HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1862-10-02, Page 3ltt. lawarrin AT In FRAPIII.
ctivila.u. McWillITION.
ef bar retries es have the pier
lee et' Nit. Cosswell's sequaiatame, sad
set who admire kis wesompitinments in art,
will mires that hi nerds have bar well
Z=4 red acknowledged at do great
Godards held at Tornio dur-
ing the pee week. lir. Oreenred hes
done rash how le fila Canny where
Its Me his nicienes, sad has reaped an
benonble reward for himself by carrying
awn so lees thee AU of the premiums for
traders* merit itt hider departaseole
of sn. In landsospe, in murine, is his -
tuned paintag, sad in animals he has
beau equally suomesful. Indeed it may
be hiriy Ind, that DISIIK10111 Saler* the
of aur provincial artists at the
he embesedly distressed all
pedlars. Anti thisis the more medi-
ae L. Crewmen owes nothing in tie
of his paintings to high -tested bril-
liancy of oolor, or to any strained efforts to
excel nature by over.ornewetatice. His
• are always quiet and subdued in
tosesimple in earession,and laborious
in their their truthful repreeentatice of nu -
Weil Indeed he has beat trained in too
"Odd Oohed- and too therm/11y round.
01, to be easily asthma from nature by
of earesice, or by artificial
or striking Meer produced Air the petit-
, err el dose who aide kens what
• geed glimite Mar anearible droves&
• Wag it. 1&. Dreenrell's reel has art -
ildembie ematility, but it is ia ships and
in ends that his heart ased fray sown
most to revel; and we are disposed to be-
lieve that these two chases of sabjeota
eseemled Isis strengest synnethies. There
is alter a beery freshness in his merino
t views, sad an emirate study of every re-
! trim in which his almost animated ship
eale be raced, with • thorough knowledge
d all the technical and natural exesnories
het could only be acquired from a long
reimintance with, and an ardent sunh-
at:ell to the sea ; while in his cattle groups
eseheminsal seems to be the faithful por-
trait of • favorite pet such u only meld
be iodised by an entire watery of animal
The fir prise in " historical painting "
at the late exhibition was takes by Mr.
Cromwell, and was, in the estimation of
every one competent to form an opinion,the
liaest painting exhibited. The subject was
ils gars fieet in a heavy rain squall M-...
leek* lead batteries on a rocky oust
which compered the foreground. This
picture was rather out of Mr. Cresswell's
tonal manner, both in tone and in effect,
but exhibited powerful imagination and
masterly execution. The first prise fur
tie beet " mariue t iew - was elm taken by
Mr. Cresswell, although we observe that
in the Prise Lists published in the Globe
sad Lender it has been erroneously reign-
ed to "Win. Annetrong, Toronto." How
the mistake has been made we cannot
wily surmise, for Mr. ereeswell's name is
painted on a corner of the °anew. This
is also a very pleasirqg picture of • ship in
the elfirr, with a bold rocky cone for fore-
ground, and was much admired at the Ex-
hibition. These mintage with a land-
scape of Canadian soistery, and a group of
cattle, both of which obtained prises, wen
in oil; but Mr. Creswell alae exhibited
secoesfully two marine views in water
odors -the first of that kind which we
e seen foal his pencillav And much u :
we have before adininel his execution, we
are deceived if water color be not his forte,
and that here ho Mows greater freedom
than in oil. This is a style of art which
long .offered neglect, partly owing to the
evanescent character of its productions;
but it has been recently growing in general
estimation from the greater durability
that has been given to it by modern
discoveries' in the nee and application a
the odours. Thc two water odour paint -
imp which we have mentioned were the
products el the late Tore mamba taus -
dos frem Ooderieh to the Upper l'eke
by the kelledoli. Owe of than is • plow-
ing view of the "Flower -Pot Wand," and
the other of the Rapids at Sault St. Marie,
oo the Canadian .de. Each will be re -
.agreed by all who shared the reason
of the& szeirsioe r • truthful and glee -
live rimeementatioa of the most picturesque
emery that gladdened their vision daring
the trip.
Mr. Croswell exhibited no lees than
eight pictures which were universally ad-
mitted 10 be pot only the beet collection
foot the studio of any tringle artist, but
to he he ler paintings in the Gallery.
Wire he did not mooed in taking the
first pronium we eould only &tribute it
so the circumstance that local iatsrest a
sone of the subjects represses& pered
as eitreelloa too powerful for the judges,
And we may well ecogrnealses ib. Cour
ty &Raga, whir Us Urn serneed by
sone be be annewhat remote hoes do Orr
tre a high art end ite civilizing
isdbrases, ea resereg et artist
vier fidelity to stature and ezerallent
mele ere but the reknit* of the mealy
ImAhlaren of his personal deareeter.
• I
• •
: •
- et
Nemo of Pearoamr.
Jobs Kau .
Gabriel Sprees . .
Jaime Hasher,
ii4c2120thallo-Colitial ued.
