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Times-Advocate, October 22, 1964 Page 1
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Officials discuss conference plans
The first meeting of the Cre-
diton Colleen 4-H Club was held
Monday evening in the Com-
munity Centre.
Officers were elected. Pre-
sident is Wendy Neil; vice-
president, Margaret Haist; sec-
retary, Ruth Hodge; treasurer,
Karen Finkbeiner; press re-
porter, Linda Haugh; pianists,
Marie Powe and Barbara Att-
The topic of the evening was
"Freedom that Canadians En-
The leaders in charge of the
girls are Mrs. Harvey Hod-
gins and Mrs. Cliff Kenney.
The second meeting of the
United Church Young Peoples
was held Monday evening in the
Sunday School rooms with 31
members present.
The worship service was
taken by Elyse Lampert, Wayne
King and Beverley Sims.
The guest speaker was Mr.
G. BUsche of meteorological
department of RCAF Centralia.
Officers for the coming year
are; President, Jim Neil; vice-
president, Dick Colter; secre-
tary, Jacqualine England; trea-
surer, Douglas Lightfoot; press
reporter, Elyse Lamport.
Lunch was served by Pat
Clarke, Jim Finkbeiner and
Shiley Pfaff.
Also Save on Matching Satinhide Trim Enamel
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"Support the Youth of
ow' Community"
reenway peopie
re.main „hospital
Over 150 at Crediton conference ...Enjoy vi4it to resort
Theme speaker yout 4ad laTaliY Of Pat .SPent the
weekend with mr. & Mrs, cecll
AO Johnnie,
• gth stpw 4rdsp 4
spendiag 4 Sew daYS with TOP--
tives in Hamilton end purling,
mrs. Lawrence Gurts spent
feW OATS 144t week with her
daughter, Mrs. Lloyd W4un, who
is a patient in the hospital
pernia and with ether members
of her family,
Mips E/da Brown of London
spent the weekend with mr, &
Mrs. Ross Brown and family.
Mr. & Mrs. David cluness
and family of Parkhill visited
Sunday with her parents, Mr.
& Mrs. Gordon Woodburn.
Mr. & Mrs. Willia Brophey
of Brampton visited last week
with relatives in this vicinity.
• & Kenneth smith,
ers and Miss Viola curts of
London visited Sunday with Mr.
mapuel Curts and Miss Eve-
lyn Curts.
Mr, & Mrs, Leroy Bariteau
of Grand Bend visited Sunday
with Mr. & Mrs. Carman Wood-
Mrs. David Wiggins of Clare,
Michigan, spent a few days last
week with her cousins Mr. &
Mrs. Lawrence Pollock'.
Mrs. Jack Procic and Mrs,
Bruce MeLinchey ere patients
.stl JQ§ephIs liosnit41, 4Prie
Anniversary services were
held in the United Church Suer
day when Rev. W, c, 5111.tth Of
st. payids, a former minister,
was guest, speaker. Mr. & Mrs,
Smith were. gUests with Mr. 4
Mrs, Elton prts and Mr, 4
Mrs. Eoss Erown and family,
Mr, & Mrs, Chas, Wareham,
Miss Deyina Mason and Mrs,
Robert Eagleson of Sarnia and
Mrs, Wellwood Thompson, of
Brampton visited one day last
week with Mr. & Lawrence
Pollock, Mrs. Thompson re-
rnained with Mr, &,Mrs. Pollock
for a few days.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Patterson
and Winston of Grand Bend
visited Senday with Mr. & Mrs,
Milton Woodburn.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hodge re-
turned to Detroit Monday after
spending their vacation last
week with their aunt, Mrs. Al-
bert polloek. Mr. & Mrs. Har-
old Dettloff of Detroit visited
Sunday with them.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Wright of
Sarnia visited Tuesday with Mr.
& Mrs. Russell Brown and fam-
ily and Mr. Dean Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Woodburn
About 150 young people Were
'dared" to a more active
Christian life by Rev. Gordon..
HUnter, Toronto, theme speaker
at the gOthannual yetithFellow-
ship convention for the Evan,
gelical 'united Brethern Church.
held in Crediton over the week,
',Renewal in Christ" was the
theme of the convention and this
was c a r r ied throughout the
speech given by Rev. Hunter at
the Saturday night banquet.
He dared the young people
from throughout O ntario to stick.
out their necks in witnessing
for Christ. He told them to take
the lesson of the turtle, who
unless he has his, neck out, fails
to get anywhere.
