HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-03-11, Page 7REAL ESTATE EXETER — Modern 2 bedroom home in new subdivision with ample kitchen and dining-room area, partly finished recreation room. Terms. EXETER — Remodelled red brick three bedroom home. This house is located 1 block off Main Street in the heart of town and features a separate dining-room, front hall entrance, finished recreation room, garage. $12,500 with terms. EXETER — four year old home on Main St., three bedrooms, modern throughout, oil heat and full basement, $2500 down, reasonable payment. EXETER—well located 3 bedroom residence with new aluminum siding and oil furnace. $9000 with terms. COMMERCIAL — we have been fortunate in obtaining this cash and carry business that offers $100.00 per week in- come. This property includes a modern three bedroom home plus several acres of land. $21,500 with $7000 down. BAYFIELD — Lake front this three bedroom cottage with large living room and brick fireplace, needs some repair, the lot is exceptional with a large private sandy beach $4000.00. FARMS — Six farms in 100-150 acre range. WH HODGSOP4 LIMITED M. J. Geiser W. H. Hodgson J. A. Kneels IT ALL IN THE WANT ADS eeiieMgelt.1e.ekeleeeeleeneepeesegaiweenummeoaoleit4444,44‘1,400 1 Lost, Strayed 9 Services 4 Female Help Wanted REGISTERED nurse for part or full time. Queensway Nurs- ing Home, Hensall. Phone 262- 2830. lie March 11, 1965 Page 7 24 Tenders Wanted 16 Properly for Sale 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 20 Wanted To Rent 2.3 BEDROOM brick house in Exeter. Must be in good con- dition, modern kitchen and bathroom, dining room, oil heat, Required by professional engineer from May 1 for one to two years. Please reply giving complete description and price, Trevor Wilson, Apt. 24, 12 Castlegrove Blvd., Don Mills, Ontario. 25:4:11c LOST — Snowplow blade. Ap- proximately south of Sanders on William, Andrew or Albert St. Phone 235-2244 or leave at town hall. 4:11* VACUUM CLEANER sales and service for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich. Dial 262- 5350. 26tIne ROTARY WELL DRILLING— W. D. Hopper & Sons. Forty- five years' experience, water guaranteed. Phone 527-1737, 527-0775, 527-0257, 527-0828 Sea- forth, Ont. 11:19.5:13* GUITAR LESSONS—To arrange for a free talent test phone 235.2120 or see Mr. Pulsifer at 92 Main St, South. 15tfric 5 Help Wanted ing Officer, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia, Ontario and are to be received on or before 19 March, 1965, 11:18c 25 Auction Sales SMALL HOME on Waterloo St., suitable for couple, complete- ly renovated, priced very low with easy terms, Phone Ver- non Postill 235-1483, 3:114:15* 91 ACRES farm land at Wood- ham, never failing water sup- ply, no buildings. Norris Webb, RR 6 St. Marys. Phone 229- 8960 Kirkton. lie GOOD CLEAN straw, square bales. Phone 235-2796. 11c 2 FRONT quarters of beef. Phone 229-6184 Kirkton, Phil Johns. 11* POTATOES—No. 2-75 lb. bag $1.85. Greenway General Store. Phone Parkhill 294-6971. lle GOOD QUALITY mixed hay, 1,000 bales. Apply John Rutten, Mt. Carmel. Phone Dashwood 163R22. 25:4:11c OUR SHIP came in loaded with new materials for Home Sweet Rugs. Just the colours you asked for, Place your or- der now while the selection is good, Stanley Sauder, North End Exeter 235-2877. lltfnc McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS 22 Notices 17 Property For Rent 25 Auction Sales calved by sale time; 8 pas- ture bred Hereford heifers and 24 yearlings; 3 bulls 2 years old. Most cows have papers but have not been kept up to date, Mrs. Wm. Eagleson's cattle consist of: 12 Hereford cows; 3 yearlings and 1 calf. An op- portunity to improve your Hereford cattle at this sale. Jack McLinchey's cattle con- sist of 10 springing Holsteins. Auctioneers HUGH FILSON, TOM ROBSON 11:18c 3 Male Help Wanted 2 STEEL self feeders for pigs. Jack Taylor, 229-6472. 4:11c FEMALE HELP for Hardware, Giftware store. Please reply letter only to Box L 45 Exeter Times-Advocate. 