HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-01-08, Page 3•
' 1;1 org.»••••••••••
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41 atlin McFarlane ..... . Assaalt
Sauk Sun isosJohnstob 'Abusive luggage
Joan Wvd..,.. ...... Jobn James Walker- . Cushy to asianda
31ioliael O'Ommor ...... Jamas ilattglirey Empress' at wages
1Jameas Campbell .•
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Adam Darling
W illou isJohn Kolosky
`. ttrRador 'Adam Sam .
Jamb Wats . ....... -4E1[006 Ilse
Jacob Bab 't Lemis Iles
Bernard Trainer. W14140 Mills
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Oct 23
Oct 27
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Sept 25 ,zodsrgKN
tAamolt sad Eattes7 Sept 23 .......... 1 gedsaok
I Anaemic mod Battery . Sept A , ,...... 1 I
lAssault and Battery SeptQS Fr.*
Itimaalt Dee 13 -
Certified to be . tree Copy of all the Lista of Convictions which have taken place before any Justice
Office of the Clerk of the Peace,
Goderich, Itth December. I e62.
0111 111
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6 • • • re
from the Septershe
• 1.
SCROOL REPORT. Mr. Witham Stuart of No. 3, Mr. Leonard, " I are:sectetosied to place my confidence
Mr. Paul of No. I, sod Mr. Charles Stuart of in the sentiments ot devotion of eer Lability
IF• the Weirdest mid Reeves of the liaised No. 2 are hrst rate teachers. In Mr. - an withal.= doentioa to OM threes asd to
Stuart's school there was a large class in the country, of which it 3.51 50 often yen
anestear q( flares and Brace,
Astronomy, aud the questions were well an- I proofs by aus acts, especially of of
Iasi trials for ow country, sa was on y recently
the num
Fismom re Joao NallIM,Lioes1 Superintendent imered•
for the Townships of Astifield. Colborne, H tn previous Reports stated me
Witeaseeit Morrie, Hallett, Mr Kitlop,
God. opinion of other Teacbers, it seems only nr.
'rick, Teckersisith, and Stanley. ceseary at this time to advert to some recent
October lit, 1862. a 4inenta And of these I think that Mr.
cri:4of lig mood rille,deoreres mach praise.
h••• "F'4 "'Ps' until 1 "'IS At the last examiiiatton of his school I found
(non •3403r tuid".° Is t° uin,_Uu !I" 130 echo's's' present, and tile Monitorial
.93.001."ner 1n1 ulusrde-InTaw well carried thrutigh. Such is sell
Temaibips there are at . aununnn st adapted to a larechool, and when active
oporaMem, mad inch triet:eeptioe of the Moaning ere secured as at Egenoodeille, the
serrate school io Hallett the agreement entiess of beginners is most satisfactory.
"11 Ttulduuri 611 ot the's tor the ru." Mei Janet Scut., of No. I, Tuckerateith, is e
term id weirs months. Farther, in the •isits
that I have made dense the last half year, I
hew examused 3144 childremeither ir. clauses
or individeally, trod I have been in the habit
for mural yews of taking down the name of
every scholar, I hese • good criterion, from
these lista for seeensinieg if there has. been
ea, illltste•e•ool aiece • Per•'°•• el"1"••• Mr. Shaw. ot No. 1. end Mr. JamesFerguson,
"1 in, sure, et:omen. that our nobility
•i:1 continue to the most 6rm support of
he throne, as it always has been and ought to
be. This is why 1 put my trust in you, gen-
tlemen, to your unanimity in si&uss me is
everything el:Itch tends to the welfare and
power atter isometry. May Ood aid as in
this task, and may His blessing be with us!
And you, gentlemen, members of thn nobility
of Moscow, know that !hold it a special hon-
or to be one of you es proprietor or the pro-
TIM War Isms.
- .•
Om isiopeptie edam= Alm -are filled
with stores 01 bottle tied slaimbleK, Ots Sat -
1 today the 21th
erals under
ostb haat Yazoo river and marched
Shensi= landed oo
an =my of Fed
toward Vicksburg. Oa the eay it wiii mai
ley w •
It is 1
mod dimity
woodbine is sh.
oar. Irs radar to
by a force Lon ra es, o drag repeats, the
• e 031411'.
pond its adranass. A desperate ea:inflict!
sued. The battle continued Leo days, dMuig
which time it is said the Cotifeder. le* too,- The meseila and
driven from • strong position on a commad
ing hill. Tbel deepatedies do not, however.
claim a victory Co.' tlee Northern •rtini, ar
does it appear that Vicksburg hem yet fa'en
The great battle for the posseesion that
city reunites still to be reported.
