HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-01-14, Page 3Resolve . .
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January 14, 190 Paola
Pick area men
for CHSS duties
James Taylor, Hensall, one
of two SHAHS representatives
on the advisory vocational com-
mittee at c entralHuronSecond-
ary School, Clinton, was last
week re-elected vice-chairman
of that group. Chairman is Ed
Dearing, RR 1 Staffa, a repre-
sentative from Seaforth.
Mr. Taylor was also named
to the industrial committee and
the finance, staff and curricu-
lum committee.
The other SHDHS represen-
tative, Garnet Hicks, RR 3 Exe-
ter, was named chairman of the
public relations and evening
courses committee. As well,
he will sit on the planning com-
mittee and the equipment and
property committee.
Eight tables for euchre
Baseline lady seen
on CBC TV show
ed the study pn Trinidad. Those
assisting were Mrs. F 1 oyd
Stewart, Mrs. Ross Hodgert,
Mrs. Jas. Anderson, Mrs. Mur-
ray Dawson, Mrs. Alvin Cottle
and Mrs. Ray Cann. Mrs, Hugh
Wilson read a letter from Miss
Beryl Morson, an evangelist
in India.
Business was discussed and
it was decided to have travelling
dinners and a turkey supper to
enlarge the funds. Hostesses
were Mrs. Alvin Cottle and
Mrs. Ross Hodgert.
The first community night
of the season was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Almer
Passmore. Eight tables of eu-
chre were in play, Prizes were
won for ladies high by Mrs.
Reg Ilodgert; ladies low, Mrs.
Howard Cunnington; men's high,
Harold Rowe; men's low, Ross
Hodgert; lone hands, Robert
Lunch was served by Mr.
and Mrs. Almer Pa.ssmore and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Borland. It
was decided to hold the next
community night Monday eve-
ning January 18 in Farquhar
Mrs., Vernon Trott, BA, MA,
daughter of Mr. & Mrs. A. De-
war, a teacher at Forest Hill
Village School, Toronto, was on
TV Sunday over channel 10 on
the program "This Hour has 7
days" with her pupils while she
was using the new method of
teaching mathematics in ex-
plaining square root.
Mrs. Trott is teacher consul-
tant and lecturer for Forest
Hill School and was asked to
teach last summer holidays at
Columbia University in New
York, spending six weeks there.
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott McKichan
and Bruce of Denfield were
Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. STUDY TRINIDAD
The UCW meeting was held
in, the basement of the church
with a good crowd in attendance.
Mrs. Ken Du n c an was in
charge of the worship service
which opened with some New
Years thoughts. Mrs. Murray
Dawson assisted With the wor-
ship service. Mrs. Ray Cann
sang two solos accompanied
by Mrs. Reg Hodgert.
Mrs. Victor Jeffery present-
Mr. Ubel Vanderlaan return-
ed home Friday afternoon from
Victoria Hospital where he has
been a patient for sometime.
Rev, Hugh Wilson returned
home from Victoria Hospital,
London, Tuesday afternoon last
Tuckey heads Exeter board
Ross Tuckey, seated centre, was named chairman of the Exeter Public School board at the in-
augural meeting last week. Clarence McDonald, right, is vice-chairman and W. H. Hodgson, left,
is again secretary-treasurer. Members standing, from the left are: Herm Dettmer, Jack Pryde,
Doug Gould and William Huntley. Gould and Pryde are new members this year. --T-A photo
Duncan MaNaughton and family.
Sunday guests with Ed Holland
were Dennis Rumble and Geral-
dine Laing of St. Marys.
Mr. & Mrs. George Wilson
were guests with Mr. & Mrs.
Andrew Knox of St. Marys re
Mr. Chas. Wilson has re-
turned home after spending four
weeks in St. Marys hospital
when he fractured his ankle.
Charles has to go back in three
weeks to have the cast taken off
and X-rays.
Mr. Fred Parkinson and
daughter Brenda motored to
Detroit Sunday night to attend
the Detroit, Chicago NHL hock-
ey game.
Mr. & Mrs. Max Bilyea and
family were guests with Mr. &
Mrs. Fred Parkinson Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Robt. McGregor
of Kippen, Mr. Chas. Cottle
and Mrs. G. Walkom of Russel-
dale were Sunday guests with
Bill and Howard Rinn and Miss
Noreen Walkom.
Miss Marlene Baker isprac-
toe teaching this week in
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marriott
visited with his sister, Miss
Ruby Marriott at Walkerton.
