HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-02-04, Page 11PERSONALS Goaltender Jim Brown was among the young players from the RCAF Station who were in Detroit over the weekend play- ing hockey in connection with Minor Hockey League Week. While in the city Jim was a guest with Mr. & Mrs. Todd Merritt and family. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Schroe- der returned home last week after spending several weeks with their daughter and son-in- Ready Mix CONCRETE Plant 235 • 0833 Residence 228 - 6961 C.A. McDOWELL Ltd. WATER DAMAGE Due to storm and water damage in our Furniture Store, a number of items became slightly soiled - hardly enough to be visible - but we are going to clear them out at fractions of the cost. All Brand New Merchandise By Purchasing an Investment Registered Retirement Plan Call or Write TED HOLMES 145 Deer Park Circle, London 471-6005 Or Enquire at The Times- Advocate DIJI4EAU MISSING PERIONS faek, wouldn't notify her even if we did find him." By MRS. HEBER DAVIS Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenlee and boys were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Greenlee, Exeter. Danny Cal- cutt spent the weekend with Leslie Greenlee. Mrs. Tom Kooy was hostess Thursday afternoon for a brush demonstration, the proceeds for St. Patrick's Church Guild. The committee in charge of arrangements for the euchre and dance have been able to get the Lucan arena and music for Feb. 19. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll and Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Mac- Donald were Wednesday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dickins. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Tindall and girls visited with Mr. & Mrs. M a r tin Korrevaar and girls Sunday evening. Dennis Maxted, son of Mr. & Mrs. Tex Maxted, RCAF Station Centralia spent several days with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll last week. Mr: & Mrs. Kenneth Ogden and Mr. Roy Ogden, Fellmore, Sask., visited with relatives and friends in this community recently. Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis spent a couple of days with Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Dickins, London, last week and visited with their daughter, Mrs. Jim Young, a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Ron Carroll and Ian visited with their grandmother Mrs. Henry Hodgins, Lucan, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Scrimshaw, Terri and Jimmy, London, Mr. & Mrs. Bailey, St. Marys, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Davis, Heather and Michael attended a birthday din- ner for Brian Johnson, son of Mr. & Mrs. Bill Johnson, Satur- day evening. Mr. & Mrs. Rayburn Steeper and Mr. & Mrs. Norman Lewis, Ailsa Craig were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rees. By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Pullman, Roy and Ronnie visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Sam Giles, Science Hill. Gayle and Barbara Bieber spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Bob Johns, Elimville. Miss Shirley Jaques, Elim.. vile, was a Monday evening visitor of Carole Foster. Mr. Wm. Ogden, Eston, Sask. Mr. Roy Ogden and Mr. & Mrs. Ken Ogden, Fillmore, Sask., and Mrs. Olive Frederick, Den- ver, Colorado were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Morley. Mr. Frank Parkinson and Glenn visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Russell Parkinson, Lon- don. Mr. & Mrs. Gorden Bieber, Exeter, visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Bieber. Mrs. Thos. Simpson and Tom Jr., London, were Tuesday visi- tors with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Bailie. Mr. Ron Squire visited Sun- day' with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dickins, Lucan. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hodgins, Avis, Allen and Grant attended the E dgewood Jr. Farmers ban- quet Saturday evening held in the Foresters Hall, Granton. Miss Grace Webb, London, and Mr. Clark Rawlings, Tor- onto, visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Alton Neil. Mr. & Mrs. Milne Pullen spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Don Pullen, Clinton. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brock and David, Chiselhurst, were Sunday visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. French. Rev. E. Roulston, Exeter, occupied the pulpit inthe United Church Sunday in the absence of Rev. Guest who is vacation- ing in Florida. Mr. & Mrs. Orville Davies and family, Guelph, and Con- stable Don and Mrs. Davies and family, Sombra, were Sun- day guests with Mr. & Mrs. McCleod Mills. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bell, London, spent Thursday with Mr. Frank Parkinson and Glenn. 11 Property for Rent STOREY and a half 3-bedroom house in Exeter, available Jan. 1. Phone 235-1377, 3tfnc HOUSE - On corner of James & Andrew in Exeter, 1 storey, full basement, 2 bedrooms, liv- ing, dining, 2 kitchens, avail- able Dec. 1. Rent reasonable. No pets allowed, Phone 229- 6576. 17tfnc MODERN DUPLEX, 120 Sand- ers St., Exeter. Apply to Mrs. Lloyd Jones, RR 1 Centralia or phone 235-1066 Exeter. 28tfnc STORE presently occupied by British Mortgage available for rent May 1. Apply Bill's Bar- ber Shop. Phone 235-0915. 4tfnc 1-BEDROOM lower apartment. Phone John Burke 235-1863. 28:4c 2-BEDROOM house in Exeter; living room, kitchen, 3 - piece bath. Dial 235-1475. 4tfnc STEAM HEATED apartment, a nice one, with new furni- ture and appliances, wall-to- wall carpet. Elliot Apts, 442 Main St, Phone 235-0585; eve- nings 235-2912. 28tfnc MODERN 3 - bedroom farm home on highway 23, with ap- proximately three acres and out-buildings. Possession avail- able now. Apply Box CPL Exeter Times-Advocate. 6 : 18tfnc Rudeness is a weak man's imitation of strength. APARTMENT OVER store, 2 bedroom. Phone days 235-0270, evenings 235-0685. ltfnc MODERN unfurnished apart- ment, 1 bedroom, living room, dining room and kitchen, 4-pc. bath, steam heat, hot water supplied. Apply Art Geiser, Elmart Apts. Phone 235-1505 days, 235-2754 after 6 p.m. ltfnc 18 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033. Exeter. 12:13tfnc 19 For Sale or Rent BRICK HOUSE, 7-room, at 64 Wellington St., tiled bath and glassed - in porch, hardwood floors and oil furnace. Phone 235-1177 Exeter. 7:16tfnc 22 Notices PLEASE BRING in that use- less dog that can be useful any Monday or Tuesday, early. L. V. Hogarth, phone 235-1414. 4c 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Clinton Roy Sweet, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Clinton Roy Sweet, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 3rd day of January 1965, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solici- tors of Exeter, Ontario by the 5th day of February 1965 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which no- tice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario. 21:28:4c 24 Tenders Wanted TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until Feb. 16, 1965 at 6:00 p.m. for a pro- jectionist for schools in the Township of Stephen. For further particulars contact Wilmar D. Wein, Box 181, Crediton. Phone 234-6377. 28:4c Special Group of TABLE and BOUDOIR !LAMPS All drastically reduced in price ! V..‘P WALNUT WOOD Coffee Table Regular Value $31,50 Only $9.95 Only the Top Needs Refinishing! USED THREE,PIECE 2-PIECE TANGERINE Chesterfield Suite Only $25.00 Davenport Suite Only $69.00 A real beauty - you have to see it to realize it! Ideal for the recreation room or summer cottage! 1 ONLY SPRING - FILLED MATTRESS REG VALUE $59.00 Only $29.00 Now! SALE STARTS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 ALL SALES FINAL ! TIEMAN'S FURNITURE DASIRWOOD LSMFT '64 GALAXIE 500 XL hardtop, fully loaded. '64 FALCON Wagon, 4-door, radio, stick shift. '62 IMPALA 4-door, hardtop, V-8, automatic, PB, PS, radio, low mileage. '62 FORD V8 sedan, auto, radio, Lovely! '61 CHEV 4-door, hardtop, stick. Impress the neighbors! TRUCKS . '62 FALCON RANCHERO, auto, radio $1,850 '61 FORD F-700 C. & C 176". Above average . . 1,700 '59 FORD F-700 dump. Ready to roll 2,100 '59 FORD 1-ton stake, dual wheels, rebuilt motor 1,400 '57 FORD 1-ton stake, dual wheels 1,100 '55 IHC, 184 tractor, full air, 5th wheel, ready to roll 900 '54 GMC pickup. Best one in captivity 250 '51 FARGO 1-ton, racks. A real sharpie! 650 TRACTORS '62 FORD 641 tractor & side-mounted mower, Under 400 hrs. (Like new) 1,800 '62 FORD, LCG tractor, ideal for lawns, golf courses 1,550 '61 ALLIS CHALMERS, ED 40, less than 1,000 hrs. 1,800 '55 M-H 44 Special. LPTO. Above Average 1,050 '53 M-H 22 Mustang 3-point hitch, plow, cultivator, snow blade & chains 600 '52 8N FORD & loader. Motor overhauled. Save pitch- ing manure .. . • . . . 750 '50 IHC "H" with super kit. A real dandyl 650 '48 FORD. Cracked block . 250 Henderson LOADER for "C" Allis Chalmers . . . 150 10-FOOT drag cultivator 100 Reduced $10. A Day Til Sold .... Thurs. price '62 PLYMOUTH station wagon, 6 cyl., stick . . $1210 '60 FORD sedan, V-8, automatic '80 FALCON, 2-door, automatic '59 Meteor, 2-door, 6 cyl., stick .. '61 YOLKS Deluxe, radio, a nice one '58 PONTIAC sedan '57 CHEV Sedan, above average '61 MORRIS OXFORD, real good ... 