HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-01-29, Page 3" • 4, Mitt sti tAntittito. W. w mosimiel.qatear los erns 00111116 impel that k sess RI•Peiel Mee& ,,,iff 928lorMoss severs! et war P. & a moms thsekie 80 mei- Hooka. 11 d. art* week. ` MO" W• Wolda 40•.'t the retteetiuse a those ,itim wish to imaginskt desk petimariship to tie ode. M Nr James Writisg wester. Some clew mieneepoullscts might take a swum of &moss to good advantage. LITJI Myelin to &got stunt is e•Peumbetar UM, ehopheepers would de well po 1,1reop their reale Rem sticking to tU*IrL Inked !Thane Keeton,. • The bet meting of the Been of School Trustees for 1863 took place bet eventag the wed plaos Th. foil -wing members were proems: Messrs Loagworth, McKay, Pentland, Crobb, Haya, Hicks, W. Kay and Alm. Smith. The &Newts; geedemes wen appointed oiler hewers for the carnet year : Ciairstas-..-*r. Wm. McKay. 8eep.-9. B. Itepeolds. Curse-. James Bisset. The Bean them proceeded to apooiat siargis esessitamm, Aar which the meeting was adjourned. • STANLEY. 19th January, 1863. Coellert-thlui.-Mimars. Adamson, Ander. sots, Roach. Wood aod Peck. At • writing of the Coaocil this day, our worthy Reeve for the prim year wee re elected, sad Mr. Anderson, Deputy. Mr. Soon, who bee been for some years Township Clerk, wet also re-elected, and is a mar iodeenioes sad indefatigable public ,servant. ASHFIELD. Correonassas roa 1863. -William Ions, Reeve; Meurice Dalton, Deputy Reeve Alexander McKeoxie, Joh* Lath- heetatm, William Finley. POLICE CO U RT. A number of young tuen, yesterday after - tepee, were hood $10 each std own., for dis- orderly conduct on Sunday last. A good, sad, we hope, • useful lesson. Another case came up which attracted some attention. George Hawkins of Port Albert was charged with having unlawfully taken • horse from the stable of Henry Dodd, of Godeuch, co Sunday morniughlit. The ease is briefly this :-Dedd had reed to leads horses AS bat the bargain was not coact iag hose from Port Albert, kis horse to • boy in his e woad to Hawkins that he had kins admin. be received this , bet axft *yenta be came down with his own berm on Saturday evening. wanting Dodd to carry out the partial agreement. Finding the bone had bass gold to the boy. be tried to undo with him, but without success. Hawkins kept hie heels& Dodd's sable all nLbt, and on &Lady morning was assisted by the laUer iu s. seliffigibot I out say An is nonli- fe/ 1 MO MO Miry Eine diffilelliee he - ones the twe. Yes US sondialy • credit to yew Nem. mei I haps, if ems emission deedinvewine. )es 'Oahe be CAM to year nmeeley. lbws Wog diens wen glom for the Drip& Maio', sad three Art Bergsma& Miamen, the knew respeadiss lammioally hy whim " fil 1..v44 midi yes lour, bee ri toy to make peel sojere ./of' The Voisotiers then vistaed to the armory, and the spectator's' large number of whom wen piesset, dispersed. TOWI 00111101.L. The Council met Go Friday evening last moording to egreenteut. His Worship the Mayor rends. Presoak the Reeve, Deputy Reeve, sod Cosset:dikes Stewart, Rumball, Cox, Sey- mour,, Runciman, Horton and Smith. - Nieuwe of last mentos approved of. The 1o800l's anocants were read: From T. J. Moorhouse, printiug, sta- tionary, Le., $40.54. Walsh & Co., an account of Relief, 12.00. James Clark, ifftilled by Mr. Smaill, 15.25. S. Platt diffs