Huron Signal, 1863-01-22, Page 1'L8. 60.11.1 e 4 1 fit+ IS logersdatoar 411 NR • it INJ• w kit • seism BOOL Ve. 14 LANDS.. r Wmm Or UMW eel lift• twee, Plea - gree add Nem �i Mit w' i■ Me Pewit. if ANjdJ u see head b aid Tamm- Df.e in ,tie 1, N Terre Nary Del,, Y ., H. tit B. 9r LATDg. fere W, . • ,cord out I]'. county -Harm and • Leads owl Mg, gait « BN•wk, ter, Esrey - of Themes sad take■ sad merest .ester T and ✓ es 00 w le•10. •. err for gale the Towa ea ...lb dry od of tie Mork , *ALI), rn.t.s 41 LANDS. ' a Writ e Wand cul nee C.wo,y at M goy da- nt. of Wa- ld Emma. 1 n the rein. • S -en w n.isaof tts 1r of Horn. adwdAerea nen*, Mw 'i the Tows ..M da. of •elk, mien. A LD, at B. alas ,A M. a Writ of need eat is Cooly n ee directed at were of dale of erg alert cain,s wigged al have men- the rorhl, , In end to 11, 12, 13, 30, 91, 32, , 57. 60, era,, to, 10, t,. 114. 115, i, 136, 146, ' gad 15e, comely of as. Sib and rweasi f Also shoat ,arta ifwed I.dLto vd- . a t .Lau Here la he *vee- ✓ boar of H.ka 3e y • . W d PES. ;NN. IN ADVANCE4 100 tab lain, Ogres 1W. And .reined bp*. ssiMsssmeaer I�ds ter likewepoi visited y 'of . set sur tdt rephia mane Is the Mbar w�me hindmid Weis - MO Irir d rF , Min Brew in aaadisiaa elite Atestis list* Chemmier std it promesem promsdipuia s• O is ham. waw slag tad. •1 y dlr. pensells Betlb.Y eedlother oetiaiw:mrorldepw , 4a dtnaat.aaaaaaa in rho eM easssUa (tdi,YmeIly each eel • Ip) to de Mita its mire a beteg sheet it .sewn a A.1 ,Yra"si"srp ...was of digiAd..1 Talapap! Oawp..y wee Maid ri et 11hid Might Sas• Moan a( DeessWee Mtnifs stew West tin aa_Neme whYi ,..arid to asMree ..teen tales phos is chap,. wines led kris sight Mai emeis away et e eant the e Maw that W dace hid r deep water: The 'whole of W new Atlantic cabla, women the shamesds wee �the Itim sad 1Mewfos.44aad ,Meat' Shwerer.. be is deep water, sod little day. d Weefses t0 he wheeled, its seed oath lsn}e.p.rtl hid'. i s WorMeyesatlemsed VerseesMris •eidb the fee Atlsntie whin Win NaaMa,ad aid laid. lk mid be mss }emadea.1 hem whist -seaweed .rile Sp, i Limes intim sale. It wag iMmemlesew, hMily sail gad .raft M be In tem has the .bats= of the .s.. The =bid =pisd for the seat telae w.. IN�M�ea 11,.110,1111@), and it as proposedbtaiaetty the drums of iremmaarlshe If the sale wee -...,sent, tea British Omv oesmast woad guarantee eight per east r the .bsrebold.re. About esomatk tea espial ..egabs& kis been aimed, am it s.helieved tbs whole .moat min M mesa before the month of nay. h Mend tm..tle lergotion that President Lined. i )tis memege said : i lave lammed *be thr assasslrg the United States with by as Atlantic telegraph and similar pro- jetto extend the to egrsph from Baa bmo- nismm se (moue% by a Pacific' iele,rwph with the wire which 1. being extended to the Ram. Mae empire." Our continent is new behm4 with the electric wire, sad it is not too meek to hep, for, that a cable may be laid in the Atlantic and another is the Pacific beton this year etoega ; thus eeeirelimg• the globe with a sengr.pbie highway. A Canadian Pttltttcita• A correspondent of the Ogren Sound Timms writing from Olaagow indica the following paragraph concerning one of our Canadian pOltueane "By eke by, the papers will have informed es that ern of oar Csuadiau politicians has jetting