Noire ef Charge. Dos if Cemeteries. 1 IV emote Chaviaaang rf riar, mem ref, or le
s Amu s or to mad laorioe
*owea my lie
hag door wi sly 14
awes Itose skim away hoes
William 0 army of the pease 9.00m .
William ,& Gray .... id the wee..
Wale tr
..... .
Abraham Parrot . .. William Boberter I1aSIart Wren 11
Wiltiesu A Gouty obs Wove
Tbos Cueirigliam Bawd Burns Assault ....
Patna Colman ....... Author., bred trued July 8 healer
Rogan Colman ..... .... Racy Lodi Aloud' and battery . .. 4July $ butes
IMbert Fitagerald Williams 1111•Ossell Arad and battery . aly 16 .. • .. .... lades•
.. Alk sod Car
roe Homed t and battery . 2$ ... helea' Zit isq ... 92 Au
Alm Meffiesse Wee IMII Likelflerri 209
ars Devises Mil modsimagT IN
poi* tower too tt Mrdreey Sha
*esu\ With Aerie IJ." ask Morgronery Mee
Philip With me 19 Hugh Mergenery Fog 1
Michael rider Beeeking wirer 23 VS Ihq . 31
Andioey Obrebt guart Wiler . Brealdng windowLinty 13 H
sea a ,
eipbee ars Fey
IA •
• • • • ...... • • •
71i estate =ear es
sad sous
13 sad toes
•••••••• ........
... . ........
lefeesee. .
le Llama
10 Pressow=tal
Towathip T
- • • • • • • • • • • •
Appealed to Quarter &Mom
with moo
Blued so imp do peace.
florid to keep the ream.
to keep the pease,
RieflAds1:01911ie Ing
BMW McFadden ....
Asthoey Obreht
Aotheay Obreht
Aathony Obreht
A.ntbooy Obeeht
Gouge Treater
George Trotter
Fresh Hobble
Joseph Klee
William Birdie
Jaws Swill
Jowl lioreM
YJ B Sheltie
J 8Male
William Jukes"
Freer McKay
Bridget McCulloeb
ohs T
Dosed l
Joke MeDoseld
John lleDerkl
Jeer thrill
Dogging 3 beatiag bog4luIy 31
Heating Home .
Sespected of having oxiseilleptembeir
Ault .epternber 5
liquor withoueSeptember 6
Break and direiderbt= 6
Mem Brooks
James Hamlin
Tiereej II:fridge Tierney
lTroyes" and earrying8eptember 9
Keeping • house of ill -September 8
Assault September 10,
with ensis.
e ither party maws&
Bossif to keep the pew-
ty Treeserer . Paid to Jades.
and oases
fine eseminearesseweessemewee•
sir 13
Corti 1%tersolese
Oneety Torsos ....
County Tawas. Paid.
Gouty Tresseser Paid.
01 prosesseed.
ty Treaserer
ty Treasure -
••••••••• •
• • • •• 0111
James Hamra Samar] Stewart ...... ShootiaF at his wife .
Theme' Kish.& John Land Assaultuig his wife acts 14
Jain Davidson John Drinkwater ...... Wages
John Lead Annie 21 'Richards ... Petty trespass liune 15
Josiah Couch R M Feston Petty trespass
R M Fenton Josiah Couch Munk
John MeDosald Gordon Matthew Amault and battery .... luly 16
uly 18
Id C Brown Harriette Waltenbery . ' /wank illy 19
Jobe Patrick James Burns
William Brailey Stephen Bradley
James Nugent . Henry Herbert
James Nugent John Hemphill
Janes Nugent Patrick Logan
Janos Nugent John Hodgins
James Nugent John Hodgins
Robert Morrison Henry O'Neil
William Casey ...... Thomas Carey
W illiam Casey MOMS. Casey
Julia Madigan Bridget Cummins
James Finical Samuel Lougbead
John Hunter
The Queen
iIVO 50
MC ksq ... $20 and oar
'John V Fag
John V Fieq 2 and outs
Horace Horton Esq ...
eorRSd E.q.
George Gould Beg
'George Ord RN
Medd En
August 7
August 25
George healdIr
13 McIatyre Esq
'Wm Radial Esq
N McIatire Eaq $0.50 cents fine
riVra Barth Km
11kisq 1 snd costs
'John Men Foci
H B H=.12
B Hoagies Esq
B Hodgies Esq SI and costs Forthwith . ,
ohn MeLaaghlinsEaq
Nonperformaece of
Statute labour
Nonperformance of
Statute labour
Nonperformance of
Statute labour
Nooperformanoe of
Statute labour
Nooperformaace of
Statute labour
Refusing to pay toll ... August 6
Maliciously destroying August 26
a Dog
Using threatening Ian- August 26
kesault Auguu 29
Nonpayment of wags July 24
!leery ...... Assault and battery .. September 8 ..
John Day
si& Michael Bowler .... Robbery and adeault .. September 12 .
August 4
August 4
August 4
August 4
August 4
Jens 15
Township Treasurer..
Not prosecuted.
In default, two mouths indrilketrent.
