The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-01-14, Page 8Times,-Advocate, January )4,, 1965 Kids have town' library --and they really enjoy it Page 8 make use of the basement. It has lent itself very well for the children's department. No great renovation or re- decoration was attempted be- fore the move downstairs—it Was a question of where to begin with library remodeling, so the books, shelving, tables and chairs were moved from the children's corner upstairs and arranged downstairs. Chairman of the BOartl, ME Cecil Wilson, enlisted the help of some SI=DES students with this move. "The room is not very ele- gant but the children are content even to sitting on the floor on occasion" said Mrs, Schroeder but refrained from telling how she has made the most of it and uses pictures and growing plants to make a pleasant at- mosphere. "It's really working out very well" she commented. Gradually new shelving and equipment will be added as the peed arises. Meanwhile the jun- iors are happy with quarters of their own and more room is available in the main library. The entrance to the children's library is not ideal but one of the projects of the Library Board i$ a new front entrance by which either section of the library may be reached. There are 210 who have taken out membership in the Chil- dren's Library and the room is in use most of the hours when it is open which includes Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 3:30 to 5:30 and Saturday afternoon 2 to 5pm. The busiest times are shortly after 4 o'clock when the boys and girls arrive front school. Mrs. Schroeder is enthusias- tic about her work and has many plans for the future for the boys and girls who are in- terested in books. "The children seem to feel a pride in having a library room all to themselves and they are More at ease than In the main library where they were always being told to 'be quiet'," said Mrs. John Schroeder, librarian for this department, Although the children's sec- tion has only been in use since October already both Mrs. H. Laing, senior librarian, and Mrs. Schroeder wonder how they ever managed when all were on the same floor and in the same room. It was the lack of room which led to talk of expansion but the solution for the moment seemed to be to Librarian busy checking out books With the popularity of the new children's library being so high, Mrs. John Schroeder, librarian in the basement room, is busy each session handing out new books for the eager young readers. She's shown here giving some more reading material to Richard Ottewell, an avid fan of the mystery section. Others from the left are: Gary Campbell, Victoria McKay and Kathy Kirk. --T-A photo Toast cups are equally as simple to make. Remove crusts from slices of soft white bread. Gently press each slice into a muffin or custard cup so that it takes on the shape of the cup. Brush with melted butter and brown in a moderatelyhot oven, 375 degrees, until crispy. Fill each toast cup with the creamed salmon, and round out the meal with tole slaw, hot baking powder biscuits, tea and an assortment of cookies. Following the holiday festi- vities people are more or less calorie conscious and, if we only thought so, low calorie foods—such as oranges and tan- gerines can pleasure your taste buds as much as most high- calorie foods. These golden citrus fruits are crammed with healthful nut- rients yet their calorie count is small. For one medium orange there are 98 calories and for the same amount of tangerines, 92 calories. The high vitamin C content of these and other citrus fruits help maintain health and resistance to cold weather ailments. Here is a recipe for a color- ful and tasty appetizer using tangerines. mmmpammmmmmuMMWMmmanw4m. "IMASEWAINIZIMIUMNP'''Iniinittl7J Doing some after-school reading These young ladies find the bright, attractive setting in the recently opened children's library an excellent spot to do some interesting reading. From the left, and reading clockwise, are: Gayle Ecker, Charlene Bray, Cecile Hall, Donna Bray, Jane Broderick, Teresa Voerman, Beverley and Jodi F Innen. --T-A photo • 1704ciataftia Of ~fi Dads arran study child ge event, discipline BAKED PORK CHOPS We tried this recipe for pork chops at the end of the week and they were tasty and well baked. 