HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-01-14, Page 12Times'.Advocate, January 14, 190 ANNOUNCEMENTS IOOF — The 1st degree team of Exeter Lodge No. 67, IOOF will confer the degree on a number of candidates in the Exeter Lodge rooms on Janu- ary 19, 1965. All members are cordially invited to attend. Glenn Fisher, Noble Grand, Percy A. McFalls, Rec.-Sec'y. 14c EUCHRE —Dashwood Com- munity Hall, Jan. 20, 8 pm. Admission 50e. Lunch provided, Sponsored by Dashwood Wo- men's Institute. PRENATAL CLASSES— A series of prenatal classes will begin on Wednesday, Janu- ary 20, 1965 at 2 pm at the Health Unit Office, basement entrance off Anne Street, South Huron Hospital, Exeter, These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interest- ed are invited to attend on the above date or phone the Huron County Health Unit Office, Exe- ter 235-1014 between 9 am and 12 noon. 14c MINSTREL VARIETY SHOW— at the Avon Theatre on Friday and Saturday, January 22 and 23, 1965 at 8:30 pm. Adults $2.00. Children $1.50. No re- served seats. Sponsored by the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Stratford. 14:21c BRIDGE AND EUCHRE — at the Exeter Legion Hall Thursday, Jan. 28, at 8:30 pm. Lunch will be served. Admission 75e, Sponsored by Women's Auxil- iary South Huron Hospital. 14c BETA SIGMA PHI SORORITY BALL —Friday, Feb. 5 at Exe- ter Legion Hall. Music by Keith Bell and his Orchestra. Dancing 9-1. Admission $5 per couple. 14c 1111811MIPSININNINSIEMSISSIMINSMNINNINIE Lucan Rec News By J. E. BURT SYMEXIMSZIONSMIESIMUS2311 Climate, locality and oc- cupation, form Or Vary char- acter, but than is the same sort of critter everywhere. T. C. Haliburton The very first thing that I would like to mention Is that there will NOT be any public skating here at the centre Sat. night Jan. 30, because on this date we are having a bantam hockey tournament and it does not end until 10 pm so keep this date in mind, leave your skates at home and come in and watch some good hockey. It only costs 50e for 12 games starting at 8 am and finishing as I said at 10 pm. The South Middlesex were here for three games last Thursday night. They will be in again this Thursday, games start at '7130 pm sharp. The Combines came up with a come- from-behind Victory here at the centre Friday night as they trailed 3-1 early in the Second period, but Won with a two goal margin by a score of 6'2. They take oh the pesky Sea- forth Beavere this Friday night, I say pesky as the beavers won ,by a score of 12-3 in their last meeting at Seaforth. Game time 18 8;30 pm so make it a point to be out to this one, We had a very good crowd out for public skating over the weekend, also a very good turn out for our Saturday night dance. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion Branch 540 of Liman are holding a very good ice revue at the end Of the sea- son March 2, I believe. Watch this Column for Verliication of this. A group of figure skaters front London are coming out to do Peter Pan at this revue. This should be a good show in itself, BLOCK PRINTING The block printing course lit charge of Mrs. Murray Hod- gins and Mrs. Owen Sawatd be- gan in the Community Centre last Wednesday With an enrol- ment of nine, The course will continue for the next thr ee weeks. Music by Harry Norris Orchestra of Brucefield IMPERIAL HOTEL GRAND BEND BIRTHS GLASSFORD Mr. and Mrs. William Glessford, Victoria St., Exeter, announce the birth of a son, Shawn Wil- lien), at South Huron Hospital, January 6, KIRK — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk, London, announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia Jean, at South Huron Hose pital, January 9 a sister for Deborah Lynn. MacMILLAN Mr. and Mrs. Rose MacMillan (nee Mickle) Kitchener, announce the birth of a son, Thomas Ross, at the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital January 7 — a brother for Da- vid. McDONALD — Mr. and Mrs. Cliff McDonald, Exeter, an- nounce the birth of a daughter Brenda Lynn, at South Huron Hospital January 4 — a sister for Bobby. PRIESTLEY—Bill and Pat Priestley (nee Chambers) Tilbury, announce the safe arrival of a daughter, at St, Joseph's Hospital, Chatham, January 11 a sister for Cheryl. S MI TH Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith, Lucan, announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia Dawn, at South Huron Hos- pital January 6 — a sister for Pamela Ann. SMITH — Harry and Betty Smith (nee Bailey) announce the birth of a son, Jeffery Lorne, at Stratford General Hospital, January 7 a brother for Brenda. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter The Rev. J. Philip Gandon, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, January 17 Second Sunday after Epiphany 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:00 a en .—Sr. Sunday School 11:15 a.m,—Jr. Sunday School, Nursery (in Rectory) Choral Eucharist 7:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Senior A.Y.P.A. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor: W. Stephenson, B.Th. 11;15 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Worship Service Sermon: "The Call of Abraham" Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Nursery for young children. BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street Esst R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Worship, English 2:00 p.m.—Worship, English 3:15 p.m,—Sunday School All Welcoine EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. James, B.A., B.D. Organist; Mrs. K. McCrae Sunday, January 17 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, January 17 10:00 a.m.--Communion Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill $t., Exeter Minister: Rev. John C. Boyne, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. Murray Keys Sunday, January 17 10 a.tre—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:15 acne—CHURCH SERVICE You are invited toe worship with us. Nursery available for pre- school children. Week of Prayer For Chris- tian Unity, services Monday through Friday, January 18--- 22, at B p.m. in the local churches. Sat. Nights Desjardine's Orch. Arena Schedule Thursday - 14 Pre-School & Parents Skating 3-4 Skating 4-5 Grand Bend 6-7 Midget Houseleague 7-8 Old Timers vs Graham & Graham 8-9:30 Bank Boys vs Crediton 9;30 - 11 Friday - 15 Girls Hockey 4:30-5:30 Belmont vs Exeter Squirts 7-8 Belmont vs Jr. Hawks 8:30 Teen Time Dance 8:30 Saturday - 16 Hawks vs Leafs 8-9 Wings vs Canadians 9-10 Red Wings vs Blue Wings 10-11 Squirt 11-12 Public Skating 2-4 Public Skating 8-10 Sunday - 17 Ailsa Craig 12-1 Jr. Hawks 1-2 Public Skating 2-4 Broom Ball 4;15-5:15 Monday - 18 Figure Skating 4;30-9:30 Centralia 9:50-10:30 Tuesday - 19 Skating 4-6 Bantam Hotiseleague 7-8 Flying Dutchmen 8;3040;30 Gordon Smith & Country & Western Group Fri. Nights JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewis, M.A., B.D. Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 a.m.—MORNING SERVICE Anthem by the Choir Nursery for babies and Jun- ior Congregation for chidren 4, 5 and 6 years. MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz, B.A., M.Th. Guest Organist: Bonnie McCrae 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Communion Service Nursery provided 2:00 p.m.—Study Hour with the minister 7:30 p.m.—C rediton United Church Study Hour. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Getz Sunday, January 17 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Divine Service The Church of "The Lutheran Hour" PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH (Services in Cavan Presbyte- rian Church at Main & Hill St.) Pastor: William A. Gatz 8:45 a.m.—Divine Services 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister; A. J. Stienstra, 8.A,, B.D. 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service (English) 2:15 p.m,—Worship Service (Dutch) 6:15 p.m.—Back To God Hour CHLO (680 Xc.) THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Seeder, Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Morning Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Visitors Welcome 5:30 p.m.—C H L O Mennonite Hour. EXETER. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 55 Main St. Reef. L. H. Johnston, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 a.M.—Bible School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship e:30 p.m.