amount of Relief, 117.30. Mr. SMaill, oil, wood, &c., 14 00. Town Clerk and &instant, selecting jurors, 146.00. Butterwerth, Mrs. Chambers' Board, 18.00. R. Runciman & Co., stoves, &c., fur- nished to volunteers, 140.78. Elijah Moore, building shed at Ceme- tery, 118.00. Returning °Soots are., (stated.) These hut were ordered to be paid, the others referred to Fineuee commit- tee. TAVIZILNI. The tavern inspector, Mr. Smaill, re- ported that there were during the past year 12 licensed taverns. Ile found the ao- commodatiesufhad been materially increas- ed, but that the revenue had fallen off to some extent, ocunpared with former year:. This was muted by there being no billiard tables in operation bit 1862. The street nuipector reported, bringing before the attentioo of the council the 'tate of the crossing MAnglesea and Wolf streets, shish was partlybroken,as also were several others, but 11lon the more unfrequented &reels. The box drain on Light -Howse street had partly filIen in and stood in need of repairs_ The following sums had been expended by the inpector during the year : M a terial, &e., $6..3Q; repairing chaise eo Name, 15 dole 73c; making a total of 901 doh. 0%. Referred to Rand B. Com A Petit ion from John McDonald, build- er, was read, the prayer of which was that be, Mr. D., might be indemnified for phy- sical injuries, keno( titue, &c., sustained by bim in consequence of his having Fallen in- to an excavation made near Mr. Grace's store last fall. Petitioner,intimated that this step was taken before having resort to getting it out to the road. Dodd went back 1,70 proenada,,. Referred in Finance to bed, sod when In went out again found lconulkiitee. Hawkins.' bores lone in the yard the boy's born having been takes away instead. The boy had a warrant issued next morning against Hawkins, and be wee broeght here for trial. Hr. Hawkins' says io hie defence that Dodd , gen him the horse, which the tattier denies. The ease was postponed antil this afternoon, when, judging from thers'evidence, Hawkins will probably be eirkmaimilbr trial. As annonaced in our hist, the Volun- teers of Goderieh were reviewed in the new Drill-reem on Saturday evening last by the Brigade -Major Barrette. The two sampanies turned out in full force, there being about ninety men in the ranks. - They were all dreesed up in their regula- tion overcoats, belts, &c., and the display, we venture to say, was the most martial and soldier -like ever witnessed in Goderich. The Major, on hie entrance, was saluted in the customary manner, the Men belis. dome up in line for the purpose. Lie then proceeded to limped the arms is s most ',ireful nanoer. Everything in this respect being satisfactory, Sergeant Mo - Leen put the eompenice thernigh the evo- lutions taught them. The Riles woo ant takes is head, and, as by enkoken who knew about teeing matters, ter. Hardly a mistake wee muds the time of their being sobered to "lira for," until they were directed to fall back in order to make room for the Ar- tillery Co. The latter, considering the short time they have bees drOling, went throogh their evolutions in a very eredi- table sessmer. Is wheeling by " sessieue," " fermis/ fare," and marching, they dis- play nom& sisselhasse arid alacrity. From Ake fell from the Brigade be was filly satisfied load bean traised thus biteetill