Haugh named president
of Crediton SS group
GB district couples
mark anniversaries
. . . to get out of debt and
stay out through Credit Union
responsible financing and sav-
Exeter Community
Credit Union
Devon Bldg.
Alberta, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Bassow and sister Emma of
Zurich, Mr. & Mrs. Ferd Miller
of Dashwood spent Friday eve-
ning with Mrs. Marie Pask.
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Charlton,
Gary and Karen of London visi-
ted Saturday with Mr. & Mrs.
Douglas Gill and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Patterson
visited Saturday with Mrs. Mar-
jorie Knight and Robert at Lon-
Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Des-
Jardine, Mr. Dick Manore, Mr.
Arthur Haist, Mr. & Mrs.
Harold Skipper are holidaying
in Florida.
The Grand Bend Lions Club
and The Chamber of Commerce
sponsored a bus Sunday after-
noon which took around eighty
children of the Grand Bend Area
to Exeter arena to skate.
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Latta,
(newly weds) have moved to
their home in Green Acres,
Grand Bend.
after having been a.patient there
for a week.
Mrs. Ernest Pym is a patient
in South Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Mr, Ross Rowe of Hamilton
spent the weekend with his par-
ents, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rowe.
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Krueger of
Crediton visited Monday eve-
ning with Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carm were
Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs.
Jim Love of Grand Bend.
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Elston
and family of Centralia, Mr. &
Mrs. Harry Dougall and family
of Hensall were Friday evening
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Edwin
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Stewart
entertained a number of mar-
ried couples Saturday evening.
A number of people from the
community called at the R. C.
Dinney Funeral Home, Exeter,
on Sunday where the late Mrs.
Joseph Kernick lay at rest.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Swartz of
Crediton, Mr. & Mrs. Chas.
Snell and Beth of Dashwood,
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Rohde of
Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Russell
Worthington of Lantzville, Van-
couver Island, Mr. & Mrs. Mel-
vin King, Mr. & Mrs. RayJory,
Mrs. Laura Harvey, Mr. Tom
Yellow of Exeter, Miss Jean
Coward were Thursday evening
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ray
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Wein and
family of Exeter visited Sunday
evening with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Dawson
and Larry returned home Sun-
day last from Florida after
having been there for two weeks.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cunnington
of Centralia visited Sunday eve-
ning with Mr. & Mrs. Howard
The Happy Doubles Club will
hold their meeting Wednesday
evening, Jan. 20, in the church
Veteran official
resigns position
Wilfred Hogan has resigned
after 25 years of service with
the Union Separate School Sec-
tion of Stephen, McGillivray
and Biddulph townships, part
of the time as secretary-
Mr. Hogan, who was elected
to the board in 1939, served as
a member for 12 years and as
secretar y-treasurer for 13
The school section repre-
sents only parts of Stephen
Township in Huron County, and
McGillivray and Biddulph town-
ships in Middlesex County. The
school serving the section is
at Mount Carmel. An addition
last year increased the capacity
to seven rooms.
The board is considering hir-
ing an additional teacher to
augment the present staff of
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Gill
celebrated their sixtieth wed-
ding anniversary January 4 at
their home with their family.
Congratulations were received
from California and surround-
ing district.
Misses Jean Kennedy and
Linda Miller spent a few days
last week with Miss Nancy
Chamberlain at Kingston.
At a family dinner Sunday
January 10 held at the home of
Mr. & Mrs. George Latta of
the Mollard Line the following
celebrated special occasions.
It was the 63rd wedding anni-
versary of Mr. & Mrs. Gus
Latta and Mr. & Mrs. John
Lovie's 48th wedding anniver-
sary and Mrs. George Latta's
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Miller
and son Bruce of Edmonton,
visitors with Mr.& Mrs. Swartz
were M. & Mrs. Albert Ryall
of London.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lochner
and Mr. Ernest Carrothers of
London visited Sunday with Mr.
& Mrs. Joseph Finkbeiner.
Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner were
Mr. Reg Finkbeiner, Miss Paul-
ine Sass, Mr. Leo Tehan and
Miss Joan Casey of London and
Mr. Ron Withers of Detroit.
Mr. George Brown, Mr. &
Mrs. Earl Brown and son, Mr.
