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Huron Signal, 1862-10-02, Page 4
areae heIatamd e ll ed •a Iittertata is Illehead. /eateries Jwr.d. V hew wwywrw reed, la some hub bowever, ea asumo& la light pewee white W nee hoterly Ferro- ma erry a Maty, while to sweutire tat weber ud to h.• w germ fhe Mower, role �kwbee bled and c as swat* geed thest Is emu/ It�a rearm the was wee the ilwkiffEwls ..ieie.liy eetlie..lm to egueserwe whet ie hely to be the wirers. We Oar. sheet orrop a new eat in tea slew dayrt of treed wvsit- brt week, it waged b. WI enat\ia., la ladled, ee bedlam wither eed senior la bight*dew dNrg the ripeaksg beasos, our to he of • better Rashly p..L A doh of wig dos, it Poo. sed we arm clod te find thriveryss apace, .d will be I ata good quality. thew u hay ad ..Ie. Lr year Omen will de a ear - seising term wedges y we may ieleme was, will ba r tewa ager. Otero very important panto.; They susn.- cereals, and their feilure deeply felt. Timm is now s good atop of turnips, but from danger as to jastth lope. We grew little for tads tea, and the an�iejpatreaths. le srrm et pe hewsery t - re be- t the* eolith) i' • A ea yrs" is meek la lre New min 11.150 i1 is y4 sees that .litre s is141M tie with spledl mems, B MW ;a. as The while the swim Abieeswee aims. Mee, tt�r acrid true 16 Idee'pL tk• SWILL AI.4yy hoes Costal ce.reky t. • •• Yoe harm of emotes mem amen* of Jobs Mortise's road through here. To de tr. jorke. I memy that, excepting their taking bre trM npl.c. their jelled owe. ted km*, D. oar people for forage ad pruviaioaa the were gam, well air liaised and .aaaged,a.d is this part of u • Stale treated the Utem people respectfully. l■ • 1.. bollworms they teak Whew prima properly Measles hoes, aynjd PI.I -fie. -it wee dose eb eole.•.t rle.l pwrM r t.n wylw, wt w!irmeh Ueee1_ 1. •pre1►k1 dmi.1tnw of their,... awl. TI. fa.o1 Joan Minnie ted LUiagtoe, • ar p1... of Fronk K. Hunt, tied was a whet eegabod for moue year. H• mous Si demo lute tie de could he, • ga.bkr, aegru-under, de. 4. He a the idol of the awash here, sad rally his drat and duel ate admir- able. dminable. A Michigan cavalry regiment ham hove fofowing him for .x months, and Mere ever baa a meeting wish him yet_ They my indeed that More., 's neo excel to retreat bemuse. when their hinge* `row ti.od,ali they ham to do is to steal fresh one. wben they ran lay bands wt them la it out • shame that they abmild have made • circuit of the hest ;arta the State, and got off without any t..mhle, except at Cyuthwua7 That tight. to unequal, watt as bray. ly fought by the Feder ale .s ever man fought. ' AT C. CRABBPS, GODBBIOH. SALTS SALT, SALT= uses 1,000 BBLS., Dioet i1Cwa Elrorlys WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, CME •1P FOR CASH ONLY. 1111A111011• 11.A DItY (300D124 AmD READY-MADE CLOTHING Jos Macs A.0 loll K1110-1400 AND Tea CHAMPION'S IIILT.-'1 he next deposit of LIS • side wow due on Wedncday, Aug. 27, at Harry Orme', the Jane Shore. Shored:teb, •here • large muster of the Euteed psorous of the sired athletes were to aimed. to witness the pnneedinera. Ji. Mea indeed' comer wencing his t.ysumg forthwith. The color, wkieh will be of • nem sr! unitise ebanctrr, ere already orderpd from the ameefitcturer. 