In shhalt, to be levied by dieters. If no
direr, twenty -et days imprisonment.
shilselt, to be by dietren. In
Witty dap inspreeramt.
dein& If denewliate payment, twenty-
le be levied by diadem If
direr" teresty-or days imprirement.
In dohs& et immediste payment, fifteen
Township Treasurer...
H B Hedging Esq
John McLaughlin Esq
WI 13 Hoagies Ear $8 fine and damages
/H B Rodgim Esti
II B Hodeins Esq $5 and costs Twenty days
$5 tSeptember 1 Iieptember 15
John Mitchell Esq Wages paid July 2 7 .
.... John Mitchell Em , $5 I
.„ Twenty days
o be .
Townihip Treasurer..
Terabit Trenenter..
ye imprisonment.
Dimeired. Prosecutor to pay ore.
Not yet paid.
warrant Weed.
Not yet paid. Limed a warrant of corn -
'tweet and could not find a censtable to
meaty bar to Geol.
Died parties paying the outs,
with sesta.
with oats.
with outa--woder age.
Came withdraws -Defendant paying ends.
County Treasurer..... Not yet paid.
Bound over to keep the peace one year.
County Tressurer..... Not yet paid.
Janiee Faueitt
Verdict for Assault -court of Quarter
Sessions, Sentence, Yourtern:daya im-
prisonment in Commas God at hard
Cudgel te be s we Copy 01 .11 tie Lists of Convictions which have taken place before my Justice or Jades, reterned by them to this office, from the Jame to the September Iblesioes, 1862, as also the Convictions before the Court
ef General gnarlier Wiens of die Peace, September Sessions, 1862, for the United Counties of Heron and Brom
TIAN. I_AIZA-11.14,
oso. alba Clerk of the FMCS, Clark of the Peace,
thiderich, 19th September, 1862. Herm and Bruce.
Mostreal Weekly Commercial Report. WI do not ive quotations of general gro-
ceries this week.
28 Sr. Nicheia. Sou.
September Vith.
The market has been very unsettled for the
peat few days. Flour ie not coming forward
us early or as freely as was expected; the
game applies to Wheel. The letters by the
''Scotia" came to hand this morning, there
0 no altempou io Liverpool in favor of Sel-
lers the large arrival.' in bad condition are
still pressing on the market, sod prices are
yielding. The general feeling here, is, that
any quantity of flour or wheat being thrown
bath the market could not be sold, except in •
reduction oe our present figures. Freights
Mw unchanged. Corn and Peas are firmer in
FLOUR -fl,, trans:Actions are light with •
downward tangent Superior KIWI,' 15.20
Tex DearDr AIM re" Bss-liceres.--At an
hotel the other evening, a young and fully
moustached dandy from a certain city was
seated' at the teetable, at rather • late hoar,
when the bar -keeper came in and took a seat
directly opposite. The dandy dropped his
knife and fors, tipped back his chair, gaged at
the bar -keeper, and exclaimed :-.• Fellah, do
the servants sup with the gentlemen in this
hum?' 'No, sir,' wee the reply. 'Are yoe
not the ba -.keeper? 'Yes, sir,"Well, the
bar -keeper is help u much an the scrub eirl.'
Tote ' replied the man of toddyeticks, 'but I
1086-0*. I10ew 'sem, Fane, $4:.," did nut enter the hall unt I I looked in and
35. eaperSen $4.75 to 34. " I "'" su. thee was oil gentleman at the table?
• see ibis n.orniee at $4 70. oespectid and p lie,e the eee"reetteen
in ehipptui order. &merino, No. 2,14.45. meetteehe teee teed.
Fine, $3.90 (0 34.00 There is more enquiry
ior 'mane grades.
bAG PlA)UR-Quiet, ales of choice at
31.63 per 1121bs.
WHEAT -There is very little ear wheat of
brig. U. C. Sleds I taken at 97e. to $1.00
S1. ars ,• sleet 31.00; U. C. white has bees
sold et $1.07; Chicago No. 1. 11. 00, to 31.-
01 • Milwaskie 31.02.
PEAS-11tere are very tew oftener, and
but :ittle enquiry, sales at 75c. to 77 sc.
cording to quanUtY end quilitY•
CORN -Dull, no sales.
OATMEAL -la very quiet Sales at from
$1.00 to 34.25.
PORK -Quiet. with retail sales at $10.75c.
for Mem. Thin Mem 39.00 to 39.50. Prime
Mess !Pt 00 to 18. 25. Prime Pe U.
BUTTER -Meets with good enquiry. Our
sales daring the week Maims lute at 13c.
to 134e. for fair to good eon, and 14c. to
144e. for medium and good Dairy. Choke
Dray is ma in very heel', there are
saes of really line at 16e. to 18e. The Eng-
lish,. flem led the enquiry for fioe qesfities
esettlemes. meow jam publaked the
.1131:reeell imea Ausdlos se Ware this year
grinfl/ttneirille sir LIAnalvvill
it not r
= peorat time se tree was lint
September, sod we do not see any peobabdity
ef an over sapply of good better. Medias
quefities are seesetalieing.
