HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-10-22, Page 10Good news for the man who's over 40 and concerned about his health. A. E. Pym, C.L.U. Representative EXETER TeL 235.0395 When you're over 40 you begin to realize that good health may not always be yours. If you're wise you make the necessary adjust- ments-you enjoy life, but you don't overtax yourSelf. Life insurance suddenly becomes'more important, too. You want to make sure that all the gaps are plug- ged, now. But uncertain health could make life insurance difficult to buy-more costly. Who can help you? I think Manufacturers Life probably can, We believe life insurance should be avail- able to as wide a group of people as possible-in- eluding people with coro- naries, high blood pressure, Or ulcers, for example-at lowest possible cost. In fact; our company was the first to offer life insurance to men and women with diabetes. If you are under 80 and worried about your life hi, SUranee because you are Worried about yout health, give me 1 call, I'll review your present insurance and show yOu how Mariufae, turas Life may be able to plug any gaps there are in it -Without placing you Wider any obligation, MANUFACTURERS it4sult"" LIFE c(514PA " 1644 ''Ie.AWOPAxwe0. 16 Properly For Sale 17 Properly For Rent 17 Properly For Rent ...„ . October 22. 9 Services 13 For Sale 13 .For :Sale 16 Property For Sale 10 Livestock For Sale OUR ENTIRE milking herd- 5 Holsteins, 1 registered, 4 grade; 4 dnal PurPOse; all Unit bred, to freshen early this fall and winter, William Morley, AR 1 Granton, Phone Kirkton 81R$, 22c Page 10 MODERN 2-bedroom apart- mot on ground floor, heat, hot water, automatic laundry facilities suPPlied. Centrally located, Parker Ants., 431 Main St. Phone 235.0915. 15tfne 1-BEDROOM apartment, heat- ed, ground floor, PartlY fur- nished, available Nov. 1. Phone 235-2374, 15:22c Classified Rates THREE - I3EDROOM Wartime house with garage, Owner will carry mortgage if necessary. Phone 235-2196. 22c figNsALL 3-bedreom bunga- low, full basement, oil heat, priced to sell, terms or cash. Phone 18W Densall. 8:15:22:29* COB CORN, good quality avail- able, rightf from picker. Order immediately. PhOne 90116 Zur- ich. Alvin Gingerich. 15tinc APPLES-All leading varieties, picked and graded. Victor Jef- fery, phone 235.0387 Exeter.. 17 Properly for Rent 4-BEDROOM storey and a half white brick house; new oil furnace; choice residential area in Exeter. Apply Allen Johns, phone 104R3 Kirkton, 7:2tfnc 14 Wanted To Buy CREDITON -Main St., 2 bed- room nnfurnished apartment, private entrance, all utilities paid. Available immediately. Phone afternoons or evenings Crediton 234-6336. 30tfnc APARTMENT - 1 bedroom, heated, furnished, prjvate en- trance, centrally located. Ap- ply 349 Marlborough St, phone 235-0776. 10tInc MALNTENANCE - Home and office cleaning; also carpen- try, painting, wallpapering and all types of flooring, hard- wood, linoleum, etc. For in- formation contact John Roelofs 154 Andrew St„ Exeter or pall 235-2906 anytime after 5:15 p.m. Reasonable rates, 22;29:5* ROSCOSTEEL granaries, 2700- bushel size, 10% •off list price to Oen, Clinton Farm Supply, phone Clinton 482-9613, eve- nings 482-7700, 15:22c MALE CANARIES and budgies. Apply R a y VanDorsselaer, Dashwood. Phone 149J after 6 15:22:29c VACUUM CLEANERS & Pol. ishers -- Sales & Service for all makes. Bob Peck, Zurich. Phone Hensall 352W2 (collect), 1:23tfnc 10 HEREFORD stocker calves, steers and heifers. Phone Earl Ratz 165R5 Dashwood, 22c 2. HOLSTEIN yearling steers, Clarence Moon, phone Crediton 234-6290. 22c First I nsertion 4# PER. WORD ';300) Second Insertion 320 PER WORD (Minimum 700 2-BEDROOM modern home in Exeter, Apply Ti. Sitneoe St. or phone 235-2562. 15 : 22* LARGE WARM 2-bedroom un- furnished apartment, heated, private entrance, parking, eon- tral location. Phone 235-2575. 