HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-03-18, Page 10I'S EVERYWHERE IT'S NOW is is the time to give your car a Spring Treat TUNE-UP $2.50 Timing set - plug clean and gaped points checked and set ALIGN & BALANCE $10.00 (Two front wheels) weights extra GREASE JOB 504 (With oil change and tank of gas) Let us make your car look like new 1/4V/1A tIUNTER-DUVAR LTD. Where Folks Turn To Volks eeee. e•vv.,,e, ,$ 6k:w 14,magg.i MOW ..siN.,:';V%Mo,Vky: • ,•N:,."**VA'••;'":4,..ft •••*s;.; •••., ,,atomm.aa„,,f,A..littatggeowlfiei JAW 16 Properly For Sale 16 Properly For Sale 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 9 Services 9 Services 3 Male Help Wanted Page 10 March 18, 1965 GOOD QUALITY 2" pipe, 20' to 30' lengths. Scott's Elevator, Lucan. Phone 227-4479. 18c CORONADO refrigerator, 10 cu. ft.; large size crib; 7-pce. chrome kitchen set; 23" G E television. Phone 228-6372. 18* QUANTITY of baled hay. Ap- ply Lloyd Ferguson, Hensall. Phone 262-5212. 18:25* RED CLOVER & alfalfa seed, A. Hogarth, phone Hensall 262-5492, 18* ALUMINUM DOORS, windows, awnings, siding. Porch and step railings. Top quality prod- ucts at reasonable prices. Ex- pert installation. Call us for free estimates. Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St., Exeter, Phone 235-0722 (col- lect), 7tfnc SMALL 5-room brick home in good condition, modern con- veniences, kitchen complete with stove and frig, oil heat, IA acre of land, near good store and church, storm and screens, tool shed, low taxes. Harold Bell, RR 3 Exeter. Phone Kirkton 229-6102, 18* 7-ROOM INSUL brick house in Russeldale, with garage, coal furnace, 3-piece bath, 3 bed- rooms. Mrs. Olive Scott, Mitch- ell. Phone Mitchell 348-8164. 18:25:1* FOR SALE by owner-Colo- nial style 3-bedroom house with attached garage, corner William and Thomas, Exeter. Phone 235-1293 after 5 p.m. and weekends. 25tfnc MODERN 3 - bedroom house with hot water heating sys- tem, located in the village of Centralia. Spacious lawn, gar- den and fruit trees. Reason- ably priced. Phone 228-6818 (T. A. Rokosh) 4:11:18* BRICK HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, large living room, garden, nicely located in village of Zurich. Apply to either Harold Reichert, Mrs. Ernie Laidlaw or Mrs. Earl Love, Zurich. 3 4-4 : 8c Classified Rates BUNK BEDS, bedroom suites and Simmons mattresses, Buy the best for less, Sandy Elliot. MOBILE HOME, 1959 General, 41'x10', fully equipped and in good condition, including auto- matic w a she r, broadloom. Phone 228-6796. 18:25:1* RODNEY OATS, also mixed grain. Phone Dashwood 164R1. 18* GOOD QUALITY mixed hay, 1,000 bales. Apply John Rutten, Mt. Carmel. Phone Dashwood 163R22. 25;4:11c UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY - High commission earnings with a growing 61-year-old com- pany selling world famous Goodyear maintenance prod- ucts. Rod Tormo earned over $24,000 (not typical, but indica- tive of potential) last year. M. W. Frank earned over $13,- 000. Age no barrier. Diversi- fied year round line. No in- vestment required, We take care of all financing, shipping and collections. Start on part time basis if you like. Write Consolidated Paint & Varnish (Canada) Ltd., East Ohio Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. 