HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-10-29, Page 10JOIN THE TREND TO BLEND Fertilizer mixed to your own soil needs, not just average conditions, ADVANTAGES OF PLOW DOWN FERTILIZER; 1. Plant food is there when needed 2. Fits the soil building idea 3. Reduces requirement for starter fertilizer 4. Yields comparable to spring fertilizer 5. Weather and soil coeditions are good for heavy ap- plicators 6. Reduces ppring wore load FERTILIZED HAY AND PASTURE PAYS 1. Stronger more vigorous start 2. Higher yield of dry matter 3. Better prodection year after year 4. Lower cost per food nutrient 5. Increased milk and beef per acre Contact us for free soil test service and recommendations THE EXETER AND DISTRICT FARM SERVICE Custom work, Seed and Fertilizer RR 1 CENTRALIA TEL, EXETER 235-1815 SALE Continues at EXETER FROZEN FOODS C. Morley Hall Main St. South Exeter 235-0400 ..011....10.11••••••••••1.0•1114, FIRST MORTGAGES FARMS *** RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Prompt, Confidential Service THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY Established 1889 contact Our Representative JOHN BURKE REALTOR and INSURANCE PHONE 23$-1863 EXETER Buy SELL TRAa RENT HIRE AkELP firliPPIR 8 i.8 eeeeede88 17 Properly For Reit, 17 Properly For Rent cREpiToN - Main St., 2 bed- , room unfurnished apartment, private entrance, all utilities paid. Available immediately. Phone .afternoons or evenings Crediton 234.0336, 30tfnc APARTMENT bedroom, heated, furnished, Private en- trance, centrally located- Ap. ply 349 elarllaorough St., phone 235-0776. 10tfne 16 Properly For Sale 13 for Sale 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 9 Services. 4 Female Help Wanted Octloktpr 29 Page 1t) e-BEDROOM Modern home Exeter. APPly 71 Simeee St. or phone 45-46?, 29:5* BOY'S CLOTHING-- Checked Sleeet iaCkee, size 35, $3.9!?;. new brown. gahardiee "Mete', waist navy 'blazer, size. 19,. $4.90 new navy Nue Pit, PATO size 33, $4 00; geeer corduroy per coat parka, orlon lining, size 14, „Km grey flan- nels, navy blazer, size 14, $2.00 each. Can be seen at Mid- Town Cleaners, 29c 50 ACRES, good clay loam, allworkable, lot 10 south beendary Stephen Two, Phone Centralia 228-0978, 29:5P MODERN 2 - bedroom buege, low, Huron St. East, Exeter. 235-2966. Private sale, 29:50 HIGHWAY 100 acres, 93 till- able, large barn, silos, double garage, brick house; 1e0 acres dairy farm, 105 tillable, barn ties 20 cows, milker, bulk cooler, house modernized, low price; 107 acres dairy farm, all tillable, remodeled barn ties 28 cows, several boe stalls al so, milker, bulk cooler, drive shed, city-like house has every convenience. Can be bought equipped; Highway 200 acres, 190 linable, large barn, loose stabling for over 113() beef cat- tle, silo, brick house has 3 bathrooms; stores and dwell- ings, W. C. Pearce, Realtor 235-1402; Bill Armstrong, Sales- man 235.1376. 29tfnc LUCAN-This extremely well- kept 2-storey brick home, in a prestige area features broad- loom in living room and din- ing room, 2-piece bath down, sun room, den, 4 bedrooms and 4-piece bath up, 2-car ga- rage, full basement, oil heat, newly renovated, well insu- lated, lot 100'x200' beautifully landscaped with shrubs, trees and flowers. Terms to be ar- ranged. See this house by calling Don Urbshott, 227-4881 Lucan, after 6 p,m. 666-1475 Ilderton. W. W. Evans & Sons Ltd„ Realtors. 29:5e COB CORN We'll lead and. OTAW. Pone Russell oss7, 29e SEPTIC TANKS vacuum. clean- ed, Na mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238-2031 or 238.466, 8:0tfoo SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Immediate service, always aveilable, Harold Butler, Lu. can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7.4312 collect. 