HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-01-22, Page 3mit a• 1 IwoftAIN r _.wALT T ::*Rrsa WILgf 'Ai tr Lf* Ear / PP U1F[1rLijif��tftirj� •'�f 1 ... :.walk* r•ee♦ ft.rl dl tM �K te est belr/r Weed: 010 00 friend, is elled my the essi iw�iell elms, had yostilenly mrr beet f. •dpe web miss, Esser .teenier air m•see bessli•t Wert I tell yes my ties most elai.ki• of mss.. U11e1d ems week*, a.d tis. , ebsed is,y �Malmo m store Y • Y a Meal rt� r.�n the y but I•.dtl ice. ami nntl� 'srik.hM M the roar. eosin nod my hothead Woes .Mhmg w leg.•/ 4m I be W sass me mien Oa glom, .ed hi f.r:iaslo• M 1 Icer ell the •amen of his low) oma hien fir the a.vorti iaa s .d wish I co•W be more timer deg damn whose terra. I boor. d o .i sed lo ora .. th..k.l..........1 former lover or. my Warm lombookt morrrool, 4 s 1y[•wire Ithisse Pekin. Tidiest the } 1 Sod i. Adios 1 may yen be Wet es I am ere r with that I solid b. more 1" hey t. Lbs show later is to read the std nese every altnw.le line. clwromartr SALE OF LANDS 1'h• H... Mr. Veneer hes bee. •. a•moes Bested Lori Mayr of Dahlia for the year an. A Now York Aper eye t -An *wisest pbmisien W discovered that the nightmare Weise mem .et of ten, is peodel•d by owe[ • itt0 Ai • err. epsper. Mr. Gobbler. -'Ain't len go'ia; to eat anytdoi.gt Itra GelehM�-.l-__'No, 1 ain't grin[ be foam myself op lee other people's bene6tl' yes. Gehilee.e- hy, 7w fool, mere Daly ft you'll be told for 12 cents gall Bet 1 sec what will be you'll he ears in a homelier whet you'll come to.' Vass Tempest has arrived where he has bora serving .lease tie Federal S.g r t4pmin Stewart. Lear bee it suet he left, or was cashiered, bosom he dsisfareed • .geed thrrbieg to • esprior same whose " bunks= " was too w ade for him. A pontos is Lapdog is advertising in the Germs&pews largely that he W an interest. lag assortment of Wise ea kis to be married, sad all with large Ger- mos w ladies may likewise meet .gliab ilndssik Heir° i. as to cash and looks. Aa Reglielmen travelling in Kilkenny Crew to • fwd sod hind a boat to take him over. Tbe water being more agitate than tree agreeable to him, be mid the boatman If •&y preen wee ever low in Oct purge. 'NI,.t, reldled Pat; 'me :.rather was drowa- bat. log week, but we foind him sea Dist • V e - lecturer undertook to explain to sadists, a plasomenon Maybe, ye dams ken what's a phenome. Wee[, then, .'ll tell 'es. 'Ye've men • ods (oow) w loot Wells coo's nee a pksao.sso.. Bet sin ye see the coo gang y M apple um tail f..romost, to pa' apples tbt.eejd be a phe w:memos.' Wbt • trier vty seas people have of ex- peeri.g Weer sd.iratioe. Byron was so in espeeses web air Wolter Scott, that be aid he was des sly w i•Faglwad th.t,be Ion2ed r pt drunk with! Ilk' mid • miler to s ereety old captain, ,Did yen .eel bow .Dais to kart any o e r ?e., yes ani ye.,' ores the response. 1 Brow • leen le foil en • ass's head once mad kiU ►ia ' IN CHANCERY: BETWEEN Brdfwd 0. Ti.dsle, PM.htlf,, AID ,� M. T. imam, Edward Diet q. W Iilliam IwwelleadImam Big- gins (By Bell) sed baso Rattenbory end other made parties Lathe Met ter's dice Def sdo.l.. IN PUI0UAN426 of eed Roam - able Decrthis Ro.