HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-02-18, Page 1411111111011111W LSIVIIFT '64 GALAXIE 500 XL hardtop, fully loaded. '64 FALCON Wagon, 4-door, radio, stick shift. '64 METEOR coach, V-8, auto, radio, a beautiful black. '63 DODGE coach, Veil, auto, ',termer holstein". '62 Fottp V8 sedan, auto, radio, Lovely! '61 FORD sedan, V-B, stick, radio '61 OLDS Super 88, 2-door hardtop, .driven by a quiet, refined, etc. couple. '61 GALAXIE, V-8 sedan, a beautiful black '60 STUDEBAKER Lark Wagon, V-8, ante, radio, real sharp '59 CHEV Impala, 4-door hardtop, Ve8, auto, ratite, a real doozer, TRUCKS '62 FALCON RANCHERO, auto, radio . $1,850 '59 FORD Fe700 dump. Ready to roll 2,100 '59 FORD 1-ton stake, dual wheels, rebuilt motor 1,400 '57 FORD 1-ton stake, dual wheels , . . 1,100 '55 !TIC, 184 tractor, full air, 5th wheel, ready to roll 900 '54 GMC pickup. Best one in captivity 250 TRACTORS '62 FORD 641 tractor & side-mounted mower, Under 400 hrs. (Like new) 1,800 '62 FORD, LCG tractor, ideal for lawns, golf courses 1,550 '61 ALLIS CHALMERS, ED 40, less than 1,000 hrs. 1,800 '53 M-H 22 Mustang, 3-point hitch, plow, cultivator, snow blade & chains 600 '52 81e FORD & loader. Motor overhauled. Save pitch- ing manure . 750 '50 MC "H" with super kit. A real dandy' 650 Henderson LOADER for "C" Allis Chalmers 150 10-FOOT drag cultivator 100 Reduced $10. A Day Til Sold ... c Thurs. price '62 PLYMOUTH station wagon, 6 cyl., stick $1090 '60 FORD sedan, V-8, automatic • • • 955 '60 FALCON, 2-door, automatic '780 '59 Meteor, 2-door, 6 cyl., stick • 780 '61 YOLKS Deluxe, radio, a nice one 780 '58 PONTIAC sedan 555 '57 CHEV Sedan, above average 455 '61 MORRIS OXFORD, real good 480 '56 CHEV dump truck, 4-ton , . . 380 '56 INTERNATIONAL 1-ton stake 390 Tractor—'62 A-C "272" diesel. Used very little . 1070 Larry Snider Motors Ltd. Ford, Fairlone, Falcon and Ford Trucks 586 Main South Exeter 235-1640 There have been few moments of laughter in the proceedings surrounding the choosing of Canada's new flag, but the children at Exeter public School had a few chuckles (below) when they hoisted it to their poll in a brief ceremony, Monday noon. The reason is showe on the right. One of the ties on the flag came loose as it was being hoisted by principal Arthur Idle and in the high winds, the flag was flying upside down most of the time. However, it was quickly brought down, tied again and hoisted for the second time within minutes without further incident. The students shown with Mr. Idle are members of the glee club who led in singing the two national anthems. --T-A photos Page 12 Times-Advocate, February 18, 1965 Option second Stephen area progress continues on var- ious public schools throughout the area, e eccording to area in- "ecth a in- spector, meeting of StephenGiBurrov( At Town- ship school area board, T ee se day, a decision was made to option another piece of land which is being considered as a tsriatel afochraathl! n ew 10-room cen- The land will be optioned on the Albert Geiser farm west of Crediton. This is the second site which has been optioned by the board and will be given consideration.. The board approved sketches presented by their architect for the addition of a general pur- pose playroom at their school in Grand Bend. Final plans will now be drafted and sent to the department of education for ap- protvali; It expected tentative sketches for the new central school will soon be prepared. Sketch plans for the addition of three classrooms and an auditorium have also been sent to the department by the Hay Township school area board for their Hensall school. Burrows reported the Stan- ley and Tuckersrnith boards are meeting tonight (Thurs- day) to discuss further plans on the proposal they construct one unit to serve both areas. A suggested location has been the Brucefiel d area, which bord- ers both townships. /8 Say change in parking would hurt businesses Hoist new flog In other busieess, council: In answer to a question sub- mitted by council regarding the additive to put in road salt to prevent corrosion of cars, the department of highways report- ed this would only be effective if all communities made use of the ingredient. The cost is about $3 for each ton of salt. Learned they may be able to get more money for their water system due to the fact more funds are available under the Municipal Loan A s sis t an c e Fund. Received a letter