HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-03-11, Page 4VANITY-SINKS
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1963 COMET 4 door sedan. Economy transportation.
1962 SARATOGA 4 door sedan, power brakes, power
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1962 STUDEBAKER LARK, 6 cyl., automatic, 4 door,
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1962 GALAXIE 500 4 door, V8, automatic, power brakes,
power steering, power transmission, low mileage,
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1961 FALCON, black, 4 door, 6 cyl., automatic.
1962 CHEVROLET V8 automatic, power steering, power
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1961 VALIANT four door, 6 cyl., stick, a beauty.
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We also have many cars from 1959 down in stock —
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.Page 4 March 11, 1965
Sunday with the latter's father,
Mr. Robert Thompon.Thursday
afterpoon, Mrs. W. Good of
Blyth called on her uncle.
Mr. 8/ Mrs. Edgar McBride
visited Monday with Mr. & Mrs.
IVison Torrance and family of
Kippen holds
Prayer Day
Cottage destroyed
by fire at resort
and district news
the time which helped to prevent
the fire from spreading to other
Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 262.2002
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025
An early morning fire des-
troyed a two storey cottage on
Oak St. in Grand Bend Friday,
March 5. The cottage was owned
by Mr. George Noseworthy of
The fire alarm was turned
in by Mr. Graham Truemner
about 4:00 am who was onpatrol
on Highway 81.
A heavy rain was falling at
The World Day of Prayer was
held Friday afternoon in the
United Church with ladies from
Brucefield and Kippen attend-
ing. Mrs. Howard Plant was the
guest speaker.
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Omey
returned home last week after
spending two months with rela-
tives in Belgium,
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Pries-
top of near Mitchell visited
Thirty dead
from crash
The CGIT met Monday eve-
ning, Joanne Hamilton and Diane
Manion conducted the worship
period followed by the study
A report was given on their
50th anniversary tea and bake
sale. The proceeds were $84.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Allister,
Janet and Kathy of Hamilton
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Willis
Gill and family.
Sunday, March 14, at 8 pm
a service will be held in Grand
Bend United Church with Green-
way and Grand Bend congrega-
tions worshipping together, with
Rev. F. E. Madden of Moore-
field conducting the service, A
vote will be taken at close of
service regarding a call to this
pastoral charge. Zurich ladies view production
The play was "110 in the Shade" but it was anything but that
temperature outside when two area ladies attended the showing
of the production in Toronto's O'Keefe Centre while their hus-
bands attended to business at the annual meeting of the Ontario
Municipal Electric Association and the Association of Municipal
Electrical Utilities. Left to right, posing beside the theatre
billboard are: Mrs. Frank Kehoe, Orillia; Mrs. E. D. Flaxbard
and Mrs. Gordon Hess, both of Zurich. --Ontario Hydro photo
Sarnia were weekend visitors
with the latter's parents, Mr.
& Mrs. Walter Spencer.
Miss Dorothy Parker of Lon-
don was a weekend visitor with
her parents Mr. & Mrs. Harold
Parker and Patsy.
Women conduct
prayer service
The World Day of Prayer
Service was held in Carmel
Presbyterian Church F rid ay
afternoon, March 5, with Mrs.
Earl Campbell presiding for
the program. The worship ser-
vice for this year was written
by a distinguished American
Negro woman, Mrs. Jesse Jai
McNeil, wife of a Baptist min-
ister in Pasadena, California.
Mrs. Harold Currie, Hensall
United Church, Mrs. Thos. La-
vender, St. Paul's Ang 1 i c an
Church, Mrs. Harold Parker,
Chiselhurst United Church, as-
sisted with the program. Mrs.
John Love was soloist accom-
panied by Mrs. Harry Hess.
Rev. J. C. Boyne, minister
of the church, guest speaker,
spoke on "What doth the Lord
require of us". He said ,,We
must walk humbly with our
God, do justly, love mercy and
live in fellowship with him, so
that we may show our love in
every area of our lives."
11111.UHUHUHUHIUMIUDUMUIHUHUIHUHUHUUUSIUUDIUUOU ''''''' I llllllllll 1111011 llllllll I ll111.11111111.1
Easter season
repentance time
UCW unit 4 met Thursday
afternoon with the program in
charge of Mrs. Laird Mickle
and Mrs. Sim Roobol, with Mrs.