Its meats*,
Itse 0,11
ain vs ssy &mem /to
7 -
• MI
t the bet dit •IF
be • Teacher- mot she is talented, and knows vince. I thank you for yell( cordial welcome, The accounts frost Murfreesboro, Tennts skawirkth.b.
her dntias well. Mr. Plunkett,of the 11•0691d 1.1:Diehl/RR, how to appreciate." 50P, 53.00. that. vonmeacing oo Wedneedey ' '
school, is a'so a superior Teacher, and Miss Theiippeal of the rape' ror to the *Ales last. there warmly, t rem figlitineduriti; the
Ureen, 0( 5, Colborne, has been very success- is said to have produced a great eSact epos remainder of the week. The details up to 1 -.--.
ful ',nee she commenced. In Ooderich the saiserubly. Friday only are given and from these we ilictillat°4 thimbildts-bsjapheuninni ii‘lit
Township, Miss Margaret Campbell, of No.
8 is worthy of all pasts.. And in Hullett, -
tio.. I doubt if • Superintendent who ...ne. of Kiriburn, are well deserving of the good
glmta acme aucla Pla•• cah Perf°' hill "17 opioioa entertuined of them in the sections.
is coon
ed and
ho se
in • satisfactorLmanner, as it enables him to Further, in the Township -of Morris, I am
"ea nee° if hae been arl ad""e 'a certain that Mr. Daniel Stuart , of No. 4,end
the classes, and if the Teacher has brew faith• rerz, of No. 6, will become
(l to kin does-
For these echools there ere i•2 Teaehers,
and is ermald =deified' m ind i0 any society
= i
better beim.and more exemplary ndividu-
Ma. Mach of this is owing not only to the
earefal sewn= auk by Trustees' in the ap•
=stm:ett, het also to the vigilance and
is their ow...sight of the school, and
which their presence in the sect;on enables
deem to sorry out, so that should there be
stay deviate= from the right path, • dismissal
is bee= to be the eonsequenee, and it may
be stated that of these Intel en six hold
Normal Sch=1 Certificates, 22 First Class
from the Comet,. 41 Second Class from the
same and 12 Third CI.i from the County.
„The Teacher of the Separnte school is 11 -
teased by the Trustee" of the school. It may
step he remarked that eleven of the Teachers
are females, bpd seveetenne melts -
The 1OhalrifILOM of LIM section are also de
eiewbus of praise os accooet of the great in-
terest they take in school matters, and their
wilriegneis to support the Trustees in what is
deemed requisite for providing suitable ac
eeensiodatiois. Oecssionaily they are called
on to do • rest deal. For example, in the
Toweettip of Ashfield three new schools have
tome WA °poen= the year. and four new
.ehool houses have boon built -the number
of sections in that Township now being
tweet. And while the people Me thus thong
so smelt in that Township, it is a pleasant re-
deefion that there are *ewers' excellent
teeeneslo &Meld. I o section 3 and 4 there
are two eery prosisiag young teachers, Mr.
James Brieli, and Mr. Andrew Fletcher, and
Mr. John MeFaal, of No. 8, W. Johnston, ot
No. 6, and M r.. Wilson. of No. II, likewise
,nt., the good opinion formerly ex.
Oar system of odoestion being with
too see\ tinsels and ezoesegIt g
sumble to upset that o* et
mg of he ad e
tmnd upplyiMCPtillt
produce skiver echelons. Ito
many, and up; rem ,asiltaiLmtiesiel":21:11r.
seunume, the tit
elements orkweledge is is slow
yuag seeder iy cloesti
ties ought te Meier the Teitti to greet
and activity. Thp.wse -belied is aortal
an isva/sabletTeaella0 shoold rierst
remember that the stredgtheninfl‘ dm mind
is 06 enntglitutt gam etedemems, and dtat all
dalce~te' ittioadd he
eare(elly muting!. In this t there
Doss soon i1011811114,11Ma 1100140114 OM I
cossider • system a education defective
whielb it mat altimat a daily. exercise. Um)
%males boseem do not peas 14
Nom Mem is dash that Rocriatioi
expected apon p azamniation
there thillelittb -variety., owl the
are odes left to the will of the seh077,r,„;,,
shomuse. Further, rintr:
tee in • sediaso
1 , Melina velem. Tem
are some schools,.however, is 0.3.103. consider-
able attesting It lisalewed upon reffninekinal
Teltellall Wig look spa tke
de Obi Met eariebee the ednd ei •
Ugh degree, end es particularly enodacive
scholars Wr. C. via.