- able Caen Matti the Testily -Mb day of low, A. D. 14%1, sad an order beanie date the 3111h day et November. A. 0. 1 W I. both stile u the .love game than WILL BE SOLD Alf PUBLIC AUCTION! DIED. At LImpel1eid, sear Co4mi.e, on the 18th Last, Moasi.R, eider dankest. of Maris Cathcart, Erb Nod 3 yeses aid 19 days. At Co Ink inst., Mien of 11aiiT Enq. aged 1 per and 7 months. tammrntal. BPW O WHEAT. 1/T Mist HENRY RACEY, Auctioneer, At the Caen Ho.i.. IN TICE TOWN OF °ODEBION, Wilk the • tiers of Jobe Cameros, Fequ.re, Marta, M..orwh0 Court at Ibenlford, 0 I AY, 1%. any Mf Fly, IN, a Are tidos alterroom. the billow. Weald* FOR SALE! LANDS k PREMISES nos dadiaah.. se Labe wet t� elansmrMs thew pPgsiiio.l�are Ma. GOO. Y. tlad.rlor, MM loosen la two lou. that is to my, Id T101 tents enrol or tract Of lard and pmrrea same. in the Town of (i.deneb u the ou.ly of Hero., wad nei.g Lot Number Ira Or the reel Town of Odenck. ourlarug by ed. eresereemet orm quarter d' u acre, snore or lea, opus which lot there is s good dwelling hone. Ind And that certain pend m tract of Iced ud Purism Mamie .e the Toweseip of9uoley, i• 110 sad Comity of Home, sad boner a part of Let umber 7'b,ny-as in the ;ret comoresoa of the amid T.w.bip of -tante!. mid berg derriE- ed •s La umber Os. m Ihu.by Terrace in the dui Towoehip of 8ta•Iey, °retaining by dm..s. .weer one are sad • 101t of au acre, own or bee. This Lot is immediately djoinwg the Village of Chalon. The above proem* will be oaf separately ad subject to a incubate right N Dower. The Conditions of eat. wilt be the raiding con- ditions ut the Court of Chancery. Further particulars may be bad at the O4Ore of Mawieun Vaallonna• ad Orden, in ,he Tuwo d 8n.160d,s d at the Gdk,, of TtSeo.-run Dern* Rod Tours, m the Tows of Godericb, and of he Aec,wsurr. Dated this &ttee•th day of January. A. D. 1867. (Sited) JNO. CAMERO,f, Master. VAINORMAN k GRIFFIN, Vendor's Solicitors. [w5I4t Fee the l.form.bs of Ferment we give the prise read fer Spring Wheat se the various "1.rbete, tikes from the lanai )oars* which, we take it for *meted, are ',meet. Ceuta -68 to 71ets. 6.06.44.-70 to 71cb. Einesrrm..--N to Urns. Ouelph.-74ets. Goisrick.-77cta. GODERICH Mti,RKET*. TO ADVERTISERS! Braises men tkroegboet the United Coun- ties of Huron and Brom, an. elsewhere, will go wee to lemersber that the HURON SIGNAL, B of 4rar.t.\ o t1 :4'w. pit e MORTGAGE - 11...4,./41111. d Tulle aby • ,hale d • row., of errrm err in a M.yseri mile by Joe* Beau of the Tones of Gadenoh. and Ley Aerie Inme Ina wde (6w the purrs of berries bet Drover) w Thorrlobrue of the Te.w.blp Orisstah. default levee haws made is dor pga.S4 Meese will be sold o �� Friday the SOto day o[ wmmwwe J ��rr , A.D. 1863, et If of the ,dook ..goo, at the Amin* Mart of Mev.. 8eaadl i r nawe3we, Ki.6rN Street, Goderch. The l4lowi.g property, vies Setae composed of the Ibrrias of ret lewd. 370 on the Hank wide of MOD 8ueet la the Tows of Godench Mese that Portion d.a.tkd is the Grad from t10 ear Mora Johemeo at W )oeepb Beer Maris( elle. the 116th deg or bee, A.D. Irma. Terme Cash. Deed under Power d Sob ss Morose: Mortgage gas la ale at the stir J the dolrtlun. CAMERON t ELwO0I Illi sew (loderich. 3011 Dee, Irl. HYADAI'OiiI I orderer. 