HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-12-17, Page 3WUERTH'S 369 Main. S. Exeter 235-0611 Stop in ,this week Buy Dad a pair of Dack is Give him a Dack Gift Certificate as low as $19.95 Men's Curling Boots Start at $8.95 Men's and Children's House Slippers $1.99 and up MRS, wg!.,0A,p9p G11.011:), BEND The Grand Bend Orpha Club held its Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Wally Des, Jardin.All the finished hahy layettes, children's clethin, toys, games, dolls anddoll bed g s were breught to this meeting and packed ter delivery to The Children's Aid Society, January 12 is pet for the next meeting to be held again at the home of Mrs. Wally Des- Jardin. New material will be on hand for the busy fingers to start all over again, in pre- paration for the Easter dona- tion. By fifty, dollarS.. would be sent overseas Kennedylt ,announced that the three-year ptedge .to westroinster College had 'been paid in full this year and oprog in memory of Mrs, wrn. Love would he dedicated, Lunch servedWas Jardi rb y Mrs. P np4cpmmp;ATFiNoo"lE; 1 The christmas meeting of the Afternoon nit was held dies sc1 present. P T... hleQ devotion.w1 th °4 wa l s taken by Mrs„ ponlas Gill .as, sisted by Mrs. Alex iismilton And Mrs, W. Gill, Mrs. Mansel Mason and Mrs, Clark Kennedy sang a duet and were joined by the unit in several Christ, 1-44s resa, rol4, NiRaymond Kading con, ducted a short business. The unit decided to try dividing the UCW into six groups for 1905. A Christmas tea was served by Mrs. Raymond Kad- ing, Mrs, Alex Hamilton and Mrs. W. Gill. PERSONALS WO Vincent & Mrs. Roy and Iris of Oakville, who has been posted from Fort Churchill.. ning. Mr. Alton Neil and Donald attended. Donald is a pupil. Mr. & Mrs. Bill McFalls, Lucan, were Saturday callers with Mr. & Mrs. Win. French. Mrs. A. C. Pascoe andGwen- neth of Bristol, England, ar- rived by plane at London Monday afternoon. They have come to reside with Mr. & Mrs. Eric Atwood and family. Mrs. Pascoe is Mrs. Atwood's mother and Gwenneth, her sister. Grand Bend Electors Thank You for your support at the polls Sf"nka •Mr, John piproor, Toronto, spent the weekend at his home here, Mr. Wm., Sweitzer spent Sun- day with. mr, & mrs, Wray Sweitzer and family, Mr. & Mrs. Clyde .Nickolson andLepna, Brigderi, Mips Dor, pthy Harlton RN, mr, & Mrs, Ken -Westrnan, and family, all of London and Mr. Herb Harlton were sunciay visitors With Mr. & Mrs, Karl Guenther and fain- ly. mr, & Mrs. Jim Clarke and Mr. & Mrs. RoyClarke attended the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Burr (the former Margaret Clarke) at Preston last week, Get that last minute shopping done in EXETER Santa meets Exeter SATURDAY AFTERNOON 2 P.m. Cartoons at Legion + Treats for Kiddies He'll also be visiting on Main Street STORES OPEN Every Night till 9 pa (THIS FRIDAY TILL 10 00 .p.tni i***43. " ii.ti&O'A •Lt *Si***,til ITS GETTING LATH TRY YOUR 4. RUG STORE FIRST FOR TimE4-Aclypc@le, .Pecmbpr 17, 194.4. Page 3 Bride-elect honored. New officers at Crediton Ladies aid children with games, clothing Man spent the weekend wit -h. Mr, & Mrs. Leroy ParItaan. Mr. 44 Mrs. .Garnet Patter, son spent Pmday with Rev. & Mrs. Earl Finrr and family at Mt. Elgin. Mr. & Mrs. W, Gill visited apcowlit w ith Marjorie; Knight 1c41&4t and ,Robert ..at London,. the Mr, M. Frank Allister and family. of, Hamilton speM Mr, & Mrs,. Willis Mystery staters. Lunch was served by hostess- es, Mrs. Elmer Lawson, Mrs. Ed. Lamport and Mrs. W. D. Mack. FETE BRIDE-ELKT Friday evening, December 11 Miss Marlene King, bride elect, was guest of honour at a bridal shower held for her at the Crediton Community C e ntr e. About 100 friends and rela- tives were present. A couple of contests were conducted by Miss Judy Lam- port followed by a singsong and a couple of numbers by the Crediton Bed Bugs. A reading entitled ',A December Bride" was given by Mrs. Earl Neil. A mock wedding was then put on with Mrs. Douglas Galloway as the minister, Elyse Lam- pert as the bride, Mrs. Ed. Thorne as groom, Mrs. Robert Reid as bride's father and Mrs. Nelson Lampert as bride's mother and the groomsman was Mrs. Roy Dykeman. Marlene was assisted in opening the gifts by Marilyn Galloway and “Jackie" England. Marlene was honoured by a second shower at the home of Marilyn Galloway Saturday evening. rom $7.75 Skates for the whole family Ladies elect at Whalen, family arrives from U. K. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Sims spent a few days in Walkerton last week with Mrs. H. Sparling, Mrs. Margaret Clarke at- tended the funeral of her sis- ter-in-law Mrs. Wm. Burr of Preston last Thursday, Mrs. Allen Becker and Mrs. Clarence Fahrner have both been patients at South Huron Hospital. Mrs. Roy Gibson has returned home after having been a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. STRAPPER OVERSHOES Children's $2.69 Boys' $3.65 Men's $4.25 By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE WHALEN The' December UCW meeting was held in the church hail Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Bert Duffield presided and was as- sisted by Mrs. Grafton Squire in the worship service. Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins was in charge of the program com- mittee which consisted of carol singing. Mrs. Milne Pullenfav- ored with Christmas medleys on the piano. Mrs. Harry Klahre and Mrs. Eric Atwood gave readings. Mrs. Bert Duffield was appointed representative on the Official Board for the UCW. At this time there was an exchange of gifts. Toys, fruit and eggs were presented to the Thos. Allway Home, London for Christmas. Rev. Guest dedicated the new , officers for 1965. Past Presi- dent is Mrs. Wm. Morley; pre- sident, Mrs. Bert Duffield; vice-president, Mrs. Cecil Squire; recording secretary, Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. Chas. McRoberts; treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Johnson; pianist, Mrs. Milne Pullen; Convenors: program, Mrs. Eric Atwood; finance, Mrs. Men's Rubber Boots $3.39 and Bill, Zion, were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs, Milne Pullen. Miss Avis Hodgins is off duty from Northern Electric, London, for the month of De- cember due to a car accident Dec. 2. Mrs. Wm. O'Brien has been a patient at Stratford Hospital for several weeks. Mrs. Laverne Morley and Miss Carole Foster attended confirmation service Sunday morning at St. Thomas Angli- can Church, Granton. During the service an alter book was dedicated in memory of the late Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Foster, Granton, parents of Mrs. Mor- ley. The ladies from this com- munity of the Court Valentine COOF Lodge, Granton, attended their annual Christmas party Saturday evening in the Fores- ters Hall. During the evening there was an exchange of gifts. A guitar recital for pupils under the direction of Mr. Pul- sifer, Exeter, was held at Russeldale Hall Saturday eve- o 111 .„ IAN COLES Cleve Pullman; social func- tions, Mrs. Wm. French; cards and flowers, Mrs. Harry Klahre; manse and buying, Mrs. Wm. Morley; supply and social assistance, Mrs. Laverne Mor- ley; literature, Mrs. Grafton Squire; quilts, Mrs. Mac Mills; decorating, Mrs. Alton Neil; treasurer of decorating, Mrs. Ken Hodgson; stewardship and recruiting, Mrs. Klahre; no- minating committee, Mrs. J. Finkbeiner and Mrs. Ken Hodg- son. SS CHRISTMAS PARTY The annual Christmas party of the SS of Whalen United Church was held Friday eve- ning in the church halls A pot luck supper was served at '7 pm. Following supper Rev. Guest was chairman for a program consisting of Christmas carols, skits, piano and guitar selec- tions. Mr. Wm. Morley and Mr. Ken Hodgson were in charge of the