1 be sole ooatr01 of the management, on the part of Mace. hes boor, undertaken by lir, T. Ile UREA VARIE'T'Y. TEAS f TEAS TRA.. V1 MAIL, And a General Assortment et HARDWRE TMII ONLY EIDS N I WAN SRN TN THE OUTYNTY. Sign °Abe Large Padlolik H. GA1tDINER & 00. beg le Miami She pebble Lard Rey ..re epees* a w11rL{rale • SCTAIL Ment.« ass, .(betiers .. aeneeep ole meta Tem r mammon bend.bk�.ge�med b wee ..ed Melt Hurry 4 94.f/ Brriw+s,voitristagt Ire Ite., all soft Hoop sad Readlrwet Cased. Pl.*. Tie Hare Go,!! Cksraf rl•tl-• s1 4dal Aorta ( , Tweet emdh'. Lowy Hume how; cat Rastas Primed he Wrought Nass GROCERIES, Glum (�tind Puny Ceauni Spades rad Showell; Un.. ori Paola She; Puwd.. Saws; Rope Oakum, linedier unite roma, wake esker fee se D.*.lru.IN'S t Water- Drawer. staple and &stile Mhalme li IA for ekvating wider !ELU OF 111T DST!$! TOM ITS .alTIOCrn IT N dot oat of kiss, aria of Mor bad ms. hio it tbs warm Nene age sepals two. �.. mop we warn., end rhe a.ed by k is M. a.e moa an sty at tat Mtss.ey, whew ars ray beams • N. T. CIISTEAD. iwa.ar, teal, at7-41 ut Shelf Hardwire, of Earl Deotr$tks. Corer, is Ptanbr.P.111, .e wtom �"���- a*os46_ ____ __ - sir IMe..aoe6utwre, bw51^Otirl `e t r erX., t;it shrew! be kept in a Beret y:he m• erwoute-�-kttialli hn�'^.roam" r their re- Cheaper elm la) other id the G .are a apecti.e am unu. Tum Kt is is rude ue�neh, raw. S. 1661. health, and elm short) lute vim into House leas dee fix crop der ( rode Sever tete t 7 going Teethe t look mole •training quarters until the day of the eventful • leer Mtge. T►q Bari cout,wt. Arrart,;emttt rw are mid being am° 4 it ! the porta. By lea year's, ty general and \bund- gat gotieted fur the means d ways of transit of. novel ' site bas outer, and it e11 ou. the day, est, "a model croakers, who would tuber are .lent,- Jely, 1861• the dream reek wee universal. I. mosa n wee a0oely • d ethe markets potatoes. Compare that We ham now wither- s natural, tad the a emitted from the null green and sappy, formed and organised. tido of health, •Id far is free Henn 4as_ • 1. calculate lculate o. au .lection whichar, yebut tip - favor. 7 • I •o .A rat' "Ma the e• Zia. L. H. oic T eeod.d lar.lt• tr.ttt .i� mei erm . MOW lis a sewer requisition. He hwasar* got reason to ray, that ei'fdttle the electors for the amildthmewy bed 'mimed in him. He M w fret pleb Menem with whom 5. ti.AHy, he -bring brought h.m est; .au in the .ext thlt MID with whom he had W the misfortune 'ID differ in politic, yam yea W sot opoled him, because they *Mdr mule held, that-thiit'pper House is nut the proper arena for ppaartty contests. Sr. • .oltobs" explicit ouin important point, mod ds raid, nroewover, pe�titnntediy, that be un- d..eseod and felt the pieft{e,dar re.ponsiblity which 4. site.4oe insAimd. He thus retie factorily cleared his el1etices from anything tieerseig the appearance of party triumph. Y. might bare said also, mei we believe he is wall wan of the fact l■ well es a Pear- iog as • non-party cu,oid.te, he owes the ab. seam if Msaitioa to hi elation to the set tdactory decbantioo he on the question sites eoteaid deity of nee. He had 'at- tend • doubtful bund on tie point, we know be would have had the ,u strenuous