HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-01-07, Page 5r4cleateal Al
These three words are
the secret of the
beautiful fit of a
Spencer. Because it's
designed individually
for you „ to your
own personal needs
your Spencer
brings out all the
beauty of your figure!
Phone for free Figure
Mrs. V. Armstrong
89 Anne St. W. Exeter
Phone 235-1920
individually designed
foundations and bras
EXETER 1) 2354070
A reception was held in the
church basement where the
bride's mother received guests
in a pale blue brocade sheath
with jacket and blue and pink
corsage. The groom's mother
chose a brown sheath with green
accessories and rust corsage.
For travelling the bride
changed to a yellow wool dress,
black coat with mink trim and
corsage of white carnations.
The couple will reside in
London. The bride is a graduate
of London Teacher's College.
The bride was honored with
prenuptial showers at the homes
of Mrs. Ross Francis, Kirkton,
Miss Bette Burke, London and
Mrs. Doug Whitlock, Petrolia.
Mr. & Mrs. Amos Warwick
of Port Huron spent the weekend
with Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Fisher.
Mr. & Mrs. Al Clyne, Billy,
Linda and Susan have returned
to Winnipeg, Man., after a three
week visit with the latter's
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Beaver and Ross.
F/L & Mrs. E. F. Pearson
and family of Ottawa and Mr. &
Mrs. R. L. Worthington of Van-
couver spent the holiday season
with Mrs. Laura Harvey, Mr.
& Mrs. Len Harvey and other
relatives in and around Exeter.
Miss Donna Wells and Miss
Ruth Japp of Calgary spent the
holiday season with Mr. & Mrs.
Nelson Wells and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dobbs and
Mrs. Dobbs' sister and her
husband of Toronto left Exeter
Monday morning for a Vacation
in Florida.
Mr. & Mrs. Don MacGregor
entertained Mr. & Mrs. Herman
Powe to a quiet family dinner
Thursday, December 31, the
occasion being their 45th wed-
ding anniversary. Other guests
were Mr. & Mrs. E. Powe
and family and Mrs. Mary Mc-
Lay of Ripley.
Mr. Wilfred Reeves has re-
turned to Westminster Hospital
where he is a patient.
Mr. & Mrs. B. M. Francis
left last week for a holiday in
Mr. John Henderson was ad-
mitted to South Huron Hospital
today suffering a fractured hip,
result of a fall at his home
Monday evening.
Rev. & Mrs. Turner of
Wardsville and Mrs. Myrtle
Cook with Miss Pearl Keys.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rowe,
Mr. & Mrs, Robert Blair, Cen-
tralia, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Fish-
er, Mr. & Mrs. Amos Warwick,
Port Huron, Mr. & Mrs. Ben
Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. Wallace
Fisher, Goderich, with Mr. &
Mrs. Clark Fisher.
Mr. & Mrs. Don Murphy and
family of 'London, Mr. & Mrs.
W. E. H. Haigh, town, with
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Murray.
Red and white was the color
scheme chosen by Miss Marlene
Patricia Stone, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Laverne Stone; Kirk-
ton, for her marriage in Kirkton
United Church to Larry C.
Burke, London, son of Mrs.
Helen Burke, Petrolia, Satur-
day, December 19 at 3 pm.
White mums and poinsettias
formed the floral background
for the ceremony performed by
Rev. T. Elliott. Mrs. Janet
Whitlock, Petrolia, furnished
the wedding music and accom-
panied the soloist, Miss Connie
Douglas, London, who sang
Wedding Prayer, 0 Perfect
Love and The Lord's My Shep-
Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore a floor-
length gown of satin brocade
fashioned with empire bodice,
three-quarter length sleeves,
high scoop neckline and "A"
line skirt accented with detach-
able train. A crystal and pearl
tiara held her four-tiered veil
of silk illusion and she carried
white mums sprayed with red
and arranged with ivy.
