The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-12-24, Page 15Page Pecem ,er 24, 1964
and district news
.Phone .227-4155 Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott
Wes. held et the home of My. and
Mrs, Bough, St.
The Connie will make their
benne in London.,
Guests Were preeent from
Bartel,: City, Mich., Toronto,
Galt, Sarnia, Scernorpegh,
Catharines, Ste Thomas,, Lon-
doe and Lucan..
.YeeelOseioNeeYee'00 ei0-YO:we:::e0
in a brown suit, hreWileacees-
Poriea And yellow,rose corsage!
Was hersister's only attendant.
Mr, Paul Joseph of Tprento
was best man for his brother
and Mr, Pon Cosens was usher.
Organiat, Mrs. Q. O. Gorden
provided traditiorial Weeding
A buffet dinner and reeeptioe
**WO.. esteseseeevseettol4eitestotee
A Broken Resolution
resolution I did make,
To better do, in /64,
But many still did have to wait
Just as they did, in years of
So this year I'll just say
Merry Christmas, one and all
Decorating Centre
Friends shower
bride with gifts
14P4, WAyne liinekeY of
41911d Stt Lunyn was ndOeSs,
last Monday night, fora mis-
pellaneous shower to honor,
Miss Pat Young, daughter of
Mr. and Mre. Fred yotmg of
London, wnose marriage to.
Mr. Jack Brenda of Wiedeor
will be held inst. Jude's Church
London, Jan, 146
Guests were present from
London, Clandeboye, Elginfield
and Lucan. Mrs. Hockey read
the address of welcome and
Mrs, Keith McComb and Miss
Margaret Cobleigh assisted in
the opening of gifts. Games and
contests highlighted the even-
ing. Winners were Mee. Ken
Hayter, Mre. Jack Arenthals,
Mrs, Maurice Cobleigh, Mrs.
James Avery and petty Ann
Lions learn
of 'Society
Donald Blacklock of the John
Howard Society, London, was
the guest speaker at the dinner
meeting of the Lucan Lions
Club in the Anglican Church
basement last Monday evening.
Mr. Blacklock spoke on the
rehabilitation of men after ser-
ving prison terms and of how
the society assists in this prob-
Present at the meeting were
17 members of the North Lon-
don Lions and members of the
Lucan branch of the Royal Can-
adian Legion and the village
Reeve Ivan Hearn and Legion
President, J. W. Smith, spoke
briefly and the London Lions
staged an amusing dutch auc-
The New Years Dance Com-
mittee reported on the plans
for the 1965 dance. Mrs. Her-
man Young's group of the Lad-
ies Guild catered for the dinner.
Turkey winners
at Lions bingo
A fine night and good motor-
ing brought on a splendid crowd
to the Lions Club bingo at the
Community Memorial Centre
last Wednesday night.
The two luckiest winners
were Mrs. Doug Ewen, who won
two turkeys, and teenage Billy
Calcott, who won a chicken and
the first Share the Wealth,
$13.20. leas. Thornton of Lon-
don won the second Share the
Wealth, $13.75, and Florence
Siddell won the free game chick-
Other turkey winners were
Joe Coterall, Mrs. Allan Scott,
Miss Muriel C arling, Jim Young
and Mrs. Jack Lankin.
Other chicken winners were
Mrs. Jim Miller two, Mrs, Rose
Atkinson, Miss Lorraine Little,
Mrs. Harold Egan, Mrs. Harley.
14400,0 white mettle forme
PO the Setting 41 the Cnit'Orne
United clirch, London at 2 pm
$94rdgy, Dec, 12, When thepAs,
tor, the Rey, ilgieillicholsneite
ed in marriage Miss Edith Houle
and Mr. Sydney Joseph.
The bride 10 the daughter of
gr, And Mrs. Edward Houle
of Sarnia and Ole groom IS the
son of Mrs. Clarence Slough of
St. Thomas and the late Sam
Joseph and the grandson of the
late Mx, and Mrs. S, Q. Chown
of Limp.