opposi tion, and we believe he (aid not have been elbmed. His declaration on this point, •Ld amt of ttili non-party character of the elec- tive, reduced any oppomitiw't0 • mere ques- ta*" uer4mo of personal confidence't which nobody mod abort trying. He aid that the princi- ples be set forth in hi answer were the delib- .ro1e4 forwed convictions of hu mind. The rtsfeks he made on the relations between members of Parliament and fair coost.tueuts were each ea no conservable man, or men. imbued with the spirit oftks fitiish Constitu- te, amid take exception 1•. They were ,mbat•nlially the same pprieefplq as thaw set forth by Berke in his ukfress to the electors of Bristol. Of course. Mr. Halloo will expect that his career in the Upper (Camber will be watched. We do not see thea there is any reason to believe that he will depart from the proledo.e he has made. lie certainly has to Mama to ala ee, Vist•r1A Diyldoo. eel Gazette.) mos ducted wfe4- for the Cope 'Avalon, him 'weenie Hon. John Yuupf sone. He made tie priciplew ha had t. Ireland. Rieke* .a�ir_mikce e vobetweed Min, B.eker, Riekerder and a 1)u64,. pedestrian, .nae or on Friday. Asir 15, and wett•i*.die.pped e follows :-Cooar.n.(t6e N 1 . Pet) two min- ers' atria, %ieerda one melMe •ad • halt, Berbr UK* * minete,and afar the sews h. The coarse had to be trslen5dforty4ix times 1)0057454. the Weseri1ed dtMssieee. Soon aft r.a.rtis;, Gammaa was terehaeled by melt csmpetitor in tarn, .ld.at7nd eaplete- y pumped out, atter ,.skid half the dim rete. Harker, at this period oaths race, had seised • lap on Riebatd,, f, latter having nide two hale of Gia not Mlle wee appo- sed/ not running op to he efomomed ■tyl. mad W f W ►, estsee i. whey a� ~un milt' Ind d s, was is Msei . and, to nee was left to bar . 4 E a'bm the Low stick ad work. s y the sticking g�sly ta V *Mark. •5d the perm ohm *erseker. Alive fa slink of the third with Barker only gaited a quarter of a lap, sea two and a half mow. mile.►d been eaatp.wd ..d• ss onlymeter kali,ale ►al tat hatme,emealabot.loos to be rife m to 3� s the Welshes. meld be overtook& ilift rooted oldie rower whet ism us � km pmtM k hee wry p o t1lw w emt+e sr lig! of nreeie, as• If we to the eh.wn spot, which will he and unexpected order. • "safe been Ditched upon for the encu only requires both men lo be w for the WL,ir to be,from 67; to I mill." A kiss -What's i kiss! Really, .bey people come to reflect uprm the matter calmly, what can they ser in a kip! The lips pout .lightly and touch the cheek softly, ked the job is done. There ia a him in the abstract -take it u it stand. 1 -look at it pkilasophi- rally! What is thcre in it! Millions upon mil.ions of mai bale been made happy,*bile miljiuua upon mi.Iions have been plunged in- to misery and despair by this kissing; ami yet, when you look at the character of the thing, it is simply a poutinz of the lips. In every grade of society there is kieaing. Go where you will, to what country you will, you are perfectly sure to find k•a1og I There is, how e.er,..me mysterious virtue in a kiss after all. -Cockto.. SeaA RI/La Corr.wr.-Ltemt. Colonel Wiley inspected the Vo.ueeteer RiderCompany in Roan• Hall, on Weenenday evening Taut, forty-four members of t!'e Company and the officers bein'S ptesrnt. 