4:11c EXPERIENCED typist, short- hand preferred for general office work. Kongskilde Ltd. 235-0840, 41in c 2 Found LADY'S sweater, on Main St, Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Phone 235- 2230. Ile COMPLETE DISPERSAL of Three Herds of Cattle for Mrs. Bruce Eagleson, Mrs. Wm. Eagleson and Jack McLinchey FRIDAY, MARCH 26 at•1:30 p.m. at the CORBETT SALES ARENA on Hwy 81 5 miles north of Parkhill Mrs. Bruce Eagleson's cat- tle consist of: 27 Hereford cows in calf, some will have STAPLERS $90.00 WEEKLY in exchange for 40 hours. Apply P.O. Box 863 or phone 235-2105 Exeter. 11:18* 8 Situations Wanted RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed PHONE 228-6214 Several models from which to choose. 690 up. Staples, too! 1 • BEDROOM apartment on ground floor, Huron St. W., $35.00. Phone 235-0614. 4:11e 2-BEDROOM storey and a half house. Phone 235-1377. 24tfne 2-BEDROOM apartment in Ex- eter, unfurnished, in new build- ing, available now, Phone 235- 1303 after 5 p.m. 4tfnc 2 LARGE bedroom apartment, new bath, living room, kitchen and dining area, frig and stove supplied, utility room, Harold Taylor, 65 Victoria St. Phone 235-0674. 24tfne MODERN DUPLEX, 120 Sand- ers St., Exeter. Apply to Mrs. Lloyd Jones, RR 1 Centralia or phone 235-1066 Exeter. 28tfnc THE TIMES-ADVOCATE MORE AUCTION SALES ON PAGE TEN LEARN MEAT CUTTING — Be a certified butcher for jobs now. Men needed for day or evening, and home study courses now being formed of- fering practical training in meat cutting, merchandising and self service. For further information write or call Prac- tical Meat Cutting & Retail Training Institute, 1425 Dan- forth Ave., Toronto, Phone HO 17545. 12: 17tfne 13a Personal HOUSEKEEPING POSITION — A very refined widow lady, middle 40's, good cook and housekeeper. Can supply ref- erences if desired. Apply Box A 0 Exeter Times-Advocate. 4:11c SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7.4312 collect. 10:4tfnc SNOW PLOWING, SNOW BLOWING and REMOVAL — Sam Sweitzer, phone 235-0181. 2:4:tine NOTICE—I, Mr. Paul Bonneau, R. R. # 3 Peterborough, for- merly of Crediton, will not be responsible for any, debts con- tracted in my name after this date without my written signature. — Signed Paul Bon- neau, Feb, 23, 1965. 25:4:11* PULSATOR CLINIC Bring your Universal Pulsa- tors to the Co - Op for free cleaning and adjusting today, Thursday, March 11. Exeter District Co-operative, lie 1 SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed. No mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238-2031 or 238-2166. 8:8tfnc BOY'S SPORT jacket, olive and black, size 14, $12.00; olive trousers, size 14, $4.00; charcoal trousers, size 14, $4.00. Phone 262-2003. 11* ADULT swimming instructor with top references and qual- ifications in Red Cross or Royal Life, private instruc- tions considered. Apply Box C Exeter Times-Advocate. 11 : 18c 23 Legal Notices UNWANTED HAIR vanished away with Saca-Pelo. Saca-Pelo is different. It does not dis- solve or remove hair from the surface, but penetrates and retards growth of unwanted hair. Lor-Beer Lab. Ltd., Ste. 5, 679 Granville St., Vancouver 2, B,C. 11:18* VIKING WB 76 cream separa- tor; Universal milking ma- chine with one unit. Jim Mc- Carter 235-0547. lie 150 SAP buckets Phone 235- 2254. 11* 21" TV, console model, ma- hogany, good condition, $75.00. Phone 235-2966. 11e SPECIAL PRICES now on bed- room suites, mattresses, ches- terfields and recliner chairs. A good selection in stock or we will take you to the fac- tory showroom to choose your own. Sandy Elliot, 442 Main St. Phone 235-0585. lltfnc 3 H.P. MOTOR end oat roller with 14 in. rollers; also 80Z Letz grinder. Phone 229-8252. Sam Skinner, Centralia. 11* 20% DISCOUNT SALE on all Bibles, mottoes, books. Come and see our selection at Home Sweet Centre, Stanley Sauder, North End Exeter 235-2877. 11:18:25c 9 Services OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL 14 Wanted To Buy ANTIQUE CARS, furniture, china, toilet sets, buggies, clocks, spinning wheels. Write condition and price for re- sale to Box I S M The Exeter Times-Advocate. 