HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1862-02-19, Page 1ef
• 4.: -,Ta:
tqe Nun
h P1111141814110
By she Frepiestor, at har OM*
168arases elletwasse, at.eeertea. C.
opar=aa• Eloesua., ewe use of
ReAras Pews ist Weasels
• dose, a estrulraws
ote nuked wak && aka
Piteeites. eseases wee aa
e pilsna areasesed hp say WNW paper.
Miaow Aural lalumel. will h. 4.4,
dr adheres eras ellignai.
thamintiem aid Men thseendiews Me
fiEraromayealimied estrIa•
So voesehy armee, su air
• ' • t Is. en*
tletag abut* • eteR esertier, breath amble,
nag Yankee, sad disable.Bet the as b
is, est him - by Atreus with essightlit.
Mat • if the Co. those to rode may es web*
tame sump, 0.4he weeder'
f, 4
allar the strums services. .byCo. was • 4
%re fur etas.' I did nut as firm used, seme-
ed the batsmen, means. peons 1.1
the ' Co.,' .ud was disposed le regard la
the tease dowse orerlooker. or seperireade-
eat, but afterwards dieeovered that *hi
impelsouebuti amen Jo Esprems
Compaq -
'Lek sharp, miaow. Yee shall bo...
wieraut. but theie's inter lost alreedy, mid se
WW1 hare to ride whip and spar. Cisme rad
pick est • wag oat: .f the corral. Ib. We •
brindled immang your while will it lib. has
skip. Tim ruan's best. but be h.orIi.ruhh4d
raw. .teh Jona* to give you wine beef said
istecuit, we shan't paw many hoteeei Idea
air positive. Charge that revolver 0' your,
colonel I bee two bullets a missing. lisvir •
born uf whisky -old Minitegaliela? Ilfp f
Du he spry with the saddle, you leth--•
should help in a cede like this. Remy, snifter,
with the bridle -the mustang bit -& I --
Wel? take care of your nag, aed youllled
es sleek as x .lug when you come back our
• Good-bye, buys!'
So saying the insp diem rider, finished his
pritirrationi, sprang to 64 saddle, waved hie
repeating mobile over lie had, sed
elf as • furious speed. I followed ea rapidly
as I meld, shouting a lame to thee I.&
behind, who were oa t ha point of warting
plan wbei e poor Shein was Iyilaig beet.
eurtaw of him ccv„ethessill.44.01...014
starit. - . toe Awe
Mita Or attediallPTIOIL
as"Mr peeps rentelleal
ear ewer to adman. pis 11'
In& the Oise. trdl mein eta&
Wee pee Date Me Sep
Sas s ..seadt
ever. • t..41s
„I , ..
04,,Veie '1*' • ,Urbitelt0,4
i71:1' . ..o.i'!,::..e.: 04 +ltd., .. • , . i
5 I ./h
io• nr, . '
" The Greatest Possible Good tea the Greatest Possible Number.'
° the PO rue iu the pole blue sky,oatere assum- I skirted • • village .1 prait a delis, aud V,"
. 4 ed S more cheerful appearance , the icicles I us both a roll 00 the tart bat `ern auhatti
`•••ceeteueinaele ..."......^...--.-.....*-0,-,W.a....dele aid hoar free melted, mid the air beeline ute• : and 1 had luckily kept my grasp of the bridle
it MICE. TRIO PICICRT_ -GUARD. '.1 rely bracing and agreeable, as the bitter cold I or 1 should have ices my horse. Onto 1
I narilted Cagan&
cares, Oagmal, (The umatrilland IlellOttea 01 ahem.*
whicA has bees largely pnionvid on tub
dares Um *rearm civil war -it a, however, 19119
sow to be •Iveridueen-le prowl in a exam ISM
by the following liner, which we take fru
00 ant lbanable
allaTOM, Aral.
Ibir. P. seas
oft Miami, us Rath lereat,
400•PieNfomiliw. RirAtwood• *
NINCIAnslageriar, stignardilfea. w
laming depend
to Canaille', securi-
ef tared Mayne.
t. wery favor.
American paper.)
w All neat Moog dm they way, t
hi era as he erases lin bent loud ft*,
Mzeept sow aid 'hen • stray picket
My a Alamo hid in the rileket.”
'Tis setburg-• private us tWO. and Mem,
Wilt eat count in the sews of the betas ,
Not as clime hare-oely easel the mei
ddrasaiag 0411, all alone, Ube desa-rettle.
altcs.aleag the Patomee
Tree sesta ia the re,netthe clear eireinin
the maims 1141peachlly dreeraia4.
• Oir
paned avrey. On we weet, following the thought I saw something un the
pima trail of the waggon trains, op and duwu e :ge of the horizon, bet whether la, a;:.ca t.r
the gentle rolling elopes of the undulating i buffaloes, or wild homes, I could not deter -
prairie. I Limited with Waal dimity that my ! mine After riding several toile' I came to
000 00 longer the mettled creature that ; • piece *here the traildipped suddenly Imo a
hid pranced to gaily out of Carlon the day low tract of &Hui ial earth, iuterseeted by •
helm. At dist Its outstay answered my
voice and the pressure of my kuee, by step-
lellgwat central, ; but elm r while he be -
isms.' of wee magnivede, tied shad/ d by •
belt of lefty eutton-wood trees. 1 traced here
the fresh -footprints ofd horse which must jet
pu to Hag. more heavily ea the bit, and re- have paned, fur the bruised glass hail lot
paired a awe frequent math of the spar. I partially nen artnied die edges. • Crack,
hue clear 1 had taxed his poeers too lavas- I Deng I ' wan the twit report of Dream
170. the previous day. He was going week- ringag II. thick., below, with ,he
ly Rader me, in spiritless way that @puke rvporta in4n,;led itic horrid war beep ol the
roransei. W hat wee 1 todo 7 1 had phrety• savage.