nd of bar aintl■ blegardsuss in rg. Re b.. been doing the houor.ble too with certain old debt* of hie family. Bili I had frees an ex.Provo■t of Edinoarg. who was one of the payees. Of course 1 wish ha may be long blest ; and that the lady who is pretty and not petunia/al may be tea happiest wife os all the globe.' It is need le= that we should rime the politician. In •'gains the ko.arble with certain old debut eif hisfamily," he is doing nothing more than his friends have ever expected of hire. H. is showing clearly that bonesty-the beet policy -is his policy. All boner to him. Terrible Epidemic at Plymouth, In- dian& welpmailemibi . 5 anew i. meersi w' . IW ! 4 Ihr Wire tied sP• • x t we • 1"ttsiAra rW e` TawoNii-os int*INKtt .alar Itr . Mallielet :..• armwemutt a...4 pror .1a. Ne. •mar •r• r .wen •• rte • ,..circ w •.•• .1': gown • itili Cw▪ beaarow *` sr ••. •40111i141= Q.4- canna.. ...raiwi.s r •A. Aeadell. • • «..+:i • cell •tinned+ MW111 . • •...10•1.4.drtale. •• Cers"II . • • . Loci• •...040e w $asioak. • • ••a•.m•hr.f.•ih•4/h.-a-Sig* Pea nem ••../14 t4WVi.1r�V_i •) IM• hdai.y •• .arta..+ti•►.4.« Venn& Ii wm,..t iallwa..r_....v Orotpllleir dar O,l=ash .••••.t..ffi• F"saMNee Yietua..ra•a,• ••«•:•eta•t,.,.•yalliotRaam Reris......eJbd.d.•• •ws.Magb. Noko sa.• ileWoes onelt.•»1+•n.t iYwltMftlaola (#ae,date.k....m,s� r..... . 4INNI.Ss•Lona& .r•••••Ye41w, were' .Lina■.. • . NL•e e• w-•. I=�,.-L• Risisor..... r • r •asirami..wit 1<hnhmrda. ChsNsm, • •.•.••• 1.0•601.4•• e..W....o. . Crag& Taalar. - • ......&s wasit .s- •.d. G. Bowe.. OaMaa�ltagws�....«•a:.). ...o,....e.$.J• �eFrail. Ii .- -••••.•'s......, i.a' 1. Janie ... r .. o.... • ....B. Parard. P-iteegitt•........ ........ 8 B. Morrill. 12 lir- VP 1.siug. larvas Jagkr Adams• t. • RT,lkklo end Lake Miro* Eairoad T9A[L: TAHl.$- WIrren Alta4NaaanLNT. garage. Dm- Its/emnixes. OM/MUCH, l0.tergas. 11.011a.w. CLINTON 10.41 '• 12.05e. W. HAKYUKHSY. -- 10111 1245 " tiEAFOBTH 11.111 1.10 '• aura. SSAFOBTH 6.21 '• 1.45 '1 HARPUREINY 516 " 300 CLINTON 6.48 3.45 •' RODERIC* 1.30 " 4.35 laaet .tad sari tit N. lase Ib7l!' Mi ttMF ,dragimel rmahibn af.sacmat W. taut rick for that port •hien woe le as se *bland 7etidn, dole is Aladin Ladled'''e tl4.4* iMy wr1eMThootion Its se hy a Met fairspa j�.`_.Fe�ls`, is thA medialis tht at present. mew. I. A, ilea Ise , Union, because Be eotld, V tido We Ib. i4. .a of flee of pieoadent11, a tiee�iilttAQ1'etgt !• - rfas b, )ho 8.14.. xallj►t,N. M r !11ed oar soil•.. tNa fllMf again t )pia fl'- .ws, tuba • iba tisriir iirl:h+e�i,.}� 41100 � ro+iaj hem ber own precedents, and limed tie ray wiTllodey ace posard to United Siitiele that= lvw, 'llsrrbeeejosti- The Pr his hLr.ge re Hod in reoogouing the Ioi pesdeoop of; ins 400 i. he the leai'et the South bong ere cow, aatare' ,.snot ! Par' . rig of f be the shadow of a doubt bat France I Th. Despatch .t- bib 15th would have joined her, beirt8 d `Berth Cpwhw 1+4m iideass • j ' y � �y' I eelrr�wt er �1(miYjtnn inch t Bat it may be better for the peas. of the s„st oT Balciti, 't7,ailfrr the ufet • I. rat, tifr World that no such recognition has oak place. It appears clear to the Britipb Government, judgrag trots the o4ntioes manner in which it has hdd itself aioof, that aro Mediation can be erective until both sections agree to be, bound