—The Go e el Holir TUESDAY 8:00 P.M. Brayer and Bible Study Sunday Brenda. Herbert and Peter Culbert were presented with the badges for attendance, attention and best conduct and co-operation during the month of December. VESTRY MEETING It has been found necessary to change the date of the annual Vestry Meeting to Monday, Jan. 18. Catholic CWL The CWL held its January meeting in the old school at 2;30 pm Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Young of Lucan read two ar- ticles. It was decided to bold a euchre and dance at the Lucan Community Centre, Feb. 12. The League donated a $50 spe- cial care-chair to the newHouse of Providence. Mrs. Jim DeWan and Mrs. Harold Egan as program con- veners were In charge of a short bingo. Prize wieners were Mrs. Joe Whelihan and Mrs. Jack Vail Bussel. The doer prize was won by Mrs. Mary Mackey. The next meeting will be held Feb. '7 when the guest speaker will be Miss Catherine Teal Of London. United Flowers in the church were in memory of thelateWesleyReV- ington and the late Mrs. Alma Isaac. Pentecostal Holiness Rev. John Sexton, who has been on vacation in North Caro- lina, has returned and Was In charge of both services Sunday. Saturday night Mrs. John Campbell of London entertain- ed with a dinner party, in honor of het mother) Mrs. Sheridan Revington's birthday. 0 the r guests included Mr. RevingtOrt and family, Mr, & Mrs. Lyle RevIngton an family, Mr, Jack Marshall and Mrs. Berry Me Pails. - 0 EXETER -010N TAU 2 p.m. 8 p.m, an• 27 Refreshments Door Prizes Page 12 What's Doing? Read This Page Each Week CARDS OF THANKS, The family of the late Mrs. Albertha Ellerington wish to express sincere thanks and ap- preciation to all friends and relatives for the floral tributes, cards of sympathy and acts of kindness shown during their recent sad bereavement. Spe- cial thanks to Rev. J. P. Gan- don, WA and Guild of Trivitt Memorial church. 14e CARDS OF THANKS — The family of the late Mrs. L. Isaacs wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their friends and relatives for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and floral tributes received during the 1pss of their mother. Spe- cial thanks to Audrey and Jim Fairbairn, else members of the Exeter Bantam Hockey team and parents. I would like to thank the Exe- ter Fire Department for their very quick service, Special thanks to those who helped clean up my shop and ready for busi- ness. — Don R. 1ViacGregor.14* DANCE IN MEMORIAM-- PARSONS—In loving memory of a dear husband Lloyd who passed away one year ago, Jan. 14, 1964. What would I give to clasp his hand, His happy face to see; To hear his voice and see hie smile, That meant so much to me. — Sadly missed and ever re- membered by wife Jennie. 14* Aberdeen Hall KIRKTON Jan. 15 Sponsored by K irkton Agriculture Society BAKE SALE —Saturday, Janu- ary 16, 3 pm at the former Chubb's Barber Shop. Spon- sored by Exeter Chapter OES. 14c EUCHRE — McGillivray Home & School Association is hold- ing a euchre at the sohool on Friday, January 15, 8:15 pm. Ladies please bring lunch. Ad- mission 50e. Everyone wel- come. 14c Last "act" brings house down The Exeter Opera House, where many local actors got their start, and also once the scene of dances, variety shows and other entertainment, is on its way down. Workmen started ripping it down this week and with it will go many memories for area residents. One of the last "acts" to be held on the stage was caught by The T-A camera this week when workmen displayed one of two children's coffins found in the old building, which at one time was also used as a funeral parlour. Displaying it from the left are: Gary Cooper, Lloyd Carpenter and Stewart Sweitzer. Len Dinsmore looks on. The photo below shows the appearance of the building as it falls victim to the wreckers. Fred Darl- ing, who owns the building, plans to use the site for an addition to his IGA market. --T-A photos Entertainment Every Weekend (Me Churches in the area Invite you to join them for Worship, Fellowship and Services IN MEMORIAM— BORLAND—In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother Edna 0. Borland who passed away one year ago, January 12, 1964. Our hearts still ache with sad- ness, Our secret tears still flow; What it meant to lose you Mom, No one will ever know. When we are sad and lonely, And everything goes wrong; We seem to hear you whisper, Cheer up and carry on. Each time we see your picture, You seem to smile and say Don't cry I'm only sleeping We'll meet again some day. Your place on earth no one can fill, We loved you Mom and always , will. —Always remembered and sadly missed by all your fam- ily. 14* EDWARDS —In loving memory of our dear mother Isabella Edwards, who passed away six years ago Jan. 11, 1959. Each day we keep thinking of someone, Who was loving, sweet and true; Someone we loved with all our hearts, Dear Mother that someone was you, We miss you because we loved you, More precious than wealth un- told; No treasure on earth can re- place you, Your memory will never grow old. — Always remembered and - sadly missed by her family. 