HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-01-07, Page 8NEW YEAR'S VISITORS Mr. & Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Barbara with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gilfillan and f am 11 y of Exeter, With Mrs. John Coward were Mr. & Mrs. Bob 131bby andfam- ily of Kirkton, Mr. & Mrs. Murray Coward and Pamela of Sunshine Line and Mr. & Mrs, Ben Parsons and family of Exe- ter and Mr. & Mrs. Phil Hern and family. Mrs. Garnet Miners with Mr. & Mrs. Howard Johns and fam- ily of Elimville North. Mr. & Mrs. Phil Ilern and Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Walters with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rowe of Thames Road. Winchelsea By MRS, WM. WALTERS Gary Dayman of Kippen spent the past week with Danny Wal- ters. Mrs. John Coward visited Mr. & Mrs. Carl Payne of Hensall Wednesday. Mrs. Bev Morgan and family of Thames Road with Mrs. New- ton Clarke. mr, & Mrs. Art Ball and family of Clinton, Mrs. Annie Veal of Exeter with mr, & mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and family. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Smith and Penny of Crediton with. Mr. & Mrs. Colin Milian and Barbera Ann Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Dayman and family of Kippen with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Walters and Danny and Mrs. M. Clarke Sunday. C.A.McDOWELL Ltd. Ready. Mix CONCRETE Plant 235 - 0833 Residence 228 - 6961 Page 8 Times-Advocate, January 7, 1965 F/L J. R. Churchill much at stake." The feud was particularly noticeable in Huron County, where Alex D. McGregor was the president of the liFA and also of the county FAME com- mittee. At that time he backed FAME's policy, Also last year, shareholders were notified no plant construc- tion would commence until $4,- 000,000 was raised. At the Huron County "urgent meeting" in December, many farmers were of the opinion that the fall of FAME would be a disastrous blow to all farm or- ganizations and agriculture in general. That remains to be seen. Forum debates farm problems Twenty four members of Fairfield Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Powe, Sanders St., Mon- day night to discuss "The Out- siders" by which term rural young people are meant. It was noted that rural com- munities have higher school drop-out rates and lower col- lege graduate rates than urban young people. Members felt if the youth in this community were ambitious enough they could get sufficient education for a good living in our district. One group pointed out that most farm boys are satisfied with the living on the farm and can take a greater responsibility than urban youth either on the farm or in the city. One member suggested that "We must live simply to enjoy living so many on the farm do not need a college education." To the question "What changes need to be made in your community's approach to education?" several members suggested that more vocational training could be useful to both adults and young people on the farm. Next week the group will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist, town. Percy Webber dies in hospital The funeral of Percy Webber, 80, was held Saturday, January 2, from Hopper-Hockey funeral home, conducted by Rev. J. P. Gandon. He died Thursday, Dec. 31 in South Huron Hospital, where he had been for some time. He was born in Usborne town- ship May 25, 1884, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Webber. He attended Eden School. He was retired from Jones, MacNaughton seed store where he had worked for a number of years. He is survived by four broth- ers, Roy, Exeter, William and Wes of Usborne Township and Fred Webber, Pathlow, Sask. and also one sister,Mrs. Har- old (Ettie) P e nha e, Stephen Township. The pallbearers were three nephews and three neighbors; Archie Webber, Clifford Pen- hale, Lloyd Webber, Ralph Genttner, Garnet Shipman and Basil Preszcator. with 4c(:)..e FERTILIZER Buying CO-OP* High Grade Ferti- lizer now is like opening a savings account. Delivery by Jan. 30. 1965 will save you $2.00 per ton, For delivery between Feb. 1 and Feb. 27 your "Early Delivery" discount will be S1.50 per ton. In addition, you can earn cash distountS of 6i4% for payment or pre-payment by Jan. 30 and 6% by Feb, 27. FREE CROP ACCOUNT BOOK A convenient, pocket-sized book in which you record crop costs and returns, thereby providing a simple, but accurate, account of year 'round savings with CO-OP products. *Regrnered Trade Mark Exeter (5...0j1:A District Beside CNR Station 235-2081 DE( JAN SAVE S2 00 PER TON FEB SAVE SI 50 PER TON LSMFT we're cutting the price $10 a day Thursday's Prices 1962 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon, 6 cyl., standard, locally owned $1450 1961 FORD 2 door, 6 cyl., $1030 1958 FORD 4 door, V8, automatic $410 BOAT 1963 MERCURY 45 h.p. motor, boat and trailer, low hours on the motor $730 FARM 1959 FORD "640" tractor with 10 ft. fork lift $1680 1962 ALLIS-CHALMERS "272" diesel used very little $1430 1959 DAVID BROWN "950" diesel, motor overhauled $1430 1957 MASSEY HARRIS 1-row corn picker $280 Larry Snider Motors Ltd. Ford Fairlane, Falcon and Ford Trucks 586 MAIN SOUTH, EXETER 235.1640 op. It pays to borrow from your CREDIT UNION You save money with a CREDIT UNION LOAN When you borrow from a credit union: You pay no extra charges, only interest. The rate is never more than a penny a month for each dollar you still owe. rp> You always know how much you owe and what your loan is costing you. Your credit union will gladly help you compare total costs and monthly payments. If you have trouble with the payments, your credit union will help you work out your problems. EXETER COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. Devon Bldg, 235.0640 Harold Patterson, Manager The actual cost will never exceed the amount shown in this table when you borrow your average 12 mos. monthly payments 24 mos. will be 36 mos. $ 100 $ 8.89 $ 4.71 $ 3.32 5. 