6 loin or shoulder pork chops (not too thin) 1/2 tsp salt 1/8 tsp pepper 6 thick slices onion 1 1/2 cups cooked rice 6 thick slices tomato 1 envelope tomato, tomato vege- table or just vegetable soup mix 3 cups water 1/4 c celery seed Heat oven to 350 degrees. Trim fat from chops and brown in skillet on both sides. Trans- fer chops to baking pan; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place a slice of onion on each chop; place a mound of rice on onion slice. Top with a slice of tomato. Heat soup mix, water and celery seed 5 min. and pour over and around chops. Cover. Bake 1 1/2 hours or until chops are tender, TANGERINE COCKTAIL 1/4 cup fresh orange juice 2 tbl fresh lemonjuice 1/2 cup catsup 1/4 cup chili sauce 1/3 cup finely diced celery 1 tbl finely minced onion 2 tp prepared horseradish 1 cup chilled fresh tangerines sections 1 cup diced celery 2 cups prepared cooked shrimp, chilled Combine orange and lemon juice, catsup, chili sauce, finely diced celery, onion, horse- radish. Chill to blend flavors. Add tangerines, celery and shrimp to sauce. Spoon into cocktail glasses. By the way, a carton of three serving glasses with shrimp cocktail with sauce can be pur- chased from the frozen foods department of local stores. They are quite good. Looking for something dif- ferent, economical, easy to make and tasty to serve? Serve tempting creamed sal- mon in crunchy toast cups; an amazingly simple dish to pre- pare. Prepare your favorite me- dium white sauce, add canned salmon, bright green frozen peas, finely chopped pimento for color and a hint of chopped green onions or chives for fla- vor. MOTHER PARKER'S HOT CHOCOLATE rigSPS BAL: 79( 411 or she know what the punish- ment is for. "Never, never threaten a child unless you can carry it out", he stressed. The speaker was introduced by Dr. D. A. Ecker. A panel discussion followed. Members of the panel were Mrs. R. D. Jermyn, teacher, Mrs. W. G. Huntley and Mrs. Roy Stover, mothers. Mr. P. L. Raymond, lawyer, and Mr. S. S au der, pastor. Mr. Glenn Fisher chaired the meeting and Grade 2 moth- ers provided lunch which was served by the fathers. Fresh Pork Mrs. Ada Walker of London, formerly of this community, is asc=ent in St. Joseph's Hospital having undergone eye surgery successfully. Mr. Clayton Prouty of Hay has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital for two weeks and underwent an operation Monday, January 11, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Wright and Earl of Glencoe spent Sun- day with the former's parents, Mr. & Mrs. William Wright, town. Mrs. Rose Maguire of London spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. W. Wright. Mrs. Gerald Glenn is a patient in South Huron Hospital where she underwent surgery Monday. Mr. Bert Wren returned home from South Huron Hospital Mon- day. Mrs. William Carroll, Mrs. I. C. Cowan and baby of Sarnia visited the former's aunt, Mrs. J. W. Powell Monday. LEAN MEATY SPARE RIBS .49c Fathers took over at the meeting of the Exeter Home & School Monday evening at which Dr. H. Moogk, assistant super- intendent and director of out- patient services for the Ontario Hospital at Goderich, was the guest speaker. "Family atmosphere deter- mines how a child will turn out" said Dr. Moogk as he spoke on discipline and family re- lationships. He elaborated by explaining a happy healthy child is the result of loving parents (to each other and to the child), mutual respect, trust and honesty and these must be shown by example. "Rules of discipline should be few but parents must be in agreement about the rules — or disagree in private —and they should always set a good example," advised the speaker. Dr. Moogk expressed definite views on punishing a child stat- ing that the punishment should suit the age of the child and he Fresh Ground I Schneider's PORK CUTLETS ..69t HAMBURG Whyte's or Porky Smile Devon Sweet Smoked Rindless Couple to reside in southern state BREAKFAST BACON L.B.5W WIENERS 2 lb. Poly Bag 89C Lemon Juice Recipe Relieves Arthritic & Rheumatic Pain FROZEN FOODS Swanson's 11 oz. Swanson's TV DINNERS ;uircrIn 59 If you suffer rheumatic, arthritis or neuritis pain, try this aimple inexpensive recipe, that thousands are using, Get a can of BU-EX Compound, a 2 weeks supply, today, Mix it with a quart of water, add the juice of 5 lemons. It's easy! No trouble at all and pleasant. Take only 3 tablespoonfuls 2 times a day. Often within 48 hours — sometimes overnight — relief is obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not feel better, return the empty can to us and RU-EX will cost you nothing. You are the sole judge as BC-EX is sold on a money back guarantee. Over 8 million cans used. At all drug counters. Adrem Ltd., 291 Bartley Drive, Toronto 16. Fraser Vale Fancy