HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-01-15, Page 1tr'
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RirSriitL011f.F7PP lilaih, s. Ps
Al tion:
et aids
w'e.i1tlOtilr B3itoe wad Proprietor.]
F. . k. .
• A CLapbrof
It L r.hMd et the late am.neut insister,
1 that be had more penlbus estates
blbleat death Mae WI to the tot of t}ust
.4lit the tweet of his cause, whose .ct-
e amutaot eu}eer to bat father in t8e
Tunnel, be had two narrow escapee
.ohms by the nver suddenly buntias
e works. Sups time atter, .hee
the shafts of the railway tuna)
Hill, he was use day aiding •
y at s rapid {ace down the hill,
seised stumbled and fell, pileeiag
r wt his head w08 violence ; he
op for dead, but eveutually recover -
the Gnat Western line w
co work, be used frequsetl to
with the driver, endoe-
ve it himself. One day,
gb thk Box Tenet urea
ruble speed, Brunel the'
imam him and the light some
oa the same line of road
alert w' even' was tra.elliug. He
deslitedly Am full steam and dashed
at the objs.4, ich was driven into a thoa-
II=��{iaate�iee�1t,, idiereteds turned out to be •
which bad broke. loose
fres gem*ai on its wry through the
, Mesal. pia which he ►.d was on
hosed the esters stsaosh.p whore
he fell dome way tam the hold, and
wee nearly tilled. the mokt extraordinary
aoeiia.t whisk head him was that which oo-
..n.4.hits o.s day pleyine with his dad-
dies. LIkm his father, So Mare, be wit food
of mueiiig them with sleight -ahead
trick., is whelk he displayed coueiderebls
4.zii. ty, sad the feat which tee peopesed to
them on this aeries was the pastas of •
half sovereign throat& his =meth out d bis
ear. U.fortnnat•ly. be swallowed the eau,
which dropped tato W mid pipe. The ac-
cident occurred on tae sed of April, audit was
followed by fregait its o tew�oc-
atag, and osional .oe•.orr is the right side of his
chest ; but so died was tae digu, band of
br.atliag tem a .0 fir sans time drwbted warn instead of breastThiptoo the etioaha
whither the cunt had really Whet into, the and walking -dress. .s tae tie steel
wind -pipe.
After the lapse of fifteen daye,Sir B. Brodie
met Mr. Key iu consultation, cud they cos -
cursed Mlle opinion that most prubably the
half weenies was lodged et the bottom of
the right bronchus. The day after, Mr.
Bread plated himself i. • prone positime
his face epos some chairs, and bendi
lead sad neck downwards, Le diatinctty'felt
the coin drop towards the glottis. A .io'ent
cough ensued, and, oe •aummd the erect
posture, be felt as if the object sin moved ; woman try as bard b get the kink out of
deweward unto the cheat. Hen esu an en- her heir u the ladies try to get it
• gine•ring ditSeslty, the like of which Mr. -
Rival had •ever Before eocouat.red. The
mischief was purely meehanic.l ; • foreign
body had gone into hu breathing apparatus,
and mast be removsd,if at .11, by . ,me ma.
chattiest expedient Mr. Brunel wide how-
ever, Noel to the occasion. He had as ap
palates constructed, consisting of a platform,
which moved upon a hinge in the centre.
Upon this he had himself strapped. and Isis
body was then inverted, in order Mut the coin
might drop downward by its own weightrnd
so be expelled. At the first experiment the
coin •nam slipped towards the glottis, but
it caused such as alarming 6t of convulsive
coeybiug and appearance of choking that
danger wad sppreheod.d, and doe .xpettweet
wu discontinued. Two days alter, mi t8.
23th, the operation of tracheotomy was per-
formed by Sir Benjamin Brodie, assisted by
Mr. Key, with the 'menthes of tramming the
coin by the forceps,if possible. Two attempts
to do so were made without success. 7 he
iutroduction of the forceps into the windpipe
on lbs second occasion was •herded with w
excessive a degree of irritation, that it wed
felt the expel meat fpad not be continued
without evident ds to life. The incisius
in the windppe esrlaerr.r kept open by .
quill or tube, n " a 18, b which time Mr.
lrunel's strength bad sufficiently recovered
to enable the Goal ex rimeut to repeated.