from F. C. Opinion polls still 'increase McK e a n e, district marine agent, •suggesting that power putlets at the wharf would be a good service to visiting yachts. Noting they would have to absorb the cost of installa- tion and maintenance, council decided to ask that they be per- mitted to increase rental space for docking from one cent per foot to two cents, in order to offset the expense. Agreed to purchase chains for the tractor. Took no action on a proposal of the Payne Insurance Co. that libel and slander protection could be provided councillors for a premium of $91.00 per year. This cost is higher-than What has been quoted most oth- er communities. Granted pay increases to the resort firemen after hearing a request for same from Chief Lawrence Mason and some of his men. They will now receive $2 per hour for practice time and while at fires. The old rate was $1.50. Council also agreed to pur- chase more boots, coats and hose for the brigade. "You couldn't find a better group of firemen," stated Reeve Webb in supporting the pay increases. Named Clayton Mathers as their representative to the For- est District High School Board. Brotherhood talk cites communication Approve hi ring guard for RC school crossing Support for decentralization of facilities for Huron County's aged continues to flood in to The Times-Advocate with the numb- ers more than doubling over last week. At press time, a total of 774 people had signed the "opinion poll" and they were unanimous in their support for future erection of homes in the north and south of the county as op- posed to further expansion at Huronview. A large number sending in their opinions this week were from Stephen Township. Reeve Glenn Webb and Deputy-Reeve Jim Hayter of that township both opposed moving out of Clinton in the county council vote. While the opinion poll is not printed in this week's edition, those still wishing to sign may do so at many Exeter stores or at the newspaper office, where extra ballots are available. It is hoped that 1,000 names will be attained before the cam- paign is concluded. Grand Bend council learned Monday night they are making progress on the installation of a water syetem, but also found out another "shortage" may crop up to Plague them. This "shortage" is in regard to parking, and three business- men appeared before council to air protests over the Introduc- tion of parallel parking„ Horace Begley, Roy Robin- son and Ken Young complained that the resulting loss of avail- able parking space would de- finitely affect Grand Bend busi- ness places. They explained it was doubt- ful if motorists would want to park down on the beach and then walk back up to the business section. "They will just drive right on through," one of the men commented. It was else suggested that the planned installation of a water pipeline along main street would seriously affect business if un- dertaken during the summer months. They were told however, that if the work could not be com- pleted by May 1, it would prob- ably not be started until after Labor Day. While the businessmen com- plained about the parallel park- ing, they appeared also to be in agreement that angle parking was also hazardous in the re- sort and created many prob- lems due to the length of mod- ern cars. The matter of parallel park- ing has been considered for some time due to this fact and has been prompted at times by incidents such as one lady suf- fering a badly torn leg when she caught it on the front of a car parked over the sidewalk. This is a continual problem, as drivers park their cars with the wheels against the side- walk, and therefore the entire front end extends over the side- walk, making walking space nil at times and forcing pedestrians into single file most times. One odd thing is the fact the resort has had abylawfor some time calling for parallel park- ing, but it was never put into force, due in part to complaints from businessmen. However, it has been insti- tuted now because of stipula- tions from the department of highways, whichlasty ear nam- ed the main street as a connect- ing link. A grant of about $58,000 will be received by Grand Bend for repaving of the street when the watermain is completed, but to receive the grant the community must follow the department regulations of parallel parking. Reeve Stewart Webb said he thought it would be a mistake not to take advantage of the department's