Mickle presiding.
Mrs. Roobol conducted the
devotional and Miss Greta Lam-
mie favored with a piano solo.
Mrs. Harold Currie took the
topic IOn Meditation and Pray-
er", speaking on the value of
morning devotions. She said
"We must have moments of
quietness, a time for feeling
the presence of God." She spoke
of Easter, as a season for
remembrance and repentance.
Leader Mrs. James McAllis-
ter took charge of the business
period. Huron Presbyterial was
announced to be held in North-
side United Church, Seaforth,
March 24. April meeting will
be in charge of Mrs. T. J.
Sheritt, Mrs. W. B. Cross and
their group. This will be the
Easter Thank Offering meeting.
Hensall personals
SUIHUHUt llllll U1111011UMUUSUIMUHUUSIUUMUIUIUIUMI llllll Ul lllll 'MUUMUU lllllllllll ll UUSIU lllll
Vet women
on TV show
Truck driver Anthony Al, 21,
RR I. Walkerton, escaped un-
injured T hur s day afternoon
when his truck loaded with 2,500
crated chickens rolled into a
The accident, just north of
Hensall on Highway 4, killed
about 30 chickens and caused
$400 damage to the truck, owned
by Canada Packers Limited of
Walkerton. Only a few of the
crates were broken. The chick-
ens on the loose were quickly
A mobile crane from Hensall
was used to right thetruck. The
accident occurred about 1:30
pm and it took until 7 pm to
get the five ton truck back on
the highway.
Provincial Constable Harry
Reid of Exeter, who was assist-
ed by Chief of Police E. R.
Davis of Hensall, said the acci-
dent occurred when the Canada
Packers truck was passing an-
other truck. The other vehicle
was not involved.
Hensall personals
Mr. Frank Harburn is a pa-
tient in South Huron Hospital,
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watson
and Mrs. Lorne Webster, Sea-
forth, were recent visitors with
Mr. & Mrs. Clendon Christie
and Catharine Anne.
The regular Kippen East WI
meeting will be held March 17
at 2 pm at the home of Mrs.
Ross Sararas. The speaker will
be Miss Gladys Thompson, Sea-
forth and a demonstration by
Mrs. Van Roozen.
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Flood of
Cooksville visited over the
weekend with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. Robert MacLean and
Mrs. Robert MacLean who is a
patient in South Huron Hospital,
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lindsay
and family of Willowdale were
weekend guests with Mrs. John
Henderson and family.
Mr. Kenneth Richardson, who
has been on the staff of the
Bank of Montreal on Bloor and
Bay, Toronto, has been trans-
ferred as accountant to the Bank
of Montreal at Ellis & Oulette,
Windsor. Mrs. Richardson and
daughter Dianne took up resi-
dence with her husband in Wind-
sor this week.
Mr. & Mrs. N. E. Cook visi-
ted last week with their daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs.
Gary Corlett and family in Tor-
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lewis of
Hensall Legion Ladies Aux-
iliary will appear on "Take
Your Choice" CFPL-TV this
Saturday night March 13 at
7:30 pm.
Mrs. Wm. Wayne of Peach-
land, B.C. is spending a week
with her mother, Mrs. Violet
Schwalm and brother Ray.
Weekend visitors at the Sch-
walm residence were Mr. &
Mrs. Harold Hansen, Mr. &
Mrs. Austin Schwalm and fam-
ily, Stratford; Mrs. Jack Mac-
Fishermen get
125 white fish
Messrs. Wes Richardson,
Hensall, Lloyd O'Brien and son,
Eugene, of Zurich, have return-
ed from ice fishing on Lake
Simcoe and brought home 125
white fish some weighing three
and one half pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klungel
of the Queensway Nursing
Home, Hensall received Monday
the certificate of Associate
membership into the Ontario
Hospital Association. The nurs-
ing home is licenced for 18
At the March meeting of Hen-
sail Legion Ladies Auxiliary
with twenty members present,
plans were made to canvass the
village for the Red Cross So-
ciety during the month of March.
The group will appear on
"Take Your Choice" C FPL -TV
London, Saturday, March 13.
A euchre will be held in the
Legion Hall March 17. Winners
of mystery prize was Mrs. Ed
Roberts; guessing prize, Mrs.