by the award of whatever Power or Powers may be called to interfere. We rejoice to see that things neem to be shaping themselves for a oe eaMee of hestalities, to be followed petere by a parmsa,ot per- People are beginoiog to think and talk about it- % the Press is forcing it upon public atten- tion ; every maimed soldier who goes back to his native village and tills the fearful tale of carnage and suffering is an argu- __ ment for Peace, sod every knock of the tax collector at the door brings to the popular mind that $4000,000,000 debt if the war goes co another year. But the great diffi- culty i., what will become of the South - .hall we let her go, and thus prodaim to Ws observe that the Federal journals have the whole civilised world our u r i=po- takea up aod,are discussing the subject of trey t This, to a proud nation MEDIATION. S'mittlarly enough, the which so receoUy boasted of New York Traria has taken the initiative being able to whip all creation, is i in this new agitation, being the first to galling thought; and may of it.elf came a express the idea that tome kiod of continuance of the war. If the Soot! A terrible epidemic bas broben out in Ply- honorable compromise might not be die- would but eome forward sow and my, mouth, medias-, complexly ha®ing all effort to ntfal to the American mind. That pa- " Call in a Mediater, we aro just as tired tea local pbysiei.asr.sided earryieg off eve pow," 1. &ew hoe.. Tb* are oo aytsq q jilt, in a recent issue, biotech that it was of this straggle as you are, and we are esMtiadieati.g its approach. Pie patient ■ not by any means averse to friendly Me- willing to e.rprmiae the matter," all II*..Md with .shin, en4 1114g4 M bas W diation, providing a perfectly trustworthy would be plain work This* in got' likely stuck of the aces; r so I bon rea tchill takeplace, however, because the Con - is tier, the pswtum el sista • soto sopor, from and disinterested Power could he foundP Con - willing to take the, weighty rsspolisitility federateeaietoo been -to throw away their of interference. '-Plrfidious Albion", it advantage in suchra manner. thinks, could not be, died upon u i Me- fiemesbisg must be done coon ; that is dieter, on apoor}nt of bpi . tf ficndl t- evident. The Federal troops have retired ion througioat tbe'trn66k, and is from V ieiaburg,-Bsrneido lies idle on io tlw wow p tiie.mn4 L- fast, the tis Potomac, and the Congress now in amirtaye era beiy horror d .0 ..ion actually contemplate, raising an Milton cikignal. CODERICHi C. W. IAN. !4, 1861 IZD1ATIOX. whisk be ..mealy reviver. The muscles are rigid; the pupil of the eye is insensible either to light CO tooth i the serface of the body is extremely seeder and sensitive •; tee head is r draws bkthe js.s are rued, sad Ike breath is Mews f.trcibty,with • 'email mend. as it by great effort, threseh the ..dosed tooth; tea patient is tined and deaf. In ebildnee the super is very limbic to M brakes by fre ueat convulsions. I)■rimg the arse of 120 000 s Mapp..rlarge black spas, many of them raised anarchical Govern: mom just,..., aid y �, net eeplace the .p lit. blown*, sppnear a the arrfese of tea (w.sld frig; fall ink little Swifter- °ssn ttb0a° Pam of eelie*ment will coca bade sed limb, the ration s. l uaualh dyers in lead, N 1M*sollroWIVo ia atrbit.r hs- expire- T _ fling to {assn Orate far Norm. lm .time rare cue.. the prises lingers along for dim, is • species tween the blill_�t r1�p • t . . u ooaneetion wi d low typing/ Mover, Moos; tossed -by •Mid, em% tbeta1mr paralysis of the e:trem$ife, d e Ie memo ..