HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-10-15, Page 18GET QUALITY IN CATTLE MINERALS . SHUR.GAIN Make sure your cattle have proper min- erals supplied at all times by making available SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals or SHUR-GAIN Special Minerals; fed free choice. snuF1/4411111N essential minerals for cattle SW40 0511100 Car ern SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for Cattle contains all the essential minerals needed by your livestock to help improve feed assimilation and general animal health. SHUR-GAIN Special Minerals for Cattle contain high levels of phosphorous for areas or feeding conditions with a partic- ularly bad phosphorous deficiency. iutminOm 1 lom.ein v.• Hanle 1110311111 Writ!, PnlIS AT REALISTIC PRICES GRAIN - FEED •SEED Exefer Ph 73S 1757 Whalen Co,nr,s Ph K,flOon 35,15 17 Property For Rent 17 Property For Rent 9 Services October 15 9 Services. Page 10 16 Properly For Sale , 3-YEAR-OLD 2-bedroom bun- galow, "automatic oil heat, landscaped lot. Phone 235-0863. ltfnc 13 For Sale APPLES-All leading varieties, picked and graded. Victor Jef- fery, phone 235-0387 Exeter. 11 Poultry For Sale 16 Property For Sale NEW HOUSE just completed, full basement, three bedrooms, available immediately. Art Wthilsmith> phone 235-2473. MODERN 0 - bedroom farm home on highway 23, with ap- proximately three acres and out-buildings. Possession avail- able August 1. Apply Box CPI, Exeter Times-Advocate, 6: 18tfnc Classified Rates First Insertion 4 PER WORD (Minimum 800 CREDITON - Main St, 2 bed- room unfurnished apartment, private entrance, all utilities paid. Available immediately. Phone afternoons or evenings Crediton 234-6336. 20tfric ROSCO STEEL granaries, 2700- bushel size, 10% off list price to clear. Clinton Farm Supply, phone Clinton 482-9613, eve- nings 482-7700. 15:22c MALE CANARIES and budgies. Apply R a y VanDorsselaer, Dashwood, Phone 1493 after 6 p, m. 15:22:29c 11 Properly for Rent APARTMENT - 1 - bedroom, heated, furnished, private en- trance, centrally located, Ap- ply 349 Marlborough St., phone 235-0776. 10tfnc INVISIBLE MENDING - Cuts, tears and burns disappear from suits, clothing and fab- rics, "Clare" Latour 252 Main St., Exeter, 235-2263 after 5 p.m. 9 1040: 15* SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate service, always available, Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect. 10:4tfnc WATER WELL DRILLING - All materials and workman- ship guaranteed. Phone Credi- ton 234-6395 'any day noon to midnight except Mondays, In- wood 25R11 collect day or night or write: Ross R. Mun- ro, Box 186 Bothwell, Ont. 8: 20-10: 29c Second Insertion 3 1 o PER WORD (Minimum 700) Six Insertions 0 PER WORD (Minimum 600) EXETER FAMILY dwellings and duplexes; Centralia large brick house, low price, low taxes; 4-bedroom house, mod- erate price low taxes, 12 miles to London on pavement. Good farms 50 to 300 acres. W. C. Pearce, Realtor 235- 1402; Bill Armstrong, Sales- man 235-1376. 3tfnc REFRIGERATOR, commercial, 18 cu, ft. with freezer at top, 3 doors, $95, Can be seen at Wedge the Mover's office. 2-BEDROOM modern home in Exeter. Apply 71 Simpoe St. or phone 235-2562. 15:22* LARGE WARN 2-bedroom un- furnished 'apartment, heated, private entrance, parking, cen- tral location. Phone 235-2575, 8tfnc GUITAR LESSONS-To arrange for a free talent test phone 235-2120 or see Mr. Pulsifer at 92 Main St, South. 15tfnc EXETER NURSING HOME - 24-hour nursing care, moderate rates, Mrs. R. Iles, 30 Sanders St. Phone 235-0810. 17tfne BUY DR, MLSBURY'S poultry medicine from your own deal- er. L. V. Hogarth, phone 235 1414. Diagnostists service. 1: 8:15:22c 125 RED YEARLING hens in healthy condition. Phone 47R13 DashWnod, 15* 325 SWISTS Sexalink pullets, starting to lay. Oscar Windsor, Clancleboye. Phone Lucan 227.- 4513. 15c 100 KIMBER pullets just be- ginning to lay, Howard Pym, phone 90R22 Kirkton. 15* 1-BEDROOM home, renovated throughout, floor furnace, new bathroom, $3,800; also 2-bed- room wartime house. Phone 235-1483 or apply 373 Marlbor- ough St., Exeter. 