HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-12-17, Page 9SUGAR .AND SPICE Dispensed by Smiley 30 days of it! • crim=?AttWt'arAin?ranmiingirnitt6,raNinittstmvafttrReigernmme•aN'avanweimnFt,,At 44r t agfainAinmiw.tin?Atrfpranage•Psfrcairraztfr.cmnigrigeta3anginvarrAttsonvani!enKtures-ailtmenilikravo.meselgt, 131 King Street 262-2019 Christmas Shop at HENSALL CAMERA SPECIALS Catch your family on color film this Christmas KODAK BROWNIE f1.9 lens complete Only 24.95 with carrying bag Projector Screens Reg. 19.95 Only 16.95 BELL & HOWELL AvuetconticEye Camera PLUS PROJECTOR, MOVIE LIGHTS, GADGET BAG SCREEN Reg. $311.29 NOW $219. Lowest Prices on DYNACHROME Color Film tgin%in•%04:11inqii4,0Ain.%ixN%0AnA4,1,1 n,Win.%%in-%04111,wat.. Buy Her Something To Wear 123 King St. 262-2814 For Gifts That Please IRWIN't LA DIES WEAR & DRY GOODS tr.tv,aw-ecttati tvesIvits*.Aa ore tPerinvtv•Ivotv<1.edtvirszt Gi nmitPtilvli s%$ coventintsztivvtitft ez?. j• BONTHRON THEM AGIC of Christmas in these Gifts for every some on Your List g & Son 120 King St. MAY WE SUGGEST: * Sweaters * Blouses * Skirts * Lingerie * Nightwear * Housecoats * Jewellery k Hosiery "just loves" Every woman fine things to wear FREE Gift Wrapping For Men we invite your valued patronage Christmas Shop at HENSALL ;0;t4tlirt414.0 Verl" ,;?...Pka3,5'1.11:4,4m9.4in%ez,%!nNWi':44.%?&%'1,.t.'"%la%100,'%'0%:n.rig Ready-To-Wear at HENSALL Hensall's Newest Store St. Kin g 262 -2839 $5.98 $11.98 Girls & Boys Quilted 100% Nylon SKI JACKETS nl 4 - 14 Years. water repellant durable wind resisiont. Canadian Made %ip,%in.rAiaftv;;Ain Vrattt Win%:n%in%in tAtatICeWia Nn• 13 reaching into their hip PeciCetS December 17 ;or Wallets so frequently. Wo . , ,_ men acquire a different type pp get your Chrptplaspi44.01 list: pelvis thrust out, 124.4k right between the eyes.. It 1.4 tilted1?edly to the rear frqm considered only spPilieg, it you the waist up, acquired from feel like retaliating, to wait carrying parcels piled to their until Hwang Day. noses, Christmas pudding—closely r01 'WI0tiNPitt#RAtolkon allied to Christmas list, It is ' AT O N ' S --r more noticeable in mena type BE , , . . „ / padg their hand in their ' BAKERY pocket so often, g 129 King 262.2113 Christmas Carole—girl cbil, E iii dren born on Christmas Day ,4 and named Carol, Far better to BARRY call thorn Mary, Christmas tree—any coni- ferous tree which falls over the g Page 9 Kippen Ictdies pick slate for new year d in ._ of paralysis that comes from MATS moment it is placed in a stand. PIP all of Seaforth.. Mrs. Bert Thomson return-. ed home last week since being hospitalized pine days in Clin- ton 'POW Hospital.. White Gift Sunday was held in St. Andrew's United Church with Rev. Howard Plant, in charge and members of the junior and senior choirs tak- ing part, Prior to the children attending SS classes they walk- ed in front of the altar contri- buting gifts in the white gift box. Mr. Fred Rowntree of Wes- ton spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Norman Long and Mr. Long, Sunday visitors were Mr. Oswald Brown QC and Mrs. Brown of Detroit and Mrs. Mar- guerite Ulch of Windsor. By MRS. NORMAN LONG KIPPEN TWenty-eight ladle§ were in attendance at the VOW meeting, which took place Tuesday even ing In the Sunday School rooms. Mrs. Archie ,Parsons was in charge of the worship, assisted by Mrs. R, Consitt, Mrs. Bert Faber, the president took the chair. The topic on "Brazil" was well given by Mrs. Ronald McGregor. She had other ladies take different parts, then a question and answer period which proved very interesting. All committees gave their year end reports and the 1965 nominated officers was read by Mrs. T. W. Reid, who, along with Mrs. John Cooper and Mrs. Harold Jones, were the nominating committee. M r s. Wm. Consitt gave courtesy re- marks, Mrs. John Consitt and Mrs. James Chalmers acted as hostesses for the evening. Lunch was served, with an en- joyabe half hour spent together. Thirty days bath September, April, June and Christmas. At least it seems that way. About the middle of Novem- ber, the advertising swings into high gear. We are implored to buy "a gift to enchant her" —like a dainty electric shaver. Or something "he really needs" a tastefully,wrapped bot- tle of dandruff remover, Around the same time, the "Christmas music" begins. We are warned that Santa Claus is coming to town. We are re- minded, 18 times a day, to listen, through the thunder of • t-g traffic and the snarl of aircraft, for those jingle bells. We aro told, for 20 days before Christ- mas, that somebody saw mama kissing Santa Claus last night. It makes you feel all sort of scared and .. . well, you know. Barfy? Women start getting that har- assed look about the first of December. They