Miss Sharon Stone, London,
was maid of honor for her sis-
ter and wore a floor-length
gown of red peau de sole with
white fur stole lined with match-
ing red. Her headpiece was a
bow of the same material with
veil. She carried white mums
sprayed with green and com-
bined with ivy. Miss Brenda
Becker and Miss Bette Burke,
both of London, were brides-
maids gowned similarly to the
maid of honor. Flower girl was
little Miss Debbie Webster,
Clinton, niec e of the bride,
wearing red peau de sole and
white muff with corsage of white
and green,
Eugene Smith, Petrolia, was
best man and Pat Burke, broth-
er of the groom and Les McNabb
both of Petrolia, ushered the
Local girl's bird
wins at London
Miss Claudia Barrett of town
was a winner in the annual
London Racing Pigeon Show held
at Byron Boxing day. She was
also awarded a special prize
by the chairman for being the
youngest lady competitor.
Entries included birds from
Toro nto, Stratford, Hamilton
and Brantford. Judge for the
occasion was the outstanding
fancier M. R. Elam of Chatan-
ooga, Tennessee. Some of the
popular winners were Frank,
CI ar ence and Tom Hardy,
When ironing 'clothes with
fancy buttons Which may be
Mined by the touch of the iron,
simply insert the bowl Of a
spoon over the button and iron
around it.
Papa Times-Advocate, January 7, 1.965
74,41 K 17412.
ay MRS J M
-;6,1: %OA' •
Coven Auxiliary
study problems
At the meeting of CavenGor-
don Evening Auxiliary in the
church Monday evening Mrs.
Murray Keys presented the
study "Let's Look at Our-
selves" in which the work and
problems of the WMS groups
was reviewed.
President Mrs. Hugh Patter-
son was in the chair and led in
the devotions. Mrs. Alex Meikle
presided for the program and
gave an appropriate reading.
Hostesses were Mrs. Patter-
son and Miss Carolyn Simpson.
Air criticism
of products
crunchy toast cupS; a Simple
dish to prepare by first Making
your favorite m e d i u m white
sauce, adding canned salmon,
green cooked frozen peas, finely
chopped pimento for color and
a hint of chopped green onion
for flavor.
Toast cups are equally as
simple to make, Remove crusts
from slices of soft white bread.
Gently press each slice into a
muffin or custard cup, so that
it takes on the shape of the
cup. Brush with melted butter
and brown in a moderately hot
oven 3'75 degrees until crispy.
Fill each toast cup with the
creamed salmon, garnish with
a sprig of parsley and a sprink-
ling of paprika. Round out the
menu with a crisp salad, hot
baking powder biscuits and tea.
The per capita butter con-
sumption was approximately 19
pounds in 1964 and is expected
to be slightly higher in 1965.
Supplies will beplentiful.Cana.-
dians, during 1964, consumed
approximately 8 pounds of
cheese per capita. Consumption
is on the increase especially
among the specialty cheeses.
There will be plenty of apples
on the market as the second
largest crop was harvested last
fall. There will continue to be
a large quantity of processed
apple products.
Ca th y's
Beauty Lounge
244 Main St. S. Exeter 235-1533
Perms * Cuts * Sets * Tints
Monday to Friday 9-6
Thursday Evening Only
Closed Saturday
Cathy Robbins, Prop.
Legion ladies instal officers for term Roll call for the home econo-
mics and health meeting of
Hurondale WI last Wednesday
afternoon in Elimville Hall was
answered with criticism of a
new product used. Soap flakes,
new plastics, melmac dishes
and instant mixes were among
the products mentioned.
Mrs. William Kernick dis-
cussed the motto "Salt your
food with humor, pepper it with
art and sprinkle over it the
charm of friendship. Mrs. Jack
Coates demonstrated the use of
an old picture frame by filling
the opening with flowers instead
of a picture and spraypainting
the whole (frame and picture).
Mrs. Nelson Squire contri-
buted a piano instrumental and
Mrs. Lee Webber, a humorous
reading. Mrs. Kernick led in a
singsong with Andrew Dougall
at the piano. Mrs. Garnet Hicks
presided for the program.
Mrs. Lorne Oke gave the
report of the London Area con-
vention at which she was a
delegate. Mrs. Oscar Tuckey,
Mrs. Bruce Tuckey and Mrs.