11't a'm inspected the Fergus Vo:unteer ltifie Company, on Thurs- day, hur..day, thiltr membe.a being present. Colonel Wa:ey expressed hinrsel7 well satisfied with both the Com;n.mes. Fo1r130 Tse New ARMC -Whi'e one Union army is now illustrating its qualities in the batt:. beide of M*.ylatd, another army is rabidly bring created in front of Wa,hinton. Thy, new levies still coeliac,. to pour into the Cspitallit the rate of revel thousand • day, and as fiat u they derive they full into the hands of Gen. Cleary. ruder a hose direetir r, the new army is now bring dri.led and disci- plined. Aare IN ivauru•-in the meaty of Long- ford the constabulary have collected 64ty stand of area from the people, ..me ..f them in tine condition. Tb •y consisted of gory, pistols, 'word, and havoo,a.-Io the coarse of their search fur arms, they f mud a vet of meal bags lost en far back u October 1859, sod which contained moue! to this emo4tat u► .f100. They ware tieod in the hs use of a farmer named Murphy, and they are ill • good state of preservation. A GOOD EXArtr,LL.-Hoo, M. Foley, POS Master -(,•neral, has given S.i0 to the Relit Fund, and $10 to the C•.mnte Show of Wa- terloo,C. W. Weildooe,-6loraObserver. MAT AMD Dgccraxi.-Last week, in the parish of Kn!.ase, Conneu,;ht a gay old ,roan, aged 140 y.•.•t, got manied to bee ser- vant ermot girl of b.e iuLo►oting age of 16. The bridegroom is a mer. 1 Ismer, possessed 01 Eve or six acres of land. Laves PIIPIT F1sHlola.-An alarmed correspondent ialorms ,w that, " Yeaard*y morning, at Christ Church, Fo,est Hill, the communion service was reed, •,.d the service pmarlwd I.♦ a young "run wearing a beery blackbraid •ud moustache. His heir was OYSTER DEPOT parted down the centre a la Do' dreary, and a modern tem -down cullerJ and neat little white mood /need ted wok, "-Ghee. 114 HEAVY i SHELF HARDWARE, IN GREAT ►•R?Y; PAINTS. 0119, GLASS) 2-I_,LPed. AGNITT 7071 India Rubber Belting. CYI1CA31,1A-1..4.N sAWs. Liquors at Wholesale. FRESH GROUND WATER - LIME MITA A etitaAL MLSCELLANEOUS or NOTIC1gf. THE ltt'NiCIPAL COCNPIL of the lbw.tf..p of Tar.lterry k.msy 511 mauer that they teleed ■t 1121 .,eo,n, a Conned, a be held at Mr. W alms 4eP4.or.w'ti (lent 11, era - 7), oat she eat $.tmry of Dw-embr ''ea.. es PASO A BY -I.. W To aTeaLN A NEW LINE OF ROAD Or the North Loral! A.ate d Ip, .umber 5/2, teen m the a iet4 Co.asno■Mir TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY, Crusher -nag gt 1 pet phrased oe the easterly aide of mid lit. whirb puss is damn tau chime end ar.rmy k.k. w • rower meth tee d.,*,.e earl tam the -earth eaarray earn d are said I MI 77.wr...l4. Iweet-fear degree wed. three d chem. a,weary Ink. fermium/ the Rho* Miag- leled) ; Thrace orals swell*-..v.a degrees is draft -I1.rw avis..• mar, six *heir mon abs to tae Iia Lewd 17 hese .orb (w doyen twee tweek...a more or ren; Thew.a north twenty. tem dean's thole minutes weal (nlw.n L.ep- tne hazy far lnee 14 p.