HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-02-18, Page 1I
EXETER, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 18, 1965 Price Per Copy 10 Cents Ninety-second Year
School addition said unrealistic,
board urged to go much bigger
Council bites dogs
with tag increase
Choose junior public speakers
The junior public speaking contest was held at SHDHS this week
and again competition was keen, as it had been in last week's
senior speaking. Judges for the event were Mrs. Peter Raymond,
Gil Burrows and Arnold Mathers. Winners from the left are,
boys' division: Bill McLeod, honorable mention; Vic Fulcher,
When the plans were first ap-
proved, it called for 950 pupil
places. But alterations reduced
this to only 890 pupil places,
as one classroom was changed
to a teachers' room—which was
imperative and another was
lost through the planned exten-
sion of library facilities.
The department made their
decision of the smaller figure
being unrealistic because pro-
jected enrolment figures show
the addition would not even be
large enough once it was built.
second; Dennis Hazelton, first; girls' winners, Ann Creech,
first; Trudy Stover, second; Sandra Dickey, honorable mention.
Ann Creech attained the top mark in the junior division and will
represent the school in further competitions.
--T-A photo
Demolishes car, faces charges
following 20-mile police chase
Shucks! He
didn't like it
there and proceeding into Zur-
He went south through Zurich
and turned west on No. 10 side-
road and continued on for ap-
proximately three miles.
Here he encountered a sharp
"S" curve and failed to negoti-
ate it.
His car sped over a snow-
The SHDHS boardhas decided probably have to happen.
to hold two meetings per month They made this known at their
in the future, rather than the last meeting when they told their
present system of only one architect he would have to start
session. drawing up plans for a future
This decision came following addition as soon as he had the
a lengthy special meeting, Fri- present plans completed.
day, when the board learned Although the department had
they would have to start all over previously approved the planned
purpose in having a dog unless again in their planning for an addition, as well as the federal
it was a real house dog. addition to the school. government, changes made in
Wright backed up his opinion The department of education the plans after the approval had
on dogs by pointing out he had has in effect turned down their been given led to the change in
owned two in the past, and had plans for the $750,000 limited attitude.
given them both away, despite vocational wing they were plan-
the fact his wife had paid a. ning. Reason? It's not large
total of $70 for them. enough!
The debate continued over the Uncertainty still clouds the
issue of whether higher costs situation to some extent, but
would in fact discourage those the department made it obvious
who don't look after their dogs in a letter that the planned ad-
from keeping them at all, and dition "is not realistic" in view
a motion was finally presented of the projected enrolment for Mayor Jack Delbridge re-
for the increase. the school. ceived his chain of office, Mon-
Council split with Boyle, Cud- "If your five year forecast day, but he's not wearing it.
more and Wright supporting it, is correct, the necessary ac- And unfortunately the only photo
and Barrett, Gandon and Taylor commodation should be built taken of him proudly displaying
in opposition. now," stated D. G. W. McRae, the decoration was not suitable
Mayor Jack Delbridge, rather assistant technical advisor with for print.
hesitantly, declared the motion the department. The Mayor arrived at coun-
carried with his tie-breaking He added the department cil session to find a large pack-
vote. would not be prepared to recom- age in front of his seat and he
mend approval of a further ad-
CANS READY dition within a short time after
A deputation from the Exeter completion of the present pro-
Businessmen's Association posed addition, which is what the
— Please turn to back page board learned recently would
bank and then through a fence,
slid across the field and went
through another fence, before
he smashed into a large stump,
which he knocked off.
The impact knocked him out
of the car and the car then broke
into flames.
Becker was arrested by the
officers, who also extinguished
Hike most salaries,
seek new vehicles
the fire in his wrecked car, and
taken to Goderich for medical
treatment before being put into
The officers estimated the
chase as being 20.4 miles and
lasted only 15 minutes from the
time they spotted the cars until
they arrested the Dashwood
area youth.
Lawrence Becker was later
charged with racing. The police
report a girl was with him at
the time. Steal cash, smokes
in weekend entries
Members of the SHDHS board
are not certain what size the
department feels the school ad-
dition should be, but if the five
year figure is used as suggest-
ed, it would have to be build to
accommodate at least 1,200 pu-
That's the enrolment expect-
ed to be at SHDHS in 1970 and
it's expected to be in the vicinity
of 1,250 by 1972.
Business administrator E. D.
Howey noted there was a strong
hint that the department would
probably urge the board to es-
tablish full vocational facilities,
ending the need to send students
to Clinton.
