HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-04-08, Page 4'' ''' '' ' •
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Times Established 1873 Advocate Established 1881 Amalgamated 1924
"Otet xeferZinesatosocate
Member: C.W.N.A.., 0.W.N.A., C.C.N.R, and ABC
PUBLISHERS: J. M. Southcotf, R. M. Southcott
EDITOR: William Batten
Exploration of the unknown College kids handle it
Hotson Propane
238.2005 GRAND BEND
ren to do it legally or illegally.
We students do not drink, as
many adults suggest, because
we enjoy flouting the law, nor
because we get a thrill out of
doing something our parents
don't approve of. We have a
fear and respect for both.
Adults in Exeter may be sur-
prised to learn that both men's
and women's residences on Ca-
nadian campuses permit under-
age drinking. They certainly do
not encourage it but the un-
written rule of residence ward-
ens is that "what astudent does
in the privacy of his own room
is his own business."
From my own experience I
have found this to be the case
in Catholic, Anglican, United
Church, and non-denomination-
al residences. Parents would be
happy to see the way alcohol is
handled under this fair and
broad-minded rule.
I will not deny that some stu-
dents drink to excess. Most
Freshmen go a little too far in
their first experiment with
drinking. But once they have
learned their limits, they exer-
cise restraint and good judge-
Many adults today believe
that a student will not be ac-
cepted if he does not drink. This
is not the case. There is no
social penalty for not using
alcohol. Friendships and uni-
versity associations are based
on far more concrete criteria
than alcohol.
I hope this letter has made
it clear that I wish neither to
defend the consumption of alco-
holic beverages nor condemn it.
I wish only to make one thing
clear: a young man or woman
of university age and university
ability is mature enough to de-
cide for himself whether or
not he chooses to drink.
If he decides the negative
that is fine, but if he chooses
the affirmative that is his own
business and he should not have
the threat of a poorly enforced
age limit hanging over him.
University Student
To the Editor,
I am writing in regards to
your editorial of April 1, 1965
which opposed the lowering of
the legal drinking age.
I must agree with you that
for high school students to be
drinking does seem improper,
but I wish to point out that many
eighteen, nineteen and twenty
year olds are not in high school,
but instead are either out work-
ing or attending university.
It is with the university stu-
dents I wish to deal.
Most university students use
alcoholic beverages. There are
a variety of reasons why. Some
students drink casually as a re-
laxation from studies; some
drink simply for enjoyment;
others drink not for a good rea-
son, but because they feel it is
necessary to be socially ac-
Granted this drinking may be
a bad thing. But it is still an
undeniable fact that it exists--
despite the law.
The question is not whether
or not parents want th e ir
eighteen to twenty year old
children to drink. The question
is whether they want their child-
old youngster unable any longer to play base-
ball because of amputation of an arm or leg,
does not care too much about the competi-
tive race to the moon—no matter how thrill-
ing a scientific feat the attempt may represent
They care far more about relieving pain, lone-
liness and fear in those who, many of them,
are sometimes doomed to leave the earth be-
fore they have been able to explore even a
fraction of its surface.
With all this, it is difficult for us to
equate the expense of cancer research with
that of the space research, to recognize pre-
cisely how enormous are the sums of money
that must be poured into cancer research
materials alone. Yet were the cure of cancer
to be discovered tomorrow, surely it would
be a greater blessing to the human race than
the feat of planting some nation's flag atop
the moon.
April is Cancer Month. The month
when homes and industries throughout On-
tario will be canvassed. It is well to remem-
ber that the hazards for mankind will be far
greater should we fail in cancer research
than if we fail to reach the moon.
Give generously.
The imagination of man has been stir.
red by the recent dramatic exploits in space,
and the Live pictures of the moon televised
up to the moment of impact of Ranger IX.