1ARD---42det, and Mt little doing.
free! i
ilhoposfenta 01' Corr. Wrenn.-
lOo his deparhere for Irma yenterisy,
Ceipt. Keynote was weird an by a dere-
tsar hem he Hume Riles. An Adders
dank* the Ospenin for his Madre red
sad, *es terl, thee whisk • headione
enerti woe reaseded as a emall rhea of
Ass disospony's Ms. The Gape. replied
thmicked thie imps Aar heir ensiderenen
weid perking dr the trod weld mew
be drama in • bed rain
!?M' re alder/ NIP.
hr ebsaMithe people ef lienembise.
NIP A re moria Benda woe hilled
ea dr Mari Trak is Terre, In nine.
1110 eA‘nlik°114/bnien V. If.
111411100% died at Ate dr geese bet.
irr Poe Ares had Baron espege
ham te.fillske Ede Ws Lake Orel& en
lie soripoiii boolosoass.
41. AM.
"Boys!" exclaimed a weeded volun-
teer to two comrades, as the. pawed the
other day before a tohacconi;11, and exam-
ined with the eyes of connoiseous the brier -
Wood OM in the window, oys 1 I'd give
fifty dollars, if I bad it. for fog shillings to
buy one of them pipes with l"
tle. Ring Henry VIII. wse going to bang
the mayor of Bologna toe nut inag • salute
ris be ap roscbed that muncipality. His
The Intercolonial Conference.
TM sittings of the conference of delegates
from the three Provinces eery brought to •
close on Saturday. The results are satisfac-
tory in every respect, both as regards the In-
ter -Colonial Railway and Inter-Colonuil trade.
The Qoebec Chronicle say* -
Yesterday morning the repoieentatives of
the Provincek Weal aCtiValr in work, ands
prolonged conference on tie subject of the
1 MI fla Inud has, we understand,
Illeo.bodor:. dfroehawspape • ch...en° tabercowniPlething...
foodaol which one ecats
kmriwoe:wolliP athetrifo; e rgi :tgte Power-
i ter as much SI the
drhoswerrzft a...Jape over It• ititEcimmulfindme-
can.harerd Ibli••‘1
Booko have tfP71."rh"do!demiarEP:lit:dlittieedit"pcsi:
upon give. itt,. char*c(er wer and yetig few" 'Oil.
Compositors am . placid and unimpression.
able race, who do their work dutifully, with-
out yielding to the intellectual iuffuentes
represented by it. A clause of au Act of
Parliament, with all its whereastes, sod bo it
enacteds, and hereby repealeds, creates quite
es much emotion 1 them as the Most brilliant
burst of the fashionable poet of the day. They
will set you up • pselni or • blasphemour diuy
with the same equanimity, not retaining in
their minds any clear distinction between
doing it, the first of which ins, be had no resulted in the imtisfactory mitlement of Pre- read them largely.°They are expensive,and them. Your wnuug mom be something very
honor su be had twenty-four reGIOCIS for not
powder. " Not a word mow," mid bit lineman**. It is understood that the propor- the people purchase but few of them. They wonderful, indeed, before they distinguish it
Ring Henry. • tion of the barthee arising from the carrying i am losig winded, and in our fast age few have from other "copy," except by the goodness
out of this great work, to be borne by each of
Special Corespormes Mae
Lad Medlik
sty the Governer
weoll.seeehialTbl indaY-dnescdosedsideay.",:po:
aid abs programme
Welk be is wawa
eaP5i°, strelesiled.wd,. ballhasithe
ie direeseued10
Li WON' the
de Empress rased
***Mem to de
stepped ant arl eres
ead • depuestime frees illthe
inng thipmapsy. Araill .01110.0
IMO flegg th• wasseb4 .661 bf tbd
ruins of de loodeed 011.4 cblidea he he
their respeuel ernes lieseend. SYS&
risen Madly bowel sillneerledgeseds
arid C. L.Y.,-415514 led • leynl
dress dodo... I. sod
to Ref lialealq. Ihrilenny emir
la • kind Thee Mr.
Dienes Ord
Cherery="l T. herr
leek. Beer of Me P Bre el to.st,
MoDreed Dres, Dr
the essweere
time whir err BMW McDowell relnier.
'Mr Tarldinsseirlaren Igo 1 reed
year issear dap wee ast kosty is the eg.
dose* she rase theil de re tee lesm le
1. luressome." (44191.80., 111.00 ma*
of the Imr nom=
Ertelleargy. Tits Ara
Mac the race ea
reed swirly
lies la Ewes&
4111/111 Ileedler
doe rode of
II iftlion
far de ow*
It P. P. ewes"
gore, so ida .11
as emir
• rise
piklit mgr.
Mr d
P101"11 flu=
His gmallsocy
by Sr
A Mb On WON 1161/
Wise to obtej of the Mrseeter
Geniret. WOK nifi filinglign
'No that's &wield kiessesd.' dr
geed -looting hies so dad Met D.