In the absence of her father,
the bride was Oven in mare
riage by Mr, Slough. For the
quiet wedding the bride chose
a pink suit with white anpee-
sories and corsage of pink and
white roses.
Miss Yvette Made of eernia,
The Young People of St. Pat-
rick's Catholic Church held a
succeseful Euchre and Dance
at the Community Centre Friday
High score prizes went to
Miss Betty Kelly and Mr. Jas.
Dewan; low score prizes to
Mrs. Joe Whelihan and Mr. Bill
Giese!). Two boys won the chil-
dren's prizes, Jim Nagle and
Andy van Geol.
Canadian Playboys provided
music for the dance.
Area bowlers
win fowl prizes
At the Lucan Lanes last Mon-
day night Evelyn Coughlin with
high triple and Barbara Wraith
with high single, each won a
Joan Gilmour with hi dden
score, Marilyn Kloss with low
triple and Jean McDonald with
low single, each won large ca-
The two lucky draws for
Christmas cakes went to Kit
Hearn and Lucy Inson.
Lucan Personals
Renfrew, pr
N E ii
Int ludeo
ZONE 1 RAlt:,
Sault Ste tvlalie
Fi Within
iasore rolls tee, t,ttfiree
--- Cowie; Boundaree
Zone Boundaries
Mr. and Mrs.
of the Lucan
Photo Studio
extend to their many Detroit§
best wishes for a most joyful
Clitieteriae Season.
Christmas Greeting':
torilANK YOU"
We have 'enjoyed Serving you
since taking over the Arena
Snack Barg
• issued in amounts from $100
upwards for 8, 4 or 5 years.
• earn the above indicated interest,
payable half-yearly by cheque.
• authorized investment for all
Canadian Insurance Companies
and trust funds.
372 Bay St.,
35 Dunlop St., 73 Mioloago
Barrio Oriiia
Married in tondan
eeeeeneseeeoyemiceeeeeeevyonee.yeeteoyeeteoeeeneoneemOreeee4mteee Girls planning
tour of Press
At the CGIT meeting in the
UC schoolroom Tuesday even-
ing, final plans were made for
the tour of the Free Press Dec.
29, which will be followed by
dinner at the Imperial Res-
Judy Coughlin, Marilyn
Hearn, Leslie Carling, Heather
Froats and Maureen Smith were
named a decorating committee
for the pot luck supper Friday
Carol Haskett led in the wor-
ship service, which included the
Christmas story in word, song
and choral reading. Bobby
Cochrane was in charge of a
After the meeting the execu-
tive remained to finalize plans
for the Christmas party.
Following the pot luck sup-
per Friday night, all the ar-
ticles brought for a needy fam-
ily (in lieu of exchange of gifts)
were displayed and wrapped.
The program was highlighted
with take-offs of "Act Fast",
"Take Your Choice" and Ladies
Day, which created much
Carol singing was led by
Marilyn Hearn and Louise Co-
chrane read the story, "An-
other Place at the Table".
With my latest addition to my
Body Shop I hope to be able to
serve you, even better in 1965.
Display decorations
at Lucan WI event
Lady has chance
of European trip
Although the Lucan IGA. store
had no eeper bingo winner this
week yet they did have one big
winner. For four weeks every-
one had the opportunity to de-
posit chances an $06,000 worth
of prizes.
One draw was made from each
of the 325 stores. Mrs. Bernard
Berth's name from Lucan was
drawn and she received a Wes-
tinghouee Electric Slicing knife
and will have a chance on 0.11CA
TV as well as a 21-day trip to
It is our sincerest wish that
the spiritual beauty and festive
joy of the Christmas season light
up your days with bright hope
and happiness.
and staff
7 Elizabeth 227-4373
227-4211 Lucan -,, thtideYcy
The Christmas meeting of
the Lucan WI was held in the.
Community Memorial Centre
last Wednesday afternoon with
the president, Mrs. Jack
in the chair.
A two minute silence was held
for Mrs. William Brownlee, a
member who passed away sud-
denly Dec. 4. For many years
Mrs. Brownlee was the WI sec-
retary and this year was second
vice-president, as well as a
branch director and chairman
of the women's service of the
Cancer Society. The branch
purchased a Gideon Bible in
her memory.