48,011 he=44tritly had pest redeleal!hil
3 Stanley, .*e34 in
Mtn=os -ita In
Asset& sear le Me terriawather end
at isa sled, aril 1 limo Meeinse is
Al* Os 1055. 504
mwoew ONO dinlisionsAesl1m aout ovayiAt
t Iotryng iletrodes thegs
aPP.OWS aMt*....m0.0
allooralirar tonorniieet aoppe,
sentme.t4 99590085.
As to new aehnO1 houses,! should bare
irtiscedNo.v.ie o,. 6,
. houcHdnetr.
the charge of Mt. Charles Black, a useful
and attentive Teacher. New school houses
are also in COU • , of ci.mpietion at Holmes-
•ille and No. 4 Maiillop and shall nuke
WASPIINOTOI, Jan. 1, 1663.-1, the Prise-
deut of the United States of Amencs, ie.,
W hereas, on the 22od day or September,
in the year of our Lord 1662, s Fothesesticre
was issued by the President 01 the trailed
State., containiog, &mug otter things, the
f.allarteg, to wit, 43.54 04 tip feet day ad*Jan.
uery, in the yeor 01drav Lord one thousand
eight bundredand sixty thsee, all permit veld
State desi ed
some remarks upon these in niy next Re -
1 of a:Stets the people whereof shalt thee be in
port. rebel liana spetat the Meted States, shell 85
In conclusion, I may remark that History
is now much attended to in several schools, 1 th,e". l'eneeft"eth/ an. 1°•°•°T.t, b. friaionds4.t117
and this is gratifying ma it tends to make a . ,
the niiiitery ad. naval authority , ,_,
young ptrson intelligent and well informed. i "tc',V4
1,,,ilstod„,bit L., „clic.' I , ..ef.1 ,sh.,,,i i the , eill recognise end maintain the free 'T '''''"' ""d "lifer"' hes"Z""h"....Pe'll' 1 3 panda
j t hat 't he Federal ar my or Gen. IL set,1 till Ito 'lilt .PII17 bIIV
wens has been very rolighly handle& lt ie. dates. It's bow .9, 702 10
med that on FiecLy eveninf the " 'ober, au fai
thst wick Aid.
pen Jle am, Semi TM
tel rs 2nd
of coarse, clai
advantage rested with Federate; but tlie.• "
can be no no question that ep to that time the ..far '161 'a* Ila" 1 " the
object or Roeieutress' =ranee -the capture as' bi litildili " arial'in
of Murfreesboro- had not been accomplished. eats. Ian MA 80111 0)
The battle waa expected to be renewed on , pages& at this Aare th
lintardav, and • despatch from Louisville says AAA"th,
that it was renewed that wonting, bat as to 1 tvolrei;e-oree.; The c
the moil Hove who eivotrul the arises are ei-
u.stite.tomm. be...11ed.ataliew jegFre:wite9.4t rawiinswilisctobeerynalely..sevel.driii_pisetityva it- in.../...,......eith.isai:ifiy"::
uence therefore may be taken ashe=timesat for„,hrymma Dr serape
of defeat. By iv." Of 4*. .4.
ware ehap Moths Its
web,'.' General Hiait account the , „
diay's fight on W edoeelay, • oulu cows
eidedly in favor of the Costndsrains who set till me, see he Mie
drove the enemy bac% with great slaughter oom dm goo., I wed
It appears also that Rosenereas lust his sup . miskt
av tay, a 11010 1
receive the first attentiam, aa'el certainly 1•11 ; a "eh flereme's Lnd will do art From all accounts the Con femora appre
any eft art they may leake for tts*r ko:Its"eoehern c°10aessmandedersass,hY wiBraihg4a v7sehfliy. duimieshjeftehialninhegralictve.
=prior forto, has allowed himself to be et- I Immo for um imm,
tacked ia the rem. his waggons Milelnred. an •
acquaintance with past Smell is of vital int- ' to to n'Pr•t° Inch Perseus. or any _of wt.ithets,
his communiestions arid mine of retreat to I
be eeriostly disarranged and crippled. The
6 ba looked for with much _
Mr. nf 3, Stanley.. His sPinclisitars
portanee. Again moat
eorrectir. But the pupilsgour M"ar. Ferfittieo7 ni",n"ifdSitbn.telpeophinnd
anewered the historical
Brueefieid. Mr. Dewar of Harperhey, and ow. b. rebellion ...lima,
excelled in History. 41111•bekerauntht 61" therle...iited-Statet, and the fact that amji-sate
Mr. Peter McDonald,
All which is humbly repelled by
(Signed) JOHN NAIRN.