'ac,ic= Cu uivgr 'W4Its! u• CHAIR EMPORIUM, HAMILTON BTREIYI' &e t .near le Wefla Sees. a• MI DVERTISING MEDIUM ! nailed is this section of the Province, having • Circulation of More than Disable 1101 ort any other journal ,o the Counties! MIacUANTS and others who desire to reach the greatest number of people with their Montan, mmy, at any time. examine ether our IW of Irma • id wtscnber.. or the p.k of wetted pa- per for each week's iser, when we have not the slighter doubt they will be .Nirm d with regard to what we ace. 1 -ince *1r. McQueen .rued the fret 40y) cipie• of the :(*G V A 1., (hlleew veers ago) it hes aero redly int:re..ng In circulation, and Ase rarer leen greaser .Ass ei site prree0r mo- Essar ( We do not make them remarks on account d aay fling din our Advertising Patronage; oe the coatnry, we bath hal an many from every quarter as we could awnve*.stilly and room bis, ltd we .,eke t • poet ,ever sec allow an silver- teeniest verleeriest w mesio .o the pater leyonal the bis. harrowed kw. Several columos of quack noaw hew bees turned sway during the par On• WonS., as We are Segel m,Red, .n accordance ww► die deuteron of the Prem Ave-,.ti.m, nut to arbor them 'pate •t 5 tens km *hen the pne-e re- solved from lot -al merchants. r otwdhMiding thin, however, donee the I into mentioned, we have avenged tam eel..., of new advertisements per wort. Th.a foal proem • v.perice einvlauon,N tel r well known by all dv.rtiwn than • paper that e10rem fall rate, mei s• Into palronnte 1, most be .he led buster. mnliu.n, which. of to.iree r elwaystbt luv.ny the greaten number of rendre,- Tem ( , 6w Leat Bice, has the lar- ger r,rcok*Ioa In the Proviae, ■d, ih.veforr, .Ms the larger shale of dvMwng, the Leerier fufuw5 sett, and roe. Ibeb our old blonds is the County n( Moron. who have emelt to regard the 3.005( ae • 1100se- ►atd bed. we have a urge *umber d tries,: 10br se ete. o. heedful -comae gong to each .r "orb areae township. an Brant, Carrick, Carom, Ie. If Ja., you 10.. lad. t0 "e6, homes to let. goods to mil ehwp, or soy psalm •Omni been/eat r mars Advertise im the Sto%AL I I I 6101.1. Orrice, Oodsti.h, Je.. 20, 1813- 1ral Iowa, 0.83 •0.H apriag de.. 0.73 a 0.77 ✓ pw, 1.36 • 0.37 Weer 0.40 • 0.46 .anise 0.10 0.45 a►.l a.r 1.371 , 0.00 delete, per NI ......... 4.00 • 4.6* ahmlli per b.0...... 14.00 • 01.0 Ism., do 12.00 a 10.0 les Ib. 0.08 • 0.0 'per D. 0.00 • 0.8 per n..... ...... .... 0.05 • 0.07 Iladtew1.11 a 0. 121 �5as, pr ba. 1.11 • 1.N U•tmen� p&r YL .. LH • 0.06 Oaammd, is ........ 4.00 a 0.00 ilrl/.,,,,,.... 16.00 a 18.00 /1 f, took 1 Se • 4.00 .lei teed( •.•,.v.•2.00 • 0.00 fie 1.75 • 1.60 per 100113.00 • 3.60 •..1SAS• 1.N . 4,00 . 4.01 . 0.30 a 1.40 IA- grttulRtlltlt. London News N EDITION ! Only, iser Annum, Alan Arta 001 OOD£RICH Wagon and Sleigh r1� Mdaau t sato r 7 MORTGAGE SAL! U.der gad by Virtu orae to • M od the Towvb.pp WHka MuS. to Jobe Bs max Aoheed •0 the Creme _ will 10 been male is the dos .." sold oe Friday the 30th day of January, A.D. 11163 ■t le o'r•t•ee w,s, at On A. Mart of Weave. *mall & 'I►osepoa, Lege.. !Street, Gotlrnch. The following prupany, vis: The North Wert Corner of Lot Number Pine= i. the Thirteenth Co.o.10oe (1V D) of