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Times-Advocate, February 4, 1965 ' ' : Page 9
Hensall personals
Collect cards
at Greenway
Messrs. Dave and Jim Sang-
ster are repairing the liengall
Sales Barns, which were dam-
aged by fire in the front Thurs-
day night. Workers at the Mickle
Mill noticed the fire and turned
in the alarm.
Congregation's annual reports
indkate all committments met
building will be dedicated on the
40th anniversary of the United
Church of Canada in June. Wal-
ter Spencer is chairman of the
building committee.
, Other reports presented to
the meeting were; Christian
Education, Robert Re abu rn,
treasurer, and CI endon Christie
superintendent of the Sunday
School. Messengers by leaders
Mrs. C. Christie and Mrs. John
Corbett; Young People's Fel-
lowship by David Pyette trea-
surer, with Eric Ross as pre-
sident; senior choir with Mrs.
H. Horton as president and
Linda Mock treasurer; Pres-
bytery projects, Lorne Hay and
Wilmer Ferguson.
Elected to the Committee of
Stewards were Wilmer Fer-
guson, Murray Traquair, Cecil
Pepper, Jim Drummond, Lorne
Hay and Jack Drysdale.
Elected to the Christian Ede-
cation Committee, Howard
Scane, Peter McNaughton,
Clarence Smillie, Robert Rea-
burn and Mrs. Jack Simmons
and auditors, Victor Pyette and
Harry Horton. Appointed as
ushers were, head usher, Wil-
mar Ferguson, Roy Brock, Ger-
ald Flynn, Ross Corbett, CeCil
Pepper, Eric Mansfield, Doug
Cooper, Grant MacGregor,
Grant MacLean, Douglas Mann,
Steve Kyle and Bruce Horton.
Mr. James McAllister ex-
pressed the appreciation of the
congregation to Rev. and Mrs.
Harold Currie and a gift was
presented by Miss Mary Payne.
Rev. Currie thanked all offi-
cers, leaders and committees
for their devoted service to
the church during the past year.
The congregation of Hensall
United Church sat down to a
bountiful dinner prepared by
the UCW in the New Assembly
Hall prior to their annual busi-
ness meeting last Wednesday
A pleasant program preceded
the meeting with special musi-
cal numbers and readings. Miss
Joyce Flynn was soloist and
Miss Ann Mickle gave a piano
instrumental followed by a hum-
erous reading by Mrs. Earle
Rites for native
of Mt. Carmel
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Patterson
and Cathy have returned to the
airbase after Mrs. Patterson
had visited with her father,
Joseph Dietrich for the past
three months.
Mrs. Doherty of Hamilton
has returned home after a long
visit with her +daughter and
family, Mr. & Mrs. Pat Glavin
and children.
Mrs. Bob Morrissey and
young son came home from
South Huron Hospital, Tuesday.
The YCS group held a suc-
cessful dance in the parish
hall last Friday evening.
$500 becomes $641.89
Once again the I3erean Bible
Class of the United Church are
collecting used Christmas and
greeting cards for charitable
purposes. They may be left at
the church.,
The Berean Bible Class of
the United Church are spon-
soring a pot luck supper in
the Sunday School rooms at
6:30 Friday evening. Following
the supper, Mr. Don Waters of
Parkhill will show pictures of
his trip to the West Indies.
Baptismal service was held
in the United Church on Sunday
when Martin Andrew, son of
Mr. & Mrs. Graham Eagleson,
was baptized.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Curts
Visited Sunday with relatives in
Mrs. Jeanette Hunter of Scar-
boro and Mr. & Mrs. Bruce
Huntley of St. Catharines spent
the weekend with their parents,
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Steeper.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wilson of
Thedford visited Thursday with
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brown and
family and Mr. Dean Brown.
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Woodburn
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Flu strikes
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Advisory Board: E. D. Bell, Q.C., P. L. Raymond, B. W. Tuckey
and family of Galt spent the
weekend with relatives.
Mrs. Wilson Hicks of park-
hill is visiting with Mr. & Mrs.
Fred Hicks and family.