4:11:18:25* MELODEON, harmonium, reed organ, player piano, make or condition unimportant. Bob Cameron, phone 262.2332 Hen- sel 11:18:25* STORE presently occupied by British Mortgage available for rent May 1. Apply Bill's Bar- ber Shop. Phone 235-0915. 4tfnc FURNISHED apartment, heat- ed, centrally located, washer and dryer supplied. Apply Beavers Hdwe. Phone 235-1033. 25tfnc Up to $5.00 for dead or disabled cows and horses. Call JIM MURRAY & SON Hickson 462-2614 24-hour service, 7-day week. License Number 368C65 10tfne TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN invites applications for WARBLE FLY INSPECTORS for the year 1965, One inspector to supervise the spraying operations in the east section and another in- spector for the west section. Applications to be in the hands of the clerk by 6 p.m., Mon- day, March 15, 1965. Further particulars may be obtained from the clerk's office. ROSS HAUGH, Clerk Stephen Township Crediton, Ontario. 4:11c 16 Properly For Sale NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Frederick Rader, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Frederick Rader, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 23rd day of October 1964, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 20th day of March 1965 after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors Exeter, Ontario 4:11:18e SIMON BRAND 3 - ROOM lower apartment, modern, furnished, heated, self contained, private entrance. Apply 145 Victoria St. W., Ex- eter. 11* DRESSMAKING, alterations & hand knitting. Mrs. Bob Lux- ton, 349 Marlborough St., 235- 0776. 11:18c ANYONE wishing quilts made or quilted contact St. Patrick's Anglican Church Saintsbury. Phone 228-6206 or 227-4532. 11c WILL ROOM and board two elderly people on ground floor. For further information phone 235-0720. 18tfne DRESSMAKING, alterations, wedding gowns, fur coats, etc. Mrs. C. Aquiline, 357 Andrew St., Exeter. Phone 235-1965. 25: 4: 11* MEN TO BUILD SILOS, exper- ience preferred but not essen- tial, good wages. Call Solid Silos Ltd., London 432-7106. 4: lle ACCORDION LESSONS — For registration phone 235-1965. Alfred Aquiline, Exeter. 25:4:11c CLASS "A" mechanic for G M dealership, Apply E. J. Mac- Laren, Service Manager, Lorne Brown Motors Ltd., Clinton. lie DUPLEX — Newly decorated, hot water heated; roomy liv- ing room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, lots of closet and cupboard space, 3 pee. upstairs, 2 pee. downstairs bathroom, garage, rental reasonable, immediate possession. Wm. Oestricher, tel. 234-6455 Crediton. lltfnc 40 ACRES of muck-land and house and barn. Garfield Hill, Crediton. lie TWO-BEDROOM self contained apartment, reasonable. Fur- nished or unfurnished. Avail- able immediately. Apply Fink Plumbing, Hensall. 4:11c 1958 PLYMOUTH, reasonable; John Deere B tractor; sap pan and pails; rubber tired wagon; disc; all in good condition. Phone 238-2767. 11* WRECKING 1946 Ford pick-up, lots of good parts. 71 Main St. North, 235-2225. 11c 10 Livestock For Sale SINGLE MAN for large beef and hog farm, good with ma- chinery, good hours & wages, start April 1. Apply Robert McGregor, RR 2 Kippen. Phone 262-5176 Hensall. 11:18c THREE MEN — Experienced semi trailer driver; elevator helper; beef feeding and gen- eral farm helper. Apply Scott Elevator Ltd., Lucan 227-4479. lie CALL JB AT 1863 BULLS-8 registered Aberdeen- Angus 12 months old, top qual- ity, halter broken, priced rea- sonable. Get your pick now. The right bull for crossing. Stewart Middleton, phone 482- 7525 Clinton. 25:4:11* SINGLE MAN for farm work. Start April 1. Must be able to drive tractor and do some chores. Phone 63 Dashwood. 11* LOTS FOR SALE — High and dry, no water problems, In a quiet place, north of river on Andrew St., 70'x150', Apply to Stanley Sauder, Exeter 235- 2877. 11:18:25e 2-BEDROOM house, well lo- cated on corner lot, living room, kitchen, 3-piece bath- room, utility room. Phone 235- 0646. 