assistance. At the conclusion of the meet- ing, he inferred it was a pos- sibility the resort may still have one summer with angle parking. septa and Rev. J. Kelly, Mt. Carmel, were present as were Rev. John Bonham, RCAF Cen- tralia padre; Rev'. Hugh Wilson, Thames Road; Rev. John Boyne, Caven Presbyterian; REV. Fin- dall, Fullerton; Rev. R. Hilts and Rev. VanFarowe, Exeter; Rev. Guest, Centralia. President Art Geiser intro- duced the head table guests. Seek vehicles — Continued from front page annual bonus of $45 as compen- sation for them having to stay at home on weekends to handle emergency calls. Each will be on call for about nine weekends during the year, but if required to work during that time, will be paid regular salaries. The bonus was asked in lieu of the turkey which council usually give them at Christmas. The finance committee re- commendation that works su- perintendent Jim Paisley be given a $200 increase was ap- proved as well. The board at precious Blood Separate School reported to council Monday night they have acquired the services of Larry Rumpel to act as crossing guard at the Main and Sanders Street intersection for pupils attend- ing their school. The local garage operator has agreed upon a stipend of $50 for the period from January to June. Council and the school board will share this amount equally. At the recommendation of Clerk C. V. Pickard, council made the appointment of Mr. Rumpel so he will be covered under the town's insurance pro- gram. Local police had been super- vising the crossing in the past, but it was felt both school boards should be treated the same. And it was explained the local police could not always guarantee they could be at the crossing if other duties needed their attention, and this was a dangerous setup. the matter and he would have "several months" to get com- mittee members named to the various duties. The usual derogatory re- markes regarding EMO were voiced by some members, with Mayor Delbridge leading the at- tack. UNINFORMED Discussion regarding Emer- gency Measures cropped up in council with the reading of a letter from Huron co-ordinator Stuart Forbes, in which he urged council to pass a bylaw setting up the local committee as soon as possible. Forbes had asked to be pre- sent at the meeting, but failed to show up. Discussion revealed memb- ers of council did not know where they stood in regard to EMO nor did they know what work had been done by their recently appointed local co- ordinator, Doug Rickert, Councillor Barrett f in al l y clarified things when he phoned Rickert to see how things were progressing, He returned with the information that the local co-ordinator had been told by Forbes there was no urgency in TO CUT TREES Tenders were received from three sources for the trimming and removal of trees. Those submitting tenders were: Ken Johns, Exeter; Humphrey Ar- thur and Clarence Hawkins, RR 1 St. Marys; Davey Tree Experts, London. No decision could be reached and it was finally decided to have Paisley interview Johns in regard to the work. The com- mittee in charge were given power to act in accepting one of the three tenders. TOO HIGH Harold Simpson met with council to seek an answer to the drainage problem in his base- ment. The Main street resident has no access to either the storm or sanitary drain from his basement because the drains are higher than his basement floor. Work s superintendent Jim Paisley reported the only ans- wer was to install a sump pump and pump the water into the sewer line. He told council he didn't think this cost should be borne entirely by Simpson. Clerk C. V. Pickard remind- ed council this could be setting a precedent that could prove costly, as they may run into more situations of this nature. Reeve Boyle agreed, but noted council had an obligation to help Simpson drain his cellar. "I think we're responsible," he concluded. The discussion on the matter continued and it was finally de- cided to leave the matter in the hands of the drains Committee to bring in a report at the next meeting. "'Here's hoping it doesn't rain tomorrow," Simpson stated as he left the meeting. Safety awards given drivers The annual banquet for Guen- ther Tuckey Transports Limit- ed drivers and their wives was held at the Elm Haven Motor Hotel in Clinton, Saturday, and the event was featured by the presentation of safe driving awards to 26 men. The top driver