*444 4 law shorty Warm bed) ale .4..... asd Lie t bed), east (titsy+ aRP.g .""Iv W m *row the r nllel Ilse sbeedy dllr16m1)), tiro elm. end len i.0 h• m or tem to the Sae hue ; 1 Ormce now h tee ihrlfneen .eel (slung the side r..J). one chain sad Irs batsmen or ken to the place is Mama Mg. The Cores ares tweeds.' tee eanmeretin, to 44.11 the origami adlievratiee n.., nod between the unien.ctro_ a Ir .t.ove desented Dew how e toed. JAMES JOHNSTON, ASSORTMEN?I Tow ash, p ALL IIB.EPUL ARTICLES, CHEAP. FOE CASH OR PRODUCPAI AT C_ "CIRABB'S, Market Square, Oodertch. Mar 46th. 1664. .)e SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. limed Comities of�Y mom of n Writ e1 Huron and Brute, F.eri F,c,ee issued out T.. Wit: ,f liar Majesty's County Overt piths United Corinne, of Huron .ed thvte, mid to nae directed against the Lands and tette- 1 meat. of M.ttbew Linea, Thome. Todd and Ira.- eph Welker, at the suit of The (lank of l'pper t ands, 1 Moe wised d and taken in Executer all theri hl, title ad inlerM of '• Towrnehip "4 Turnben-y, t remember Rh, 11s<3. 1 .33-41 FOR ME.. A$8ICNEE$ or rim PA; SONS' ESTATE r0a SALT Tax rOLLOwnso TOWN & FARM LOTS, At Low Prices, viz : Lorl� m, Town et Guderiek, with a Frame House erected therm*, it OI du eta , *a do soot de IN do Pt. David's Street. m 4., wee.street. 400 do ( Brinson' Reed. u *10 dD - -Strep. m ren do' -A Lite Interest an tan l..l, ed aM• see ..divided thud pan. ' Let Hex 1, Tuwae4np of Colborne, containing 207 gene, 3 mile. front Town. 3'45111 on the South side of Ban. Miler's Bodge. Townubip of Dodos -h. A LIFE INTEREST And use uoliii.kd third pan to the follow roe Lamle:- Lot YAIUARIE & WE1I-SITUATE11y ow�hip �� To. PROPERTY FOR SALE drip of Dotter, h, with Wilda.. thereon. 1 (%tie d,v�ded lu.nh part of 11 1. 44.. ilo, 327, 334, 611, 635, 636, in the t dap a (!non. IThe fagvwin,r in the Vinare of Kmcard,*e • 1.0* tie. 47, princess Street West.. Lola a4..;5, 36, -du do East. o 55, 56, du du du • 43, 44, 64, 3, # Victor,. Street West. ✓ 1 13 ee 14, Durham Street Nona. 0 4 11, Park Sheet West. For f r particulars, apply to JOHN HALDA, gad. acting Assignee, G.drrich, or JOHN DAVIsI•N, Erie., Barrister, oderieh, Giddier. OIL 22 -If is TIM TOWN OF OODERICH. THE s"brribe. • instructed to oder for ale the tolMw,ag rumble property. en A BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED PROPERTY OA aatrTAaal* ROAD. The House cata.� .ems large roomy cellar, he. 7 here are four-Ir141 of an sat lamced.11ue. . weal, fewsd, rad a wwe.lrmej ed aexte1t of Frut Tree., ma esof w►i, ► ere mm ,ome*eg a oma i tie Manama a ro. skis p prey u one of the gee. lathe town -ha. ung a kdwl q.varve of Lake Hone, sbut .h. ,' der awe froth Irma e Market Nam. F said Ikkdaat., t ( in sad 101.4 num. eat Thlny-two in the ire 1 e•e•hon; Thirty-three in the second coneneme, e nd hely-two in the third coners,ion. North e the Durham Hoed. and Lots filly ma. fetv-"eve,, e d 1Ry.'.rht, is the second ron,es,ion math a the Durham Rod, ■11 to the 1 owo.h.p of Kant end County of Brine, M,W.,In* filly area each, atom or lea Which 1 and. and tenements 141111 oder Mr a4e at .y Mice in the Cons Home .n the Tow, ofO.derich, on Tuesday the S,rteenth day el De.ember eat, at the boor of Twelve of the clort, .00. JOHN SIACDONAi.D, 6mrnj, X. 4 B. By S. Potts -ice, Depen 3Mnj. Sienf'. Ogee, Uudencb, t Its Semessier, 1-62. 