be &deed. - ecisernies were at the eine ilea mei adds:lewd by Ib. lti- Joieeeteeet Widlese, OIL ogeoriand privates Giveepanies, of Gamic& : expos me *0 5117 you ere I have ever seen, but pried te MO that you baser laiiir year &O,*. mews e *Pa aim art ie pee hut yeu men sever sego sohlions. The Goveresseet bus mut you a geld Drabs. eleiteee,seniIs it to be boped thee yes AN tufo egerimekee end avail pansies ef hie iielia& Wore I le say dot yin wee "wholly repel he sent% ionise. eel awe thin wee bee Ilerie roar Ibe improve me% 1111111M be idieriutieseieltetris, sod probably liolliriag yen free iber Tombs lee sliectehe 41e wet ebb* who befebilese bee.* momemies: e Ms bete been heist seise ireinosths, *we howeglibbsageolei Ie be in whose* d The Clerk laid epee the table a draft of By -Lew for appointing officers under the snood for the current year. Mr. Smith said before tbe appointments were made he had one remark to offer. - The Inspector in his report had informed them that a deficiency in the revenue from taverns was caused by there being no bit - lien' tablca. That was doubtless the cane, but he was sorry to And that cued tablee were W be found in *era! of the Hotels, which in his opinion, were far more detri- mental to NUM morals than Billiard tables. Gambling, in any shape, had berm prohibited in the town, and he hoped the Inspector who might be appointed would do his duty faithfully. Mr. Rumba confirmed Mr. Smith's statements. The Mayor remarked that several parties had bet. punished reoently for allowing gresblieg on their premiers, and the proper way was to have informa- tions- • - •P The the appointments to the Clerk -R. B. Reyookle. Treas.-Chas Fletcher. Colleetor--Anges McKez. Amos McKay was appointed one of the Amerpore, for the other three names were , ,is W. M. Savage, Wm. Wel- laos, nod 11. B. O'Connor. A vote being titletk1. O'Connor was declared elte- Md. High Constable -James S naill, street and term inspection being included in the Aloe. Reff-Ringer-John M.Lecid. Chief Esgiseer Fire Deportment -Mr. Clifford being recommended by the Bri- gade, was 1. CIONSTANLIII. SL Patriek's Ward -Nicholas Doyle. Gerogd" " Jas. Doyle. 8*. Andren's " W. F. Gooding. Bt. David's " Wm. McCaig. Ponsidkesper.-Nisholas Doyle. The diem of Inspector of Weights and Memnon wit left open until atter the meeting et County Council. ffalaries of all the offieers to be "lame as leet yen. The thee adjourned, hay; got through sh. honsenef the naming with eammeedeble dispatch. Important to Saddlers! 'MI SUBSCRIBERS beg to draw the at lealfee at IlSam stem Imp resort - swot et SADDLERY HARDWARE! tanomem siert, Wine" they eft pipe OM at me? taw Maims, 114016as, Sailloo-Treas, ne...see;rie moo 14 R. OA twursa Ilerese CO. COUNCIL ILEXTING The Cauca Me folio. I; &rib Gedetiett 1. t '0 Grey- seer Del•uVi Jobs Hai -Fred!. D•PutYi Hullett-Chas Deputy, John How ick -Thos Gamma. Deputy, Wei &nog. McKillop--Densie Downey. Morri*--Wni Wihion. Deputy, Alfred Brown. Stanley -R Adamson. Deputy, Goo Asderson. 