18c ROTARY WELL DRILLING- W, D, Hopper & Sons. Forty- five years' experience, water guaranteed. Phone 527-1737, 527-0775, 527-0257, 527.0828 Sea- forth, Ont. 11;19-5:13* OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CASH DISCOUNT RATE If paid within 8 days First Insertion 40 PER WORD (Minimum 800) OUR SHIP came in loaded with new materials for Home Sweet Rugs. Just the colours you asked for. Place your or- der now while the selection is good. Stanley Sander, North End Exeter 235-2877. Mine UNWANTED HAIR vanished away with Saca-Pelo. Saca-Pelo is different. It does not dis- solve or remove hair from the surface, but penetrates and retards growth of unwanted hair. Lor-Beer Lab. Ltd., Ste. 5, 679 Granville St., Vancouver 2, B,C. 11 : 18* 20% DISCOUNT SALE on all Bibles, mottoes, books. Come and see our selection at Home Sweet Centre, Stanley Sauder, North End Exeter 235-2877. 11:18:25c Up to $5.00 for dead or disabled cows and horses. Call JIM MURRAY & SON Hickson 462-2614 24-hour service, 7-day week. License Number 368C65 10tfnc EXETER NURSING HOME - 24-hour nursing care, moderate rates. Mrs, R, Iles, 30 Sanders St. Phone 235-0810. 17tfnc MALE FEAL POINT cat, reg- istered for services. Mrs. L. V. Hogarth, phone 235.1414, 18:25c Second Insertion 1 2 th PER WORD (Minimum 700 PUPS, good selection-Stand- ard Dachshunds; Smooth and Toy Fox Terriers; Toy Man- chester terriers, $25.00 and up. Macintosh, Clandeboye, 227- 4598, after 1 p.m. Closed Sun- days. 7tfnc KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, bath- room vanities. Custom made. Customer choice of styles and materials. Formed arborite tops, Free estimates and kitch- en planning service. Thos. H. Walker, 17 Nelson St., Exeter. Phone 235-0722. 7tfnc MODERN well built three-bed- room brick house on the cor- ner of Carling and Thomas St. N.H.A. mortgage. Phone Norm Whiting 235-2384. 18tfnc FIVE CHOICE building lots in Henan!. Phone Roy Campbell 262-2132. 18c 10 Livestock For Sale RADIO TELEVISION ELECTRONICS SINGLE MAN, mixed farming, 15 years and older, prefer one with milking experience, good wages. Phone 234-6253 Harry Van Osch, RR 2 Crediton. 18c Six Insertions 3 PER WORD (Minimum 600) 2 REGISTERED Polled Here- ford bulls, serviceable age, clean pedigrees. Harvey Ross, RR 3 Ailsa Craig. 11:18c 4 GRADE Holstein heifers, freshening March and April, Orville Langford, RR 1 Lucan. Phone 227-4314. 11:18c 5 HEREFORD heifers due to freshen. Jack Taylor, phone 229-6472. 18c 12 WEANER pigs. Apply Rudy Zondag, RR 2 Dashwood. Phone 165R18. 18c SERVICEABLE age, purebred polled Shorthorn bulls, sired by Sunny Lodge Standard. Ap- ply Don McComb, Elginifieid. Phone 227-4569. 18c 50 ACRES, outskirts of Exeter along Hwy 83 east, could be used for industrial purposes. Phone 235-2417. 18:25c Rets will train you in only one year. One four-hour class per week. Evening classes starting April 5. 4 Female Help Wanted 20 it EXTRA If not paid in 8 days following publication. 18' TRAVEL TRAILER RELIABLE GIRL or woman to do light housework and look after three children, one school age, live in. Apply by letter to Mrs. Elmer Wells, RR 1 Forest, Ont, 11:18* REGISTERED nurse for part or full time. Queensway Nurs- ing Home, Hensall. Phone 262- 2830. 18c MAYTAG laundry equipment tops them all and we guaran- tee nobody beats our prices on Maytag washers and dry- ers. Sandy Elliot. 18tfnc fully furnished and equipped 1965 model BOX R E EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 18c 5 1/4 % Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion- Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch. DATE PADS Handy, efficient time scheduler and reminder for your desk. $1.69 PHONE ROY CAMPBELL at 262-2132 HENSALL 18c 1958 PLYMOUTH, reasonable; John Deere B tractor; sap pan and pails; rubber tired wagon; disc; all in good condition. Phone 238-2767. 