Roll call was answered by
many childhood Chris tm as
memories and a gift for the
Thamesville Lodge.
Program feature
of church party
Holy Trinity Anglican SS held
its annual Christmas party in
the Parish Hall Saturday after-
noon, with a good attendance of
children . and parents. Rev. E. 0.
Lancaster was chairmanfor the
program which included solos
by Mike Culbert, Maureen Smith
and Janis Freeman, numbers by
the kindergarten, Mrs. Free-
man's class, Mrs. Norman Har-
dy's class and Mr. Dwight Hen-
derson's followed by the dra-
matization of, "The N ightl3e-
fore Christmas." Bill Haskett
assisted Santa Claus strip the
Christmas tree. Each child was
given a large bag of candy and
nuts before going home.
To all our Friends, Neighbours
and Patrons And best wishes to all our
clients and friends. We ap-
preciate the privilege of
serving you.
Season's Greetings and Ap-
preciation for your friendly pa-
tronage during the past year.
Beauty Salon
Mrs. Ruby Windsor Davis▪ Hardware Donald G. Banting Insurance Agency
Established 1929
227-4871 LUCAN LUCAN 227-4242
4k:o.oi,kaLti;osteA,N,,;1.Tiat. WILLIAM J. (BILL) AMOS a g ent
227-4741 LUCAN
,metereeireetteeteeseereteeerereeereeteeeeekteefteetreeeteeteelelereeeeetre BEST
Irnsins M ektiAbtai
A special installation team
from Exeter, headed by chair-
man, Comrade Andrew Bier-
ling, 10 members and two pip-
ers will be in charge of the
installation service for the of-
ficers of Lucan Legion Branch
at the Lucan Legion Hall, Jan.
6, when a social evening will
be enjoyed by Legion and Aux-
iliary members.
The Lucan-Clandeboye Hi C
met at the home of Margaret
Sach last Sunday evening. Bar-
bara Park was assisted in the
worship service by her sister
The pastor, the Rev. G. Sach
gave a talk on "The good Sa-
It was voted to donate $20
toward the CGIT stained glass
window fund.
Fifteen members accepted
the invitation to attend the dance
in Prince Andrew School, Sat-
urday evening which was spon-
sored by the Bryanston Hi C.
Mrs. William Avery, Mrs.
Richard Davis two, and Mrs.
Dave Inson.
Mrs. Don Hodgins, wife of the
president, made the draw for
the big turkey. Larry McFalls,
a former Lions Club president,
was the lucky winner.
Paul's Superior Market 227-4489
for reservations
Merry Christmas—In these two
words we wish to express our
appreciation of your support and
good-will in the past. May it
continue in the years to come.
(Lucan) LTD.
Merry Christmas
We'd like to put our wishes for
a joyful holiday in your stock-
ing. Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year, one and all.
Christmas and the New Year
from the
Restaurant Staff
Tom Weller - proprietor
227-4462 LUCAN Duchess Ave. Lucan 227-4406
eemeeeiemyeeeeeeeemeeeeeeleeeveeY,eeYeweewmeereeeeyeeyee;eeoeeeteeee ee,'&.Ye-eeieee.yeeteeeeeeeeieeieeeereeeeeeeieeeeeeeer,eee:Yeaeeimyeee
Warmer than ever
And cheerier too
Are the Holiday Wishes
We're sending to you.
Cidshrtas Cleer
The Lucan Recreation Committee,
Manager, and Assistant, extend best
Christmas Greetings to all lovers
of good sport and Arena Activities.
from the
Jim Burt — manager Wilfred Hodgins - assistant
eeeeeeleeeeiteerertereete:rileeeteteee. eeeeceeleseerelleirseerret tettetetteze.
227-4274 Lucan for 24-hour towing
regrizmmigor4Atelftv?:ttorttrZW:gitMl grzulkrtrriizrAi 'Ai
Minimum Wage levels will rise on Dec. 28,1964
227.4821 Lucon
for appointments Just to say Merry Christmas
and Thank you for your friendly
YULETIDE GREETINGS patronage during the past year.