2:18-3:25* FOR SALE by owner—Colo- nial style 3-bedroom house with attached garage, corner William and Thomas, Exeter. Phone 235-1293 'after 5 p.m. and weekend's. 25tfnc MODERN 3 - bedroom house with hot water heating sys- tem, located in the, village of Centralia. Spacious lawn, gar- den and fruit trees, Reason- ably priced. Phone 228-6818 (T. A. Rokosh) 4:11:18* 50 ACRES, outskirts of Exeter along Hwy 83 east, could be used for industrial purposes. Phone 235-2417. 4:11* BRICK HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, large living room, garden, nicely located in village of Zurich. Apply to either Harold Reichert, Mrs. Ernie Laidlaw or Mrs. Earl Love, Zurich, 3: 4-4 : 8c FARMERS wanting their cat- tle sprayed for lice contact Bill Watson, phone 37R19 Dash- wood. 3tinc ATTENTION FARMERS — Con- crete silos—Farmers interest- ed in building a silo should contact us now. The average farm has one to three silos. Do you need an extra one? Contact Wes Hugill, Zurich, phone 236-4928. 4:11c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Percy Howard Browning, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Percy Howard Browning, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Merchant, who died on or about the 1st day of February 1965, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 27th day of March 1965, after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix, Exeter, Ontario 11:18:25c Your area dealer for BEATTY BARN EQUIPMENT & PUMPS for all your requirements of: — SANITARY STEEL STALLS AND PENS - GUTTER CLEANERS — SILO UNLOADERS • — LIMITED HOG FEEDING & BUNK FEEDING EQUIPMENT — WATER SYSTEMS — PUMPS — SOFTENERS Contact SIMON BRAND Beatty Sales & Service RR 1 Exeter 234-6473 Crediton We do concrete work and installations. 18tfne STEAM HEATED apartment, a nice one, with new furni- ture and appliances, wall-to- wall carpet. Elliot Apts, 442 Main St. Phone 235-0585; eve- nings 235-2912, 28tfnc MODERN unfurnished apart- ment, 1 bedroom, living room, dining room and kitchen, 4-pc. bath, steam heat, hot water supplied, Apply Art Geiser, Elmart Apts. Phone 235-1505 days, 235.2754 after 6 p.m. itfnc 24 Tenders Wanted 5 COWS, due to freshen this month. Jim McCarter 235-0547. lie EXETER NURSING HOME — 24-hour nursing care, moderate rates. Mrs. R. Iles, 30 Sanders St. Phone 235-0810. 17tfne WATER WELL DRILLING — All materials and workman- ship guaranteed. Phone Credi- ton 234.6310 or Inwood 25R11 collect day or night or write Ross R. Munro, Box 186 Both- well, Ont. 1:7-3:25c ONE NEW Calsa sprayer pick up with high pressure 2 cylin- der pump and mechanical agi- tator; used Meyer pick up with 2 cylinder piston pump and 30 foot boom with agita- tor. Bring your pump in for inspection before the rush to your Calsa and Meyers dealer, L. V. Hogarth. 11:18c 4 LADY'S white cotton uni- forms, size 14-16; lady's yel- low taffeta lace trimmed for- mal dress, size 16, worn twice. May be seen at Brady Clean- ers. 11* EARN UP to $50 a week or more full or part time selling Rawleigh Products. Good op- portunity for retired men. Write Rawleigh, Dept. C-202-6, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. lie EXETER -- Lovely new 4 bedroom with fireplace in recreation room and living room. Sliding glass doors between family & kitchen area and large balcony. We can arrange an 80% mortgage. Full asking price only $14,500.00. EXETER — Brand new 3 unit triplex. Income from two apart- ments will look after the mortgage and expenses and provide a lovely two bedroom apartment for the owner. DRAIN TENDER for the TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY Steeper Extension Drainage Works 1965 Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned un- til 2 noon Monday, April 5, 1965 for the construction of closed portion: install approx- imately 5,000 lineal ft. of field tile; open work: excavating and level approximately 3,500 cubic yards. Separate tenders for open and closed portion, Tile sup- plied by the township, Plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office, Parkhill. A bid deposit of 10 i to accompany tender, Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. W. J. AMOS, Clerk, Township of McGillivray ilc 2-BEDROOM heated apartment at 53 James St., completely private, close to down town. Call Ralph Sweitzer 235-2800. 