S. There
.10•01114 rAriontia WM smarm c lor plotoi, I dashed a pa eyes were getuertie •
I. know my bit wool( Tla brindled' ratan ass Bit mil May,
rink third, bleeding, 1118111.(1•11jg a„d ha. lifted. Tell Min I were griped out by .khe eumeand eith the noohle WO relkurld Po'
the Placa where I stood and the set by a Null six or anti Indiunamounted band of Mad Buffalo, the Shoshonie. ege,e, ay um which nor guide wu ted. kepis
fetal ,Oelt Lake itself. )Ly only thence it, and iu their hideout passel, of tear. Sheol sbmi Buffalo himself that mut the arrow Ikro 011,01 01,01 .ot ro overtake 'Doom Blalari
paiseriug a remount, lay in teuting nee One hed beeo pierced hy drve arrows: Ise WNW 131`, just aa 1 kivered bite with the carbine. ehade mune ea Peaba417
The +kisk ! Mauy a uoggiu of drink I've thcalifhtbi,,eartailel by nwege• W. ma.. 6
given him when he come.tridin'to the fort. Bet • teasIvodoe Nee.
and he's pml it, but let him hew he ever ferny your bout, cotooel,' cried
o.ily too tender • flower for • rough bonier
man like me ; goes to chapel ureter, and
writes like a print book.'
Ile thee begged that I would seed to Ruth
a certuirt lam of ribbon which Le had meri-
ted front her as • keepspke, or merely Nett:h-
is • lover's whim, I du not know which; at
any rots! found it carefully wrapped in deer.
skik, is the bosom of his Jima, bat Mt! •ith
a deep stark mails of blued marring the gay
bliss/ of the ailk. The arrow had pettiest WAS-
111COUgh that humble lei e-tukeu. ahem
further prayed me, that as I pausal by the
Round P0..1 Station, between Foil Bridge
and Ikel Creek, I eight tell bid old father.
Asses thaidrod, Mat he, Mem, hal s died
like •
The old mall cut up, V* target,' suer
LA see $eed. Qtr. Theraileets fernser
wow" M. 3).
'111ditTatetaId, Ilt1ISOZON, ACCOUCH-
etzta. dss.
(01st the Aviglo-Aasists Yu-
. s
Jp Tiouirsa,
.11.. Lev, and larieitoroloChancery, County
Crows Attorney, °Wench, '.7anada Wk.*.
M. C. itlarnarern.
4$4.; fkobwools, 11. W.
' Jointer. t.attran.
(earrom • •aerma, status)
0.9ne over itt,, Warteran Book Otero,
I..g &Met TUIVIAO $111..W..0
641.0“/ OIL 141no1a01r.
• err. a., Soo 0.111e00, over the :ShoinObf
•. Y. Dram 41406, Oveleeka, sad Qom* Stieet,,
Knecure e.
8. 8tecciaa,Ooklerick I A.Seavr.11Iterantrae.
.Tobe INLetemare. -
^RA amasser, km. dso., Dudencti, C. W. 47
Morahan & Piellkw.aot.
DARRI4fitti. arro tamvs-ar-LW
Palate, Sm., Wood 8umed,11.4es
esb. 10:1
John Lleviseet.
AA T roaxav-A tor. sordc !TOR IN
. ClaarallaY, Market espeatei,
191111•11•6111M10getat Sean, tJalerich. 642
Sei•sres Se
flutanon, t.inereviserees, ae. Odkor Mea
kayo. OdellieF, 111/erg Street, bade
A TTORNIRY.ATterTZ. erroli
N.A.,7 Proldse, Oon
Owliwnek, anal.. Weva.177-7:
he .01.01 Wee Street, ilveld.r from Il,,,
•Cuart.lionse Squat
N PL -A few hundred Peonde to lewd in emus
re DOM au 945.1, us nsalenue term.. v140*
LJbert Chandlee:.
rly 11, re•ovaat. PROVINCIAL
lainJ diarrearr. this seal 4..111 Ia. the
• Rome Wart. ' 13:1111
A. C. litehertness.
• Laad Surveyor. 0.4es Wee side Mester
4weektianare, Osideneb. 335 .
Clad EAMON*: ,Clinton. July I, VI.
• 1... 1.1.
O&M NT AK, suavairoa
J 1.01 Agent tat Cooveyoreer,• lItelearhar
Mr. John Ornasen.
A. 0. Revue, ace. Oaks itt Owiewidi and
gdardeld,C.W. MO
.101111 '.• al,10".11.
PN kb. C MN( I a :1,1 .4 AGIesne.
Contilitileanter la queen's Ilitabell, fur=
wlidawflos,CoarayJaver.Jtc.,3ce. 09••••
,111110,01111anie ot Kaorarklifie, . W.
Jahn Kelm..
Quetta'. Retch, Coareyanber, ke. A Rae.
earn kept of Farm sad Town bit. tor Sale; par.
the barna tote She sale, or Masai 10 Psmalsse
urp peer seed felt petrel's,.
Dearierroos, Feb.10, 1867. 11:11
6.111. Barker.
',VOTARY PUBLIC, emmostowtowl
, Gemmel Coormisokar dome illatema
Mega. Pesemasoie, Lisaanhaa URI
(.144., 11/mMia, .64 Jelealry. R..
PasioR aro 10 a asiariar rawer, sad ereemail-
24. T. Cams.mod Als
1.1 rod Oreamortol Twos, EMsts, &c. te-
tras pima* saraigai so. 11
Inver 'Martel. Barfield, C. W.
10118 a. POUTER, Proprietor. Cash paidIr
• Rados, Gad, Sb., rad &am Soso, ale sit
beads 01P. tied okad. &Wm W aloim ht,
saesitaied tbe Meer Koi01,bi.
ID•RAMMOMAKI RI asst. NI travel. C.W
JOBIN HICKS, Proprietor This is the
loved and bre Celery time Women
atam...... sad seas's. so moohoros• es say HT
;0 ,
.,„ 1440.4.
Cal. M. '1' It U E M4kN
1..4140 ARENT.
Mineket laquara. Gaddrialf.