A number of relatives in this
district attended the funeral of
the late Joseph Bullock at Exe-
ter Friday.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rinker and
family of London spent the
weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. Arthur Hodgins was able
to return home from St. Jo-
seph's Hospital, London last
week, where he had been a
patient since last fall.
Mr. & Mrs. Arie Lagerwerf
of Centenary visited Sunday with
Mr. & Mrs. Graham Eagleson
and family.
Rowe. The program was ar-
ranged by Mrs. Howard Scane
and Mrs. Douglas Cook.
Rev. Harold Currie, chair-
man opened the business meet-
ing with a devotional period.
The minutes were recorded by
Bill Mickle, clerk of the con-
gregation. The Session report
was given by Walter Spencer,
The committee of stewards
report with Mrs. Peter Mc-
Naughton as treasurer showed
that all local commitments have
been met as well as the M & M
allocation for the larger work of
the church. The budget for 1965
presented by Verne Alderdice
was accepted. The UCW report
presented by Mrs. Walter Spen-
cer, president, and Miss Mary
Goodwin, treasurer, pointed out
that the women had met their
allocation of $1,400 for the uni-
fied budget of Huron Presby-
terial UCW as well as contribu-
ting $1,200 to the local building
fund of the church and fulfilling
other I o c al commitments to
their own organization.
Douglas Cook presented the
work of the building committee
and reported that the Christian
Education Building as it stands
now at a cost of $34,600 is free
of debt. Final work is expected
to be completed this spring
with the prospect that the new
Mr. John McCarthy, 80, of
the House of Providence, Lon-
don, died suddenly on Friday
in St. Joseph's Hospital London.
He was a former resident of
Mt. Carmel area.
Survivors are his wife, the
former Loretta O'Hara of Lon-
don, daughters Mrs. Lloyd
(Frances) Patton, Miss Mary,
both of Simcoe, Miss Angela
of London, sons, Eugene, Nor-
bert of Simcoe, Joseph and
Leonard of London, brother,
Joseph of Stephen Twp., Leo
and Pat of London.
Requiem High Mass and bur-
ial took place at Our Lady of
Mt. Carmel Church Monday
Pallbearers were John Ma-
honey, John Hall, Gerald Regan,
Hubert Carey, Jack McC ann and
Jack Ryan.
A cottage meeting was held
Wednesday evening Jan. 217 at
the home of Mr. & Mrs. John
A. Cooper with Rev. Howard
Plant in charge.
Messrs. Rochus Faber, Ross
Faber, Russell Faber, Emerson
Coleman and Wm. R. Cooper
attended a farm equipment show
at Toronto Coliseum Thursday
Jan. 28.
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Lovell
are spending a few days with
relatives in Chatham.
Several cases of flu are re-
ported in the area.
Mr. Archie Hoggarth, a pa-
tient in South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, is slowly improving. Ladies quilt
at Elimville CORRECTION—In last week's
account of the annual congre-
gational meeting of St. Andrew's
United Church the name of Mr.
John A. Cooper was omitted
from the names of stewards
elected for a three year term.
The Elimville UCW held their
January meeting Wednesday
afternoon at the church. A pot
luck dinner preceded the meet-
ing and the ladies held a quilting
in the afternoon.
Silipt(o WI EUCHRE
Elimville WI held their sec-
ond euchre at Elimville Hall
Monday evening, Feb. 1. There
were 10 tables in play.
Winners were ladies high,
Mrs. Harold Bell; gents high,
Mr. Alvin Cooper; consolation,
Mr. Norman Brock; lone hands,
Mr. Harold Kerslake; lucky cup,
Mrs. Delmer Skinner. Winner
of dutch auction for a box of
groceries was Mr. H ar o 1 d
Mr. & Mrs. Garson Brady and
Mrs. Cecil Anger of Welland
and Mr. & Mrs. Roy Comfort
of Fenwick spent the weekend
with Mrs. Alton Comfort, Mr.
& Mrs. Milton Sweitzer and
Sandra, Mr. & Mrs. Stuart
Sweitzer and family and Mr.
& Mrs. Jack Pickering and
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Love and
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lobb of Kip-
pen were Sunday evening guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Rus-
sell and family.
