HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-10-08, Page 8Hopper-Hockey Furniture Presents
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Only $239 With Working Trade
Russell Electric.
Page 8 Times-Advocate, October 8, 1964
MIZYX:77,Aara.; Assist blind
at Hurondale
OES marks 26th year over 100 at celebration
Guests were prepent ;rem Delaware, Seaforth, Clintono
aotchell, Byron and NilesteWn: London, Ingersoll, StrathreY,
Hensall ladies, are hosts.
Skits feature WI
Buy Now session
Pcoter Chapter ett4e Order
of the Eastern celebrated.
44 • 26th. birthday F4cleyPVPOlg
with a banquet in Toyttt meta,
91141 parish Hall with about 100
in attendance.
The ,master of ceremonies
ler the event was Mr. Eigth
McKinley, worthy patron of the,
etapter.4 toast to grand Chap-
ter was PrePOPPO, by Mre,
old Brodericica Associate Mat,
roe, .440„ the response was made
by Mrs. gethet7 'w4Itee. PeA
Grand Matron, 1-ondon,.
Mrs. Elgin McfueleypropPP!!'
ed a toast to the -visitors to
Which MrS, Hepe Manners,
DDGM, London, k espqmo.e
Mrs. .11edley May, Worthy Mat,
rea, welcomed the guests and
latroduced her corps, of offia
cers. Readings . were given by
Miss Susan Holoba of Nilestown,
quest speaker was Rev. Den,
can Guest of ,centralia whose
subject was "fellowship".
photo by Peake
WItP.P ..P4 aT.113'.4 Marshall,
IclfttoN VLS PqPt, speaker .at
Hurondale WI :meeting haid laet
Teeeday evening in. Ellmville.
Hall. She told of her trip to
Great pritani and. Ireland this.
past summer and .showed
ored pictures she had .taken..
Roll call was answered by
naming an, inducement to keep
young people on the farm, The
motto one ever climbs to
success with his hands in his
pockets", was discussed by
Mrs.. Warren Brock. Mrs, Reg
liodgert contributed a piano in-
strumental and a singsong was
enjoyed with Mrs. Willian-aKera
nick at the piano. Mrs. Edwin
Miller, convener of agriculture
and Canadian industries, pre!!
sided for the program.
President Mrs. Gerald Mc,
Falla conducted the business.
Mrs. Lorne Oke and Mrs..q4r,
net Hicks were named delegates
to the area convention Novem-
ber 3 and 4 at St. Thomas. Do-
nations of $10 each were voted
to CNIB and Mental Health.
Mrs. Arthur Rundle was
named a charter member of
Historical Research. Members
agreed to cater to the Co-op
banquet the end of October. The
date for the October meeting
will be changed to Tuesday,
October 27.
Wolf 111e N,S, Members of
Dashwood WI presented a skit
"Concert Party", Mrs. Dan
McLeod of Exeter favored with
solos accompanied by Mrs,
Andrew Dougall, also of Exeter.
Mrs. James Drummond, pre-
sident of South Huron District
WI, opened the rally and Mrs.
Eleverly Beaton, president of
Hensall WI, welcomed the 125
guests who registered. Mrs.
At the Huron County WI Rally
held in Hensall United Church
Monday Miss Patricia Da.mude,
home economist for H ur on
County, presented a WI scholar-
ship to Miss Mary Andrew of
RR 1 Lucknow, who is at pre-
sent a student at the University
of Western Ontario.
Mrs. John MacLean of Sea-
forth gave highlights of the
National Convention held at
Autumn setting for pair
W. D. Mack spoke on the Huron
Historical Society and some of
its activities. Mrs. Laird
Mickle led in a singsong with
Miss Greta Lammie as accom-
During the noon hour a dis-
play of handicrafts,Tweedsmuir
bookcovers and Exeter fall fair
exhibits were on view.
The afternoon session opened
with a devotional period con-
ducted by Mrs. Harold Currie
of Hensall. Mr. George Vriese
of Exeter showed pictures of
Holland and Ireland which he
had taken while visiting there
last summer.
Mrs. James McAllister was
moderator for a program "Live
A Borrowed Life", staged by
South Huron WI. Panel mem-
bers were Mrs. L Rader, Dash-
wood, Mrs. William Kyle, Kip-
pen, Mrs. Delbert Geiger,
Zurich, Mrs. W. Brock, Exeter,
and contestants were Mrs. L.