was Anton Hansen, who has nine accident- free years. Other awards were as fol- lows: Eight year award, Les Mitchell, Frank Robinson, J. Rumig; seven year, Gord Ap- pleton; six year, Larry Bayne ham and Gord Preston; five year, Charles Atthill, Donald Bender, George DeJong, B,Ed- wards, Bev Skinner and Cecil Smith. Four year, Bob Dykstra, John Madge, Cliff McDonald; three year, Seldon Nichols and John Wolitski; two year, James Mc- Laren, R. McW hinney, Bill Simms and Harold Thiel; one year, Ron Anderson, Russell Lee, Dan McLeod and Ross Parsons. The presentations were made by the president of the truck- ing firm, B. W. Tuckey. His son, Ross, acted as master of ceremonies for the night. The 120 drivers and wives attending heard an address from W ilf Linden, Transportation Safety Association, and Charlie Dawson, of Mack Trucks of Canada. A dance concluded the pro- gram. Council bites dogs Letters to the delinquent rate- payers has resulted in no action. Approved a building permit to Milt Keller for construction of a house on Andrew Street, just north of the residence of Lloyd Henderson; and a $30,000 per- mit to A. J. Darling for the construction of an addition to his IGA store. The 43' by 120' addition will cover the area recently cleared through the demolition of the former Opera House. OKAY PIPELINE Council received approval from the Ontario Municipal Board to proceed with the in-' stallation of a $23,700 water- main along main street, despite the fact they still haven't any means of getting the water into the main. However, they hope to solve that problem when they attend a meeting next week withOWRC officials in Toronto, when sup- ply of water from the Lake Huron pipeline will be discuss- ed. Ladies collect $43 in Baseline march Br MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR BASELLNE Mrs. Harold O'Brine and Mrs. Archie Dewar were Marching Mothers for the "March of Dirties" on the Base Line when they collected $43.50 which was sent inwith the Kirk- ton Womens Institute. Mrs. Fred Parkinson held a quilting party at her home for Coopers UCW When theyfinish- Police chase — Continued from front page and carne to rest on its wheels. She was uninjured and dam- age was estimated at $200. The mishap took place at 4:45 p.m. On Tuesday, February 9, an- other Goderich driver, Morris McMillan, lost control of his car tiering a sleet storm as he proceeded east on the Crediton Road. The car skidded and went into the ditch, striking a pole. Dam- age was estimated at $150. Winter's the WHY WAIT These skilled DO bfin/6, r.... time... 44 i FOR SPRING? dai „0 ' / .,,.. are available IT tradesmen NOW NOW .. ..... or iti wall _:„.... ,.... szt Floor Sanding and Carpenter Work 4 , 4 FLOORS REFINISHED 45..efireaod4 - , , Upright ARNOLD up Box 524-9437 Concrete to 55 feet HURL 164, Goderich, Collect Silos Hardwood Floors Laid, Sanded and Refinished. Old Floors Refinished., Murray Neil 249 Marlborough St. Exeter General R R 1 Granton GERALD Concrete BRINTNELL • Beatty Farm Equipment 229.8244 ROOTH ELECTRIC r r * Domestic ••• s * Commercial • * Industrial Asa '146,2 ,.,1 Motors, Controls, Lighting 70 Huron St. West 235-0282 L. H. TURNBULL & Son 238.2006 GRAND BEND Contractor Gravel Cement Ti les Drainage Excavating FREE ESTIMATES Contractors are invited to promote their services through this weekly directory MINIMUM SPACE: 1 col. x 2 inches or 2 col. x 1 in. RATES: 3 weeks $5.88 ($1.96 per week) 13 weeks $19.02 ($1.54 per week) For tietoils phone: 235-1331 , A French-Canadian told a brotherhood meeting at James Street United Church, Monday, that communications between French and English speaking Canadians must be improved to preserve national unity. The speaker was Fernand Guindon, Cornwall MPP, who addressed about 140 area men at the annual brotherhood night sponsored by the AOTS Men's Club of the local church. Guindon suggested two means of improving the communica- tions. The first was by es- tablishing a federal bureau to translate books from either lan- guage to the other and also by more visitation, both through tourism and official visitations of officials representing both factions. His suggestion regarding the "national bureau of transla- tion" was that the federal gov- ernment should pay the cost of translating English author's works to French, and vice versa. "A publisher who decides to publish a book written by a Canadian does so at the