McDoseld.' "Is thee bin wish de tweed
trueness t • qr.' "Ok ay," eashimed
the bir varier, 'nest a les lord( Ere r
His Bseallesey der Marinlitil tile ear sed
was wee as his mar deshelag aeon
Arnesi of Ow "Aasiollusta."
Can Racy, Sept. 11.
The date by the Aarellashet aye in der
later %ban those ahead; remind.
The awes et a socepitioa of the Is.
era Oesiedersey do mime raw/
It wes rimmed dot she Coredemen we
beyisg *ad lesiblieg elesees maser le
Engler, berdbee "is ram ea the tree
11.,Jesolls stogdgat Teneday's medic bet
closertrnet sad Meer' o. Fere, Meer
Mein a erre( weirey. Provisions
quiet bet firm. Led advisees! I. (i) h. an
The stirring am from heastim Meet* by
tie Europa and witespient steamers, wu the
Gies. P rung was rgarded OS Inellitie
awe es7Iptemost stesetiat., _The deka ei
estrous or ass Nostlia,bee the watrestplea
by the Nadler, terra la OM
ILie battle was =shy admitted.
The Loudon that Me hat-
ral Goarament le breugarriTe the mese id
ruin, and belie,eaMISi Ole • ems sway we*
be used when no linger ,.trio seers
the functions of the 6ovenuesat Mee ea*
tal. It argues Au as bad sa the preepeue el
lbs Federate weer appear, there is no eismest
of better prosper n the future.
The Loudon .flierelel thinks that the North
will do well to maider the -expede•ssey of
=eking • emapresies with the Wash00
Tbe Loodou Pees corcespeedens hew
Paris, says Nepalese will decidedly laver
the recogoitioa ef the Soothers Ceshoilwasy,
and is anxious that the Eaglial 00.1111111•60
should adopt •ifisailar corm
The question le nestitutes for ores,
tract more and Snore preacia, but preatical
men express beelittis eooficienee iis die se&
stitutes offered..
' WWI amsus
Seereaussia Berme.- A quantity of
bntter, which had been hel tbe earth at
Aisne, in France- in the yesr 1314, to prevent
it from being 'annexed' by the Comae* he
just been dug op 'white arid firm'
A Ran•LIAlta KaJI.-At a emporium
meeting held am long ago in Alabama, Col-
onel Leatanotisky, who had bees 23 years •
soldier in the armies of Napoleon Bonaparte,
addrused the meeting. He rose before the
sodi. nee, tall, erect and vigorous,with a glow
of health upoa his cheek, mid said: "Yoe
see before you • roan years old. I %au
fought 200 battles, bare 14 wounds upon my
body, have lived thirty days mein horse fiesh,
with the Dark of trees for my bread, .now
and ice for my drink, the canopy of heaven for
my covering ; withost shoes and stockings for
my feet sod -with only • few rage for my cloth-
ing. In the desert of Egypt I have marched
for days with a Darning Ban on my naked
heed, feet blistered in the scorching sands,
with eyes noetrits sad mouth filled with dust,
and with • thirst so tormenting that 1 have
opened the veins of my arms sod socked my
own blood! yon lee how I wervived them
horror'? I rawer that under the providence
of God, 1 owe my peteseestios, b.alih,my
vigot to this fact, tlia4 1 never drank • drop of
os=rvie.x. and miatieeed
*tb: ,4ar
00 anay, has Arid se IMO
that the 6,000 serrieors who safely reared
from Kopt, were all of lira ant who ab-
stained -from the re of wart rigid
11008 -Are coming formed very y a
them elk do pees is Se. to till.e,si ve.:7121 I
end this sorsa; there is
at ine.
ABM= en Arm. Seise of Pete al MIA
Perh, .6.33 to MAC There is a good deal
of 411mseishrise amen la seleresee
te do inagession. The ' sear 10
be hard II Os hat the ear cos ban
been Waring Peer se 'dr that del ace
ratan the areir of sowe that the maw
derd seleine, ressevently the Peoria that
ben nee iseeded Iles" tor seneral yams
sew ow est Sera te enesead
TM briers of the week hes her my
lista All seder nod pender ef ise se-
ism' set ea* hei week efOeus-
bee roe • sad WV' lost se -
Males el ell be Ilerste.
Trier OG.1 a. Idebietalie.its assmg
Isar, Yowls • Oh reel L
• Oh_ illeetrat glad es sereres:C
lbent Mr an eidliter la
hem AI 4E6 . if
dits* sad si er we nee
al web time be sof eammarbee as
ei emget. Them .101 10. argues re Me
rieg seer dek rening, erre et Air
mie perm dee peer we Ise Dr/ C.sti.