Millions of dollars are poured into the
space program, with the public, generally
speaking, accepting the fact of the enormous
expenses involved, These vast sums are not
spent on the salaries of the astronauts alone,
nor on those of the thousands of men and
women employed in this industry. A very
large percentage must, of necessity, be ap-
plied to the design, manufacture and pur-
chase of materials — from complicated elec-
tronic equipment to the insignificant screw-
This is precisely the case with the
scientists at work in cancer research. They
are not concentrating on rills and craters,
pressure suits and cabins, but on living cells
the true behaviour of which is still unknown
to man. Surely they are making just as im-
portant an exploration into the unknown as
are the "space-minded" men of another disci-
Anyone who has seen a small child
slowly dying of leukemia or an eleven-year- ONE MAN'S OPINION
by John C. Boyne
Salaries must be competitive About
enthusiasm If there is any criticism to be levelled
against the approved salary raise for mem-
bers of the Ontario legislature it is the fact
it was too slow in coming.
There was a time when being a mem-
ber of the legislature constituted only a part-
time job in the attendance at short sessions
in Toronto each year.
This is now long gone. Sessions have
grown longer and now there are the various
committees which sit when parliament is in
recess. It is a full time job and obviously
our leaders should be paid accordingly,
If the top men are to be attracted in-
to running the biggest business in the coun-
try, then it is only natural that salaries
should be competitive. At present industry
and commerce offer considerably higher
monetary rewards.
Changes being predicted in the gov-
ernment of this province indicate that fewer
persons will be involved, but those persons
will naturally be doing more work and will
have greater responsibilities.
It will therefore be even more im-
portant that men and women of ability be en-
ticed into these positions and this can not be
done if they are expected to impoverish them-
selves in full time public service.
Mo st attractive addition
Superlatives were used in abund-
ance at the opening of the modern new
offices of British Mortgage & Trust,
Friday, as hundreds of area residents
literally had their breath taken away
with the appearance of the structure.
It is unquestionably the focal point
along Main Street, although to be sure
it does not overshadow other offices
and stores along the street as it would
in many Ontario communities.
Exeter has one of the most attrac-
tive business sections to be found and
it is probably this fact which had much
to do with the decision of the BM&T
to move here, because it denotes a
progressive and proud community.
However, for many of those in at-
tendance at the opening, the tour of
the new building was not the highlight
of the proceedings, and if officials of
the firm are looking for the "scene
stealing culprit" they have nofarther
to look than to their own chairman of
the board, W. H. Gregory.
Enthusiasm is almost a dirty
word in our time. The Church
has not interpreted Palm Sun-
day as a joyous festival but as
a token of the blindness and
fickleness of human loyalties.
We usually say that the super-
ficial enthusiasm of Palm Sun-
day was obviously dissipated
by Good Friday.
Shallow wrong headed en-
thusiasm has no doubt created
a good deal of the religious
bigotry and national arrogance
which still corrupts human re-
In the light of Palm Sunday
we can say that our Lord wants
no short term success, no hit
and run victory. He doesn't
want the Palm Sunday emotional
bubble to burst with a Good
Friday bang.
My dictionary also empha-
sizes the negative aspects of
enthusiasm: "An ecstacy of
mind as if from inspiration
or possession by a spiritual
influence; complete possession
of the mind by a subject; pre-
dominance of the emotional over
the intellectual powers; eleva-
tion of fancy; exaltation of
An enthusiast is described
as "one who is swayed to a
great or undue extent by his
feelings." So in a subtle way
we look down at emotionalism
or enthusiasm; the follow
through to Palm Sunday can
lead us to the same conclusion.
But we should remember also
that one group of observers on
Palm Sunday criticized the en-
thusiasm of the crowd but our
Lord replied: "I tell you if
these should hold their peace the
Sounds alarm
Dear Editor,
In Exeter there are Men-
nonites, J.W.'s, Pentecostals,
Presbyterians, Uniteds, Sev-
enth Day Adventists, Anglicans,
Dutch Reformed, Baptists and
Roman Catholics; but WHERE
The preachers are sleeping
and the people of Exeter and
surrounding area are sliding
peacefully to hell.