Hodge, Crediton, Mrs. Roy
Morenz, Grand Bend, Mrs.
Jackson Woods, Elimville and
Miss Helen McKenzie, Sedforth.
Readings were given by Mrs.
Vern Alderdice, Kippen. Appre-
ciation remarks were express-
ed by West Huron, A pooled
lunch was served at noon.
Rev. H. E. J. Moorhouse of-
ficiated at a double ring cere-
mony in Lieury United Church
uniting in marriage Patricia
Anne Robinson, daughter of Mr.
photo by Jack Doerr
Exchange vows in London Travel to Kentucky
and Mrs. Robert A. Robinson,
RR 3 Ailsa Craig, and David
Albert Van Dusen, son of Mr.
Albert Van Dusen and the late
Mrs. Van Dusen.
Yellow mums and gladioli de-
corated the church for the oc-
casion. Mr. Douglas Morgan,
Clinton, played the wedding mu-
sic and accompanied the soloist,
Mrs. Douglas Morgan who sang
The Wedding Prayer and 0 Per-
fect Love.
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther the bride chose a tradi-
tional floor-length sheath gown
of white peau de sole. The bodice
was fashioned with s hall o w
scoop neckline and elbow-length
sleeves. A chapel train extended
from a tailored bow at the waist-
line. A peau de sole wedding
ring headpiece held her French
pure silk shoulder-length veil.
She carried a white Bible crest-
ed with red roses, stephanotis
and ivy.
Mrs. Ken McLeod was matron
of honor and bridesmaids were
Miss Dina Maseo, London and
Miss Judy Cavanagh, They were
gowned alike in gold peau de soie
street-length sheaths comple-
mented with matching wedding
ring headpieces with tiny veils.
They carried bronze mums with
autumn leaves and barley.
Groomsman was Donn Hunt,
Hamilton and ushers were Bob
Robinson, brother of the bride;
and Robert Hunter, London.
For a wedding trip to Florida
the bride chose an acorn brown
three-piece suit with fox collar,
chocolate brown accessories
and corsage of yellow roses.
The couple will reside in Lon-
Rev. T. E. Oostveen officiated
at a wedding in Our Lady of
Help Christian Church, Watford
Saturday morning, September
26, when Nellie Bosch, daughter
of Theodore Bosch, Watford,
became the bride of Martin
Mommersteeg, son of Martin
For travelling in New York
and New England States the
bride changed to a red wool
suit with black and red ac-
cessories and corsage of white
The couple will reside in
Dr. G. W. Goth officiated in
Metropolitan United Church,
London, at the double ring cere-
mony uniting in marriage Mar-
cia Elaine Desjardine, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Iray Desjar-
dine, RR 1 Dashwood, and Doug-
las Charles Isard, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Isard,
London, on Saturday, October
3, at 2:30 pm.
Urns of yellow and white
mums and carnations formed
the floral setting for the event.
Mr. J. T. Clark, London, fur-
nished the wedding music and
accompanied the soloist, T.
Harry Hoffman, Dashwood, who
sang 0 Perfect Love and Wed-
ding Prayer.
Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore a floor-
length gown of white peau de
sole styled with fitted bodice,
heart-shaped neckline and lily
point sleeves. The front of the
gown was bell-shaped with
bands of Chantilly lace and the
back consisted of three tiers
of peau de sole trimmed with
lace and extending to a chapel
train. A lace appliqued pill-
box of peau de soie held her
shoulder-length veil of French
silk illusion and she carried
a cascade of white roses and
stephanotis and trailing ivy.
Mrs. Dougal Graham, Mt.
Brydges, as matron of honor
and Miss Daphne Isard, sister
of the groom, Toronto, and Miss
Nancy Desjardine, sister of the
bride, as bridesmaids were
gowned alike in teale blue peau
de sole in floor-length with
heart-shaped necklines and
bell-shaped skirts. They wore
matching pill box hats and car-
ried shasta mums and yellow
Dougal Graham, Mt. Brydges,
was best man and ushers were
Peter Tatham and John Bailey.
A reception was held at Hooks
Restaurant, London, where the
bride's mother received guests
in a raspberry brocade sheath
with black and white acces-
sories and white corsage. The
groom's mother chose a two-
piece blue silk brocade with
matching tulle hat and cream
All Lawn
Reduced 25%
Mommersteeg, Grand Bend.