14* HEDDEN In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Cath- arine M. Hedden, who passed away three years ago Janury 14, 1962. Out of the world of sorrow, Into a heaven of rest; God must have a beautiful gar- den, For he always chooses thebest. — Always remembered by her family. 14c MORLOCK —In loving memory of a dear husband, Lorne Morlock, who passed away one year ago, January 14, 1964. Happy and helpful in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days; Sincere _and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory he left behind. — Fondly remembered by his wife Irene. 14* PARSONS — In loving memory of a dear father and grand- father, Lloyd Parsons, who passed away one year ago, January 14, 1964. Loving and kind in all his Ways, Upright and just to the end of his days; Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory he left behind. --Sadly missed and ever re- membered by Doug, Norma, Bill, Maxine, Joan, Ralph, Jack, Marion and grandchild- ren. 14* Lucan Church News Mrs. Charles Jinks wishes to express her sincere appre- ciation to relatives, friends and neighbours who were so kind to her during her stay in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, special thanks to Dr. Gans, Miss Clay- pole, Nursing Staff, Rev. Cur- rie, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Apple- ton for their many kindnesses to her, and sincere thanks to everyone who sent gifts, flow- ers, treats and cards at Christ- mas. 14c The husband and family of the late Mrs. Joseph Kernick wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to those who expressed their sympathy in so many thoughtful ways during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. H. C. Wilson, Dr. Ecker, R. C. Dinney Fu- neral Home and Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge. Your kindness- es have meant much to us. 14* The family of the late Clin- ton Roy Sweet wishes to ex- press their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neigh- bours for the many acts of kindness, floral tributes, do- nations to the heart foundation and messages of sympathy re- ceived during their recent be-. reavement. Special thanks to Rev. Lewis, Dr. Gans, R. C. Dinney Funeral Home, the pall- bearers and to the neighbours who assisted in the home. 14c We would like to thank the people of our community and all who participated in our pre- sentation for an enjoyable even- ing and the two useful hostess chairs we received. Gerard and Marion Vanneste. 14c The family of the late Wilson Hicks wishes to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their friends, relatives, neighbors and to the ladies of Parkhill United Church for the many acts of kindness, mes- sages of sympathy and beauti- ful floral tributes received dur- ing their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. H. E. J. Moorhouse. 14* We wish to thank all our rela- tives, friends and neighbors who remembered Helen and Baby Judy with cards, gifts, visits and flowers while they were in South Huron Hospital and since returning home, Spe- cial thanks to Dr. Ecker, Miss Claypole and staff. — Bob and Helen Coates. 14c I wish to extend a very sin- cere thank you to all myfriends and relatives for the lovely cards, flowers and treats while I was a patient at Victoria Hospital. Also thanks to Dr. J. C. Kennedy. Jim Scott.14* I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and concern shown to me and my family while I was a patient in Vic- toria Hospital. It was all greatly appreciated. Mr. U. Vander- lean. I wish to express my sin- cere thanks to everyone who re- membered me with cards, visits and flowers while I was a pa- tient in St. Joseph Hospital, London and since returning home, special thanks to Drs Ecker, McKenzie and Busby, also to the Sisters and entire nursing staff of 2nd floor. It was greatly appreciated.