Robert Gordon Harding, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Harding of Gardena, Cal. was married in a double ring cere- mony to Miss Deanna Lynn Denton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Denton of Inglewood in First Christian Church in Palmdale, December 13. The groom's mother is the former A 1 ic e Preszcator of Exeter. Miss Sharlene Denton, sister of the bride, and Jim L. Eddy were honor attendants. The bride and groom are both graduates of Morningside High School and El Camino College in Southern California. The couple will make their home in Palmdale. STRAWBERRIES:: 39p Tiny cubes of leftover beef, pork, ham or poultry make tasty additions to omelettes or scrambled eggs. Just cut cooked 'meat and brown it in alittle fat. Fold warmed meat into egg mixture and cook as usual. The meat gives that extra hearti- .ness, so welcome at fall lunches. MciNTOSH APPLES 3 244 TURNIPS 2/29 CABBAGE 4BC Baptist ladies elect officers Mrs. Hugh Davis was elected president of the Friendship Circle of Emmanuel Baptist Church at the annual meeting last Tuesday evening. She suc- ceeds Mrs. Harold Smith, pre- sident for 1964. Vice-president is Mrs. Verne Montmorency; secretary, Mrs. Gordon Marquardt; treasurer, Mrs. J. W, Stephenson. Annual reports were pre- sented. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Hugh Rundle. COUPON DAYS! BIG AYLMER CANNED FOOD SALE Aylmer at Middleton's TOMATO CATSUP 11 oz. bottle 20 OFF 2-Roll Pkg. BALLET White TISSUE Yellow Pin King Size FAB 5 lb. Box Aylmer TOMATO SOUP 10 oz. tin 19c 99C 2t4 Walker's Saltines '111111111h, A111110111., C00 CO ED Outlines rites to use English At the meeting of the Precious Blood CWL held in the school last Monday evening Rev. J. Kelly spoke on the new rites Of the church and on the more general use of English. A ques- tion and answer period followed. Fr. Kelly and PreSident Mrs. H. Hinton chaired the meeting and hostesses were Mrs. Hinton and Mrs. S. Orenczuk. There was a good attendance. SODAS 1 lb. pkg. Provide loan, drop bursary Vick's Vapo•Rub 2/354 4/454 2/334 2/494 2/494 1 Quick Quaker OATS Regular Itaglb. 59c or Instant, Robin Hood Pouch:Poe Aylmer CREAM STYLE CORN 15 noz. t Aylmer Choice FRUIT COCKTAIL 15 oz. tin Aylmer Choice PEACH HALVES CAKE MIXES 6/$1 Aylmer Paramette S yrup Reg. $5.50 Coupon 4 • _ 00 Worth 1.50 Noxzema Double Pak Reg. 1,25 Coupon Worth 300 9R PERSONAL )05 /GUMMED /---<0 LABELS ., Large Size Reg. 1.09 Tat Coupon Worth 300 Paramette Jr's TABLETS FOR CHILDREN Reg. 2,95 Coupon Worth 750 2.20 20 oz, tin 294 CRUSHED PINEAPPLE At the meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to South Huron Boa- pital Tuesday afternoon it was Voted to establish eland where- by the students of the Registered Nursing Aides class in training at the hospital may obtain aloan to be paid back when the student is earning- for herself. The bursary established by the Auxiliary for a SHDHS stu- dent entering training as a nurse is to be discontinued. Miss Alice Claypole noted that flower containers at the hospital were scarce and some additional ones would be appre- ciated. A bridge and euchre party is being held in the Legion Hall Thursday, Janitaxy 28.Co- cOnveherS are Mrs. E. R. Hop- per and Mrs. AndreW Johnsten with Mrs. Moss Skinner and Mrs. W. C. Allison on the com- mittee. Mra. Frank Creech and MiSs Betty Coates were named audi- tors. MrS. B. Tuckey reported 82 members to date. President Mrs4 Harold Tay- lor presented to the members a code of ten cornntandmentS for good human relations; speak to peOple, smile at people, call people by name, be friendly and helpful, be cordial, be genu- inely interested in people, be generous with praise, be con- siderate Of the feelings of ethers and be alert to give serVite. Aylmer 15 ox. tin Brown BEANS, Boston White, chocolate, banana, Dutch, devil, honey spice Giant 24 oz. Plastic IVORY LIQUID83 aeareeesesisseesemelemselisseiami 1 X11- *PERIOR) ) *FOOD MARKET*1 FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL 235.0212 H 390 Main South Exeter books 300 labels $1,75 al 44/1/141L V4414111 pal 231 joire/4,0, OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 Out of Respect for the Late J. H. Jones, This Store Will Be Closed Friday From 1 to 4 p.m. vuomminimmoiw Put your printed personal labels on all easy.io.lose items such as stationery, cheques, cameras, toys. You'll find a thousand uses for those summed labels peeked in a handy plastic reuseable box, Exeter- phonographTimes Advocrite records MIDDLETON DRUE9, 54,70 359 Main South