Miss Dorothy Harlton of Lon-
don spent the weekend with her
father, Mr. Raritan.
Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Bruce Cooper were Mr.
& Mrs. Horace Delbridge of
Winchelsea, Mr. & Mrs. Russell
King of Crediton.
Several ladies and 4H Club
girls attended the 4-H Home-
making Club Achievement Day
at Exeter High School Saturday
Mrs. Wm. Routly is spending
a few days with Mr. & Mrs.
Don Willcox of Kitchener.
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Fulton and
family of Stratford visited Sun-
day with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin
Newspapers are the only me-
dium offering the magnetic ap-
peal of classified ads.
The national economy for ef-
ficient operation needs both
production and distribution. Ad-
vertising is the cheapest means
of obtaining maximum distribu-
Forty two members and
friends of Reagan WI travelled
by bus to London Saturday night
to be guests on the program
"Act Fast" CFPL-TV. After
the show they enjoyed lunch at
the "Three Little Pigs" Res-
taurant, London. Mrs. Fred
Beer organized the trip. The
show will be seen on television
Sunday, February 14.
Mr. Charles Mickle, Hamil-
ton, spent Sunday with his par-
ents, Mr. & Mrs. Laird Mickle
and Ann.
Miss Marcia Little was a
weekend guest with her aunt,
Mrs. Marguerite Ulch, Wind-
The results of the CNIB can-
vass for Hensel and area has
been announced by Mr. V. M.
Pyette, chairman of the cam-
paign, and the amount raised
was $321.05.
Miss Phyllis Case, Grand
Bend, is visiting with her sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs.
Bill Wilson at St. Catharines.
Miss Anne Lawrence is taking
a ten month course for Regis-
tered Nurses Assistant at South
Huron Hospital, Exeter. She
commenced her course Monday,
Feb. 1.
John Joynt, who has been a
patient in War Memorial Hos-
pital, London, returned home
Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Roland Vanstone is a
patient in Clinton Public Hos-
Members of Hensall Womens
Institute and guests will appear
on "Act Fast" on CFPL-TV
Sunday, February 14.
Eight girls are entered in
the snow queen contest for the
Stratford Jaycee Winter Car-
nival Feb. 8 to 13. The queen
will be crowned Feb. 12 at the
carnival ball. Among the con-
testants is Miss Bonnie Foster,
18, of Stratford, formerly of
Hensall, daughter of Mr. & Mrs.
Harold Foster.
LAC E ar 1 Titterington of
RCAF Station Centralia, for-
merly of Hensall, underwent
surgery at Westminster Hos-
pital, London, Tuesday, Feb. 1.
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lindsay
and family, Willowdale, were
weekend visitors with Mrs. John
Henderson and family.
Cpl. Ken Harrison of Prince
Edward Island, who is on course
as instructor at Clinton RCAF
Station was a weekend visitor
with Mr. & Mrs. William Smale.
Cpl. Harrison is a son-in-law
of Mr. & Mrs. Smale.
A surprise pa rty for Miss
Susan Broadley was held at
the home of Miss Sharon Smale
Friday evening when several
girl friends of Susan's attended
and presented her with a gift
prior to her leaving shortly
for Marlette, Mich. Games were
played and lunch served.
Hensall WI will entertain
guests at its February meeting
Wednesday, Feb. 10 in the Le-
gion- Hall 8:15 pm. A social
evening of cards and crokinole
will be held.
Miss Ruth Ann Hume of Bur-
lington, Mr. Garry Cornack,
Toronto, Mr. John Coughell,
professional figure skater of
St. Thomas, visited Saturday
with Miss Pauline Bell. '
Paul Bedard, London, is
spending a week's vacation with
his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs.
Stewart Bell.
Mrs. Edna Corbett visited
over the weekend with her son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. &
Mrs. Harold Parker and Patsy.
Mr. Ed N. Brintnell has taken
up residence on Mill Street, in
the lower apartment of the pro-
perty of Mr. Leonard Erb.
Mr. George Hess is a patient
at South Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hyde were
weekend visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Don MacLaren in Oalcville.
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