—Wm. Wright, 14* To know just what has to be done, then to do it, comprises the whole philosophy of prac- tical life. Sir William Osier Exeter Teen Town Jan. 15 Fortune Tellers and a South Pacific Dance 8.30-11.45 50¢ 75¢ BIRTHS — ST/MAKE Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake, RR 1 Exeter announce the birth of a daugh- ter, Tracey Ann Elizabeth, at South Huron Hospital, Japu- ary 6 a sister for Randy. TIEDEMAN --Mr. and Mrs. Eric Tiedeman, Grand Bend, announce the birth of a son, Eric James, at South Huron Hospital, January 5. VAN .A.RENTHALS-- Martin and Donna of Lucan announce the arrival of a daughter, Bar- bara Yvonne, Jan. 4 at St. Joseph's Hospital,— a sister for Beth. VAN DYK —John and Clara Van Dyk, RR 2 Kippen announce the birth of a son, Jack, at South Huron Hospital Janu- ary 7. ZACHAR —Mr, and Mrs. Stan Zachar, Wellington St., Exe- ter, announce the birth of a daughter at South Huron HOS- pital January 8— a sister for Susan. ANNOUNCEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Judson Dyke- man, RR 1 Centralia, wish to announce the marriage of their daughter, Lynda Louise, to Mr. Richard AllanHokanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Hokanson, RR 1 Ailsa Craig. The marriage took place Friday, January 8, 1965 at Ailsa Craig Unite d Church with Rev. Davies of- ficiating, Attendants were Miss Ruth Anne Dykeman and Mr. Douglas Hohanson. 14c Costumes, Shorts, Stacks, Clam Diggers Reception And Dance For Mr, & Mrs. Gary Triebner (nee Devries) Friday, Jan.15 Seaforth Legion Hall Music by WILBEES ORCHESTRA Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Anglican The Senior WA meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Murdy, last Wednesday, with the president Mrs. Frank Hardy in the chair and one new mem- ber, Mrs. Earl Atkinson. Mrs. Hardy gave a short talk on Epiphany, as well as a friend's experience in the ans- wer to prayer. Two letters from Mies Powell, Missionary of Ja- pan were read, Mr. Lancaster announced the Week of Prayer Service and the change of date for the vestry meeting from January 13 to Monday, Jan. 18. Sweaters made by members of the branch were displayed and Mrs. T. A. Hodgins read out the requisites for the bale this year. Mrs. Harvey Hodgins read an interesting article on prayer, after which Mrs. Harold Hod- gins the educational convener, took over asking the members to read a verse in turn from II Coririthians Chap. IV, after whin she gave an inspiring New Years' talk on hope and faith followed by New Year'sprayer. Mrs. P. 0. King offered her home for the February meeting. Mrs. Erwin Scott and Mrs. T. C. McFarlane assisted Mrs. Murdy with refreshmehts. EVENING AUXILIARY The Evening Auxiliary at- tended the Week of Prayer Ser- vice in the Pentecostal Holiness Church as part of its Jantlaxy meeting. The remainder of the meet- ing was held at the home of the president, Mrs. Gerald Lewis Where two letters from the branch's prayer partner, the Rev. Stariley Tomes, were read. Mrs. Nay Egan will replace Mrs. Jack Steacy (who is moving to Waterford) as secretary. Lunch conveners were Mrs. Roscoe liodgine and Mrs. Pat Crudge., The February meeting will be held at the rectory. JUNIOR C110111 The organist and junior choir held a successful bottle dtiVe Saturday to raise money' for the purchase of hymn Woke, 11111111111111$111111111111111011111111111111101111111111111 10111110MinliOnineoilitimitimiinilisOinil mit '''' 1 WEEK OF PRAYER AND WITNESS JAN. 18 25 Sponsored by Exeter Ministerial Come and Join with us in Prayer MONDAY: PRESB. CHURCH REV. L. H. JOHNSTON "Prayer and Self Discipline" TUESDAY: ANGLICAN CHURCH REV, R. S. HILTZ "Prayer and Christian Certainty" WEDNESDAY: MAIN STREET CHURCH REV, A. J. STIENSTRA "Prayer and The Word of Godo THURSDAY:CHI?. REF. CHURCH REV, J. P. GANDON "Prayer and Christian Witness" FRIDAY: BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Rev, J. C. BOYNE "Prayer and Christian 'Unity" JOHN 15:7 "If ye abide in Me, and my words abide in you, ask whatsoever ye will, and it hail be done unto you". neemeemeee, '' lllll ereeeneetieeneemineeeneeremeneeemesemeenee, lllllll hmerepusioloossaismiespammiarairomi mpariosierommiserlosio..