,tript.Clunnme won areinariorder. 11 CIS
wriarciracressa. AmD DILALIBIRM IR
ETA 1111•44 Mee.* sod Manteam fimeo.
mad ahem lens at
Rs , arr. (81 4.... Ospr.
say aliamains tab.. m
&OALE!.f1Dt ES
thews from MOW& Mae menetually alianderl
at Lovas' Trade Proeoe.
/4.8.-Plsyrician's Preeceiptrons careirly the
Oodaresch, Jan. 10, 1868. 49
Burning Fluid, Lamp
For Sole lee
Owleeish, law 17, ISM. 60
Forwarders, Commission Merchants,
cJe4rt3Ar 114 al'e4IC 14ILCIIt1CH.O4
Floe r,Salt, Pork,Whisky,P4r11,Lemb'r&c
Hector !twee. e tV
7..,K Vjurgi oan. Ittaaata.
W. J. K EAYS& CO.,
ARENT!), ‘'
Na 11 feat of Washington Stmt.
IRETWIP.A.1.41. N.
Mattale. I 04. eria, C. W.
• •11414
OMILL 1 00iLL 00AL 1
W. PRICE. To Carpenters & Builders
gt r g crag
Laeguard - sor shearrary sa expiate.
There% only the areal of the Mee eserry's maid,
Lo he swaps from the ruck to the drunter ;
c.4r, desh. 3E3 33 Ani.d.1.11.1ikeytthe two tromaidle... bed,
Ha musket WS ,tor k-lus face, dart •nd grim,
AIJENT Volt Orows gentle vents Inernewnee Seeder,
Aad sauna* a peer., fix the chrldre• asievp-
BRITISH AMERICA INSURANCE Co. For Weir au0tle.r-may heaven deicinl
(woe -Marko swore, Ouderisti The 'neon seem to shine ;or aa bright/y the',
March V. IMP. That login whom tbr 10,643 yet unspoken
- Impel up to het lqu, When love-enurnoleed new,
Wer. Oared (mw ever unbroken.
INSURANCE LGETICIES. Thee drawing area= routraly over he eyea
Ja.lica oft -tears that are welling,
And gainer, hut gun Ones-, up to os place,
DDSHADE 001.1101NO, Agent for the A.ti. keep dn owtins heart swelling.
. following Itesp.eartrie leaner f7orripas;
,.. Karel 1••••••''' 4." rad] A.`"•.'14. names the Ontalaill, the Istaxted pone to...,
Arociation, DI -London, re:leash the Internat..- ,„•
NI Lire Ammeter, Co. R...10 taken 1. •bove MOO.
Dona !Menial al blr 11.0,Sin. Lae/ 060e.
•1:0:07juiloy•f1,0•1:171 preen. erne APPIlra'" Toward the shisde of ire forret ro dreary.
Hark 'wain die meld wind that misled tLe ha
Wa. nioonbghl ereudemely &ohne
_ -ft Meted ht. a ,,&-« Ile ! Mary. gum! bye
nistritazicz.. And (I. Isle-Idood sa ankl vla..tung.
ww..eyhaix Ass 1•111 es,: coy pANy, All quret alone the Potomac to -night,
Drina. Arturnea A.,-...ameCtritipan•; Head eolo'd ',ye the rub ilea river;
e a • e On &MO
frite...T.oreito. Manor. end Life matinees
edictal or tavormble ann. lo ions H•t. Del, jr. "Y (.4•i'.
Inurnmes ran atia04e4 to deem"
Isms,. atiendaace at Orme.. N.M.',
001r:wit. or. 14. WO.
i. 311 1E IN
Dealer ia
• ..,•1404
911r -N
, 4, Mose eel warrase' ed. Jeaellwry made
to order. Meadow mp of my own male eon -
'wady Lela ms heath at the ukl masa, sem 414.• 14
law &goof oilito.
BOduritch Cabinet WershOuite
1/6to mum -rum le the inhalailleaterof God*.
reek sad she •nrronadht Cuatry,that ke
•‚..•W ow nasal at his Warr Komi's.
1i.e7' sricsacr. uunkRick.
4 reutparaninieecalesest of random,. etevelytte.
•eripatesoinel a•
Viable • redlemOdle• 0.0118, Weir.. is •
*alga. 111011111110.0.•• db.• •
Of tomtit laivitaettare sad Imported .
remits., na lesser Imes r himlbensee mans,
(0lamis. MI.. lesti.
Best Rite Powder keit for Nolo
ark)al Ni1oN'1Mfl,
Opposite the Market.
(Amboomb, Juan 14,1941. "' Al
Bask, Door, ad
John McDonald & Co.
. It emery , are ewer preiparai to take la orders
to asy tateet. then load experiewrie a the
boolloma, NMhswi.g 410#00•11[101111.01.111110.. ••• •
90. 00 01 ..b4ao, they dl000r themosbres
that they vas de se
AmMlaasiitthams.mcnow. Parties bevies
ow* would 4. Ira se
_____ MI
n ran any qoanlity 01
Nay see eller
.ArrL`. .."&tatb:.0 cw"a",0.
jilifilmilfraRrair a2222Eparpans
'41/4,"-ord 212i
ussatimin 1RWO"-
Irina a 111,a tont COMIC°.
.C2,000,000, Sig Proof,
Brittania Life Assurance re. Loadop.
'J'tiE uroler.igi et leer- ier been •NurinieC.
IL Ammo for the above highly ',wettable
prerared to acer relit F. re sad
Llir,laka. at moderate settees preinie et_
9 .
:Clear -kb Jo“lat. leoP. vt•Joit
r.'1101 wavicamidiemb foam CAMEL
yrnillictin. ran ft .1=flinc.M.
no An noranwereowatina• through the Pas4
em 1 6, r
Rmill ...00*...00*P.m,* owall•
Irsw 14°* "6".0*' ba
.1114 Abe"8.
°,61.00 WO* filf g" 0.