8tfnc BUY DR, SALSHURY'S poultry medicine from your own deal- er, L. V, Hogarth, phone 235- 1414. Diagnostists service, 1:8:15:22e I3EATTY, steel litter carrier pole and track. Gordon Ratz 161R3 Dashwood, 22* 150 TO 200 ACRE farm with reasonably good 'house, barn not essential, preferably in Exeter, Hensall area, Nick Sym, Tillsonburg. Phone 842- 8194. 8:15:22* Six Insertions 30 PER WORD (Minimum 600) 4-ROOM apartment, living and dining room, kitchen, bath. Rent $50,00. Phone 235-0324. 24tfric NEW HOUSE just completed, full basement, three bedrooms, available immediately. Art Whilsmith, phone 235.2473. 6:18tfnc Used Car Bargains Special Tire Deals Any Size 62 Mercury COMBINING OF CORN - Con- tact George Troyer, RR 2 Henson, 91R7 Zurich. 15:22;29;5e 11 Poultry For Sale 75 RED & SUSSEX pullets 5 months old. Apply to Gordon Wren 329J3 Hensall. 22* 100 YEARLING Hy-Line hens, laying good. Mrs. Wilfred Ho- gan, RR 8 Parkhill. Phone 294- 6653. 22* LIGHT GREEN winter outfit, size 18 moutb$, excellent con- dition, Phenp 303 Hensall, 22c APPLES - $1,00 bushel and up, Bring containers. Shar. row's Orchard, 11 miles north of Dashwood, Phone 136. 22;29c STEAM HEATED apartment, wall - to - wall carpet, all new furniture, new range and re- frigerator, very central. Elliot Ants, 442 Main St, 235.0585 or nights 235-2912. 8tfnc 1-BEDROOM apartment, unfur- nished, heated, utilities paid, private bath, available Nov. 1. Apply 16 John St. Phone 235- 0382. 17tfnc SMALL steam heated furnish- ed apartment $40.00 monthly. Apply Elliot Apt's, 442 Main St. Phone 235-0585. 3tfnc 200 EXTRA If not paid in 8 days following publication. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate service, always available, Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect. 10:4tfric EXETER FAMILY dwellings and duplexes; Centralia large brick house, low price, kw taxes; 4-bedroom house, mod- erate price, low taxes, 12 miles to London on pavement. Good farms 50 to 300 acres. W. C. Pearce, Realtor 235- 1402; Bill Armstrong, Sales- man 2354376. Wee APARTMENT OVER store, 1 bedroom. Phone days 235-0270, evenings 235-0685. tlfnc LARGE 5-ROOM apartment, in, new Taylor Apartment build- ing, living room with wall-to- wall carpet, frig and stove supplied, washer and dryer. Harold Taylor, 105 Main St., phone 235-0674, 241ine MODERN unfurnished apart- ment, 1 bedroom, living room, dining room and kitchen, 4-pc. bath, steam heat, hot water supplied. Apply Art Gaiser, Elmart Apts. Phone 235-1505 days, 235-2754 after 6 p.m. ltfnc C. V. PICKARD CUSTOM CORN COMBINING & DRYING LAKE LOT WANTED-Prefer- ably located between Grand Bend and Bayfield. Please re- ply stating lot size, location, price and other pertinent in- formation to Box D.M, Exeter Times-Advocate. 8:15:22e USED PIANOS, player pianos and rolls. Write Box 24 Kom- oka or phone 471.1677 London stating price and size. 10:1541:19* with a continuous dryer. NEARLY NEW - 4 Goodyear tires, size 5.25-16, 2 snow tires, on wheel 'if desired. Phone 234R or Box C Henson.. 22c TRANSFERRED overseas- '61 Volkswagen deluxe, $895; Hof- ner electric guitar, dual pick- up, $75; 48-base piano accor- dion, like new, $75; child's scooter, good condition, $8.50. Phone Crediton 234-6243, 22c 2 OIL SPACE heaters-1 Cole- man, 1 Duo Therm with fan; 200-gal. storage tank with pump suitable for gas or oil. Phone Ron Braid 3W Dashwood. 22 : 29c 15 Wanted 4-BEDROOM house in Exeter, available Nov, 1. Apply Wm, Westlake, phone 235.2417 after 6 p.m. 20*tfnc 3-BEDROOM house near Exe- ter, modern conveniences. Phone 35R5 Dashwood. 22:29c 62 Comet Sedan, automatic, radio, power equipped. Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion- Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch. 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1959 CHEVROLET, 4-door se- dan, blue, 6 cylinder motor, automatic transmission; cus- tom radio, 2 new tires, other tires in good condition. Body in fair condition. Price $500,00 cash. Phone 30R13 Kirkton. 