He wee again strap to his apparatus; his
body wu inverted; is body waaetrock gently;
and be distinctly felt the cam eel' Its placer
oa tus4ight side of his chest. The opening
in the. windpipe allowed bis to breathe while
the throat wu stopped by the coin, and it
One had the effect of preventing the spas
modic action of the glottis. After • few
soughs the coin dropped into his mouth.
Mr. Brunel ased afterwards to say that the
moment he beard the gold -piece stnke aeainst
hie upper front teeth was, perhaps. the most
exquisite in his whole life. That ball -some -
riga had been in his windpipe for not less
than six weeks 1
Delimmeed hs
'The, �j JMr
She Wee weam
Haab teat.,�,a
'"tom m -000., which wee the team
•yes alrilisgr w• eidetemel tee pea es
Noineeltwin hw ht spathe
FreenbismenAM, We glpi
" r „eiteAkte .et feet fi
, lb; aural stage • of ihsi 6eigti
.. Y
the present treelike whish /fir
preset of tie F•ds(s' Omer•.
tiT7 admen
Laud awl Elwlirattaw O.Mpear abolished es news ear unit des*u
A Company ander this Dams, of whi h
the Hoo. Mr. Jungian Halibertoe is Chair -
w, with • espied of $250,000 alarlia�
appears to have bees •as.bli.hed is Lore -
doe, Eueartd. It offer. for Beds pao,000
sora of lead in the Counties of F.terhoet`
and Victoria of parte of the
townships of Dyrt, Dudley, Lo.•d,
Ouitfcrd Haroosrt, Barbaro, Barton,
Havelock, lee. The &Bowing aro the i.-
duormenta offcaed to intemdiug settlers:
Ten pmt., -et the parohaae mooey paid
t by the Company for
be expended in sowers►
. theme reedit will in-
1-gy -
Memel ibel reads
the B,bt uBurleighand
Petersen ti, itse i
will converge to various Tows plots which
the Company have it ie view to lay out ie
very carefully .sleeted mites The Tows
plots will, 1t is anticipated, --the whole of
them being connected by good reads (dor
the °Destruction of which the country at
fordo excellent facilities)—become each
the centre of a new and Goariol4ng settle-
ment ;
ment; private enterprise in establishing
mores, mills, hue., will here anon dad its
reward, and the several towns mod town-
ships being; as it were, knit tsgalher by
good roada,will derive from that gnat
sdvantege and conceal support.
WIMTI. FASHIoNa ueW aH1.t>Tog.-
A lady ootn•ppoouodent writers from Wash-
ington : The fuhioos this winter are very
etwuical, the height of the ladies' bonnets
being absolutely ridieulou•. Large white
muslin bows, with lace trimmed ends, a»
of making ladies look quite ministerial
Cloaks are pretty much all long ..eke, and
braided trimmings are most in favor.
Frizzled hair is all the rage. Ladies eat
their lovely locks about four inches hag,
and cud them at night over the forehead
ltd cloie to the head. These earls ere ail
combed dtrough in a mem next morning,
and stand out like • darkey's hair, precise-
ly. I have seen many a dark-skinned
A Rebel Internal Httnhtas.
A member of the Thiny.th.rd Mas.aehu.
setts Regiment, now in this city, has shown
a • portion of n cartridge fakes imea s r ebef
prisoner, consisting et three codes, pasting
one within the other, something as ors Nim-
ble would be placed to another. seaee
around these; wed found a white �r, eo.
acted by meas of g s •
4o. mate/" to the
This was to antraane
Lin time after leaving the mak.t fron whiel
It might be 6r.4 hes Making the load
mm of thewecties end ofs
explaios shout .jabs while the Oikt
was in the hogs of a sspeleketoick yg it, h
would saki terrible OWL The `upas
used by the prisoner trona which these ear
triages were takes... en Anstrian meakee
with a largo hon. -eaten TInteeter.