Archie Etherington were named
a committee to look after the
exhibit for Exeter Fair. A dona-
tion of $10 was voted to the
Save the Children fund. Presi-
dent Mrs. Gerald McFalls con-
ducted the business.
Hostesses were Mrs. Bruce
Tuck e y, Mrs. Ray Francis,
Mrs. Albert Scott, Mrs. Gerald
McFalls and Mrs. James Earl.
photo by Beta Studio
At a joint installation last week, members of the Exeter Legion
Auxiliary executive were sworn into office. Seated in the front
row from the left are: Mrs. Lawrence Marks, second vice-
president; Mrs. Robert Wragg, first vice-president; Mrs. Dan
McLeod, president; Mrs. Harold Wurm, past president. Standing:
Dashwood women
hold birthday party
Robert Annan and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Salmon
and family, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Tieman, Mrs. Mary Martene
and Edwin, Gerald Martene and
Peter with Mr. & Mrs. Tom
Hern and family of Zion, New
Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Rader and
boys, Mr. & Mrs. Glen Rader
with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Rader
and Darlene, New Year's.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Miller
and family with Mr. & Mrs.
Ron Braid and family.
Mrs. Clarence Knight, treasurer; Mrs. Garnet Shipman, di-
rector; Mrs. Gerald Lawson, secretary; Mrs. Norm Ferguson,
director; Mrs. Peg Hunter-Duvar, director; Mrs. Jim Young,
director; Mrs. W. J. Thompson, Sgt.-at-arms.
--T-A photo
A family Christmas gathering
was held at the home of Mr. &
Mrs. Ken Mason, Sulgrave,
Wednesday. Mr. & Mrs. Sam
Skinner and family, also John
McAllister and boys attended.
Biddu fp h
This is the time of endings,
but of new beginnings, too ,
God sends us another year
and maketh all thir.gs new . .
Another hope, another chance,
another road to take
Another star to follow,
and another start to make „ .
New beginnings, new adven-
new heights to attain . .
Golden opportunities
to work and build upon ,
New and higher aspirations,
for the future days . .
Seeking, dreaming, moving on
down bright and better ways.
Patience Strong
At the beginning of the New
Year there is an ample stock
of Canadian foods on the market.
The outlook for the year is
favorable for most foods.
There will be a good supply
of pork and beef in the New
Year. Pork prices are expected
to be slightly lower. The con-
sumption of red and blue brand
beef is increasing rapidly. The
per capita consumption of beef
in Canada is estimated to reach
about 80 pounds this coming
year. This will mean an in-
crease of about 6 pounds over
last year. Prices will remain
the same.
In the early part of the year
egg prices will be lower than
those of last year. However,
an increase in prices is ex-
pected later in the year.
There is an increasing supply
of chicken broilers and fryers
on the market. Light and heavy
turkeys will be plentiful and
there will be little change in
Prices of potatoes will be
higher in 1965 than last year.
There is a big increase in
processed potato products es-
pecially frozen French fried
potatoes. Instant potatoes will
be a relatively good buy. * * * *
Looking for something differ-
ent, economical, easy to make
and tasty to serve for luncheon?
Serve creamed salmon in
Mr. & Mrs. M. H. Elston
and Sheila accompanied by Mr.
Clarence Fletcher in London
with Mr. & Mrs. Murray Gibson
also Mr. & Mrs. Jack Murray.
With Mr. & Mrs. M. H. Elston
were Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Essery
and Donald.
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Skinner at-
tended a New Years family
gathering given by Mr. & Mrs.
Ross Skinner, Elimville.
Mr. & Mrs. Win. Essery
were guests of Mr. & Mrs.
Ted Roberts of Chiselhurst the
Sunday following Christmas.
Bradley and Jimmy Gregus
of Exeter spent a few holidays
last week with their uncle and
aunt, Mr. & Mrs. John Spacek.
