HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-10-15, Page 19BELL LINES by W. W. Haysom your telephone manager WRITING TO ANYONE? your envelope should show: 1 The name of the person you are addressing. ci The street number, street name, or post office box nuinber, apartment or business block, suite, if any, 3 City, town or village, and postal zone, if in use, province, 4 Your name and your complete address in the upper left Corner; please don't make the postman guess - be sure to write the correct address. 1:CA°14S ATCiAl A Luxurious new Ambassador -Rambler quality for the larger-car buyer, a *amass, , A Pmaust of ArnefiCiln MutotS (Canada) taaass October 15 Page 11 pests with I314.,,Howard 440 440 Noreen WalkOM. fipwar0 Rip and Miss Noreen Walkann Spent the weekend Al W4rciPliP Simeoe and whgs there attended the siK000s fair. Sunday guests with Mr, 4 Mrs. Wm. Spence and faMilY Were Mr. & Mrs. Norman Brock and Bill and Mrs. Nelson prpolt• Mr, 4 Mra, Grant Skinner, Pan and Julie, all of West Zion, Mr. 4 Mrs, PH/ Wen! seafortht Mr. p& Mrs. Rtirton ?Organ, Brian and Paul of St, Marys. MI'S. Ray Morrison and WM- ily of St, Marys were guests with Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Mc Naughton and family Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Catnro of Regina, Sask., were guests with Mr. & Mrs. David Holland Sat- erday, Mr. & Mrs. Eric Westnian of London spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Da- vid Holland. Baseline women on Brantford trip 17 Property for Rent ,STEAM HEATED apartment, , wall Carpet; oeW. furniturp, new range, .and frigerator, very Central, .442 Main St. 235.0585 or nights. 45-2912. :Stftie and Robbie of Lansing, Mich, and Mr. Pete Peerholt of Clip, Mrs. Elsie Lockridge of alp, cheater, N.Y, was a weekend. guest with Mr, & Mrp, Harry Welsher. _Mr, & Mrs, Earl Watson, Third Line, Mr, & Mra, Bob Marshal, Brent and Lana of Kirkton, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mc- NaughtPli 1)411 and Rodney of Highbery Ave, were Sunda y pests with Mr, Mrs. Reg, McCurdy. Mr, & Mrs. Reg, McCurdy were Monday supper geepta with Mr. & Mrs. papl aleHaughtop and family of Highbury Ave. Mr, & Mrs. Dilman Baumap, Ronald and Leslie pf Dpon ed recently with Rey, & Mrs, N. R. Ernst and Barbara. By MRS. ARcHIE DEWAR Meade-Ines Wilson, ,Parkin-. Pon, ,SPence and Dewar attepsi, ed the Horticultural bps trip. Monday when two Exeter hpseg carried 88 ladies to 13rantaord where they toured. the Harding Carpet factory. Stopping at Brantford fpr din- ner they went on to Pert Bur- well visiting ivIcCoapels gar- dens, also the dahlia gardepp where every kind of dahlia was sglriogyyhtnl.y frp nizee nof th teh ensi ;hilt t abdefhoereon. Due to lack of time other places of interest that had been planned, could pot be visited. Stopping at "The Barn" near London for supper, they arrived home about 9 pm. SCHOOL WINS The Base Line School and their teacher Mrs. Morrison are to be congratulated on their success In taking so many 4-ROOM' apartment, living and dining room, kitchen, bath. Rent $50.00, Phone 235-0324. 24tfnc prizes at KirktPli fafr, They re ceiSren first Prize in the Pro,,, Jeot on Japan", •third in the p4r, 40 and winning in the ttlg'ot VAX over six cho'pls. This pclipol has 14 .attending this year. PERSONALS Greeats with Mr. Mrs. Fred Pa.ricipaon were Mr. & Mrs, Don ease and family of Exeter and Mr. & Mrs. Jack Pickel of St. Marys. Mr, & mrs, Rolat. Elston and family spept Sunday with Mr. & Mrs, Clare Elston and fatria ily pf London. Mr. & Mrs. George Wilson were gpeats Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Rop Chandler of Brant- ford. Guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ara chie Dewar Sunday were Mr. & aars. Stewart Marriott, Ron and Maryanne of St. Marys, Mr. & Mrs. Vytas Trecioka.s, Paul and Ellen of Don Mills, Mrs. Evelyn Baker, Toronto and Mr, & Mrs. Vernon Trott, Betty and Ward Passo of Tor- onto. Mrs. Wilfred Wilson spent the weekend with friends in Cass, Michigan. Mrs. T. Doube and Russell visited with friends in Peter- born and while there Russell attended the International plow- ing match. Mr. & Mrs. Adam Gordon were guests with Mrs. Gordon's sister, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Scott, Kirkton, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Miller