= the patient revival from the gamer.feeliy sowall as to believe himi. calf eoeNMeeeet,ba is oho curse of ea how or two, is seised •ttk • terrible delirium tonaiarltiaa h aue1, (a Mapoy) sed death. ' 7 be Inial -ph amt. s fiudipti all 0Aprfa to chat to gnd.mis a Raab M J. At•ms AiMe, al asego of Chios fo, +ho neoga. the A germ 40. gpiral mesieeri4a, • 414s.. gib" first sgeared i. lie. Xerk awd•ltfwee���� isle W era of 3813.14, awry* the Pi ane Midis*, amnia 'Vire= tie nem fearful enn, passed i Mi 4841, mot er opened -Irate es iS im) s• caw ware it was (B1 emitem.veba ad *wt►Im Iwnrtg }C1idwME and other portionspf k Asths ..It of his observatio■s sere■..( at that tigae, Dr. air reconwomeedi otemea u to tea %Meunier Moor. Naetger<• et Gr Harald. Internally i tied concentrated eau -li- the pitied '11r bestowal h work- Ms will at yrd,l mod. kig'Misr leers 11. p*1 1. a typhoid Pie rrecd tag Iota ►ed�b ee e. of iasehj, .id b rpoa Meq. ,) Tie 0.44 2nmiena t u Tea York Tbe Meek sed gots eaeimem.nt is New Y imine -g. The 154'SM apemen, Tbe eaeliemeet is Wall sheet r. ae. d ,=mos. The whole market miaow steaks edve.eed, u a 4. , pat tem. 05lld weentt�4 tUL f dialaei�pwwmm M teerre a Law's slit" lltlll ,t��► the bei table me *Joe stop a broker him be Iedfii at W meek warm agslt• nobs* at as 'if L._$r �w len a is • riOwmN.i.-,y.� are • /isnl11Ids below egg mast es inblmd Man(lak be - [cora r iirhMem were memo est Re ety• ram eat oielberrY loam wow et egagallita, Demi tkie ionsit► a e..pl* of twine mssed t#. 41f. panel t. psacbee• :RWm• �s ..Lied towdmis�s. �wly isl Wait thea l 4 t?M�'Y bN in't�� rasp Mt ween eon a Liana' Webs* la.Ina *drrilMr mime II MI* best. r pitaRJ sir hided its soaton- Ganes' diRookies of the country, and „maim iii th 4a -le , lir. but it ban the stabber'', desperate courage of the succeeded s this oeoaaioe in causing .a �•efp'e'ed,arty, Tagged "rebels," mast god imp ryes toil, pa is weedoing erwale • Bating of deepdeapo"docey is the miedswithe people ofthe Northern States. S isoki • ti. • people one- make op their mil' te sire rep each an apparenMy useless straggle, the President may call for 000, 060 fresh wisdom i• the shape of m- armite or cwaotipta, bet he will call in vain. A mac may do wonders for sake of his c.mstrr once hq patridtint is fairly enlisted, but he cannot willingly fight and die fou the sake of a political ides. We do bore thattbo ray of light may increase in brilliancy until the inentirm4le bI .slag ,(Pleats than be again cewshwtd tet the bleeding Republic, and toil she may eobe oat of t1s La, Ifrd refisW. •at0•1 . ` 4 -wit by Mnienlems14104 itiesaillenambieroll d 1.10 the eta ,Back ewe J WqrwIlItlintWhielt, kale east the Natisa toerne if ite baeldend, and tiU it dosed *le,ga erWe iBeingiesde r the cry ''oifAl1!aeipatioa, wall, tie P.e.itmrtlion beteg imaed, it had theisciaiirpririlege o(glrapipg,•'God. Wog Abralem Lis.dg I. What Usen,miliend•,mak a .adder Ind daaplitee mentietis he node* of think- ing 7 is a question Jrs.cannot help asking. Was it a want of fait in the "rebellion- ' gsalitiw at the P'e.iswaties f 'Me repulse beige aredadsial kbieb,Mi.ioljit se 1 a ear ilit nnkedrable that me- diation ,loafed take plana l Were the TnInsges -Ionia enembig• est; it would be remind m `t1N a polo***."p!s c" i Ft *orad 11.,Wri°° dila iris" a setwt+iaed. by Iasi o- `.sen Moen of tient edema tbe•1 fit Iwai'► w"time"fa, vb4iet' odder, tit de'is't. rlfe a pe ape, thew lie amiss ,...ties. melbes ►Mal napkin" ' Tic/ S M Wwoisernst ear Om mews an n ada env ann. West as es oppose in Idas et medials Sam my ells..., zse tial►, fait ..roe( t*14...,, eaMtl ilii► w _ , titsmes sai 'i eeteke. cps thwivedli �N.1 IM „epti,eliei yMM�Yfjsirirfef nnr u•neptenea c'1 tseX - -era ... * orb mei ne , *eel, by ias. Ma tes*$lh.g to t.+ba era u417:71m *. ,Irtperre. that we e4£ �ay."� alb 7..- 411 A ,„1":......, t)rri► U� S we of 1lrlkilllYlr` io11 sn 0*. Iws `y'sa•^�••'m Z11= finin rma THE AXED= WA& Now 'Cork, Jri, 14r -1'b. Peat int . ibe following special Wn°It°s+ Jae. 14. -OM b'bekn4sg fel too ]w red some veryod �s Illia=8 to4.. JeL Dan mrd Ms $team■ Rerorwppee These d�iteMl phos tmt,form aid details le ieped to *Wee 4b 'Conlbdwii._, Tftr .tameawuto of the .id mno Condemn bibe t tbe Jmim mot tin ltd mem few lest. Thee deeper . yisieej They nem p.. •r Wads •bet with hod moo me win sem..• Nitta bi en 14.-n. . obasAkm . iris=@n It11t ser eau ..pita] itae!f. (lira, Jan. 14.4.Th.' steamer lying pt the yoaAi:of the Wulf Ili tenpri.rd fwd captured by 13 Coated ticnduyltlgtt. taken 4.. =.lee ab phis. stripped and burned. The eracuaton .f Holly Sprite 6 It it =ported at Memphis that 8, fellertiks lead arrived et Lambing tgile below Holly Springs, repot road The H.R.tia thinks the expedition Whin River bse ifraaiy reached Lite having left the mouth on the 5th. EUROPE AN NEWS. The steamer China, which arri the *4th brings out several days' news. Breadstu®I are quiet and Bullion hu increased in Bank of £86,000. The number of workmen 'in the manufacturing district. in France employment is now ,chid to reach 30 with no prospect of their b.ing re from their state of absolute destioit• SALE or VIE ESTATE Or .l ETnE -The estate of Qetherley, Kinca shire, has been sold to Horatio Ross, to W. N. Forbes, Esq., or Ancherneoh Daanettar, for £33,000, being at the of thirty years' purchase of the p rental. - PATaICK CAIN, who killed Abel innkeeper at Kirkham, on the 29th in a drunken fray, by throwing a at him, which entered the eye and trated to the brain, was tried on Satu at Liverpool Assizes and found e Sentence was deferred. TWENTY pruper., of whom three women, were on Thursday committed trial for attempting to burn Dublin Union Workhouse. The women dee in court that they would set are to building agai" as soon as they- got an portuni-y, and one of them added that bad net fire to the hospital ward beca of thatpottion of the ho and would being sick, con burned to death, aft that was' w wasted to a000mpluh. Mttasuate AOAt14ST GASATTIAO tR Loisnor.