Reported Capture of Harper's Terry.
or the people thereof, shall, oo that day, be
inignsd faith represented ir the Congress of
the United States, by esembins Osseo Mem*
•t elections wherein a majority eualified
•oters of such States 'boll have participated.
The following, which we do not rernem- &twill, in the absencebeefetdrong.romebeleez
ber seeing its any of the Toronto papers, is lanrtir„troestimt,„7.romi „suit: 11,7, aepormksi
somewhat startling. It was sot communia thereof are not ie rebellion against the Vatted
Gated to the Ansosiated Press and came
r Naewrit of the Unite.% SAtates. by° virtue
by special oor. to • Detroit paper, from of the power veeted is me as
which the London Free Press takes it. Chief of the Army and Navy, in time 0(5.'-
Wetual armed rebellson spinet the authority and
give it for what it is worth :-- government oldie United States, and as a fit
CINCINNATI, Jan. 2. ..,d sumeary war measure for repsessing said
Smart's cavalry made a dash on Harper's rebottle*, do on tin first day ef ithesery,
Ferry, and tonesap the railroad track sou
to stop all communication over the Balti-
more add Ohio Railroad. They succeeded
in the stores and supplies at the
sn sot left at last scoonnte. nate as the States mid parts of States wherein
the pimple thereof are this day in rebellion
711TegiAxas,teaLou' tish7anallein:ceingt.thwe
Nullities of St. Bernard, Flanquemines, e.ffer-
on, St John, at. Charles, St. James, Aseen
Mon Assumption Terrebonse, Le Fourche,
Kgeli P7Pf614°V
mdeesd emelt onemarenla emir
sent nod ihm inetleame 1_posioseas
Pm** se wally agarg:sir. 11raLit
:211011±14. slIss
sails *had
the iamb .6 eseseb
sh= 11
it140dIllialssiesis epies•
imam MOM m AIM
eat issue w
interest -
The tenons irosi claildeitor has at lenzth
met the fate many propitiated would at length
overtake her. lo • storm of Cape Hatters:I
on Wednesday wombat last feendered
and went in the bottom. A member of lives 1
=re lest with her. This pee to dereon-eirste
what an along hes been asserted by good na-
yid authon:ties in England, tbst except for
porpoises of harbor defence suck vessels as the
Monitor are psi fectly eulate.
The nowt amusing piece of sews we haeli
received for a loag time ..I8. assmancement
that "034 Ab," biesulfeemetempleate taking
the field r Comesanderierabbee of ttm
Yankee lorces. On the principle e1C3.4i
Oar, who heat gongs mad mak
noises when going into battle. this sus tki
i heyear of our Lord one thousand eight hum 'Springfield lawyer's mieht be justifiable. HS
thed end sixty-three, end in =mien= with I aPPearina• in the fell rig of fiessr•ISsims
4. mitt period of b,,,„3,..4 form abo of their wits, and eat= this to ley down
porpano so to 40, publicly orooliamd for would probably frighten the Confederate oat
dee of the first above-mentioned order, de•ig-their items at once. But probably tbe Presi
dent ham se idea of wigging them over by
relating some choice • jokes" 01 which it is
sed he has an abundance in the storehouse of
hi a memory. On the whole, the idea is not a
bad one. If "Old Abe" cannot overtones
the Confederates. he can, at least, make a
world laugh.-frouier.
TINfre la a fair proapeet of relief for the
cotton Amine hi England, in consequence of
the large arrivals of the staple from hide. -
The London .Daiels41::::. in one of its
t• Trade sad Poen , eaye
"Dewing the Imi smooth • reduction of
141,8008.198 occurred le i atoek
dsi being •ow estimated
• decline may fie dot in
fact that deafen which
frinal e exorbitant poidt attained
in the cotton market an sepeother
some easeefitehavne 8.