22 : 29c INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE TWO STOREY BRICK - Well located in Exeter, Each floor contains a complete apart- ment complete with nice kitch- ens and 3-piece bathrooms, This home is in good repair inside and out, Offering at a very low price. THREE BEDROOM BRICK - Interior of house like new. Good kitchen, dining room and living room, glassed and screened sunporch. Full base- ment, oil burning furnace. Double garage. Reasonable price and terms. A LARGER HOME at a rea- sonable price. Provides all the comforts of a modern home plus generous living space at the price of a small newly built home. This home is one of the nicer homes in Exeter. Reasonable price and terms. We have other homes, Tudor, automatic, 6 cyl. 13 For Sale CALL LOUIS BARKMAN Kirkton 173R3 or li miles north of Fullarton 22c Classifications GOOD FARM home for Shep- herd X male dog, 8 months old, vaccinated, very friendly, good with children. Phone Cen- tralia 228-6925. 22' 61 Austin GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, 10 weeks old, Phone 80J Dash- wood. 15tfnc USED WASHERS, dryers, re- frigerators, ranges and one chesterfield and chair, excep- tionally good. Sandy Elliot 235- 0585. 8tfnc MASSEY HARRIS 30 tractor with mounted 2-row corn pick- er. Phone 116 Dashwood. 8:15:22* Sedan, to tone UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmons Apts. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 6:lltfne 3-BEDROOM house in Exeter. Phone 235-1877. Mine 60 Pontiac PROJECT WANTED Sedan, 6 cyl, automatic QUEBEC HEATER, burns wood or coal, grate in good shape. Phone 235-0535. Wesley Hack- ney, Hay P.O. 22:29' 59 Meteor WATER WELL DRILLING - AU materials and workman- ship guaranteed. Phone Credi- ton 234-6395 'any day noon to midnight except Mondays, In- wood 25R11 collect day or night or write: Ross R. Mun- ro, Box 186 Bothwell, Ont, 8 : 20-10: 29c Automatic, radio High School Shop class invites projects for a grade 12 build- ing construction class. Owner to supply materials. Class will build to specifica- tions. 59 Plymouth EXCAVATING, BULLDOZING, TRENCHING - Sewer work, ponds, etc. Compressor for sand blasting, air hammer. Gravel, topsoil. Sam Sweitzer, phone 235-0181. Iltfnc POTATOES - Martens Broth- ers, phone 234-6488 Crediton. 10:8-11:12c 2-BEDROOM apartment, 11 miles north of RCAF Cen- tralia, heated, with all con- veniences. Phone Earl W. Neil 235-1921. ltfnc 3-BEDROOM house, 3 miles south-west of Exeter, oil fur- nape, 3-pee. bath, modern con- veniences, newly redecorated, available immediately. Phone Earl W. Neil 235-1921. ltfnc MODERN unfurnished apart- ment, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, 4-pee. bath, steam heated, hot water supplied. Apply Art Gaiser, Elmart Apts. Phone 235-1505 days, 235-2754 after 6 p.m. ltfnc SMALL HOME - Working or retired couple preferred; very low rent to suitable person. Phone 235-1775. ltfnc Sedan, radio, push-button 2 LARGE bedroom apartment, new bath, living room, kitchen and dining area, frig and stove supplied, utility room. Harold Taylor, 105 Main St. Phone 235-0674. 24tfnc BROADLOOM carpet 12' x 16', grey tone; also felt under pad- ding, good condition. Phone 235-2915 Exeter. 22c SMALL KEROSENE heater (new), suitable, for cottage or apartment, Phone 235-2915. 22c MODERN 3 - bedroom farm home on 'highway 23, with ap- proximately three acres and out-buildings. Possession avail- able August 1. Apply Box CPL Exeter Times-Advocate. 6: 18tfric CONTACT KEN OTTEWELL Shop Instructor SHDHS 92 Gidley St. or phone 235-0880 THREE 12 to 14" Oliver Radex plow bottoms, good condition, Thomas L, Scott, Cromarty. Phone 12R15 Dublin. 