84ereilpi7yThee , Thee Yearly, Winn Tuekerewith--Henry Chesney. Deputy, (3eo Spree". T u inborn -John Messer. Usborue-Arch Bishop. Deputy, Richard Hunter. Wawausek--Heary Mothers. Deputy, Andrew Cook. Artan-Joho M Lumiden. Deputy, Donald Siuclair. Bruce -1) MeLellan. Deputy, John M Ewes. Carrick -M Fisher, Deputy, Ju 1) ParsilL Culroes--Alex McIntyre. Greenock -Robe Pinkertoo, Huron --John Hunter. Kincardine t' Deputy, J do villa K in loss -Jo ELBCTION Moved by Mr. A neon 'wooded by Mr. Whitehead,That Robt. Gibbons Esq. be warden for the current year. Carried unanimously. [Applause.] Mr. Oib- bons said he thought after he had had the high position of Warden for four years he might be re_aeoosblyexpected to retire in fa- vor of some other. Ile cline fully prepared for a change, but as they had thought fit to again honor him in such a cordial manner, be would wish to express tin sincere thanks to the board. It would still be his aim to de charge his duties faitneilly, mod in all things endeavor to watch the interests of the County. The Warden having complied with the owe! routine took bit wet, and the Council comseniced its general busiasees. Full eseti. celery 111 our neat. Mar. The Itsataterdal. OODERICH MARKETS. Smut- Oemer, 9oderich, Jan. 27, 1861. Farmers will please observe that we g;ve the ptieen from the lowest to the highest pail on Inc day of publicatin. By compar- ing one week with another the average can be ascertained. ?all Wheat,. Sprinz do 0.83 a 0.85 0.73 a 0.73 Data, 0.35 • 0.37 Peas 0.40 a 0 45 aerie. oes •• 0.63 Potation 4.371 a 0.00 Flour, per bbl .. 4.00 • 4.30 *torts, per ton. .. 14.00 a 00.0 Bran, do ... ......... . 12.00 • 00.0 Beef, per lb 0.04 • '0.0 Mutton, per lb 0.06 • 0 s Veal, per Ib . . 0.05 a 0.07 Butter. O.10 a 0. 124 0.10 a 0.00 Lege, per dor Oss nom', per brl ...... 5.00 a 0.00 Cormora!, d.; 4.00 a 0.00 flay, per ton. 16.00 a 14.00 Straw, 14 load, 500 a 600 Cordwood (dry) 2.00 • 0 01 do green ..... . 1.75 a 1.30 Reef, by quarter. per ... 3.00 a 3.30 Pork, 100 ........3.00 a 3.30 le Iles (green] 4.00 • 4.05 Slwerstitine 0.50 • 0.60 Bran, per ton 89; Chs03:8311111‘.1COXI CABINET WARE! CHAIR EMPORIUM, HAMILTON STREET. Nast Door to Welt's Betel. ROBERT W. McIEENZIE ManuMetures tied keeps conosni ly on hand • complete amomment sa 1311 venial -I, Scoffs's, Cane and Hair -Seated CRABS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, STANDS, MAT:MASSES, COFFINS, &c., £c. Particular etteetios ;yid 10 ordered work. As he employs tonne bet the hes workmen, and apes nothing but the nem materials, his furniture cannot he morpmerd for evenly% Loeber and Otrusers' pro" tithed esubsege tor fermture. floilench. Oet. lath. 1461. sw191018 'Am erioan Skirt W ‘AREI. TANNER.% ObitLifter news 011 the Inv ironed tone, to any anima height, hy new! pnning . awall eon etwiented is the bide of the &veal by loserateg tee eyed the skirt may he ha down al plass-me.- D. cord works with 15. irrntorrl %re, tied sifts the Mem skirt without deprivi:og *Wits gewend STREET LIFTER, 75 CENTS$ Skating Lifter, 60 Cts. • Tie Trade Sapplted 00 Liberal Term Itiv•arthrs even Alerehisistis respectfully .,ii,.,, R. TANNER. Meeeliteterer, 7/1 ICiag M. Rae, Tometo. 4. T. .B MONTGOMERY suluticAx. life. is•s MVP •11013111111113116 TV 91••ee•• DE '1r I IN gr„ NW -4m Ib. Iledlea1 10. him is • mishePolite nes he will seeeptle to 4114tele TOP& leered oa reasomsed Ihetkee, Mow, .54 0••••••••• 61‘16.&•&. 51.11.5Poid 01,411.11.110511 INA we esueresoft er The en Wt Weeverieted treestsea. owe's, eel ee heel. VON 1111=rall„..."" t. sr • 4rd °mud .4041:00r tionftma• 92 melee geelsca, • hum with • IC weelorn 4ZWIlate is Ment& es Illsinfied no. V. moos& pspossse. es a. e. Oelettch.J&I 1••••••0643. 