-•rlVigomas mosearta hare bent taken by the reline a!ytoaities of London to •uppraa the alwtitibaTle garotte out- rages which have been so fearfully preva- lent .1 later Titek.4oNearw tans • are placed under special iurvilance, and each division of polios has been reinforced by twenty -lave old and experienced constables, who patrol the suburbs is couples and out of uniform. ' Sir Tt*drny OBatta* died on Thurs- day at his residence in Merrion Sgnarc, Dublin. He was 16r many yearn a lead iog citizen of Dublin, and aa active Mem- ber of the eorporaties. Be represented the borough of Cashel in Parliament for fmrteen yea% and lie -twice filled die was , and nor !a epiaae I • Met 111 Out moSbd them. for hsatiag nee • an solitary ea fdr msvtnrg *sf a sewn took,' "g tin emelt, .o1.pylae inns*. 11111 *lien elb�ilhited the rfeo. Jl =rich;) a eots,t•nuei of radar mrd O, ed by beat+{hc electroebemi : swmp•rad er• oii•ru and cater, t bast, mad the atmospheric g shwa a spie.drd 6dht,euit.ble fee et limy.. >'The illamiaw, gas m* for fitly Bents per 1,000 eubis at loam doable the il!u eggs. Made from coal without eoloe-•IYew York Tribe n )S u.-1 t tsa b- en sue la view of the -improvements win Parried outiiironclad ships aid the sa ,chile might be crews, to infantry in t Maps have y been made ion, and rel rring rest we believe, great num M we not nth the hung 11 he pi' y protected a heat, � and at the *erne maesleity activity on of•bol ,n, bele.n ,n the iron wink, if it nut esti of gra,, t we thin Amps would ,fta fly* r,Y goon etewha fo time, for .,nn without ret watwwaite '1, banes es, gist 40119.. Lora ilar Dahlin. i'le late llfa►reet was 4. .ei* ng' Merano polities bet I* wee **Teti t.epeoaedLby W appoaenta, and bad .a large • top toned kinds. ,„•the a,w mop .s • Mara fit 'a a'peech de President O Windola mem *lithe 12tbn • w thekirovier, off the tee" shows dr torn !a* ft bib been y `tiled in the of litpreeentatioee, •t Wes higjjten jbs'W ar Irma on as it ha does an - ,1 Public Debt trill ium uttt to X11 t weet� m of $2.00,000,ODO.What 1't�Btrwtta%dyiRtaat.••-Ordrs ewore mak t►. Qt>*ee p4. elm on to receive the WO*.quitter 4 mat* only, tin Ameeena tumor at Ad mem the Ailed .tt tie throe Sent pto,el ,, Alit& ' oral N a radeetam of s per..mart ow -- diver and 4 per mei, on Mum .-Qw:rr idly Nora. emirate pett„ 6, Ow P' ,> the aha vet psu tie . , Oen of II" Tint. He tayi twppf jg11 Itibi abler .1144010 eMitalglitil elite thee 1111 It' belt Wiled, • sit ,.r nee w tkos noel in bran Pea b • • • -a b 1 4- .. of M dieh • J.• 1, mod ' r o" hy 4eema f L eat . -T • the kpiy� the ardb her tit Nt1tw`+t Mie eat . lbligo local Bela • wriltii� the Baud i A �• ►'"`aaderidtd ■ �`-wt is Ganz irq,-d i11a. B tit rerun beth°. y„ COtm• t. has bsora f ,ed allstarchier geed Neta. se•mpt tO�� tUs Ia arL t etGon band cal - • where ►y b; liar her. lbs Ld' ; e, ed Ao Nbarter t wit a :bow whet. ti. cusp halides �! tempted to obtain t><bja .1.6666t, a� ifs ma o, sat 1. tied fo and toward the geld ns i barred too hdy r dropped it dawn the , by tier..,.1614 ,�•ip io bt, . outs• reellinr the re's claw. be joeip 1 A ¥irtole of f ivra, hu out, At n tarty am greet torp, The fur abs b a beveshr' sawed mots„�d Wren's urn abut ll ion neath Puotad were 1 bleupon the N O . hi baa. ttW411p`a receipt ...cooed Proved.tbat h. hid 9i.ti„s� .fort a tea w r " UM11/ hint do Lm t .