risk of considerable financial loss," he said. He noted the translation of books from one language to the other would widen the market and would also enable Canadians of both French and English an- cestry to broaden their horiz- ons. The member of the Ontario legislature told the men that the Separatist movement in Quebec had suffered a major setback due to the visit of Queen Elizabeth this summer. He explained the shoddy treatment given her shocked most Quebec residents as they saw the damage that had been done to their reputation and hos- pitality. "The intelligent community reassessed its position," he remarked, adding that "gone are the slogans (of the Separat- ists) and gone is the theory that French Canada can go it alone". Guindon, who is chairman of the St. Lawrence Parks Com- mission, was introduced by the lion. C. S. MacNaughton and thanked by R, E. Pooley. In a brief remark regarding Canada's new flag, MacNaugh- ban told the audience that "any Meaning the flag has, we will have to give to it". Devotions at the meeting were conducted by Gerald Godbolt and a duet was rendered by Norm Walper and Ray Mills. Visitors to the meeting were Members of men's clubs at Woodham, Whalen, Centralia, Clinton, Fullertott andraehfrom Exeter's TriVitt Memorial, Ca- ven Preebyterian and Main Street United Churches. IvIonseigner Barden, St. Jo- Play euchre at Woodham save for retirement — Continued from front page Reg Beavers, Ken Inch and Don Jones, met with council to dis- cuss trash containers for Main Street. Inch, who acted as spokes- man, asked council if anything had ever been accomplished following their decision of last year to place trash containers around town. Works superintendent Jim Paisley reported four cans had been ordered, received, paint- ed, and were ready to be placed as soon as the weather was favorable. Mayor Delbridge explained council would possibly get more if the four "worked out". Inch reported he could get 40-gallon oil cans free of charge from Supertest, and he had an offer from Guenther-Tuck ay Transport to bring their from Toronto free of charge. Council indicated they would possibly consider these if they were needed. Inch replied he felt there should be at least 20 around town. In other business, council: Decided to reserve four places at the March 11. planning Workshop to be held for Heron County in Gederich. It is expect- ed Some members of the local Planning Board will attend and Couhcillor Barrett indicated he Would wish to be there also, Authorized Peter Raymond, town solicitor, to take legal action on overdue accounts he has been attempting to collect. ed a quilt which they sold. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Fraser and Mr, & Mrs. Allan Hayter of Parkhill were Sunday even- ing guests With her sister Mr. & Mrs. David Reiland. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Parkinson and family were guests with Mr. & Mrs. David Holland re- cently. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Elston and Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Elston visited the Millard George fu- neral home where their cousin Mr. Fred Mitchell of Sarnia rested, The funeral was held Friday. Mrs. Margaret Ftiddeli t Elizabeth and John of Lucan, Mr. Don Angus of Galt were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Wilson. Area man guilty Didn't like it The Ladies Lodge held a euchre in the hall Thursday evening with eleven tables in play. Prizes went to Mrs, Law- rence Beckett for high score; lone hands to Mrs. E. Shute; men's high, Tom Coward; lone hands, Jack Smith. The draw for a box of groceries went to Archie Levy and the lucky cup to Jack Thomson. The team skipped by John Wltteveen won the Valentihe curling bonspiel held in St. Marys Saturday. Since 1877 BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST reduce income tax Reduce your income tax - during the years when your earnings are highest — and use the income tax saving to purchase a pension for retirement. Join our Retire, merit Savings Plan - approved by and registered with the Canadian Government. Your contributions up to 10,:in of your earned income, arc tax exempt. The Plan is 01' special importance to the self-employed. Register before February 28 to take advantage of 1964 incOme tax savings, Ask at any of our 1.15 offices in Ontario for the folder "A Pension for You." MAO OPPItIt; STRATFORO, ONTARIO BRANCH MANAGER: C. V. BARRETT 425 MAIN STREET, exerEP TELE PHONE 235-0530 Advisory Board: E. a Se ff. Q.C., P. L. Raymond, B. M Turkey "the company that thaws 100-7; intout in yaur RS/ TOWN TOPICS Mr, Jack McKnight of Winni- peg, Man. is visiting this week with Mr. & Mrs. Glen IvIcKeight, Enter. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Luxton, Judy and Jill visited Sunday at the home of the foriner'S moth- er, Mrs. J. Lexton. CALL TENDERS Council also approved the calling of tenders for new ve- hicles for both the police and works department. A new cruiser will be pur- chased to replace the present one which was described by Wright as being "not economi- cal to keep any longer". The tenders will be called for a two-door car, although the police had requested a four- door. It will have a V-8 motor. The works department will. get a new truck, as Paisley reported the pickup should be taken off the road immediately before one of his men loses his license as a result of charges for driving an unsafe vehicle. **If the PUC can get four new trucks, we should be able to get one," he stated, urging council not to spend all their money in one place. "They're no better than .we are, he added. Cudmore supported his plea strenuously, pointing out resi- dents would soon begin to won• der why the police weren't charging the men for driving the dilapidated treck. He said it Was a poor example to be setting for other motorists. Paisley reported the OPP had warned them not to take the truck Onto the highway, or charges would be laid. After this discussion, council authorized the works depart, meet to rent a truck until a new one can be purchased for there. The new vehicle will be a one-ton stake that can be utilized for more jobs than the present pickup can handle. When the motions to adver- tise for the two vehicles had been approved, the queetibri was raised as to what dealers would be asked to tender. Discussion centred around the fact two dealers were out of town, although their employees were ratepayers. Reeve Boyle presented erne- .- Continued froth front page tioft that all Exeter dealers and being released, the Mayor saw those within a One-mile radius the camera and ungraciously be invited to submit tendert dropped his chain to the floor, and this was approved. The blur ruined the print, In ()thee business, council: and ho amount of coaxing could Learned an appointment had get him to pose with his chain been made with OWRC officials of office, for a meeting between town However, we did manage to officials on February 23 in re* get one photo of a chain of of- geed to the lagoon at Canadian lice. That's the one being worn Canners. by Reeve Derry Boyle. It is Approved paying their annual made up of a ribbon and sever- grant Of $1,000 to the Exeter al golf balls. Industrial Corporation. The He was handed the clecora- grant was requested at "the lion at a meeting of the "cote earliest convenience". fee club" last week. Decided to send flOwees to The donor of the Mayor's ]Deputy-Reeve Ralph Bliley, Chain remains very much a who is in hospital With pneue secret. SHDHS addition — Continued from front page Principal, J. B. Creech, a for- iner member of the local staff. This space has been made available because St. Marys is now in the midst of avocational addition and it won't be filled the first year. Projected figures show there will be about 40 more students in the South Huron area end it is expected this number could go to St. Marys, leaving the 'same enrolment at SHDBS arel about the same number as going to Clinton now. The board has asked their new prineipal, Douglas Palmer, to investigate what numbers could be accommodated at St. Marys and Clinton next year, To date there has been no estimated Costs en a full vo- cational addition at SBDIIS, but it is expected it would be be- tween $1,000,000 and $1,250,- 000. Of this 'figure, the provincial and federal governments cover 75%, of false pretence Kenneth Wein, RR 2 Grand Bend, was placed on a year's probation and ordered to pay $31'7.80 within the year for goods obtained from Tower's department store in Londori on September 5. Wein appeared in London court last Week and was Con- victed on a charge of false pre- tences involving two cheques totalling $e17.80 issued to the store. He pleaded innocent. Wein was represented through legal Aid by G. L. Cole. Assistant Crown Attorney R. H. Hick prosecuted.