4.., Q1. POI The IMAMS Ttlii tam .ill. two& Of ham room, 4W the their 1*. T ONE or Sim t'llell/M 1011 11 um Of • ND Tat amemica Blue Equal Masai Instals with ...a.ma 6 per cent. • TOWNSHIP OF MO1 Routh 7 in 1st con., 60 South 8 in 1st con., fie Imes South 11 in 2,1 con., 100 acre, South 21 iu en., 100 sen -e, North 20 in 4h con., 100 &ere& Nonni 2l in tit •DU., 100 acres, North 4 23 in 4h con., 100 nen'''. TOWNSHIP OF HOWICN: Lou 2, 3 and 4 in 15th con., 100 semi TOWNSIlfr OF GREY . Lot 26 in let con., 100 acres, Lots Mend 35 in • con., I 00 acres eac 1,00 If and 32 in 6 con., 100 acres eac Lot 26 in e eon.. 99 acres, Lot 32 its 8 con., 100 acres. Lots 33 and 31 in 10 con., 100 acres t TOWNSHIP OF TIAINBERIZY N. E. 443 in 1 con., 50 semis. Apply NORM.= W1DDIR, Esq., Goder" or to Il,e owner, THOMAS GALT, F-ene Tolson vom34 O• TABLE TOPS, &C. GODERICH c.w. HEADSTONES FROM 15 Oulorwle. eth Nonseher. 1$$. UPWAII w40 PLUMBING: PETER GII.I..I:Es PLUMBER, Kingston Street, CODERICH Opposite the Moron 11,44. LEAD PIPES! Pin for the ronvmance of ',Ad sw Ant tinter to MI putts oi Holmes, Omels Public aribliours. Rensdences fined up w, Lead and Zinc Ba Copper Boilers, Water Tanks, W Basins, Sinks, Walt Trays, Water Closets, F3RCE & CISTERN P 9 The attention of Farmers, Brewers and Rs Companies it limited toilbb, utility of the HYEMOULIC RA By which vimmkeen be elevated from ogre sprier. or revisits, Farm Yards, tor the we of Stork; to Brewenes. oe Ineedeseve. seltmenne Yochum requires ao manual labour, •nd will throw • *seedy strewn of wither, by its own action, (0, 11. year round Orders puneleally attended to. aaeraeltrelt: .IA MEa wAsens. H.q. JOHN Ne1110111A1.DIIOR , tclt NORTON. Eno. umitnich. GoArnich 16th Nov . ISM w4041ei DR. HVLL'S Aromatic Physic AN ¥.dioine AID STOIIACIE. et aminatio of dm Slims a/sedum Pal pitili;ot M tbs. east Oenthensee of the new* Ike- Ifeatiselte, Pike, heemrsse, end all other eases where am mann gee* physis s tequired. TR /1111DMOIL oorrinis NO es OR ANY anima D 8 DRUG BEING VIII PAIATARke It w41 sewer see 60 see Ihmellso he.W*le'llakevi, glob* are soadoostr=we. Thin likdbiutsVvig eery is tutees pr.,1 woo mesas veer p theseneeme. who brew Imo clubmen web temersess risme od. • Auss, Ilisheellkalle. • Olor Y.r)111.11•11)&111 Mal 11011.611111/ It Mil WO WWI P.M illi&OWI• NMI IR • impersde It ea! 0•10••••• Stood ald plaragu phylum • A MINTS : Poem& & Cams;IP. Seittes. mei the tee& ereaelle. ' 51111 0 v • stellf46 Qf 4111111111111100"- 1111111,RWIO1TO co pant 1lI$TITUTION, located las..tege, hies IR TART, 89SAI'lliN be. attabi kimii.khaits, . n. • J.I EGS ANNO has now Wisesheed but '1 S Which he will7:11 at • 4y Reduced Ra NEW FRUIT: Os, M. RI and foyer Raisins, Patras Cornetts , Turkey mad other Mkt ; . French Prunes, in jars; Or- ange. Lemon and Citron Peek • S. 8. Almcb on, filbert and Bra- zil Nuts; • P•es The aty* 1"141.t/ ' 44_ 4•47r1.4.A:...4mi 'en e4 41a. e;v1b UaL -*SP • ICE: ON, C.W TUR ;REIN° " patent self. 111111DtIfTi: VIE11-1.111.41:it ST: The 'N. Y. 11 013 NU, Esq., JOHN YERRIE,EN • Ore& s ., Hamilton; lIon W E. C. Thomas Esq., lent. Esq.. M.D., e. Esq., Ilamilto-i ilieburgh, Scotland; amilton ; T. C. Kerr ihson. Esq., Hamilton ; to; F. W. Oates. F:sq; lesPiei Esq., Hamilton; am; D. McInnes, 11,m. -srie, Esq.. Hamilton ; Mon. J. roll, Toronto; W. P. SteLanin, Jim MeIntyre, Eel., Ham• Esq., Hamilton; Richard Montreal. : Ifilamotat. AfirleT: AMOS FAYIIAM. advantage re stain of ltd tardily which enility too bug t..it,•re • Ths rates, which so limn - Me ff. It 4 -11.1n - r than those of late Velvet, end Os/oiled at the !lead 11,1<11. Adruer. raash**_._giesa. eigtemen_ ......... 