The hMtatiaawst maid bar
The New York Tribune says •- r
its a cermet and plausible objeetion to
the polity of the proclamation, thee it only
proposes to liberate blame tba ere set 'Atha
'sea of the liberating power. Now Tames -
.m is theorem' of fearful soul let, wbiek rolls
from ride to side over nearly its entire are
To profiler liberty to its slave. is 'b promise
•em.ting .kick ire tea instantly perform.
—dam* 1i. uses/ is wbesnl touisaute,
which the Preside.t ba exempted. He
might henMrichbe the eheeb*e..t once boss
the limb. el several leadede of thoe.ue of
ee, seams, and thereby gives N these left la hos-
ting. ei rebels an .rut else we fdlun at
remelt and liberate them resulted from .ami
of power reran thee •f will. The ever*
bass vifll be ruse epos by the rubels se
mak. their .le.m believe that the ..L.it
an trilling still and duping chess --.•.king to
r.e them in the eowteet, bet not i.bding to
sward them with liberty. This .111 prove e
weiel a nee and a peril to the Nati.eal are
promptly and etreetivel, snatereeted.
my, ^ bet -to ber that
.a p soes,n mates wren
.w she rebeeleel,lin *Y.0Ay
M pea, riee ow to ti i yg,w, wouldalert
p -,ellen Mamma m motes•4d M•rpt••d
furan �igaxl.
GOlDERICH, C W. JAN. !, 1843
Gov. Seymour of New j[ State, has
jest issued his Message, Whitt ism may
respecte a remarkable document It is
more than a mere Message of a Governer
of a state to the local Legislature -it is
an embodiment of the opinions of th(tes-
tire Democratic P. ty,and is important as
being more outspoken than anything issu-
ed hope the Peat or promulgated. from
t eors rice the commencement of
the War.
Governor Seymour denies emphatically
that Slavery win legense of war, and
argues that it ie to-Thilound in the disre-
gard of the obligation. • of the laws and
oonstitnted authorities, and tie flagrant
dirisiona and keel prejudioesapringiag up
'tie two porticos of the Atlmeih Steak -
"Against theme adverse influenced; mays
the Gener.og, "the Government wu bores
"along, and •truggied se but it could with
" the tide." An endeavor is then made
to prove tient the Federal Goverment has
acted srrogaung to itself
unlimited As iff the na-
tion to > traoticel abol-
ishment of cherished state rights. The
evil effects of this policy, it is alleged, are
mppa� t
seder the.
and disgrace of that
forces immediately
toriszecotiveorkik in the
t which wan oompar-
atiesijbsyend the olootrol of the Gover¢
t, eogeidermbie racemes have be gain-
tiiavlbg settled thea point to the matte-
' ((every candid miud, the Governor
plasm ledaelf firmly aed eaoomprosirog-
1'!tb•brod platform of States Right',
ging the high ground that • eonedidated
Government in ted vast mru.try would
7 the essential home, right@ ad lib-
erties oaths Apure people.
iM. a, this Message will
dike. 'oa in the Northern Stats
Doming s it des, from the Governor
efti.ott a important States ler York,
will doubtlem make its mark in Europe.
Judging from tits portions of the deems- -
at before ua, itis from the pen of a ma
who is decided in e.xprering hi`t
ions and fearless w thein advocacy. Seth
MOM are wanted in the North at the pre. -
at meseet, end until they •up forward
sod obtain a bearing, the eosatry will b.
deeper and yet deeper leen the
blood/ad despiser. Rear .W,
we fleet remote her
geesetaw -, Jr ( 4 444
It would ..edmi. thi
AAterit s
e0 gra remeally fist the Ores*
ala. , seen tared them i sire* e* eat
r. P i• act be r
id that we seed of the paw
r• •, s$.. end wk to uederethe it. his
h meet, gaga diesel it might w
Oh ask, wee* the tame.. Ile that It
gee ►..dnt
enmityrom a••erby end
Y ray eel pease.
tba re
ow dun
the Et
hat.ese the flees( di" Wats.,
whit► .K►t net le waist. HIM- tw.that
La= most he n►.i tliges .f the
held r milm.sy �Yt
sf nemeses mmm feet
dimwit saamegmethe
Witalithrion at dm
gu!emsee!4 t
Mem be
ehet four elbow.
pekes ram the
the tie.