the said Township of Arerid. Contaimmg Ten .a.5 rem or lees, which said Property is more rMy des- cribed to rd Mortgage. Terns Cash: Deed under Power at gale. Mortgage can be wen at the Mime of the 8ohee ton. CAMERON A ELWOOD. Solicitors fur Mortg.sse Guderich, 30.4. Dee.. ION. •w341.4( M g Or UPPER CANADA. Tsubscriber* r w HE sucriber* respectfully ■n.00ae. public let their New M•pp or the Promote of Upper Canada'r sow nearly ammo sled, asd will be mildi.had early .4ts enw.dg fall No reweave or Doubt': ham been slimed is the preparation of thin work, the malenmim fur wheels they have been engaged the Ise ,rest years .s coltecttng (while publish st{ their "erre u(,•,testy mop.), and they are 000lJ at that it wet seemed in •mount and accuracy of iaiwral...a, gad i. style of executors, the ,ithew peelation• d eir fermi r• and the sobribwe for the work. They would also p•rtner/a y estin three friends sd the public a(e.nnt utioakiet 6w this map • work lately gen up by • New Tort id.p Publisher, Mr. H P. WaBtng,aad bemoie rikr ted through the Province by Mo.... lsekabry Brus- Jdging from a copy or this work is 110.6.1',- bean pow.r.s.on, •d which can he .les at Thar okee, they have no he..tatra a premiere( diet their Map will he supero, wit in Moor, d sot every, respect. MESSES. TPEII.AINE, Map Publishers. 8t Lawman Beildimgs. Tomato, Jule 3rd. 1861. 51.1 THE..krwf.r would esalnleee to the ',abbe ((Home end S,.eethst he has ors hod • rap .urher and Skip he, Cutler, 8tr.w-('other, improved Twerp Cows, A 0. which will be sold chap bis cash to approved credit. Good eoedwoud ukee In exchange. JOHN PASS MORE. Victor. Stn's, Ooderick; Jan 1; 1863. .4. 6r illITIIIE TO 4 eadersigerika•bel to. ...memo of • rderategssn eo, ....i OadmM. Jemmy loth. SOL .bled PANNWEINITAZT EOTIQz. 444.44444.44. [I:.ro.Lmuaa IOW.] QUEBEC AGENCY, POR THE TRANMACTIO* OF R'111(5.1 WITH Tlfd twvLRNMENT DIPARTMENTI. INIZ 'S SALE OF LANDS. now; Cortaro of D T virtue of a Writ of Tr - Herr sad Bruce, } D daiomi Expire teed To Wit. )gal et Hee Mammy's County Cowl 01110 [reined Comities of Hare and Rama ted S me diredd a.eist the Lore and taw- soma rays ma ai Chemise Selmer. at the suit of William wwk loos Omni or sr Roet Horror tar ter will and teem ma ofttimes. Oadeer, dtnwrdy 1 Mee ere el sad take et Eret,.mioo, aR the night. thee .d Innen. of thee* D,e6wd1M, is or to Lot No. N Otis street hew tad Ivens N. 31 end 30 pas strew Wer, is the Pillage .4 Imnrdim oMd geuely of tease. Whirt loads .red Ter. mar 1 .tel der for Bre at my Ogre .n 110 Cert Iter Is er Torn of Ooderbth. ee Tom Amy the euvwsewlh day re February sem, .t the het of TwuNe of she meek. novo. 30HN MACiK)NAIA Mori or a, y n,e.ir. I 4711 J...ary, It163.1111 H. J. GIBBS, Parliamentary Agent, PLUM iingston kW, - (h,_. 