and family of Cromarty were Sunday .i.1=M11•1=111111111101 All Lawn Ornaments Reduced 25% SPECIAL ON CLAY BIRD BATHS $6.50 Each Reder s Florist Phone 235.2603 and amalgation of the WMS western division was given in dramatic form led by Mrs. Frank Whilsmith with three la- dies costumed in the dress of the 1860s representing the pre- sidents. The sectional meeting will be held in Cromarty Church Octo- ber 22 at 8 p,m. Several ladies attended the dedication of the new church at Harrington last Sunday where a former pastor, Rev, S. Kerr serves, Home Helpers at Coven event Guest speaker at Caven WMS meeting Thursday evening was Mrs. Tom Aitcheson, secretary of the Home Helpers depart- ment of Stratford Presbyterial t who brought greetings and a Thanksgiving message. She also told of her holiday and ex- periences at Kintail camp this summer. Rev. J. C. Boyne conducted the Bible study on the Gospel of St. John and Mrs. Carman Cann, Mrs. David Millar, Mrs., Norman Stanlake and Mrs. Boyne sang a Thanksgiving hymn accompanied by Mrs. Gil- bert Dow. The study on the organization To Help Prevent The RUST That Attacks Your Car Have Pro-Tectyl App 1 ie d To Combat The Road Salts and Moisture of Winter Do it now Before the Wet Weather Is Here Only $9.00 SNELI BROS. LTD. Phone 235-0660 Exeter MODERN 2-BEDROOM apart- ment, stove and frig supplied, very reasonable rent. Phone Crediton 234-6301. 10tfne LARGE MODERN apartment on ground floor; 4 bedrooms, living room with fireplace, din- ing room, kitchen and bath, heat, hot water, automatic laundry facilities sup pl i e d. Central location. Parker Apts., 431 Main St. 235-0915. 15tfnc MODERN 2-bedroom apart- ment on ground floor, heat, hot water, automatic laundry facilities supplied. Centrally located. Parker Apts., 431 Main St. Phone 235-0915. 15tfnc 1-BEDROOM apartment, heat- ed, ground floor, partly fur- nished, available Nov. 1. Phone 235-2374, 15:22e Out With The Old — In With The New 1-BEDROOM home, large liv- ing room, new bathroom, dec- orated •throughout, floor fur- nace. Rent $45. Phone 235-1483 or apply 373 Marlboro Street, Exeter. 15* AUCTION SALE Horse and Pony Consignment Sale • SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 at 12:00 o'clock noon Buckboard Ranch, Boundary Road, RR 1 PORT ALBERT, ONT. 529-7283 15c HENSALL EXETER YOU'VE GOT CANADA'S NEWEST RAMBLER DEALER Charlie's Auto Sales WELLINGTON ST., HENSALL PHONE 108 2-BEDROOM cottage in Lucan, available immediately. Phone 227-4254 or 227-4312. 15:22*tfnc FURNISHED UPPER apart- ment. Private entrance. Phone 235-2083. 15* AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises CENTRE STREET, ZURICH. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 at 1:30 p,m. Electric 2-burner Sunshine stove; dining room table and chairs; drop-leaf table; odd chairs; rocking chairs; table lamps; tri-light lamp; hall tree; radio; clock; buffet; cut glass; pitcher and glass set; dishes, including antiques; cut- lery; kitchen utensils; vacuum cleaner; couch; hanging lamp shade; 2-wheel trailer; heavy duty saw mandril; blower for forge; hammer handles; shov- el handles; clothes dryers; tools; beet grinder and press; auger bits %" to 1"; 2" auger and other articles. In case of rain sale will be held under cover. TERMS: Cash ED. REICHERT, Prep. ED CORBETT, Auct, 15:22c 50 ACRES—No buildings, will take 3-year lease. Apply Box 342 Exeter Times-Advocate. 15c Another new Dealer joins Rambler's constantly-expanding Dealer organ- ization! Now at Charlie's Auto Sales you can get top-quality service and parts for your Rambler, The staff at Charlie's Auto Sales has been spe- cially trained to give your Rambler the very best care and service, Drop into Charlie's Auto Sales as soon as you can. See three great new series of cars in three different sizes—the youthful compact American, the fast new miclsize Classic 6 or V8, and the totally new, longer, larger Ambassador. And there's a new wide range of superb 6 and V8 engines, plus more than 70 spectacular power options and features. If you want a compact, look at the youthful '65 Rambler American, the leader of all the compacts, yet still the lowest-priced Canadian-built car. If you want something bigger, the fast new family-sized Rambler Classic 6 and V8 is the car for you. If you want, something bigger still, see the longer, larger luxurious 1965 Ambassador. Test drive the new big 3— the great '65 Ramblers today at Charlie's Auto Sales. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Farm Imple- ments, Livestock and Misc. Items On the premises LOT WEST HALF 9 & 10, CON. 8, USBORNE TVVP, i/2 mile west of Winchelsea or 4 miles east of No. 4, St. Marys Road. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTOR & FARM IMPLE- MENTS: Allis Chalmers "B" standard tractor on rubber, in good condition; M.H. binder; M.H. 7 ft. spring tooth culti- vator; M.H. horse drawn ma- nure spreader, on steel; M.H. mower, 6 ft. cut; M.H. 8 ft. land packer; M.11. side de- livery rake; Fleury Bissel 2- furrow tractor plow; set trac- tor chains; 4-section diamond harrows; walking plow; rub- ber tire wagon; dump rake; Viking electric cream separa- tor; Universal 2-unit milking machine with piping for 12 cows; Wood's electric grain grinder; electric brooder; 3 h.p, electric motor; block and tackle; 16 ft. hay rack; fans sling Mill; root pulper; top buggy; 2 Matters; new set of sleighs; stone boat; chains; forks;.shovels, etc. CATTLE: Purebred Holstein cow, Milking, due Holstein yearling heifer; Here, ford heifer rising 2 years old; Hereford steer rising 2 years old, HOGS: Yorkshire OW ,With litter of 13, SIX weeks old; 2 Yorkshire sows bred in Atis gust; purebred Lacombe hog. No reserve as the farm is Sold. TERMS: Cash GEORGE bAtti,', Prop, GARNET HICKS, clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer I'm referring of course, to the brand new telephone directory we receive this time of year. The outside looks the freshest and the newest, but remember it's there mainly to hold the insides in! — It's the new and changed listings that are most important. So, to save yourself time and avoid wrong numbers, be sure to look the number up and jot it down before you call. An important note: Free calling to Hensall, Kirkton and Lucan becomes effective Nov. 15. Do not attempt to dial these exchanges until that date and then please dial the full seven digits of the called telephone. Another important note: When placing DDD calls it is essential that you give to the operator on reauest YOUR FULL SEVEN DIGIT NUMBER. Handy little blue books—ideal for recording your per- sonal list of telephone numbers—are still available free of charge (just call our business office and we'll send you one). Just dial 235-1550. 18 for Rent APARTMENT OVER store, 1 bedroom, Phone days 045-0270, evenings 235,0685. Wile T413 .G 5-ROOM 'apartment,. new 'Taylor Apartment build- ing, living min with wall-to- wall carpet, frig and stove supplied, Washer and dryer. Harold Taylor, 105 Main phone 235-0674. 24tfoc MODERN unfurnished apart, ment, 1 bedroom, living room, dining room and kitchen, 4-pc, bath, steam heat, hot water supplied. Apply Art Geiser, Elmart Apts, Phone 235-1505 days, 235.2754 after 6 p,m, ltfnc 4-BEDROOM house in Exeter, available Nov. 1, Apply Wm. Westlake, phone 235.2417 after 6 p,m. 20*Unc 3-BEDROOM house near Exe- ter, m od ern conveniences. Phone 35115 Dashwood. 20tine UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmons Apts. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p,m. 6 : lltfne 3-BEDROOM house in Exeter. Phone 235-1877. lltfne 2 LARGE bedroom apartment, new bath, living room, kitchen and dining area, frig and stove supplied, utility room. Harold Taylor, 105 Main St. Phone 235-0674. 24tfnc 3-BEDROOM house, 3 miles south-west of Exeter, oil fur- nace, 3-pee, bath, modern con- veniences, newly redecorated, available immediately. Phone Earl W. Neil 235-1921. ltfnc MODERN unfurnished apart- ment, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, 4-pee. bath, steam heated, hot water supplied. Apply Art Gaiser, Elmart Apts. Phone 235-1505 days, 235-2754 after 6 p.m. ltfnc SMALL HOME — Working or retired couple preferred; very low rent to suitable person. Phone 235-1775. ltfnc 8-ROOM HOUSE, modern con- veniences, 14 mile north of Hensall on Highway No. 4. Phone Hensall 274W4. 1:8:15c 1-BEDROOM, heated, furnish- ed apartment, suitable for one or two persons. Phone 235-1185. 