HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-12-03, Page 11Cromarty By MRS. KE Mrs. T, Lain visited ThlirSday with Dr. & Mrs, Lance Norris of Wyoming, Sunday visitors with Mr. 84 Mrs. Drip Dow were Mr. &, Mrs. John McLeod, pebble, MaryLeu and. David of Wallace- burg, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gethke and Terry Lynn of Mit, chell. Miss Doris Johns spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs,,Oeo, rge Rock of wallop, Mrs. Nettie Kearney has re- turned home from S tr atf or d Hospital. MT- Allen Dow of sarnia, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr, 84 Mrs. David Gordon N McKEI.LAR DOW. Mrs. Fred Johns, Mr. & MrS, Frio Dow attended the funeral of the latter's cousin, the late Mr. Sidney Jewell at Graven- burst. Miss Mabel Dow, nurse in training at the Sick Children's. Hospital, Toronto, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Erie Dow and her grand- mother, Mrs, Nettie Kearney. & Mrs. Donald Johns, Bobbie and. Roy spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. A. aravier at Nile, Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Johns were Mr. turn to page 14 ••••••11.1.1MIMPINM.M11•011M=111.111111•1111111.111•,=••••• 25 Auction Sales kitchen, 2 beelreomp, ;3.- piece. nathroOM and .ntility . rporn in. chiding laundry' tubs.4pme s electrically .hpated, Dwelling recently construct- ed, nicely situated. All mod, ern PellYealetteea, Inspection_ TERMS: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days, Sold ject to. a reasonable reserve bid, ARTIRJR, WHILSMITH, Prop. ALVIN WALPE R, Auctioneer 26;3c Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Construction Equipment to be held on the premises 1/4 MILE NORTH OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 at 1:00 p,m. Sale includes: 155A P & H 1/2 yd. backhoe with dragline and crane boom; II 12 Payloader on tracks with II yd. bucket; T D 9 Malo loader and angle dozer; 1964 Fargo tandem dump; 1952 King float with beaver tail ramp; 1954 R 190 International tractor with winch; 1959 Inter- national B 184 dump; 1957 A 184 dump with extension rack; 1958 International A 110 pick- up; 1952 Chev car; hydraulic one-way snowplow to mount on truck; saddle tank; fifth wheel; 214t. house trailer; used V 304 International en- gine; 200 amp. gas driven Lincoln welder; Forney arc welder and battery charger; acetelyne cutting and welding 25 Auction Sales outfit; portable Infra-Red pro- pane heater; large air com- pressor tank; kin. contractor's water pump; unit axle equip- ped with 15-inch duel wheels and tires for trailer; used pickup box with springs, attit. able for trailer; 2 side-meunt- ed Harvester mowers. Please Note: All equipment in first class cond.itiOn and re- pair. Inspection invited prior to sale date. TERMS: Cash. A letter of credit from your bank is required for company or personal cheques, Lunch booth on grounds, LORNE R. BECKER, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 3c Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris at- tended the fireman's annual Christmas party at the Clinton Radar school Friday evening. Misses Gail Agar and Mary Barnes visited Sunday with Dar- lene and Fay Templeman. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Norris, Judy Gary and Douglas, Brampton, visited Sunday with Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris and girls. Geraldine Templeman visited over the weekend with Linda Moore. Mr. & Mrs. John Temple- man visited Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Jim Scott and Ronnie. Andrew Vivian is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Carter Kerslake. Staffa By MRS. J. TEMPI,EMAN 25 Auction Sales dile to other business inter- ests, ConYince Yourself by n speeting this promising oppor- tunity before sale date. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a rea- sonable reserve bid. Immedi- ate pessession if desired. GLENN STEUARDSON, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 26:3c CONSIGNMENT SALE for Dairy Cattle at RATHEWELL SALES ARENA BRUCEFIELD, ONT. TUESDAY, DECEMBER .8 Anyone wanting to consign cattle must contact us before- hand. The next sale will be held on January 12th, 1965. D'ARCY RATHWELL & SONS Managers 3* Real Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate On the premises 165 HURON ST. EAST, TOWN OF EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 at 2:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of one-storey dwelling finished with cedar shakes and brick. Large living and dining room, 3-BEDROOM apartment, living room, dining reolP, hot waterA heated, 359 Main 5t. Apply to Middleton's Drug Store 235- 1570, nights 262-2046. 26tfnc 2a MILES north, of Dashwood, large 4-bedroom brick home, all conveniences, $25 a month. Contact W. H. Hodgson 235- 2420, 26:4:10:17c 3 BEDROOM apartment in Hensel', large living room, din- sing room, kitchen, modern bath, heated, $60.00 monthly. Apply 109 King Street, Dial 262-2839. 3:10e HEATED apartment In Exeter, unfurnished, living room and kitchen downstairS, 2 bedrooms and bath with ample closet space upstairs, rent reason- able, available Dec. 1. Phone 235-0906. 12tfne STOREY and a half 3-bedroom house in Exeter, available Jan. 1, Phone 235-1377. 3tfnc MODERN UPSTAIR 4 - room apartment, private entrance, furnished or unfurnished, 585 Main St. Phone 235-1207. 3c UNFURNISHED, roomy upper 2-bedroom apartment, heated, entirely private, separate hot water supply, on William St., close to downtown, $50.00. Dial 235-2575. . 3 : 10c 2-BEDROOM apartment, heat- ed, stove and frig. C Bea Apartments, 443 Main St„ Exe- ter. Phone 235-0394 after six. 3* 18 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc 19 For Sale or Rent BRICK HOUSE, 7-room, at 64 Wellington St., tiled bath and glassed - in porch, hardwood floors and oil furnace. Phone 235-1177 Exeter. 7:16tfnc CORNER OF MAIN and Sim- coe, large brick home with modern conveniences, and barn. Apply Jean W. Wein, 199 St. Vincent St., Stratford. 5tfnc 3-BEDROOM, practically new house, 4-piece bath, full base- ment, large living room and kitchen, all hardwood floors. Phone Fred Simmons 235.1854 or Eldrid Simmons 235-0526. 3tfnc 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Nelson Peterson, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Nelson Peterson, late of the Township of Bidduiph, in the County of Middlesex, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 27th day of May 1964, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solici- tors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 5th day of December 1964, aft- er which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor Exeter, Ont. 19;26:3c 14. tinders Sva001 FOR SALE BY TENDER, Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Thurs- day, Dec, 17 at 6 p,m. for the sale of building and land formerly known as SS No. 6 Usborne, Please state in ten- der the purpose for which said property' is to be used. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accept e d. For further particulars contact A. Garnet Hicks, RR 3 Exeter, Ont. 26:3c TENDERS FOR JANITOR for BRINSLEY UNITED CHURCH Sealed tenders will be re- ceived until December 19, 1964. Duties to commence Jan. 1, 1965. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WILBERT LEWIS, Ailsa Craig, Ont. 3:10c A. GARNET HICKS, RR 3 Exeter 3:10c 25 Auction Sales Important AUCTION SALE Brinsley General Store to be offered for sale on the premises situated 5 miles north of Ailsa Craig or 39 miles west of No. 4 highway on paved road. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9 at 2:00 p.m. Sale includes well construct- ed large White brick building including entire general • store stock with adjoining residence. Also large warehouse on prem- ises which will all he offered in one unit. Store situated in wonderful rural area. Residence newly renovated including new oil heating system. Owner selling SNOW REMOVAL Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Dec. 17 at 6 p.m. for the snow re- moval from parking lots and driveway at Usborne Central School. State type of equipment to be used and cost of removing snow per hour. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information con- tact Is The Time To NOW! Have Your FURNACE CHECKED Fuel Oil is your best heating buy and with our service contract you get even more; Pre-season clean out, check-ups, adjustments and repairs. 