600 '56 FORD 2-door hardtop . . . 250 '56 INTERNATIONAL 1-ton stake 510 Tractor-'62 A-C "272" diesel. Used very little . 1190 Larry Snider Motors Ltd. Ford, Fairlane, Patton and Ford Trucks 586 Main South Exeter 235.1640 1075 900 900 900 675 575 There is very little visible damage to any of this merchandise - you must drop in and see it to believe it ! 5-PIECE WALNUT FINISH UNFINISHED-COMBINATION UNIT KITCHEN SUITE Desk & Chest of Drawers Regular Value Is $139.50 Regular Value Is $38.00 Only $99.50 Only $24.00 THIS IS THE BUY OF A LIFETIME IDEAL FOR THE HOME OR OFFICE! FEBRUARY KELVINATOR SALE Automatic DRYER & WASHER BUY THE PAIR Suggested price $489.90 FEBRUARY SALE $399 This economical washer gives you most of the con- venience features of higher priced models. You get multi-cycle operation with a choice of two wash and two rinse water tempera- tures. In addition you get these quality Kelvinator extras: 5-Year Parts GUarantee • "Magic Min- ute" Automatic Pre- Scrubbing • Deep Turbulent Washing and Rinsing • LoW Water Consumption e Po- sitive Water Fill • Double Tub Construction. Guaran- teed for 5 years. Other Great Buys Kelvinator Electric Ranges REDUCED from $179.95 to $129.00 Kelvinator Freezers, 637 lb. capacity NOW ONLY $219.00 Kelvinator Refrigerators BUY NOW and get up to $100 allowance on your old refrigerator. Kelvinator Dish Washer $289.95 for $199.00 Kelvinator Appliances are Good Appliances. Buy The Best For Less SANDY ELLIOT FURNITURE P. APPLIANCES 442 Main South, [writer i5-0c)8h „ / / // ••/, 0 • • 60 • 6 0 0 •0••06.0.• 0 • \Of • V . . • • sig 4 0 • 0 6 0 4 " 41 •••• 0 0 .8 e. 0 8 °. • • 0 o • e • • • "ezz, Sweet Candy for Sweet Love I • .* • O C:•••• 4••• 40 . • • ..• ,„ • Show her you still care with e • • • • • • 0 • • BLACK MAGIC $1.95, $3.50, $3.95 4Q • • 0. • O 47' O 4 • NEILSON'S $1.25, $1.45, $2.50, $2.90 40 0 Dr • .4s; •-••41.0 • • • % • or sweet scents from ELIZABETH ARDEN • REVLON • • 0% 40 .` • 4 • UliTLEr DRUG STORE to •• • „ EXETER .4 .• 0 .4 • 402 • 4 • •• 0 • 0 CO•ii. 4o •0 • Times•AdYbcatk February 4, 1965 Pao. 11 Centralia minister holidays in Florida Brinsley church buys new organ with legacy law, Mr. & Mrs. M. Baldwin in San Bernardino, California. Visitors during the past week at the home of Mrs. Arthur McFalls were Mrs. Ted Holden of Huron Park Saturday and Mrs. Wm. Quinton of London Tuesday. 1964 making it a successful year. Officers appeinted for 1965 were: churchwardens, A 1 yin Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Vogul and family of Listowel were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cunnington. Mr. & Mrs. Don Pickering and Sheryl of London were weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and Marikay. Rev. & Mrs. M. H. Elston of Biddulph were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. BordenSmyth. 24 Tenders Wanted FURNACE FUEL OIL Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the Board Of Direc- tors for the supply of furnace fuel oil for South Huron Hos- pital, and Nurses' Residence. Prices quoted to be constant for the 12-month period. Tenders to be in hands of the Administrator by Monday, February 15, 1965, D. Cook, President A. Maypole, Administrator 4:11c By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA The Rev. E. J. Roulston of Exeter is supplying in the Cen- tralia and Whalen Churches for the Rev. D, M. Guest who is vacationing with friends in Florida. $aDdra and Paul Abbott of Lucan were weekend visitors with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Murray Abbott. Visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bowden were Mr. & Mrs. Barry Reid and Heather of Lon- don for the weekend, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Paynter and David of Kirkton, Mr. & Mrs. Win. Alli- son, Jimmie and Debbie of Aliso. Craig on Sunday. Faulder and Harvey Hodgins; lay delegate, Murray Hamilton; deputy lay delegate, Ralph Rowe; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. MarilynDixon; Other members appointed to the Church Board of Manage- ment were: Mrs. Roy Hodgiris (president of the Ladies Guild); Mrs. Don Sutherland (Sunday School superintendent); Levi White (Cemetery Board secre- tary), Bill Dixon, Joe Morgan, Don Scott, and Gordon Scott. The Cemetery Board of 1964 was re-elected for 1965. TENDERS FOR VILLAGE OF ZURICH FIRE HALL Sealed tenders (stipulated sum) will be received by Mrs. Elda Wagner, Clerk-Treasurer until WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1965, 