0 LEAD P*Tr"'i aiaorroironolia rsomdrog Pane Leal . r• Copper Boners, Wake Baal" Birt, Wadi Tra Watt Chola, FORCE & CISTERN The enestsss of Paan.,., Brewer a -mrear rthe wittyH YDRAIILIC R By winch w.r eta he a'hrsW bar ,Priess or a..b le Prim Tori. tor the of do,k i to sneer,, or 4. ...... s.IfMMre racy.e learnra so meed 1st sad ate throw a reed7 strenm of water, awe awe.. hp the year nerd Orie pererly ateaid to aennvcas l AMTA5 W ATIDN. tie . JOHN N,OON M.D. MORACI Imtlos. sty. uedench. OaMib alta Non. [Ort. w4' -6m HAS OPENED AN OFFICE IN QUE- rac, 6w the tr.as.cora of beams. orf re- tie. rtie. residing id Upper Canada, orN"ewhere, welt soy Witte Guvernmeet Dep•rtmeata. All pre -paid communications rdre.rd r Bre 336, Post Game, Quebec, will re.Eive immediate 031 0t.oa. Perverts de,iroers of eseari.g P.tesu 6w Leis, or baying claim: of any led armee. the Govera- ment,.w requiring any information obtainsWs r theCrower lad., oe other °Moos may ham their business diligently atteedd to by s Reetea Agent, without the expense ad .aoosowr ace .f a peavey to Quebec. Patrols of I.voauon taken oat. Quebec, 5e.L 30. 1861 w116-1 vr SHRRIFF'S SLB OF LANDS. (Tweed Ow.aiw d) Melee vof twod Hama WM, Has soiln Aro,) Yeadt4N d Elmore . se wet ) Priori Prior i -•d em of Her Majesty.' Comity Coen of the wetly of Hanes aid .. sesdrodrod the lends and weeenes riey isse P .1 Dined Ha,*rlg, rho .d Reece of let all is •ii se let N.atim Na r M• Craw men ars Towwrblp a Weft and Ocsty ief Maw&, well * ng by .1..-ee-ee3 01ay.b.. Moo •f lied be the sew mem or Ir. - whish Leeds .td T..si...1 dee arse M sale se ter Plea eallm Orr Herr, m the Taosmeety-Inot d rollersh, am Mr*[ , d APeaTwelve 4 Twad. Jock~ erre .I*a MAODO111L1.D r11a g -6�:-' J•p••e1r GOAL l OOAL ! CO ;W. PRICE. DEALER 1N (:0A Of Menai vanetw, by time Card., C.J:.d 'Joel(.r Queerer dry. ler Foundry, Stare,Gratea Smithiagper 31 -Cee. 6w Stoves.. Gratd•Iwa,. 8craeanl. C.rl, bauw the W ereha.m ammo r be [eke, • aim an aahmey hurry* .apd by 31.•.ara.Ga 6t Co., Wares /4t, v , t4.d.rai, C. W •t 0 A8 C.rmwwa-etwrs trough the Poet ;el wm,...... tors.* Rn 0t.. 1\i (7T Trr HE Notre Semen lsoo• tce CornPT having entered into •rrsyemeetr with the Mereutile i.urumCompsry of Loudest, where- by the latter Company became irmorsi rated wt. the North British. Notice is hereby g . that the nailed Computes will in lucre nemeses 1.eai• owe .dor the WOO el the Neva Brits* rod M.rewile Iwarsrrs Corr'.my. NORTH BRITISH A MERCANTILE Fire and Life Insurance Company. INCORPORATED ly ROYAL CHAR TER. osTABLTSHED /BOW. CAPITAL £2,000,000 0 0 St'g. President: No Orme. Tams Dem w nommen, L T. % lospree6d.nta TIM Moet Sons nae Mnpet. of Assumes, L 0. Tu SWOT Rua. Tae Eni. or Siam 1st 1 *ow, t6 21 i ouo., I00 loth 20 in 46 eon., 100 North 21 in 4k* eon., 100 North 123 is 46 con., 100 TOWNSHIP OF HOWi 2, 3 .o0.4 in 16t% con., %lee TOWNSHIP OF GREY: Id 26 in 1st cos., 100 nem, ole 34 and 35 it a con., 100 acre" teak, la 31 and 32 in 6 eon., 100 ocmeack; It 26 in x con., 99 acres, le 32 in 8 con., 100 acres, 433 and 34 it 10 con., 100 acres each. TOWNSHIP OF TCRNBERRY N. E. 1 43 iu 1 con., 50 acres. J - .r JA For At, Mai *. • KIRK of OUNCE that he STOCK ! k IN ori ail at need Rates ! RUIT • Load Layer Raimo•, Patau •, Turkey sod other Figs; Prunes, in jars ; Or - Lemon and Citron std. ; 8.8. I lmood,, Filbert and Bra - Nuts; iply to COA•1.= W tDDaa, Esq., Goderieb, I J'ickles k Sauces, gear, L KIND.. THOMAS GALT, ESQ., ALL E re Toronto. T i7I .AL. RTGAGE SALE MUCH UCED: 014 I[1. W. Pingsoey, Mo3ase. Twembey, You§ Hywu, Conga!A J COURTS of HURON and BRUC FOIL INS. JAN UAR.Y . Saturday 3rd, Diwaio. ,were, Wroxeter. Monday 5: County Court Term. [DIVISION COI!Mf: Friday 23 ..............Goderieb. 