111111TEI ROSE SELDON FUELS DISTRIBUTORS FOR CANADIAN OIL PRODUCTS COAL CEMENT 203 WELLINGTON ST. W. EXETER PHONE 23 5-2 314 gicomcgcmccotowcomccimmortypAgouRcimm liwincomoitout I,1b qg qg 5;! Oig qig lig YOUR HIGHEST COMPLIMENT: a gift from Walper's lig with a hey nonny nonny... lig lig • Sig lig lig Remember about the free $10 gift certificates going with every made to measure Sg suit this year. Yes, there's a festive feeling in the air even Santa seems to have caught the mood. Fact is, time will fly between now and December 25th, for these are busy, exciting days. If Christmas shopping is troubling you, why not do an about—face and take a light, sensible approach: bring your gift problems to us and we'll help you romp through the list in Jig time. So far as your favourite males are concerned, it's our busi— ness to know what they want in the way of wearing apparel -- we've been at it for more years than we care to remember. As some wag remarked recently, "At Christmastime, a woman's place is in a man's store." It couldn't be more true than right now at Walpers. A Joyful Holiday Sea.son to all and, to our customers (many of whom we are privi— tcs. leged to value as friends): happy hunting under the tree on Christmas morning. Z !!5 1 64 Pontiac 4 door, hardtop, radio, full power equipped, 63 Ford Sedan, automatic and radio. 60 Pontiac Sedan, 6 cyl., automatic 59 Meteor 6 '01, stick, like new 58 Austin Sedan 56 Morris Station wagon, new motor South End Service Phone 235,2321 Exeter 11311/11FS Special Tire Deals Any Size 59 Plymouth Sedan, radio, push-button There's SO MUCH MORE to satisfactory shopping than price (especially at Christmas time, when so much of what you buy is for others!) Fact is, no "discount" price can assuredly be lower than the prices charged by legitimate merchants, whose prices are generally not regulated or fixed. Your local merchant often trims his price to "wholesale" levels as a way of thanking you for the past patronage; or as an induce. ment to visit his store. But, even though retail prices are dropped, your dependable merchant never drops his service. That's why he has been in business as long as he has. His customers have learned that he stands behind everything he sells. He has earned his reliable reputa- tion. DON'T DISCOUNT DELIVERY Remember, when you buy merchandise, your regular merchant will deliver to your home. The re- sponsibility for safe arrival is his, not yours. DON'T DISCOUNT EXCHANGE PRIVILEGES We all make mistakes when it come to buying gifts for others, When sizes, color, style, or model are wrong, your conscientious merchant wants to make it right, He wants the responsibility of mak- ing your presents please, DON'T DISCOUNT INSTALLATION Items such as washers, dryers, stoves, television sets, air conditioners can easily be ruined by im- proper "do - it yourself" installations, When you have it installed by your dependable home-toWn merchant, the responsibility is his, He backs the factory guarantee to the hilt, not only on appli-ances, but also on tools, paints, farm and home supplies, furniture and any other item youcan thinkof, DON'T DISCOUNT A RELIABLE MERCHANT'S NAME YOU can be ned merchant on the be doubly proud of givifig gifts tnat tome from a goOd legitimate store. The name of , a locally-owned merchant that you weren't trying to cut carnets that you cared more about satisfaction than price! For complete satisfaction, SHOP EXETER The 'Exetet. Businessmen's AttitiddfiOt1 1-4,*kg Times-Advocate, December 3, 1964 1;004/ 17 Properly For Rent Ontario Oats We are in the market for good bright Ontario Pats, Rodney, Gary and Russell. Bring your samples, Highest prices paid. W. .0 THOMPSON _xsons.ttd. • HENSALL 262.2527 NO SERVICE NO DELIVERY NO EXCHANGES NO RETURNS Wise Christmas shoppers will read this ad carefully The small savings you might make on out-of-town discount buying can be wiped out quickly by Norm Wolper MONDAY is .lait day- for made—to-measure ctg: suit orders for Christmas delivery tritj'alififiged*CCOUR.CCO'k'il'illith'il:C04:0***OZOVIACCO**COMCOA*Cti