1. na. vIciL.r ALL. 0.,,, tialltwolo .. • .. raofut ........ .......... • ItA14 MCIAA 2001510(,,,r11111. 1%2. 431 Pickles&Sancesr EXCHAliCiE OFFICE .ALL KINDs. 1111 J. W40 e. • ITCH REDUCED: CUWIl1151NO, honey, &WI Twnnknr, Y••ung fume, Cougous,Meuebotys I Japan. AALL • FOBtCOS, LIEGE YAR1 AND CHEAP. . , 'LIQ RS : dies, J Si MAI 4, •• '111 Wines, :•,.e.1 s No. 1 e lAd Tom, Bam. D el other %lb,. Y & THING In &RFT AND eo &50u7 lowest remit 18th Dec.. ISO. • 1st,. • qv - i American P ,a4per Money Bought, i Ilacm/Mrt non or enebsaire, M. SAVAGE, ,Dec. 13, I sok, • fin30w46-3in Mortga,g6 e of LANDS. TIDEll. and by Veto, of a l'ower of Sale 164 contained in a mortehee made by Jane et the Walkerton Betel, iu the Ville e of 'Keit made in the Walker and Joseph Waller, parties of the first pal, to ilitano 1) McK.y, of the e.ty of re ar, Se. Theft' are tour -fifth.. of •fl o'er: ol Hamilton. of the second part, default herb.... Ind allachnd, well kneed, •od a wellmelected y it t iPeof, will be sold RL'AICY A.U.186 esortrnent of Fruit T ON TUESDAY, the TENTH city of FEB - W lk • , . pietonal paper of see of Jo.. 10, '63. myti "W shown a moat plbstaillt novelty, Hubbard Bros. of this cite en ib. porters. It is called the MAGIC TINE O&M& Vet. and is a huuting and open face watch combieed. This is one of the prettiest, mos convenient and derided! the best end che• p e fur general and reliable use in eroffered. ft hes within it and couneeled with its machinery. its owe wincing attach- ment, rendering • key entirely unnecessary. Diseases of this watch are compose 1 if leo metals, the outer one being fine 16 carat gold. It bee the improved ruby action lever more. ment, and warrented as accurate tintepien. Price superbly engraved, per ease of a half down, 920400. Semple Wath, its neat morocco boxes, for thous preporing to buy at wholesale, 135, sent by express, with able on delivery. Soldiers must remit pay. meat in advance, *a we minuet collect from tboae to the Army. Addrees. HUBBARD BROS. & Co.. Sole Impellers South Cor.Nasue &John Si.., New York fit sw39-,511 Law, =Alien 1.1 AIMS Ref% XY-Ar: Coasts v4411441 18:9 o soot, nom!! Tints, .617012 - •Is, C. W. tfla telocioie. Y8, SOLICITOIRisCG ATV ar i=;..,r4117. of• 1 - .,14) BARRL4TIIRS, ATTORIEYXAT.LAW- - Notaries Public, 3ce., Wolf Now. God*, bit. 10:1 John neenson. Ai - TTORNEY- A C -L 1 W. SOLD -ITT° 3 IN. emoscway, kn. Mtn. Markel, t•enerst. Corset of Kiagnon Street, tioderieb. ' &At ATTENTION! The CheapestJewJlry !louse in theWoed 4,:ns or A.1.01LTROJENCLIIT pa $50. A •COMPLETE List of Fine Gold, Plates '•as.' and Oreille Jewelry, pent free. Addres J. A. SALISBURY, kerne Providence, R.I. fit sw33--w511 VALUABLE & KW -SITUATE PROPERTY FOR SALE1 pROVTNCIAL LAN le S L:Ity .1.01t AND Laseroe 1•.att ergot -nu 11111/' nARRISTERS, ATTOIINEYS-AT.LA.Wi Le Notaries, Contreyeneent, ae. 01111* M. (ay' uumme, West Street, t :Wont b. 111:42 John 13. taonton, ,& TTORNET-AT-L.1 90LACITOR e. ebeem4T. Notary Pubis, Conrevaimers tre., Arc., ()Wench, (Manta West. Odlom-e._ be S ieth ede at West Strevf, thinl door Myna fief, Court -House Num e. Williams T tiny., TTOI:NEY-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR T'( :s. Chimes -iv, Notary Public.C. veriNerf Are. ()Went b, C. W.