10:4tfnc WATER WELL DRILLING - All materials and workman- ship guaranteed, Phone Credi- ton 234-6395 any day noon to midnight except Mondays, In- wood 25R11 collect day or night or write; Ross R. Mun- ro, Box 186 Bothwell, Ont. 8:20-10:29c Classified Rates First iriSerti9n 4 0 PER WPRD (Minimum 800) Second lesertiert 3 10 PER WORD (Minimum 704) Six Insertions 30 PER WORD (Minimum 604) YOUNG LADY to work in dry cleaning plent, Some ence Preferred, Apply in "per- gin .Grand. Bend' ..cleenere, phone 238e2leee .e9e. PRESS PLATES LARGE WARM2-bedroom un- furnished 'apartment, heated, private entrance, parking, gen: teal locatipe. Phone 235-2575.. 3-BEDROOM house near Exe- ter, re Prier n, conveniences. Phone 3eR$ Daebweed. 22:29c FREE-,-One box scriptiu-e text Christmas cards with every $12.00 Pln'ellase• Conte in and see our stock of Bibles, bpoks, plaques, etc. Also hand woven scatter rugs. Stanley Saucier, North End Exeter, 29tflic STENOGRAPHER Aluminum press plates, 25i" x 36", ,009 thick. This sheet metal would be excellent for lining buildings, etc. 4 sheets 254 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Exeter office, good salary. Apply Box NAS, Exeter Times- Advocate, 3:8tfnc CREAM enamel cook stove. Apply to Jas. R. Eagleson, RR 8 Parkhill. Phone 294-6477. 29c ALUMINVM DOORS, Win- dows, awnings, siding, alumi- num and wrought iron porch railings. Top quality products at reasonable prices, Call us for free estimates. We do our own installing. Walker Alumi- num Sales, Phone 235-0722 (collect) Exeter, 4tfnc McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKE RS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed PHONE 228.6214 TIMES ADVOCATE 5 Help Wanted BARN-Approximately 40' x 60' and an attached straw barn 22' x 32'. Reasonable. ApPlY Rufus Turnbull, phone Grand Bend 238-2681. 29:5c OIL SPACE heater, $15.00. Suit- able for apartment. Phone 227- 4854 or call et 20 Albert St., Lucan. 20* GIRL'S WINTER coat, size 14X, new condition. Phone Lu- can 227-4819. 29* BEAGLE PUPS-4 male pups 10 weeks old to clear at $15.00 each. Apply Rollie's Sports & Cycle, Grand Bend. 29c THISTLE BABY buggy, new condition. Phone Hensel] 274J3. 29:5* 22tfn MALE OR FEMALE - Apply Brady Cleaners, Phone 235- 2131, 29e SPRAYED APPLES-Pick your own, Spies, etc. Bring your containers, low tree s, no climbing. Picking days Mon- day, Wednesday, Friday, Sat- urday only. Also picked ap- ples - Tatman Sweet, Snow, Russet, Delieious, Greening, Baldwin, etc. Fred McClymont & Sons, 1 mile south of Varna. 22:29c EXCAVATING, BULLDOZING, TRENCHING - Sewer work, ponds, etc. Compressor for sand blasting, air hammer. Gravel, topsoil. Sam Sweitzer, phone 235-0181. 11tfnc 9 Services 20 EXTRA If not paid in 8 days following publication. Setriaispiay Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion- Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of ee inch. INVISIBLE MENDING - Cuts, tears a n d burns disappear from suits, clothing and fab- rics, "Clare" Latour, 252 Main St., Exeter, 235.2263 after 5 p, m, 10;29-12; 3c FOR TRUCK lettering and sign painting phone Clinton 482-3230, 29:5c 10 livestock For Sale 6 HOLSTEIN heifers, freshen in March, priced very reason- able. Ferdinand Desjardine, phone Grand Bend 238.2603, 15:22:29* APPLES-All leading varieties, picked and graded. Victor Jef- fery, phone 235-0387 Exeter, 8tfnc 14 Wanted To Buy CHIMNEYS repaired and re- pointed, basements white coat- ed and water proofed. Phone Ted Squire 434-3405 London, or 557 Seaforth, 29:5:12" GUITAR LESSONS-To arrange for a free talent test phone 235.2120 or see Mr. Pulsifer at 92 Main St, South. 