15* HENSALL - 3-bedroom bunga- low, full basement, oil heat, priced to sell, terms or cash. Phone 18W Hensall, 8:15:22:29* 2 -STOREY white brick house in Exeter, in good repair, 3 bedrooms, Apply Stan Love, 93 Andrew St,, Exeter. 9:1740:22* VICTOR HAND adder. Ada six numbers, totals seven. Or- iginal price $114.50 now selling at $84.50. Times-Advocate, 5-ROOM HOUSE with bath, in Lucan, immediate possession. Phone Lucan 227-4336. 8:15c 3-BEDROOM cottage, 316 An- drew St., Exeter, all modern conveniences, immediate pos- session. Apply Mrs. Alex Mc- Falls, RR 1 Centralia. 8:15* 2-BEDROOM apartment, 11 miles north of RCAF Cen- tralia, heated, with all con- veniences, Phone Earl W. Neil 235-1921. ltfnc 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1958 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, standard shift, 4 door sedan. In very good condition, $500.00 for quick sale. Apply 122 Al- gonquin Drive RCAF Station Centralia, Ont. Anytime after 4:30 p.m. 15* FINANCE YOUR CAR on our less than 6% discount plan. Phone Don Williamson, Com- mercial Credit Plan Ltd., 633 Dundas Street, London - 433- 1746. 24:1:8:15c EXCAVATING, BULLDOZING, TRENCHING - Sewer work, ponds, etc. Compressor for sand blasting, air hammer. Gravel, topsoil. Sam Sweitzer, phone 235-0181. lltfnc 4-BEDROOM storey and a half white brick house; new oil furnace; •choice residential area in Exeter. Apply Allen Johns, phone 104R3 Kirkton, 7:2tfnc 200 EXTRA If not paid in 8 days following 2 - BEDROOM 1 storey house, vacant, suitable for elderly couple. Phone 235-1402. 3tfnc 1-BEDROOM apartment, unfur- nished, heated, utilities paid, private bath, available Nov. 1. Apply 16 John St. Phone 235- 0382. 17tfnc SMALL steam heated furnish• ed apartment $40.00 monthly. Apply Elliot Apt's, 442 Main St. Phone 235-0585. 3tfnc VACUUM CLEANERS & Pol- ishers - Sales & Service for all makes. Bob Peck, Zurich. Phone Hensall 352W2 (collect). 1:23tfnc NEED A WATER WELL? Drilled 4" diameter to 10" di- ameter to 1500'; bored 30" di- ameter to 200', A WELL A DAY THE DApco WAY Cost of drilling with new machine is reasonable, Men are experienced in all phases of setting screens etc. Phone Elmira 669-3761 Day or Night 7:16tfnc '56 METEOR, 2-door hardtop, floor shift. Phone Zurich 99R2. 15c CALL JB AT 1863 13 For Yale ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood, 7:16-11:5c 10 livestock For Sale Classifications 13 SECOND & THIRD litter sows; 12 first litter sows; 59 chunks; purebred Lacombe hog; purebred York hog; also 20 ton of Garry Oats. Phone Mark Whitney, Crediton 234 6479. 15c 14 Wanted To Buy 3-PIECE chesterfield, drop- leaf table, hostess chair. Phone Centralia 228-6294. 15c GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, 10 weeks old. Phone 80J Dash- wood. 15tfnc 2 GIRL'S winter coats, teal blue with fur collars, sizes 10 and 12. Mrs. Harry Dougall, phone 235-2747. 15c FEED TURNIPS-Phone Cen- tralia 228-6243. 15c DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL ALUMINUM DOORS, win- dows, awnings, 'siding, alumi- num and wrought iron porch railings. Top quality products at reasonable prices. Call us for free estimates. We do our own installing. Walker Alumi- num Sales, Phone 235-0722 (collect) Exeter. 4tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed. No mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238-2031 or 238-2166. 8:8tfnc Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion- Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch. 1. Lost, Strayed 2, Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales 11 STEERS 1.1 years old. Con- tact Joe Sabo, RR 3 Dashwood. 15c 150 TO 200 ACRE farm with reasonably good house, barn not essential, preferably in Exeter, Hensall area. Nick Sym, Tillsonburg. Phone 842- 8194. 8:15:22* LAKE LOT WANTED-Prefer- ably located between Grand Bend and Hayfield. Please re- ply stating lot size, location, price and other pertinent in- formation to Box D.M. Exeter Times-Advocate. 