22* 1. Lost, Strayed 2, Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6, Business Opportunities 7, Teachers Wanted 8, Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13, For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22, Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25, Auction Sales 22:29c MODERN 2-BEDROOM apart- ment, stove and frig supplied, very reasonable rent. Phone Crediton 234-6301. 10tfnc NO! NO! NO! NO! SOUTH END SERVICE Phone 235-2322 Exeter 16 Property For Sale Two apartments for rent. C. V. PICKARD 394 Main St. Phone 235-0310 • 6:25tfnc WANT-ADS GET RESULTS KENT KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, bathroom vanities, golden tone natural birch. Durable beauty for Canada's finest kitchens. Formed Arborite tops. Free estimates and kitchen plan- ning service. We install. Thos. H. Walker, Authorized Dealer, 17 Nelson St., phone 235-0722 (collect), 27tfnc BARGAINS IN bedroom suites now at Sandy Elliot's. Some nice ones to choose from. 24tfnc 1 Lost, Strayed 2 - STOREY white brick house in Exeter, in good repair, 3 bedrooms. Apply Stan Love, 93 Andrew St., Exeter. 9:17-10:22* 2 - BEDROOM 1 storey house, vacant, suitable for elderly couple. Phone 235-1402. 3tfnc NEVER borrow from a friend! If you're "a little short till pay-day" come see us, We'll lend you 850 for two weeks and all it will cost you is 47 cents. Fast, simple, confiden- tial. And you don't lose a friend. Ask for a Mini-Loan at 9-PIECE WALNUT dining room suite, $75.00. See Hopper-Hock- ey, Main St. 22c CORN CRIB, 35', built on 2 hydro poles, $35.00 Glen Prout, RR 1 Centralia. 22c OLD FASHIONED double bed, refinished in antique white and gold; good clean Sealy mattress. Phone Centralia 228- 6332. 22c WHITE UNIFORM taken by mistake from Brady Cleaners. Please phone 2354730. 22c LOST-Beagle, male, 5 months old, well marked, on con. 4 Stephen Township on Sunday, October 17. Reg McDonald, Exeter. 22* STRAYED from Lot 9, Con. 5 Hay Twp. 1 Holstein heifer and 1 Holstein steer weighing around 750 lbs. Tag right ear. Harold Campbell, phone Hen- sall 22:29* PUPS - And breeding stock, Standard Dachshunds; Smooth and Toy Fox Terriers; Toy Manchester; good selection, $20 and up. A. Macintosh, Clan- deboye. 227-4598. Stine Crescent BLACK RIDING mare, broken, and 2 yearling colts, one filly, one gelding. Phone Earl Ratz, 165R5 Dashwood. 22c FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED P. G. Flannigan, Manager 465 Main St., Exeter Phone 235-6033 22:29c BIG REDUCTION now on Kel vinator and General freezers. All sizes in stock at Sandy Elliot's. 8tfnc # 10 NEW IDEA corn picker; also John Deere corn sheller complete with corn thrower and cob stacker. Apply Vern Alderdice, Kippen, phone Hen- sall 332W4. 22c HOCKEY equipment. Phone Centralia 228-6680. 22* SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed, No mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238-2031 or 238-2166. 8:8tfnc DUO THERM medium space heater with blower and damp- er; 2 coal or wood heaters. Apply Monday to Friday (day- time) 382 William St. 22* PRINCESS PAT coal or wood range, black with white en- amel and chrome trim. Two Quebec heaters. All in good condition. Apply Bill French, RR 3 Lucan, Phone Kirkton 35R3. 22* 3 Male Help Wanted ' LEARN MEAT CUTTING - Be a certified butcher for jobs now. Men needed for day or evening, and home study courses now being formed of- fering practical training in meat cutting, merchandising and self service. For further information write or call Prac- tical Meat Cutting & Retail Training Institute, 1425 Dan- forth Ave., Toronto, Phone HO 17545. 10: 8-11 : 26c RELIABLE MAN as dealer in townships of Usborne, Bid- dulph and Blanchard. Experi- ence not necessary. Fine op- portunity to step into old prof- itable business where Raw- leigh Products have been sold for years. Big profit. Products furnished on credit. Write Raw leigh, Dept. J-202-163, 4005 Rich- elieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 22c HEINTZMAN piano. Phone 238- 2339 Grand Bend. Mrs. Bill Baker. NEED A WATER WELL? Drilled 4" diameter to 10" di- ameter to 1500'; bored 30" di- ameter to 200'. A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Cost of drilling with new machine is reasonable, Men are experienced in all phases of setting screens etc, Phone Elmira 669-3761 Day or Night 7:16tfnc RCA 4-TRACK tape recorder; 8 M.M. Bell & Hill camera and projector; electric stove. Phone 235-2725. 