15tfnc MAINTENANCE - Home and office cleaning; also carpen- try, painting, wallpapering and all types of flooring, hard- wood, linoleum, etc. For in- formation contact John Roelofs 154 Andrew St., Exeter or call 235-2906 anytime after 5:15 p.m. Reasonable rates. 22:29:5* DUAL PURPOSE Shorthorns: roan heifer, fresh with heifer calf; red heifer due in one week; one serviceable aged bull. Filmer Chappel, Crom- arty. Phone 44R12 Dublin. 22:29* MALE CANARIES and budgies Apply R a y VanDorsselaer, Dashwood, Phone 149J after 6 p.m. 15:22:29e BOY'S BICYCLE, junior size. Apply Exeter Frozen Foods. Phone 235-0400. 29* BROADLOOM carpet 12' x 16', grey tone; also felt under pad- ding. Sacrifice $50. Excellent condition. Phone 235-2915, 29c HEINTZMAN PIANO, $75.00. Phone Crediton 234-6310. 29c FRIGIDAIRE' refrigerator, 12 cu, ft., in good condition. Phone 30R15 Kirkton. 29* KODAK Brownie movie cam- era 8 mm, 3 turrets, leather case, light meter, twin light bar, $50.00; Simplicity washer, timer and pump, 1 yr. old, $50.00. Phone 235-2403. 29c PIANO in good condition. Phone 89R18 Kirkton. 29:5* USED PIANOS, player pianos and rolls. Write Box 24 Kom- oka or phone 471-1677 London stating price and size. 10;15-11:19e Classifications SMALL Marchand space heat- er with blower. Phone Lucan 227-4659. 29e LETZ GRINDER #220X. Ap- ply Harvey Hyde, RR 1 Hen- sail. Phone Exeter 235-2767. 29:5* 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21, Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales REGISTERED ANGUS heifers and cows guaranteed in calf, at reasonable prices. Special consideration on quantity or complete herd. Terms to re- sponsible parties. Pete Crock- er, phone Dashwood 37R4. 29:5;12c 15 Wanted C. V. PICKARD CAR COAT, size 12, light brown, laminated, lined with fur and fur collar, reasonable. Phone 235-0888 after 6:30 p.m. 29nc PROJECT WANTED INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE TWO STOREY BRICK - Well located in Exeter. Each floor contains a complete apart- ment complete with nice kitch- ens and 3-piece bathrooms. This 'home is in good repair inside and out. Offering at a very low price. THREE BEDROOM BRICK - Interior of house like new. Good kitchen, dining room and living room, glassed and screened sunporch. Full base- ment, oil burning furnace. Double garage. Reasonable price and terms. A LARGER HOME at a rea- sonable price. Provides all the comforts of a modern home plus generous living space at the price of a small newly built home. This home is one of the nicer homes in Exeter. Reasonable price and terms. We have other homes. Two apartments for rent. C. V. PICKARD 394 Main St. Phone 235-0310 6:25tfnc REGISTERED Holstein bull - 8 months old. Son of Very Good Snowball daughter and Woodburn Inka Supreme. Good type, quiet, leads well. Dam's last B.C.A. 137 milk, 155 fat 4.15 % B.F. Present lactation 242 days, 14,524 lbs. milk av- erage test 4.6, Dam's mater- nal sister's B.C.A. 146 milk, 176 fat, 4.4% test. Apply to W. Norman Dow, Staffa, phone Kirkton 13R19. 29:5e McCLARY COAL and wood range, white enamel, Royal Charm, reservoir. Phone Roy Pitt, Lucan 227-4793. 29c TEENAGE hockey equipment; baby buggy. Phone 235-0172. 29:5:12c EXETER NURSING HOME - 24-hour nursing care, moderate rates. Mrs. R. Iles, 30 Sanders St. Phone 235-0810, 17tfnc COMBINING OF CORN Con- tact George Troyer, RR 2 Hensall, 91R7 Zurich. 15:22:29:5c High School Shop class invites projects for a grade 12 build- ing construction class. Owner to supply materials. Class will build to specifica- tions. FEED TURNIPS-Exeter Prod- uce and Storage 235-0141. 29c DUO THERM space heater and damper, medium size, $15.00 or best offer. Vern Postill, phone 235-1483. 