Ellery Brown of Pigeon, Michi-
gan and Miss Corinne Brown
of Kilmanagh, Michigan were
Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Emery Fahrner and other rela-
Mrs. Orville Brown, Mr. &
Mrs. Donald Volz and Miss
Corinne Brown of Kilmanagh
attended the funeral of their
cousin, Mrs. Joseph Kernick of
Exeter, Monday.
Weekend visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Chas. Atkinson were Mr.
& Mrs. Jas. Eagleson of Park-
hill and Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kemps
of London.
Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Atkinson
spent Thursday evening with
Messrs. Gordon and Ernie Oke
also Miss Lilla Oke of Exeter
also called on their uncle Mr.
Bert Wren who is a patient in
South Huron Hospital.
Guests Sunday with Mr. &
Mrs. George McFalls were Mr.
& Mrs. Nelson Squires, Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Orville Langford
spent Sunday with Mr. Fred
Pattison, St. Marys.
Mrs. Chris Fischer accom-
panied by Mr. & Mrs. Ray
Fischer of London visited their
aunt, Mrs. Ricka Eveland and
friend Mrs. Lizzie Rader, for-
merly of Dashwood, at Huron-
view, Clinton.
Guests Thursday evening with
Mr. & Mrs. M. H. Elston were
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Rowe of
Miss Robin Blair had Miss
Karen Grosse of Lucan as her
guest Thursday evening.
Mr. & Mrs. Bev Parsons
and family of near Exeter were
guests Friday night of Mr. &
Mrs. Sam Skinner.
Visitors during the week with
Mr. & Mrs. M. Elston were
Mr. & Mrs. Cossar Foster of
Exeter and Squadron Leader
Bonham & Mrs. Bonham of
RCAF Centralia.
Two great new ones
from Vauxhall
Saintsbury ladies
plan year's events
bringing new excitement to economy as only General Motors can!
Mrs. Earl Greenlee lent her
home Thursday afternoon for
the WA meeting. President Mrs.
Tom Kooy was in the chair.
Mrs. Maurice MacDonald read
the scripture. There were eight
members present and two
Plans were made for the
year's program membership
fees and dues were received by
the treasurer, Mrs. Bill John-
son. A draw for two mystery
prizes and a short contest was
followed by a social hour.
The hostess was assisted by
Mrs. Harry Carroll and Mrs.
'rem Kooy in serving refresh-
the 1965 Viva
Rev. A. M. Schlenker pre-
sided at the election of officers
for the Sunday School of the
EUB Church.
President is Mr. Ross Haugh;
vice-presidents, Mr. Alf r e d
Smith, Mr. Ronald Weber; sec-
retary, Mr. Eric Finkbeiner;
assistant sec., Mr. Wayne Ratz;
treasurer, Mr. Howard Hend-
rick; librarian, Mr. Carmin
Schlenker; pianists, Miss Jean
Krueger, Miss Faye Schlenker,
Mrs. Paul Schenk; choristers,
Mr. Wilmer Wein, Mr. Claire
Schwartz; cradle roll superin-
tendent, Mrs. Alfred Smit h;
home department, Mrs. Nelson
Teachers, C.I.C., Rev. A. M.
Schlenker, Mr. F. W. Morlock,
Mr. Ed Hendrick; Dorcas Band,
Mrs. A. M. Schlenker, Mrs. F.
W. Morlock, Miss Ella Mor-
lock; builders, Mr. Ray Mor-
lock; Mr. Roy Ratz; ambassa-
dors, Mr. Allen Finkbeiner,
Miss Doris Schwartz; inter-
mediates, Mrs. Allen Finkbei-
ner; juniors, Mrs. Lloyd Lam-
port, Miss Faye Schlenker;
primary 2, Mrs. Harold Fahner,
Miss Sheila Fahner; primary 1,
Mrs. Ross Haugh, Miss Carol
Hendrick; kindergarten, Mrs.
Don Haines, Miss Karen Fink-
The WSWS of EUB church
held its meeting Wednesday
evening, January 6, with a good
attendance. The meeting was led
by Mrs. F. W. Morlock, with
Mrs. Emery Fahrner at the
A double trio was sung by
Karen Finkbeiner, Sheila Fah-
ner, Margaret H ais t, Carol
Hendrick, Eleanor Wein and
Ella Mae Schlenker, after which
they read the scripture alter-
nately. Poems were read by
Mrs. F. W. Morlock and Mrs.
Emerson Wein. A piano solo
was given by Carol Hendrick.
Mrs. F. W. Morlock gave an
outline on "The Church and the
New Nations of Africa".
Bible study taken from the
letter of John was given byRev.