+,sled his when ■ t4.N4I r ' err it. gee o' d tt in nu claim. r� Mr 'Gentlemen 'herd -- od vein la lai.,.4 e's cut ed f u narf lhin�; a ihrerend dear. the qrt **m- e.i u tions e se &their respecije 46 pr tee. into era hare the ha ' as Mont' De em' A beau • his forehead, d 5*, oyes I ..arum 141 tthuReoeld weal rough the • The sockets- the old man Weather were turned i the eyes of all basad. Eco •.Crew ,no,, am ,teat. aid uP and dew. g fn -In her *rat, firme.741 fel: (tfeseiw ed And wriaging ker imprhoen:L^4: I ten at Oar houge.4". "'bre"' (Lai lig.' No, darter cried the old man beneath the thick folds; 'it's note 6t-ith snake! ' " a old larfy who lived neer • tavern was in the habit of stepping in every roorntnz early while on the way to mil* ber cow, Air the I PerPose of peeling a gime of winching to dnak. She at Last night • mined to Idoor, oh, gel ebus. • r no mom,' cried the astooished SI, item act of virtue of which I never know soy more thou that' 'Hold,' cried another.' .1 have dorm stall let us hear.' g my paper,for twisty leers, and paid for it entry year is Memos: fond of liquor, and deter- I say past tbe ta fhturra sea or PAM'XIDoMilti To 88411T,••• and steel 'spent:nem* recently tignie in Rogiaed mote that paper pasteboard b tter rea:sts shot fro . influence of bee- caution than hard teak stood. Two lar were constructed with one iuch puit• I thireonseionane,g or i victory In her togas exclaimed. "It'd, done, l' pod old Regotation, come in and I il rive tor1 i so in she VTOL Nile thinking of pratti. 'dr !ndly illugtratiag dm frailty of human nature. n.._4* le Lrce!-Ibri W. elayell, cf Newcastle, 'nli;.`", C. W.. who last February left Canada ror British Columbia, after a geasonis digging in e. the Cgrihoo district, hes returned ho • comfortable fur is 'lit in - 0 ba lire, up cu kin, me with Iatatemdtunt that the Shoat ry inland to prrpose , action of the guteigal grants to pisblie n ex- ,letennitiation to to TO aad Ter add BIM nielAti Tuesday me wite, ta the °ftv Wine the y • • the one backed by fourteen inches in t llem et thielosess of pasteboard. They wore twice u great in the timber -back sad dwellimpheem Upee ,ti• it was In the paper one. The Emneadvilie them will be as VW, thee fired at with • twelve pea • ININI•tregl dollar. no dials ase the weadleor ert-.2 other aide of the At mitio Amber osoosornorm menses sneer to b. p•ki •t tleg Tifthe anew the vendors or dam hec for some days -Globe kete"": o°11(nohaxbilyiliit:It.rab:elmififigrwea ode niluuL :17A-1 th."4"1":""allakift":6:781171:418::::"."."11":"....4aribs 111111::°4 PIXIIENTATION TO canoe,* Cos 41""iPa"' St:un. misters will reduce by triZy".6te npol7cenenbt. tiehaelerfratabem rst bore Mtheer"P'eln 'lleeelloutr°1644. 216.6-1 alle.V.P."8"61111111:".rber7"eadilliSL411" talhenilf:111 4f5or"sthellitgo'llidopoert. ottaf nitre insutir: "t4614 tal"4" (8•14 ranee. of Alleasimwe h etre Cell le Perra AS veal elide ',lions than they hare bee acne rue do. ....patio% roof of the infallabilitt CITANCER. Memo La be rale, bomb oted hare any idea of the weirht of Mistime borne postponed to Oni plum and %kali. ich are accusioard to regard them l• • r1,1. Federal Nethoejty, AgIallig ignoring the. ich I: that these ta..p_Of tidi County, Torn and School r S21,797,004: , of all Federal ecis au" il Ansa win of Itis property do. Ishdd MIS IvIt inetuai the ca and ems to 41151 • Ilete • alt • • • ef the iniegat with to ism glad So of the Frusta Mame fact o hoist non fiend woe comp meth the 1 merit from whia thisi mon tic own teal the Uni whi kw I Fut ed ths for 1133 th •