Where are the Christians who
put God first in their lives;
who love their neighbor as
themselves; who are not carnal,
idolatrous, immoral, crue 1,
wicked, unbelieving, unmerci-
ful, drunken, proud, false, hate-
ful, deceitful, perverted, dis-
obedient, rebellious, covetous,
In the denominations listed
above, I have observed: memb-
ers who swear "by note" and
think nothing of it; members
who will gossip (maliciously and
otherwise) for hours; members
who wouldn't think of returning
love and kindness to someone
who had spurned their friend-
ship; members who may live
beside you for years and never
speak to one of spiritual matters
or even invite one to church;
members who avoid speaking to
acquaintances in public.
I could go on and on. And these
members are the "devout" ones
in their religious groups. They
consider themselvesChrist-
lans. They even expect to go to
Heaven; yet they are absolutely
indifferent to their fellowman's
spiritual condition; they have
no idea of what it means to go
the second mile; they wouldn't
think of praying for their ene-
mies or for someone who de-
spitefully used them.
And do you know why this
situation exists? Because all
these religious people have
never had a change of heart.
Satan is still their master. A
—Please turn to page 5
winter, few area residents need be re-
minded that spring finally appears to
have made the scene.
However, some need to be reminded
that spring brings forth more than
birds, flowers and sunshine. Unfor-
tunately one of the harbingers of the
season is that item dreaded by all
but the young — MUD.
April showers fill pot holes and
gutters with an abundance of the
stuff and it is certainly the season
in which a driver's courtesy is given
the strongest test; to say nothing of
his vocabulary.
A word to the wise should be suf-
ficient and we trust all drivers will
keep a watchful eye for mudholes lest
they send a grimy bath showering
on those poor, unprotected pedest-
rians. And too they should remember
that a shower of the same substance
can cover another's windshield and
cause him to be "blinded" and more
accident prone.
His reminiscing into the early days
of Exeter constituted a history lesson
that few have heard equalled. His
knowledge is not surprising, because
Mr. Gregory is a native of Exeter,
and he was merely recalling some of
the things he remembered from his
boyhood days and from tales he un-
doubtedly heard during his stay here.
His comments are reprinted else-
where in this edition and they should
be considered "must" reading for
every school child interested in a
few glimpses into the history of his
The erection of the new office on
the site of the former Central Hotel
is only one example of the many
changes that have taken place in
Exeter through the years, although it
surely is one of the most attractive
changes ever witnessed by this com-
After a tenacious battle by old man
"Sorry to call you on your coffee break, 'Wiggins, This bill from the beauty parlor . were you
but it's the only time I can find you," there recently?"
Miss Evelyn Desjardine,
Grand Bend, a student of Exe-
ter District High School, won
second place in lyric-poetry at
the OEA Convention in the King
Edward Hotel Toronto, Monday
William Mickle, Hensall, is
this year's choice from Exeter
District High School for the
Leaders' club sponsored by the
London Free Press.
Mr. Charles Fisher has pur-
chased the 100-acre farm of
Bert Bissett Con. 2 Osborne.
Mr. Bissett will reside on the
farm until he can secure a home
in Exeter.
Mr. Ulric Snell is having the
foundation dug for the erection
of a new home on Sanders
• To build a new home
• To buy an existing home
• To consolidate debts
• To build an equity for your estate
• To acquire other property
I.M.T. can arrange first mortgages al ottractive
rates on homes, forms and business properties.
Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ont. Established 1889
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Posf Office Dep't, Ottawa,
and for Payment of Postage in Cash
The congregations of Thames
Road and Kirkton Presbyterian
churches met last Tuesday
evening in Thames Road church
to congratulate their pa stor
Rev. Dr. Fletcher who was hon-
ored recently with the degree of
Doctor of Divinity by Knox Col-
lege, Toronto.