Wm. Smale. The group will
cater for the Legion Bonspeil
March 20. President Mrs. Roy
Smale was in the chair.
Albert Hess
Well known for quality watch,
clock and jewelry repairing
• diamond resetting • 40 years
experience • Trophies for all
sports • engraving • violin
bow re-hairing. An excellent
stock of Blue Bird Diamond
and Wedding Rings.
Kids' elephants'
aid Red Cross
Grades 5, 6 and 7 of Hensall
Public School Thursday after-
noon held a white elephant sale
and realized $28.00, which will
be given to the Junior Red Cross
and Bunny Bundle atCFPL-TV.
Carolyn Cook won the girls'
draw, and Michael Davis the
boys' draw. The sale was held
in the room of Mr. Eric Mans-
field, teacher of grades 5, 6
and 7, with pupils from other
grades patronizing it.
Farlane, St. Thomas; Mr. &
Mrs. Lee Schwalm and family,
Hamilton, Mr. & Mrs. A. O'Hara
and Peter, London.
Miss Norma Passmore of
Burlington, was &weekend guest
with her mother, Mrs. Pearl
Recent guests with Mr. &
Mrs. Stewart McQueen, and Mr.
& Mrs. Harry Snell were Mr.
& Mrs. Percy Bartlett of
Thamesford, Miss Ruth Anne
Traquair, St. Thomas; Mr. &
Mrs. Don Rigby, Mr. & Mrs.
Bill Knights, Stewart and Jane,
Blenheim, celebrating Mr. Mc-
Queen's 83rd birthday.
Mr. Charles Mickle, Hamil-
ton, and Robert Mickle, UWO
London, spent Sunday evening
with their parents Mr. & Mrs.
Laird Mickle and Ann, after
attending the Spring Festival
Concert Sunday afternoon at
the University in London.
Miss Reins. Stephenson is a
patient in Clinton Public Hos-
pital, having been admitted
Thursday. She was taken by
Bonthron ambulance.
Mrs. Earl Gass is a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hen-
sail, at its meeting Wednesday,
March 3 presided over by Noble
Grand Mrs. J. F. Ingram, ac-
cepted an invitation to be guests
of Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter
April 7.
A dessert euchre was planned
for Wednesday afternoon March
31 at 2 pm in Lodge Hall.
A euchre sponsored by the
CP & T Committee will be held
Thursday evening, March 11.
MIXED 2 lb.
Poly Bag
Area lady honored for service
Mrs. Grace McEwan, RR 1 Hensall, is shown here receiving a Certificate of Appreciation of Ser-
vice from the Commanding Officer of RCAF Centralia, G/C G. F. Ockenden. Mrs. McEwan start-
ed work at Centralia in 1953 and retired last month. --RCAF photo
Women study
about Trinidad
Sirloin, T-Bone, Round
Wieners 2
Zip Dog Food 15 oz. tins
Kraft Salad
Miracle-Whip Dressing
UCW unit 3 held its March
meeting Monday evening with
Mrs. Ron Mock opening with
a poem. The theme of the de-
votional "Take time in 1965"
was taken by Mrs. Pearl Pass-
more, assisted by Mrs. Eric
Miss Mary Goodwin reviewed
a chapter of the new study book
"A meeting of Faith", concern-
ing the Presbyterian Church in
An order bake sale was plan-
ned and discussed to be held
Saturday, May 8.
Mrs. Mock conducted a game
and contest which was enjoyed,
and hostess Mrs. Wm. Clement
and her committee served
Cello Bag
20 Count
16 oz. 354
2 lb
Pkg. 894
tsctz. 4/89
Regularly 390
Sweet Pickled Cry-O•Vac
Cottage Rolls '/a's LB. 47C
Head Cheese794 PER TIN
Pork Chops orLo B
utt LB. 554
Royal Instant
Puddings 3 oz.
pkgs. 4/594
Heinz Cooked
Spaghetti tins. 4/794 Brookfield Cheese
Van Kirk 16 oz. cello
r.,-,11114A ,Clf
Sales with
flint ?to ?nv, HFN;AI I
STORE HOURS — Closed all day Monday;
open 8 a.m. to 6 p.in. on Tuesday, Wednes-
day, Thursday and Saturday; open FRIDAY
from B a.m. to 9 p.m.