8.mrd.7 34 .Bayfield. Muddy 26 .... _...-Horlurhey. Thurday 21 Exeter. Saturday 31 . ('dolor. IE�EI3RUA. 46Y184014 COURT: Moeday 2 Dat,;arteo.. Thursday 5 Kincardine. Saturday 7 Biveredale. Mosd.y 9 Walkerton. Wednesday 11 Southampton. 1L COOPED J., M. & B. Herd Olrloe : N PRISCEO 515RET IURM'ROR. MARAORa, . Davi. erne Fat Joel Uga*i, 6F Canada Gentral Branch: t at 6 M IR�CH�A�NN1'M �EXCHANGE, Mo.ra.A x Hansen Directory D. leas McDrw .. Nal. *ewes Damages, • es, r5 d 1.. Hes. I.... Co.UR, 4. L C. Tia Roc. Jots R... M. 7. Peens. Sven. Menhea 11e0. Law. Sas Mexhsa Demo Demme. Gemmel Ren Meana (donmrl Monte ler Massa /ALUM GALL All DATUMS. M., 1. Jga.•TMM; i.q w :.1 Dee 23rd, 1842. Certified. (3d.) Dos. Lti*.*, C. P. ft". Papers printing tits notion will, al the air tame, remove all other advertisemeuu of the sittings of the Coert. R C. wo32 Fire Department' INMUHANCI14.4'Aed et ter Lower, laves w Pea ass. e•"eswprdiag to da' rot. Loma by Pim oar Lights. add. The full power dPetra( all is roman the Mnalael Bard d INrewwr- -ad Clare are peyahi immeimd, a hehtg •dieeme.. ' Life De -pertinent.' Tom Compsy eemblws. the 07.15. A.m.r.w with Ike ..an of • A /*r 'ter Corsa, awl ire s� ell the .ad •devyarapos whieb lees tea ha Pte, * a F too441 . rd dhe Proles adni•ed rim burr riot Om pnritelpsiea d peas Tbs eslhoI,Nm lav to mars. to. re ase ed *occur he bee Wm -Famed Aimee dor the 17s,.0.s.,w eimierenh and vr1o.P •n6 erne wady ffaa amrdss maim rd =an= t m** r to rare, end way whet may 10 owire ol W. TNaM/a Awe& 101*6 M ALDAB, llw -Ara . (:5451403.1110.110 osl010 0miateree, Ida v mac ark, p , .we 6�mr a HEM wares, 401b Der., IOW DR. HULL' LIQUID Aromatic Physic AN !mportaat Family Nedioine. /(Ja the rem 0dreamm of the LIVER AND STOMACH, Ldgleet1.., a 410.. aakelios., Palpitation 01 the Henr4 Comivewem of the Bowels, Ski H.wieke, Pike, J•..46., sed .Il obit ma" where as .pedes Reed. pipdis is verimed. THIS )(EDDINS OONTMNB NO MERCURY, OR ANT OTHER DELETERIOUS DRUG. .. R .d env virtues( a Power of Sale (on- trd in • )f .ncngwpe,k I,y Philip l'nwby ,ager, Thererey (kc..* -y his war (for the barring het Dower) to Elsa 14. No. the Town of :i dencb, to the County Ill C4.15.4t 'tithing been made i. payural thereof) well ee.ld at the EALHERT a HOTEL, , the Ninth lay of Jaaaary, ID. 1867, .t 1 2 of for clock. 110011, Mowing property, 4 : Liter Forty-eight, h the second Range dna Durban. Hord in the Township of los County ret Bruqa, convening by ed- Fi,y Acres of load, more or km; .6mr.h Cash4balace .n 4 yeas, Leant. ' mkt Power of Sale. o• The Mortgage on . the oNo a of the Silleitorii, at Walker- Comity alkerComity of Bose. CAMERON FRASER, Lkd.citc r Mortgegw. 1st Oct.. Ilei!. w45 -4t BEING VERT PALATABLE. to N armor tow 4e w sealse w ebadma *1a ba sot • er.0.1 et►. Mmeslq uewq w N SbM•• ter lady drier i. anerw. This Mri•l.m Wag wiry y/ikbteta�nrrl r er ars. mon besswee h le .bi.dl.00 manors Cmato whoa a t'd less IMmiasd . 