11.4 Owe •r•,,,witexteet •
R 1014
Leather & Findings Store
Having ereany enlarged ib.fierilmes of the Nino -
.ow Leopetaltilantli on hand a •
Large sad well Prepired
Of every desseipsime whal%
10/2/. EA1JI &fl?ZALIATIC1
Clistrilmd Zip Skins,
Foe Pale an
32_213,tvis:::27/3111 Ca:Z.
or approved crorhs. In thaw Lam her F
• iirri keep, rob/ether with itt, elm e •rtnies
of thee. n Manufacture,' en, .‚.I.011 Select-
ed Nock
French 4 Paint' Call;sions, Morocco,
Set11, Grain Goat, CUmellaCew,
Pat. -it Spirts,
Aad other laathrrs, breaks • Imre simply ot
UNINC. AND •1110101C 441411.
1-11L 0•0!
Crimping Nuellinua Boot Trem, Crimp-
ing Bloch. and Lasta
• deerript.n. 2our mut Iron Argil,. P'
• Prenette. so., „ho
SIPA M-1••
A call et their 1101*00 the Atardet 85*.111, 0l•
peeterary resented bore perelmases are made
•\ embers.
Ooderieh, Nay 114. l86 17
Pump FaeltOry !
Tit Hsuhseriher legs (0 51., tbe
Basta of the CeeMi•l• ef 1.... and
Braes that b• a still aboatootaeisi and be
ea heed a member 011 1,. laspersee iron.
slag BIM and KININ. He ...Id par-
tieearty drew atteettee to blit Mins, se (0
win warrant them to free Wheal from ems,
weld., Jess, Ma. Tempe made te order aod
wo ermined
raleter_ 11111L10111.1ll. beteop.... via_
04,411 said (isonooroo Rood.
easiose, Welke so, la° 490
oia porger, wool saeta el ma._
axiar7.4LT., or-rxo
ST Tat
Ballina Pries so in Toronto.
A.IN 1) Sit nu 2'
i„vt), WITT( TUC \RW roma oie
N. 7 •Minrit via tawk , rim Maildhal ma Par
Creee, 11 1(0
hem fed tat
sweet orrice
Coodinuedfrom our kW,
ihn would sell me • steed, and this was far
falba certainty. I was chewieg the cud of
bit, reflection. when I beard the light tramp
of • billuning home behind me. Quickly I
turves/ay head, sod Saw a booted rider dub -
tag gaily along over the swells of the prai.ie;
bia trim coat half opened, showed a red flan -
fanning with loss of hood. but 4.
the savages boldly, and one of elle Induelo
lay at hia feet, rol ,q the agonies et death
My arrival changed the cermet side/ fight ;
two rowels from nay metier; the secood of
alt laid low • 111lialaihr barbariaa, meal ed
with ye flow mime, wherries preseing ou S!ezin
eel shin; and his Mexican sombrero was bound with an uplifted tomahawk, outfit:v/1 tor their
with • cord of aruisheil gold. He had • re- 1 L,Ai„,i.111,,,,, psohaitt, they to,,k ma for the
voleleof aaelaiee Filial at hat saddle -hoe, and !advonced guard of a 40.0 01 whites. At any
at hie side hues from his shoulder -belt his rate they fled at speeder.. 'he ode.
leatheru despatch bag: It was ley sequidur I nay jail( in time te beak Shea:Wet:11, as
ance.of yestenlity--Shem Grii.drod. the poor fellow droppeetn,m hie!sed!' dle, feeb-
' Morena, etranger,' he tabs:dote cheerily; ly murtowing, ' That ye inkier. You's e
'1 dida't skear you, yesterday, it seems, by
my yarns about lejuus. '1 0.0 Luspel truth.
for all thut. Criured out, I • eckou ? Your'
leas does loots a little the emu fur wear, mi. -
ter, though. You•te paired him a goodish
stretch, you have.'
We rode uu for Some distance siJa by side.
My poor horse war inapired, to du We best by
• the presence ef the other horse, and together
vie amd over the country : my iteed trotting,
ililgui ,:- inuvbilig 4pOlopi,ig, for Spanish -A tam_
' ! horse* have but one pace alien urged be-
' I then took out 07 tin box of lueifer, ,r, LI a w.ilk: Sham waa even touch more
struck a light, and kiadied to fire : though nit 1nd and evep pielite bi hid timelier than on
very Cagily, for the Leavy dew stood in great' tut previous day. Ile told ate, blinitly,that was of a serious chantete; the shaft was Me
g'ietetting Lica& on,grass and ahrub, Lo respected * fellow that proved himself • boded in Sit-ing side, taigh the hemorrhage About an hour later. I rode 8i to the
and the moistened wood emitted • many • eats but that what lm bated worse thee cap- was trifling in appearance when compared with ration, mounted On My own horse, and lead -
lisped of pungent and dark smoke, bef ,re 1 per headed makes arm a Broadleaf dandy , the abut:nista flow of bad fonn the other in:She/it's by the bridle.
could coax the sullen embers to, buret •fortb • !nritag hone!" stit'e"ttienns airs. My horse- Injuries. In about a.cotple or minutes, Sheet 'Ulm! pall up, pull up, or Ilii piug ye,
in the required blue. All this time. I had u,anelte had won ShCln'a esteem, and be revived sufficiently block up. I was touched -sure 00 09 satne's Bradshaw !' shouted •
to gire an occoaiurtel halloo, rattling ' a tin s: ' '4,1 heartily wit,* me when he elm 1 by the gratitude Me eye exptsimed. Probe stent yoke through • looploiwie444-EPTude
there wra • grudge ateeen 1.lui aid me, and
rider, "we'ire woful behind. Wall be missy
come* withlu rauge of old .1.1nLa Griarodla with the s,/ur-iron, for that bundle does al.
rite 1' loy* shirks w bon he can. Mind-'wer the
Shorn was anxious to know whether the en111 ground, where you see them Metall
ludian I had shot wao quite dead, and what ',was.' J wnlal l theft' take a hoe* to th°
painted devi.:e his half naked body bore. Uis c"inlis, and there .rei'd stiei,like a tree'd coo.,
owu ;;Iating eyes could /Win/garb ; bet Push on, sir. Rattle him across Mem rivl-
wheil I described the yeller ochre barred with ete! not Oils a h.*. clko j"11,
white, he seid it must be Ile, o Little Owl," critters trout the C-Itited :Staten.'
