HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-12-17, Page 8Santa welcomed *Pigi4!4a1411.01,1:44 0,lia.nO•Vil0400-0,00.94:3;i0.474,PiO,Na A ; qu I fog for the Festive Season Page 8 December 17, 1964 Candle lighting marks .,service : Instal officers of Arnold. Circle Hensall Church, Kin ladies . . in Christmas spirit and district news donation the White Gift and & M Fund. A pot luck dinner and quilting was planned for the January meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wm. GODSON and. MI'S. Tom Brintnell. CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maud. Hedden, Phon, Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phong. 56 Cl• -1•.•••P•xx, Christmas decor for WI festivities were Mrs, Al Skea by Mrs. Stewart Deli. Mrs. ,John plc e r introduced Mr.. George VrioseExeter Who showed pictures of his trip home to Holland last year. row), were most colorful and interesting. He was thanked by Mrs, Gerald Hell and presented with a basket of 'fruit. Worship in the form of a candle lighting service waste*. en by Mrs. John Baker and Mrs, Gerald Bell, assisted by Mrs, Harold Bonthron, Mrs, Robt. Bell and Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau. Hostesses Scholl, Mrs. Ed Fink and Mrs. Stewart Bell. John Baker, Mrs. Jelin Skea and Mrs, Harold Cam phell; cop, Mrs, Horner .Campbell;. Explorers, Mrs, Glenn Koehler; Cradle Roll, Mrs, R. A. Orr; CGIT, Miss Leila McFalls, President Mrs. Gordon 5chworo• presided for the Christmas meeting and wel- ooreed members and guests and thanked Mrs, Stewart Bell for decorating the Sunday School, lovely in Christmas motif. Mrs. Robt. Hell and mrs. Al Hoggarth volunteered to decorate the church for Christmas Sunday, Life membership certificates were presented to Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. Scholl and Mrs. Installation of officers for Hensall, was held Monday eve- .1•9 6 0 of the Arnold Circle Of ning with Mrs. gar]. Campbell Carmel Presbyterian Church, in charge of the installatioh, President is Mrs. Gordon Schwalm; vice-p resident s, Mrs. Robt. 'Taylor, Mrs. Rpbt. Bell; secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau; treasurer, Mrs. Harold Bonthron; pianist, Mrs; Gerald Bell, asst, Mrs. Al Scholl; Home Helpers, Mrs. Scholl, Mrs. Trevor Wilson; supply secretary, Mrs. Al Hog- garth; literature secretary & Glad Tidings, Mrs, Don Mous- seau; phone committee, Mrs, Hensall Legion Hall lovely in Christmas motif was the setting Wednesday evening De- cember 9 for the Christmas meeting of Hensall WI with an attendance of 51 and president Mrs. Beverly Beaton in the chair, In response to the roll call a cash donation amounting to $23 will be forwarded to the Salvation Army and the Chil- drens Aid Society at Goderich, each to receive half. A motion was passed to hold marathon Presbyterians to give to shut-ins The Senior VMS Of Carmel. Presbyterian Church held its meeting Monday evening with ' Mrs. Earl Campbell, president, presiding. She was assisted in the devotions by Mrs, Ed munn. It was decided to pack the Christmas boxes for shut-ins and older members at Mrs. Earl Campbell's home December 11. The Ladies Aid followed with routine business and election of 1965 officers, President is Mrs. Harvey Hyde; vice president, Mrs. Clarence Volland; secre- tary, Mrs. R. A. Orr; treasurer, Mrs. Clarence Volland; group leaders, Mrs. Frank Wright, Mrs. Percy Campbell, MrS. Malcolm Dougall. The Chiselhurst UCW meet, ing was held the: church with seventeen members present. president Mrs. Harold Parker Opened the meeting Mrs. TOW, Kinsman led the worship with the theme,, "Christmas". She was assistd by Mrs. Percy Wright, Mrs, Lloyd Ferguson and. Mrs. R. Taylor, Rev. H. F. Currie gave the Christmas message