Mr. & Mrs. John Spacek with
Mr. & Mrs. Augus Gregus and
boys of Arva also attending was
Mr. Frank Gregus of London.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Fischer of
London spent Saturday with the
former's mother, Mrs. Chris
Mr. & Mrs. M. H. Elston
accompanied by Mr. Wm. Lam-
bourn, Ilderton, visited recently
with Mr. & Mrs. Cossar Foster,
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Essery and
Donald were guests New Years
Sunday of Mr. & Mrs. Fred
P enwar d en, Sarnia. Their
daughter Beatrice of Ridgetown
was also a guest.
With the Weiberg families
were Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy
Area teacher weds
and Clayton of Ailsa Craig, Mr.
& Mrs. Tom Humphries of Exe-
ter, Miss Mildred Weiberg of
London. Sunday Mr. & Mrs. Len
Purdie of Hensall were guests
with the Weiberg families.
Mr. & Mrs. Amos Warwick
of Port Huron, Mr. & Mrs.
Glenn Fisher and Glenda of
Exeter spent Sunday with Mr.
& Mrs. Robert Blair.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Essery had
as their guests Christmas Day
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Penwarden,
Sarnia, Miss Beatrice Essery
of Ridgetown, Rev. & Mrs.
Barry Passmore and family of
London and Mr. & Mrs. Ted
Roberts and family of Chisel-
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Roweliffe
and family, London, and Mr. &
Mrs. Tom Ogle and family,
Strathroy, with Mr. & Mrs.
Wellington Brock.
Mr. & Mrs. Angus Earl with
Mr. & Mrs. Milne Pullen,
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Brock
and Bill, Mrs. Mary Brock
with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Spence,
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bern and
family, Mr. & Mrs. Don Lankin
with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Brock,
Karen and Murton.
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Haynes,
London, • with Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Hern and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Salmon,
Ruth Anne, Margaret and Elea-
nor, Mrs. Mary Martene, Mr.
Edwin Martene, Gerald Martene
and Peter, all of Dashwood, mr.
& Mrs. Charles Tiernan, Lon-
don, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Ballan-
tyne and family, Kirkton, Miss
Margaret Johns, Elimville,
Miss Janet Blair, Centralia,
with Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hern
and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Ephriam Hern
with Mr. & Mrs. Allen Westcott
and family, Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Doughty of
Jarvis visited one day last week
with Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hern and
Mr. & Mrs. Delmar Skinner,
Elimville, visited last Tuesday
evening with Mr. & Mrs. Nor-
man Jaques.
Mr. & Mrs. Everard Miller,
Earl and Elsie spent New Years
with Mr. & Mrs. Howard Kers-
lake, Exeter.
Miss Barbara Hern of London
Teachers C o 11 eg e spent the
holidays with her parents, Mr.
& Mrs. Thomas Hern and fam-
Sorority discuss .
modern jewelry
Jewelry was the topic for
discussion at the meeting of
Beta Sigma Phi Sorority held
at the home of Mrs. Joe Wooden
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. R. W. Read talked on
the cutting of diamonds and their
origin and also spoke of famous
precious stones and where they
could be seen.
Miss Jean Taylor discussed
modern jewelry and how and
when to wear it.
The group donated $50 to
help provide drugs for a child
in Huron County with an in-
curable disease. Plans were
also discussed for the Sorority
Ball in February.
Assisting the hostess were
Mrs. William Essery and Mrs.
W. J. Andrews.
Members of Zion Lutheran
Ladies Aid gathered at the home
of the past president, Mrs. Mil-
ford Merner to celebrate the
birthday of Mrs. Ed Nadiger,
Tuesday, December 29.
Christmas quizzes and eu-
chre were enjoyed. Winners
were Mrs. Bob Hayter; second
Mrs. Leonard Restemayer; and
low, Mrs. Lloyd Rader.
Mrs. Nadiger was presented
a gift and lunch with a birthday
cake brought the evening to a
Miss Darlene Rader at Han-
over With Miss Shelley Baker.
Miss Dianne Rader at Water-
loo with Miss Sandra Weiberg.
Miss Sharon Rader at London
with Mary-Jo and Shelley Howe.
Miss Martha Gossman of Ed-
monton, Alberta, with her par-
ents, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Gossman,
and other friends and relatives.