22* PRESS PLATES COLEMAN SPACE heater with blower. Phone 235-0435. 22c GIRL'S RED COAT, size 8.10, new condition. Can be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 22* Aluminum press plates, x 36", .009 thick. This sheet metal would he excellent for lining buildings, etc. ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 7;1.6-11:5c 4 sheets 250 COB CORN right from picker. Order now. Phone Crediton 234-6424, Albert Regier. 15:22c ALUMINUM DOORS, win- dows, awnings, siding, alumi- num and wrought iron porch railings. Top quality products at reasonable prices. Call us for free estimates, We do our own installing. Walker Alumi- num Sales, Phone 235-0722 (collect) Exeter. 4tfnc TIMES - ADVOCATE DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL 22tfn YOUNG MAN for dry clean- ers. Some experience prefer- red. Inside and outside work. Steady employment, Apply in person Grand Bend Cleaners. Phone 238-2122. 22c McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - Call Collect - DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Dead Animal Licence No. 262-C-63 12:12tfnc RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed PHONE 228.6214 10 Livestock For Sale BEAUTIFUL black 4-year-old gelding thoroughbred quarter horse, $250.00 or trade for cat- tle. Phone 666-1068. . 22e SPRAYED APPLES-Pick your own, Spies, etc. Bring your containers, low tree s, no climbing. Picking days Mon- day, Wednesday, Friday, Sat- urday only. Also picked ap- ples - Talman Sweet, Snow, Russet, Delicious, Greening, Baldwin, etc, Fred McClymont & Sons, 1 mile south of Varna. 4 Female Help Wanted LADY to take care of 3 chil- dren and do housework. Phone 235-2603. 22c ALL FRINGE benefits, two weeks vacation, paid statu- tory holidays, pension plan. Apply Highland Shoes, Sea- forth, Ont. 15 ; 22c WAITRESS for day and eve- ning shift. Call in person. Rether's Restaurant, Exeter, 22c Invest for your future with safety and earn REGISTERED Lacombe boars, serviceable age. Apply Emer- son Penhale, first farm east of Elimville, Phone 2.5817 Kirk- ton. 15:22* 6 HOLSTEIN heifers, freshen in March, priced very reason- able. Ferdinand Desjardine, phone Grand Bend 238.2603, 15 : 22: 29* STENOGRAPHER GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 22 PIGS 10.11 weeks old; 9 pigs 6 weeks old, Apply A, E. Frie- sen, Fullarton. Phone Kirkton 112R10, 22c 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Exeter office, good salary, Apply Box NAS, Exeter Times- Advocate. 3:8tftic 517. on your savings 8 PIGS 11 weeks old. John Batten, Elimville, Phone Kirk- ton 25R23, 22* DUAL- PURPOSE Shorthorns; roan heifer, fresh with heifer calf; red heifer due in one week, one serviceable aged bull, rilnaer Channel, Crom- arty, Phone 44R12 2229* 9 Services GUITAR LESSONS--To arrange for a free talent test phone 235.2120 or see Mt, Pulsifer at 92 Main St, South, 15tfric 01.1H,TING DONE in the home at reasonable rates. Phone 7 Dashwood, 220 EXETER NURSING HOME 24-hour nursing care, moderate rates. Mrs, R. Iles, 36 Sanders Si. Phone 235-0810, 17tfild Since 1877 buy Canada Savings Bonds 3-5 Years BRITISH MORTGAGE &TRUST CSI3164 Pay 41/2%for each 01 illejirsilleoyears; 5%fot each of the riekliive,years; 64-o 31/2 %for each of the llteee years-an average yield what held 10 Mahlr11y of 5% a year Western Ontario Offices: Stratford • Exeter Godertch • Hanover IListowel • St. Marys 4 HaSTEIN bull calves, Some a week old, sonic 10 days Old, Harry Gielett, phone Crediton 234.6294, 22*