• , thele
lorsawe stet Year tie gate oar
Me OM, tart ee dreimt epos ove
..a still greater bedtime sad debt. • as
eoerort oar g4nrealmit iso • ailM.ry desew
nem. The s' oto. that is chi
tentage the North most sn {egaMtar �et�q[
1 . South toed saes our oar Uo.�lam
Me hopof oeitia•r at ,me,w�at..N
err mad dn-
strayed couiwc
d•e in our eau= oed. 1t
it a suggestive fact, &Mordi.g imminent'. and
hops for the future, that the dowries wince
have exercised an aril inflames se oar loader
al polities, did not origie.l, in whin he
called the heart of the Ude a
timbale the well ammtheel
seatr.l shad nommen ars. woo *8.
permitting aid Vliet M le
costae*, nor is 8,
bast and Wit
course. They
enunl7 u esu•
s• hit, sad
lionageeeme torr
been mermen 111
Soothers views, bet
mon miasma Mows of scare populous
astral and wester a Stoles. 'These States
eali ted wareelyu the gar for the Camea and
domed this pais", .d toot y the views of
the extreme Northern 81at , it lust at the
law elections surly tel the politiaJ sapped
which these Stases alfotded in the el.ete.s
of 1760 and lilt. While the North cannot
hold the Souther. States u rub' a
out ' e.teoyi g the principles of�o�Oovern.
mat, the great central and water States
esu eo.ted the two extremes.
Gommmor Seymour npeau *bat when gen-
oral Government adopted the views of the ex -
0. . Nankeen Slaws a remarkable politica!
revol.iioe wed the result ; that no ex
views would ewer proem' ; that, especially,
the teatral and western States mould aver
accept them ; and that Moss of the central
Slave States which had rejective the adipose.
of eeeessioa, which had sought to remain le
the Ultimo sad had beets driven of by • con-
mmpt.ons .aompromwi.g policy, mat be
termed bask. 1i• thee emceed* to say : -
• The restoration of the whole Uuios .111
Mee all be a work of time. The pohry of
sus a.d *itemisation means also the
4(the blood and treasure of ilia Nonb.
bet oat way to stave es from demonli-
melon. discord sad repdsetios. Our Union
mat be restored complete s hall its parts.
No section mast be eiserr.niaed beyond the
• navoidable .ec...ities of war. 1t pant be
so suited epos say bloody, barbarous, revolt-
ttomary, or unconstitutional echos., looking
merely fo gratification of hatred, purposes tf
party ambition srsectional advantage. Let
bo oma tbiak that the people who have refueled
to yield this Onion to rebellion at the South
will phrmitits restoration t4b• prevealed:by
fanaticism at the NortA "
In •a.elusioa, he a '•The don
of our country is not kopeks. ie i
rade so by passions and prejudices, hick
are mconsnteet .ich the gmverruuent of a
great eom.try. We mut accept the eondj-
lion serf affairs as they stud .t this momma*.
The foetuses of oureeentry are iueueneed by
the results of bottles. Our armies in the field
mat be supported. All const tetio.al de -
mads 10 007 General Oovernmeut,stat be
promptly resyonded to. Under no Mecum -
elutes can rhe dirioon of tie Unlon be con-
ceded. We .ill pat forth every exertion of
power. We wilt use every policy of concise.
time. We .ill hold omt emery indre scent to
Me people of the South to return to their.1-
legiance, consistent with bonny. We will
guarantee them every right, every considera-
tion demanded 8r the constitution, sad by
that fraternal regard which most prevail in e
common cosntry,butive can Dever voluntarily
consent to the braking op the U.ion of these
States or the destruction of the constitution."
•c.riwties. hes the administration ahem-
The following is the 000cloding sentence
of a speech recently deliemed by Mr.
Bright, in Birmingham, England :
"I have another and far brighter vision
before my gate. it may be but a vision, bat
I will still cherish it I ase one vast confede-
ration stretching Iroa the fronts North in one
• ebeeken line to the glowing South, and from
the wild billows of the A:lamtie to the calmer
waters of the Pacific main, and 1 see erre
people and one law and one language and one
faith, and over all that wide continent the
home of freedom and • refuge for the oppres-
sed of every race."