29c BEDROOM SUITES, mattress- es, carpets, swivel rockers, re- cliner chairs, kitchen suites, vacuum cleaners, floor polish- ers, lamps, washing machines and dryers. Everything for the home-buy it all in one store and save more. Sandy Elliot, 442 Main St, 29tfnc GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, 10 weeks old. Phone 80J Dash- wood. 15tfne POTATOES - Martens Broth- ers, phone 234.6488 Crediton. 10:841:12c KENT KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, bathroom vanities, golden tone natural birch. Durable beauty for Canada's finest kitchens. Formed Arborite tops. Free estimates and kitchen plan- ning service, We install. Thos. H. Walker, Authorized Dealer, 17 Nelson St., phone 235-0722 (collect): 27tfnc PUPS - And breeding stock, Standard Dachshunds; Smooth and Toy Fox Terriers; Toy Manchester; good selection, $20 and up. A. Macintosh, Clan- deboye. 227-4598. 8tfnc APPLES - $1.00 bushel and up. Bring containers, Shar. row's Orchard, le miles north of Dashwood. Phone 136, 22:29c TEENAGE COATS - One red and one beige corduroy car coats, size 14; also a grey wool, full length, size 12. For information call 235-1920. 29nc 300 PULLETS, 5i months old, Sexalink; several milk cans. George Simpson, Clandeboye, phone 227-4391. 29c RENFREW coal and wood range, black and white trim. Phone 235-1855. 29c LLOYD baby carriage, white, converts to car bed or stroller, excellent condition. Phone 235- 2336. 29:5* CONTACT KEN OTTEWELL Shop Instructor SHDHS 92 Gidley St. or phone 235-0880 2 HOLSTEIN heifers, bred Hereford, due in 2 weeks. Harvey Hyde, RR 1 Hensall. Phone Exeter 235-2767. 29:5* 20 GOOD started weaner pigs. Apply Melvin Greb, RR 2 Dashwood. Phone 34R4. 29c 20 CHUNK PIGS-Roy Dietrich phone Crediton 234-6483. 29c 7 WEANER pigs. Phone Ray Clarke, 187R4 Kirkton. 29* NEED A WATER WELL? Drilled 4" diameter to 10" di- ameter to 1500'; bored 30" di- ameter to 200'. A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Cost of drilling with new machine is reasonable. Men are experienced in all phases of setting screens etc. Phone Elmira 669-3761 Day or Night 7:16tfnc 22:29c 1 Lost Strayed 16 Properly For Sale LOST-Earring, in vicinity of Main St. Church, on Sunday, valued as a keepsake. Reward. Leave at Times-Advocate. 29* LOST-Blue-eyed white Persian cat, south end of Exeter. Phone 235.0762. 29* STRAYED from Lot 9, Con. 5 Hay Twp. 1 Holstein heifer and 1 Holstein steer weighing around 750 lbs. Tag right ear. Harold Campbell, phone Hen- sail 270W4. 22:29* HENSALL - 3-bedroom bunga- low, full basement, oil heat, priced to sell, terms or cash. Phone 18W Hensall. 8:15:22:29* 4-BEDROOM storey and a half white brick house; new oil furnace; choice residential area in Exeter. Apply Allen Johns, phone 104R3 Kirkton, 7 ; 2 tfnc CALL JB AT 1863 11 Poultry For Sale TRAILER HITCH, load level- ler type fits 12' to 16' trailer; 17 cu ft. freezer, chest type. Phone 235-2093. 291' HYDRO STOVE, used 4 years, McClary Easy, glass in door, timer, like new. Phone Mel- ville Gunning, Kirkton 81R13. DE KALB ready-to-lay pullets, Call McKinley Farm & Hatch- ery Ltd., Zurich. Phone Hen- sail 335. 29tfnc ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 7:16.11:5c NEW HOUSE just completed, full basement, three bedrooms, available immediately. Art Whilsmith, phone 235-2473. 6 : 18tfne 17 Properly For Rent 3 Male Help Wanted 3-BEDROOM rug brick located. on Main Street. Oil heat. $8,000 with easy terms. 2-BEDROOM rigid asbestos lo- cated on Main Street. Nicely landscaped lot. Asking $7,000. 2-BEDROOM Wartime house, Completely redecorated throughout. Situated on well landscaped corner lot. 3-BEDROOM Brick located on nice lot on Albert St. within walking distance of Main St. Priced to sell at $6,500. MARLBOROUGH ST.