Mrs. Cliff Cronkite, pro-
prietress of Pat's Beauty Salon,
Alice St., Lucan extends best
Christm as Greetings to her
Many patrons in Lucan and
Lucan girl marries LUCAN FINA STATION
227-4728 We aim to please
A Reminder—A Minimum wage of $1.00
an hour is being introduced by stages for
both men and women workers throughout
The next stage in this progression occurs
on December 28, 1964, when the follow-
ing n g Minimum Wage rates will be
ZONE 1—Southern Ontario and Major
Northern Ontario Cities: Men— $1.00 per
hour, Women—.95 per hour, Construction
continues at $1.25 per hour.
ZONE 2—Northern Ontario, except Major
Cities: Men—.90 per hour, Women—.90
per hour, Construction continues at $1,15
per hour.
Hospital, London.
Mrs. Alma Price has return-
ed home after holidaying with
Toronto friends,
Miss Marilyn Brownlee, who
was called home for her moth-
er's funeral, has returned to
Miss Rosemary Vance of
Bryon spent last weekend with
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Crozier.
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Bryan
of St. Marys was a Saturday
guest of Mrs. Jane Somerville.
Mrs. Somerville left Monday to
spend a week with her grandson
and granddaughter, Mr. & Mrs.
Robert Spence, RR 6 St. Marys.
Saturday Mr. Willis Darling
and sons Donald and George and
Sunday, Mr. & Mrs. Morris
Darling, all of London, were
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Cecil
Armitage and Mr. Levi Darling.
When the Federation of
Pigeon Clubs metonSpringbank
Drive Saturday,Mr.Frankliar-
was one of the turkey win-
Mrs. Morris Murdy of Kit-
chener, brother of Mr. Jack
Meetly of Lucan, is still a pa-
tient in St. Mary's Hospital,
Kitchener, after suffering a
heart attack Sunday, Dec. 13.
Flowers in Lucan's three
churches Sunday were in mem-
ory of Mrs. H. A. (Bill) Chown,
who was killed in a car accident,
Dec. 11.
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Henderson
and family spent last weekend
in Bothwell guests Of Mr. &
Mrs. James Henderson and Mr.
& Mee. Gordon Austin.
Mr. Jack Rooney of St. Marys
was a Sunday guest of Mr. &
Mrs. William Aylestock.
For the past week pedestrians
on Main St. have been enjoying
Christmas carols from the C.
Haskett & Son Furniture Store's
upper window.
Mrs. Bob Coleman was the
lucky winter of a Coffee Club
hamper last week.
Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Smith and
family and Mrs. Alex McFar-
lane spent last Sunday in Shel-
burne, guests of Mr. & Mrs,
The village put up its Christ-
mas lights this Week and once
again the huge tree on the lawn
of Mr, J. S. Radcliffe is eblate
with lights and can be seen for
miles around.
Mrs. G. E. Nicholson has been
assisting at the post office dur-
ing the Christmas rush.
Mrs. Warner McRoberts, Who
has been a patiete in both St.
Joseph's and Victbriallospitals
has been moved to St. Mary's
Instead of a monetary dona-
tion to the Children's War Mem-
orial Hospital it was decided
that the making of clothing and
quilts be continued and a pot-
luck luncheon and work meeting
was discussed.
Arrangements were made for
the first 1965 euchre to be held
Wednesday, Jan. 13 at the Com-
munity Centre, beginning at 8;30
Mrs. Murray Hodgins and
Mrs. Owen Seward, who re-
cently took the local leadership
course in block printing and
will be holding two we ekly
classes each Wednesday after-
noon (and evening where pos-
sible) beginning January 6, had
samples of the course and Mrs.
Hodgins gave a talk on the equip-
ment used and cost of same.
The motto, "The Christmas
spirit must begin with our-
selves", was discussedbyMrs.
Gordon Banting.
The highlight of the meeting
was a beautiful display of
Christmas decorations, made
and displayed by Mrs. James
Carmichael of Ilderton. Many
of the articles were so simply
made and yet so colorful and
effective. Mrs. Stewart Park
moved a vote of thanks to Mrs.