ME:rit siV="111)0131: 001.1-; C
OM ist it t
ltmatiea or Sia Rorer Solt. -
Mr. Arthur W. Peel, youngest sr on* Mlle
Right Hee. Sir Robert Pe., bas pat been
married to Mies Dudgale, wriest denikter of
Mr. B. Dodge% of Mereval BA Warwick-
BataD 1,800 YILLIS 01.D. -At Pompeii,
mill with • great quatity of own is excellent allow/ the Governor Oeseral aed their c -
preservation, sad an oree teth eighty -me cellencee of Non Scotia sod New Blear
loaves, arranged in rows and bet slightly web.
effected by the heat of the hire lave reeratly
been discovered. One of oar Prima' contemporaries says it
tbe three Provinces, has been agreed upon;
and the result is that Canute will sesame the
responsibility of five-teelfilis and inc two
Lower Provinces of semtetwelfths of the oe-
d ce 'to read them unless or badness of the hand. A al/411 paper which
105 UI0t every sentence bolds a galvanic butery, and all the world is man to know about, is quite
gives • signed shock. Hoth-wmught tales do safe in a printing office; and they will eel up
this, hence inc extensive market for the what is here .01 1)00 of them without noticing
works of fietiou ; bet the great mass ot books that it refers to themselves It is said that
enew7 exPeed,tere. It eoefid‘rd 7 are kept for show, and Dot for reading.
Hued that the Imperial guarantee will enable rewh,
the thus theimuse. emir erre eanaaNEW/W/a• raft obortie waled. ob,
"S, With *0 =Weil WIWPIerid enPitel even- ny's worth ; they meet you in the streets, al author under the lords they might make dare
tenth et thine Pee mat• Sack KIM yea the Must news of world.
=nom of the Inhere inlminrnn."15, A mu olio does sot reed a newspaper for • 'ffirosawitt.“JscILSoll Hanan PaATZIL
sea Wee* 0. 5* mom% us mane; that week is so far behind the age that he is no- -The Philadelphia Amairer of • recent
emmle with the Wire &Proud °I. Hie r'x' where in Ms knowledge of passing events.- dam says s " Major Gillen, 'rho Mimes to
Cheap aed5itew jest writs our modern Athe. me of the Peausylvanis regiments emenected
this stoic indifference ie • wonderful vision
for am
The great
the 1st of No
It is reported dues alba lime teems
ers on the Clyde, "hose, • the "diseffmn
and the "Cly " have hese rid to the
Confederate go
The Liver Detegra• ph mays, brides
ers by the Coufederate Oseeraeasse
the CQMMilaitalleallIalialed oder
be.ng puithed forward with all pomade dm
patch, • large imitated Rea is Mai am.
strueted on the ever Money, wider Say re
tempt being We at committee's*: This
Rem will be of the east formidable ebenseter,
and will attempt to run the Moodie& as
The same jawed sirs that a vowel is Ilia
at :iverpool taking in • cargo of iron p:aares
dean ied for pining • Southern vessel, which
is -.waiting their arrival at Charleston.
Sue- L
A lad, 1G, trimly lied hi Orhseby trade
or tobacco.
weepositere se t I Said Pubs epee joie quirts* qf tallest
shie in the oohs, wow/ ohs" the every tern, in the rail car, in eve/ house. havoe.
linnsoseresav Oran .-it earreeper-
eat ere 11144set Nem Letter dreams en
estreerdesey rater .11.3 1053 place yr
wow et ostashoi Cisw., maw Tlt••••
Twe genderse Mmilted area the eight to •
sent, esd bora a Noir ligmismam.
They were asemesed by the eampereish ben
agreed to Gest nein m doe etude; sad fight
it ote its the seem pie% sod the Maher mato
ban the sod- - the social pus of
do prim end tie emend ries
white the Ismer and hod te be ileish.
ed, an Ininesee
thrush the ten sod die
aims, who spend their time mostly in bearing with Oen. Biosey's brigade4.4mving by some
means made his way unobserved to the garret
_ or teliing something.
of a house at Bristow's Station. and, secreting
WIIAT 111 DtD.-The Antencan journals himself in a closet, he remethed there dunng
ignanoo is already in the heads of Elegised -1001.111 victones hive been in name more than occupied by him was tbe room which "Stpee-
are beginning to discover that MeCiellan's tbe night. Directly under the apartmeut
has mum to believe that Mr Dorms s res
'mei ; mid from west es hoe* Ifultfredi we in fact. Tim N. Y. 'Post' Sums up Lee ond wall" Jaessoo ocosPied. Deriel 1110 stay
are led to doubt tbe rumor we repeated the Jackson's doings as follows ..- 1 them he beard voices in tbe room below,
other day. to the seem that tke ditIty mar 1 uC.A Iv si 40oe., ths sway wade bis which be learned is tbe morning were from
be overcome. Itis doubtful, i° l''`et.. it '' 1 trey safely out of his ditlicaltres, carrying on .1.1,1. of Nina lind Jackson. lie &Mined?
stable. It is not, however, aow worth while weld 0 wer, het see. ....y a bis .0.6d. 0. ther 1...rd awn,. in um, nsid ...a
reis rode el envy deesseiesise sad the
rem med bees le dem If dr Ann were
Mod rib people. ern ef der wore set
balregleg to vtiessesompegadoe- lb. Liter,
J. P., besellignee ef else
Sad mil isle Door kolas ote=
M tit Plailla•arre.:61. e fiet
Mei?* wen *awls( ler evesisi apse. err do ado, vho relli server ti"
imemeity Rear mired ea away sr lb wereeds.