This would entail adding the
full seven vocational ,shops,
whereas the present plans call-
ed for only four shops. A full
vocational addition would also
institute occupational classes
for terminal students, such as
Clinton now offers.
Howey explained the depart-
ment would probably want the
board to build for the 1970 en-
rolment of 1,200 pupils.
The board has an appoint-
ment for February 26 with the
department and at that time will
determine what is actually
the men receive approximately
another $500 in "fringe bene-
fits", although some members
felt this estimate was a trifle
All three receive a bonus of
three per cent of their salaries
if the cost of living index jumps
more than three points during
the year.
There's a loser in every race,
and an 18-year-old Dashwood
area youth can attest to that.
He lost a race withOPP Con-
stables Bill Glassford and John
Wright, Friday, and the officers
reported they had to drive at
speeds of up to 105 mph to
catch Walter Becker, RR 3
Dashwood, as he led them on a
hair-raising, 20-mile j aunt
through Hay Township.
And besides losing the race,
Becker had his 1960 Ford total-
ly wrecked .. . he received
head lacerations ... spent
some time inGoderich jail . . .
and faces three charges of con-
suming while a minor, danger-
ous driving and racing.
The wild chase began on the
western outskirts of Dashwood
on Friday night at 10:45 p.m.,
as the officers were on routine
They spotted two cars pull
onto Highway 83 as they ap-
proached and the two vehicles
sped west, side by side.
With Glassford driving, the
two Exeter constables gave
chase and after clocking the
pair at speeds of 80 mph and
more, turned on their red flash-
er to signal the drivers to halt.
Lawrence Becker, 18, RR 2
Crediton, did stop, but his cou-
sin kept on going and the of-
ficers gave pursuit.
Walter Becker proceeded
west until he reached the 14th
and 15th concession of Hay
Township, where he proceeded
north. He sped right through
to the Kippen road and then
turned east and went as fax as
the Goshen line, turning south
The denial for approval of the
small addition now being plan-
ned, terminates any hopes of
having more accommodation
ready by September.
In fact, an addition would not
be ready until September 1966.
However, this creates no ma-
jor problems according to
Howey, who explained accom-
modation for next year's in-
creased enrolment would be
available at the Clinton school
and also at St. Marys.
An offer of space at St. Marys
next year has already been made
to the local school by St. Marys
— Please turn to back page
.. wears his new 'chain'
In effect, members of the
town work crew also received
pay increases, but because of
the fact their work week was
reduced from 49 to 45 hours
as they had requested.
Their actual take-home pay
will ramain the same, but it
will result in hourly increases
of from 151 to 121. Gerald
Cornish will now receive $1.80
per hour; $1.58 for Nelson Wells
and $1.42 for other regular
The men will also receive an
— Please turn to back page
Exeter's council is not for
the dogs! And in particular, the
all-male group is not for fe-
male dogs.
They decided Monday night
to increase local dog taxes
substantially in an apparent bid
to discourage owners whose
dogs run at loose.
Tags for male dogs were
increased from $2 to $5 and
owners of female dogs will have
to pay $10 per year, rather than
the present $4.
The decision followed a re-
commendation from the protec-
tion to persons and property
"I've had more calls (over
dogs running at loose) than I'll
tolerate," stated chairman Ted
Wright. We have to do some-
thing, and we have to do it
He supported the increased
fees despite the fact he told
council he had dog owners re-
port they won't speak to him,
nor vote for him if fees are
Councillor Charles Barrett,
himself a dog owner, questioned
what the increased tax would
do in controlling dogs, and was
told by Councillor Mery Cud-
more it would at least help pay
for enforcing the bylaws re-
garding dogs. The bylaw stipu-
lates that no dogs shall run
loose at any time.
C u d more said there were
some people who thought dogs
were more important than other
humans, relating a case of a
resident who is kept awake at
night by the constant howling
of a neighbor's animal.
Rev. Phil G and on thought
council would be p e n al iz in g
those owners who look after
their dogs properly, but Reeve
Boyle replied that "anything we
do penalizes someone", noting
that non-owners were b e in g
penalized now for the actions
of some dog owners in not con-
trolling their canines.