Mr. Owen S. Atkinson has
taken full charge of the tinsmith
Department of T. Hawkins &
The Masonic Order are mov-
ing into their new quarters this
week and the hall willbe opened
next week when DDGM Right
Wor. H. C, Dunlop of Goderich
pays his official visit to the
Mr. J. A. Gregory of North
Battleford, Sask., an Exeter Old
Boy, was last week elected to
the Federal Government to re-
present "The Battlefords."
The past few weeks have been
a busy time for George E.
Hay, Canada's largest grower
and only specialist in Dutch Set
seed onions. He will ship out
over 140 tons of onions, the
shipments going all over Can-
Messrs Borden Sanders and
Stewart Fuke of the Western
University were home for the
The store and residence oc-
cupied by Mr. H. S. Walter who
has conducted a shoe repair
business for many years, has
been leased to Mr. James 1).
BoWey, coal merchant and in-
PAid-iti-Advatite Circulation, September 30, 1964, 4,063
Phone 235.1863 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada $4.00 Per Year; USA $5.00
An estimated 2,000 people
will take part In the Southliuron
Music Festival in the district
high school next week.
Thrilled with the fabulous en-
tertainments and speeta.cles of
New York 35 high school stu-
dents and three teachers ar-
rived home Tuesday afternoon
after a three-day holiday in the
world's largest city.
Following a banquet for men
in James Street tJC Monday
evening a men's club to be known
as the AOTS club was launched.
Alexia Lostell, grade 12 stu-
dent at &HMS, won the Times-
Advocate competition for the
best story of the students' trip
to New York during the Easter
stones would immediately cry
out". Jesus made it clear that
silence, an unemotional indif-
ference would have been a
greater error.
Someone has said: "There
is a silence which is not gold-
en—it is simply sullen, in-
different, timid and hesitat-
If we were in danger of being
overrun by enthusiasts it would
be wise to stress the inherent
dangers in emotionalism. It
would be a time to plead for a
return to intellectualism.
But it is not a fact, that one
of our real problems in the
Church and the nation, is a
sullen bored indifference to
great issues? Many very
casually 'whistle by the grave-
yard' and 'let the rest of the
world go by'.
How many people can really
get enthused about this land
called Canada? Patriotism has
become a dirty word. Yes, we
are aware of the dangers in
"state worship" but there is
also danger in our present in-
difference to our national wel-
There was a certain admir-
able self-abandon on that first
Palm Sunday. Those people
seemed to have left their neat
careful intellectual c al c u l a-
tions at home in the ledger.
They grabbed the first symbol
of devotion they could lay their
hands on.
For a few minutes that group
forgot themselves. The fact Is
we do forget our own little self-
enclosed worlds when we allow
ourselves to get worked up
about something outside our-
selves. Someone has said that
those people "didn't take acau-
tious trial balance to see whe-
ther their praise was worth
the risk".
Such spontaneous self-eras-
ing enthusiasm is absolutely
indispensable to the life of the
Church and to the life of a
Canadians are noted for be-
ing unemotional, for not stick-
ing their necks out. But there
are times when you should stick
your neck out even if you know
ahead of time that you're going
to get it chopped off.
There is a verse in II Kings
which goes like this: "We do not
well: this is a day of good tid-
ings and we hold our peace".
In speaking of some new
rivers that he had discovered
David Livingstone wrote: "I
find I wrote when the emotions
caused by the magnificent pros-
pect of the new country might
subject me to a charge of en-
thusiasm, a charge which I de-
Without an enthusiastic de-
sire to keep this nation to-
gether the battle for national
unity will not be won. Without
emotionalism no great Work of
literature is ever written. With-
out zeal no religion is ever in-
Someone has said: "The peo-
ple of victory have been those
vho kept the lire burning on
the altars of enthusiasm when
other flames had sunk into the
cold gray ashes of despair".
The Church and the nation
need lasting enthusiasm. We
need a right-headed self-aban-
don. Everybody knows that fer-
vour and enthusiasm If mis-
directed can be and often have
been evil things. But we should
also remember that properly
channelled they can be equally
powerful forces for good.