18* HOW TO RENT MONEY Phone, write or walk into any Crescent Finance office and tell the manager you want to rent some money. Rent $50 (230 for one week), or any amount up to $3,000-or more. Because we respect our cus- tomers and their reasons for renting money, there's no red tape, just a simple credit re- quirement. EXAMPLE AMOUNTS Monthly Amount Term Payment (months) $ 105.75 12 $10.00 395.42 20 24.00 710.65 24 36.00 1 ,014 .07 30 42.00 2,016,00 36 77.00 Larger amounts up to $3,000 (or more) also available. Canada's Most Considerate Finance Company 14 Wanted To Buy THE TIMES-ADVOCATE 11:18:25 RELIABLE woman to care for home, at )3rinsley, while moth- er in hospital. Live in or out. Needed by April 7. Phone 293- 3210. 11 : 18c PART TIME The Times-Advocate requires an addition to its plant staff. Nimble-fingered alert woman would find employment inter- esting and creative. Excellent conditions, Trial period. Pay commensurate with ability. Apply in writing only, stating education, to Box 395 The Times-Advocate. 18:25 ANTIQUE CARS, furniture, china, toilet sets, buggies, clocks, spinning wheels. Write condition and price for re- sale to Box I S M The Exeter Times-Advocate. 4:11:18:25* MELODEON, harmonium, reed organ, player piano, make or condition unimportant. Bob Cameron, phone 262-2332H Hen- sall. 11:18:25* GOOD USED stroller; chest of drawers suitable for child's room. Phone 262-2491. 18* PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES ONE NEW Calsa sprayer pick up with high pressure 2 cylin- der pump and mechanical agi- tator; used Meyer pick up with 2 cylinder piston pump and 30 foot boom with agita- tor, Bring your pump in for inspection before the rush to your Calsa and Meyers dealer, L. V. Hogarth. 11:18c SHELLED CORN Phone 234- 6445 or apply Jack Prout, RR 1 Exeter. 18* PIANO, Mason & Risch, with bench, good condition. Phone 235-1055. 18c ADMIRAL APPLIANCES, new and used. We carry a full line-check our prices. Laye's Appliances, West McGillivray, 10 miles south-west of Exeter. Sales and Service, phone Ailsa Craig 293-3134. 17tfnc McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed Classifications A TEAM of work horses. Ap- ply John Moser, RR 8 Park- hill, It miles east of Corbett, 18c 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13, For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales 11 Poultry For Sale DE KALB ready-to-lay pullets. Call McKinley Farm & Hatch- ery Ltd., Zurich. Phone Hen- sail 262.2837. 29tfnc 5500 HY-LINE pullets, vacci- nated, de-beaked, 20 weeks old on April 9. Bruce Roy, Londesboro. Phone Blyth 523- 4237. lltfnc • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn the . above indicated interest, payable half-yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. 15 Wanted CARETAKER LADY'S BEIGE spring coat, size 16-18, in new condition, Can be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners, 18* BOY'S DARK suit, size 12, with two pair of pants. May be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 18* BOARDER WANTED - Room and board, reasonable. Phone 227-4351 Lucan. 18c PHONE 228.6214 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale FOR NEW OFFICE OF FREEZER SAVINGS - Save when you buy it and save on the food the freezer saves for you. New freezers, 5-year guarantee from $175.00. Sandy Elliot, 18tfnc QUANTITY of baled hay, 350 per bale; Clhev half ton pick- up truck, cheep. Alfred A. Charlton, Ailsa Craig, phone 293-3066. 18* TRAILER 40'x8' plus utility room, furnished, lot 50'x180' in residential area of Hensall. Phone 262-2027. 18c OAK buffet and china cabinet. Phone 228-6325. 18c SALES & SERVICE - Viking cream separators. Viking milk- ers, pump & 2 units installed for $498.00, Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, Phone Clinton 482- 9131. 