exchange of gifts, Choristers at Zion UC By MISS MURIEL HERN ZION Zion United Church held their white gift service Sunday morn- ing with Sunday School superin- tendent Norman Jaques leading the worship service. Barbara Hern read the story. At 8:30 in the evening the T-A Choristers along with Ross and Wayne Rowe on the piano and violin, Barry Jeffery on the piano accordion and Mrs. Garth Blackler and Mr. Ken Blackler of Kirkton presented an inspir- ing Christmas service in song to a full congregation. Mr. Harry Hem acted as chairman with organists and pianists Mrs. Harold Her n, Vernon Hern and Paul Baker leading a carol singsong. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Ephriam Hern spent the weekend in Grimsby with Mr. & Mrs. Orville Snell and family. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hern, Larry and Gordon were Sunday visitors in Granton with. Mr. & Mrs. Garfield Nixon. Mr. & Mrs. Grant Skinner, Joan and Julie spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Norm an Jaques. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hern and family and Mrs. Edna Lang- ford, London, were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hern and family. ogkvxgrvp;ia472:1'ami;lise;iiio•WoVo•W Give POTTED PLANTS AND FLOWERS at Christmas Poinsettias Cyclamen Begonias Azaleas Mixed Pots We specialize in table centres and dish arrangements. BAILEY'S 509 Main S. Exeter 235-2242 tko.vgar kt,vAism;Arkaus vsioisav Aim va.ftsa .piss .w.or ir.‘.4.,w,esz;,.k.,.9ka 4.,‘ candles e event by Bobby Clarke and Terry Otis and the story was read by Mrs. Ronald Fletcher. The ushers were Messrs. Clifton Webber, Larry Skinner, Larry Lynn and Danny Walters. Next Sunday will be the Christmas service when every family should be represented. concert will be held Friday evening at the church. Santa Claus will call at the close of the program. The Elimville UCW will hold their Christmas meeting at the church Monday afternoon Dec. 21 at 2 pm. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pym and family visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Bert Lobb of Clinton. PERSONALS Mr.' & Mrs. Wm. Heywood and family of Camp Borden visited a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Heywood. The Sunday School Christmas CCCtrnCC.Ctr.Ctr. C.Cre.rgir.0371PRigin.COROW.C.OMPACCi Girls light at Elimvill By MRS. ROSS SKINNER ELIMVILLE The Elimville CGIT held their candlelighting vesper service at Elimville United Church Sunday evening. The girls entered in procession followed by their leaders Mrs. Jack Hern and Mrs. Vernon Montmorency. Miss Sharon Fletcher was the candlelighter and readers taking part were Misses Mari- lyn Johns, Janet Skinner, Kathy Hern, Margaret Hunkin, Janet Hern and Sharon Passmore. Misses Beverley Passmor e, Carol Bell, Barbara Gilfillan and Elaine Johns were ushers. The girls practiced Sunday afternoon following a pot luck dinner at the church, The CGIT girls also decor- ated the church windows and the Christmas tree for the festive season. WHITE GIFT The White Gift service was held Sunday morning with Mr. Eisen Lynn, the Sunday School Superintendent, assisting Rev. Wilson with the service. Scripture lessons were read 94'4..1-,--,4.14",--._ Ws .;.•..Th all" • --n, ,-. W%s W The Gift „..„ 4„ PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Morley and Mr. & Mrs. Art Abbott attended the annual turkey din- ner at Central School Biddulph sponsored by the Board Wed- nesday evening with the ladies of Saintsbury catering. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kirkham, Mitchell, were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Pullman. Shirley Jaques, Zion, was a Wednesday evening visitor of Carole Foster. Mr. & Mrs. A. Sherwill, Lon- don, and Mr. & Mrs. Mac Baron, St. Marys, were recent visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Grafton Squire. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Brock log In the devotions. Mrs. Doug- las Galloway and. Mrs. Lorne Preszcator sang a duet and a Christmas reading was given by Mrs. Nelson Lampert. The business was conducted by President Mrs, Robert Reid. The reports of the yarious com- mittees were heard and the re- port of the nominating com- mittee was accepted and the slate of officers for 1965 in- cludes: President, Mrs. Robert Reid; vice-presidents, Mrs. Clifford Kenney, Mrs. Garfield Hill; secretary, Mrs. Howard Lightfoot; assistant, Mrs. Nel- son Lampert; press reporter, Mrs. Lorne Preszcator; trea- surer, Mrs. Sam King; Good cheer, Mrs. Lawrence Hill, Mrs. William Hodge,Mrs. Lorne Hodge; manse, Mrs. Ed. Lamport, Mrs. Sam King, Mrs. L or n e Preszcator; pianists, Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner, Mrs. John Galloway; Christian stew- ardship, Mrs. Douglas Gallo- way; Christian Citizenship, Mrs. Robert Hiltz; nominating committee, Mrs. Cliff Russell, Mrs. Earl Neil; supply, Mrs. Nelson Lamport; literature, Mrs. W. D. Mack; finance, Mrs. Sam King, Mrs. M. Baker, Mrs. R. Molitor; auditors, Mrs. Lorne Hodge, Mrs. Arthur At- tfield; Messenger leaders, Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner, Mrs. Doug- las Galloway; Baby Band, Mrs. Ross Pickering, Mrs. Douglas Galloway; group leaders, Mrs. John Galloway, Mrs. Nelson Lampert. The finance committee asked for suggestions for projects and means of raising funds for these projects. The White Gift money taken at the meeting is to be sent to UNICEF Milk Fund. Mrs. Douglas Galloway and Mrs. Lorne Hodge were in charge of distributing the gifts which reveal the identity of the By MRS. L. PRESZCATOR. CREDITON The Creiliton UCW meeting was held In the church school reema. December IQ. These in charge had decorated the room attractively for the Christmas season with a nativity scene and decorated tree. The program was in charge of Mrs. Earl Neil. She was assisted by Mrs. Ross Picker- CHRISTMAS .14 THEME The UCW evening unit meet, ing was held Monday, Dec. 7 with 31 ladies present, The devotion was taken by Mrs. Leroy Baritean assisted by Mrs, E. A. McMaster. Car- ols were sung by the group. Mrs. C. Roberts was in charge of program which con, sisted of a Christmas story, Christmas poem and a qqartet. Mrs. Wm, Sturdevant con- ducted the business, A letter from the 4wins indicated the gift of $100 from the UCW had been received. Rev. C. A. 13ritta.in announced that in place of candy for the children at the Christmas concert a gift of That Keeps on Giving by RCA VICTOR C. Faberge Portable Television priced from $169 95 ti 3 Colognes and Body Powder I Tigress, Woodhue, Amphrodisa SETS PRICED $6.75, $5.75 Colognes $3,75, $4,75, $2.25, $1.50 Finest hand coated chocolate Non-artificial Flavors Jenny Lind Candy Just in time for the family Christmas gift • Space Age Sealed Circuits *Nevi VISTA Tuner •3 Stage IF Chassis $1. '1.50 $2. $3. I tt?faldkiaiq.4WAitzAigziAitcftererkiciliti•wXi-=?A'.;,-Nit:NtigM'ellati GOLDEN AUTUMN ' $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $4.50 Wind Song Men's and Ladies' Hair Brushes PROPHESY Hair Colognes and Powder e. m Dryers $5.00 sets in DeLuxe Case $18.95 $1.75 '2.50 '4.00 t lnstamatic Camera single colognes i $19.00 • and perfumes 1 With electric eye $56. wasVa14,40,4.`a:miziaeomir:w.0414,1v.sm:4 e:* N:5.scaftsvgz. SHULTON RCA STEREO •AM/FM with AFC • Gerrard At-6 Changer • 6 Speakers • Solid Walnut Wood Cabinets priced from $249 Drop in and see . . • Our wide selection of RCA Victor record players, clock radios priced from 29 95 ETER ELECTRIC 311 Main St, South Exeter 235.0730 0**tirS*0*0***CCOMOACCOMOZCO ickiktitiloRtitka Chanel No. 5 Old Spice for Men $1,50 •$2,25 $100 14.00 in Colognes 'and Perfume. 54.15 s6.25 $5,25 Set 1$6,25 $6.50 MIDDLETON rugs PHONE 235-1570 EXETER