and related historical prophesies on the great expectancy of Christ's birth, Mrs..A. Ross contributed Christmas music. Twelve Christmas boxe s were packed and delivered for shut-ins, and arrangements made to fill bags of treats for the Sunday School. An extra $10 donation was voted to the allocation and $50 • enthusiastacally Santa Claus brought joy to the hearts of hundreds of children Saturday when he arrived at the town hall in the fire truck amid the ringing of the siren and bells for the annual Christmas party for the children of Hensall and District sponsored by the busi- nessmen. It was the largest and best party ever held in 'Jensen. Over 400 treats and 425 bot- tles of chocolate milk (the latter donated by Hurondale Dairy) were handed out to the children during the afternoon by Reeve Norman Jones, and clerk Earl Campbell assisted by the senior men. The hall was filled to capacity for the showing of films in charge of Bill Fuss and Eric Mousseau. Legion families gather for party The Legion and Ladies Aux- iliary of Branch 468 enter- tained their f am il e s to a Christmas party in the Legion Hall Sunday, December 13. The children enjoyed films in charge of Bill Fuss and were presented with gifts and candy. Over eighty gifts were handed out by Santa Claus and helpers. Conveners were Mrs. John Skea and Mrs. Wm. Smal e. Lunch was served. PERSONALS Mrs. John Tinney is apatient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. SERVICES IN UNITED CHURCH Christmas Service will be held Sunday, December 20, at 11 am in the United Church when the congregation is asked to support sacrificially the cause of overseas relief. In the evening at'7:30pm Hen- sall-Chiselhurst Youth Fellow- ship will present a Christmas Vesper Service. Christmas Eve Communion will be held Thurs- day, Dec. 24 at '7:30 pm. The Church School White Gift service, the annual Sunday Church School White Gift and Christmas program was held Sunday evening last. The junior choir presented special music, Christmas carols were sung, and students presented their Overseas Relief gifts. CHEER OTHERS The Christmas meeting of Hensall Kinette Club was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Knight last Wednesday evening with two guests present for the evening, Mrs. Harold Caldwell and Mrs. Al Scholl. Twenty Kinsmen and Kinettes brought pleasure to the patients at the Ontario Hospital, Goderich, Tuesday evening December 8by entertaining them with a pro- gram which included Christmas carols with Mrs. Wm. Fuss pianist, Mrs. Wayne Smith of Hensall, and her music teacher Mr. S. Aquilina of Exeter enter- tained with accordion selec- tions. Mrs. Harold Knight was in charge of this project. Each patient received f a v o u r s of home made candy. A donation was made to the Salvation Army, and the club will also assist a needy family at Christmas un- der direction of the Childrens Aid Society at Goderich. Next regular meeting will be held January 13, 1965, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mickle. An enjoyable hour of crokin- ole was played and the winners were Mrs. Harold Caldwell and Mrs. Bob Baker Jr. Mrs. Bob Caldwell won the raffle. euchre in the homes and to commence in January. Mrs. Fred Beer presided for the program which included Christmas carols led by Mrs. Laird Mickle with Miss Greta Lammie accompanist, v oc al solos by Miss Joyce Ferguson; a demonstration f e a tur ing Christmas decorations by Mrs. J. B. Jarrell, chorus composed of Dorothy Skea, Karen Broder- ick, Linda and Betty Beer, Joyce Ferguson and a reading, Miss M. Ellis. Mrs. Jack Corbett gave cour- tesy remarks. Program con- veners were Miss Greta Lam- mie and Mrs. Fred Beer; hos- tesses, Mrs. Garfield. Broder- ick and Mrs. Joe