2:4-4:29* 16 Property For Sale HEY PARDNER ! A Western Volks, 1962 Ruby Red, radio, windshield washer s, wheel discs, seat belts, no rust on this one, $1075 or $1200 with trailer and hitch. Call 228-6264. 2:11.3:18* BRITISH MORTGAGE AND TRUST Main Street, Exeter STERLIOREAIRUSTS LOTS FOR SALE - High and dry, no water problems. In a quiet place, north of river on Andrew St., 70'x150'. Apply to Stanley Sauder, Exeter 235- 2877. 11:18:25c SMALL HOME on Waterloo St., suitable for couple, complete- ly renovated, priced very low with easy terms, Phone Ver- non Postill 235-1483. 3:11.4:15* 2-BEDROOM house, well lo- cated on corner lot, living room, kitchen, 3-piece bath- room, utility room. Phone 235- 0646. 2;18-3:25* LUCAN - 3-bedroom modern brick house, attached garage, outside of Lucan, nice loca- tion, reasonable. Phone 227- 4220 evenings. 18:25:1c Crescent 800 BALES of hay - Phone Clement McCann, 39R11 Dash- wood. 18* FINANCE P. G. Flannigan, Manager 463 Main St. South Phone 235-0633 4:18c 1960 IMPALA 4-door hardtop, V8 automatic, needs some paint. Phone 229.6294. 18c 1964 VOLKS 2 door, blue, de- luxe model, A-i condition, equipped with windshield washers, gas heater, white walls. Priced at $1550.00, Dial 235-1970 Exeter after 5 p.m. 18* The ideal applicant would be an industrious woman whose husband could help on occasion with windows and snow. SPRING JEWELLERY Just arrived in beautiful colours and styles at WILSON'S JEWELLERY & GIFTS 18c 3 Male Help Wanted 35 Dunlop St., 73 Mississaga E., 372 Bay St., Toronto $90.00 WEEKLY in exchange for 4) hours. Apply P.O. Box 863 or phone 235-2105 Exeter. 11:18* Barrie Orillia WATER WELL DRILLING - All materials and workman- ship guaranteed. Phone Credi- ton 234-6310 or Inwood 25R11 collect day or night or write Ross It. Munro, Box 186 Both- well, Ont. 1:7-3:25c SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate service, always available, Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect, 10:4tfnc SNOW PLOWING, SNOW BLOWING and REMOVAL - Sam Sweitzer, phone 235-0181. 2: 4tinc INQUIRIES PHONE 235-0530 AUCTION SALE ! LEARN MEAT CUTTING - Be a certified butcher for jobs now. Men needed for day or evening, and home study courses now being formed of- fering practical training in meat cutting, merchandising and self service. For further information write or call Prac- tical Meat Cutting & Retail Training Institute, 1425 Dan- forth Ave., Toronto, Phone HO 17545. 12:17ffne SINGLE MAN for large beef and hog farm, good with ma- chinery, good hours & wages, start April 1. Apply Robert McGregor, RR 2 Kippen. Phone 262-5176 Hensall. 11:18c 18c MIMEO PAPERS S Help Wanted Clinton Legion Hall Tuesday Evening - March 23 8:00 P.M. SHARP 1965 CHEV 2 door hardtop, V-8 standard transmission, radio, washers and white walls. Good condition. Phone Parkhill 294- 6547. 18* Sizes 8hx11 and 81ix14 in white, canary, pink and green. Reg- ular and heavy weight in white. VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND 13 For Sale YEAR OLD HENS, 750 each, will deliver. Phone 116 Dash- wood, or apply Andrew Diep- straten, first farm south of Dashwood. 