Tem Lomax Cososea.-f Leicester,
whose salary as C,orcner for f Middle -
ilex L1,220, bus sent • ra.M0i elan:nog to
be paid .1 00 mach for each siren, as Ina
present salary is uneufficiert es ootoparison
with the work and other commis' salaries.
LoaD PsLilitturoi •sri MS OLD Writs
Or Trrearor.-Lord Peasentos is us object
of idolatry swag the old wages at Tivertos.
His ludahm, ea the Montag foliewing his
latereoleatal ie tb• wb°4 'be I not ord7 all his g...,ets Niro., and ma- hmt them hid each otbmr good Dight, and
to simulate. The niutessarigexplanatiou will I Beth,. he nte ...I, he repeated ewe.. thee. ray or
be eleas in the P7°Per 'be" the 6ft" sand prisoners, some fifteen thousand stand
N)0.1 Ws csa afford 10 0101 with patience 1 „,f somber of great guns and Mr. McDougall, tbe Commissioner a
till then, without lay disturbance to our usual coe,,,identhh, supplies Crown Leads is to visit Manitoolis lased,
sad aceow pi 6h. Lake Hume, ie hie of Chief Super -
0055, set, ha cro.sie putosse with hie army
iateadeist of Iodise sad _personally,
eathly, end be. not been molested Mime. MP", to Mr." tonna in din Ihnranno fne II"
Gen. McClellan telegraphed tin in two
perp oes of mitleesset• Tb• Weed "alai"
words: .Glorioes victory r 11 so, trlim irettar olf,riar$6 071. besiesii.,11`.10 bea
would • defeat be like T
oat wart and adepted to celtivatioa.-
annual arrival, gives to each cid woman, who
choose. to come fur it two oars of tea, and, stereaer.
if his store tide, they remote sixpence 11
.10.3 A Seeserthe Svose.-Tbe lirklrowe N.
8. Register is responsible for thefollowing :
Lem week ire saw • "Coe 'takes belong.
ieg to Mermehomea, rolling • light vbeel.
SIP* A fresiffal Ire (411111Tad at the
Liverpool Warner egi the kith UM re -
1. the Inee of 22 liVen, The some
is deserileed es mem lonedieg.
212. Fagfish papers WS that a char-
tered trumpet, the Wringer kris's,
bes reelected to Woolwich, eerier orders
he sitip shot, dell, gene, 1.4 Ohm rem
tar Ciao&
The milky el Mushier"' he sea&
pen it War pashimed h In •
Mr. flaellog's desk of sad
ferty-ele tenesistell lbor bowired lived, sed
set of he Madrid head oily two die. A
"Obit dateenneseer les ben week sno
=11 where the dress was rhea
skernele per cosh wor• lee.
T" abileh owe Maeda sad lira
demen, fend • had Maples • for rye
bimb her thorns ef dart The erase
tea pier with the saner tompen, tbs
sad otos shore eie Wed ea de
filv A dedi sea imtV Mewed tbe esker
dr le ever Wars& Imo bs a queer
ear stir hes he& ibe render -
Another dean bee reerred at Vera, et
wasesatis ts the err of nen* ansellea. 114•81,8 7.f T, ;I ;, shot
me 4 bar WM Illeirlai. toll she was se mei v. Te ribs sespbevey arson
The deer .1*4 Cesare Meek Ceder&
errs he or fir reedy, erg to the ea
Alp bead dr Ile arkell Im • he beim id.seire er •
=s1totstdott. Ctroroo troAtiu
coa is Berm who h' preperg• re the
eery, te rho the imam ome illoseees
ear prisapal eard-oppeeded le deb wheel
is • serer which toreerately gives the de-
nim is elm • nee allarkirk whirl' gives
tree meebtail ealial fee that purpose
esenea ash* It is an tagesime
*eis of risethiseey, and wen well winded
births parrs* iesseded. Me sold m ibM
seeder Teske ems dotes ihs sem Wag is
r*dem Met they ere hest Wee Whig
M Dsgby. h ferrate lei
Main fer the Poised ray. no wisy
they mei lefereare reemedag enr
rose Is Series esetemplesid ? If es,
let Jr oases. -re velessears en reedy to
erre then
Tee rather desist mem of telmarbaben
sorpe ben liMeglrerfal valued se hate
ieg weeded sabearis;• the WM el Fed
Oshe. The May Oared wee head ea
ohin la. lorporate
nese red law embaktied it. The yews
adobe the ses of gel vireo. Tie sheet
wes gam. Te the satiodshease et all, the
Orme rase and oohed 3M- The ether
Mee els oleo OW of • Colosol WY
heed end en the 6014. le 1..L.re« to Iris
irk he re bright to the leaped sed laid
50000 thig ANL HU rime preload en
err, salt le
deeds this
whoa ie my tehishey r
lie thou el • miss
.•hio. Jets.
of poen& dunng recent stay la
Petrie AtastrYls Tonitr-Tb. Pk**
ConSort's Manscrea Frogwes istapidly
approaching eompletios.
on. of the Qiiteess bookbaddes
sor bas decoyed • irjethod of optima' beak.