Cudmore interjected that the
$10 fee would only work out
to three cents per day for the
privilege of having a dog, adding
this did not appear to be very
"A town is no place for a
dog," Wright opined, and met
with approval from Boyle, who
said he could see no useful
Three other accidents were
reported by the OPP detach-
ment during the past week, and
in two of the three incidents,
the vehicles involved flipped
On Friday at noon, a truck
driven by Otto Restemeyer,
Dashwood, overturned on High-
way 83, about four miles west
of Exeter. It is believed the high
winds that prevailed during the
day whipped his truck as it
came over the brow of a hill.
The vehicle went into the
ditch on the north side and as
the driver pulled it to get back
on the road, it flipped over and
came to rest sideways in the
eastbound lane.
Damage was estimated at
$200 by OPP Constable Harry
Last Monday, a Goderich
lady, Nancy Jane Waters, was
involved in a similar accident.
She was proceeding north on
Highway 4 and just south of
Kippen, hit an icy patch, and
her Volkswagen flipped upside
down and then righted itself
— Please turn to back page
Woman suffers
severe wounds
cautiously opened it, in much
the same manner as one would
open a package of rattle snakes.
In the package was a beauti-
fully painted silver chain, al-
though to be sure it was rather
large. In fact, it was so large
it could correctly be termed
a tow chain.
On the chain dangled a beau-
tifully painted golden key, al-
though it too could be described
as being rather large.
With him holding the chain
aloft for councillors to view,
T-A editor Bill Batten sneak-
ed in for a picture, but at the
same time as the shutter was
— Please turn to back page
involving the arena took place
Friday night when a car load
of junior hockey players from
Point Edward were involved in
an accident at the intersection
of Main and Hill Streets.
The late arrival of the play-
ers delayed the start of the
hockey game.
Thomas Allan Chesher, 21,
was driving the players in his
1965 Dodge and was making a
left turn onto Hill Street when
he was in collision with a car
driven by William Douglas Dick,
34, RR 1 Hensall.
Dick was northbound on Main
Street and smashed into the side
of the Point Edward car as it
pulled across in front of him.
The Hensall car bounced off the
other vehicle and ended up on
the west side of the road against
a tree.
Constable Harry VanBergen
estimated damage to the Dick
car at $300 and $500 to the
The mishap took place at
about 9:00 p.m. The Point Ed-
ward players were already late
for the game, having been held
up earlier in the tripby another
accident, although they were
not involved in it.
The Exeter Arena figured
directly and indirectly in two
of three investigations carried
out by Exeter police this week-
On Friday morning, Chief C.
H. MacKenzie was called to
investigate a break, enter and
theft at the arena, which result-
ed in the theft of eight cartons
of cigarettes and about $6 cash.
Entry was made by smashing
a window at the north side of
the building.
The thieves—believed to have
been amateurs — then smashed
the office door and forced the
door into the snack bar from
where the goods were taken.
Another break, enter and theft
was reported in Exeter Satur-
day morning, this at Don Scott's
White Rose service station at
the north end.
Entry was made by forcing a
rear window.
Thieves pried open the door
on a cigarette vending machine
and removed packages of cig-
arettes and cash in the value of
about $16.
Several cans of oil are also
missing from the service
The other incident indirectly
Salaries for town employees
were set by council, Monday,
and most received pay increas-
Police salaries were set first
and resulted in the only major
debate, and when it ended, coun-
cil approved $100 increases for
Chief C. H. MacKenzie and
Constable Lloyd Hodgins and a
$400 boost for Constable Harry
The salary of the latter was
the only "issue" as the protec-
tion to persons and property
committee had recommended
only a $100 raise plus the extra
$100 he was to be given each
year until he reached the maxi-
Councillor Gandon presented
an amendment calling for an
extra $200 on top of the $200
recommended by the commit-
tee. Gandon said he felt a more
substantial increase was war-
ranted in view of the training
VanBergen received at Police
College, and also to bring him
closer to Hodgins' salary.
Boyle seconded the amend-
ment and it carried with the
support of Barrett and Wright.
This was the second time
during the night that Wright, who
chairs the protection to persons
and property committee, had
voted against the recommen-
dations presented by the com-
"I can't understand the chair-
man going against the recom-
mendations approved by his
committee," Taylor remarked.
The pay increases bring Mac-
Kenzie's salary to $4,100; $3,-
900 for Hodgins and $3,700 for
Taylor reported to council
Chief C. H. MacKenzie re-
ported Wednesday he was con-
tinuing his investigation into
the circumstances surrounding
cuts suffered by an Exeter wo-
man, Thursday.
Mrs. Joyce Weber, 315 An-
drew Street, suffered severe
cuts to her face and hand.