;me of Mad Buffalo's be.4 wto-riots. The list/ascii to/ Unit '1) Biake bawl -
«ohm ludirii ars of a eh deer mike and ine Ltd if i.; 1i/14 in tins eleited weY/ rue
no oth,r puepose than to quiet his own nerved.
mad drowo core. I was confirmed iu thie
view lie thu fect,tltut, after six or /levee smiles
had been swallowed up by the foam fieeked
ini:eds, he rented his horse into a. steady hand.
'There, mister, said lie, ' we'll go /sleet
now Ifeels kinder easier under uiy left ribi.
Tell'ee, 'Colonel, little as ye think it,to kirk
at Aids a toe, I was Rear making the biggest
lobe of myself -there, I was! Poor boy
Shetu ! I kuuwed sir, 011e0111111011 well,
and eni:eininon long. We played about to-
gether elicit we were se high as a rearal, its
;uoi. Co tillage, cigh to Utica, in Old ten -
tuck. Arid when old Aiiiite--• white-haired
old chap ;toe, but pretty tough too. He's at
Brown's I I ole --no, at Round Pond-trating
for peltry. 1 would'm e have the •
on Iiim; Zier
n7. did not speak again till i mad a
merited tribute to Sheol's. courage, INA
finned ; said, from seven /adieu like
sued my stelp, say inst. to daubed wilt and vermillion. Both
to ' His woe was hushed her,,,thri were done dead. Shein asked me, Judi tim-
be fainted in my arms.
There was a menet iek of whiskey dang-
ling it the mail -bag neer saddie.bow,
with blanket and hat/sack. I hastily un-
screwed the stopper, sea cantrt,ed rc, fort. I,
few &oils into the meth of the worded
matt. Then, I tore mjeavat into *trimmed
e ith it and thy handlcertkief tried to bind up
the hu.ts Shoo lied retuned, after vainly at-
tempting, to withdraw the barbed arrowa. -
Two of the iujuiies Wer mere flesh iwoundm
tpore imitate! than &Nate ; but the third
elly, if 1 would be so good us repeat ' a bit
of Scripture.' Ile had not been much of •
chapel-guee, lea Ruth had got religion,' and
his mother, too, had been 'a Chrietian wo-
rm,' as he quailed>, observed. I knelt bm
aide/Ant ind held up -his head as I utterer
aloud tbe words ors brief and simple prayer
es little children are taught to lisp vrith
their inaoceut lips, and once or twice I heard
the bosky toms of the deillg man repeat ths
words.. Itut.there Wall a strong shiver then'
his frame, buell• •1 wus dead
lief ire the player sae prayed out.
cup anniouttabe barrel of my revolver, fur that ea, mall; bent ou craning the desert
and hand the poor horse itself, which was stud bo, 'tut I at afield •he's pretty nigh maid 6,111410)41104 ISE neeived hut a
shadowe on the edge of this illuminated spot, Sick to the trail well,and if a grass tii•e Minds after swallowing
it will giwelou arreark, and il rItal111". °77tral! 44:"..Lr!i;31"n4; In mi '1"m."
a enalliquantity of sprite, alPhliaPV:
"t7 trom Ceiduruta. Lm me come in, and I 41..
'a travener, year au older man. 'Twarn't hereaway.-
the pupae of intiendasee the wilves ; while ail rieh• . . ..
et rramr-car-nremi
le rum Illalallaaary lo pas lii,4 Mena. ay, updg, 71 air boas ii • good bic of muff, mister,
' D.: you suffer anich pain from the artnw tioa. 1 eauca, of course. .
threatened to break it every Stant. At last Thei "unda?' 1 malted' Tike a drop mare ° ' That'S ontrofrour homes,' cried a second tend peniay ,
a rag at bay. The freutiemumMe eye ght-
tugg,iug at the tethering -rope in a way that en for one wade. Xow you listen to tad.- i the whiskey;
to my great joy, the fireeleaped op. red and Nag 164 chance pm get. There'll be hen- biechesegm- , , voice; ' llat crime' sal Kole it, 1 reckou. W ha
cheery, its bright heams illumined • little ree lem ea-inz iewithr mud Ours thellt trade. I 'Malt nn mins, of use, stranger, ' I am in friend,' I called out; ' A brave boy, sir. I was with him first
/wee hest 4,41'700*ln do, it 'io„aer .. am 1.... 'once help you to proreed as fat as the i. he y •
w-lt Y" gut Ail"- nnt ""lud the Plainei Yn• duty 1.o ye, all the sane,' replied the rider, ,, , fight -that is, Shem's first, cause I'm two
(saw the slinking coyotes, ebe smallest and .,,h you tel your compass ead bear up east by , i tea South of Eremite/la l'oee it Our. Ind bloody
di, it patch of praiarie, and hovering iu the lo
must timid, but also the moat cunning. varietygut my finish at last. A chap theta fit The garrison held a short but animated de- Blackfoot Indians war the ;okay, three to
math k!eP that 14-,iol ai yourn reinIS/ and I In the hot -der fights rite since he enulds pi!nt bate. 3.tt man avowed his belief in Me , „
nne on'y they' no firearms. Twarn't chide
firebrand among the pack. and they vanished a shot Every round bit of lead is worth a al play that uoy, ouster 1' The bacilswoodsinan
true he's got goes, he don't. truth e' my story,another broadly hinted that
into the darktiess,but fir half au hour I could a... the larva. Geockity, w oh you luck; I abightturn out.a ' renegade ' or 'white la- espied/el his broad chest, while his nostrils
of the wolf of America. ' Presently I flung • W A 1 i
- jw. -. dee -",u.., l'eeP u•'01. li•ni 1 weele along a gun, don't niod no doctor to tell Lim
hear their howls of dismipointment growing Skin be Jed his horse fur one of the• Ex- I could nottliguae feast myself that Shem of the fortnass to my
diet': that I merely wauttel to open the dmle `hist"' and Ina "Pa 14atuiled' " be reesi k d
fe,..„,i0e.. awes, ,,,e. the arduous struggle long put.