Ferguson. Ontario Oats We are in the market for good bright Ontario Oats, Rodney, Gary and Russell. Bring your samples. Highest prices paid. W. G. THOMPSON & Sons Ltd. HENSALL 262 - 2527 Order from your friendly salesman HURONDALE DAIRY Christmas theme feature of UCW Lighted Christmas trees and soft organ music by Mrs. J. Goddard opened the Christmas UCW general meeting Monday evening, December 14, held in the church sanctuary. President Mrs. Walter Spen- cer gave the Christmas scrip- ture from Luke 2 followed by the devotional by Mrs. Wm. Mickle and a vocal solo "0 Holy Night" by Mrs. Wm. Fuss. Mrs. J. McAllister presented the Christmas story on "The Virgin Mary". Mrs. Pearl Passmore and Miss Mary Good- win sang a duet followed with trumpet solos by Bob Forrest. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. R. Reaburn. A short business period was held in the new Assembly room winding up the business for the year. Mrs. Walter Spencer will be retiring as president and Mrs. H. F. Currie will com- mence her duties January 1965. A social hour was enjoyed and lunch served by the execu- tive. London, who was introduced by president John Baker, who presided. The Deputy Gover- nor spoke briefly. Other guests were Harry Meikie of London, and three members from the Aylmer Kinsmen Club who brought with them the Raiders Trophy, a live alligator named "Wally". This is done to pro- mote visitation fellowship with other clubs. The club still have a number of top quality Christmas trees for sale which are on the lot adjacent to Crest Hardware. Three members join Kin Club At the Kinsmen dinner meet- ing the group were informed of the successful peanut drive in their canvass of the village. Three new members joined the club namely, Harold Cald- well, Alvin Campbell and Wayne Reid. They were presented with their new member's kit by De- puty Governor John Kerr of PERSONALS Mrs. Grace Harpole left Wed- nesday for Ottawa where she will spend the winter months with her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. & Mrs. D. H. Peacock and family. The annual Christmas turkey shoot at Kippen will take place Sunday, December 20, at 1 pm with events for all shooters, sponsored by Kippen Gun Club. .14:O2...NiciO2•12AO24.71:oa;:*.r? • • • . . .0%..:2•••O2O2AO2,91 •NicoN HENSALL 4.1 Az?..e61:4Ai•a•cm•aog'edizizgkiamur,taNarAi•cri,Ai•m?Arz."Namita•amvv.tiv.ta aleaviiitmlitmagia•ac*.wro4irwass*.44!4:,,,,Piiiawrzrpria*.o•Nwaa o2 'ea • o2 • •;,O2.W:2•52,1?a,;,1 •0•Oa•rie.241•Ozr:4%1,All.•;11W41:4:iO2•r.4r.al?zaliz•14:04.,,k2.4ga412:2•riks-riii24120•Va•Plia-rafgoig•t241•14z5, al:.*.X..*Aia•Pia24la•VOV .;aal alia•Vka ri 111( rt'S GRADE A &Or lb. from Al and Reta Scholl and staff WITH PURCHASE OF EACH S20 ORDER GROCERIES Stuart House FOIL WRAP 18-inch width ALSO FRESH DUCKS, GEESE, CAPONS, TURKEYS GLAZED HAMS SWIFTS BUTTER-BALLS HENSALL Prices for Dec.17 to 24 Open Fri. & Sat. Night Christmas Week open every night NESTLE'S HAIR SPECIAL SPRAY SPECIAL Compare at $1.49 694 Maple Leaf MINCE MEAT MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing 16 oz. 394 WISHING WELL GINGER ALE 4 pack quarts 64n PLUS DEPOSIT g Ls, 79C 316s. $17.-ft: Ve GRANULATED SUGAR 28-oz . tins 9irolf* MIXED NUTS OCEAN SPRAY WHOLE CRANBERRY SAUCE 15 oz. 2 /474 Tbs. 79C et,- HAMBURG SIDE BACON SAUSAGE MEAT WIENERS NYLONS 10 ibsi 994 2 lb. bag 974 CANDY CANES 2 /49 CHRISTMAS CAKES lb. 49 WHITE SWAN No, 1 'CALIFORNIA GRAPES B:112 Plus GREEN GIANT NIBLET CORN 14.. 5/874 LIBBY TOMATO JUICE 3/97t SEAMLESS FIRST QUALITY 3 prs. $1 Plus MANY MORE FEATURES FOR CHRISTMAS FEASTING 'FROZEN FOOD SUPREME BRAND PEAS/CARROTS `BAG'2/6n STOKELY FANCY PEAS 15-oz. 6/87C SCHNEIDER'S CANNED PICNICS 11/1 lb. This $1607 Extra Shelf Specials 4.Uc).41;o s'•?z