6 33 In the Greed Sweep' , pp •en lace at Dieppe, Can.idv, the rider M e chane which bee just T O i B (Mere Limpet', was 'brown at a brook, un- fortiume•y tweaking his miler bone. The u.iaml, buwever, aatinued tan ria'• follow. iog the track of the other other homers' and rewnih(, as he had been trained of do, his strength for the foul .titugle; then, wiliest nearing the wiant., post, he ahol ahead, enm- iog in first amid the al phew of the apeeta. CIGAR STORE OF F. NITCHE, ton. Fruits, Fancy Goods, Tobaccos, Or ale. oma• MUSICAL INSTRLTMENTS ! hr , 1t the -The great wrw.l fair of Peal', the most imMxtant in Austria, her jn.t horn held. -- t 40.040 'pointers (,d 22140,1 were of- fend for sale, fourfilth) of which moss of Hun- garian grow lb. Price) showed as improve - mem of re e 5 to 8 florins the quintal. -To keep fish from enrolling -cot their poses of. netrammer TEi3e3WATER. BURNT SS DIRECTORY. N. lLYll(Na, 11.11., ppbyorem, raven*, ,,, arm adiesee,. ler. Deed, Waimea M. MAPAIRS* tHON fl,, . - , Went Street. Goderir6. Fresh Oysters, Sar(ai.es, Lobsters, dc., always on bead. .w.4 T3(ITJ lir 481C LOT rhe 44. Y..e F.I. es, Geer &me, A kw doors war at the rood'', 1111 Mame contemn seven roues .s1 1 t mime • h • sisal stable. 1a the pries .d* he touted mem very chu.ew frun rem, y,,., .',rubs, ,kr There . ever/ / c,nve.wn. a moored sur..do. • emwad fam1y. • TOWN PROPERTY Pat SALE 1 As Vkterla Street, Golerich, 1 ("O1a18'1Yd of 2 Lots. with Budding*. On lJ ore Id titre n ■ W heat cure ; on the Aker ■ Had tank Cottage. s<, 49, i,o. 51,52 ■rd .i3, m the Vtuage W Barer - 77wa. „rho mor : ,united and well be soow dela, ..0 70 std 76, W.,* 60t..1 Victoria Serres, a Moral telrt App"} to le the Town of Kincardine, ('oonty a Kruse. J. Ht)SS, Brnce6eid, 1 Loam Numbers 3, 4.5, on the North of the Dor oil To Lem Marker Sgoen, . the V,Ilase d Rmawrdie, W. SEYMUUR, F.3Q , , County of Brute, cuahintng o e yyawner of .e s47w7.'. Ueooler,ch. ! are of land each. with the building,. thereon AIm Lem 5. Band Aon the Durham Road, and lot • : 25. on the North nide of the Domani Kota, ,n the i Towt.bip of 1in.•ard,ne,, eunlain,ag 50 eel,* T **c4, pan.11 .imre 1. HOME uFAcir ED , Le.71 ae�32 .w West ads of Qum. &net r tee Town re C.cardi.w''''''' - SEW' MACHINE $ . Pa Ianwnleae ...a...� LE W IS, n26 B•rriatcr, Goderich. EXCELLENT COT rAGE Ors 140 Be4t.id Rood, Cesrea.ntly mum1.. Then w a tsab1., pomp, he, us the p 5 S. The hoer praise vex Meme and ke.-bee. lin pn,p. ny reads two low, wee head, threat tees Wrest w mer. HOII�� disked IAOT t0h. - '--- _ t•ed r .*. kooks Atmd. The hour contuse on wow, t.5.., Are. �T y mom pommy ma r mal sheep. Ap•. GI. M. TRUMAN, 1)adsrwt, 1st App5aa. *1l.rn.r,le . e•seeaber, uO. .71 FOR SALE OR TO LET. �111, 1. SITEA. IMPROVED FARMS. 1 Tema sad Put let• Apply armee mem Ndb, Pert Albert. JOHNHAWKiNS, e.ple.bee 1. fade 31 IMPORTANT TO PUBLIC! JOHN WALSH & CO 1-1 opened oat M the STORE LATZLY OCCUFIRD BY MIL GEO. H. PAP/0/01, on the an et LARGEST STOCKS OF OODERICM LEATHER MANUFACTORY. Ale Leather Et Findings Stole J. & J. SEEGIVrIILLER R *vyte ready ermemed tat AMMO. of do Lear w ietwy, wow hem wa.aatly ea Mad a hero ism& well Prepared $TOCK OF LEATHERI Weever? theirdpeory iae/ds IOLLNARNIIIIIa or: saI.satrs • Calf sod =1p to fila, Per Sube =O1IWWLS URNS, NYE CUR eat appame atilt. Masa