1tfnc Clearing AYCTION SALE of Tractor, Truck, Farm. Machinery Horses, Cattle, HOusehold Effects Misc. Items On the premises LOT 6, CON. 14 HAY Twp. It miles west of Dashwood thence 11 miles north. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY/ OCTOBER 16 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTOR & FARM MACHIN- ERY: Int. Farman in good condition; Mc-Deering binder, 7 - ft cut, on rubber, like new; Mc-Deering power take-off mower, 7-ft, cut; Mc- Deering 13-run grain ,and fer- tilizer drill; Me-Deering 7-ft. spring tooth cultivator, on rub- ber; Fleury Kissel 30-plate tractor disc; Oliver 3-furrow plow on steel; 4-section Dia- mond harrows; 2-section Dia- mond harrows; Mc-Deering platform hay loader; Mc-Deer- ing team scuffler; Mc-Deering single scuffler; sulky plow; heavy duty rubber tire wag- on; 16-ft. hay rack; John Deere team drawn spreader; gravel box; dump rake; set of sleighs; cutter; circular saw; fanning mill; wooden land roller; walking plow•, ex- tension ladder; step ladder; block and tackle; set brass mounted team harness; chime bells; team bells; root pulper; wheelbarrow; single harness; Viking 650 cap. electric cream separator; milk pails; quan- tity cedar posts; steel cable; chains; forks; shovels; butch- er kettle and many other mis- cellaneous items. TRUCK: 1951 Ford 1-ton truck, with stock racks, HORSES: Team Belgium x Hackney general purpose geld- ings, 6 years old, guaranteed true and reliable. CATTLE: Roan Durham heif- er, due before sale date; part Durham and Hereford cow, carrying third calf, due before sale date; red Durham cow, carrying fourth calf, due in Oct.; part Hereford and Dur- ham cow, carrying third calf, due in Nov.; red Durham cow, carrying third calf, due in Dec.; roan cow, carrying sec- ond calf, due in Dec.; red heifer due in Jan.; Hereford and Holstein cow, milking, clue in March; roan cow, milk- ing, due in April; red Durham cow, due in May; roan Dur- ham cow, milking, recently re- bred; red Durham heifer, fresh with calf at foot; 2 Jersey cows, milking; 2 Hereford heifers, rising 2 years old; Durham cow, milking; 3 Dur- ham yearling heifers; 5 Dur- ham and Hereford spring calves; reg. heifer, rising 2 years old; purebred Hereford hull, rising 3 years old. FEED: Half acre of turnips and mangolds. HOUSEHOLD EFFECT S: Frigidaire 4-burner electric stove, in A-1 condition; Gen- eral Electric deluxe 9 cu. ft. refrigerator, like new; steel bedstead; dresser; sideboard; rocking chairs; chesterfield and 2 chairs; daybed; feather tick; cradle; cellar table; kitchen and bathroom scales; toilet set; kitchen chairs; kitchen utensils; floor lamp; fern stand; crocks; sealers; variety dishes, etc. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. ELGIN RADER, Prop. GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood 8:15c 25 Auction Sales imParfarlf AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc, Items On the premises FRANCES ST., LUEAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 at 1:00 REAL ESTATE: Consists of well built frame dwelling cov- ered with asphalt shingles. Large living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen with built- in cupboards, sun porch and utility room. Full size base- ment. Dwelling in good state of repair. Also small barn; 3 choice building lots, TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: 10% on day of ,sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD E F FE CT S: Dining room table, 6 chairs; buffet; combination desk and book case; drum type walnut table; davenport; occasional chairs; platform rocker; oak rocker; chest of drawers; Sparton television, recently purchased; 2 daybeds; port- able electric sewing machine; centre and end tables; GE re- frigerator; 2 Coleman space heaters; 2 - burner electric stove; kitchen table & chairs; kitchen cabinet; wardrobe; vacuum cleaner; fern stand; ironing board; telephone ta- ble; card table; steel bed- stead, springs and mattress; oak bedstead, springs and mat- tress; dressers; commodes; Axminster rug 10x12; cush- ions; assortment of dishes, silverware, glassware, antioue dishes; bedding; mats; quilts; comforters; kitchen utensils; electric appliances; electric clock; mantle clock; pictures; frames; mirrors; electric lamps; feather ticks; washing machine; galvanized tubs; bird bath; sealers; crocks; quantity of wood; garden