-New 3- bedroom bungalow with full basement and oil heat. After reasonable down payment, $83 per month will carry principal, interest and taxes. SOUTH EAST corner Carling and John Sts. - 2-bedroom brick with full basement and oil heat. Owner is anxious to sell and has reduced price to $9,800.00. We can arrange a mortgage. SANDERS ST. E. - 2-bedroom house with automatic oil heat, storms and screens, Nicely decorated. CARLING ST. - Large 3-beds room ranch-type with separate brick garage. Completed rec- reation room in basement, oil heat. Only two blocks from the centre of town. MILL ST. - Nice 2-bedroom home with room upstairs for 2 additional bedrooms. This house is ten years old and in excellent state of repair. Taxes only $165.00. THAMES RD, WEST A fine 3-bedroein ranch type located on corner double lot. Beauti- fully decorated and expensive wall-to-wall carpet covers the floors in large living room and dining toom. Attathed garage with paved driveway. Owner would consider holding first mortgage for responsible party, ANDREW ST. - 2 bedroom bungalow with forced air oil furnace. Taxes are only $190.00. CREDITON - 3-unit apartment house. You can occupy the lower apartment and rentals from other two will pay taxes and mortgage. Barn at rear which could have many uses. CENTRALIA - Brick home which has been modernized and duplexed $2,000.00 down payment will handle. Full price $6,500. EXETER - Brand new 3-unit apartment house. Ideal invest- ment for semi-retired person as income provides 10% profit. ANDREW ST. - 4 - bedroom house with garage and new oil furnace. Large kitchen, din- ing room, living room, $7,500, COMMERCIAL BLOCK on Main Street. Rental income of ap- proximately $300.00 per month. In excellent repair. $4,000 down payment to responsible party, MACHINE SHOP - Operated by Marshall & Murray. Owners wish to retire and are anxious to sell this profitable business. Binucilltdidinegd,. equipment and stock FARM - 169 acres in town- ship of Tuckersmith. Lovely 4' bedroom home and large L- shaped barn with steel roof. All tiled except 15 acres. 95 ACRES on highway. No buildings. Tormis can be ar- ranged. FARM - 175 acres of which 145 are workable. Close to pavement in Stephen Twp. Terms can be arranged. 95 ACRES on highway. No buildings. LARGE completely modern- ized 4-bedroom home on 4 litres of land. Low taxes of only $103.00 including phone. 19x90 concrete block and frame :ChAedBES, 4-bedreoni house with oil heat, L-shaped batik barn. LARGE 3-BEDROOM hottse to rent, with immediate posses, sion. 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1953 METEOR, good cheap transportation. 135 St. Lawr- ence Ave., Huron Park. 29c 1959 CHEVROLET, 4-door se- dan, blue, 6 cylinder motor, automatic transmission; cus- tom radio, 2 new tires, other tires in good condition. Body in fair condition. Price $500.00 cash. Phone 30R13.Kirkton, 22:29e STEAM HEATED apartment, wall - to - wall carpet, all new furniture, new range and re- frigerator, very central. Elliot Apts., 442 Main St. 235-0585 or nights 235-2912. 8tfnc CLASS "A" mechanic, usual fringe benefits, good working conditions, 5i day week. Apply in person to Canadian Tire Associate Store, Exeter. 29:5c LEARN MEAT CUTTING - Be a certified butcher for jobs now. Men needed for day or evening, and h o m e study courses now being formed of- fering practical training in meat cutting, merchandising and self service, For further information write or call Prac- tical Meat Cutting & Retail Training Institute, 1425 Dan- forth Ave., Toronto. Phone 110 17545. 