300 $26.66 $14.12 $ 9.96 $ 500 $44.43 $23.54 $16.61 $1,000 $47,07 $33.21 $1,500 $70.61 $49,82 $2,000 ......... $66.43 F/L J. C. Young F/S F. C. Zink F/L E. A. Classen F/L J. R. P. Faucher F/L R. D. McCallum Great-West Life appoints J. C. Kenney as a representative of its newly-opened Stratford district office which is under the management of G, G. Cooper, In addition to providing Great-West Life's complete range of life, health, annuity and group insurance services,Mr. Kenney will also service the many poicyholders in this area of C. B. West- man. Me. Westman has retired from the life insurance businesS due to health reasons following a career with Great-West Life which spanned 20 years. The Stratford office Is as- sociated with the Company's London branch Which is under the management of D. Camp- bell Scott, C.L.U. Mr. Kenney's office in Exeter is located at: 56 James Street Exeter Telephone: 235-2533 THE Great-West Life ASSURANCE COMPANY BEAD °INCE .*NNIPEG CANADA G. G. COOPER FAME loss could crush hopes for farmers' plants F/L K. J. Chatfield Receive promotions The 13 men pictured in this group re- cently received promotions in an- nouncements made at RCAF Centralia. The ranks listed with each is the one to which he was promoted. S/L T. Reid F/L D. A. Purich F/L J. B. M. Demers F/L H. J. Tarbet F/L D. H. McKay F/L A. 0. Johnson The bid by a segment of On- tario farmers -- including about 1,500 in Huron County-- to es- tablish their own livestock pro- cessing plants appears to have failed with a report this week that the Farmers' Allied Meat Enterprises Co-operative have been forced to forfeit a$1,500,- 000 down payment on the F. W. F earma,n Co. Ltd. in Burlington. An additional payment of $1,- 150,000 was due on the plant Monday, and when it did not come through the processing plant went back under direct control of the former owner and he has been reported as saying he would not refund the down payment to the farmer-owned group. It is expected the loss will bankrupt FAME, but officials of the organization have de- clined comment in this regard, Meetings were held throughout Ontario when it was first an- nounced that FAME needed twice as much money as it had, but only an estimated $250,000 was realized in an "eleventh hour" bid to raise enough cash to save the investment. Huron County shareholders asked FAME directors to seek help from other farm organiza- tions, but the leaders of seven of Ontario's largest farm or- ganizations declined to offer any assistance when asked to do SO last week at a meeting in Toronto. Uncertainty clouds the fUture of four slaughter and feeder plant sites at Ayr, Mariposa, Mitchell and Neustadt, on which about $368,000 has been spent. The figure includes the cost of the land and money spent on con- struction costs, land prepara- tion and architects' drawings. Construction had not started on any of the sites and it is believed mortgages of $30,000 are still outstanding on the Ayr and Mariposa sites, FAME was organized f iv e years ago with the aim of rais- ing $10,000,000 through the share of 100,000 common shares at $100 apiece. Only 14,000 or so shares have been sold. With the money, it was hoped to establish a chain of seven meat processing plants across Ontario. Last year FAME ran into criticism from the Ontario Fed- eration of Agriculture due to the fact FAME would not answer questions about its program and finances from the organization supported by 100,000 Ontario farmers. "We feel that Ontario agri- culture cannot afford to stand by in a disinterested manner while FAME attempts to go it alone," the OFA declared, "There is too Chats with brother first time • in years of Woodham with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Roger. Mr. & Mrs. Bert Baillie of Mitchell, Mr. John Baillie of Cromarty, Mr. Frank Routly of Kirkton, Marnie and Joanne Ross of Science Hill, Mrs. Ben Ruston and Maurice of Russel- dale with Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Baillie and family and Mrs. Earl Ross. Mr. & Mrs. Miller McCurdy and Mr. & Mrs. Harold Davis with Mr, & Mrs. Ed Alexander of Hensel% Mr. & Mrs. Bob Marshall and family noon guests with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hawkins and family, evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Paul McNaughton and family. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Watson and Jim with Mr. & Mrs. Paul McNaughton and family of Lon- don. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mills and family with Mr. & Mrs. Joe Dann of Hyde Park. Bowlers at Whalen enjoy social evening By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS KIRKTON Mrs. Albert Bickell dialed her brother in Lethbridge dur- ing the holidays whom she hadn't seen or talked to for 45 years. NEW YEAR'S VISITORS With Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Switzer and Harold were Mr. & Mrs. Alfred May of London, Miss Doris May of Willowdale, Mr. & Mrs. Stock, Wanda, Wayne and Paul of Tavistock, Mr. & Mrs. White, Joyce and Robert, Miss Marybelle White of Sebringville, Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Riehl and Dianne of Strat- ford, Mr. Alvin and Leon Cow- ard of the Fourth Line. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Robinson and family of Kirkton, Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Robinson and fam- ily of Woodham, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Robinson and family of the Fourth Line with Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Robinson. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Doupe, Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl Lucan. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. French and family with Mr. & Mrs. Gary Parkinson, St. Marys. Laura French remaining for a few days with the Parkinsons. By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE WHALEN The Whalen Bowling Club with their wives and families had a get-to-gether for a smorgas- bord dinner at the Community Centre Tuesday evening. The remainder of the evening was spent in cards and dancing. Joan, London Twp, Mr. Hubert Hodgins, Granton, and Wm. Mullen, London, with Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hodgins. Mr. & Mrs. Don Pullen, Clin- ton, and Mr. & Mrs. Angus Earl, Zion, with Mr. & Mrs. Milne Pullen. Mr. & Mrs. Andy Langton, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Duffleld,Mrs. Wynne and Misses Evelyn and Carrie Wynnne, London, and Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall, St. Marys, with Mr. & Mrs. Bert Duffield. Mrs. Bristol Holden and Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mitchell, St. Marys, with Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Squire. Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Pullman, Roy and Ronnie with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McClean, Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hodgson, Barbara and Brian with Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hodgson, London. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Morley, Janice and Robbie at a family party at the Elimville Hall en- tertained by Mr. & Mrs. Ross Skinner. Mr. & Mrs. J. Finkbeiner, Jackie and Joanne with Mrs. 0. H. Finkbeiner, Listowel. Mr. Frank Parkinson and Glenn with Mr. & Mrs. Ken Parkinson 8th Line and on Sun- day with Mrs. Evelyn White, London. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Johnson and family with Mr. & Mrs. Steve Fields, London. Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Hod- gins, Sharon and Burton with Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hodgins, PERSONALS Gayle Johns, Elimville, and Lawrence Bieber, Exeter, spent the weekend with the Bieber family. Carole and Jim Foster at- tended a christening party Sun- day for Gaye Carole Corbett, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Corbett, Kitchener. Mr. Paul Schrier, Stratford, spent a few days during last week with Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Morley. Carole Foster spent a few days last week with her grand- mother, Mrs. Mary Corbett, St. Marys.. Constable Don& Mrs. Davies, Sombra, were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. McCleod Mills. Mr. & Mrs. Grafton Squire were guests Saturday evening at a surprise party on the occasion of the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Massey, St. Marys. Guests were entertained at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Tom Mas- sey. Mrs. 0. H. Finkbeiner, Lis- towel, is visiting this week with Mr. & Mrs. J. Finkbeiner. Mrs. Laverne Morley and Carole Foster visited Tuesday evening with Mrs. Doris McKay, St. Marys. Mrs. McKay was one of the nurses of St. Marys Memorial Hospital that was in- jured in the recent car accident. Wayne Parkinson, St. Marys, holidayed last week with Earl French. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dickins, Lucan, Mr. & Mrs. F. Squire, Granton, and Mr. Ron Squire were Wednesday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Grafton Squire. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Wallis and family of Toronto visited over the holidays with Mr. & Mrs. Alton 'Wallis and Gerald. aintsbury By MRS. HEBER DAVIS P ERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Ross Marshall and Sharen of St. Marys were Sunday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marshall. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Roundell and family of Caistorville spent a couple of days with Mr. & Mrs. Garth Blackler and were Thurs- day evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Marshall. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Wetter- ton and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Switzer. Mr. & Mrs. John Simpson, Rosemary and Paul visited Sun- day with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Roger. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Dalton of Seaforth visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Baillie and family and Mrs. Earl Ross. Mrs. W. J. Johnston, Wawan- esa, Manitoba, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Burgin and John of Lon- don, Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Hamil- ton and family of Waterloo were out of town holiday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mills and family spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Armstrong of Auburn. Mr. & Mrs. Alex Irvine were Sunday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Joe Fenz and Susan of London. Mrs. Blanche Campbell of Welland spent Christmas and Mr. & Mrs. Albert Armstrong spent New Years with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Zwitzer. NEW YEAR'S VISITORS Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johns and Gayle, Elimville, with Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Bieber. Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Simpson and Tom Jr., London, with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Baillie. Mr. & Mrs. Bellenta, Credi- ton, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Veenstra and family, Strathrv, with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Samplonius. Jim Foster, Kitchener, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cann, London, Mr. & Mrs. Pete Goudsward and Joey, Melrose, with Mr. & Mrs,. Laverne Morley. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Squire and family, Glendale, Mrs. Ethel Squire, Granton, and Mr. Jas. Mawhinney, Crediton, with Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hodgins. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Mills and family, Toronto, s pent New Years and the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. McCleod Mr. & Mrs. Standeaven, Glenn and Frank of Avonbank, Mr. & Mrs. Brian Dinel, London, Mr. Mrs. Gordon Mitchell and Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis, Mrs. Rd. Dickins, Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Barker, Joan, Gary and Jean, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenlee, Larry and Leslie, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Davis, Heather and Michael, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Young and Jeffrey with Mr. & Mrs. Bob Tindall and girls. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Davis, Heather and Michael, with Mr. & MrS. Ross McFalls and boys for dinner New Year's. Darren Atkinson, son of Mr. & Mrs. George Atkinson, Lon- don, spent the holidays with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Her- man Atkinson. Mr. & Mrs. Carfrey Cann and David, Exeter, and Mrs. Jerry Kading, Grand Bend, with Mr. & Mrs. Ron Carroll Sunday. Later Mr. & Mrs. Carroll visi- ted with the i r grandmother, Mrs. Henry Hodgins, Lucan. AMINIIIMOMMMI11011.110 CATTLE SHIPPERS We wish to thank our customers and any who have shipped their stock with us in the past year. We hope to be able to serve you in 1965. R. B. WILLIAMS BILL GREEN Clinton Sweet active in lodge Clinton Roy Sweet, 78, alife- long resident of this community, died suddenly at his home Wil- liam St., Sunday, January 3. Mr. Sweet was born in Ste- phen Township on Highway 4 just south of Exeter, one of a fam- ily of ten. In March 1918 he married Ida Fahner of Crediton and they farmed in Usborne Township until retiring to Exeter in 194'7. He was a member of James Street United Church and had been an IOOF member for over 50 years. He was to have re- ceived his 50 year jewel at an IOOF banquet Wednesday even- ing. An IOOF service was held at the funeral home Tuesday evening. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Stewart (Irene) Blackwell, Hay Township; two grandchild- ren, Mary and Ida Ann Black- well, and one sister, Miss Hettie Sweet, Exeter. Funeral service was conduct- ed by Rev. S. E. Lewis Wednes- day, January 6 at the R. C. Dinney funeral home,Exeter, with interment in Exetr ceme- tery. Pallbearers were Messrs Roylance Westcott, Ronald Ste- phen, Ray Jones, Earl Ratz, Irvin Rata and Whitney Coates. EMERSON PENHALE, Elim- ville 1 Herford & Angus Heifer 940 lbs. — . . tri 22.75 SAM SKINNER, Centralia 1 Hereford Cow 980 lbs , 17.00 1 Hereford Cow 910 lbs . .. 18.75 NEW YEAR'S GUESTS With Mr. & Mrs. Harry Car- roll were Mr. & Mrs. Ron Caroll and Ian, Mr. & Mrs. George Carroll, Detroit, and Miss Bar- bara McConnell, London. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dickins with Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Mac- Donald and Mr. Ron Squire, Whalen, Saturday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dobbs Jr. and Freddie attended abirthday party for Bobby Dobbs at the home of his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dobbs Sr. New Year's eve. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Davis with Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Abbott. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Barker, Mrs. Alice Kelly and Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kelly and Cheryl, London, with Mr. & Mrs. Jim Barker, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenlee and boys with Mr. Elmer Green- lee and Verne, Brinsley, for dinner Nevi Year's day. The Greenlees had Mr. & Mrs. Bob Latta and family Saturday eve- ning and Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis, Sunday evening, Little Misses Nancy and Marylou Tindall and Michael Davis spent New Year's eve with their grandparents) Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis and Heather Davis spent several days with her grandparents) Mr. & Mrs. George McFails, For Service Call R. B. Williams 235.2597 Exeter Oats Wanted Suitable for Seed or Feed, of Rodney, Garry, Russell, Clintland varieties. Please bring a sample — we can take delivery any time at highest prices 1 ALEX M. STEWART and San Limited lessellomeloileeeseeeltemeelesillsomPelleemeleamenesememo l