The young people were also
dared to get on the ball, to fall
in love with Jesus Christ and to
get into orbit and out into the
world to carry a real cross.
doesntt take much of a
man to be achristian," the well
known cleric concluded, "but it
takes all there is of him".
The convention opened in
Crediton with registration Fri-
day night and the opening ser-
vice was .chaired by Lynda Shuh,
An address of welcome was
brought from the host youths
by Carol Hendrick and Rev. A,
M. Schlenker welcomed the
delegates to the Crediton
The n young people of the zur,
ich EUB had the opening de-
votions with Joan Rader, Lynda
Gascho and Donna Kipper in
After the service there was
an informal fellowship which
concluded the evening before
the delegates departed for their
On Saturday morning, the
Mildmay Youth Fellowship had
devotions with James Bauman
in charge.
The business period followed
which included a report from
the Conference secretary, Mar-
garet Shuh. Elizabeth Heinmil-
The four persons above were among the hardest workers at the Crediton conference over the
weekend and all played an integral part. From the left are: Dr. E. Hallman, Kitchener, conference
superintendent; Carolyn Neuman, Pembroke, president of the EUB YF; Carol Hendrick, president
of the Crediton host group; Rev. Gordon Hunter, Toronto, theme speaker. —T-A photo
:ler and „Jim AntierSen gave a
repert on the caravan,
Rey,. Hunter gaye one ,ef
.talks gollowing thlp and .d.inner
was then held In the hali, This
.is. where all the meals took
piage and the ladies of the host
Church catered.
After discussion group ses-
sions in the afternoon, buses
arrived at the church to take the
young people to Grand Bend
where they had the privilege to
either roller skate or yisit Peter
Eisenbach's <museum.
Saturday evening there was a
banquet in which Carolyn Neu-
man, president of the Canada
Conference Youth Fellowship,
was in charge.
Mrs. Gesell°, B o nni e Mc-
Crae, Joan Rader, Bert Pletch
and 1)on Getz gave a report from
the general convention which
was held in Pennsylvania this
past summer.
Following the banquet and
Rev. Hunter's main speech, a
hootenany was held in the church
Sunday morning at 8;30 the
youths attended the service of
Holy Communion in which Rev.
Schlenker, Rev. Seeback and
Rev. Paul Libeau participated.
Worship service followed at
10;00 and this was followed by
Sunday School in which Calvary
Church, Kitchener, took the
opening devotions and Ann Reit-
ber, Elmira, had a Bible study
On Sunday afternoon the dele-
gates elected the following new
President, Bert Pletch, Clif-
ford; first vice-president, Bar-
bare Kellerman; second vice-
president, James Anders o n,
Kitchener; secretary, Phyllis
Leinweber, Hamilton; treasur-
er, Wayne Domm, Alsfelt; com-
mission chairman, Debby
Weave r, Kitchener; Marilyn
Hollinger, Kitchener; Joan Rad-
er, Zurich; Rosemary Raycraft,
Milverton; Larry Krotz, Gow-
After the election, a report
was given on summer camps;
a representative from each re-
ported on the d if fe rent YF'
events in their church; Ross
Wein, Crediton, told of his sum-
mer experiences in Kenya.
The South Cayuga YF took the
concluding devotions and Rev.
Seebeck installed the new of-
ficers and the convention con-
cluded with a lunch.
The Convention inc luded
young people from the five dis-
tricts of Hanover, Stratford,
Waterloo, Ottawa and Hamilton.
Girls learn
of posture
Elimville Club 1 held their
third meeting Monday, Oct. 19,
at the home of Kathy Hern. Roll
call was answered by 11 mem-
bers with the name of a book
they would like to own.
Notes were given by the lead-
ers. Sharon Fletcher demon-
strated how to stand correctly
and Geraldine Blair demon-
strated how to sit correctly.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Sharon Fletcher.
The second meeting of Elim-
\rifle Club 1 was held Oct. 13 at
the home of Mrs. Nor m an
Roll call was answered by
11 members with an item they
plan to include in their first aid
kit. Notes were given by the
leaders Mrs. N. Jaques and
Mrs. C. Jaques.
Mrs. Thomas Hern showed
how to do huck weaving and all
did a sample.
Junior books cannot be bor-
rowed Thursday evening, Fri-
day and Saturday of this week
during renovations.