,i 1 that
My horse WAS quieter at the disappearance of astekaded yard, which eat gar.isoned 14 • wt was ashen white, pinethed, and tbin ; while • be as well to shoot tic, as • provisional eetauf
• !,1 Ile vras a muchstionger luau tban Sliam,of
fainter and fainter, as the distance increased. preastatioes, &little louely bloek.house, with . as tight. His facethowed a ghastly change buehe. somew re y, a
the wolves,and in about an hoisrI ventured to four of his emorades, anal where a relay the lips twiched,and the eyes had sequired that prudence. Dm the majoeitn tarries the d, y tent • certain ensount of rude practical poetry
• spirit less goy and lightsome, but not with,
piling a fresh heap of brush on the Steadily the" briew" ..."t ke•ipti. my in his dieposition. lie knew Shema sweet-
returu to naY blankets and my repeoe, after re e ; of peculiar eager glance, and runless. crating
&wing fire. . Not rery 1 1k:inked aw_t""7 at brightness which we never notice except in decreed my admission. Loud was the in
Aut'.jus ; mul klukilY fur me' 11.
all'°- . heart : a very niemlooking young girl, of
mad Metitmoied away with my tired steed to ,,,,, cheer the pe,w, fre,.. r a quiet, subdued, and pious nature. -e
feeling ot intend, cot& awoke me by slow iew,,,,,,e my weary travel. 1 knew tltat early prise, nal sincere the sorrow, • with which the lathe
'Not too common on the border, nonther,
104 ate,,,thiein, a - li.lineJui an" La lee" 1"e'"' c°rrair th mar whom death hovers. Put I tried
... I-- Ii2terituou 1 ah.4441 reach another Sta- pture,A by two of the len red „ed. _ _,
i lain teiepeeded ill Ma:nth, little garrism received the naint of their eme
where even gale mostly hos aspics of the w N-
iter; its etubers glowed crimson, fading gra-ing the blood that flowed from his arm, trans- risk's murder. Three of the men caught a
P eat, but, niebbe, that pleased Sheen.'
degrees. I opened my eyes. The' firs was bv t... t
appfy for rcfrvslimetit and shelter, in muse my ,
begged hiam to keep up hibbope and courstaiwge• ignu4chthreuirieritfli7s1,s ivairetiliawredY"meto 58ta"kle Ilewnd ''bse:rnIt. Of the distress is/ store for old Amos Grind.
dually into blackness. Overhead wee the tion /if the sume kind, and there 1 tneant tit
dim sky, thegetst host of stars ha in the pe- hom should knock up altogether. Before I impedTains'htewmo:rthiwksintiongzortismuypouco, miiisotensr,i' tail ' to the spot where the unfortunate young rod: • hunter, once renowned for his peewees
euliar pale and .sickly hue winch heralds tha had gone a miie, I saw ally friend Shem on a man's body lay. and .b.r. ht. remain. „mid and skill, whether in warfare or the chase •
dawn. • It was very cold. There wee a nigh fie.h qt. ed, scouring the plain. Ile waved lion.
Make spoke toefiugly and with deep COUVir
ing sound • in the air, and the grass of the I felt the cold and reakling pain that !colleted be hastily laid a earth, after the custom of
• strong wiml was blowing -the norther.- and I looked after biru enviously as tie flee and ion the ...rot ,
lap: in the Statessould the frontiers. Atiother hon.:. 1. with all the
;lime s,..matrtbi ot binhatiocurde.117ro.tr....iiiiiyin, ylrialmos:
prairie wad tossed IA and fro in wild confettiom bo hand, and geve me • cheer of recognition, discipline, ; ;mune . ;;,,,, ;;. Inc perpe.. ' Twill 'shorten the old Mare& days, sir: but
that annually sets in u the close uf the ea. thee:ate-i.e. By red Wee, however, I ul-
setter in the paremo• BM you cheated the of carrying iorward the wield:tag which poor R's lucky the old 'roman's nut alive to hear it 1
ached sh,.i'd flutter like a rubbed hen. flood
This was the first blast of the chilly north Tried Iikr an errow up the slope. and mniehed in
not help me, no, nor yet the cleverest hone- she wrs that tender of Sheol, if his finger
healthy season in the at Ati. It had a piere- newt iastutly tell in with a party of white sere ous of my mop. stese,yer. They h., _ „
Slum had i! .i,ited only 0 .tit his lite. 1 his
rider was the most 1'th-teed of the group, 1,7
Also/4 she wait, Era tirindrod, sad marvel
ing and glacial effect, coming, as it did from men, Me tirst travellers I had seen. These
banker to get this child's he'r, they had, to
i a Me melancit•fy tither 1 had brought. Ile
.y old mother when she took Om fewer in
the l'olar ice -I. elds, and across tbe 'lucky tuned out to he three trappers nturning frum
dance round in their darned villae,e, them sere to lay his ....1 assiociate beutab the
wou,d have preferred ill be one of those rho
Honest 'Demos bad too much innate good-
that munlerin' swamp.'