It will give gTf.I pain to the liberals of
Canada tosee a gentleman of Mr. Bright's
stamp giving ouch a hasty and, we believe,
ill-advised adherence to the famous Mon-
roe Doctrine, as betrays itself in the pero-
erpration of his Manchester speech. We can
forgive him for landi.g Mr. Lincoln's
acts, u0000atitutimal as they are ke{d' to
be, but when, in the warmth of his seal for
the Federal Government, he proceeds to
fonbdow a Utbpia stripped of every
vestige of British poo it i. sandy time
to remonstrate , atrtt small matter of
surprise that he is opposed, with ewe sweep.
w ep-
Goo, by the entire Pres of Britain. Timm
wee conking to Weekirtgto., ie earnest, ne
the 8.b upon which the whole Wesaw.
Wold is destined to revolve. Our little
madi.did, femt-girdid Camada7 seeordieg
to Mr. Bright, is, of e vee ID •
spoke in the Brat wheel of
peat We 8..e
Oenda, but
Mai ems either t,
that they should .0i w by of the med.
oar mar
O.wsmar fatreasr's
mega •
"Although the POONA
p se the
tet.w. decreed N.....1...
chi Ad theMat
horsed M weeper
dhseshieettavgmi.Dw, irtheN 1'
8o NelugMe
Aw�edhe:11616yah. e►
Ain turtle■ may
•gsdty b�1e�d Are
tar Y w pie its dm
stress tetwt wriiM err emcee tlbealer
(w t�y/ae der tie Itts�tw «
t *5
sp ill Mt ivwy i
to W�
expire& erose from is impart
feet kiewledoe of Americas dfailyy
gr Mr. Bowed• les hent .elan er me
KayR ceterato by • eery lest. rine-
fte mar el theilLaw eandiele rs.
air Tbs ..li y,rf P. Mart., te-
Isoeretid, Muria, wee dsetrwfti�y 1tw
ss -
se Moseley maarieg.
-. A *V5 armed Orkin bis lea
lesellAielron by ler Is bead ie Yert.eal.
Ts. to l Y t ached i. eiresily paean
tY dealt
et Merril otitis
• On:l1r !+r* " Great I..t,ra;
Oup., hake, obi Iwo 81artieti• eilIMITIG MAW
Thillattle.of Murf eeibo
Details dfoir day's F1gk
From fie Nae York Herald
THS /I*BT DAY'14109T.
Oe.. Roamer;. marebed from
villa to Friday, Dee. 2$,with abouts 1,
effective men ani 800 pietas of and
and skirmished all the way to the ha
B ij �igisting bitterly. ms
Th? ref Tuesday Dx 30 tris
, I sad our lei
trout elide, 101116
sem* their fecee
the resist
tf iaesedaal ..
•t he ~seed-
Leatethat ?,
ithtt t(tithes off tel a
spmt by oar forces reooenuitering. Th. sidr
smoky was found strovegty pasted with s-
ii�li.ry oo the bank of Stoile's alike, wage
his flanks resting on Murfreesboro,
worn side. The centre aieu had the ad-
vantage of high ground, with a dense
grow of cedar masking them completely.
Their position gave them the advantage of
a cross fire.
Gen. McCook's corps closed in on their
lett on Wilttsoo's Pike; Negley, of
Thomas' corps, worked with great difficul-
t the frost of the rebel centre, Ro.eean s
division being in reserve. Crittenden's
corps was posted in comparatively dear Ash
ground on their left, Palmer's and Via Mheoloia., 14
Cleve's division in front, Wade in re- tot84. i mohi.
Bend end
I. Lyle. {.
eie•r net,
n*.,..ems-� .r.
teem es
ma irf,
thee cele ba
waw .irtlsk..'
6.•. ek d
hili a jp
the kir llf {iA es el.r,,-
and the taenia
every habit
Oar easmahy it }
toes, did as raid
est can thea
i s4Mb•table b the
ora W lbw.. The
ba mem .eeme.