1. ea w le6 end Y r .peed. JI stir as a ped end at Phyma. A3RlTtl Coos a Cerra) F. J a, and 110 traio p essa►_ P17 awVRY4wNr� H FOR AT 711 ch Wool 'er, i• reiurnln Me 1oo liberal lake Wool Cwnliag, C buare e, would bee bora (tis.. (t in 6ww elms 0(07• - Otis OWN to of ahem:* es • MP" feel m as new so Mel* Brice well a• .. es Kagel, V. 160. W fi el 110 Wel ON T At twelve pr,lrrtJ 1 'Icon tTY oren of the il•rh&m I;end j Brant, in 1k* CAS* .f parcel of iii . i. o1 ▪ B..rP se sad irate ad Rett tM Tunas Dred .tltlitrPovyg eon 70• waw at Nei Walloon°. 1. nim Cie CAE 40 481 FILL_ 1 ,b OOL actory. ■nks to bis extended •g sd to woe that ts /11. *d having M SWIM r ries i• dem their wool web u rash .ol, f.e Mit the °fes Toasty La No. U Nat% T.webip of the nag Tee &hove vieisity [let its of the Cu. Werke i rtesttaef myrd lis res, ruble dee Ears wiN06 omit* Illeetis•d oser i,■ether•fs PP AMC% we'to:leAfigm, vsop Ins plass,geteernme 0UIGARe i ALL KIND,. TOBACCOS, IN L.U(GE VARIETY AND CHEAP. LIQ -ORS: Brandies, Renault's. Marlell'• bottle: Wines, Pecanin's No. 1 Booth's OId Toa. in Jamaica Bum. Duni Potreo, and other W plies Robin, Hennesy, ,a wood sad 's N.. 1 Port, Ik2,. per's Gin. ood and boo e, OId s Saatchi, Murphy'" eye. OROCIERI & EVERYTHING GLASSWARE 1 GROCEIES KEPT AND IR /ALR At the very lowest serum Godereb I0A Dee. 1 HOME SEWINGM R. M.WA'ZE . Melly MUUICTguu y SEWING IA James .e ALL rtlm efthe let. Wet ..MarIr Imeps 1e ism arra PSirL•he QUADRILLE BANG 11' tM lot day of February AS7ct, Tiffs a6.r. ave Woe sew .o 8.s r Pre• pger,sa�a se Omen mean for B LJ t AND PS /TI U PIS TWA i the Tows w e•otm• eve shoat ram and tm.8.avi vee.. Tr► p4o4004 .wy r T. G. MORGAN, Ye+rinh, Ora 011. LOO .47-71 If10TII LOST. it(W0 Sow lar; ane of $40 dee h. Jub- a amyl M• worm e4 {SS, die m P.hees.y, I•b1i6Psaf le beer enemas Mr, MI6.r�.....•► Anper6.8•re teen datd wires ,....Lotiog wig r . been a. �t 846. tabt7T wi791 otherwise Wier women wit tm b.rtd•d fuer for Free W WARM c.n. IM WEN of die 6aw.r.ra T. J. MOORHOUAE. J•sesry 41b; 4140, v.MwiO 1 -OR *ALL LOT No. W VA Coo., Gelded* Tone sI.mpP K wemprh'se t0 aware ,( cepa.tw tele 76 d.44 . er tdmadit le wet weMred,.5643 g Peer 4 a ass rt e 6.. MM, time H.+eemsDara, mei a welds see le Owier• ett Ties ober * effit urs w Cosy w Cr. oar pap W. MATHEW!G14 lent 0, led c°s.,(Nb..A Temp. mot H:SI te Oat, en y Alter,• J. m was 1.0 H E poultry. now eimnd'ad OWin the A's b ,T b, S. >Kttea!aa AWOL a� D LIFE ASSURAN siffaiOMPAN hicorpo=sy Speial Act of PiMJ:..ta.i CAPITAL -01,000,000. HEID OFFMOE: HILLT011, 0.W Ps eNhawr, s V.ca-P...m.nr: 10674 YOU NG, la.q., I JOHN YEIII E, Erre DIR76CTO11j(t Tristram Bickle, 6.q., Hamihe.; Hen W P. Howland. Toronto; E. C. Thornes, drq.' Hamilton; James Hamilton. req M.D.. Dundee: John Yount. Esq-, Humiir ; Arch. Ker., Edinburgh, Scotland; J. Osborne,., Hamilton; T. C. Karr. Esq., Hamilton; Jaron, Fist., flsmi!ton; Hoo. It Spero, Toronto ; F. W. Cauca. Hop Hamilton • Goo. H. Gillespie amilt Esq.. Hon; Dr.T. Mwli,StCalkenses; D. Mel...., Ham- ilton ; John Ferric, Esq.. Hamilton • Hoa. J. Hillyard Csomou r, Toronto ; W. P. McLaren, Eq., Hamilton; Jr. Melntyro, Fag., Hare - G. Morin. Esq., Hamilton; Rltdmrd Eetoe, Fog., Montreal. MaNAGte: German Arany: A. G. RAMSAY. I AMOS FAYRAM. F to VERT eerd v, advantage lied beady which ♦ pr mcr or lihersMy ran sorer ti sre Mier- * by the Company The rose, whirb are bea- ded ole the higher reterer obtainable is this eorm- try than M Orel Britain, me lower Shu absent o UMW,. Meow. Tablas of Rata, empire of Ice Pepor, and every ia6wmal,o5 may be obtained N the Heed , or at aim of Lha Actor.. Ansi. 111 dirt 44.:.r. rl.,/.rieh--Certs. hart.... D•. MrD..ra.u- semberie R.,.soros•, Da. rvalerrm-W.. P.A,., PaWy-4+sar Dere November lath. 1864 Da. Melees.. .71 Mee .