Miss Ruthanne S al m o n of
Toronto with her parents, Mr. &
Mrs. Clifford Salmon and fam-
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Willert
and Patricia of Goderich, Mr.
& Mrs. Alvin Willert and fam-
ily, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Heywood,
and Mr. & Mrs. Jim Smith, all
of Exeter, and Mrs. Bob Newton
and family of London with Mrs.
Amelia Willert and Mr. & Mrs.
Cliff Penhale for New Year's
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Howe and
girls of London with Mr. & Mrs.
Ervin Rader and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Rader and
family at Waterloo with Mr. &
Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and fam-
Ferd Miller with Mr. & Mrs.
Harry Bassow New Year's Day.
Mrs. Ferd Miller accompan-
ied Mr. & Mrs. Norman Miller
and Bruce of Edmonton, Alberta
to Pickering where they spent
the weekend with Mr. & Mrs.
111 11
With Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Baker
were her sister, Mr. & Mrs.
Harris Butson and Susan, Mr.
,Herb Beer and Anna all of
Munro and Mr. & Mrs. Nelson
Baker and Bill.
With Mr. & Mrs. Fred Park-
inson New Year's Eve were
Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Rodd and
Karen, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Miller
and Betty Jean, Mr. & Mrs.
Oscar Brine, Mrs. Myrtle Brine
and Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thack-
er, Cathy and Joy.
Miss Dianne Marriott of Mon-
treal spent the holidays with
her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Marriott; Miss Sharon Marriott
of the University of Western
Ontario also holidayed at her
With Mr. & Mrs. Fred Park-
inson Sunday were Mr. Fred
Jamieson, Kate and Florence.
Mr. & Mrs. Parkinson and fam-
ily were also guests of Mr.
& Mrs. Don Case of Exeter
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lamond and
family, Mr. Jim Story of Cherry
Grove, Mrs, Ina Carr and Mr.
Lou King, St. Marys, with Mr.
& Mrs. Wilfred Wilson.
Mr. & Mrs. William Spence
and family with Mr. & Mrs.
Raymond P a y n t e r and son,
Kirkton at noon and had as
guests in the evening Mr. &
Mrs. Norman Brock and Bill,
Mrs. Mary Brock, Zion, Mr.
& Mrs. Bill Strong) Seaforth,
Mr. & Mrs. Grant Skinner and
family, Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Morgan,
paid and Brian, St. Marys,
Mr. & Mrs. Duncan McNaughton
with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Brooks
and Mrs. Margaret Keith in
Toronto for the weekend.
Mr. & Mrs. George Carter,
Eighth Line, with their daugh-
ter, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Baker
and family.
Mr. & Mrs. F, Marriott, Ron
and Maryanne, Mr. & Mrs. Lou
Martin, St. Marys, with Mr. &
Mrs. Archie Dewar Sunday.
16 oz. Reg. $3.50
Bandaids Reg. 94 694
Johnson's Baby Powder Reg. 750 594
Hot Water Bottle Specials 894
11 -
11 1111 11 1111 1111 111111 111111111 i11111111 111111 1111111 111 111
Mr, & Mrs. Wm. Homey of
Exeter with Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
Mr. & Mrs. Alec Hamilton
and Bradley of Grand Bend
and Mrs. Rebecca Lewis and
Eber with Mr. & Mrs. Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Marven Wein and
family with her parents, Mr, &
Mrs. Corner in Parkhill.
M. &Mrs. Earl Haist and
Margaret with Miss Clara and
Herb Beaver in Exeter.
Wins host of prizes from area merchants
If little Philip David Yaretz knew about all the prizes he Won from area merchants for having been
the first baby born at South Huron Hospital in 1965, he probably Would have shown a. little more
enthusiasm than what is displayed here. The son of Cpl. and Mrs. Peter Yaretz, RCAF Centralia;
the lad won the coMpetitiOn with an arrival time of 9:35 a.m. on January 1. He weighed In at seven
pounds 11 1/2 Minces. The winner has a 14-month-old sister, Linda, 'waiting his arrival at home.
And with that head of hair, Linda may think her mom has brought home one of the Beatles:
--T-A photo