2:25.4:1* THE TIMES-ADVOCATE 2 REAL ESTATE REPOSSESSIONS - BANKRUPT STOCKS And Many, Many Personal Consignments Consisting Of Appliances - Furniture - Televisions Refrigerator with Cross Top Freezer, 2 Electric Ranges, Long Skirt Washer, 17 cu. ft. Food Freezer that holds over 500 lbs. Frozen Food, Deluxe Automatic Washer and Dryer (electric), Combination Radio and 3-speed Record Changer, 5 different Television sets (all reconditioned and in Al working condition), 2 Hostess Chairs, Platform Rocker, Hi- Chair, Telephone Table, Step Stool, Chrome Rocker, Writ- ing Desk, 9 x 12 Rug, Step and Coffee Tables, 4 Dinette and Kitchen Sets finished in Chrome and Coppertone, 2 - 2-pce. Davenport Suites complete with a Hi-Back Swivel Rocker, 2-pce French Provincial Chesterfield Suite in a Nylon Cover, 3 other Modern Chesterfield Suites in 4-3-2 Cush- ion Sets. 3 Bookcase Bedroom Suites in Light and Dark Finish complete with Box Springs and Mattress, 2 39" Continental Beds complete with Box Spring and Quilt Top Mattress and Head Boards, 4 - 54" Quilt Top Mattresses that fit any full size bed, 2-pce. Chestabed Living Room Suite that folds out to a full 3/4 size bed with a Spring- Filled Mattress built in, 2 sets of Table and Trilight Lamps, 1- 54" Continental Bed, and MANY OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Ali the Appliances in this Sale ore Guaranteed to be in Al Working Condition When Hooked up in Your Hone CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Also a Large Assortment For Men and Women JUST ARRIVED . . . A Large Selection of Winter Clothing has just been received for Auction from ONE OF THE LARGEST CLOTHING WHOLESALERS IN CANADA. DIAMOND RING in excellent condition. Will sell at a sacri- fice. Phone 235-2263 after 5 p.m. 18c EXETER - Modern 3 Bedroom home in new subdivision with ample kitchen and dining-room area, partly finished recrea- tion room. Terms. BATH HOUSE AND PARKING LOT ATTENDENTS AND LIFEGUARDS SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed. No mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238-2031 or 238-2166. 8:8tfnc EXETER - Re-modelled red brick three bedroom home. This house is located 1 block off Main Street in the heart of town, and features a separate dining-room, front hall entrance, fin- ished recreation room, garage. $12,500 with terms. EXETER - Four year old home on Main Street, three bedrooms, modern throughout, oil heat and full basement. $2,500 down, reasonable payment. Sealed applications will be received by the undersigned prior to April 5, 1965, for the above mentioned positions for the coming summer season. DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - Call Collect - DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Dead Animal Licence No. 350C-65 12:12tinc TOWN OF EXETER POLICE OFFICER Applications will be received at the office of the Town Clerk, 394 Main Street South, Exeter up to 12:00 noon March 31, 1965, for the position of Constable on a three-man po- lice force. Application must be in hand writing of applicant and state age, height, weight, education and police experience, if any, Also state as to whether mar- ried or single. Salary schedule with group pensions and sickness and ac- cident coverage. C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk Exeter, Ontario 18:25c For information relative to wages and hours, please check with the undersigned. EXETER - Well located 3 bedroom residence with new alumi- num siding and oil furnace. $9,000 with terms. EXETER -Storey and one half, 3 Bedroom home with garage. Modern and in excellent condition. Low down payment, owner will carry mortgage. EXETER - Two Bedroom home with hardwood floors. Moder- ately priced and easily maintained. EXETER Four bedroom home on several acres of land, near Exeter. MURRAY A. DES JARDINS Clerk of the Village Grand Bend, Ontario. NEED A WATER WELL? Drilled 4" diameter to 10" di- ameter to 1500'; bored 30" di- ameter to 200'. A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Cost of drilling with new machine is reasonable. Men are experienced in all phases of setting screens etc. Phone Elmira 669-3761 Day or Night 7:16tfnc 18:25c 8 Situations Wanted ADULT swimming instructor with top references and qual- ifications in Red Cross or Royal Life, private instruc- tions considered, Apply Box R C Exeter Times-Advocate. 