Lowlier • d P Neap lRiuw thew hep, maeear soh the More anieha d tbeb sere 11.emdhi . a la.p and well odes*. ed work of /react 1 Puffed Oni($kim. J6r.ewh Bsel,Graie Goat. /:arraefle4Ceee, Palest ,9piita,. Ad other Lemberg, bead.. • brew supply s LN1154. AVO •..O1.10 •AW, year YTe s� Crisping 'whines, Root Trees, Crimp' faille/1w and Lasts. Of emey Miteriptioa. Woe slevf best /Vatic, "gra Pasha. ?novella, 4r, totssabor with work of the best SHOE KIT AnT/CLEs portfOltv requested Wiese; Ormebsiew are nubile A'eall at their store oe the Xrardiet armee, ea me I Gederoch,,I1ey HI. 111112. 17 DR. HULL'S Aromatic Physic AN Tmportant Family Medicine. MI the am a dreamt a !be the Heart. Costiveness of the Bowels, Bich Readarhe. Piles. Joundice. mid all utiv•r eases where an opening retitle physic isiequired. THIS MEDICINE CONTAINS NO MERCURY, OR ANY OTHER DELIETERIOUR DRUG. BEING VERY PALATABLE. It will answer for delicate females or ehdd lt Vt amply • helpmate to nature. giving enemy life whence the body derives it• mocor Thu, hIrthrine 1‘1117 Teg7 Oatmeal to the taste. must heroine very popolar with *hominy -arid. iirtio have bren • aliened with moseous Castor Od, Aloes /Doled,. Ste. Wh'emyer loo been introduced N has met with great inc,vese,•nd is likely to superaede all meander. n27 mtit Very Reasonable Terms! Ls rising Village of Iticenda:e, in the Couple of Bruce. Tho l'illstre St must. on the Main road between Erre/dim and Walkerioll, the County Town ot Bruce. Lot Number 46, Smits' wale el" Mechanic's Avenue, toe Cow. of Kincardine. Sad Lola RR* or Jams Meet, Hamilton, C. W. IC Ma NEW STORE! FOR ED DM PAPETit, FANCY 40(125. BERLIN WOOLS, MAIDS, Sewed Muslin Pattorns, La, rus PO LIPOID, mese Preps--.-.-reesser, ars. EIVER OFFERED WEST OF TORONTO! Gado wee pereheml eflrim Mai be Ca* tbir NW" 4,11411_ *fiel LOW FOR CASH OR TRADE 1 COUNTRY STORE -KEEPER AND HOTEL -KEEPERS ' Oaa. Save Roney by looking at oar Steak Pitialia OkOso oaselstoissi 1.1.141141116 SO kik el /kW CHECKED STORE HABRET EQIIABE, OODUICH, NEXT DOOR TO H. HORTON'S SADDLERY. Print 1 0P� .d:dsel a.we.11t bormele QwJwfA w ..yl+h.etbed, tbww GROCERIES, LIQUORS; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, dire Consisting Of Liquors, Us, elliatitallaii. Tobs000es, Epiosa. rigs. Raisins, Almonds. 414411R' ''14 IN LIQTT©rR/. 1. w oaf Is*h IPelelsJdssepieaYMeat,, Mktla1MSlr1}., 4 4 ne Wood .d Rale. Alas, psi mw..M, • ptl.. bt 1 AMID DM 'Pik HE CAN AND WILL BELL AD OSHA P All ANY 01•111 MUIR CALL ANO SEE. 'PRODUCE TAKEN iN Etilittiff GODERIgle, January, 1861. haDS 1.171S tbcei • r PARKER & cA ;;O. totelota4 &made lief chub WITOLESLIet 7/311.101. DRUGGIST Branch Establishments : Owen Sound & Durhali ta / OM, Pleats, Vemarbee, Tar Puny, Mum, Teepoweas, Coed Orls Bon•hug 10.1•1 sal Cesie HORSE AND CATTLE NIEDICINELI AU Ogden ~ems to wee Mee wdl earreilly es Vie barede Illerrmet greede ••rwrismo Meek." Mamma Bt., Oedema. Hark lath • HURON IRON FOUNDRY 1 1 enninfroben, los. wig bad op • New Foundry and Mach:tie Shop IN THE TOWN OF GODERICH. ROto Pabile that they areaow prepared** make and it up ALT. SAW-MILL8.81111A11-ENOINES,TORK CIO -LA MEL THRIIIIIIING-MACIIIM They are also Stang •p roost approved • num t pa: term. of COOLING& BOY