19tfric 2 REGISTERED Polled Here- ford bulls, serviceable age, clean pedigrees. Harvey Ross, RR 3 Ailsa Craig. 11 : 18c 11 WEANER pigs, Apply Peter Visscher, phone Dashwood 37R11. 11* 4 GRADE Holstein heifers, freshening March and April. Orville Langford, RR 1 Lucan. Phone 227-4314. 11:18c EXETER Older brick home located two blocks from Main Street. Brand new kitchen recently installed. Owner lives out of town and is anxious to sell at $6,500.00. We can arrange an 110% mortgage. NEED $50 TILL PAYDAY ? 3-BEDROOM nicely decorated house with garage. Owner will carry mortgage if necessary. Phone 235-2196. 21tfne le STOREY, 3-bedroom home, William St., Parkhill, 1 block east of Main St., bathroom, oil furnace. For inspection call Wesley Watson 293.3124 or Al- onzo Hodgins, RR 3 Ailsa Craig. lltfnc 100 ACRES, 90 tillable, large barn, silo, driveshed, brick house, furnace, bath; 150 acres dairy farm, 135 tillable, barn ties 20 cows, milker, bulk cooler, house modernized, low price; 167 acres dairy farm, all tillable, remodeled barn ties 28 cows, several box stalls al- so, milker, bulk cooler, drive- shed, city-like house has every convenience, Can be bought equipped; Highway 200 acres, 190 tillable, large barn, loose stabling for over 100 beef cat- tle, silo, brick house has 3 bathrooms; stores and dwell- ings. W. C. Pearce, Realtor 235-1402; Bill Armstrong, Sales man 235-1376. 29tfnc MECHANIC ELECTRICALLY heated apart- ment in new building, 1050 square feet, living room with broadloom, 2 large bedrooms, large kitchen, ceramic tile bathroom, utility room, water softener, private entrance. Harold Taylor, 235-0674. 4tfnc 3-BEDROOM apartment, living room, dining room, hot water heated, 359 Main St. Apply to Middleton's Drug Store 235- 1570, nights 262-2046, 26tfnc ATTRACTIVE heated and fur- nished apartment, hot water supplied, private entrance, suitable for two, Phone 235- 2456 or call at 170 Carling St. 26tfric EXETER Three bedroom home on Thomas Street. $2,000.00 down payment and balance on NHA mortgage payable $88.00 P.LT. per month. HALF OF BEEF Phone 262- 5162, Frank Parsons, RR 1 Hensall. 11* It costs only 230 to rent $50 for one week from Crescent. RENT money? Sure it's the modern way. Just phone, write or walk into any Crescent of- fice and tell the Manager you want to rent some money. We respect our customers and their reasons for wanting mon- ey, so there's no red tape, just a simple credit require- ment. EXAMPLE AMOUNTS Monthly Amount Term Payment (months) $ 105.75 12 $10.00 395.42 20 24.00 710.65 24 36.00 1,014,07 30 42,00 2,016.00 36 77.00 Larger amounts up to $3,000 (or more) also available, Canada's Most Considerate Finance Company LICENSED MAN PREFERRED Watch Repair Service EXETER — Three bedroom brick located on Carling Street, just two blocks from post office. Log burning fire place, recreation room and garage with paved driveway. Priced at $14,000.00 with an easy mortgage. EXETER — Two bedroom home with American style kitchen and dining area. Owner has built a new larger home and is anxious to sell this nice property for $10,000. EXETER —Large three bedroom home with attached garage and paved driveway. Extra lot included. Expensive broadloom covers the living room and dining room floors and there is a log burn- ing fireplace. Beautifully decorated throughout. EXETER Large stately home which has been completely renovated including new oil hot water system. In addition to the four bedroom owner's home, there is attached a lovely 2 bedroom apartment which rents for $65.00 per month. An ideal family home plus an income. SNELL BROS. LTD. 15 YORK chunks, well started. Phone 234-6475. Ile 50 WEANER pigs. Apply Hans Jongeneel, RR 1 Crediton. Dial 228-6242. 