The bride wore a floor length
gown of white lace with white
roses embroidered upon it and
featuring lilypoint sleeves and
a bodice decorated with pearls.
She wore a long white veil held
by a tiara of pearls, and carried
a bouquet of red roses.
Attendants were Tony Mom-
mersteeg, Grand Bend and Jo
Ann Bosch, Watford, who wore
floor-length dresses of blue and
pink respectively with matching
flowers. Annette Mommersteeg
was flowergirl, accompanied by
Freddy Mommersteeg.
Eddie Mommersteeg, Grand
Bend, was groomsman and
Gerry Bosch, Watford, ushered
the guests.
The church choir provided
appropriate wedding music.
Following a wedding trip to
Kentucky, Illinois, the young
couple will live at St. Joseph.
Caven auxiliary
see school pits
Mrs. J. R, Sunseth was in
charge of the study period at
the meeting of the Gordon Even-
ing Auxiliary of Caven Church
held at the home of Mrs. J. B.
Pryde Monday evening.
She read an article on "The
Giving of Thanks" and slides
were shown on Ewart College
in Toronto. Mrs. Murray Keys
conducted the devotional period
and also contributed an instru-
mental solo.
During the business conduct-
ed by President Mrs. Hugh
Patterson it was decided to or-
der the Presbyterian calen-
dars and also to invite the Pres-
bytery visitor, Mrs. M. La-
mond of Cromarty, to speak at
the fall thankoffering meeting
in November.
An invitation was accepted
to be guests of the Arnold
Circle of Carmel Church, Hen-
sall, October 19.
$6.50 Each
Lady teachers
plan schedule
The executive of the Exeter
Unit of FWTAO met in Exeter
Public School last Wednesday
night when the schedule for
meetings for the year was drawn
up. President Mrs. R. D. Jer-
myn was in the chair.
The first meeting is to be
held in Crediton Community
Hall Thursday, October 15. It
will be a supper meeting.
Reder's Florist
Phone 235-2603
photo by Jack Doerr
To reside in Zurich
ii7ovot 7o#44
length dresses of blue brocade
and carried blue and white
feathered mums. Little Miss
Bernadette Ducharme was flow-
er girl dressed in white brocade
and she carried blue and white
feathered mums.
James Watson, RR 3 Zurich
and Jerome Ducharme were the
groom's attendants and ushers
were George Ducharrne and
John Watson.
Mrs. Ducharme chose for
her daughter's wedding a beige
brocade dress with matching
hat and white accessories. The
groom's mother chose a tur-
quoise three-piece suit with
matching hat and black and
white accessories.
For a honeymoon to be spent
in Midland the bride traVelled
in a three-piece red wool wors-
ted suit with black and white
accessories and white m urn
The couple will reside in
White gladioli decorated the
altar of St. Peter's RemanC ath-
°lid Church, St. Joseph, for the
ceremony uniting in marriage
Donna Marie Ducharme, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Du-
charme, RR 1 Dashwood, and
George Watson, son of Mr. and
William Watson, RR 3 Zurich
Sattirday, OCtober 3 at 9:30 am.
Rt. ReV. W. J. BtirdeatiOffi-
dieted at the ceremony. Mrs.
Henry Rau, RR 2 Zurich, played
the wedding music.
GiVeh in marriage by her
father the bride wore a floor-
length dress Of French lace over
satin with lily point sleeves and
a bow extending froM the back.
Her finger-tip veil of silk ilia,
skin WAS held by a crown of lace
and sequins. She carried red
roses and Wn i t e feathered
Matron of honor WAS, Mrs
Jeronie DuCtirine, Zurich, 'and
Miss Dorothy Farwell, RO:
Zurich waS bridesmaid. They
were gowned alike in streeta
Mrs. William C a r r, Mrs.
Robert Wiggins and Mr, & Mrs.
Lyle Panson of Detroit, spent
the weekend with Miss May
Mr. & MrS, Thornton Cate-
foot (the former Florence Ilea-
Man) of Kelowna., B.C. are
Visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Clark
Fisher and Other relatiVeS and
friends in Exeter.
Mr. Wilfred Reeves arrived
herne ;rein Westrniriater Heea
pital Wednesday ,morning. He
received word of the death Of
hia brother,. Howard, of Dayton,
Ohio, following a heart attack.
Mr. James, Grassick is a
patient in South HuronHospital.,
PHONE 235,131.3. EXETER
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