Junior books due and over-
due may be returned to the
main desk free of charge this
Public Library
All Lawn
Reduced 25%
$6.50 Each
Reder's Florist
Phone 235-2603 14
Delegates sign in at Crediton
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Huffman
visited Sunday with his sister,
Mrs. Tedford, Blenheim,
Rev. & Mrs. Smith visited
with Mr. & Mrs. Karl Guenther
and family and Mr. Herbert
Harlton Monday.
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Baum-
garten, Bothwell, spent a few
days visiting in the neighbour-
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hart, Wood-
stock, visited Sunday with Mr.
& Mrs. Harry Sheppard.
Mrs. Lam port attended a
birthday celebration for Mr.
Pete Duncan at their home in
London Sunday.
One of the 150 delegates at the EUB YF Conference at Crediton over the weekend was no stranger
to the community. Charles Feist, shown above with four young ladies, is the son of Rev. F. M.
Faist, Kitchener, formerly of Crediton. On the right is another Kitchener delegate, Donna Swartz.
The three members of the host group who acted as registrars are, from the left: Faye Schlenker,
Carol Hendrick and Judy Finkbeiner. —T-A photo
Crediton ladies unite;
departing couple feted
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wade and
family of Ancaster spent the
weekend with Mr. & Mrs. John
Mrs. Robe r t Hilborn and
Kathy of Hanover spent the
weekend with Mrs. E. Feist
ings of Thanksgiving and sug-
gested that there are many
small blessings we just take
for granted. Mrs. Hiltz thank-
ed Mrs. Lewis for her mes-
Lunch was served by the
hostesses of the evening, Mrs.
John Galloway, Mrs. Arthur
Attfield, Mrs. Garfield Hill and
Mrs. Lorne Preszcator.
Mrs. G. E. Wenzel moved a
vote of thanks to the ladies
of the United Church for their
neighbours and friends recently and Nola.
when they gathered at their Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Vande-
home before they moved to town. worn of Kitchener spent the
The evening was spent in con- weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin
tests and a game of bingo. Finkbeiner and Mrs. Vande-
Mr. and Mrs. Sims were pre- worp of Exeter.
sented with a pole lamp from the S/L and Mrs. Robert Pal-
friends and neighbours. mer and family of Downsview
They moved into their new spent the holiday weekend with
home in Crediton Monday. Mr. & Mrs. Emery Fahrner,
Mr. Calvin Fahrner of New
PERSONALS York is spending a few days
Mrs. W. H. Smith returned this week with his parents. Mrs.
home Sunday after having spent Fahrner has been confined to
a few weeks with her sister, her home after a fall in which
Mrs. Violet Young at F ort she suffered a badly sprained
Wayne, Indiana. ankle and torn ligaments.
Mrs. Emery Geiser is a pa- Don't forget the change of
tient at South Huron Hospital. time Saturday at midnight.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sims
were honoured by some thirty
. =
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E E Dobbs for
Dodge =a = =
--7 1925 "E . _
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E. Winterized Guaranteed Dependable = F_ =
Sale price on quarts $2.24
1964 Signet convertible--loads of extras, factory
warranty-40,000 miles or 4 years $3095
1962 Dodge sedan-6 cyl., radio, automatic, low mileage $1750
Do the cars illustrated jog any-
body's memory? The top one should.
The one to the right is more difficult.
Give us a guess. (No, they're not on
our lot — but a lot of bright late
model cars ARE!) 1908 HEAR EXETER SPEAKER
Wednesday evening of last
Week UCW of the United Church
Were hostesses to the ladies of
the EUB church. The Sunday
School 'rooms were tastefully
decorated for this Thankoffer-
ing meeting with autumn flew-
ers and a fruit-filled horn of
plenty. The visitors were wel-
comed by the President, Mrs.
Robert Reid and the Worship
was conducted by Mrs. Sam
King assisted by Mrs. Nelson
Mrs. R. Hilts introduced the
1961 Valiant sedan—slant 6, sharp black, stick shift ,,,,, ,,, „. $1245
1961 Dodge sedan-6 cyl., automatic, one owner, low mileage ,.„ $1345
1961 Vauxhall sedan—radio, sharp
1961 Falcon sedan—radio, Clean
1960 Dodge Polara sedan—V8, automatic, power steering,
power brakes, radio, one owner 0395
1960 Pontiactwo door, 6 CA,. clean $1095
1959 Dodge sedan—V8, automatic; one owner $ 795
$ 795
$1195. re"
, • 216 .MA1N Sti EXETER. 136.1(150 iueit gookek Of the' eVening • - •
Mit. S., E, Lewis of Exeter. =
MiSa. LeWis SpOke On thehless-i