6:00 p.m. for a proposed Fire Hall and Extension to Municipal Building. Plans and specifications may be obtained by General Con- tractors only, after January 28th, 1965 from the Clerk-Treas- urer, upon deposit of a marked cheque of $50.00, re- fundable on return of same in good order. Lowest, or any tender not necessarily accepted, Mrs. Elda Wagner, Clerk-Treasurer 28:4c PERSONALS Mr. Noble Greenlee spent the weekend in Toronto. Brinsley Church held its con- gregational meeting Tuesday evening, January 26 at the church beginning with a pot luck supper. Most offices of the church reported a substan- tial balance on hand at the year ending 1964. Miss Alma Lee spent last week at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ancel Lee and family. Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood Brock, Exeter, visited Monday with Mr. & Mrs. G. Glenn and family. Mrs. Dean White is waitress at the House of Fine Foods at Ailsa Craig operated by Mrs. Clarence Lightfoot. uuunnu uuuun",uuuuuunuuu"nnnnunnauuuua nnunuuuw uuuuuuuuuumuu iiiiiiiiii ' There is still time to SAVE INCOME TAX DOLLARS FOR '64 By GORDON MORLEY BRINSLEY The annual vestry meeting was held at St. Mary's, Brins- ley, Wednesday evening, Janu- ary 27. The rector (Rev. R. G. Jackson) in his report on the work over the past year said that the generally good condi- tion of the church was due to the fact that it had been so well taken care of ever since it was built. He commended the prin- ciple the wardens of the church had always followed-doing every repair Job as promptly as possible. The legacy of $1000 to the church from the late Mrs. Har- ris had been put towards the purchase of the new organ. An organ commttee, set up by the Church Board, decided, after making numerous enquiries, that a Hammond Spinet would be the most suitable type of organ to buy, and arranged for one to be played in the church Sunday, November 29. All those present were wholly in favour, and it was agreed to ask the Diocese for permission to pur- chase it. Permission has now been given, and it was intended to invite Bishop Townsend to come in the Spring and dedicate the organ in memory of Mrs. Harris. Mrs. Harris had also left a further $1000 to the Diocese for missionary work. The rector expressed his ap- preciation of the good work that had been done by the Ladies Guild, and of the work done by Mrs. Don Sutherland and Mrs. Don Scott in the Sunday School. In September a new Sunday School Curriculum was coming out for use in the Anglican Church of Canada; and this would provide lessons on the application of the ChristianRe- ligion to everyday life. The rector thanked all for carrying out their duties in I iiiii WHIM lllllllll lllllll llllllll 11111,,,,,1 meleim lllllll 111111110111111IIIMMIMMIlle lllll IM lllllll GOLD PLATFORM ROCKER REGULAR PRICE IS $65.00 Now Only $24.95 BROWN PLATFORM ROCKER REGULAR PRICE IS $62.50 Now Only $24.95 (37°' 7WEV oat BROWN Swivel Rocker Regular Value $79 BEIGE Swivel Rocker Regular Value $72 TURQUOISE Swivel Rocker Regular Value $47.00 Only $29.95 Only $39.00 TURQUOISE -Swivel Rocker Regular Value $37.00 Only $24.50 Only $19.50 OLIVE GREEN Swivel Rocker Regular Value $47.00 Only $29.95 BROWN Swivel Rocker Regular Value $47.00 Only $29.95 Only $14.95 OCCASIONAL CHAIR REG. VALUE $611.00 PERSONALS The Rev. & Mrs. S. G. Tomes and daughter of Big Trout Lake, are visiting with his mother, Mrs. E. G. Tomes, Clandeboye. Rev. Tomes will be the guest speaker at St. James Anglican Church Sunday, Feb. 7 at 2 pm. By MRS. J. H. PATON CLANDEBOYE At the annual congregational meeting of Clandeboye United Church a committee was ap- pointed to make plans for the centennial anniversary in May of this year. The committee includes Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simpson, Wil- liam and Agnes Northgrave, Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs. Peter Voisin and Lloyd Lynn. Rev. G. W. Sach is to convene this committee. Elders elected were Lloyd Lynn, Wilmer Scott, William Northgrave, Arthur Simpson, David Kestle, and Rea Neil; stewards are William Simpson (treasurer), Andy Thompson, James Donaldson, Gerald Lynn, Clandeboye church to mark centennial George Simpson, Harry Hardy, Clarence Mill son and Alex Mac- intosh; Missionary & Maintenance convener and treasurer, David Kestle; Sunday School super- intendent, Mrs. Keith Simpson; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. G er al d Millson; representa- tive to Official Board, Mrs. Peter Voisin; Mrs. Wilmer Scott. Rev. G. W. Sach presided for the meeting.