tools; 2 wheelbarrows; cross-cut saw; step ladder: iron kettle; lawn mower; quilting frames, etc. No reserve—everything will be sold to settle estate. TERMS: Cash. ESTATE OF THE LATE, WM. T. AMOS ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 15c The undersigned will sell for STUTT BROS. Forest, Ontario WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21, 1964 at 2 p.m., D.S.T. 30 Head-14 Bulls, 16 Heifers Most of the Bulls are perfor- mance Tested and eligible for Grant of 20% — • — Catalogue on Request W. S. O'Neil, Auctioneer 8:15c 25 Auction Sales HEREFORDS 24th Annual Sale of REGISTERED By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE WOODHAM Mr, & Mrs. George Levy and, family of Russeldale, Mr, & Mrs. John Brookshaw and family of Rannoch, Mr. & Mrs. Bar* Levy and family of St. Marys were guests on Sunday with Mr. & Mrs, Walter Levy, Margaret anal David. Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Ford of Flint, Mich. were weekend guests with Mrs, Arthur Hop- kins. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hern and family of Zion West, Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Kirkby of Kirk- ton, Mrs. Edgar Rodd of Exe- ter were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Rodd and family. Mr, & Mrs. Dpn Wilson and family of Uniondale, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Russell and family of Russeldale, Mr. & MrS. Al- bert Scott of Exeter,Mr. & Mrs. Wm Rundle and Larry were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald 13rintnell and Terri. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Payne of London visited ,Sunday even- ing with Mrs. Robert Rundle, Jim and Jack. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rodgers of Kirkton and Mr. Ernie Vodden were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Doupe. Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Brintnell and Barry were Monday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brint- nell and Terri. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Scott of St. Marys visited Wednesday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Ira McCurdy. Rev. & Mrs. N. R. Ernst, Barbara and Mr. Pete Buer- holt visited Monday with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schwass of Kit- chener. Mr. & Mrs. Rae Stephens, Gayle and Wayne, Mr. & Mrs. Keith Stephens and Kevin of Anderson, Mrs. Phil Brine and Nancy of St. Marys, Mr. Char- les Brine, Base Line, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Robinson and Lynn of Fourth Line were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brine. Mr. & Mrs. Ross Tufts of Kirkton were guests on Sunday with Mrs. Roy Kirk. Mr. & Mrs. Murray May, Richard and Sharileen of Byron were guests of Mrs. M. Cope- land and Jean on Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Thomson of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Rhode and family of Thames Road were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Thom- son and family. • Mr. & Mrs. Charles Miller of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. David Blackwell and family of Hen- sail, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Miller and family of Thames Road, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Miller of Zion, Misses Ruth Miller of London and Marilyn Morgan of Centralia, Messrs Ray Mill- er of Guelph and Jack Con- stable of St. Marys were Sun- day guests with Mr. & Mrs. Jim Miller, Betty Jean and Bob. Falmilies observe Thanksgiving Visitors at 'Woodham, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mills of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Levy and family of St. Marys were Sunday guests with Misses Blanche and. Rhea Mills, Miss. Edith Rodd of London, Mr, & Mrs, Frank Rodd Mr & Mrs, George Wheeler and David, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Cope- land, Cynthia and Eller', Mrs. John putters were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd, Pamela and Calvin. The annual Thanksgiving An- niversary Service was held on Sunday morning. The church was appropriately decorated With fall flowers, fruits and vegetables. Rev. Harold. Heins of Lansing, Mich. was the guest speaker, Mrs. Heines rendered a very lovely solo, and special music was provided by the choir. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Dickey, Donna, Judy and Robbie were weekend guests with Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Brock and family of Guelph. Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean were Thanksgiving day visitprs with Mr. & Mrs. Stan Mountain of St. Marys. Mr. & Mrs. Ray McCurdy, Brenda and Jamie of Kirkton were Wednesday supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ira'McCurdy. Saturday visitors with Mr. & Mrs, Jim Miller and family were Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Wm Rodd and Mr. & Mrs. Bert Francis of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl spent the weekend in Northern Ontarip. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Dianne and Douglas visited Sun- day evening with Mr. & Mrs. Bill MacLean, Byron and Allen of Exeter. Mrs, M. Copeland and Jean, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland and Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Mountain attended the funeral of the late George Stephenson of Appin in Strathroy on Saturday. Mrs. Roy Kirk visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Hiram Cope- land of Kirkton. Mrs. Ed Corbet of Hensall visited recently with Mrs. M. Jaques: Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Smith at- tended the funeral of their aunt the late Mrs. Sam Bell of Pe- terborough last week. Miss Julie Webb spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. George Ball, Cathi and Debia of Dundas. Weekend visitors with Rev. & Mrs. N. R. Ernst and Bar- bara were Mr. Nelson Ernst Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Harold Heines farm a ap- and Wail- CPL 8tfne bed- Tient, lilies itely. nings !ethic corn, en- Ap- Alone Otfnc ouse, derly 3tfne er ou Jar so r- er. ce he To nd ed no .. • ou ke FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfne Circles Worth Knowing About Among important safety • prattices by telephone em- ployees on and off the job is the "Circle of Safety," a habit encouraged in. all drivers of telephone vehicles, Before starting to drive, a telephone Man walks com- pletely around his car or truck .to make sure no small child or inquisitive animal under. or even near it. He also checks for assorted toys, bicycles and other obstruc- tions, open doors . improperly secured locks. Another "circle of safety" is the dial on the bedside extension phone. It pats fire and police protection at your fingertips all through the night. And whether your bed- room is upstairs or down, a bedside extension saves ateps. day and night.. Make :yours a Prineeaa phone! It's 'tittle .„ small enough for your night stand „ . It's lovely in appear- anee„ and its built-in-night-light means yeti can dial that call witheatt awitehing on a lamp, 19 for Sale or Rent BRICK HOUSE, 7-room, at 64 Wellington St., tiled bath and glassed • in porch, hardwood floors and oil furnace. Phone 235-1177 Exeter. 7:16tfnc NEW 4-BEDROOM house avail- able immediately. Apply 281 Pryde Blvd, Phone 235-2797. 3tfnc MODERN 6-ROOM ranch style home located at 182 Huron St. E., Exeter, available Nov. 1, For information phone 235.0315, 15tfnc * Clearing AUCTION SALE of High Class Holstein Cows and Heifers, Yorkshire and Lacombe Hogs and Implements W. E. Nairn & Sen will sell by public auction on LOT 15, CON. 4, BLANSHARD TOWNSHIP, Ctiunty Road, 4 miles east Of Kirkton, 6 miles north-west Of St, Marys, on WEDNESDAY, dCTOBER 2i at 1t00 p.m, No reserve. Terms cash. ALVIN ORA40, Prop, E. NAIT1N & SON, Auctt, * 22 Notices EXETER DISTRICT Co-opera- tive Annual Meeting and Ban- quet at Exeter Legion Hall, October 27. Rev, H. S. Rodney, apeaker. 15c Dark Lightner A four-year-old girl was visiting her grandparents, When put to bed she sobbed, said she was afraid of the dark, end wanted to go home. "But you don't have a light at home, do you?" asked her grandrisother. "NO," the said, "but there it's my' own dark," 24 Tenders Wanted furnace Oil Tenders Tenders will 1,1 e received Un- til ricsan TueSday, October 27 by Hensall Public School Board for the furnace bit supply for the 1964.65 school Year, Ap. proximately seven thouaand 0,000 gallons, Tendera may be sent to Mr. Howard &delta or Mr. Robert Iteaburii, Hens Pall, Ont, 15:22C -