A battle was expected all day on T
day, but the enemy metel3 skint].
and threw a few shells, one of which k'
Orderly M Fourth United S
cavalry, mei eet from then. Boston
That aftertioon a Anderson Penney
nia cavalry, oo McCook's flanks,
drawn into an ambuscade, and iia two
jors, Rosegarton and Ward were k"
Crittenden's coax lost 4 killed and
wounded that day, including Adju
Elliot, of the 57th Indiana, severely.
Cook's las was about 50. On the
day the rebel cavalry made a dash in
rear of the Lavergne, burued a few '
gas, and captured 35 prisoner.
That night dispositions were m !
attack the enemy in the morning.
dark the enemy was reported massing
McCook, obviously to turn our right
This corresponded with the wish
Oen. Rosencrana, who instructed
McCook to hold him in check stab
while'tbe left wing should be throw
Murfreesboro behind the 'enemy.
Al daybreak on mho last da of
ber everything appeared working
The battle had opened on the •
our left wing was on hand.
At seen o'clock ominous sounds
sated that a fire was approaching no
Aids were despatched for informs ' • 1
found the forest Lull of flying n
straggling soldiers, who reported
reglmeetafdliog back.
Meantime one of Cook's aids b
sounded to Gen. Roetenerans that G=
Johnson had permitted the three bat
of his diviron to be captured by a sat.
attack of the enemy, and that it had . .
what demoralised our troop was obviate.
The brave Gen. Sill, one of our best ltd
Goers, was killed, General Kirk wounded,
and General Willieh killed or mia.in ie -
sides other valuable officers wounded. Gen.
McCook sent word to hold the feint sed
he would help him -that it would all work
The General, confident of en con-
tinued to visit other parte of the 6 and,
with the aid of Generals Thomas Mo -
Cook, Crittenden, Roseau, Negley, and
Wood, the tide of battle was termed.-
ermed —
Early in the day we were eeriouslysmbar
rased by the ent•rprime of the robed caval-
ry, who mute some serious .1
some of McCook' nit
sistence trains,
waggons, and
rt sum
o gle weirs led
sed. Some of oar l.tt•r-
■iet cwt that aIeount.. Tlh ami..
• caused by the capture If Ms.
again front right to left. The esmoi.
covering the impresibility of sotaig
*sir nein design, hart sodden
dmIrtforeee on the left The fire
pidity, emending to the ()entre,
ekes that the right was detail'
lefL The enemy hed
make t complete Aster of BIM em
Asia into the tarions Ikea atd seadi
lie re slang the line*. mertad Besot
brigade forward. Some ex beeteries
• ismsneadoestheat WOO laird situ
erleekti,iitelwrimd sway beget
Gewsvs1 s wow waved
from of Oeitswrien loft with hut
wrier the hue of hen* mitre the
yawed • full bowl,
smikamef the aryl Vat Ow-.
INS One WO the riettS34011Oeterel
and Yr tst/ittesna
sr seise* w
wined me
Feted Fo
ttk• Can
lite tahewer
WhomeaI.kk el
de peed thigh .
sin wmaMe■s th
.gark cat
lent dem I
di. r, t1 Plan of
Ir�i 11
mal bow
est thatflejh
tom Midst
de M..
Yost Lai' r
.J. • es
Was. 0I
tr,.l,r 4 48•i
ted, mitt est
in the
m1 a
of utilab!e
the fire on
ly silenced et
eleven hour.,
old compare
xcl.diee I '
killed •T� I bwork
�Wm 66
Ti,,as I "
'h nte n any
ay 4,5 a,,,,
Qr...1 this porn
radaocra,,, with fee me of lits
go"ed Iter I Littlell
1 Wiwi Iii.
A��tiin� mid, 'them
�160.� washer w�
I'vmothyou yeot ert mist Mathes, ate---
living wreath matte from he the hinedlsel rwlathe
Ytot� Metheir wins.
the she a•k arty. together
r wif derma
o Chunk eacred boss or shades eFiatr
Phmmteii x«�i.ot
Tie r'oodah
.aI'0ttin, et Erie" I says b
that day to ti,�ie
It w f
a• • h'ee'dful '
the death of his set , you a child
ahead should be kle •0S that his
ty�skfilia� Rider�r�,r�a-hoett le to ae°a. o o tb.
elb a iatit•at ism/... of
• aroyi_.�ttske�a�"..
o writs aide pa to a• Mg e 4
Ilse would woe dae;� �r.tis.1.•
terM r worse � ^epi•a lee for r •F
met have
est our looms
Gen. Sit, Oen.
re.o be, bluest
mare; Clonal
I McKee 3rd
1616 Kentely'�
t Colonel yep.