wide they will sel la t rearemble prime. *RASP flAtiTilt4111 ends& NLACIIIIBlivit SHEEEET'S SALE OF LANDS. Unliv41 Counties of 1.) Y. virtue of • Writ of Herne mid Orme, J...71 Pim Porta, mond ent To We : of Her Mama" Cowry Court or the L'aited Cemetate of Herm eel Illessm• end 10 me einorted moot the Leeds and Tear emote a Th..... Dense, at the me MAIM D. all ihe rtght, tole •nd !merest of the mid Lareserd- am, in sad to Lot Number Seve• ts the HInerse Rosa Cumemeee es. the 7 meaship of Odom* moat* North ot the Rafelo end Lake Hama 11441.. way, e.,,nielaing Forty Acres, be the mum th0re or less. Which Leeds and Timmer. lir I shall ofer tor fele et ter Othre in the Cows Howe, 1. tar Town of Cesterich, ort Tuesday the l'esentI day of failotier amt. at the hour of Twelve ef tee c;iick, twos. JOHN MACDONALD. Hy 8. Petters, Sherif. ea Sheriff 's Salo of Lands. to orr of Her Hamel No Caere ef Sheriff's Side of Lands. HEIM sad Bruce, .1.3 deices Esphaseasel tire VS Clillintree of T rwteeed• MO of Wein eat .4 MOT Cose47 Cara oe. She Cesolli r4 Midaimex Varied rmsoties.ionf.V wit hew., semi to nee olimmeed seam he em solhof Jobe motto hew t.7 ta▪ ken •op teeenhon tall the mete wt. see wav▪ e se e ed teretre; in the 8thilt Commies tit the Tmenehte of Bethel the Noisy et mew coat wawa one he men esti Ness :It ma• t ea Terelay Me Tamer -NW y se ear sea, as the Worst tweive of ST N. Pottoes 1:1=4.herit SIMMS SALE 01 LAID*. UM. 1 Comtism al BT vire ef ell elerow mil Ihoor, Pled therms Lama eat smemoto .0••• ep••••• et the oak Coen le ter umilsre M Helms. the of doe emelt ef Tipper tlesods, 1 have semsd eta mews las Lamb QM IMIIMMIll IOW teem le Hammiest •11 the emid, too sad Moor ICStemt___ .1.01&soVa&SOLhos "Os Feetv-r wo o Et ;them inclasive, on the ffereis ithisoCio• 1111 ohs newt uthe mod 00M011111441.0 mete of Heed &reel ; 1,,e. Owe to Nine,inehative, sine imam . HI sod te, Da HMI bar er F.ortora to Therty.werte, Weems., Krettotwu ii, Nana • 1 weary-ene. mod the Souk holt a rifty-two lectosiee, en the Loth tide realm Tw.e1Y-1.'s is Ohs 41..9 00108.4.1 Street ; l'htee, Peer, elm tied Sat ea tbe Eat Teem*" el Weenies I is the OsSeell .ide, aid -three, rem, Pore Ned Mc. on the Wea Wew'h Lela soi rorsestosos 1 flea made of Eloomo Armor i triter. Pew, 7.re sad et terf (law 111 fre Cense Moss, st lar Six. on Ore East pos. aed Tim*, 70., r,v, or uedifieb, On boudisy ilssfelsosh ess ei des, we the wee eels theepteeind Stolmetri Them, Poor. Free sod Nix os the tem me% mf F•••••. Ay* sail Mi. ell the welt side se ave, seek, er he the I melted its Cawar Lets soh IlYeirsPos Eassidiew ow* tams &mei ; rierteen es the 'Fret lode MAO. Storm ; e and Twelve.. wile of V••• mu," fuLtt tleir Norall Mk a camas, gums, motel -Mot toe I old" 4 mem. mem or Mosk. thls Isms Ilesthoastresie- this JOHN Lit:re/polio By 8. rowing. Davey own Zs fat 1101110151ter 16414. te mom the "abet %et hisibrerm and Zucie:rialrgA. Ike AM ef eye ebe 'berm terilmest wiNTIsriClirmtwja,, la eider to leder • lame pdeseepet. -It dee Dross 11 %Unita SISIIIIS" Mresioarei mei op as mime la Orem Toacityperepi es mote. tionaree, gar; ea me mg Mt Assa 1 sib or 711resis- - .111 -Nob pis/song tirewoor=ioaisesilloga VALUAVI Pit *%ost. BALSAM ea 1•11•466