spend hun- dreds of hours at their Christ- mas chores: ruthlessly hacking off the list of people who didn't send us a card last year; des- a.m. christmas morning—and comes every year, but It lasts for only 30 days, Perhaps some, thing to get your mind off the whole thing , , With Christmas in the offing, perhaps you'd be interested in a new party game, Any number can play. It is guaranteed to increase the spirit of good, fellowship and jollity at any Christmas party, Called "Conjugation of Ir- regular Verbs", it was invent- ed by Bertrand Russell. It goes like this; thp player is given an irregular verb; he conju- gates it. Example: "I am firm; you are obstinate; he is a pig- headed fool." Get the idea? Let's try another. Ready? "I am witty and sparkling. You are unusually talkative. He is drunk as a skunk." Now, how about some Christ- mas definitions, so that you won't be misled by a lot of cliches that have sprung up around the sacred and joyous occasion. Christmas list—men acquire a heavy list to starboard from Christmas cookies—people who think they are going to spend less on Christmas than 9 last year. Sometimes pronoun- ced "kooky". Christmas spirit—what the e kids have and you don't at 6 a.m. Dec. 25. Christmas punch—the recipe is simple, Take one husband o and wife, decorating tree on t Christmas Eve. Mix one set of ti lights which doesn't work. Throw in trip downtown for 0 extra set of lights, by husband. t Stir in a few short calls on iv Christmas Shop friends on way home. Put hus- band gently inside door at one at HENSALL per ately wondering what to get 4',rismitmativiaar%en,o;e4hili,.5pik:i.•allg.4,,,04.5,1=4,,..ir_ohkzi;;.,;,,,,,,pia;,,,;,,r,a,.,;;,,,k;,..p,:i;;;;;;.,i;,4 Uncle Dud, who is in an insti 11 - tution; frantically trying to get their husbands interested in E trees and trimming and turkey. Well, cheer up, chaps. It VI SANTA CLAUS WELCOMED AT HENSALL PERSONALS Recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Eldin Kerr were Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Campbell and son Edward, Seaforth. Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Campbell and Cheryl also Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Pap- To redecorate Carmel church One of the projects to be undertaken by Carmel Church in the near future will be the painting and decorating of the sanctuary, changing of light fix- tures and insulation of the ceil- ing. This work will be done as soon as arrangements can be made. WILSON'S DRUGS SELECTION LONGEST HOURS SHOP in HENSALL CONVENIENCE Just look at the Gift Ideas on this page and you'll know why ! ! 262-2016 0 For Christmas . SPECIAL PRICES ON CHESTERFIELD SUITES FOR YOUR HOME Taylor's Christmas Shop ►hrrOmas Grceitijni FOR ALL THE FAMILY from clothing to toys • Hassocks * TV Benches * TV Snack Tables * Lamps * Clothes Hampers * Smokers * Carpet Sweepers Christmas Shop at HENSALL .%en•% Ass in%in.i ea an.%tn,%%‘'ziPto%en%a4xinian,%?a;un iin.3:40n4;4144p4cin41 COME TO OUR FRIENDLY STORE1 for last minute shopping OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT and we still have GOOD CHOICES OF GIFTS Thanks to all for your kind patronage Clen and Audrey Christie CHRISTIE'S 50—$1.00 FINK 1 PLUMBING & HEATING 125 King St. 262-2114 Christmas Shop at HENSALL PLASTIC Buy this week at FINK'S Do It Yourself PLUMBING Heavy grade Plastic for longer wear, Lighter lines available. and use our master equipment as 1f it Were your own. T. C. JOYNT & Son 216126-,K2i179St, it The Staff of DRYSDALE CREST Christmas Shop at HENSALL MILM..4 h' o 262.2015 122 King St, it h 0 o h Wish you all the Merriest il of Ch -0 h ristmases ii g g g . 1, o il 0 We look kit-wood to serving you in. the New Year tt BOB DRYSDALE MRS. bRYSDALE JACK DRYSDALE JOHN 'BAKER GRACE McBRIDE LORNA CHAPMAN CAROL CAMPBELL Service man 1-turold Knight not present at hoffie, Jaynes, GIFT CERTIFICATES ive hirri thepleasure of hit sible to choose for then And If lie is just impos- fortable, warm and cOlor4 rbe6vesrlilkNset when kit;isips among and bulky that look good TIES . Too many ties,' JWEATERS 131g, bold on the mirth's Ice or at ease COMPLETE 1 3 5 95 SPORT SHIRTS coin- Closet -and seat, wash MI, at Joynt's. Joyfiet, o wn selection, at Joynt's. Respected Cana t Don't Wear Out dian Brass Feu ets All Gifts Boxed Free All Gifts Boxed Free All Gifts Boxed Free MI Gifts Boxed Free 4 -at HENSALL That Jus sniiisnigswAuogglimiet4liaNgs,04%10340,044%insOANIA•lnwn%24%irsVez si:da%ln,%ks*ismkinviin%itsi*s%in %in% in.06 n w %n%:n t.ho.% %an c`kiltan*ginNni%in**Vgim4iggi*.5 otopo*Now:44 okly.*jo t:er*utzzr,;1:4; Christm as Shop ColitN ictithidny through 8s.turdayi Ificictlfrig Vri- do arid t'iturrlsy night, 'Open Christmas Week every night titid Chrlsttrtas 'bye: Uhtil 9:30.