8:15:22c USED PIANOS, player pianos and rolls. Write Box 24 Kom- oka or phone 471-1677 London stating price and size. 10: 15-11 : 19* REGISTERED Lacombe boars, serviceable age. Apply Emer- son Penhale, first farm east of Elimville. Phone 25R17 Kirk- ton. 15:22* FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - Call Collect - DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Dead Animal Licence No. 262-C-63 12: 12tifnc MEDIUM SIZE Duo - Therm space heater and damper, good condition, $20. Phone 235-1483 or apply 373 Marlborough St., Exeter. 15' 5 ACRES, 4-bedroom house with oil heat. L-shaped bank barn. CREDITON - 3-unit apartment house. You can occupy the lower apartment and rentals from other two will pay taxes and mortgage. Barn at rear which could have many uses. CENTRALIA - Brick home which has been modernized and duplexed, $2,000.00 down payment will handle. Full price $6,500. MACHINE SHOP - Operated by Marshall & Murray. Owners wish to retire and are anxious to sell this profitable business. Building, equipment and stock included. MILL ST. - Nice 2-bedroom home with room upstairs for 2 additional bedrooms. This house is ten years old and in excellent state of repair. Taxes only $165.00. THAMES RD. WEST - A fine 3-bedroom ranch type located on corner double lot. Beauti- fully decorated and expensive wall-to-wall carpet covers the floors in large living room and dining room. Attached garage with paved driveway. Owner would consider holding first mortgage for responsible party. ANDREW ST. - Large 4-bed- room family home with new oil furnace. Good sized living room with adjoining dining room. Two bathrooms. Owner would consider holding first mortgage. Price reduced to $9,000. ANDREW ST. - 2 - bedroom bungalow with forced air oil furnace. Taxes are only $190.00. THOMAS ST. - New 3-bed- room ranch style which can be heated for $92.00. Monthly payment of $88.00 will look aft- er principal; interest, taxes. A reasonable down payment will let you take early possession. LARGE 3-BEDROOM house to rent, with immediate posses- sion. 6 HOLSTEIN heifers, freshen in March, priced very reason- able. Ferdinand Desjardine, phone Grand Bend 238-2603. 15:22:29* 3-BEDROOM rug brick located on Main Street. Oil heat. $8,000 with easy terms. 2-BEDROOM rigid asbestos lo- cated on Main Street, Nicely landscaped lot. Asking $7,000. COMMERCIAL BLOCK on Main Street. Rental income of ap- proximately $300.00 per month. In excellent repair. $4,000 down payment to responsible party, 2BEDROOM Wartime house. Completely redecorated throughout, Situated on well landscaped corner lot. 3-BEDROOM Brick located on nice lot on Albert St. within walking distance of Main St. Priced to sell at $6,500. 4-BEDROOM brick situated on double lot on Main St. Oil heat, 2-car garage. Must be sold to close an estate. FARM - 169 acres in town- ship of Tuckersmith. Lovely 4- bedroom home and large L- shaped barn with steel roof, All tiled except 15 acres. 95 ACRES on highway. No buildings. Terms can be 'ar- ranged. NORTH WEST corner of Thom- as & William Sts.-Spacious 3- bedroom house on well land- scaped lot. Large modern kitchen, bright dining room and large living room. Heated by forced air oil and also has an attached garage. We are in a position to arrange an 80% mortgage on this fine family home. MARLBOROUGH ST.-New 3- bedroom bungalow with full basement and oil heat, After reasonable down payment, $83 per month will carry principal, interest and taxes. SOUTH EAST corner Carling and John Sts. - 2-bedroom brick with full basement and oil heat. Owner is anxious to sell and has reduced price to $9,800.00. We can arrange a mortgage, SANDERS ST. E. - 2-bedroom house with automatic oil heat, storms and screens. Nicely decorated. CARLING ST. - Large 3-bed- room ranch-type with separate brick garage. Completed rec- reation room in basement, oil heat. Only two blocks from the centre of town. NOI NOI NO! NO! USED WASHERS, dryers, re- frigerators, ranges and one chesterfield and chair, excep- tionally good. Sandy Elliot 235- 0585. 8tfnc MASSEY HARRIS 30 tractor with mounted 2-row corn pick- er. Phone 116 Dashwood. 8:15:22* 15 Wanted 10 HOLSTEIN heifers; 2 Guern- sey heifers, all due soon; 25 Western stocker calves. Robert Kinsman, phone Hensall 331W1. 15c NEVER borrow from a friend! If You're "a little short till pay-day" come see us. We'll lend you $50 for two weeks and all it will cost you is 47 cents. Fast, simple, confiden- tial, And you don't lose a friend. Ask for a Mini-Loan at 1 lost, Strayed POTATOES - Martens Broth- ers, phone 234-6488 Crediton. 