Mountain range; but I gladly haired it, for Oregon. with • 1..tr muck of peltry loaded ou
Shoslionies. !fy ! How the squaw' will jeer
I semembered that it would be dead against twit mules• They west, ail well mounted on
and mock 'ern when they go Mick empty-fiot 'next for duty,' he sod, simoly, with tests breeding tie be inqiiis.tive u lo the purport or
prairie turf, but iti!. eould not be. Ile •u
the mail steamer th,e ngs hrnaint„x th.,..„.; . lu'f'un P°aitai. ah4 ' of theta it'd hy
a ed, and leavin' two ef the pack behind 'cm, starting in his hardy • yes. So; he hurtled to my umssual journey. In this impost as ie
ters of the Mexican (iulf with Jurani Reek- b, ,l
lariats i!naetful a '4"Peli m"tang' ‘b°4e too!' And Stem, with death in his face a„d
eye and side noetrils matched well Menem teeny au accomplished eitimo in var-
ier, arid hi plunder on board. • lith kis wiry lima. Ile bad bean apparent t leis hurt actually laughed. 11. had so 1 sow renturcd, ratbee tiredly mod awka./14,
equip Itimecif arel steed for the pt rikeet med. some others, be far curlers/11 hi tact and pcs
r °Vitals painfally at hla 1.....h le fore be spoke to prefer myself the request for the sewer. uishe.1 boots mad ratio vest. Bet be offered
I might. beat him yet! al Ike l."'"' not iso
m°"tha buith'' one of agein. ' Stranger, it's an tit wind that blows modation of fresh redeye of hones along the
• wild herd ; bube t wu suffiie
cnt4 broken in
But the wind increased in force; it was nobody any good. You hark to me. What 1001 of the rout.., speaking as modestly aa 1
to be useful in praine fashion. I struck a
bergain with the trapper, hy which my el- I couldn't give you, nether for dollars Iltor COUld of 107 own preservation of the despat-
blowing like a hurrimne, and I shiven/d in
spite of my warm poncho and blankets. My gain', •ou'll get now. Go on W the station; chea. The men luoke.1 puzzled as they
horse lad lain dorm, and wag trembling with
bartered for die half -wild mustang ; the trap'
ltaastad but mu"' 'shut"' quudruPed Wag take this here moil beg elosig, give it 'ein scrutieised me and weighed my demand. (See
cold. I was obliged to spare him a blanket;
per also recei•ing four gold eagles. The ai- ,
and ieli 'em the rights of what's chanced.- of thani, be who had taken me (or • renegade
he wu a " States " home, swifter but not so
magement was mutually satisfactory, and as _,
They'll turn out fast enough. I'll warrantaml white .0 (Inc linliau interestgave me a pieree-
Lowy'', put lee under the turf afore the wolves ing glance, and gruffly said, • Ilue do ere
hardy and useful for prairie travel as the
diminish as the sun rose, red and &mut. sad
• neer muse of alarm began to haunt me I just acquired, 1 u. his eyes twinkle a ith self. dywi, with, they,4 sis, you u fresh hot, _,
suidie and bridle to the spotted nag I hid
the tall Kentuckian hcii'd nut to'hill mY pick my bones. And imother rider must • go
on with the hag. And tell 'enn 'veers toy pack of lies? Ile nisy have nue-tiered Shuts,
• et ye itee, pat to got a remount, and -
know he ain't bowl bamtoosling we with •
mustangs of the plains. Tho wind did not
had beard of traveliers utterly weatherboad each block, and so Is 7011 go with the rider, ' roe jest shut up!' thundered in tones of trouble two olete men,'witen there's notliin'
and puli iMead. The Co. won't be riled at deep indignation, the rider who was to carry 10!e got but • ripe of nags th it an be
for days among Oil prairies on account of the " Ona nOrd of advice, colonel,- said the
fury of the resistless wind. And time was so tenPfwes as I Placed the gold in his heed brute" the breach of rules -as in.you saved the bag, on the mails. ' You oughter to be ailment b...41,t i • ewe •iftIss 111111110, or lariat. The
valuable to me. I felt akk at heart m the hands :1.,,, your ryes skinned as tam go let alone my scalp, and--,.. of that tongue 0' yourn, Ji•thro Summertime emigrant trains is flifierlfrit, Inc the Red devihs
slots*, and dim't let the eared Redskins dint
chilly hours of morning crept on, mad almost Ile broke down her, I was quite melted Here's a geht'eman, and eliat• more em went plurei it. i.i the warzons, aod Jody the .
despaired of sweets. I wu benumbed and I hl° °Pon 70;1• There!, Indian eqii about at the uneelfish thou,/ htfulitess of this poor it '.1 chap, hes fit by poor Slime's side, an tlenir00a1 a:laat 'ent. Tear ailite need tho
stiff; Me dew had been tented to icicle. 171 thaws ia. I stir the print of a moccesein, dying creature, this untaught half.wild fron. Sneed hill seal:, from them Shoshone's. all 11.4 0,„tt.le Gill on Stin.st Grisa,,,,,,c; st,,,,,
made. of gn.........0 ,,,..„„d irith . disn,„„,i iiever eau for any good, roister. You mind r
tiera.mati, who reald care fur my op.:My brou : hi ,,,, 1h. 1.44 for ma sad yotere to dm. gi,,e hist a coat n• nu and ,,,,k" 7",beis
the sodden cold ; and now every simong .1°1ww YOlidet by the opting, where the Indiane
Journey while his awn vital breath wits trent- sell lure eith 7 'us mean talk. See l his hell one night, at II. Apo'. Flr. t, "'hell the injuil
grould. T
glitterbig and glistening is the level setahine, • -Utah* ain't to be treated, and Shoshimies
By 01.8 .....ek Lb. wind intg,n, to 0.n,, it s• -o worse. .As for Retpaboes Heaven help Ming on his livid lips. 1 rope him • thiol 1 is fssli, ani1 he . breught in Sheine hose sell roe s? drunk with wine.' souse rascal eol I
hire, lee lay like a to{ on the hey
01..k ,,.d very grodos117, and at half -past ten 7,o, Colonel, if they ketch you alone ! I here's sup of wkisky, bogging him to let Inc knew you go telling hml he'd murder •a whir (
I ermaidered that I might resume myjnerney. I" hoe* 04.001. 1 Mall 'ago.-
distant friend or relation!
if I could einumenieme Ito late Mahe. to any lien to get & lift. Itki • barnia' shame. 1 wrirr forgone, thon/ 1.,j,114. gitOdaffinjak her.