11* G M Dealers Exeter Phone 235-0660 11:18c 11 Poultry For Sale MAN required for mill, Apply Centralia Farmers' Supply Ltd. lie SINGLE MAN, mixed farming, 15 years and older, prefer one with milking experience, good wages. Phone 234-6253 Harry Van Osch. lie 2-BEDROOM apartment, heat and hot water supplied. No pets, Apply 70 John St. East, 31tfnc DE KALB ready-to-lay pullets. Call McKinley Farm & Hatch- ery Ltd., Zurich. Phone Hen- sel). 262-2837. 29tfnc 5500 HY-LINE pullets, vacci- nated, de-beaked, 20 weeks old on April 9, Bruce Roy, Londesboro. Phone Blyth 523- 4237, Heine 4 Female Help Wanted EXETER — a nice 2 bedroom wartime house priced at $6,000.00. Ideal for the small family or retired couple. CREDITON— Two bedroom house with new aluminum siding. Nice size lot and on paved road. Priced to sell at $5,000.00. CENTRALIA area —4 bedroom brick house with small barn on 1 acre of land. Owner has bought a farm and will let this pro- perty go at $13,000.00. CREDITON — 3 unit apartment house on Main Street. Oil heat and large barn at rear. CENTRALIA — Completely remodelled three bedroom home with new hot water oil heat. Located on acre of land with chain link fence all around. C. V. PICKARD Crescent 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale HEY PARDNER, A Western Volks, 1962 Ruby Red, radio, windshield washer s, wheel discs, seat belts, no rust on this one, $1075 or $1200 with trailer and hitch. Call 228-6264. 2:11.3:18* 1958 FORD Fairlane 500 2 door hardtop, V8, automatic, A-1 condition throughout, Can be seen at Howard Allan's, Bruce- field, Phone 527-1325. 4:11* 1949 INTERNATIONAL se ton truck, good condition, Apply Prune Parsons, phone 235- 2637. 11* CARETAKER One year guarantee on work performed on your watch by Certified Master Watchmaker. Jewellery Repairs Restringing Beads at WILSON'S JEWELLERY & GIFTS Pleasing you pleases us. lie SALES & SERVICE — Viking cream separators. Viking milk- ers, pump & 2 units installed for $498.00. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefleld. Phone Clinton 482- 9131, 2:44:29* ALUMINUM DOORS, windows, awnings, siding, Porch and step railings. Top quality prod ucts at reasonable prices. Ex- pert installation, Call us for free estimates, Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St., Exeter, Phone 235-0722 (col- lect), 7tfnc PUPS, good selection—Stand- ard Dachshunds; Smooth and Toy Fox Terriers; Toy Man- chester terriers, $5.00 and up. Macintosh, Clandeboye, 227- 4598, after 1 p.m. Closed Sun- days. 7tfnc KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, bath- room vanities. Custom made. Customer choice of styles and materials, Formed arborite tops. Free estimates and kitch- en planning service. Thos. H. Walker, 17 Nelson St., Exeter. Phone 235-0722, Rine UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt, Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m, 12tfne STOREY and a half 3-bedroom house in Exeter, available Jan, 1, Phone 235-1377. 3tfnc TENDERS Are called for the purchase of swill and for the purchase of Kitchen By-products from RCAF Station Clinton for the period April 1st, 1965 to March 31st, 1966, Closing date for tenders is March 23rd, 1965, Tenderers for the removal of swill are to quote a price per 100 pounds, The successful tenderer will be required to remove all twill daily and to provide all containers and Maintain them in a sanitary condition. Tenderer must hold a license from the Depart- ment of Agriculture to feed kitchen by-products to ani- mals. Tenderers for the purchase of Kitchen By-Products are to quote a price per 100 pounds for each of trimmed bones, cooked bones, rough fat, suet and grease. The successful tenderer will be required to remove by-products at least once a week and to provide all , containers and maintain them in a sanitary condition, Any questions regarding ten- ders are to be referred to the Senior Supply Officer, RCAF Station Clinton, lle FOR NEW OFFICE OF FINANCE P. G. Flannigan, Manager 463 Main St. South Phone 235-0633 11:25c 18 For Rent REALTOR We are offering the following properties for sale, WARTIME HOUSE — 2 bed- rooms. This house has been