*. Drs. Ameniatn ' rt VFW. TA/Miele Skirt I:aor term t� dismay* ell Ike way ..ui1d el key t . � ••1 Iia•" wsmei miltel. the demi b baronies my he let 4.wn Meitner. with ter greater ear, send ilea dsprta..g u of W sisal d ,$DEET LIFTER, 75 CENTS; Skating Lifter, 60 Cu.. The Toil Sepal se LIMnI Teras. Q'.Iwl.m atom ttleeek•aeespMlitlly slim ed. �� � I,� L. L TANNER. 1a.,-eneer, W tagN. Err. foss..,. mimeos -be Tie Peon of Yookassus. THE MAGIC TIME OBSERVER. BEING • Honors and Open Face or Lady's or Gentians.. s Watch Combined, rah pates* ..If winding improvement. The 'N. Y. Illesuseed News' the leading pictorial paper of the United Staten, is du a- eon es of Jan 10,113, rya: "We Mee bees shown. most pleasing •ovelty, def which the Hubbard Bros. of the city .re the tole 1.- porteris call1.- porters. h Aoto Ties Ogees - vac and is a hunting and open face watek combined. This is one of the pretties, most convenient and decidedly the best and cheap. est timepiece fur general and *Wbls er ev- eroeared. It bas within it and coe.mYd with its machinery, its owl eluding Mash. meat, rendering a bey entirely tnneemeney. rib/lessee of this watch .re composed awe; metals, the outer one being fine 16 oast geld. h has the improved ruby action Inver m.5. meet, and is warranted an megrim *im•pi•.e. Price superbly engraved, oar eems of • hell dosett, 8204.00. Srtple Watithi ,be morocco boxes, for those proposing heM wholesale, $35, sent by express, with VA able on delivery. f 6ldiett moot timet mixt in &dream, es we ...A 18 these m the Army. Address.ti HUBBARD BROS. t Co.. Sols i Bomb Cor.Nesssu t John Sett., New Y $1 s.39-.611 ATTENTION ! The Cheapest Jewelry Hossein theWerliL 4,311 Pones or A.w.roo I muse roe aff..414"` A COMPLETE List of Fiore Gold, Plano and Ovoid* Je,sinen , sent free. A J. A. SALISBURY, Agent. 4t sw39-w61 J Pr9v1d966% E -J. EzcsANGE OFFICE. VALUABLE & WELL-STUAT PEOPI1 TY American Paper Money Bought, at the oirreal reu W mileage, BY J. SAVAGE; FOS LAMwket Square, Goderrb.RA :x Dee. 16, 18p, a70w4O-.1[p n THIc TOWN OF OOOERIOH.- FOLLOWIIIGPROPERTIES T li`UR A_ t..L E A igAUT1FUl.Y SITUATED M 11,111f•A1m1 noel. The Bret ,semi.e eev�a r .eller, be. Thea. pe I4.b (Esse lord ora arurta.r Free Two., to seer. 2M Ba mhwwiler is ineoweid to offer 110 follower vae$bi property, via ON Very Reasonable Terms ! LOTS N*. 117, nb, 1111, 110, 136, 148,M the rite( Village of Wver.lale, is the 11(%o•my Brum. u. Ilia Village 4.im swtrri M 11. nem rued brumes Kincardine and W.IkMee, the Coast, Teves of Bruce. Lot Nearer M, Seth dds of Worlori.P knee., m tae Tows of Cisosmiiet ,••d Won, 41, q, 60, 6i ,a2 ad ed. ie tbe 6lep el' Mk, th Tweeee& Kj ' War Wit etc ecaw(ra, Clomp Asmbae3,4,6,rethe lyre, to de d of w 'Mat M Pose sol dM saner aero