reduce **king. Lubin
• limi
Swi.estWtel. Bt . %AM. m
aed l*WOeMaans, Mewling
the oNewOress) Mmsiym Alabama,
Flirid, Go feath Cerafia, North
Carolina, andl'aa (except h 48 eoan-
tismpignted Virgini. and ao he
cones of , Amon*. -Northapthea
Howie*City. YGri, Prises, AIM,and Ne,
foltia‘adtng the city of Norfolk, and Ports-
mouh) and whch excepted parts are for the
portent 3. ftpneeiely sf Wis proclamation
erb no4.45404. Aaaby jtthe pner
and ter the dowe, [do order new
decare tat .• bd seslays whm
the dui mad and parts of States eve,
stook say bis placed. way cif net olf, this Riteitint Ooveirialstal of tits United £11stes,
want we And that ages* this &elope in t il ajad heureforwaid riall be, free!. sod tied die
ensarance that the oral now no 'tbe wit ,•inelednig an seillaary aid 1are4 Intnefilisa
le this eenatry flees the 10051 0. 191;- 1 chested, will resagetne and meiotain dm 600,
400 bale& 'durum at &is lest year 4.1dom avail Persons ' and 1 bomb( n"jnigt 5905
was owly 89,000. New
aziretieste, 114,1100 bills Off be reckoned as
siot km mit weeks Sedu04 roesomptiost
es that ameams will probably not gat worse,
40 UM Mud. ladle aad eleititY
hereses the operetlie lied starve
tied will eoadees to do so. Messrs. Bs
Co. *spiel a belief the IIM O0**011
sad nmaofeetarers low, new
01 48.0
tas work
t yearb lha people, so deck:red to be free; so
from all idea= wide= in
4584.95;end I ironwood to
all eases, whore allowed
ly for smemiebls
elate ma
set sh
a if
' A
at Mete
443 '6•1
pow of bias aust am•
M tenses malptiaa
af Ilesnia to the *shies of ad.
Imo time es fralleive
opeL tiVFYINIZrais
"It is.
meted. whisI4 atiabsiaara:i Is so it
emilla. "610"3
is pa eltat mid setts
?or ustrolia
may we
the maihrom
, •
ether do -
tilted Ramie
sous, MA* KO
005 vessels idea ia the
slid epos din, same, sleeently helm=
aa jrnoisk, somposil by the asusler
'ion epos winery aeaseigig, 1 ierehe
Worsts dits95t of drelinhind,
s1si3n. ia11oRte ae4o1h1t,
d mesths\ftewet,
he kaody• Baud
be Catbsdn
or poblsiaa.
7, isPrauint
The Balinese
1 oWOga0iL'1•I
Bingham New
Vr. Hingham testi
Chas BI was
the evening .80
4Mlt, and
Mr. Makes ar
wlk. He then
to shovemOftoo.
bsmock n
mpanions, standi by.
didnt wish o re any
,hethnran ekadkic
hI eatfaSr
1dnllake oMasma
Laacom.-1mal Weave.
hatore hiWoe* thiRefer,
eargMith sseyT
attho Raait MA
hFriday siit
lawn St (fanatic
Idp• Colonel*. the Pentateuch is for
.1the Signal OS= 11043. Store: Pc.
25. Call aget roe by all meets
4tIS.re.nt hi lean ligme mei the Ki
44.., 4445 "rya throeghfie 10,day's
of drill instruction.
13. A sprinkle ofildlIFFsfl
Farmers weretbnshont
_I tied'
n- De
fusing be
adicefer eas-midtillso dual
J°^•••1 tb• 5.eeM1 feeble of
V34ROMIselosse had wet romied
Boattiumptoo. If s., the =entry rat Mem
met hoar the blame, for Mr.
Coes., Clerk, attended tn lb* mattes
4161•1yould the printed espies were 4
It ilwilleit•es at ones. They eh
kdio remi•wd at the fa, thest rote
swweral Maya before the 1 .t nt .1.rmary,;
13a84o sea este% sitter to Ova
lay of Jaz?,
a • • . •
*. Ville0,1811 4
DM1L-1. 8113D.
TholDsill Med is pest about etimplatad,
pa o'.to 5.7 41 WI at GP best
• Up pr Oohed' Tb. mai
wally segints the idea of a
Mese* kr krohirt sErdr, UN Ibis is
Wog IP Iliad. The baking is
I, issrito4. milte usgsmsr.
way mosietable ie Its eisimal
mat told
Weeds.. Id
triad. A
3.5 3.04
see fro"
4.8 .beitior
OM only ths
I the Wage hue
emu eittespi aed
* M1
the romper,
I00103/10311. th•\=
this 1haah Herm f
iambi Inali • Wocistd paha*
gewolii:bassiE: thaemaii. sad
lad lasi
Ism ensald
Or ems, dm Maim
was psis
of rep le
est 71:11.4..t
I 4
aar whair