HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-04-08, Page 5CONTRACTS Malting Barley SEED AND FERTILIZER SUPPLIED White Beans Seed and Fertilizer Supplied We have all popular varieties Sanalac, Seaway, Michelite, Saginaw Seed Oats & Barley Contracts OATS - Russell, Garry, Rodney BARLEY - Herta, Brant, York, Keystone W. G. Thompson 8 Sons Ltd Hensall 262-2527 POtrea..24LITLIMEEFaitza=ozca2=674====.1,04=MZIITE.,- POOP 5 April 8, 1965 On May 20, Agreed to try a new alarm method for the fire siren. J•. I I r . M Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware DIAL 262-2015 HENSALL Hensall councillors hear cost of additions for Hay schools Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 262-2002 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 '''' ?7:1:MMIIMESTAXECTi'CLIrTTOMMITIVOMTAMMITNr''.:770.7*".'"":"."MITMANWir.54 fit from the work of the Minor Association. The other grants included $10 to the Huron County His- torical Society and $75 to the South Huron Agricultural So- ciety. Representative P e ter McNaughton had asked for an increase in the latter grant but it was not forthcoming. Robert Rowcliffe, one of Hen- sail's representatives on the Ilay Township school area board, reported to council Mon- day night on plans for additions to the Hensall and Zur ich schools, He indicated the combined projects would cost approxi- mately $317,596, not counting architect's fees. The Zurich project will be the most costly at $205,596 as the addition planned Includes six new classrooms and one playroom. This entells two new classrooms entirely and re- placing the four old classrooms at the school. Three new classroems and a playroom are planned for Hen- sail at a cost of $112,000. Rowcliffe told council he hop- ed the playroom in the two Rebekahs stage dessert euchre Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hen- sall, sponsored a successful Dessert Euchre in their Lodge Hall Wednesday afternoon, March 31, which was well at- tended with members of lodges from Exeter and Clinton pre- sent. Net proceeds were $40.00 and the winners were: Mrs. Harry Beaver, District Deputy President, Exeter, Mrs. Ed. Munn, 'Jensen; travelling lone hands, Mrs. Harry Horton; Birthday closest to that day, Mrs. R. A. Orr; oldest person present, Mrs. J. K. Cornish, Brucefieldo Council greed the sidewalks needed attention, especially on Brock Street, but agreed with. Clerk Earl Campbell that deci- sion should be delayed until such time as it Is ascertained exactly how much the commun- ity will receive for road expen- ditures from the department of highways. In other business, council: Agreed to set Daylight Saving Time from April 24 to October 30. Agreed to make their April payment of $926.85 to the SHDHS board. Decided they would assume the share of debentures issued by Hay Township for the school program. Heard from Councillor John Lavender that the fire truck had had a dead battery but that it had been replaced. Made plans to host the Huron County Municipal Association WANT FIXED Councillor Knight advised that the United Church had sug- gested council tar the block on which their church is situated and then the congregation would out in new sidewalks. schools would be of a. practical size so they could be used for various meetings and commun- ity events. He said they should be used to the fullest extent, and not just by the school children. The board member indicated grants on the structures could be around $137,000, plus added assistance under the Municipal Works Assistance program. While at the meeting, Row- cliffe asked council to consider the erection of three new street lights in the public school area. He said the extra lighting would be necessary considering the extra activities that would be held there and also explained it could lessen the danger of vandalism if the area is well lighted. WI at Staffa hosts Kippen WI Easter is theme hold banquet for church unit area senior citizens visited Wednesday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Russell Miller. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter, visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. John Templeman and family. Miss Marilyn Miller is a patient in War Memorial Hos- pital, London. Miss Edna Miller, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Miller. DIES IN LONDON Funeral services for the late William J, Cook, 77, of London, who passed away Monday at P ark wood Hospital, London, were held from the A. Millard George funeral home, London, Wednesday, April 7, with burial in Woodland cemetery. Surviving are his wife, the former Nellie Priest McEwen, formerly of Hensall, three sons, two stepsons, two daughters, one stepdaughter, and one brother. UCW unit 4 was held Thurs- day, April 1 with an attendance of 29 members. Mrs. W. B. Cross and Mrs. T. J. Sherritt and their group were in charge. Mrs. Cross presided for the worship service assisted by Mrs. E. Chipchase, the theme being Lent and Easter. Mrs. Cross spoke on Easter, leaving the group with the thought that Easter is a beacon of light bringing hope, peace and love to the world. Mrs. Laird Mickle favoured with a piano solo. Mrs. George Armstrong pre- sided for the business session. Members were reminded of the general meeting April 26 and the bale to be packed in May. Comments on the Presbyterial held at Seaforth were given by Mrs. H. F. Currie and some of the ladies who attended. After the meeting a social hour was enjoyed. The Kippen East WI ended its attendance record program with a turkey banquet at the Dominion Hotel in Zurich Wed- nesday evening March 31. Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse and Mrs. Stewart Pepper were in charge of a varied and interest- ing program following the sup-. per. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot pro- vided accompaniment on the piano for the singing. The winners of court whist were high Mrs. Vern Alder- dice and Mrs. Harry Caldwell, low, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. Mrs. Alderdice thanked the attend- ance leaders for the pleasant evening. PLANTS FOR SHUT-INS Over fifty lovely potted plants were delivered on Sunday April 4 to shut-ins and patients at Queensway Nursing Home, Hen- sall; patients in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Clinton Public Hospital, and Huronview, Clin- ton, by members of Hensel). Kinette Club. This is an annual project of the club. 111111111111111111111H1111111H1111111111111111.1 lllllll 1 llllllll lit1111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllllllllll 1111111 llllll PLAN CENTENNIAL Councillor Harold Knight re- ported a formal application had been sent to the Centennial project committee asking that Hensall's allotment be reserv- ed. As yet, however, no project has been approved by council. At the request of the Parks Board, they agreed to provide $1,000 for repairs to the toilets in the arena. Doug Mann re- quested the grant, pointing out the toilets were a disgrace to the community. Council had previously at- tempted to name the fixing of the toilets as their centennial project, but it was turned down. Council made several other grants at the meeting, including $200 to the Hensall Minor Ath- letic Association with $50 addi- tional for the minor hockey program. This was requested by Peter mcNaughton and Dave Kyle. In approving the grants coun- cil indicated they hoped this would serve as a precedent to be followed by other area councils whose children bene- Hensall personals 11111 lllll 1111111iiilliii lllllllllllllll 1111 lllllll 1111 lllll 1111/1111111111111111111111111 lllllllll 1 lllllll 1 llllll 111111111111111111 By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAFFA Staffa WI entertained the Sen- ior Citizens in Staffa Township hall Wednesday afternoon, March 31. Mrs. Carter Kers- lake presided. There were 28 present and the roll call was answered by a suggestion for a centennial project for Staffa WI. Pennies for Friendship were collected and the directors were named to look after the registration at the District Annual in May. Miss Vera Hambley and Mrs. Cameron Vivian were appointed a committee to look after a layette for the Indian settlement at Fort Simpson. An invitation was extended to the members to attend a course on leathercraft spon- sored by Gould's WI April 6, 7 and 8. Mrs. Gerald Agar comment- ed on the motto "A life that serves lives on and on". Mrs. Ross Smale and Mrs. Robert Sadler favored with two num- bers accompanied by Mrs. Robt. McCaughey. Mrs. Garnet Tay- lor and Mrs. Tom Laing both gave readings and Mrs. John Drake and Mrs. Lloyd Miller presented a comedy skit on "Hats". At the close of the meeting a spelling match was enjoyed. Lunch was served. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Philip James By MRS. KEN McKELLAR PEOPLE ON THE MOVE Moving has been highlight of the week in this area. Mrs. W. Crawford and son Alvin have moved from the farm to an apartment inDublin. Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Scott and family from the farm west of the village to the one formerly owned by his father Mr. J. M. Scott at Staffa. Mr. & Mrs. Scott and Ronnie will be moving shortly to their new home in Mitchell. Mr. & Mrs. Carlyle Meikle and family have left the village to reside on the farm vacated by the Duncan Scotts and Mr. & Mrs. Ted Harburn and fam- ily of Staffa have moved to the home purchased from the Meik- les in the village. Mr. J. Van Valkengoed is the new owner of the Crawford farm and with his family have taken possession. Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker visit- ed Sunday with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Erwin of Putnam. Mr. & Mrs. James Ramsey, Stevie and Vickie of Listowel and Bill Ramsey of Stratford visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Ramsey. The WMS Easter meeting will be held in the church Good Friday evening at 8:15. Mark McKellar son of Mr. & Mrs. Laurie McKellar is a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital Seaforth. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. Sounds alarm — Continued from page 4 person with an unregenerated heart can no more live a life that is pleasing to God, than he (that person) can lift himself by his own bootstraps. P e op 1 e with Christ ruling their hearts and lives are full of compassion, love, humility and all the Christian graces. No wonder that afew Christians of this calibre turned the world upside down, so to speak, in Bible days. What do our preachers talk about in their pulpits. The pos- sibility of a nuclear war; the latest development in rockets; the situation in Viet Nam; or the racial strife in the U.S.? All interesting topics in themselves but far removed from local seeds. Exeter preachers, WAKE UP! Stop playing around with re- ligion and fooling the people. Ask God to decrease, your head knowledge and to fill your hearts until you have an effective Christianity to offer to this large area of HUNGRY, NEEDY SOULS. Concerned* *Name available on request. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. D. G. Armstrong of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Carey. Mrs. Grace Scott is visiting in Goderich with Mr. & Mrs. Donald Scott and family. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Zurall of Milverton were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gardiner. Young People view pictures The Hensall-Chiselhurst Young People's meeting at the Hensall United Church Sunday evening was under the direction of Dave Brock and his fellowship group. Eric Ross, Nancy Kyle, Pat Harris and Dave Pyette took part in the devotional. A film called "Community Responsibilities" was shown. Eric Ross and Dave Brock di- , rected two games. Lunch was served. TAM MTACUMME=5:47MMTVII,'VZIETTNIZAt TAITLIVIST:2:T7,7Z71:772- i]l:..,SM:MCKIWTETZMUMAIMMIMETINIA,7" AL'S TRIMMINGS IN HENSALL ARE SAVINGS Birds Eye Frozen NOW OPEN SATURDAYS TILL 10 1 TV DINNERS 2189C 11 oz Beef, Turkey, Chicken Smoked Got that New Car Urge'? SEE JIM ORR and BUD PRESZCATOR and the wild new Mercurys Meteors and Comets Rose Brand 50 OFF PACK No. 1 Extra Large Canning MARGARINE 3 lb. Economy 75t Pkg. Size B's PINEAPPLES SIDE BACON .49t „---,,, -,,,--\- ,„,_,--,_,,.. CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS L. 49C BOLOGNA 4. $1 LIVEIVR%E, L. 294 SLICED LB 294 3/$1 5/$1 spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Snell. Mrs. Edna Corbett visited over the weekend with her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parker and Patsy. Mrs. Eldon Jarrott is a pa- tient in Stratford General Hos- pital, where she is receiving treatment. Mr. Don Kyle of Toronto visited recently with his par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Byron Kyle. Mr. Malcolm Dougall under- went surgery at Clinton Public Hospital last week. Misses Dorothy Parker and Elda Wall of London spent the weekend with the former's par- ants, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parker and Patsy. Mr. & Mrs. WesleyJ. Venner pleasantly entertained the lat- ter's family to a dinner in honor of her sister, Mrs. Glenn Bell, who observed her birthday this week. Those attending from a distance were Mrs. Margaret Hunkin, Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Roy MacLaren, London, Mr. Lorne McNaughton, Cromarty, and Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bell, Hensall. Mrs. Wilson Broadfoot of Goderich was a recent visitor with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacLean. The annual meeting of Hen- sail WI will be held in the Le- gion Hall Wednesday April 14 at 8:15 pm when reports of standing committees will be presented and the 1965-66 new slate of officers will be in- stalled. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes will observe their golden wed- ding anniversary Saturday, April 10 with members of their family attending from Califor- nia, Toronto, Chatham, Hamil- ton, London and Hensall. They will be home to their neighbors and friends Monday, April 12. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Mickle re- turned home this week after a pleasant holiday spent in Ber- muda. They flew there andback by jet from Toronto. Mrs. Eldon Jarrott is a pa- tient in Stratford Geherai Hos- pital. Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Brander- horst of Mount Hope spent the weekend with Mr. Si Mrs. G. P. Branclerherst. The Young People's of Hen- sail and Chiselhurst United Churches are going to have a sunrise service April 18, Eas- ter Sunday morning at 7;00 am. Breakfast will follow. The ser- vice will be held at the Hensall United Church and is open to anyone. Men from Hensall United Church congregation formed part of the choir on Sing Time, CKNX-TV Wing h a m, Sunday afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Ross Berdan, Paynes Mills, Mr. Ed Willert, Detroit, were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Carl Payne and family. Mrs. Lorne Webster of Sea- forth has returned home after a visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Glen- don C hr is tie and Catharine Anne. Mrs. Grace Harpole has re- turned home after spending the winter months with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. D. H. Peacock and family, Ottawa. Miss Margaret Buchanan is a patient in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes will observe their golden wed- ding anniversary Saturday, April 10 with members of their family attending from Califor- nia, Toronto, Chatham, Hamil- ton, London and Hensall. They will be home to their neighbors and friends Monday, April 12. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Mickle re- turned home this week after a pleasant holiday spent in Ber- muda. They flew there and back by jet from Toronto. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick has ac- cepted a position as night oper- ator at Hayfield Telephone Ex- change commencing her duties Sunday evening, April 4. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Reid and Allan, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Reid, Exeter, spent Sunday with Mrs. Marjorie Helm and daugh- ter Marilyn at Scarborough. A community auction sale will be held in Hensel]. Arena early in May (date to be announced), sponsored by Hermit Minor Athletic Association, the pro- ceeds to be used to sponsor baseball teams. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Jamieson, Louise and IlarVey of Thedford. CARS 1964 MERCURY Montcalm, one owner, loaded. 1964 PLYMOUTH FURY 2 door hardtop, 6 cyl., auto- matic, 11,000 miles. 1964 PONTIAC 4 door sedan, V8 automatic 1962 GALAXIE 500 4 door, V8, automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes. 1962 STUDEBAKER 4 door, 6 cyl., automatic, white walls, wheel discs, radio. 1961 VALIANT Station Wagon, 6 cyl. 1960 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon, 6 cyl. 1959 RENAULT 4 door, just what mother needed. 1957 DODGE 8 cyl., 2 door. 1956 CHEVROLET, make us an offer. TRUCKS 1964 MERCURY 1 Ton, V8, 4-speed trans., long box. 1960 THAMES Van 1957 FORD 1 Ton with racks. Choice Quality 15 oz. tins GINGER ALE eposit if Plus 'D olly O $1 s. I Pink Seal SALMON " 3/9U Aylmer Fancy PEAS 10 or. tins 9/$1 Fruit-Punch, Grape Orange-Apricot 48 oz. tins ALLEN'S DRINK 3 /894 L' Lynn Valley PEACHES $uper $ave KOTEX Regular 12's BOX 394 [1965 CORIAR TRAILER 18' long, 71' wide, heavy duty wheels & tires. Completely furnished with bath. HENSALL MOTORS LTD. Hwy 4 South Meteor, Mercury, Comet 262.2604 STORE HOURS: Open Friday evenings until 9 p.m.; Saturday evenings until 10 p.m.; Open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Closed all day Monday. HENSALL Kellogg's 16 oz. Pkgs. CORN FLAKES 3/$1 ses—s, re\ C'esss PAINT SALE These Prices April Only GLIDDEN SPRED SA TIN Now $2.50 qt. $8.15 gal. GLIDDEN SPRED LUSTRE Now $2.75 qt. $8.75 gal. FINK Plumbing & Heating Hensall dy MRS. NORMAN LONG Mr. & Mrs. Elzar Mousseam and Mr. & Mrs. Ross Faber at- tended Mrs. Mousseau's neph- ew's wedding (Brown-Mac- Gregor) Saturday afternoon at the Church Of God, Grand Bend., Mr. & Mrs. John McGreg- or and Carol spent Sunday in Windsor. Mr. & Mrs. Hank Binnendyk, John, Michael and David spent the weekehci at Burlington, guests of the former's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Vennenia. Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Watson of Exeter and Mr. & Mrs, Graham Triebner and family of Parkhill visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gridzak. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stokes and tarry of London were Sunday Visitors with Mr.Robert Thom- Son. S