improved, It has basement and oil burning floor furnace. Reasonable price, Possession at purchaser's convenience. FOUR BEDROOM solid brick home, Large living rooms, modernized kitchen, two-piece bathroom first floor, four- piece second floor. High ceil- ing basement with oil burning furnace. A family home, LOW PRICED three bedroom brick, This home has three- piece bath up and down. Could be used for two apart- ments, In good condition. Par- ticularly nice lot, FOR RENT-3 or 4 bedroom wartime house. Floor oil fur- nace. This home is comfort- able and in good condition. Reasonable rent. Available March 1, We will be pleased to quote on your insurance needs, BRITISH MORTGAGE AND TRUST FLOOR SANDERS, electric, Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc TYPEWRITERS available, The Exeter Times-Advocate, tfnx Main Street, Exeter DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL The ideal applicant would be an industrious woman whose husband could help on occasion with windows and snout. FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect — DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Dead Animal Licence No. 350C-65 12:12tfnc INQUIRIES PHONE 235.0530 1950 DODGE 1 ton truck, heavy springs and tires, equip- ped with hydraulic hoist. Dial 229.8774, lie 1956 FORD V8 with radio. Phone 235-2436. lie 13 For Sale lie 19 For Sale or Rent 2-BEDROOM Wartime house, avaliable April L Phone 235- 2827. 4;11* BRICK HOUSE, 7-room, at 64 Wellington St., tiled bath and glassed - in porch, hardwood floors and oil furnace, Phone 235-1177 Exeter. 7; 16tfnc TRAILER 40'x8' plus utility room, furnished, lot 50'x180' in residential area of Hensall. Phone 262-2027, lie FARM — 200 acres in McGillivray. Three bedroom house and two barns equipped for dairy herd. Two silos. Well tiled. $40,000.00. HENSALL AREA—Good house and barn on five acres of land. Full price $7,500.00 with mortgage terms. FARM — 129 acres of good land in Tuckersinith. L-shape steel barn and 4 bedroom frame house. Priced to sell at $22,000.00. We can arrange a mortgage. DATE PADS Handy, efficient time scheduler and reminder for your desk, $1.69 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE 11:18;25 ADMIRAL APPLIANCES, new and used, We carry a full line--check our prices. Laye'e Appliances, West 10 miles south-West of Exeter. Sales end Service, phone Ailsa Craig 293%3134. 17tinc FARM — 150 acres of good tillable land in Usborne within a stone's throw of pavement. Owner retiring and wishes to sell at price of $32,000.00. Modern L-shape steel barnwith abundant water supply and very good 4 bedroom brick house with con- veniences. RELIABLE GIRL or woman to do light housework and look after three children, one school age, live in. Apply by letter to Mrs. Elmer Wells, RR 1 Forest, Ont. 11:18* WOMAN for restaurant, ex- perience preferred. Apply in Person to Rether's Restaurant, Exeter, a te JOHN BURKE LIMITED Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. C. V. PICKARD Insurance Real Estate 394 Main St, Phone 23s-0310 NEED A WATER WELL? Drilled 4" diameter to 10" di- ameter to 1500'; bored 30" di- ameter to 200', A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Cost of drilling with new machine is reasonable. Men are experienced in all phases of setting screens etc, Phone Elmira 66e-3761 Day or Night 7:16tfnc YEAR OLD HENS, 750 each, will deliver, Phone 116 Dash- wood, or apply Andrew Diep- straten, first farm south of Deehwood, 2:254:1* MAPLE SYRUP—We will take orders again . this year for maple syrup, Please telephone your orders as soon as posy Bible, W. Morley, 235.1853, 4:11* TENDERS are called for the removal of swill, bones un- cooked, bones cooked, rough fat and greases from RCAF Station Centralia, Ontario, for REAL ESTATE — MORTGAGES —INSURANCE period 1 April, 1965 to 31 Devon Building, Exeter, Phone 235-1863 March, 1966. All tenders to be addressed to The Command - RELIABLE woman to care for home, at Brinsley, while moth- er in hospital, Live in or out, Needed by April 7, Phone 293- 3210, 11 elfIc