.- Mentalism K ep a look out roc our
we pay. careheared t. i 1(0aletaie• ...l 01 the
. I wish yree'd` got a good rifle on Tour I Summers !'
My hreakfut wu not a luxurious nee; a ' ' etelainsed the other two mem, Piaelni
' There's • gall that fives to Hampton I , . , ._ , __,, ,_,_ ,_ lying war parties, n :ter, when you 1 lo the
mouthful of beef andparehed 'nabs, seallow• . ,'Md.,, taister,' said anothe as I reoutited • Oct ye ere,' keno a aarn., reneg,moe mews' asnantain mks,. , ..,,e .112 bar, ..4
rol Mai o p .), bia.,k.,.. Te,,,,„ i draw up tb. I WINN. the !adieu lik• II gond fire -fool hit of
Town,' said She, Mince to a whisper, ' the .
ehsp in the face, bold sad holeat, lam As clothes ; l'ilaeltfeet .11.r. houtkar 4 r ettia'r.'
ed in the intervals of saddling my bets. and 'rig obseare to very handy 11, bet nothing
darter ef • &tiler that trade,/ in mules, she I ,,, the, ,,, nu.. o rout, atop, i moo", . 1 to,* .), ;,,,,,,,,...1,..d...t m .... sad
and ituth lead I --Ob' tie a int, the 1 and if emir he MONO a fhiend in 4.retich mhs. a"'Ina' 41"4 t" COI ,hr"Kh lb* j44-47 .4
werldieg day w. cri pat off ratio the Cu. '6, no ! tumble 11ht, we re Ws men, sure as might P''1""tira1.11 " ea4ht be• I eumelted eve,
ONaralleibly rc. •. if oal• fbr a A* min
ir00 peg to Whii h the better was attached. i l'''34° irae• that nie ten" !
rolled .1, the halter, Imam &shires at my sad ! 4 Seek Move of thou good fellowa, who
dle hole and mounted. I wu leis awheard! (1•41•4 •00 • lar• :1011r••7 i• th• heartiest pensions to wires, bet none JO sweethearts, I es... in„,
.ight t;;;„..m..1 y.... ,,,,,,, 101*. 1 .o- lierthiessid Oral a " greenhorn eould carry
in the every -day routine itf prairie 11. rhea ee•• ibeagir evidently tbehelio.las ia the and Ruth's fsthet it wok noelorthm in trade i -
and she'd h.' bel01 ilia of • Om &airs a i warmth. Now, whim the irons yea hot. mid womIer1e1 how seueh refreeitivesut 11. Ilt'llsan y
It. tr. abords hand.; with me with geniis* etato.a ie the bat .a of front, hm..".. opi`bril
. el.., while the . --Linz saldlint wee&
Weed Spa/ding and tlausereown's ....m., I b. Prsestly sad sealp sate across the desert. the limo to stitke. 1 thercierit wade an 01. de0,04 tr'** * ••• *0 h.q.( WI bat bosh I. ,,
led .p..,.....„.1,„, ,„ a 7,.6., fiwt, ,,s, , The Mises was fresh, and darted along at I salted hie streetheert's tame, for, aa I vegetal appeal ea them to supidy me with ;4, on,;;;, 0,7 ,,,ount,o,wwo -,-ottot to mei 4.044
year poor thing.'
exceed the trallitemiel w forte uliets."' Nom
..„,,,i hita. the' thn Ise' ef Spalding and tress', uterine them thin my whole pear 0,,,,, ,. ,,,....gsoet gpbm.„‘ ...kb**. able
the gust of the Mame/ of • United Maas I that lalaanAl. Onwech et veit speedy gallop,
now. moment_ y b.a ........bd ,,,, ; lamb animals af that hardy rlISS Oen maia. IlaupeirM111,1 1•0111(11 be( WWI t,r fr. ha salmi Tv*et" and blarTinna"."11 al °will. nf. "WAS Y".` "rl. if 7°' IA"' am/ ON
1 .1 pale troth harm% mai rad dlediat
b.... oi. man& hant„ and ft.... g ...mo, ! two fare • eery ronaairrubl• Lumg. We 'Mid. if thrcutih the service I had renderea Sheol 1 ', depended on rny speed. They leered wriglb
rni I owl of that eraille ri Inelie Eel
the .leep Meekest Natal al
5104,I hart 10.4.8'penvisled en at
oorishii artaplesi, walk ki, ishry.
Mel, to th • NYS a • 404111( agaileaoli
(lb Ar Carrarrame.) '''
me souse .011-1.00.9 &dux
'T.0 sad he, • and don't (lorry
yours./11 e --.I. You're got more color
in y rar chock' than ruemil d he, : your bend
was as hot, when I shook it e hit at. deer,
meet martin' over the fire. 1 don't know as
you ain't iight, shirking the whiny, though
'Li. c,04 and comfort to such as me. But •
smart touch of fever would tie you by the
loz. we/4er, so doa't fret overly. and sleep
ell you can. Aa for dolma, they'll hardly
dam sasaist linealle Indira, 'end hog bum/ "081 ParePage ' Om' merry grow 417,brimwd
some alsearateet in piekeeing my Mard, th•11001" 0.4 the swampy histores
lag map Arm, sad so forth. little deasmiag !old Insitimid /ewer. 1at with
suit e‘y .hsh; sinewy no 119Wala0.re, *seem that lay sew parches.
depesd ea my probeieney 0 emh arts 16.4 "'" " 00•11,N1 barmy, aa
were really enabled to do my domed /with a , interest; but when 1 comelude.1 with the
suecem *1.0re/ altaValnalde. woods. • abeam General wished ; be
' Math Mona; mid Shea tel* weak coir. • SOO 104 dof am. es he lity dynag,• the
' thee. her unsafe* mel gen name. She's I was woe To be et -e /he e • it /emote
a gond sot, pretty ss4 good, is Built, and wither ef the commie, grainn.,.4. on814