A. M. Schlenker, after which
he took charge of the last year's
reports and the installation of
the new officers.
The president Mrs. Ervin
Ratz took charge of the busi-
ness. Mrs. M. Shatto of Zurich
will be the guest speaker for
World Service Day to be held
in February. Plans were made
to make bandages and do several
more quilts. The used stamps
are to be brought in as soon
as possible.
Mrs. John Buxton is improv-
ing nicely after having under-
gone surgery at Victoria Hos-
pital, London.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Worth-
ington of Lantzville, BC spent
a few days last week with Mr.
& Mrs. Roy Swartz. Sunday
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenlee
visited with Mr. Elmer and
Miss Verna Greenlee, Brinsley,
Miss Lilla and Mr. Gordon
Oke, Exeter were guests Sunday
with Mr. & Mrs. Hermon Atkin-
At St. James church Sunday
Holy Communion was dispensed
with Rev. E. 0. Lancaster pre-
The annual vestry meeting
was held Tuesday evening.
At the United Church Sunday
the Rev. G. H. Sach spoke on
"Notes on the New Curricu-
The annual congregational
meeting will be held Tuesday,
January 19. the 1965 Victor
of a Viva
As low as
Suggested maximum retail price
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New beauty! New style! Completely redesigned De-
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Deep carpeting and quality trim. Armrests front and
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proven Viva features. Generous hiproom! A full 51
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power-to-weight ratio!
Brisk 50 hp engine.10.7
cu. ft. trunk, Pock-
bottom economy! Up
to 45 mpg. And laSt, but
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Price quoted includes delivery and trundling there's Viva's low, low
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It's gracefully wider and elegantly longer. That's how
the 1965 Victor 101 gets its brilliant new styling. And
lots more is new besides, A new roominess that comes
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inches of shoulder room that takes the squeeze out of
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bigger trunk. New year 'round driving comfort in
Victor's new heating and ventilation system. New effi-
ciency in self-adjusting brakes. New durability in extra
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On the other hand, some things haven't changed. Like
Victor's pocket-saving gas economy and delightfully
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But only first-hand experience could ever tell you all
the new Victor 101 has to offer. So don't delay! Sec and
test drive the 1965 Victor 101.
Be sure to watch "Telescope" and "The Rogues" now showing on television. Check local listings for time and channel.
Authorized Vauxhall-Pontiac Dealer in Zurich
Taylor Motors Limited
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Carroll and
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Barker attended
the Federation of Agriculture
annual meeting and banquet at
Ilderton Saturday.
Mr. & Mrs. T. Maxted and
family and Mr. & Mrs. Carroll
and Ian were Sunday evening
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Carroll. Mrs. Carroll observed
a birthday this week and she
and Mrs. George Carroll were
guests Friday with Mrs. Mau-
rice MacDonald, Lucan.
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Atkinson
and Mrs. ROM, Coleman, Lucan,
and Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis
were Friday guests with Mr. &
Mrs. Bob Tindall and Saturday
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Clarke and
girls, Shipka, were guests with
the Tindalls and Mr. & Mrs.
Davis and Mrs. Rd Dickins
were Sunday evening guests with
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Barker.
Sunday afternoon at the ser-
vice at St. Patrick's church,
Mrs. Maurice MacDonald, past
president of the Guild, pre-
sented a silver bread box, don-
ated by the Guild, and dedicated
by the rector Rev. Lyle Bennett.
A coffee hour followed the ser-
Mr. Leslie Greenlee- spent the
weekend with his grandparents
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Greenlee,
Mrs. Omar Cunningham, Mr.
& Mrs. Roy Cunningham, Allan,
Glenn, Marie and Elaine spent
Saturday evening with Mr. &
Mrs. E r no 1 Cunningham in
Mrs. Harry Murless under-
went surgery in St. Joseph's
Hospital Thursday and is im-
Mr. Earl Paton of London
spent Tuesday with his brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. & Mrs.
J. H. Paton.
Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil at-
tended the annual turkey ban-
quet of Carnation Milk Ltd. in
St. Marys Saturday evening.
Mr. Neil is a director.
Mrs. Karl O'Neil and Mrs. L.
Kilmer of Luc an paid a surprise
visit on Mrs. J. H. Paton Wed-
nesday on her birthday.
Mrs. J, Whitmore Sr. Gail
and Fred returned home Thurs-
day after spending severaldays
in London with the former's
daughter, Mrs. Palmer Coom-