Dotes, or any other theeta of paper.
The marriage of the King of Pottettbreift,th
the Princess P., trill take place et
and not at Tune as originally propmed.
Mr. Trey* a town councillor of Bader
bridge had both hie legs Woken at the
railway there on Monday, and es
Tuesday he died.
The Look of the Admiralty lave sneer
coseideratioe the peopriety of semi/tag era -
on while in pod, with soft bread Messed
Captain Bondedester et Fleetwood hsvhim,
was struck ne The heed by a emotes end Mt
led on Tweeds). dans is widow add sin
Lula fiseyeri solideres desehow,
witericad of mediae o gold wo,„1, iind mbar
articles, re been seaMoDed to three ismeathe
bent labor.
sesewweTeNreeeellea. rriaswIery ...ewers ',been iiskerenera ea sierra eon Wilma lust= t‘hesiZei",2peatilar
Inertimiag of year children. Do Dot reef
fy meek Me Meg spirts of bee ego y with
ea impeder res or trews, ear stessept we
certrary, a rag, inetrectim reply so
worry quorum. Seek lather to despes thew
wally. Levert if be, the melees
cetioalato sad 000050 imetesry.
your reply seed the little msesteower
kink sot se mu\ peered of what be has
leaned se maim 10 bee. maw Happy,
tbee, if ea striae the MN the malacele ol
trial be oda for yea me whet los eusimite
lir • erre of the ensentsta of ea 1pug
beyond, so AL th,u mid Idols • patinas
tared net • silly pores. oat ines the
1110,.. • evert whim .*4m(wee led at
Pen Mersos an 1 bendr, 01.11111111111 the
neeppeeed otters of die Hee. J. Came, 3.
• Magma Uglier,. Bever eposhses ed.
dossed em red% row thee Moe. • .
Carrie, HOPI. M. 15. Foley, Hes. Wes Mie
Damsel, Plow Mr. Medea, Moe. Joseph
Howe id Nom Illeetlkaird Hos. Mr UMW.
▪ Mee H.-l53.seerg leo
✓ owely ettersh sed several very imperil
perreiecial ementes were dissa_ed.
As intimotthealy Menet 5-11 010 newly
u betmee the An
elms eni e thee begs
ken beitelag. nee 1.16011 dayt
and bleeds miethienag eery 1.310,
gnus; tad Ma a eseephreao 11,9
.5. 554 men.
Isbimbd the joist profits of the three bee
trued newspapers. weed by tbe per Mr. lac
ram, amotat to £30I a year.
gad Mew re reds ealdesues abeet 1.1190
um a • eerier 01 10. Masi lie Ms.
Dearalb shit is se WINO immelliesly Ober
the Trout., Ilabibittee. MIs purpose, the
Mummy 1. idereted, is to Neogene the
right el Met Imams te a beeelleialeia
the while Weed, .410 _ r
open ace
this brie. Ons brined serve lead *1 be
ellireed to sad Mad of • barie, end fifty
ecru la respost educe MOIL Tbet preemie
oldie sale to mewl netlete of tbe ether pm
time alba Mena. ed'sm Pn7101 lb*
of speney, end fee the eseeseedee
lustieg tomb as mq be hear
odl ortire • ter de ismer ef
will .eerwc 10 135 Wind
Cara to eremni--ne amidek Peer
err sehlistes fen, somas legerilimg the ease
of do aro ia eery twe of this IMoOf
&sear The barer georalle h end
1*04054 isposidly mismally uneedmilh-
O. heavy lime hardy sed ere owe are
emerally peer. Pewee re skewing sysep.,
ire of dimes, sed In wary reset re met
delleset. Tree is adhere dr di ell
he • hal yule far the hersee ie Ilseehed
Name damn
• whip swerria Ida ike
peer er Mr sedest . The Prier
• Weber
500040*0 j.a. sod
beteg al be
e ar for brie
Preen en • era, reed Aber
ham 8 1*4is_.114 Bed hem Lairds weds
e ase 1211,011L he ia alleged se ham
ebtaietel lig ilersos qweemsory MUM
sereiteds, fer Mitiefeieg a pellimeme
sr eased deo ene 00.10c4 10 pert
At the eleneetifiless, en 13M34,, s
O the earseien nidry.
hese sio
end the 053,
bee lismimisemassoM *lee
ASO is far
&SO peers ef mom
10 =
• Me m,
Mho Intel 40 .00 et.ele
la 140irdee .4
ere li
Mae IA
hoe broader even err
Is Ueda% lie a oolpoodt1 resod
Nlibt 6404" berself tor bee led imil
Ily toe pee of as Inn limy
do nee eser
pored in Mph
A* hem
co, • yore