-0iftee, South *An. of Foist At.: few doors from Mr. Dark's lime. ylbd99 ifLoodimz. A TTORNEY. SOLICITOD, on*. o. W. -Desire : 11p arm Wafauloo• Ithelt, Wen St.; canners Fire Boor04 House. Meows. Cameron ar rraeee. 111/ARRI8TEll., arronvin 3 -AT LY, a-, &shame fa ObeeerrysCouvevenve s.&c. WC. Coosade. W n. Fa eft, ormeriets, Oo. Herne. I Wathenere, re. gym e ° CitsdErrita7R Thomism Went bieristal. 144111illOrl Street, (40.1crielt. vlSn.3 Ai. nay, IN 71(11 CiNil Rititam4Olintos. )fily 1, 114. TOWN OF OODERICH. ci VIL ENGINEEilS. PILO VI NCI A L TOE railm-riber M instructed to oiler for sale L Eurieyonf, Csis. of Hamm A the tollowing valuable property, vas.; v la21 Ilataillh. -----13oulton A BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED PROPERTY rum wsroigggn AND t4r3VEYOR Ballira1011a ROAD. The Hon.. nint•ins waren iag. -I Lead Agent and Couveraneer. Knee...dies John CROAPbell 04 411 ., ENERAL. CORSI:3'400N ADM, commencing to war, 71.. ndostion ot this pros conotimisionorin tatteea's.11atich, lea .. perty an one of the finest on the town -having • offdairo conveyartper, Ie. (A5.on IllpieDdldVbeW of Lake Huron, sad but a shoal din- way, Village ofriseesdine.0-W. 1:9 'ewe from the Market Square. At twelve of the clock, noon, the following es Robin properly ; ,Reing composed of Teenty•five 1 , ac.es of land of the North part of Lot No. 0e,Y; in '''''"d •"'l : Ts e nly-eight in the First Concession Nosh 's N,• 1 P0,1. 1 oi ti.e Durham Road its the Toweship of l• Keifer'', th". Itrant in the Cou t sir , mei bottle, Old t,:h, MurAy s Ii[011.TSIE Lori' gg' Oft rid, North Sao of Raat•Stroto, .commissioSNo‘n 1Cfniron. IN THE PfllIRT•Op Cttotaan 0., roorno: ndh e F ko ,at dh z hT ho I 6.:::::"Fise.r..htlePtV7:rwti".F.4113e'rtEhai,ed,:,Tm"rrwera'"i° • n e garden • ito found vonte very thingannon, Feb. 20. (07. 98 peecel of larld is in tbe Uri21 uc:ed. larichevilich°11.:1; 1 VicNcer7imIn'avea niiren% vrele.usred"n"lorbsa. mkodee ratne's7med' of Walkerton, the selected capital of the Co. lanole• situation ;smack tts to make • - &sloth& cultivetiug a -------- goud land, no better nail/NI/0.th, B.wcaderOTTR...6 investment could be effered in the County. Ile and r, um Ole Durham 1 Conveniently situated. There is • stable. pnme, mernothacgsr-viiia.sisedette' alik. i W • AGE s..........z..„.•=0,„, tinLisr.pki . ;14i place of residence and ,to ad 1Vest through the Count Terms Cash. . , ems rop.La and 'Arbon. Thie propt rty furnish, two , &c. cm the prvinisec The homes cow.. nvfl "coarysch, 3r4 OAS, _. Deed under Power °lisle. The leg, well named, running truul ntrevol to street. can be seen et the office of the sof Walketton in the Count, of Drees CAMhRON 4 50 42t Solicitors kw BUIE CERIES pricee wet A ES. co. bro.tohnselrrbsl Mon. in Iht. comity eases kir the ill to whom of Bryce, and to a mail who is dogtrots of LEGAL NOTICE. • (18 undentened have sewed into Pa NOTI - 10 -04 3%2E...102,„ttal„ hermeeeestele ix roman, k Poll&tlY w19 be G. ao • n 1 of ors, oar AN Mae ea Ow IMO *MK • - • . • .41