' lA.'"w` .. a.r.-.'a'• rrb• OAaUIxd* 4,04 r el mks,i .. etism si postai In 1r• o t1 or trVr iv he reedtm ire 114 a171xofN S eY a of tie nt: °" is die.•d ab i Cada le t U as d iy oopir ofthe 11.4 tai km o(meih awes. to the Private Bill OS« ortugg • J. & DD0UUC11', A. rp G1Y x s , Qaabeq 16th,g. Oet.. MOIL Wt. Lm LI. •-r'ea'r SHERIFF'$ BALI 07 LAXM (Noted Comair d)) Bgnt Hertatied[Meer, j D T w sit t ) tmrrl «/ o/ Her M.jswy's Ceea1 H.hm and to me deemed wow es r `,•^t • ta M.o5s, 1 Miele rosier, a t•' tl" lMan.k 15.w aoir6.a% tam L lb. ng8l, tab rd lamer a6 eie r read to La N amber Me lase ties sea atm tmamma, hp Y.( egg+ _ tial Harm, m Telm. II to atahiesmmj l Acme d lend, he e mew Which Lad. old Tenameeet idea jeer a1 my Clio. M tbe poet N.—., le es thaw et tiedench, on T edy the. ee'eI•, ylal Aped east, a am the loof •.urea enhe 'on', JOHN IUCDo 11743. Pouoca, Deputy ahel /thong's Gird Ood.rieb,+ 17th January, Mg. $HEBIPZ'e8 SALEM 1loeed Carotin dT var5re Wnie Hurn ..d !elan. virtue read Pales lieemi est To Wit jeaeGemj Cant of the Ca e'ra now. .ad to I 04t ad k.meeu of Soloman) et A Ar mada Camera •d Sham Jobe Guam, W Robert ..bier, tree. tors of thp Ian will sad '-teem of Teams, asinine,, rm000d, 1 Myer robed sad ■ oe te Eraeretioe all chsnee, Me awl Isbees of the and DJs.d•at, an Wm Lot Member Tee, Rafe 1, se We T OS blather W j;s.m y of Heron, raatami.rw TWO MOM, IW.* ere tom. Which Lads wed Ia.em u h SMS nor g* W at my tent it eke Gem Seem la oedema, on T?••the Il ver m the T M th a u February rt,. aleUwe efTwelw of theelem, rias. JOHN MACDONALD, abseiA (Jacor, Oadetsb, l Nseit IL Rol l IwoAw_Mff, i .1.I.4 yl SALE OF. Win, tt of DT •Rine of a Wet . et Her Mpetee HA P... Pap ers lewd ems of blmdimt, sd M mr ,,,i end'eboblew 111. He o era et DaoaM 1wtee, 1 is ahme.rlYsa ea the Igo., 'tad W r„ toHe meld deaden. le sod se remiee et Ho Towwapof .mTtiatltreCol nu..., d• IWard iM' settee owe et Iw4...H.siedhese 18fel tear W Term..eee teed elk tar eel, a my (,ice to 15. Court Hems dar♦a sera ti Ghd-nck. on Toothy tae Itemeh nth el, at Mares, et tie Mm of Twelves( he Meek, warm JOHN MACaow1 ay' 8. POueca, Deputy Shwa L t L Shard 'to Ole., Garrick t Ifth Dec-, ML sinew's muff LAND,. .f Urd C0061100 o/jj ut Herm .d Bras, } BY afar e4 m mPort Perm reined ase . To ern: of iter l sj.ay. Comet7T Court of the roomy et Ont. W to res urrest.i ageism IM Land. W reeemem a whoa were d Haws- Bilheries 't_.J, et dr Mb d 8er aw.laasmc.lms ainlobeesof et 1 bevy mho - el the Awad. e.er 1a srse reel, ie to and Devvb y1Dfd tee aunt . of teem est tad taboo title and raiment of Ian Naber• 1 6, 1, / 11, 6, pi, 21, 1!, 1!j 14, IA, 14, 17. II, =, 116, 11, 11, is, 1117, 41, d, g♦, Ilk , 71. 77, 711, 6'I6, 61. hs, 66, 16, 154 14, IR, w, , 1 Ie. 61 •Its III, 112,n 7* 11, 1 117,116, 1111. In, 1211, IM, 147, tie, 161, 114, IM, IM, 1117 'sod Pat ma m the Village r Ievermay, In the Dowty d awe, bare a.hdiemar of Ilimm lets Nos.! d m ie threamenth .est oi.. of the Twwahiop M Anus Webs mitCower,of 24.aoeee.. oAlso else IS " eoespesed rams Iea'•.am Item •! wed 16 . allthew Moe Fee. leo Lees. WSr•5 l aW t.w.mmet I say stir he sale at ay aim m the Coen How i. Tawe sf (J0•riA, w Twurd•y the erne - wench dv of February nen, et tbe her et Twelve D the etch, nom. JOHN MACDONALD. el _ 1.w ,M,tB. le tem, NOBh, as HURON, FOUNDRY! ItiaOJIM — - ___ • • Tw' ! t; oft . R. RUNO&MAN & 00., Manufacturers of Grist i1i Flouring Ells Circular, Yulay and Sash Saw -Mills, MIMEO DIGINS Ben THRAMI1Iwc M 4 cyIIIN i SEPERATORS ANDD HORSE • Yoga and 101knine hines, Wood Oa sso t,s, a'Aairca, P'W brew (lasers. gr.de, and 141.5..,* M . sat asd Ca,tinga d •soy drwri Alp nR ki.d. of np"^` w 1A Meg. geek of COMM, PARLOUR AID BOX 5.4. w .elle sod tPIM R' As oar,.t♦Irr Na .boor et w looms l.wnrNjd oma leg ma li r.. Ooderle►, O•eab.. de>A, i w tg,,"ilwha^_ w• oft« loom us Impseriaa oI ala tad Nf(irlbrs' pined tae Old metal, esp.«, a d ale tante of incline ia . orb • i0R SALL anbwsAwM w+ d 1(Ndr Isakib WI Hall mm M yWry gap. •ao ata - .i.4 b ...._, ,. i. s•ld wttb . ,(14 are (read derhee.e *6. M• tyltty w Na NttltAN *&i?fl. i1o, MIL H 1m • VALUABLE LANDS ramp aiaadiv, 0111414i.1 HMS f Lars s1 Oatbarlekv~a.ssj