10:8-11;12c 58 GOOD Hereford stockers from 800 to 850 wanted to put out to feed for winter by the gain at 220 per lb. Arthur Cun- ningham, RR 1 Clandeboye, Ont, 15c SECOND HAND chain saw, will rent or buy. Phone Centralia 228-6647. 15c BOARDER - Room and board available at 472 Albert St. Phone 235-2327. 15e Crescent 16 Properly For Sale due in Wynja, 15c LOST-Silver grey part collie and. German shepherd dog an- swers to the name "Tippy". Contact Tom White, phone Crediton 234-6246. 15c KENT KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, bathroom vanities, golden tone natural birch. Durable beauty for Canada's finest kitchens. Formed Arborite tops. Free estimates and kitchen plan- ning service. We install. Thos. H. Walker, Authorized Dealer, 17 Nelson St., phone 235-0722 (collect). 27tfnc BARGAINS IN bedroom suites now at Sandy Elliot's. Some nice ones to choose from. 24tfnc 2 Found C. V. PICKARD FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED P. G. Flannigan, Manager 465 Main St., Exeter Phone 235-0633 15c HOLSTEIN HEIFER, two weeks. Gerben phone 345J4 Hensel Esso Home Heat Service is better because its people are Better people to serve you better! You get "extra value" for your heating dollar in complete service. Fact is, most Esso customers already have their oil fur- naces cleaned, checked and adjusted- ready to go at the drop of a thermometer. You see, the Esso Home Heat Service teams in your area don't wait 'til the last minute to get their jobs done. To them regular service is a year 'round job.They continually provide guaranteed fuel delivery and 24-hour emergency 'no heat' service, all for the price of the oil ... all backed by Imperial. Wouldn't you like to count on complete service like this? Get "extra value" for your heating dollar-get Esso Home Heat Service. Liberty lives only where the power of the people is supreme. INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE TWO STOREY BRICK - Well located in Exeter. Each floor contains a complete apart- inent complete with nice kitch- ens and 3-piece bathrooms. This 'home is in good repair inside 'and out. Offering at a very low price. THREE BEDROOM BRICK - Interior of house like new. Good kitchen, dining room and living room, glassed and screened sunporch. Full base- ment, oil burning furnace. Double garage. Reasonable price and terms. A LARGER HOME at a rea- sonable price. Provides all the comforts of a modern home plus generous living space at the price of a small newly built home. This home is one of the nicer homes in Exeter. Reasonable price and terms. We have other homes, ynt ON HIGHWAY 4 between Clan- deboye and Centralia, a bag of merchandise from K-Marts. Owner to pay for ad and prove ownership, Phone Cen- tralia 228-6243. 15c Business Director 3 Male Help Wanted 4 FT. CEMENT tile-Lawrence Ziler, RR 3 Dashwood. Phone 31R4. 8:15c PUPS - And breeding stock, Standard Dachshunds; Smooth and Toy Fox Terriers; Toy Manchester; good selection, $20 and up. A. Macintosh, Clan- deboye. Phone Lucan 227-4598, 8tfnc inefleaVOZNaMMTVT.ItteaMalekeeNialliMMMA,vIMMA ALVIN WALPER DR. J. W. CORBETT LEARN MEAT CUTTING - Be a certified butcher for jobs now. Men needed for day or evening, and home study courses now being formed of- fering practical training in meat cutting, merchandising and self service. For further information write or call Prac- tical Meat Cutting & Retail Training Institute, 1425 Dan- forth Ave., Toronto. Phone HO 17545. 10:8-11:26c TWO OR THREE men to help with harvesting of potatoes by machine, good wages. Phone C. Stokkermans 238-2718 Grand Bend. 15c $90 WEEKLY in exchange for 40 hours. Car essential. Apply in person at 323 Marlborough St., Exeter, between 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. Thursday, October 15. 15* EXPERIENCED dump truck driver and bulldozer or loader operator. Apply in person to Lorne R. Becker, phone 118 Dashwood. 15c FULL OR PART time openings for neat appearing men with cars. Experience not neces- sary. Age no handicap. Well known products. Write Raw- /eigh t Dept. J-202-KK, 1005 Richelieu St. St. Henry Mon treal. 