She was given first aid by OPP
Constable Harry Reid and Chief
MacKenzie and then taken to
South Huron Hospital.
Police released no details of
the incident.
Area native
to join staff
A former area resident,
Percy H. Atkinson, was last
week hired by the SHDHS board
as technical director.
He presently serves in that
capacity at Woodstock College-
view Secondary School, and will
commence duties at SHDHS in
September. He is an electrical
The new staff member is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen At-
kinson, 69 Anne Street, Exeter.
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Repair washroom,
debate trees, walk
Order flag
--a bit late
The largest tree in this part of Ontario a 125-foot-high white elm crashed to the
ground in a Hay Township bush owned by former reeve, V. L. Becker, Friday. About 250
people, many of them school children, watched the event. The tree rings, which determine
the age, were counted after the felling by L. C. Scales, zone forester. He counted 350 the
first time, and because he didn't believe the tree could be 350 years old, rechecked his
figures. He ended up with slightly more than 350 the second time. The giant elm, afflicted
by Dutch elm disease, was about six feet thick at the bottom and was over 20 feet in cir-
cumference. This measurement stretched a considerable distance up the base too, and the
first limb was estimated to be over 60 feet from the ground. Despite high winds, which
caused worry for the loggers in view of the large crowd around, they managed to drop it
exactly on its predestined landing spot. The tree was cut into smaller lengths and taken to
a furniture factory in Durham. It was felled by the Exeter firm of Scott and McIntyre. The
photo below shows the expression on some of the faces of the school children as the tree
fell. On the left, area reeves find plenty of standing room atop it. The men include: V. L.
Becker; Milt Oesch, Zurich; Archie Etherington, Usborne; Warden Glenn Webb; Joe Hoff-
man and Delbert Geiger, Hay. --T-A photos A letter from the department
of municipal affairs, urging all
municipalities to hold official
flag ceremonies was read at
council meeting Monday, the
day the official ceremonies
Were held throughout Canada.
Hon. J. W. Spooner said In
the letter he expected all muni-
cipalities would give such cere-
monies "due attention".
Mayor Delbridge reported he
had not received the letter until
No ceremony was held in
Exeter, but council did decide
to take some action regarding
the flag. They ordered ones
Reeve Boyle, who had wit-
nessed the "impressive eere-
many" at RCAP Centralia, urg-
ed that a similar observance be
held in Exeter when the new
flag arrives.
Although council appeared to
be far behind Other municipali-
ties in regard to the flag, they
weren't the only ones that did
not hold ceremonies. Several
communities which had flags
ordered did not receive them
in time, due to the demand.
A flag raising ceremony was
held at the Exeter Public School,
and the new flag Is flying over
the local post office building.
Over objections of Council-
lor Ross Taylor, the men's
washroom at the town hall will
have a new urinal installed at
an estimated cost of $179.
Taylor questioned the pur-
chase of the new equipment on
the grounds "not one person a
month" uses the washroom.
However, Reeve Boyle quick-
ly retorted he used it "every
night" While out for walks dur-
ing the summer months.
"It's awaste of money," Tay-
lor commented, noting the "only
man who uses it is Mr. Boyle".
However, council supported
Boyle's motion to replace the
present equipment.
A lengthy discussion was held
in regard to replacing trees
that were cut down due to the
highway widening program at
the south of Main Street.
Reeve Boyle reported One
lady had requested that the
tree she had been promised be
planted in her back yard; rath-
er than inside the sidewalk as
is normally done on 'replant-
"It doesn't cost any more
regardless 'of 'where it is plant-
ed," Boyle commented.
However, Mayor Delbrldge
reported that if the lady wanted
a tree in her back yard she
should go and buy it herself.
The debate continued with the
situation being aired from var-
ious points of view and was
finally left to the committee in
charge of trees.
Mayor Delbridge told council
he would certainly want a tree
in his back yard after he had
hooked to the sewer if this was
the precedent council 'were go-
ing to set.
Reeve Boyle also opened
cussion in regard to the con-
dition of a piece of sidewalk on
the west side of Math Street in
the Ersman Bakery block.
"It's a very dangerous situa-
tion," he explained in noting
the sidewalk sloped at an angle
he estimated at between 10 to
15 degrees.
One member suggested a.
neW top should be put on the
sidewalk, but Jim Paisley said
it would Cost no more to lay an
entirely new sidewalk and then
there would be no danger of it
sagging as a better foUndation
Could be provided.
He was asked to investigate
the cost of the job and report
back to council.