11 :18c HENSALL - Large remodelled home. Insulated machine shed on three acres of land. Well located for commercial use. COMMERCIAL - Well built brick building, with 1,600 square feet of working space plus office and washroom facilities. Good water supply. Suitable for light manufacturing, warehouse, or commercial business. GOOD FOR part-timers, Turn your spare time into cash, $30 to $40 weekly. No experience necessary. Write Rawleigh, Dept. C-202.6C, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 18e MAN required for mill. Steady work, Si day Week. Apply Centralia Farmers' Supply. 18c MAN WISHES work in Exeter, by day, week or month. Dial 235-1706. Cameron Wein, 18c COMMERCIAL We have been fortunate in obtaining this cash and carry business that offers $100.00 per week income. This property includes a modern three bedroom home plus several acres of land. $21,500 with MOM down. HAYFIELD -Lake front. Three bedroom cottage with large living room and brick fireplace. Need some repair, the lot is exceptional with a large private sandy beach. $4,000. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING-Lined Jeans, Snow Suits, Jack- ets, Pyjamas, Crawler Sets, Pullovers and Cardigans, Winter Coats, Sleep and Play Sets, Shirts and Blouses, Dresses, 3-pee. Velvet Sets, T-Shirts, Coat and Hat sets, Jodhpurs, Leotards, Underwear, Baby Shirts, Housecoats, Sleepers, Babies' Orlon Knit Sets, Hooded Sweaters, Skirts, Training Pants, Gloves, Poodle Socks, and many other items. 9 Services SIMON BRAND DRESSMAKING, alterations & hand knitting. Mrs. Bob Lux- ton, 349 Marlborough St., 235- 0776. 11:18c WILL ROOM and board two elderly people on ground floor, For further information phone 235-0720. 181fnc FARMERS wanting their cat- tle sprayed for lice contact Bill Watson, phone 37R19 Dash- Wood. 3tfnc VACUUM CLEANER sales and service for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich. Dial 262 5350. 2Stfnc GUITAR LESSONS-To arrange for a free talent test phone 235.2120 or see Mr. Pulsifer at 92 Main St, South. 15tfnc Your area dealer for BEATTY BARN EQUIPMENT & PUMPS for all your requirements of: - SANITARY STEEL STALLS AND PENS - GUTTER CLEANERS - SILO UNLOADERS - LIMITED HOG FEEDING & BUNK FEEDING EQUIPMENT - WATER SYSTEMS - PUMPS - SOFTENERS Contact SIMON BRAND Decay Salon & Service RR 1 Exeter 234.6473 Crediton We do concrete work and inatallations. FARM HAND for one month, no milking. Apply Wm, Stan- lake, RR 1 Exeter, Phone 235- 2536. 18c FARMS -Eight farms located at Dashwoocl, Varna, Centralia, Cromarty and Hensall areas. BUILDING LOTS Available In half acre lots for V. L. A. MEN - Work and Dress Shirts, Polo Shirts, Jackets, Dress Pants, Work and Dress Socks, Pyjamas, Belts and Ties, Underwear, Slipper Socks, Sweaters, and other items. WOMEN-- Dresses, Blouses, Sweaters, Pullovers and Cardigansi Skirts, Nylons, Slipper Socks, Fall Coats, 2-pce Suits, Stretch Slims, Purses, Jackets, and other items. This Outstanding Sale will consist of the Largest and Best Offering that we have ever auctioned in this Hall. . . AT ANY TIME - DON'T MISS IT! SEE YOU AT THE SALE. MECHANIC LICENSED MAN PREFERRED WM SNELL BROS LTD. GM Dealers Phone 235.0660 11:1£40 HODGSON LIMITED AUCTIONEER-LEO E, BIRD M. J. Gaisor W. H. Hodgson J. A. Kneel* 351 Main St. South Exeter 235-2420 Terms Cash - Cheques Accepted on Furniture 3% Sales Tax in Effect Exeter