150 L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235.1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235-0991 MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CHARLES L. MACKENZIE PETER L. RAYMOND Hensall Office in the Town Hall open Wednesday 2 to 5 p.m. PHONE 235.2234 EXETER JOHN BURKE N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 Limited MORTGAGE LOANS Real Estate Broker General Insurance Devon Building, 476 Main St. Phone 235-1863 8tine G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235-1680 HERE ARE YOUR ESSO HOME HEAT SPECIALISTS BIG REDUCTION now on Kel- vinator and General freezers. All sizes in stock at Sandy Elliot's. 8tfn c 1958 NASH Metropolitan; RCA 4-track tape recorder; 8 M.M. Bell & Howell movie outfit, complete; electric range. Phone 235-2725. 15* GIRL'S RED COAT, size 8-10, new condition. Can be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners, 15* COMPLETE GUIDE outfit, size 16 lady's, new condition. Phone 235-2847 after 5:00 p.m. 15nc GIRL'S (size 1.244) navy coat, winter; black velveteen jump- er with lace trimmed white blouse; 4-piece royal blue skat- ing outfit, Phone 235-1372 after 5 p.m. 15c COB CORN right from picker. Order now. Phone Crediton 234-6424. Albert Regier. 15:22c TWO TRACTOR tires 10x28. Apply Thomas White, RR 1 Crediton, 234-6246. 15c SURGE MILKER, 2-unit, pump, all in good condition. Sell for half prdc e. Norris Sillery, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 482- 3368. 15* COB CORN, good quality avail- able, rightf rom picker. Order immediately. Phone 90R6 Zur- ich. Alvin Gingerich. 15tfnc COMPLETELY automatic Belle City all, electric mix mill with 30 ft. high capacity vertical auger and distributor head. Measures, mixes, grinds, all in one operation; also quantity of 8" x 16" cages and 2 round hog feeders, reasonable, Phone Kirkton 95R9. 8;15c JACK HEYWOOD LICENSED AUCTIONEER All types of sales "For Top Prices" EXETER LONDON Phone 235-0720 451-8630 Two apartments for rent. C. V. PICKARD 394 Main St. Phone 235-0310 6:25tfnc JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 284.1501 4 Female Help Wanted DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 G. VRIESE EXETER, ONTARIO Phone 235-2380 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - Exeter, Ont. Directors Timothy B. Toohey President Robert G. Gardiner Vice-President William H. Chaffe D. C. RUSSELL SHIPKA Phone 238-2481 ALL FRINGE benefits, two weeks vacation, paid statu- tory holidays, pension plan, Apply Highland Shoes, Sea- forth, Oa 15:22c LADY, middle-aged preferred, as companion for elderly lady in BrucefiekL Write to Box 38 Zurich or phone Zurich 168, 8:15* WAITRESS for day shift; also woman for kitchen. Apply in person at Rether's Restatirant, 15c JERRY ARNOLD BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C., B.A. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C„ LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons Grand Bend Saturday Mornings by Appointment PHONE 519.235-0440 EXETER RR 3 Lucan RR 1 Crom arty RR 4 Mitchell E. Clayton Celquhoun RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR, 2 Dublin Milton McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton R. R. 2 DASHWOOD Phone 2382649 STENOGRAPHER Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry Coates RR 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Solicitors Mackenzie & Raymond Exeter Secrets ry•Treasiorer Arthur Fraser Exeter 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Exeter office, good salary, Apply Box NAS, Exeter Tithes= Advocate. 3:8tfrie C. H. RODER; D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Sirathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Men., Tues., Thurs.; Fri. 9.12, 2 ,5 Ties, and Fri. Evening, 7 9 By Appointment Please 9 Services always LOOK TO IMPERIAL for the best McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Creditor) Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed PHONE 228.6214 Offiet 054 Rothe 1498 COMBINING OF. CORN -7- Con. tact George Troyer, RR 2 liensall, 91R7 Zurich.