Carrppeen.ter, O*8
le Ohio 8.»t.,
mel 0011. \Y
t -+Amon sur
o.el bloodeeerw tk
;eedid repo
sell, Wise,
oak. and Lie
Major To
g, iib re
ertnd Fust
the enemy
esu the mum
Their ob'
rf from Nieto
If McCook'
agameltiamen s
• Y• force on
lh they ine'
time elm
elute„ .ply inle
d is n.,t car
serail The Fo
pleedid duh at tar
u and raka•iet tb
r bad mien from
uod:ed prisoners of
eaaered terribly ;
bees heavy
6 1 • w wereeine..e•walry
week tns, and "'pN4"M
the leg•
G•M�i F.l
over a
killed e
in 1
•y. The
mire" wi
$ a rut FEL
iatella . f • hew.
interesting one
a which 4
their forces
dm; the .
65.000 men
isg force at
day, and
an lire of defence.
The Conf
catlins extend
of.ix mita.
tillGeneral She
within two miles
attacked by • au
The lighting
desperate in the
tiisetiame woes
meets, ad ern
bead Ver gar for
The lel Iowa lest
.ad ' ng.
Goa. Hovey, wit
sot giro for M soil . -
seal fore bub. yet
reeler am en
it repute" t
threw his
reeve of thp
drove it beet
mos ordered a. i in
ollia Will i• imp. 7
we ewes engaged
fee the lier time .
tier. thetreel Ned "
is esesert ertalefy. either
a itieiatalte rebel! 011 . =ID t•
the "miry Ise, sod *al °Cleaving
beiwwfos. 0 40144 ..1110.10.76:6..,7 orwsresdiatim, 0641""Itatetberr.
logar=4.0 1.40:41:::::00.,... Ta:::"..74.143im.7%...a: ataLipiiint necie h.
menteg, red
await oin Moe_
back to his sat
to sed esru.
fOiltit to
last; *#11 . 1 :solaw l
ill° Wilk feet
el 11.4174„
IWae a tamed egad ,,;
vise lewr*earth slim t. e1
Cos . glis Re"reiog aawmr
gro.ny,iy �Pa4 fir Ja {rap -
ndtem .oath a tl.reelaimi yft, thmltstu, `- 1ptAsr !I
et Dowit&-Gietwoo
lbw =r *swan li41
&Lek 8t. r Ore N. 'i
'Om 1, *Jo y 'Woolf r•-dtn•er�
Myer, a°d Alex- frith.
TIM seal► L1p�
l tow
a4 °f Hour � '�.
1lii�"R, Caleb l .:
Goo �jf10��
sr" oritrritilt 'name,
Jett is ...aaafiris'
la is river, heiew deg
posed tw.S.11•1116 Go
Xisatiam";The leo* et Mispi. bore'
beg bail, ,...soiriled saws 44te was
ne the 404 418.1•14 -
"led hi 1413/4., 844324kje Wheirii4tabe
wet" ibises hie pm•1401
,_.141(.40e.-441111. 4*,11110411eg elieel, as
7r.graht his
la 111464P
geeordianry. Eight companies ef4reetageor
altantry were accepted by the Granstret
, fOrtit C414. )1431•4444.,
it wag I,
1413W the
lases aad far- ft •
trhot f rile thee
*3111136••• Weld rat;
eunaded muse it emu% be
that dwelt 0,
:aril, bud of
ww the free „„liar
senor 9ff...dour
aiieesessedee neve.
rnbsly 111114"`"
greet proem° le
Arta 111411 • bero,
stick , ead did "110,i
the Was* 14.4.1
He wee tremie"
- ewe slat er
eldle at'
twee w's A tut
rawest bee
of elliwW°
wing that
is Gard
ws Noss,
*rind It
tIm 4211144'
Wet 10 ays been. (
is ors ykimo
Aso .1;31101,41
fo, 11