C arm ichael.
It was with regret the WI
learned that Mr. Steacy, man-
ager of the Bank of Montreal,
was being moved to Waterford,
and that the WI would be losing
its president. Although only
president since May yet as
vice-president Mrs. Steacy did
preside at times last year and
she will be missed. On behalf
of the branch, Mrs. Cecil Robb
presented her with a parting
gift and an expression of regret
at her leaving.
Mrs. Jack Lankin as lunch
convener was assisted by Mrs.
Sheridan Revington, Mrs. Har-
old Corbett and Mrs. J. it,
Superintendent Mr. Ed. But-
ler was chairman for a Christ-
mas program last Thursday
night. The Young People, as well
as each class put on a special
number on the theme, "Christ-
mas Gifts".
Mr. Butler was assisted by
Rev. John Sexton and Mrs. J.
A. Graham.
Holy Trinity Anglican had
been decorated by the Altar
Guild, with Wreaths, Christ-
mas tree, The Wise. Men and
The Crib and Star, for the
nine Carol Service Sunday.
A large congregation was
present for this impressive
service. Full Sr. and Jr. Choirs
never sang better.
Baskets of white mums and
pink snapdragons, Melted the
setting at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec.
12 in the Lucan United Church;
for the double-ring ceremony
when the pastor the Rev. G. W.
Sacli milted in wedlock Miss
Ruth Sandra Frost and William
Glenn Ranger.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Frost of
Alice St., Lecare and the groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Ranger of RR 6 Lerldon Town-
Given in Marriage by her
fathers the bride chose a fleet-
length gown of white silk, Which
featured a lade bodice, long
lace sleeves, with lace paha
down the front of the hooped
aisle-wide skirt. A shoulder
blue knitted suit, with black
accessories arid pink rose cor-
The young couple will make
their home in London.
Gueets were present from
Toronto, Port Credit, Thorn-
dale, Exeter, Granton, London,
Ailsa Craig, Clandeboye and
HON. H. L. riOWNTFIEV., Minister of Labour
Pot further inforinmion write to:
Labour Sttinth'irds Branch, 74 Victoria Stroot, 1ono nto
length net veil fell few)) a
crystal headpieee. She carried
a cascade Of red roses,
Miss Patricia Filial of Let-
den, as maid of honor and Mize'
Jacqueline De Block of RIt 1
Lucan arid Miss Susan liridger
of London, as bridesniaids,
were gowned alike in street-
length dark velvet gowns, green
net Veils and shoes and 'Carried
pink keseei,
Mr. Tony PerritiS of Lone
don was best man and Messrs
Glenn Frost and Stan ,Mooney
Weed 'alters,.
Mrs. d. W. Stich as organist,
accompanied; the tOlelet Miss
Ilene Donaldson of ER 3 Den-
At a reception and dinner
held in the antra SchoolrOOM
the bride's thother received
in a royal blue figured, two=
piece gown With corsage of
White carnations. She was age
Sisted ei b the grOcilti's Mettler
*he allege red
wool Stilt with
White Carnation corsage.
For a honeymoon trip to 0 e
Residents hear
carol songsters
In spite of a cold night 28
Let en-tlencleboee Explorers
and four counsellors Weht carol
singing last Monday evening.
The girls were divided into
two groups led by Mrs, Mee
Roberts And Berbera Park arid
by Mrs. Wm Frogs and Mee,
Russell Thonipsoe. Gine of de-
botated ak ea of teen and
Christmas cards made by the
girls Were given to all shut-ins.
(Rev. G, W, Sakti took 11 tikes
Of soap to hospitalized Liman,
After the egret Singing all
returned to the ithited Church
Scheel Where WS, Matobette
led 10 a game and Mrs. Gwen
Grose and daughter 4anyee nre
pored Itirioh, Jane Iledgebili
tabeth ltevington and Joan
Donaldson assisted in the sere-
and ,
taws, the bride changed to a*Tsilik*it:toOt6.0Ongi0114tr40