10:841:26c YOUNG MAN for dry clean- ers. Some experience prefer- red. Inside and outside work. Steady employment. Apply in person Grand Bend Cleaners. Phone 238-2122, 29c 192-ACRE FARM, new barn; bath and oil furnace in house, in Tuckersmith township. For information phone 616W2 Sea- forth. 29* DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL VACUUM CLEANERS & Pol- ishers - Sales & Service for all makes. Bob Peck, Zurich. Phone Hensall 352W2 (collect). FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - Call Collect - DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Dead Animal Licence No. 262-C-63 12:12tinc 1963 PONTIAC sedan, mileage 13,000. Must sell, $1,875.00. Com- pare this car with others for price, condition and interior. Will demonstrate by appoint- ment. Phone (evenings only) 235-0354 Exeter. 29* 1931 MODEL A coupe. Phone John Webster 235-1450. 29:5c 1956 CHEV 2-door hardtop, 6 cyl., standard, red with red and black interior, very sharp. Phone Seaforth 773. 29* 13 For Sale DISTRICT'S LARGEST gun and ammunition dealer. Seventy guns to choose from. Go hunt- ing with the gun of your choice-303, 308, 3006, 30.30, 44 mags. All makes of shotguns. We trade and sell. Rollie's Sport & Cycle, Grand Bend. 29c NO! NO! NO! NO! NEVER borrow from a friend! If you're "a little short till pay-day" come see us. We'll lend you $50 for two weeks and all it will cost you is 47 cents. Fast, simple, confiden- tial. And you don't lose a friend. Ask for a Mini-Loan at 2 OIL SPACE heaters-1 Cole- man, 1 Duo Therm with fan; 200-gal. storage •tank with pump suitable for gas or ode Phone Ron Braid 3W Daehwood. 22:29c ATTENTION - Why not you? Earn a steady income, Be our Rawleigh representative in townships of Usborne, Biddulph and Blanshard. Full or part time. Write Rawleigh Dept. J-202-MM, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 20c COLEMAN SPACE heater with blower. Phone 235-0435. 29c COB CORN, good quality avail- able, rightf ram picker. Order immediately. Phone 90R6 Zur- ich. Alvin Gingerich. lathe BIG REDUCTION now on Kel- vitiator and General freezers, All sites in stock at Sandy Elliot's. 8tfne Crescent FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED P. G. Flannigan, Manager 465 Main St„ Exeter Phone 235-6033 22:29c EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER Must be able to handle complete set of books, willing to learn parts. Allis-Chalmers "One Ninety" MAN FOR CLEANUP AND GENERAL DUTIES BODY MAN or someone Willing to learn the body trade,. This is the new "'One-Ninety" tractor that WaS introduced -at a meeting in Toronto. Ityde Bros. official) James Hyde, attended the introductien, the first really new 5-plow tractor Pee ever seen" he said: "The console grouping Of controls, 'adjustable steering wheel, down sloping heed, power assists and rugged engines giVe it more the feel of Sports car than a farm tractor." Apply in person to HENSALL MOTOR SALES ANDREW ST. - Large 9-bed- . room family home With new oil furnace. Good sized living robm with adjoining dining room, Two bathrodm. Owner would consider holding first mortgage, Price reduced to $9,000. THOMAS ST New 3-bed- roots ranch style Which On be heated for 392.09. ,Monthly payment of, $38.00 Will look lift, et ptititipal, interest, takes: A reasonable down payment Will let yeti take early pbstession. BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE ONE NINETY A TRY Hensall or phone 31 Hensall fee oppoiritments, 9:5C• JOHN BURKE HYDE BROS. 4 Female Help Wanted WAITRESS WANTED 'Night work 5:30 to 12:30. Apply Buckley Restaurant. 29c Limited MORTGAGE LOANS Real Estate Broker General Insurance Devon e6 Maih St. Rhone U5-I863 F 22thit- ALLIS .CHALMERS SALES AND SERVICE HENSALL VYAITRESS for ,day and etie- ning .S Call an person, Betheet Restaurant, :EXeter